Project Dependencies

This section defines the basic configuration of adding references into the project. To avoid runtime errors, make sure that the library to be loaded does not have conflicting instance(s) and/or is not yet loaded in the .Net Framework.

Note: Adding dependencies should be done using Visual Studio while manually adding is not recommended. If you manually add a dependency and re-import the project in Visual Studio, the recently added dependencies are deleted from the pom.xml file.

To add a system scope dependency, add a configuration similar to the following in the project's pom.xml:


Supply the proper values for the dependency's <groupId>, <artifactId>, <version>, <type>, <scope>, and <systemPath>. Exact match of artifactId and version are required when manually adding dependencies into the project's pom.xml.

Dependency Types:

  • normal – Local repository content artifacts that are added as dependencies.
  • gac_msil – Artifacts that are installed in the GAC and used as references. Configuration similar to the following is used, <type>gac_msil</type>
  • system – Artifact references to standard framework namespaces. Configuration similar to the following is added, <scope>system</scope> and the <systemPath>[path_to_library]</systemPath>
  • com_references – Artifact references to Component Object Model that is installed in the system. Configuration similar to the following is used, <type>com_reference</type>