Maven Goals

In addition to the standard maven goals, the following goals have been defined. In order to be executed correctly, the Graffito maven goals are using some paramaters defined in your file (see the page Building Graffito).

Goals defined for the complete project

You can execute the following maven goals from the Graffito root folder (svn trunk folder).

allCleanClean all subprojects
start.test.serverstart an HSQL test server used for the unit test based on HSQL DB
allBuildBuild all subprojects
allDeployDeploy all subprojects into a Jetspeed 2 portal
allHtmlBuild the complete Graffito site
allSiteBuild the complete Graffito site and build the corresponding pdf file.

Goals defined for the API subproject

deployDeploy the API jar into a Jetspeed 2 portal

Goals defined for the Components subproject

db.scripts.genGenerate the SQL scripts used by the components.
db.create.testCreate the TEST DB
db.drop.testDrop all tables in TEST DB
db.delete.testDelete all tables in the TEST DB
db.reinit.testdb.drop.test + db.create.test
db.create.productionCreate the PRODUCTION DB
db.drop.productionDrop all tables in PRODUCTION DB
db.delete.productionDelete all tables in the PRODUCTION DB
deployDeploy the compoment jar into a Jetspeed 2 portal

Goals defined for the Engine subproject

Until now, only unit tests and jar are done. We plan to make a goal to build a default web application which contain the Graffito engine ready to run.

Goals defined for the J2-Deploy subproject

deployDeploy all configuration files into a Jetspeed 2 portal

Goals defined for each JSR-168 Portlet Application subproject

deployDeploy portlet war into a Jetspeed 2 portal
hotdeployHot deploy portlet war into a Jetspeed 2 portal
undeployUndeploy portlet war into a Jetspeed 2 portal