Deploy Graffito into Jetspeed 2

Review your

New properties are required to deploy into Jetspeed 2.

Please review your ${USER_HOME}/ file with the properties found in the sample file here (See the Jetspeed 2 section) .

Get the Jetspeed 2.0 distribution

  • Get and install Jetspeed 2.0 . The official 2.0 distribution can be found here. This distribution contains Tomcat and the Jetspeed 2 demo application. Don't use the lastest Jetspeed code from SVN.
  • If you want to change the database, read carefully the instructions found in the Jetspeed 2.0 distribution. Check if your database is supported on this page.

Deploy Graffito

Start Jetpseed on Tomcat

  • Start Tomcat and connect to jetspeed with http://localhost:8080/jetspeed.
  • Login as "admin" with password "admin". This is the only user that can manage the Graffito content. In this demo, others users can only read the content. If needed, you can add new permissions in the Browser Portlet.