Interface SSLBuffer

public interface SSLBuffer

Managed internal SSL buffer.

Method Summary
 ByteBuffer acquire()
          Allocates the resources required for this buffer, or returns the resources already allocated for this buffer.
 boolean hasData()
          Tests to make sure that the buffer has been acquired and the underlying buffer has a position larger than 0.
 boolean isAcquired()
          Tests to see if this buffer has been acquired.
 void release()
          Releases the resources for this buffer.

Method Detail


ByteBuffer acquire()
Allocates the resources required for this buffer, or returns the resources already allocated for this buffer. Unless release() is called, multiple invokations to this method must return the same ByteBuffer.



void release()
Releases the resources for this buffer. If the buffer has already been released, this method does nothing.


boolean isAcquired()
Tests to see if this buffer has been acquired.

true if the buffer is acquired, otherwise false


boolean hasData()
Tests to make sure that the buffer has been acquired and the underlying buffer has a position larger than 0. Essentially the same as isAquired() && acquire().position > 0.

true if the buffer has been acquired and the underlying buffer's position is > 0, otherwise false

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