Interface IOReactorExceptionHandler

public interface IOReactorExceptionHandler

Abstract exception handler intended to deal with potentially recoverable I/O exceptions thrown by an I/O reactor.


Method Summary
 boolean handle(IOException ex)
          This method is expected to examine the I/O exception passed as a parameter and decide whether it is safe to continue execution of the I/O reactor.
 boolean handle(RuntimeException ex)
          This method is expected to examine the runtime exception passed as a parameter and decide whether it is safe to continue execution of the I/O reactor.

Method Detail


boolean handle(IOException ex)
This method is expected to examine the I/O exception passed as a parameter and decide whether it is safe to continue execution of the I/O reactor.

ex - potentially recoverable I/O exception
true if it is safe to ignore the exception and continue execution of the I/O reactor; false if the I/O reactor must throw IOReactorException and terminate


boolean handle(RuntimeException ex)
This method is expected to examine the runtime exception passed as a parameter and decide whether it is safe to continue execution of the I/O reactor.

ex - potentially recoverable runtime exception
true if it is safe to ignore the exception and continue execution of the I/O reactor; false if the I/O reactor must throw RuntimeException and terminate

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