Interface FileContentDecoder

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
IdentityDecoder, LengthDelimitedDecoder

public interface FileContentDecoder
extends ContentDecoder

A content decoder capable of transferring data directly to a FileChannel


Method Summary
 long transfer(FileChannel dst, long position, long count)
          Transfers a portion of entity content from the underlying network channel into the given file channel.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.http.nio.ContentDecoder
isCompleted, read

Method Detail


long transfer(FileChannel dst,
              long position,
              long count)
              throws IOException
Transfers a portion of entity content from the underlying network channel into the given file channel.

Warning: Many implementations cannot write beyond the length of the file. If the position exceeds the channel's size, some implementations may throw an IOException.

dst - the target FileChannel to transfer data into.
position - The position within the file at which the transfer is to begin; must be non-negative. Must be less than or equal to the size of the file
count - The maximum number of bytes to be transferred; must be non-negative
The number of bytes, possibly zero, that were actually transferred
IOException - if some I/O error occurs.

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