Uses of Class

Packages that use URIException
org.apache.commons.httpclient Classes and interfaces supporting the client side of the HTTP protocol. 
org.apache.commons.httpclient.util Provides some utility classes for use by HttpClient. 

Uses of URIException in org.apache.commons.httpclient

Methods in org.apache.commons.httpclient that throw URIException
protected  void HttpsURL.checkValid()
          Verify the valid class use for construction.
protected  void HttpURL.checkValid()
          Verify the valid class use for construction.
protected static String URI.decode(char[] component, String charset)
          Decodes URI encoded string.
protected static String URI.decode(String component, String charset)
          Decodes URI encoded string.
protected static char[] URI.encode(String original, BitSet allowed, String charset)
          Encodes URI string.
 String URI.getAboveHierPath()
          Get the level above the this hierarchy level.
 String URI.getAuthority()
          Get the authority.
 String URI.getCurrentHierPath()
          Get the current hierarchy level.
 String URI.getEscapedAboveHierPath()
          Get the level above the this hierarchy level.
 String URI.getEscapedCurrentHierPath()
          Get the escaped current hierarchy level.
 String URI.getFragment()
          Get the fragment.
 String URI.getHost()
          Get the host.
 String URI.getName()
          Get the basename of the path.
 String HttpURL.getPassword()
          Get the password.
 String URI.getPath()
          Get the path.
 String URI.getPathQuery()
          Get the path and query.
 String URI.getQuery()
          Get the query.
 char[] HttpURL.getRawAboveHierPath()
          Get the level above the this hierarchy level.
 char[] URI.getRawAboveHierPath()
          Get the level above the this hierarchy level.
 char[] HttpURL.getRawCurrentHierPath()
          Get the raw-escaped current hierarchy level.
 char[] URI.getRawCurrentHierPath()
          Get the raw-escaped current hierarchy level.
protected  char[] URI.getRawCurrentHierPath(char[] path)
          Get the raw-escaped current hierarchy level in the given path.
 URI ConnectMethod.getURI()
 URI HttpMethodBase.getURI()
          Returns the URI of the HTTP method
 String URI.getURI()
          It can be gotten the URI character sequence.
 URI HttpMethod.getURI()
          Returns the URI for this method.
 String URI.getURIReference()
          Get the original URI reference string.
 String HttpURL.getUser()
          Get the user.
 String URI.getUserinfo()
          Get the userinfo.
 void URI.normalize()
          Normalizes the path part of this URI.
protected  char[] URI.normalize(char[] path)
          Normalize the given hier path part.
protected  void URI.parseAuthority(String original, boolean escaped)
          Parse the authority component.
protected  void URI.parseUriReference(String original, boolean escaped)
          In order to avoid any possilbity of conflict with non-ASCII characters, Parse a URI reference as a String with the character encoding of the local system or the document.
protected  char[] URI.resolvePath(char[] basePath, char[] relPath)
          Resolve the base and relative path.
 void URI.setEscapedAuthority(String escapedAuthority)
          Set the authority.
 void URI.setEscapedFragment(String escapedFragment)
          Set the escaped fragment string.
 void HttpURL.setEscapedPassword(String escapedPassword)
          Set the escaped password string.
 void URI.setEscapedPath(String escapedPath)
          Set the escaped path.
 void URI.setEscapedQuery(String escapedQuery)
          Set the escaped query string.
 void HttpURL.setEscapedUser(String escapedUser)
          Set the escaped user string.
 void HttpURL.setEscapedUserinfo(String escapedUser, String escapedPassword)
          Set the raw-escaped user and password.
 void URI.setFragment(String fragment)
          Set the fragment.
 void HttpURL.setPassword(String password)
          Set the password string.
 void URI.setPath(String path)
          Set the path.
 void URI.setQuery(String query)
          Set the query.
 void HttpURL.setQuery(String[] queryName, String[] queryValue)
          Set the query as the name and value pairs.
 void HttpURL.setQuery(String queryName, String queryValue)
          Set the query as the name and value pair.
 void URI.setRawAuthority(char[] escapedAuthority)
          Set the authority.
 void URI.setRawFragment(char[] escapedFragment)
          Set the raw-escaped fragment.
 void HttpURL.setRawPassword(char[] escapedPassword)
          Set the raw-escaped password.
 void URI.setRawPath(char[] escapedPath)
          Set the raw-escaped path.
 void URI.setRawQuery(char[] escapedQuery)
          Set the raw-escaped query.
 void HttpURL.setRawUser(char[] escapedUser)
          Set the raw-escaped user.
 void HttpURL.setRawUserinfo(char[] escapedUser, char[] escapedPassword)
          Set the raw-escaped user and password.
 void HttpMethodBase.setURI(URI uri)
          Sets the URI for this method.
 void HttpMethod.setURI(URI uri)
          Sets the URI for this method.
 void HttpURL.setUser(String user)
          Set the user string.
 void HttpURL.setUserinfo(String user, String password)
          Set the user and password.
protected static String HttpURL.toUserinfo(String user, String password)

Constructors in org.apache.commons.httpclient that throw URIException
HttpHost(URI uri)
          URI constructor for HttpHost.
HttpsURL(char[] escaped)
          Construct a HTTPS URL as an escaped form of a character array.
HttpsURL(char[] escaped, String charset)
          Construct a HTTPS URL as an escaped form of a character array with the given charset to do escape encoding.
HttpsURL(HttpsURL base, HttpsURL relative)
          Construct a HTTPS URL with a given relative URL.
HttpsURL(HttpsURL base, String relative)
          Construct a HTTPS URL with a given relative HTTPS URL string.
HttpsURL(String original)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from a given string.
HttpsURL(String host, int port, String path)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String host, int port, String path, String query)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String original, String charset)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from a given string with the given charset to do escape encoding.
HttpsURL(String userinfo, String host, int port, String path)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String userinfo, String host, int port, String path, String query)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String userinfo, String host, int port, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String user, String password, String host)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String user, String password, String host, int port)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String user, String password, String host, int port, String path)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String user, String password, String host, int port, String path, String query)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String user, String password, String host, int port, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String host, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpsURL(String userinfo, String host, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTPS URL from given components.
HttpURL(char[] escaped)
          Construct a HTTP URL as an escaped form of a character array.
HttpURL(char[] escaped, String charset)
          Construct a HTTP URL as an escaped form of a character array with the given charset to do escape encoding.
HttpURL(HttpURL base, HttpURL relative)
          Construct a HTTP URL with a given relative URL.
HttpURL(HttpURL base, String relative)
          Construct a HTTP URL with a given relative URL string.
HttpURL(String original)
          Construct a HTTP URL from a given string.
HttpURL(String host, int port, String path)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String host, int port, String path, String query)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String original, String charset)
          Construct a HTTP URL from a given string with the given charset to do escape encoding.
HttpURL(String userinfo, String host, int port, String path)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String userinfo, String host, int port, String path, String query)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String userinfo, String host, int port, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String user, String password, String host)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String user, String password, String host, int port)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String user, String password, String host, int port, String path)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String user, String password, String host, int port, String path, String query)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String user, String password, String host, int port, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String host, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
HttpURL(String userinfo, String host, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a HTTP URL from given components.
URI(char[] escaped)
          Deprecated. Use #URI(String, boolean)
URI(char[] escaped, String charset)
          Deprecated. Use #URI(String, boolean, String)
URI(String original)
          Deprecated. Use #URI(String, boolean)
URI(String s, boolean escaped)
          Construct a URI from a string with the given charset.
URI(String s, boolean escaped, String charset)
          Construct a URI from a string with the given charset.
URI(String original, String charset)
          Deprecated. Use #URI(String, boolean, String)
URI(String scheme, String schemeSpecificPart, String fragment)
          Construct a general URI from the given components.
URI(String scheme, String userinfo, String host, int port)
          Construct a general URI from the given components.
URI(String scheme, String userinfo, String host, int port, String path)
          Construct a general URI from the given components.
URI(String scheme, String userinfo, String host, int port, String path, String query)
          Construct a general URI from the given components.
URI(String scheme, String userinfo, String host, int port, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a general URI from the given components.
URI(String scheme, String host, String path, String fragment)
          Construct a general URI from the given components.
URI(String scheme, String authority, String path, String query, String fragment)
          Construct a general URI from the given components.
URI(URI base, String relative)
          Deprecated. Use #URI(URI, String, boolean)
URI(URI base, String relative, boolean escaped)
          Construct a general URI with the given relative URI string.
URI(URI base, URI relative)
          Construct a general URI with the given relative URI.

Uses of URIException in org.apache.commons.httpclient.util

Methods in org.apache.commons.httpclient.util that throw URIException
static String URIUtil.Coder.decode(char[] escapedComponent, String charset)
          Deprecated. use
static String URIUtil.decode(String escaped)
          Unescape and decode a given string regarded as an escaped string with the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.decode(String escaped, String charset)
          Unescape and decode a given string regarded as an escaped string.
static String URIUtil.encode(String unescaped, BitSet allowed)
          Escape and encode a given string with allowed characters not to be escaped and the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.encode(String unescaped, BitSet allowed, String charset)
          Escape and encode a given string with allowed characters not to be escaped and a given charset.
static char[] URIUtil.Coder.encode(String unescapedComponent, BitSet allowed, String charset)
          Deprecated. use
static String URIUtil.encodeAll(String unescaped)
          Get the all escaped and encoded string with the default protocl charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeAll(String unescaped, String charset)
          Get the all escaped and encoded string with a given charset.
static String URIUtil.encodePath(String unescaped)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as the path component of an URI with the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.encodePath(String unescaped, String charset)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as the path component of an URI with a given charset.
static String URIUtil.encodePathQuery(String unescaped)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as the path and query components of an URI with the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.encodePathQuery(String unescaped, String charset)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as the path and query components of an URI with a given charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeQuery(String unescaped)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as the query component of an URI with the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeQuery(String unescaped, String charset)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as the query component of an URI with a given charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeWithinAuthority(String unescaped)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as within the authority component of an URI with the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeWithinAuthority(String unescaped, String charset)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as within the authority component of an URI with a given charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeWithinPath(String unescaped)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as within the path component of an URI with the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeWithinPath(String unescaped, String charset)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as within the path component of an URI with a given charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeWithinQuery(String unescaped)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as within the query component of an URI with the default protocol charset.
static String URIUtil.encodeWithinQuery(String unescaped, String charset)
          Escape and encode a string regarded as within the query component of an URI with a given charset.

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