
Welcome to ObJectRelationalBridge


ObJectRelationalBridge (OJB) is an Object/Relational mapping tool that allows transparent persistence for Java Objects against relational databases.

OJB provides multiple APIs:

OJB can be used in two modes:

  1. In standalone mode (or single VM mode) the OJB PersistenceBroker is running in the same Java VM as the client application. This is useful if only one instance of the client application is running (e.g. in applications with a local database or in single-server Servlet- or EJB applications). This is the default mode.

  2. In Client/Server mode. Multiple Clients can run against multiple PersistenceBrokerServers running in multiple VMs and/or on multiple physical machines. This is useful in typical Client/Server scenarios or when an ApplicationServer based application must be loadbalanced accross multiple servers. See the Client/Server tutorial for details.

OJB uses an XML based Object/Relational Mapping. The mapping resides in a dynamic MetaData layer which can be manipulated at runtime through a simple Meta-Object-Protocol (MOP) to change the behaviour of the persistence kernel.

OJB provides several advanced O/R features like an ObjectCache, lazy materialization through virtual proxies or a distributed lock-management with configurable Transaction-Isolation Levels.

OJB supports Bean Managed EntityBeans (BMP). It can be used to enhance the performance of EJB applications.

A more complete featurelist can be found here. A roadmap for future developments is here.

general infos

The ObJectRelationalBridge homepage (this page) is hosted at Sourceforge. SourceForge Logo

The SourceForge projects page provides News, Discussion Forum, BugTracker etc.

There is also a ObJectRelationalBridge mailinglist on SourceForge.

Read the FAQs to see whether your question has been already answered.

OJB is licensed under the LGPL license. The obligatory Licence information is here.

A history of changes documents the most important improvements of each public release.
There is also a todo-list available that provides an overview on the ongoing work.


You'll find a list of available distributions on the projects page. The latest release is listed on top of the list.


If you want to browse the CVS tree you can use the HTML interface at http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/objectbridge/ojb-1-0/.

More info on CVS access can be found here: http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=13647.

The currently active CVS module is ojb-1-0. To make a complete checkout from cvs, run the following command: cvs -z3 co ojb-1-0
Once you have made an initial checkout you can use:
cvs -z3 update -Pd to bring your local version into sync with the archive.

A list of rules for developers checking in code to CVS can be found here.

join the team

If you want to work on one of the open tasks, contribute a patch or utility or share ideas, please drop me a line: mailto:thma@users.sourceforge.net


The OJB documentation covers the following topics:

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