Only major features are listed here. A complete list of implemented features is here.
The PersistenceBroker is quite stable, only minor Modfications and bug fixes are to be expected.
The ODMG interface is stable.
- OQL is currently not fully
implemented. (Aggregations and Method Invocations)
implicit locking is partly implemented but does currently not
maintain transaction isolation properly. To achieve safe transaction
isolation client application must use explicit lock acquisition.
Multisession capable Objectbroker (implemented as a multithreaded TCP/IP socket based server and alternatively as a HTTP-Servlet) finished.
Distributed persistent lock handling implemented.
built in support for major RDBMS (Oracle, DB2, mySQL, PostgresSQL, MS-SQL Server etc.)
m-n mapping support
automatic assignment of foreign key values
provide distributed Meta-Object Protocol access through PersistenceBroker API
complete query api (incl. Joins)
support for optimistic locking
administrative console for PersistenceBrokerServer
Complete redesign of the repository.dtd
JTA and JCA integration
Only major features are listed. See a complete todo-list here.
For release 1.0
documentation must be completed and changed to reflect the new repository DTD
For release 2.0
JDO compliant interface (work has started, a working prototype is included)
Graphical tool for building Object / Relational mappings