The OJB todo-list

ID Description Type Status Build Priority
187 Don't use Statement::getConnection for JDBC 1.0 drivers Bug Done 350 1
186 PersistenceBroker instance must always be returned to Factory Bug Done 349 1
182 Oracle problems with releaseDBResources Bug Done 348 1
206 Bugfix for Proxies implementing a hierarchy of interfaces Bug Done 372 1
205 Bugfix for LockStrategy lookup for Proxies Bug Done 371 1
194 Using wasNull to correctly detect null values from resultsets Bug Done 356 1
181 Avoid generation of proxies for null references Bug Done 347 1
185 Bug in StatementManager for Informix DB Bug Done 348 1
148 Bug : bind of OQL statement for "BETWEEN" criteria does not work properly. According to Jakob the counter should not be advanced after setting the first value. Bug Done 357 2
160 Eliminate compiler warning when using the OJB with the J2SDK 1.4 Bug Done 361 2
200 Allow autoincrement for non-pk fields too Feature request Done 365 1
195 Platform enhancements Feature request Done 356 1
204 Improved "out-of-the-box" support for Informix and Oracle Feature request Done 370 1
129 JTA Integration Feature request Started 369 1
193 Proxies for 1:1 references Feature request Done 356 1
32 Order of insert statements in ODMG transaction commit must not violate foreign key constraints on the database Feature request Done 349 1
184 PersistentField implementation made configurable Feature request Done 347 1
191 Introduce new Method PersistenceBroker::isInTransaction() Feature request Done 354 1
196 Implemented a MySql platform Feature request Done 356 1
192 New PersistenceBroker methods open(...) close() Feature request Done 354 1
156 Documentation: How to deploy the OJB binary distribution Feature request Done 358 2
189 Provide escape charcters for addEqualTo() Feature request Done 352 2
188 PersistenceBroker implementation is made configurable Feature request Done 351 2
180 Integration for MS SQLServer Feature request Done 346 2
155 Provide a OJB binary distribution "ojb.jar" Feature request Done 357 2
54 Write a administrative console for the PB-Server Feature request Done 355 3
34 Move mapping of OJB internal tables to separate repository file Feature request Done 345 3
190 Performance optimization for getJdbcType() Refactoring Done 353 1
183 Improvement to PersistentField Refactoring Done 347 1
201 Factor out logging related stuff to new package Refactoring Done 366 2
198 Use Crimson XML parser Refactoring Done 363 2
199 Use ANT 1.4.1 Refactoring Done 364 2
202 Factor out sequence numbering related stuff to new package Refactoring Done 367 2
203 Factor out ManageableCollection related stuff to new package Refactoring Done 368 2
197 Improvements to build.xml build file Refactoring Done 362 2
149 Poor performance of the "Inheritance on one table solution" Feature request

150 Better support for date and timestamp attributes. Currently user have to write their own conversions or are forced to use java.sql.Date objects. Feature request

99 Implement new PB methods: deleteByQuery(...), deleteBySql(...) Feature request

157 Documentation: The OJB Performance TestSuite Feature request Started
116 Provide callbacks in PersistenceBrokerImpl beforeStore(), afterStore(), etc. Feature request

163 Lookup of the ODMG Database in C/S mode must be improved. (May be it is even OK not to open a database at all, as these things are handled by the server. Feature request

64 Allow conversion strategies on attribute level too (not only on class level as now) Feature request

142 Provide an optional Database Garbage Collector that reclaims stored objects that can not longer be reached from the ODMG named roots map. Feature request

53 Introduce Server Requests for admistration of the PB-Server Feature request

93 Improve InMemory LockMap: use a Hashmap, implement the cleanup for timedout locks. Feature request

39 Cleanup Repository DTD, write documentation Refactoring Started
89 Eliminate Dependencies of the Query Package to ease reuse Refactoring

159 Rename the -JDK13 preprocessor switch to +JDK12 Refactoring