
the Derby site



Describes the information common to all types of constraints within the current database (currently, this includes primary key, unique, foreign key, and check constraints).

Column NameTypeLengthNullableContents
CONSTRAINTIDCHAR36falseunique identifier for constraint
TABLEIDCHAR36falseidentifier for table (join with SYSTABLES.TABLEID)
CONSTRAINT-NAMEVARCHAR128falseconstraint name (internally generated if not specified by user)
TYPECHAR1falseP (primary key), U (unique), C (check), or F (foreign key)
SCHEMAIDCHAR36falseidentifier for schema that the constraint belongs to (join with SYSSCHEMAS.SCHEMAID)
STATECHAR1falseE for enabled, D for disabled
REFERENCECOUNTINTEGER1falsethe count of the number of foreign key constraints that reference this constraint; this number can be greater than zero only for PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints

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