
the Derby site

Apache Derby White Papers

This ad hoc spot in the Derby site hosts white papers. The categories in the left-hand navigation bar will grow and change as papers get contributed.

Table of Contents

The names in the left-hand navigation bar are deliberately short to keep it from getting too wide. The actual titles are listed below:

How to Contribute Papers

If you have figured out how something works in Derby or how to do something cool and have produced a white paper you would like to contribute, please post it to the mail list.

As time permits, somebody will take the document from the list and put it on the Derby web site. You can speed the posting process up by testing your white paper in Forrest to verify it works well before you post it to

It is easiest to incorporate files that are already in one of the formats listed below:

That much said, even though your favorite word processing program can produce an HTML file, that doesn't necessarily mean that forrest can read it and do something visually pleasing with it. If forrest can't consume your document, or you don't like what forrest did with it, it can be included in its native HTML on the site -- it just won't have the forrest-generated left hand navigation and top banner. An example is Running DOTS (Database open Source Test Suite) with Derby.

Last Updated: November 11, 2004

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