
the Derby site



Describes the conglomerates within the current database. A conglomerate is a unit of storage and is either a table or an index.

Column NameTypeLengthNullableContents
SCHEMAIDCHAR36falseschema id for the conglomerate
TABLEIDCHAR36falseidentifier for table (join with SYSTABLES.TABLEID)
CONGLOMERATENUMBERBIGINT8falseconglomerate id for the conglomerate (heap or index)
CONGLOMERATENAMEVARCHAR128trueindex name, if conglomerate is an index, otherwise the table ID
ISINDEXBOOLEAN1falsewhether or not conglomerate is an index
DESCRIPTORorg.apache.derby.catalog. IndexDescriptor: This class is not part of the public API.
truesystem type describing the index
ISCONSTRAINTBOOLEAN1falsewhether or not conglomerate is a system-generated index enforcing a constraint
CONGLOMERATEIDCHAR36falseunique identifier for the conglomerate

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