A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


abortOnError - Field in MonitorPrefs
AbstractAggregatingEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
AggregatingEnrichers implicitly subscribes to the same sensor on all entities inside an Group and should emit an aggregate on the target sensor
AbstractAggregatingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, S) - Constructor in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
AbstractApplication - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Users can extend this to define the entities in their application, and the relationships between those entities.
AbstractApplication(Map, Entity) - Constructor in AbstractApplication
Constructor for when application is nested inside another application
AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension - Class in
AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension(ManagementContext) - Constructor in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
AbstractBrooklynMementoPersister - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
AbstractBrooklynRestResource - Class in
AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation - Class in
AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation(Map) - Constructor in AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation
typically wants at least ACCESS_IDENTITY and ACCESS_CREDENTIAL
AbstractCombiningEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
Convenience base for transforming multiple sensors into a single new sensor.
AbstractCombiningEnricher.SubscriptionDetails(Field, Entity, AttributeSensor) - Constructor in AbstractCombiningEnricher.SubscriptionDetails
AbstractCombiningEnricher(AttributeSensor) - Method in AbstractCombiningEnricher
AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory(Map) - Constructor in AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory
AbstractController - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxy
Represents a controller mechanism for a Cluster.
AbstractControllerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy
Represents a controller mechanism for a Cluster.
AbstractControllerImpl(Map, Entity, Cluster) - Constructor in AbstractControllerImpl
AbstractEffector - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
The abstract Effector implementation.
AbstractEffector(String, Class, List, String) - Constructor in AbstractEffector
AbstractEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
Base Enricher implementation; all enrichers should extend this or its children
AbstractEnricher(Map) - Constructor in AbstractEnricher
AbstractEntity - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Default Entity implementation, which should be extended whenever implementing an entity.
AbstractEntity(Map, Entity) - Constructor in AbstractEntity
@deprecated since 0.5; instead use no-arg constructor with EntityManager().createEntity(spec)
AbstractEntityAdjunct - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
Common functionality for policies and enrichers
AbstractEntityAdjunct(Map) - Constructor in AbstractEntityAdjunct
AbstractExecutionContext - Class in brooklyn.util.task
AbstractFeed - Class in brooklyn.event.feed
Captures common fields and processes for sensor feeds.
AbstractFeed(EntityLocal) - Constructor in AbstractFeed
AbstractfKafkaSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
AbstractfKafkaSshDriver(EntityLocal, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
AbstractGeoDnsService - Interface in brooklyn.entity.dns
AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.dns
AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl() - Constructor in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
AbstractGroup - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
Represents a group of entities - sub-classes can support dynamically changing membership, ad hoc groupings, etc.
AbstractGroupImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Represents a group of entities - sub-classes can support dynamically changing membership, ad hoc groupings, etc.
AbstractGroupImpl() - Constructor in AbstractGroupImpl
AbstractJcloudsSubnetSshMachineLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
AbstractJcloudsSubnetSshMachineLocation(Map, JcloudsLocation, NodeMetadata) - Constructor in AbstractJcloudsSubnetSshMachineLocation
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use no-arg constructor, as per parent
AbstractLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
A basic implementation of the Location interface.
AbstractLocation(Map) - Constructor in AbstractLocation
Construct a new instance of an AbstractLocation.
AbstractManagementContext - Class in
AbstractManagementContext(BrooklynProperties, BrooklynStorageFactory) - Constructor in AbstractManagementContext
AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy - Class in
abstract class which helps track membership of a group, invoking (empty) methods in this class on MEMBER{ADDED,REMOVED} events, as well as SERVICE_UP {true,false} for those members.
AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy() - Constructor in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
AbstractMemento - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
AbstractMemento.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
AbstractMemento(AbstractMemento.Builder) - Method in AbstractMemento
AbstractNonProvisionedController - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxy
AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy
AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl(Map, Entity, Cluster) - Constructor in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
AbstractPolicy - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
Base Policy implementation; all policies should extend this or its children
AbstractPolicy(Map) - Constructor in AbstractPolicy
AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds.templates
AbstractProcessTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system.internal
AbstractProcessTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
An abstract implementation of the SoftwareProcessDriver.
AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver(EntityLocal, Location) - Constructor in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
An abstract SSH implementation of the AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver.
AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver(EntityLocal, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
AbstractSshExecTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh.internal
AbstractSshExecTaskFactory(SshMachineLocation, String) - Constructor in AbstractSshExecTaskFactory
convenience constructor to supply machine immediately
AbstractSubscriptionManager - Class in
AbstractSubscriptionManager.EntitySensorToken - Class in
AbstractSubscriptionManager.EntitySensorToken(Entity, Sensor) - Constructor in AbstractSubscriptionManager.EntitySensorToken
AbstractTransformingEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
Convenience base for transforming a single sensor into a single new sensor of the same type
AbstractTransformingEnricher(Entity, Sensor, Sensor) - Constructor in AbstractTransformingEnricher
AbstractTreeNodeMemento - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
AbstractTreeNodeMemento(AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder) - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento
AbstractTypeTransformingEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
Convenience base for transforming a single sensor into a single new sensor of the same type
AbstractTypeTransformingEnricher(Entity, Sensor, Sensor) - Constructor in AbstractTypeTransformingEnricher
AbstractZoneFailureDetector - Class in
AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory - Class in
Note: callers please don't side-effect the success/failures/causes fields directly!
AbstractZoneFailureDetector(Ticker) - Constructor in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
AbstractZookeeperImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.zookeeper
An Entity that represents a single Apache Zookeeper instance.
AbstractZookeeperImpl() - Constructor in AbstractZookeeperImpl
accept(Object) - Method in SensorTransformingEnricher
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in ByonLocationResolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in DefinedLocationByIdResolver
accepts anything starting id:xxx or just xxx where xxx is a defined location ID
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in HostLocationResolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in JcloudsByonLocationResolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in JcloudsResolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in LocalhostResolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in LocationResolver
whether the spec is something which should be passed to this resolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in NamedLocationResolver
accepts anything starting named:xxx or xxx where xxx is a defined location name
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in OpenshiftLocation.Resolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in RegistryLocationResolver
accepts(String, LocationRegistry) - Method in SingleMachineLocationResolver
acceptsEntity(Entity) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
acceptsEntity(Entity) - Method in ItemsInContainersGroupImpl
acceptsMember(Entity) - Method in MemberFailureDetectionPolicy
ACCESS_CREDENTIAL - Field in CloudLocationConfig
ACCESS_CREDENTIAL - Field in LocationConfigKeys
ACCESS_IDENTITY - Field in CloudLocationConfig
ACCESS_IDENTITY - Field in LocationConfigKeys
AccessApi - Interface in
AccessController - Interface in
AccessController.Response - Class in
AccessManager - Interface in
AccessResource - Class in
AccessSummary - Class in
AccessSummary(boolean, Map) - Constructor in AccessSummary
accessSummary(AccessManager) - Method in AccessTransformer
AccessTransformer - Class in
@author Adam Lowe
acquire(int) - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
acquire(C) - Method in SshjTool
acquireMutex(String, String) - Method in MutexSupport
acquireMutex(String, String) - Method in SshMachineLocation
acquireMutex(String, String) - Method in WithMutexes
acquires a mutex, if available, otherwise blocks on its becoming available; caller must release after use
acquirePublicPort(String, Location, int) - Method in PortForwardManager
reserves a unique public port for the purpose of forwarding to the given target, associated with a given location for subsequent lookup purpose; if already allocated, returns the previously allocated
acquirePublicPortExplicit(String, int) - Method in PortForwardManager
returns old mapping if it existed, null if it is new
acquireUninterruptibly(int) - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
activateAdditionalEnrichers(EntityLocal) - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
Activator - Class in brooklyn.launcher
ActiveMQBroker - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
An Entity that represents a single ActiveMQ broker instance.
ActiveMQBrokerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
An Entity that represents a single ActiveMQ broker instance.
ActiveMQBrokerImpl() - Constructor in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
ActiveMQDestination - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQDestinationImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQDestinationImpl() - Constructor in ActiveMQDestinationImpl
ActiveMQDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQQueue - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQQueueImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQQueueImpl() - Constructor in ActiveMQQueueImpl
ActiveMQSpecs - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQSshDriver(ActiveMQBrokerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in ActiveMQSshDriver
ActiveMQTopic - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQTopicImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.activemq
ActiveMQTopicImpl() - Constructor in ActiveMQTopicImpl
ActivityApi - Interface in
ActivityResource - Class in
actualAddress - Field in BrooklynWebServer
actual NIC where this is listening; in the case of being passed in as bindAddress, this will revert to one address (such as localhost)
actualPort - Field in BrooklynWebServer
actual port where this gets bound; will be consistent with the "port" passed in but that might be a range and here it is a single port, or -1 if not yet set
add(Iterable) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
add(int, ClassLoader) - Method in AggregateClassLoader
Add a loader to the specific position in the search path.
add(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
add(Duration) - Method in Duration
add(Object) - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
add(SshMachineLocation) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
adds the locations; user and keyfile set in the builder are _not_ applied to the machine (use add(String address) for that)
add(Object, Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
adds the given items to the focus, whether a list or a map, creating the focus as a map if it doesn't already exist.
add(Object, Object, Object) - Method in ListConfigKey.ListModifications
when passed as a value to a ListConfigKey, causes each of these items to be added.
add(Map) - Method in MapConfigKey.MapModifications
when passed as a value to a MapConfigKey, causes the items to be added to the underlying map using Jsonya add semantics (combining maps and lists)
add(Object, Object, Object) - Method in MutableList.Builder
add(Map) - Method in MutableMap
as putAll(Map) but fluent style
add(Object, Object, Object) - Method in MutableSet.Builder
add(Iterable) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
ADD_REGION - Field in DynamicRegionsFabric
add(Object, Object, Object) - Method in SetConfigKey.SetModifications
when passed as a value to a SetConfigKey, causes each of these items to be added.
add(int) - Method in SizeHistory
add(Task) - Method in TaskBuilder
adds a child to the given task; the semantics of how the child is executed is set using dynamic(boolean) and parallel(boolean)
add(Object, long) - Method in TimeWindowedList
addAddress(String) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
addAddresses(String, String) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
addAddressMultipleTimes(String, int) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
addAll(DownloadTargets) - Method in BasicDownloadTargets.Builder
addAll(Collection) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
addAll(Collection) - Method in ListConfigKey.ListModifications
when passed as a value to a ListConfigKey, causes each of these items to be added
addAll(Iterable) - Method in MutableList.Builder
addAll(Object) - Method in MutableSet.Builder
@deprecated since 0.6.0 ambiguous with addAll(Iterable); use add(Object, Object, Object...)
addAll(Collection) - Method in SetConfigKey.SetModifications
when passed as a value to a SetConfigKey, causes each of these items to be added
addAttribute(String, Object) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
@deprecated use setAttribute
addAuthorizedKeysToRoot(String) - Method in JcloudsUtil
addCatalogEntry(CatalogItemDtoAbstract, Class) - Method in CatalogClasspathDo
augments the given item with annotations and class data for the given class, then adds to catalog
addChild(EntitySpec) - Method in AbstractEntity
Creates an entity using the given spec, and adds it as a child of this entity.
addChild(Location) - Method in AbstractLocation
addChild(String) - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder
addChild(Map, Class) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
addChild(Entity) - Method in BasicGroupImpl
addChild(EntitySpec) - Method in Entity
Creates an Entity from the given spec and adds it, setting this entity as the parent, returning the added child.
addChild(Location) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
addChildLocation(Location) - Method in AbstractLocation
@deprecated since 0.6
addChildren(RebindContext, EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
addChildren(RebindContext, LocationMemento) - Method in BasicLocationRebindSupport
addClass(Class) - Method in LoadedClassLoader
addClassLoaderProvider(Function) - Method in ResourceUtils
used to register custom mechanisms for getting classloaders given an object
addCluster(Location) - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
addCompletionListener(Function) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
addCompletionListener(Function) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
adds a listener which will be notified of (otherwise) successful completion, typically used to invalidate the result (ie throw exception, to promote a string in the output to an exception); invoked even if return code is zero, so a better error can be thrown
addConfig(Map) - Method in SshMachineLocation
@deprecated temporary Beta method introduced in 0.5.0; configure(Map) does roughly the same, and more, supporting ConfigKey inputs etc
addDelimiterChars(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
added(Entity) - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
added(MachineSet) - Method in MachineSet
addEffector(Effector, EffectorBody) - Method in EntityDynamicType
Adds an effector with an explicit body
addEnricher(Enricher) - Method in AbstractEntity
addEnricher(Enricher) - Method in Entity
Adds the given enricher to this entity.
addEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
addEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in LocalManagementContext
addEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in ManagementContextInternal
addEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
addEntry(String) - Method in CatalogClasspathDto
addEntry(CatalogItemDtoAbstract) - Method in CatalogDo
adds the given entry to the catalog, with no enrichment; callers may prefer CatalogClasspathDo#addCatalogEntry(CatalogItemDtoAbstract, Class)#addCatalogEntry(CatalogItemDtoAbstract, Class)
addEnvironmentVars() - Method in BrooklynProperties
addEvent(ApplicationUsage.ApplicationEvent) - Method in ApplicationUsage
addEvent(LocationUsage.LocationEvent) - Method in LocationUsage
addExtension(Class, Object) - Method in AbstractLocation
addExtension(Class, Object) - Method in LocationInternal
Registers the given extension for the given type.
addFallback(String) - Method in BasicDownloadTargets.Builder
addFallbacks(Iterable) - Method in BasicDownloadTargets.Builder
addFirst(ClassLoader) - Method in AggregateClassLoader
Add a loader to the first position in the search path.
addFlattened(Collection, Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
addFrom(URL) - Method in BrooklynProperties
addFromMap(Map) - Method in BrooklynProperties
adds the indicated properties
addFromUrl(String) - Method in BrooklynProperties
@see ResourceUtils#getResourceFromUrl(String)
addFromUrlProperty(String) - Method in BrooklynProperties
expects a property already set in scope, whose value is acceptable to addFromUrl(String); if property not set, does nothing
addGroup(Group) - Method in AbstractEntity
Adds this as a member of the given group, registers with application if necessary
addGroup(Group) - Method in Entity
Add this entity as a member of the given Group.
addIfNotNull(Object, Object) - Method in MutableMap
as put(Object, Object) but excluding null values, and fluent style
addIfNotNull(Object) - Method in MutableSet
AddingEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
enricher which adds multiple sensors on an entity to produce a new sensor
AddingEnricher(Sensor, Sensor) - Constructor in AddingEnricher
addInitializer(Class) - Method in EntitySpec
The supplied class must have a public no-arg constructor.
addInitializers(Collection) - Method in EntitySpec
addInternal(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
addItem(Class) - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
addItem(Class) - Method in BrooklynCatalog
creates a catalog item and adds it to the 'manual' catalog, with the corresponding Class definition (loaded by a classloader) registered and available in the classloader.
addItem(Object) - Method in ListConfigKey.ListModifications
when passed as a value to a ListConfigKey, causes the items to be added as a single element in the list
addItem(Object) - Method in SetConfigKey.SetModifications
when passed as a value to a SetConfigKey, causes the items to be added as a single element in the set
additionalInterfaces(Iterable) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
additionalInterfaces(Iterable) - Method in EntitySpec
addKnifeCommandToScript() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
Inserts the knife command at the current place in the list.
addLast(ClassLoader) - Method in AggregateClassLoader
Add a loader to the last position in the search path.
addLaunchAttributes(EntityInternal, Map) - Method in ChefConfigs
addListener(ExecutionListener) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in BasicTask
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in ForwardingTask
addListener(Runnable, Executor) - Method in ListenableForwardingFuture
addLocations(Collection) - Method in AbstractEntity
addLocations(RebindContext, EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
addLocations(Collection) - Method in EntityInternal
addMachine(Object) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
addMember(Entity) - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
Adds the given entity as a member of this group and this group as one of the groups of the child
addMember(Entity) - Method in DynamicWebAppClusterImpl
addMember(Entity) - Method in Group
Adds the given member, returning true if this modifies the set of members (i.e. it was not already a member).
addMember(Entity) - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
addMembers(RebindContext, EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
addMemberToReplicaSet(MongoDBServer, Integer) - Method in MongoClientSupport
Reconfigures the replica set that this client is the primary member of to include a new member.
addNode() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
@deprecated since 0.6; use addNode(Location), so can take that location into account when configuring node
addNotificationListener(ObjectName, NotificationListener, NotificationFilter) - Method in JmxHelper
addOptionalOptions(TemplateOptions) - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
Adds template options which are used for building, but not for matching/filtering.
addOptions(TemplateOptions) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
adds customization options; if options have already been set, this will additively set selected options (but not all, see addTemplateOptions for more info)
addPolicies(RebindContext, EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
addPolicy(Policy) - Method in AbstractEntity
addPolicy(Policy) - Method in Entity
Adds the given policy to this entity.
addPolicy(String, String, String, Map) - Method in PolicyApi
addPolicy(String, String, String, Map) - Method in PolicyResource
addPrimaries(Iterable) - Method in BasicDownloadTargets.Builder
addPrimary(String) - Method in BasicDownloadTargets.Builder
addProducer(Entity) - Method in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
addQueue(String, Map) - Method in JMSBroker
addQueue(String, Map) - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
addQuoteChars(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
addRecipeLine(String) - Method in WhirrHadoopCluster
addRecipeLine(String) - Method in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
addRegion(String) - Method in DynamicRegionsFabric
addRegion(String) - Method in DynamicRegionsFabricImpl
ADDRESS - Field in Attributes
address - Field in HostGeoInfo
the IP address
ADDRESS - Field in SameServerEntity
ADDRESS - Field in SoftwareProcess
AddressableLocation - Interface in brooklyn.location
A location that has an IP address.
addressAtOffset(int) - Method in Cidr
taking the addresses in the CIDR in order, returns the one in the offset^th position (starting with the CIDR itself, even if final bits are 0)
addRewrite(UrlRewriteRule) - Method in UrlMapping
adds a rewrite rule, must be called at config time.
addRewrite(UrlRewriteRule) - Method in UrlMappingImpl
adds a rewrite rule, must be called at config time.
addSensor(String, AttributeSensor) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.Builder
addSensor(Sensor) - Method in EntityDynamicType
Adds the given Sensor to this entity.
addSensor(Sensor) - Method in EntityTypes.ImmutableEntityType
addSensor(String, AttributeSensor) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder
addSensorIfAbsent(Sensor) - Method in EntityDynamicType
addSensorIfAbsent(Sensor) - Method in EntityTypes.ImmutableEntityType
addSensorIfAbsentWithoutPublishing(Sensor) - Method in EntityDynamicType
addSensorIfAbsentWithoutPublishing(Sensor) - Method in EntityTypes.ImmutableEntityType
addSensors(Iterable) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.Builder
addSensors(Iterable) - Method in EntityDynamicType
Adds the given Sensors to this entity.
addSensors(Iterable) - Method in EntityTypes.ImmutableEntityType
addSensors(Map) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder
addServerPoolMember(Entity) - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
addServerPoolMember(Entity) - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
addShutdownHook() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
addShutdownHook(Runnable) - Method in ResourceUtils
addStrictOptions(List) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
addSubscription(Entity, Sensor) - Method in DynamicGroup
indicates an entity and/or sensor this group should monitor; if either is null it means "all".
addSubscription(Entity, Sensor) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
addSystemProperties() - Method in BrooklynProperties
addTagDynamically(TaskAdaptable, Object) - Method in BrooklynTasks
addTagsDynamically(TaskAdaptable, Object, Object) - Method in BrooklynTasks
addTargetHost(Entity) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
Adds this host, if it is absent or if its hostname has changed.
addTask(Task) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
addTemplateOptions(TemplateOptions, TemplateOptions) - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
like TemplateOptions.copyTo but additive wrt arrays, collections, and maps, putting moreOptions in on top of / at the end of options.
addToBlacklist(MachineSet) - Method in MachinePool
addToClasspath(String) - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
addToClasspath(String) - Method in BrooklynCatalog
adds a classpath entry which will be used by the 'manual' catalog
addToClasspath(ClassLoader) - Method in CatalogClasspathDo
adds the given URL as something this classloader will load (however no scanning is done).
addToClasspath(String) - Method in CatalogDo
addToClasspath(Collection) - Method in VanillaJavaApp
addToCookbooksFromGithub(EntityInternal, String, String) - Method in ChefConfigs
addToEntityAndEmitAll(Entity) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
convenience, to be called by the host
addToMapOfLists(Map, Object, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
as addToMapOfSets(Map, Object, Object) but for java.util.ArrayList
addToMapOfSets(Map, Object, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
Adds the given value to a collection in the map under the key.
addTopic(String, Map) - Method in JMSBroker
addTopic(String, Map) - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
addToRunList(EntityInternal, String) - Method in ChefConfigs
addUnflattened(Object, Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
adds the given arguments to a list at this point (will not descend into maps, and will not flatten lists)
addWar(String, String) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
specifies a WAR to use at a given context path (only if server not yet started); cf deploy(path, url)
AdjunctType - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
This is the actual type of a policy instance at runtime.
adjunctType - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
AdjunctType(Class) - Constructor in AdjunctType
afterEnd(Map, Task) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
AggregateClassLoader - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
looks for classes and resources in the classloaders added here
AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
Takes a list of other provisioners, and round-robins across them when obtaining a machine.
AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation(Map) - Constructor in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
aggregator - Field in CustomAggregatingEnricher
ALL_HOSTS_VALID - Field in SslTrustUtils
all(Predicate) - Method in MachinePool
returns all machines matching the given criteria (may be claimed)
ALL_SSH_CONFIG_KEY_NAMES - Field in SshMachineLocation
ALL_SSH_CONFIG_KEYS - Field in SshMachineLocation
ALLOCATE_PTY - Field in SshMachineLocation
allocatePTY - Field in SshAbstractTool
allocatePTY - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
allocatePTY(Session) - Method in SshjTool
allowed() - Method in AccessController.Response
allowFailure() - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
allowFailure - Field in SshPutTaskStub
allowingNonZeroExitCode() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
allowingNonZeroExitCode() - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
allowMissingComma(boolean) - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
allowSlashesAfterColon(boolean) - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
allSubscriptions - Field in LocalSubscriptionManager
alternatives(String) - Method in BashCommands
As alternatives(Collection)
alternativesGroup(String) - Method in BashCommands
As alternativesGroup(Collection)
alternativesSubshell(String) - Method in BashCommands
As alternativesSubshell(Collection)
AMQ_JETTY_PORT - Field in ActiveMQBroker
AMQP_0_10 - Field in AmqpServer
AMQP_0_8 - Field in AmqpServer
AMQP_0_9_1 - Field in AmqpServer
AMQP_0_9 - Field in AmqpServer
AMQP_1_0 - Field in AmqpServer
AMQP_PORT - Field in AmqpServer
AMQP_PORT - Field in Attributes
AMQP_PORT - Field in QpidBroker
AMQP_PORT - Field in RabbitBroker
AMQP_VERSION - Field in AmqpServer
AMQP_VERSION - Field in QpidBroker
AMQP_VERSION - Field in RabbitBroker
AmqpExchange - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.amqp
An interface that describes an AMQP exchange.
AmqpServer - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.amqp
Marker interface identifying AMQP servers.
anded(BitList) - Method in BitList
represents the result of this bit list logically ANDed with the other
andWaitForSuccess() - Method in DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult
blocks for the task to be completed
ANONYMOUS_LINUX_64 - Field in BasicOsDetails.Factory
ANONYMOUS_LINUX - Field in BasicOsDetails.Factory
any() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
ANY_HIGH_PORT - Field in PortRanges
ANY_HIGH_PORT - Field in PortRanges.BasicPortRange
ANY_NIC - Field in Networking
AnyoneSecurityProvider - Class in
provider who allows everyone
Apidoc - Annotation Type in
like Swagger Api annotation (and treated similarly) but doesn't require path to be repeated, and supports a name
ApidocEndpoint - Class in
ApidocEndpoint(String, String, String, String) - Constructor in ApidocEndpoint
ApidocHelpMessageBodyWriter - Class in
subclassed for convenience
ApidocResource - Class in
create a concrete subclass for this annotated with the Path where this resource should live
ApidocResource.ApidocJaxrsSpecParser(Class, String, String, String, String) - Constructor in ApidocResource.ApidocJaxrsSpecParser
apiEndpoint() - Method in ApidocResource.ApidocJaxrsSpecParser
ApiError - Class in
ApiError.Builder - Class in
ApiError(String, String) - Method in ApiError
APIS - Field in JcloudsResolver
APP - Field in BrooklynNode
app - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
APP_NAME - Field in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
appDisplayName(String) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
append(char) - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
append(Object, Object, Object) - Method in MutableList
as java.util.List#add(java.lang.Object) but accepting multiple, and fluent styleÊ
append(CharSequence) - Method in ScriptPart
append(String) - Method in StringFunctions
append(String, String) - Method in StringShortener
appendAll(Iterable) - Method in MutableList
as java.util.List#addAll(java.util.Collection) but fluent styleÊ
appendBase64IdFromValueOfLength(long, int, StringBuilder) - Method in Identifiers
appendDate(LogRecord, StringBuffer) - Method in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
appendDetailsWithNewLine(StringBuffer, LogRecord) - Method in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
appendIfNotNull(Object, Object, Object) - Method in MutableList
as java.util.List#add(java.lang.Object) but excluding nulls, accepting multiple, and fluent styleÊ
appendIptablesRule(IptablesCommands.Chain, String, IptablesCommands.Protocol, int, IptablesCommands.Policy) - Method in IptablesCommands
Returns the command that appends a rule to iptables.
appendLevel(LogRecord, StringBuffer) - Method in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
appendSslConfig(String, StringBuilder, String, ProxySslConfig, boolean, boolean) - Method in NginxController
appendSslConfig(String, StringBuilder, String, ProxySslConfig, boolean, boolean) - Method in NginxControllerImpl
appendTemplate(String, String, SshMachineLocation) - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
appendThreadAndCaller(LogRecord, StringBuffer) - Method in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
Application - Interface in brooklyn.entity
An application is the root of the entity hierarchy.
application(EntitySpec) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
Specifies that the launcher should build and manage the Brooklyn application described by the given spec.
APPLICATION_USAGE_KEY - Field in LocalUsageManager
ApplicationApi - Interface in
ApplicationBuilder - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Experimental mechanism for defining/building applications.
ApplicationBuilder(EntitySpec) - Constructor in ApplicationBuilder
applicationId(String) - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
applicationIdEqualTo(String) - Method in EntityPredicates
applicationIds - Field in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
ApplicationResource - Class in
applications - Field in LocalEntityManager
Proxies of the managed entities that are applications
ApplicationSpec - Class in
ApplicationSpec.Builder - Class in
ApplicationSpec(String, String, Set, Collection, Map) - Method in ApplicationSpec
ApplicationSummary - Class in
ApplicationSummary(ApplicationSpec, Status, Map, Object) - Constructor in ApplicationSummary
ApplicationTransformer - Class in
applicationTree() - Method in ApplicationApi
applicationTree() - Method in ApplicationResource
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use fetch(String) (with slightly different, but better semantics)
applicationUri(Application) - Method in EntityTransformer
ApplicationUsage - Class in
ApplicationUsage.ApplicationEvent - Class in
ApplicationUsage.ApplicationEvent(Lifecycle) - Constructor in ApplicationUsage.ApplicationEvent
ApplicationUsage(String, String, String, Map) - Method in ApplicationUsage
apply(EntityLocal, AttributeSensorAndConfigKey) - Method in ConfigToAttributes
apply(DownloadRequirement) - Method in DownloadProducerFromCloudsoftRepo
apply(DownloadRequirement) - Method in DownloadProducerFromLocalRepo
apply(DownloadRequirement) - Method in DownloadProducerFromProperties
apply(DownloadRequirement) - Method in DownloadSubstituters.Substituter
apply(EntityLocal) - Method in EntityInitializer
Applies initialization logic to a just-built entity.
apply(TemplateBuilder, ConfigBag, Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation.CustomizeTemplateBuilder
apply(TemplateOptions, ConfigBag, Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation.CustomizeTemplateOptions
apply(Object) - Method in StringPredicates.EqualToAny
apply(LinkedHashMap, int, int) - Method in StringShortener.RemovalRule
apply(LinkedHashMap, int, int) - Method in StringShortener.ShorteningRule
returns the new list, with the relevant items in the list replaced
apply(LinkedHashMap, int, int) - Method in StringShortener.TruncationRule
apply(String) - Method in Urls.StringToUri
apply(String) - Method in Urls.StringToUrl
apply(String) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.QuoteStringFunction
A sensor feed that retrieves performance counters from a Windows host and posts the values to sensors.
applyAgentJmxJavaSystemProperties(Builder) - Method in JmxmpSslSupport
applyConfig() - Method in GeoscalingDnsService
applyConfig() - Method in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
applyEntryValueToMap(Entry, Map) - Method in MapConfigKey
applyJmxJavaSystemProperties(Builder) - Method in JmxSupport
applies _some_ of the common settings needed to connect via JMX
applyTagModifier(Function) - Method in BasicTask
applyTagModifier(Function) - Method in ForwardingTask
applyTagModifier(Function) - Method in TaskInternal
applyToKeyInMap(ListConfigKey, Map) - Method in ListConfigKey.ListModificationBase
applyToKeyInMap(MapConfigKey, Map) - Method in MapConfigKey.MapModificationBase
applyToKeyInMap(SetConfigKey, Map) - Method in SetConfigKey.SetModificationBase
applyToKeyInMap(Object, Map) - Method in StructuredConfigKey.StructuredModification
applyValueToMap(Object, Map) - Method in ListConfigKey
applyValueToMap(Object, Map) - Method in MapConfigKey
applyValueToMap(Object, Map) - Method in SetConfigKey
applyValueToMap(Object, Map) - Method in StructuredConfigKey
for internal use
APPSERVERS_COUNT - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExample
APPSERVERS_COUNT - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
appSpec(Class) - Method in EntitySpecs
Creates a new EntitySpec for this application type.
APT_INSTALL - Field in JcloudsUtil
APT_RUN_SCRIPT - Field in JcloudsUtil
ARGS - Field in VanillaJavaApp
ARRAY_OF - Field in JmxConstants
For an encoded array we need to start with ARRAY_OF.
arrayType(int, OpenType) - Method in Item
Return a new Array Type.
artifact(String, String, String, String) - Method in BrooklynMavenArtifacts
artifactId - Field in MavenArtifact
asArray() - Method in BitList
asBigInteger() - Method in BitList
asBitList() - Method in Cidr
returns list of bits for the significant (length) bits of this CIDR
asBitSet() - Method in BitList
nb: BitSet forgets the length
asBoolean() - Method in Asserts.BooleanWithMessage
asBoolean() - Method in PortRange
Note: this method is only here for use with "groovy truth".
asBoolean() - Method in PortRanges.AggregatePortRange
asBoolean() - Method in PortRanges.LinearPortRange
asBoolean() - Method in PortRanges.SinglePort
asBoolean() - Method in TestUtils.BooleanWithMessage
asByteArray(long) - Method in Networking
creates a byte array given a var-arg number of (or bytes or longs); checks that all values are valid as _unsigned_ bytes (i.e. in [0,255] )
asByteList() - Method in BitList
asBytes() - Method in BitList
returns the bits converted to bytes, with least significant bit first and* first 8 bits in the first byte
asConfigKey(ParameterType) - Method in EffectorTasks
asFile(Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation
asInt(Integer, int) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
asJson() - Method in JsonFunctions
asLink(Task) - Method in TaskTransformer
asList() - Method in BitList
asMap() - Method in AttributeMap
asMapWithStringKeys() - Method in BrooklynProperties
asMapWithStringKeys() - Method in ConfigMap
returns a read-only map view which has string keys (corresponding to the config key names); callers encouraged to use the typed keys (and so not use this method), but in some compatibility areas having a Properties-like view is useful
asMapWithStringKeys() - Method in ConfigMapImpl
asMapWithStringKeys() - Method in EntityConfigMap
asNonnullString(Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
asRawMap() - Method in AttributeMap
assertAsyncHttpStatusCodeContinuallyEquals(ListeningExecutorService, String, int) - Method in HttpTestUtils
Schedules (with the given executor) a poller that repeatedly accesses the given url, to confirm it always gives back the expected status code.
assertAttemptsMade(int, String) - Method in WebAppMonitor
assertAttributeContinually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use EntityTestUtils#assertAttributeEqualsContinually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)#assertAttributeEqualsContinually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)
assertAttributeEquals(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in EntityTestUtils
assertAttributeEqualsContinually(Map, Entity, AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in EntityTestUtils
assertAttributeEqualsEventually(Map, Entity, AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in EntityTestUtils
assertAttributeEventually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use EntityTestUtils#assertAttributeEqualsEventually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)#assertAttributeEqualsEventually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)
assertConfigEquals(Entity, ConfigKey, Object) - Method in EntityTestUtils
assertContentContainsText(String, String, String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
assertContentEventuallyContainsText(String, String, String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
assertContinually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)
assertContinuallyFromJava(Map, Supplier, Predicate) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)
assertEqualsIgnoringOrder(Iterable, Iterable) - Method in Asserts
assertEventually(Map, Runnable) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)
assertFails(Callable) - Method in Asserts
assertFails(Runnable) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFails(Runnable)#assertFails(Runnable)
assertFailsWith(Callable, Predicate) - Method in Asserts
assertFailsWith(Runnable, Predicate) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFailsWith(Runnable, Predicate)#assertFailsWith(Runnable, Predicate)
assertHttpContentEventuallyContainsText(String, String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
@deprecated since 0.4.0 use assertContentEventuallyContainsText
assertHttpStatusCodeEquals(String, int) - Method in HttpTestUtils
assertHttpStatusCodeEventuallyEquals(Map, String, int) - Method in HttpTestUtils
assertMBeanExistsEventually(ObjectName, long, TimeUnit) - Method in JmxHelper
assertNoFailures(String) - Method in WebAppMonitor
assertNonEmpty(Iterable) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use assertFalse(Iterables.isEmpty(c))
assertNotYetManaged() - Method in AbstractLocation
Asserts - Class in brooklyn.test
Asserts.BooleanWithMessage - Class in brooklyn.test
Asserts.BooleanWithMessage(boolean, String) - Constructor in Asserts.BooleanWithMessage
assertSetsEqual(Collection, Collection) - Method in TestUtils
assertSize(Iterable, int) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use assertEquals(Iterables.size(c), expectedSize)
assertStringContainsLiteral(String, String) - Method in TestUtils
assertSucceedsContinually(Map, Callable) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsContinually(Map, Callable)#succeedsContinually(Map, Callable)
assertSuccessFraction(String, double) - Method in WebAppMonitor
assertTrue(boolean, String) - Method in Asserts
Asserts that a condition is true.
assertUrlHasText(Map, String, String) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.4.0 use HttpTestUtils.assertUrlEventuallyHasText or HttpTestUtils.assertUrlHasText (NB: this method has "eventually" logic, with default timeout of 30s, despite the absence of that in the name)
assertUrlReachable(String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
Asserts that gets back any "valid" response - i.e. not an exception.
assertUrlStatusCodeEventually(String, int) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use HttpTestUtils#assertHttpStatusCodeEquals(String, int)#assertHttpStatusCodeEquals(String, int)
assertUrlUnreachable(String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
assertUrlUnreachableEventually(Map, String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
assertValid() - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder
assertValidForDoubleQuotingInBash(String) - Method in StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes
associate(String, int, Location, int) - Method in PortForwardManager
records a location and private port against a publicIp and public port, to support lookup(Location, int); superfluous if acquirePublicPort(String, Location, int) was used; but strongly recommended if acquirePublicPortExplicit(String, int) was used e.g. if the location is not known ahead of time)
asString(Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
asTask() - Method in BasicTask
asTask() - Method in DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult
asTask() - Method in ForwardingTask
asTask() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
asTask() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
asTask() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
asTask() - Method in TaskAdaptable
asUnsignedBytes() - Method in BitList
AsyncCollectionChangeAdapter - Class in
AsyncCollectionChangeAdapter(ExecutionManager, CollectionChangeListener) - Constructor in AsyncCollectionChangeAdapter
at(Object) - Method in Jsonya
convenience for Navigator#at(Object, Object...) on a newInstance()
at(Object, Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
returns the navigator focussed at the indicated key sequence in the given map
atArray(Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
AtomicReferences - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
attachComputeService(ComputeService) - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
attachLifecycleEffectors(Entity) - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
attachLifecycleEffectors(Entity) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
attaches lifecycle effectors (start, restart, stop) to the given entity (post-creation)
attemptLegacyAutodeployment(String) - Method in EntityManagementSupport
attributeEqualTo(AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in EntityPredicates
AttributeMap - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
A java.util.Map of Entity attribute values.
AttributeMap(AbstractEntity, Map) - Constructor in AttributeMap
Creates a new AttributeMap.
attributeName(String) - Method in JmxAttributePollConfig
AttributePollHandler - Class in brooklyn.event.feed
Handler for when polling an entity's attribute.
AttributePollHandler(FeedConfig, EntityLocal, AbstractFeed) - Constructor in AttributePollHandler
attributePostProcessedWhenReady(Entity, AttributeSensor, Predicate, Function) - Method in DependentConfiguration
Attributes - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
This interface should be used to access Sensor definitions.
attributes - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
AttributeSensor - Interface in brooklyn.event
The interface implemented by attribute sensors.
AttributeSensorAndConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
A Sensor describing an attribute that can be configured with inputs that are used to derive the final value.
AttributeSensorAndConfigKey(AttributeSensorAndConfigKey, ConfigType) - Constructor in AttributeSensorAndConfigKey
attributeSupplier(EntityAndAttribute) - Method in Entities
attributeSupplierWhenReady(Entity, AttributeSensor) - Method in Entities
attributeWhenReady(Entity, AttributeSensor, Predicate) - Method in DependentConfiguration
returns a Task which blocks until the given sensor on the given source entity gives a value that satisfies ready, then returns that value; particular useful in Entity configuration where config will block until Tasks have a value
authenticate(HttpSession, String, String) - Method in AnyoneSecurityProvider
authenticate(HttpSession, String, String) - Method in BlackholeSecurityProvider
authenticate(HttpServletRequest) - Method in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
whether to use SSL (TLS) certificates to authenticate the client; requires a truststore to be set, and requires USE_SSL_PROPERTY true (different to '' because something else insists on intercepting that and uses it for passwords); defaults to true iff USE_SSL_PROPERTY is set because who wouldn't want client authentication if you're encrypting the link
authenticate(HttpSession, String, String) - Method in DelegatingSecurityProvider
authenticate(HttpSession, String, String) - Method in ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider
authenticate(HttpSession, String, String) - Method in LdapSecurityProvider
authenticate(HttpSession, String, String) - Method in SecurityProvider
AUTHENTICATED_USER_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE - Field in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
session attribute set for authenticated users; for reference (but should not be relied up to confirm authentication, as the providers may impose additional criteria such as timeouts, or a null user (no login) may be permitted)
AUTHENTICATION_KEY - Field in ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider
authorityCertificate - Field in FluentKeySigner
authorityKeyIdentifier - Field in FluentKeySigner
authorizePortInIpTables(int) - Method in JcloudsUtil
AUTO_CREATE_FLOATING_IPS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
AUTO_GENERATE_KEYPAIRS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
AutoScalerPolicy - Class in brooklyn.policy.autoscaling
Policy that is attached to a Resizable entity and dynamically adjusts its size in response to emitted POOL_COLD and POOL_HOT events.
AutoScalerPolicy.Builder - Class in brooklyn.policy.autoscaling
AutoScalerPolicy(Map) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
AVAILABILITY_ZONE_NAMES - Field in DynamicCluster
AvailabilityZoneExtension - Interface in
For a location that has sub-zones within it (e.g. an AWS region has availability zones that can be mapped as sub-locations), this extension interface allows those to be accessed and used.
available() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
available() - Method in ReaderInputStream
@return the current number of bytes ready for reading
AVERAGE_ERROR_COUNT - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
@deprecated since 0.5.0, use ERROR_COUNT_PER_NODE
AVERAGE_PROCESSING_TIME - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
@deprecated since 0.5.0, use TOTAL_PROCESSING_TIME_PER_NODE
AVERAGE_REQUEST_COUNT - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
@deprecated since 0.5.0, just use REQUEST_COUNT_PER_NODE
AVERAGE_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
@deprecated since 0.5.0, use REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_PER_NODE
@deprecated since 0.6.0 callers configure with JavaAppUtils.connectJavaAppServerPolicies
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use PROCESS_CPU_TIME_FRACTION_IN_WINDOW
AVG_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_PERIOD - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
@deprecated since 0.5.0, use REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_WINDOW_PERIOD
AVG_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
@deprecated since 0.5.0, use REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW
AWS_REGIONS - Field in JcloudsResolver
AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension - Class in
AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension(ManagementContext, JcloudsLocation) - Constructor in AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension


backoffForAttempt(int, String) - Method in SshjTool
BackoffLimitedRetryHandler - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
Allow replayable request to be retried a limited number of times, and impose an exponential back-off delay before returning.
BackoffLimitedRetryHandler(int, long) - Constructor in BackoffLimitedRetryHandler
backoffLimitedRetryHandler - Field in SshjTool
BalanceableContainer - Interface in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
Contains worker items that can be moved between this container and others to effect load balancing.
BalanceablePoolModel - Interface in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
Captures the state of a balanceable cluster of containers and all their constituent items, including workrates, for consumption by a BalancingStrategy.
BalanceableWorkerPool - Interface in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
Represents an elastic group of "container" entities, each of which is capable of hosting "item" entities that perform work and consume the container's available resources (e.g.
BalanceableWorkerPool.ContainerItemPair - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
Encapsulates an item and a container; emitted for ITEM_ADDED, ITEM_REMOVED and ITEM_MOVED sensors.
BalanceableWorkerPool.ContainerItemPair(BalanceableContainer, Entity) - Constructor in BalanceableWorkerPool.ContainerItemPair
BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
Represents an elastic group of "container" entities, each of which is capable of hosting "item" entities that perform work and consume the container's available resources (e.g.
BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl() - Constructor in BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl
balanceItemsOnColdNode(NodeType, double, boolean) - Method in BalancingStrategy
balanceItemsOnHotNode(NodeType, double, boolean) - Method in BalancingStrategy
balanceItemsOnNodesInQuestion(NodeType, boolean) - Method in BalancingStrategy
BalancingNodePlacementStrategy - Class in
Default node placement strategy: attempts to keep the number of nodes balanced across the available locations.
BalancingStrategy - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
Represents an abstract algorithm for optimally balancing worker "items" among several "containers" based on the workloads of the items, and corresponding high- and low-thresholds on the containers.
BalancingStrategy(String, BalanceablePoolModel) - Constructor in BalancingStrategy
BANNER - Field in Main
BASE64_VALID_CHARS - Field in Identifiers
BASE_NAME - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
BASE_NAME_SECURITY - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
baseClassLoader - Field in AbstractManagementContext
baseClassPathForScanning - Field in AbstractManagementContext
baseUri(String) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
baseUriVar(String, String) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
baseUriVars(Map) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
baseUrl(URL) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
BashCommands - Class in brooklyn.util.ssh
BasicApplication - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
The most basic implementation of an application possible.
BasicApplicationImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BasicApplicationImpl() - Constructor in BasicApplicationImpl
BasicAttributeSensor - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
A Sensor describing an attribute change.
BasicAttributeSensor(TypeToken, String, String) - Constructor in BasicAttributeSensor
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
A Sensor describing an attribute that can be configured with a default value.
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey.IntegerAttributeSensorAndConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey.IntegerAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(String) - Constructor in BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey.IntegerAttributeSensorAndConfigKey
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey.StringAttributeSensorAndConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey.StringAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(String) - Constructor in BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey.StringAttributeSensorAndConfigKey
BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(AttributeSensorAndConfigKey, Object) - Constructor in BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey
BasicBrooklynCatalog - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
BasicBrooklynCatalog(ManagementContext, CatalogDto) - Constructor in BasicBrooklynCatalog
BasicConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
BasicConfigKey.BasicConfigKeyOverwriting - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
used to record a key which overwrites another; only needed at disambiguation time if a class declares a key and an equivalent one (often inherited) which overwrites it.
BasicConfigKey.BasicConfigKeyOverwriting(ConfigKey, Object) - Constructor in BasicConfigKey.BasicConfigKeyOverwriting
BasicConfigKey.Builder - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
BasicConfigKey(BasicConfigKey.Builder) - Method in BasicConfigKey
BasicConfigurableEntityFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BasicConfigurableEntityFactory(Map, Class) - Constructor in BasicConfigurableEntityFactory
BasicDelegatingSystemProperty - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
BasicDelegatingSystemProperty(String) - Constructor in BasicDelegatingSystemProperty
BasicDownloadRequirement - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
BasicDownloadRequirement(EntityDriver, String, Map) - Constructor in BasicDownloadRequirement
BasicDownloadResolver - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
BasicDownloadResolver(Iterable, String, String) - Constructor in BasicDownloadResolver
BasicDownloadsManager - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
BasicDownloadTargets - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
BasicDownloadTargets.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
BasicDownloadTargets(BasicDownloadTargets.Builder) - Method in BasicDownloadTargets
BasicEntity - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
This is the most basic entity possible - does nothing beyond AbstractEntity.
BasicEntityDriverManager - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers
BasicEntityDriverManager() - Constructor in BasicEntityDriverManager
BasicEntityImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BasicEntityImpl() - Constructor in BasicEntityImpl
BasicEntityMemento - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
Represents the state of an entity, so that it can be reconstructed (e.g. after restarting brooklyn).
BasicEntityMemento.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
BasicEntityMemento(BasicEntityMemento.Builder) - Method in BasicEntityMemento
BasicEntityRebindSupport - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
BasicEntityRebindSupport(EntityLocal) - Constructor in BasicEntityRebindSupport
BasicEntitySpec - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
@deprecated since 0.6 use EntitySpec.create(...)
BasicEntitySpec(Class) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
BasicEntityTypeRegistry - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
BasicExecutionContext - Class in brooklyn.util.task
A means of executing tasks against an ExecutionManager with a given bucket/set of tags pre-defined (so that it can look like an java.util.concurrent.Executor and also supply java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService#submit(java.util.concurrent.Callable)
BasicExecutionContext(Map, ExecutionManager) - Constructor in BasicExecutionContext
Supported flags are tag and tags
BasicExecutionManager - Class in brooklyn.util.task
TODO javadoc
BasicExecutionManager(String) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
BasicGroup - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
BasicGroupImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BasicGroupImpl() - Constructor in BasicGroupImpl
BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
A default no-op implementation, which can be extended to override the appropriate methods.
BasicLocationDefinition - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
BasicLocationDefinition(String, String, String, Map) - Constructor in BasicLocationDefinition
BasicLocationMemento - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
The persisted state of a location.
BasicLocationMemento.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
BasicLocationMemento(BasicLocationMemento.Builder) - Method in BasicLocationMemento
BasicLocationRebindSupport - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
BasicLocationRebindSupport(AbstractLocation) - Constructor in BasicLocationRebindSupport
BasicLocationRegistry - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
BasicLocationRegistry(ManagementContext) - Constructor in BasicLocationRegistry
BasicNotificationSensor - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
A Sensor used to notify subscribers about events.
BasicNotificationSensor(Class, String, String) - Constructor in BasicNotificationSensor
BasicOsDetails - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
BasicOsDetails.Factory - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
BasicOsDetails.OsArchs - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
BasicOsDetails.OsNames - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
BasicOsDetails.OsVersions - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
BasicOsDetails(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor in BasicOsDetails
BasicParameterType - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
TODO javadoc
BasicParameterType(String, Class, String, Object) - Constructor in BasicParameterType
BasicPolicyMemento - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
The persisted state of a location.
BasicPolicyMemento.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
BasicPolicyMemento(BasicPolicyMemento.Builder) - Method in BasicPolicyMemento
BasicPolicyRebindSupport - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
BasicPolicyRebindSupport(AbstractPolicy) - Constructor in BasicPolicyRebindSupport
BasicPool - Class in brooklyn.util.pool
BasicPool.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.pool
BasicReference - Class in
BasicReference(Object) - Constructor in BasicReference
BasicSensor - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
Parent for all Sensors.
BasicSensor(TypeToken, String, String) - Constructor in BasicSensor
BasicSensorEvent - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
A SensorEvent containing data from a Sensor generated by an Entity.
BasicSensorEvent(Sensor, Entity, Object, long) - Constructor in BasicSensorEvent
BasicStartable - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
Provides a pass-through Startable entity used for keeping hierarchies tidy.
BasicStartable.LocationsFilter - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
BasicStartableImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BasicStartableImpl() - Constructor in BasicStartableImpl
BasicSubscriptionContext - Class in
A SubscriptionContext for an entity or other user of a SubscriptionManager.
BasicSubscriptionContext(Map, SubscriptionManager, Object) - Constructor in BasicSubscriptionContext
BasicTask - Class in brooklyn.util.task
The basic concrete implementation of a Task to be executed.
BasicTask.TaskFinalizer - Interface in brooklyn.util.task
BasicTask(Map, Closure) - Constructor in BasicTask
batchConfigRead(String, String) - Method in EntityConfigApi
batchConfigRead(String, String) - Method in EntityConfigResource
batchConfigRead(String, String) - Method in PolicyApi
batchConfigRead(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigApi
batchConfigRead(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigResource
batchConfigRead(String, String) - Method in PolicyResource
batchSensorRead(String, String) - Method in SensorApi
batchSensorRead(String, String) - Method in SensorResource
BDBSTORE_JAR_PATH - Field in StandaloneQpidBrokerExample
beforeConfiguration(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
beforeStart(Map, Task) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
beforeSubmit(Map, Task) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
beginPoll() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
belongsInServerPool(Entity) - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
belongsInServerPool(Entity) - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
BIGDECIMAL - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.math.BigDecimal
biggest() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
BIGINTEGER - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.math.BigInteger
bind(Map) - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
Opportunity to do late-binding of the cluster that is being controlled.
bind(Map) - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
Opportunity to do late-binding of the cluster that is being controlled.
BIND_ADDRESS - Field in JBoss6Server
BIND_ADDRESS - Field in JBoss7Server
bind(Map) - Method in LoadBalancer
Opportunity to do late-binding of the cluster that is being controlled.
bind(Map) - Method in LoadBalancerClusterImpl
bindAddress(InetAddress) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
Specifies the NIC where the web console (and any additional webapps specified) will be bound; default, unless no security is specified (e.g. users) in which case it is localhost.
bindAddress - Field in BrooklynWebServer
IP of NIC where this server should bind, or null to autodetect (e.g. if security is configured, or loopback if no security)
bindAddress - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
BindDnsServer - Interface in
This sets up a BIND DNS server.
BindDnsServerDriver - Interface in
BindDnsServerImpl - Class in
This sets up a BIND DNS server.
BindDnsServerImpl() - Constructor in BindDnsServerImpl
BindDnsServerSshDriver - Class in
BindDnsServerSshDriver(BindDnsServerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in BindDnsServerSshDriver
BitList - Class in brooklyn.util.math
represents an immutable ordered collection of bits with a known length
BitList(BitSet, int) - Constructor in BitList
BitUtils - Class in brooklyn.util.math
BlackholeSecurityProvider - Class in
provider who disallows everyone
blank() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
clears everything set in this template, including any default from the compute service
block() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
blocks until the task completes; does not throw
block() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
blocks until the task completes; does not throw
block() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
blocks until the task completes; does not throw
blockingDetails - Field in BasicTask
blockingTask - Field in BasicTask
blockUntilEnded(Duration) - Method in BasicTask
blockUntilEnded(Duration) - Method in ForwardingTask
blockUntilEnded() - Method in ScheduledTask
blockUntilEnded(Duration) - Method in Task
As blockUntilEnded(), but returning after the given timeout; true if the task has ended and false otherwise
blockUntilFinished() - Method in StreamGobbler
convenience -- equivalent to calling join()
blockUntilFirstScheduleStarted() - Method in ScheduledTask
blockUntilStarted(Duration) - Method in BasicTask
blockUntilStarted(Duration) - Method in ForwardingTask
blockUntilStarted() - Method in Task
Causes calling thread to block until the task is started.
blockUntilStarted(Duration) - Method in TaskInternal
blockUntilTasksEnded() - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
body(byte[]) - Method in HttpPollConfig
body - Field in ScriptHelper
body(Runnable) - Method in TaskBuilder
BOOLEAN - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Boolean
BooleanSystemProperty - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
BooleanSystemProperty(String) - Constructor in BooleanSystemProperty
BOXED_TO_UNBOXED_TYPES - Field in TypeCoercions
boxedType(Class) - Method in Boxing
Boxing - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
BROKER_ID - Field in KafkaBroker
BROKER_SPEC - Field in KafkaCluster
Spec for Kafka broker entities to be created.
BROKER_URL - Field in MessageBroker
brokerMBeanName - Field in ActiveMQDestinationImpl
brokerSpec() - Method in ActiveMQSpecs
brokerSpecChef() - Method in ActiveMQSpecs
brooklyn() - Method in AbstractBrooklynRestResource
BROOKLYN_AUTOLOGIN_USERNAME - Field in BrooklynServiceAttributes
poor-man's security, to specify a user to be automatically logged in (e.g. to bypass security, during dev/test); 'admin' is usually a sensible choice.
BROOKLYN_CATALOG_URI - Field in BrooklynNode
BROOKLYN_CATALOG_URL - Field in ManagementContextInternal
Public-facing global config keys for Brooklyn are defined in ConfigKeys, and have this prefix pre-prended to the config keys in this class.
BROOKLYN_DATA_DIR - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
BROOKLYN_DEFAULT_PASSWORD - Field in BrooklynServiceAttributes
poor-man's security, to specify a default password for access
BROOKLYN_DEV_MODE - Field in BrooklynDevelopmentModes
BROOKLYN_DEV_MODE - Field in BrooklynGlobalConfig
Exposed just for testing; remote path is not passed into the launched brooklyn so this won't be used!
BROOKLYN_HOME_DIR - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT - Field in BrooklynServiceAttributes
used to hold the instance of ManagementContext which should be used
@deprecated since 0.6.0; use BROOKLYN_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_CONTENTS
@deprecated since 0.6.0; use BROOKLYN_GLOBAL_PROPERTIES_URI
BROOKLYN_SSH_CONFIG_KEY_PREFIX - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
Public-facing global config keys for Brooklyn are defined in ConfigKeys, and have this prefix pre-prended to the config keys in this class.
BROOKLYN_WAR_URL - Field in BrooklynWebServer
BrooklynAccessUtils - Class in brooklyn.location.access
BrooklynApi - Class in
@author Adam Lowe
BrooklynApi(String) - Constructor in BrooklynApi
BrooklynCatalog - Interface in brooklyn.catalog
BrooklynConfigKeys - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BrooklynDevelopmentModes - Class in brooklyn.launcher.config
BrooklynDevelopmentModes.BrooklynDevelopmentMode - Enum in brooklyn.launcher.config
BrooklynGarbageCollector - Class in
Deletes record of old tasks, to prevent space leaks and the eating up of more and more memory.
BrooklynGarbageCollector(BrooklynProperties, BasicExecutionManager) - Constructor in BrooklynGarbageCollector
BrooklynGlobalConfig - Class in brooklyn.launcher.config
Convenience collection of popular global configuration values.
BrooklynLanguageExtensions - Class in brooklyn.util
BrooklynLauncher - Class in brooklyn.launcher
Example usage is:
 BrooklynLauncher launcher = BrooklynLauncher.newInstance()
     .application(new WebClusterDatabaseExample().appDisplayName("Web-cluster example"))
BrooklynLeakListener - Class in brooklyn.test
BrooklynLogging - Class in brooklyn.config
contains common logging categories
BrooklynMachinePool - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
BrooklynMachinePool(JcloudsLocation) - Constructor in BrooklynMachinePool
BrooklynMavenArtifacts - Class in brooklyn.util
BrooklynMemento - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
Represents an entire persisted Brooklyn management context, with all its entities and locations.
BrooklynMementoImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
BrooklynMementoPersister - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
Controls the persisting and reading back of mementos.
BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
BrooklynMementoPersisterInMemory - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
BrooklynMementoPersisterInMemory(ClassLoader, boolean) - Constructor in BrooklynMementoPersisterInMemory
BrooklynMementoPersisterToFile - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
BrooklynMementoPersisterToFile(File, ClassLoader) - Constructor in BrooklynMementoPersisterToFile
BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile(File, ClassLoader) - Constructor in BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile
BrooklynMetrics - Interface in brooklyn.entity.brooklyn
BrooklynMetricsImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.brooklyn
BrooklynMetricsImpl() - Constructor in BrooklynMetricsImpl
BrooklynNetworkUtils - Class in brooklyn.util
BrooklynNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.brooklynnode
BrooklynNodeDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.brooklynnode
BrooklynNodeImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.brooklynnode
BrooklynNodeImpl(Entity) - Constructor in BrooklynNodeImpl
BrooklynNodeSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.brooklynnode
BrooklynNodeSshDriver(BrooklynNodeImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
brooklynPid - Field in MonitorPrefs
BrooklynProperties - Class in brooklyn.config
utils for accessing command-line and system-env properties; doesn't resolve anything (unless an execution context is supplied) and treats ConfigKeys as of type object when in doubt, or string when that is likely wanted (e.g.
BrooklynProperties.Factory - Class in brooklyn.config
BrooklynProperties.Factory.Builder - Class in brooklyn.config
brooklynProperties(String, Object) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
Specifies an attribute passed to deployed webapps (in addition to BrooklynServiceAttributes#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT
BrooklynProperties() - Method in BrooklynProperties
BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter - Class in
Provides basic HTTP authentication.
BrooklynRestApi - Class in
BrooklynRestResourceUtils - Class in
BrooklynRestResourceUtils(ManagementContext) - Constructor in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
BrooklynServerDetails - Class in brooklyn.launcher
BrooklynServerDetails(BrooklynWebServer, ManagementContext) - Constructor in BrooklynServerDetails
BrooklynServiceAttributes - Class in brooklyn.config
attributes which callers can set and a service application (such as servlet or osgi) will pay attention to, contained in one place for convenience
BrooklynStorage - Interface in
BrooklynStorageFactory - Interface in
A factory for creating a BrooklynStorage.
BrooklynStorageImpl - Class in
BrooklynStorageImpl(DataGrid) - Constructor in BrooklynStorageImpl
BrooklynSystemProperties - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
Convenience for retrieving well-defined system properties, including checking if they have been set etc.
BrooklynTasks - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Provides utilities for making Tasks easier to work with in Brooklyn.
BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity(String, Entity) - Constructor in BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity
BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream(String, ByteArrayOutputStream) - Constructor in BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream
BrooklynVersion - Class in brooklyn
brooklynVersion - Field in AbstractMemento.Builder
brooklynVersion - Field in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
BrooklynVersion() - Constructor in BrooklynVersion
BrooklynWebConfig - Class in
BrooklynWebServer - Class in brooklyn.launcher
Starts the web-app running, connected to the given management context
BrooklynWebServer(ManagementContext, int, String) - Constructor in BrooklynWebServer
build() - Method in ApiError.Builder
build() - Method in ApplicationSpec.Builder
build() - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
build() - Method in BasicConfigKey.Builder
build() - Method in BasicDownloadTargets.Builder
build(DriverDependentEntity, Location) - Method in BasicEntityDriverManager
build() - Method in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
build() - Method in BasicLocationMemento.Builder
build() - Method in BasicPolicyMemento.Builder
build() - Method in BasicPool.Builder
build() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
build() - Method in BrooklynProperties.Factory.Builder
build() - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.Builder
build() - Method in DeprecatedKeysMappingBuilder
build() - Method in Effectors.EffectorBuilder
returns the effector, with an implementation (required); @see buildAbstract()
build(DriverDependentEntity, Location) - Method in EntityDriverFactory
Builds a new EntityDriver for the given entity/location.
build(DriverDependentEntity, Location) - Method in EntityDriverManager
Builds a new EntityDriver for the given entity/location.
build() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
build() - Method in FunctionFeed.Builder
build() - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
build() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector.Builder
returns the detector. note that callers should then add this to the entity, typically using Entity.addEnricher
build() - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
build() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder
build() - Method in MutableList.Builder
build() - Method in MutableMap.Builder
build() - Method in MutableSet.Builder
build() - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
build(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
build(DriverDependentEntity, Location) - Method in ReflectiveEntityDriverFactory
build(DriverDependentEntity, Location) - Method in RegistryEntityDriverFactory
build() - Method in ReplicaSetConfig
@return A BasicBSONObject representing the configuration that is suitable for a MongoDB server.
build() - Method in ShellFeed.Builder
build() - Method in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
build() - Method in SshCliTool.Builder
build() - Method in SshFeed.Builder
build() - Method in SshjClientConnection.Builder
build() - Method in SshjTool.Builder
build() - Method in TaskBuilder
build() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder
buildAbstract() - Method in Effectors.EffectorBuilder
returns an abstract effector, where the body will be defined later/elsewhere (impl must not be set)
buildCache() - Method in CatalogDo
buildChefFile(String, String, String, Iterable, Map) - Method in ChefSoloTasks
buildChefFile(String, String, String, Iterable, Map) - Method in ChefTasks
buildComputeService(Map, Map, boolean) - Method in JcloudsUtil
@deprecated since 0.5.0 pass ConfigBag instead
buildConfigKeys(Class, AbstractEntity, Map) - Method in EntityDynamicType
Finds the config keys defined on the entity's class, statics and optionally any non-static (discouraged).
builder() - Method in ApiError
builder() - Method in ApplicationSpec
builder() - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
builder(Class) - Method in BasicConfigKey
builder() - Method in BasicDownloadTargets
builder() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
builder() - Method in BasicLocationMemento
builder() - Method in BasicPolicyMemento
builder() - Method in BasicPool
builder() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
builder() - Method in ChefAttributeFeed
builder(TypeToken) - Method in ConfigKeys
builder() - Method in FunctionFeed
builder() - Method in HttpFeed
builder() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
builder() - Method in JmxFeed
builder() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
builder() - Method in MutableList
builder() - Method in MutableMap
builder() - Method in MutableSet
builder() - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
builder(String) - Method in ReplicaSetConfig
Creates a configuration with the given name.
builder() - Method in ShellFeed
builder() - Method in SshCliTool
builder() - Method in SshFeed
builder() - Method in SshjClientConnection
builder() - Method in SshjTool
builder() - Method in TaskBuilder
builder() - Method in Tasks
builder() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed
buildFactory() - Method in TaskBuilder
returns a a factory based on this builder
buildHeaders(Map) - Method in HttpPollConfig
buildImmutable() - Method in MutableList.Builder
buildJar(File) - Method in JarBuilder
buildKnifeCommand(int) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
buildKnifeCommand(int) - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
creates the command for running knife.
buildList(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
buildOperationIdentity() - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
buildOrFindComputeService(Map, Map) - Method in JcloudsUtil
@deprecated since 0.5.0 pass ConfigBag instead
buildRunScriptCommand(String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
builds the command to run the given script; note that some modes require \$RESULT passed in order to access a variable, whereas most just need $
buildTemplate(ComputeService, ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
returns the jclouds Template which describes the image to be built
buildUri(URI, Map) - Method in HttpPollConfig
BYON - Field in ByonLocationResolver
BYON - Field in JcloudsByonLocationResolver
ByonLocationResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
Examples of valid specs:
  • byon:(hosts=myhost)
  • byon:(hosts=myhost,myhost2)
  • byon:(hosts="myhost, myhost2")
  • byon:(hosts=myhost,myhost2, name=abc)
  • byon:(hosts="myhost, myhost2", name="my location name")
BYTE - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Byte
byteArrayOfString(String) - Method in Streams
BYTES_RECEIVED - Field in KafkaBroker
BYTES_RECEIVED - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
BYTES_SENT - Field in KafkaBroker
BYTES_SENT - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
ByteSizeStrings - Class in brooklyn.util.text
byteValue() - Method in BitList
returns value of this as a byte(ignoring any too-high bits)


calculateDatacenterUsage() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
calculateServiceUp() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
calculateServiceUp() - Method in CouchDBClusterImpl
calculateServiceUp() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
Default impl is to be up when running, and !
calculateServiceUp() - Method in DynamicWebAppClusterImpl
calculateServiceUp() - Method in LoadBalancerClusterImpl
Up if running and has at least one load-balancer in the cluster.
calculateServiceUp() - Method in RedisClusterImpl
call(Map, Entity) - Method in AbstractEffector
Convenience for named-parameter syntax (needs map in first argument)
call() - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.CallInEntityExecutionContext
call() - Method in DynamicSequentialTask.DstJob
call(ConfigBag) - Method in EffectorBody
Does the work of the effector, either in place, or (better) by building up subtasks, which can by added using DynamicTasks methods (and various convenience methods which do that automatically; see subclasses of EffectorBody for more info on usage; or see DynamicSequentialTask for details of the threading model by which added tasks are placed in a secondary thread)
call(Entity, Map) - Method in ExplicitEffector
call() - Method in Main.HelpCommand
call() - Method in Main.InfoCommand
call() - Method in Main.LaunchCommand
call(Entity, Map) - Method in MethodEffector
call(ConfigBag) - Method in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl.ExecuteScriptEffectorBody
call() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper.ProcessTaskInternalJob
call() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper.SshFetchJob
call() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper.SshPutJob
call() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.CallInEntityExecutionContext
callable(Callable) - Method in FunctionPollConfig
callableFromClosure(Closure) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
callableFromRunnable(Runnable) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
CALLER_CONTEXT - Field in CloudLocationConfig
CALLER_CONTEXT - Field in LocationConfigKeys
CALLER_ENTITY - Field in BrooklynTasks
callerNiceClassAndMethod(int) - Method in JavaClassNames
returns nice class name and method for the caller, going up the stack (filtered to remove invocation etc), with 0 typically being the context where this method is called, 1 being its caller, etc
callerStackElement(int) - Method in JavaClassNames
returns element in cleaned stack trace; usually the caller's location is at the top, and caller of that is up one, etc
callPgctl(String, boolean) - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
callRebindHooks() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
callStartHooks() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use/override method in SoftwareProcessDriverStartEffectorTask
camelToHyphen(String) - Method in DeprecatedKeysMappingBuilder
cancel(boolean) - Method in BasicTask
cancel(boolean) - Method in DynamicSequentialTask
cancel() - Method in ForwardingTask
cancel(boolean) - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler.WrappingFuture
cancel() - Method in TaskInternal
canContinueResolving() - Method in BasicDownloadTargets
canContinueResolving(boolean) - Method in BasicDownloadTargets.Builder
canContinueResolving() - Method in DownloadResolverManager.DownloadTargets
Indicates whether or not the results of this resolver are the last that should be used.
canConvert(Class) - Method in ImmutableListConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in Inet4AddressConverter
canConvert(Class) - Method in StringKeyMapConverter
canManageEntity(Entity) - Method in AccessController
canManageEntity(Entity) - Method in LocalAccessManager.AccessControllerImpl
canManageLocation(Location) - Method in AccessController
canManageLocation(Location) - Method in LocalAccessManager.AccessControllerImpl
canMaybeResolve(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
canMaybeResolve(String) - Method in LocationRegistry
Returns true/false depending whether spec seems like a valid location, that is it has a chance of being resolved (depending on the spec) but NOT guaranteed; see resolveIfPossible(String) which has stronger guarantees
canProvisionLocation(Location) - Method in AccessController
canProvisionLocation(Location) - Method in LocalAccessManager.AccessControllerImpl
canProvisionMore() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
canProvisionMore() - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
canRemove(String) - Method in StringShortener
canResolve(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
canResolve(String) - Method in LocationRegistry
since 0.6.0,
@see resolveIfPossible(String) and #canMaybeResolve(String) as a "true" here does not mean it can actually resolve it
CanSetName - Interface in brooklyn.util.task
canTruncate(String, int) - Method in StringShortener
capture() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream
creates a capturing context which eats the output to this stream, blocking the original target
captureTee() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream
creates a capturing context which sees the output to this stream, without interrupting the original target
CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_SIZE - Field in CumulusRDFApplication
CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_SIZE - Field in HighAvailabilityCassandraCluster
CASSANDRA_CLUSTER_SIZE - Field in WideAreaCassandraCluster
CASSANDRA_THRIFT_PORT - Field in CumulusRDFApplication
CassandraCluster - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
A cluster of CassandraNodes based on DynamicCluster which can be resized by a policy if required.
CassandraClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
Implementation of CassandraCluster.
CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
For tracking our seeds.
CassandraClusterImpl() - Constructor in CassandraClusterImpl
CassandraFabric - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
A fabric of CassandraNodes, which forms a cluster spanning multiple locations.
CassandraFabricImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
Implementation of CassandraCluster.
CassandraFabricImpl() - Constructor in CassandraFabricImpl
CassandraNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
An Entity that represents a Cassandra node in a CassandraCluster.
CassandraNodeDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
CassandraNodeImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
Implementation of CassandraNode.
CassandraNodeImpl() - Constructor in CassandraNodeImpl
CassandraNodeSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.cassandra
Start a CassandraNode in a Location accessible over ssh.
CassandraNodeSshDriver(CassandraNodeImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in CassandraNodeSshDriver
cast(Number, Class) - Method in AddingEnricher
cast(Class) - Method in JsonFunctions
cast(Object, Class) - Method in Reflections
convenience for casting the given candidate to the given type (without any coercion, and allowing candidate to be null)
castPrimitive(Object, Class) - Method in TypeCoercions
Sometimes need to explicitly cast primitives, rather than relying on Java casting.
castToClosure(Object) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
castToPredicate(Object) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
Catalog - Annotation Type in brooklyn.catalog
annotation that can be placed on an Application (template), entity or policy to give metadata for when used in a catalog and to indicate inclusion in annotation-scanned catalogs
catalog - Field in AbstractManagementContext
catalog - Field in CatalogItemDo
CatalogApi - Interface in
CatalogClasspathDo - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogClasspathDo.CatalogScanningModes - Enum in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogClasspathDo(CatalogDo) - Constructor in CatalogClasspathDo
CatalogClasspathDto - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogConfig - Annotation Type in brooklyn.catalog
CatalogConfigurationDto - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogDo - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogDo(CatalogDto) - Constructor in CatalogDo
CatalogDto - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogDtoUtils - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogEntityItemDto - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogEntitySummary - Class in
CatalogEntitySummary(String, String, String, String, String, Set, Set, Set, Map) - Constructor in CatalogEntitySummary
catalogEntitySummary(BrooklynRestResourceUtils, CatalogItem) - Method in CatalogTransformer
CatalogItem - Interface in brooklyn.catalog
CatalogItem.CatalogItemType - Enum in brooklyn.catalog
CatalogItemDo - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogItemDo(CatalogDo, CatalogItem) - Constructor in CatalogItemDo
CatalogItemDtoAbstract - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogItemSummary - Class in
variant of Catalog*ItemDto objects for JS/JSON serialization; see also, subclasses
CatalogItemSummary(String, String, String, String, String, Map) - Constructor in CatalogItemSummary
catalogItemSummary(BrooklynRestResourceUtils, CatalogItem) - Method in CatalogTransformer
CatalogPolicyItemDto - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogPolicySummary - Class in
CatalogPolicySummary(String, String, String, String, String, Set, Map) - Constructor in CatalogPolicySummary
catalogPolicySummary(BrooklynRestResourceUtils, CatalogItem) - Method in CatalogTransformer
CatalogPredicates - Class in brooklyn.catalog
CatalogResource - Class in
CatalogTemplateItemDto - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogTransformer - Class in
CatalogXmlSerializer - Class in brooklyn.catalog.internal
CatalogXmlSerializer() - Constructor in CatalogXmlSerializer
causes - Field in AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory
cdAndRun(String, String) - Method in ChefSoloTasks
cdAndRun(String, String) - Method in ChefTasks
chain(String) - Method in BashCommands
Convenience for chain(Collection)
chain(Function, Function, Function) - Method in HttpValueFunctions
chain(Function, Function, Function) - Method in SshValueFunctions
chain(StatusRecorder) - Method in StatusRecorder.Factory
chainGroup(String) - Method in BashCommands
As chainGroup(Collection)
chainSubshell(String) - Method in BashCommands
As chainSubshell(Collection)
Changeable - Interface in brooklyn.entity.trait
A collection of entities that can change.
ChangeListener - Interface in brooklyn.entity.rebind
Listener to be notified of changes within brooklyn, so that the new state of the entity/location/policy can be persisted.
CHARACTER - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Character
check(Entity) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
returns false if deleted, throws exception if invalid state, otherwise true.
CHECK_RUNNING - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
checkCanLoad() - Method in LdapSecurityProvider
checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate, String) - Method in SslTrustUtils.DelegatingTrustManager
checkConnected() - Method in SshjTool
checkDuringManage() - Method in ApplicationBuilder
checkError() - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
checkJavaHostnameBug() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
checkModifiable() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
checkNonEmpty(CharSequence, String) - Method in Strings
throws IllegalArgument if string not empty; cf. guava Preconditions.checkXxxx
checkNotManaged() - Method in ApplicationBuilder
checkpoint(BrooklynMemento) - Method in AbstractBrooklynMementoPersister
checkpoint(BrooklynMemento) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister
checkpoint(BrooklynMemento) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterInMemory
checkpoint(BrooklynMemento) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToFile
checkpoint(BrooklynMemento) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile
checkPortAvailable(InetAddress, int) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
checks the actual availability of the port on localhost, ie by binding to it; cf Networking#isPortAvailable(int)#isPortAvailable(int)
checkPortsValid(Map) - Method in Networking
checkPortValid(Integer, String) - Method in Networking
checkPreManage() - Method in ApplicationBuilder
checkRequiredFields(Object) - Method in FlagUtils
@throws an IllegalStateException if there are fields required (nullable=false) which are unset
checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate, String) - Method in SslTrustUtils.DelegatingTrustManager
checkSuccess(Object) - Method in AttributePollHandler
checkSuccess(SshPollValue) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.SendChefAttributesToSensors
checkSuccess(Object) - Method in DelegatingPollHandler
checkSuccess(Predicate) - Method in FeedConfig
sets the predicate used to check whether a feed run is successful
checkSuccess(Object) - Method in PollHandler
checkSuccess(SshPollValue) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.SendPerfCountersToSensors
checkUrlExists(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
allows failing-fast if URL cannot be read
CHEF_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX - Field in ChefAttributeFeed
Prefix for attribute sensor names.
CHEF_COOKBOOKS - Field in ChefConfig
CHEF_MODE - Field in ChefConfig
ConfigKeys used to configure the chef driver
CHEF_RUN_LIST - Field in ChefConfig
ChefAttributeFeed - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
A sensor feed that retrieves attributes from Chef server and converts selected attributes to sensors.
ChefAttributeFeed.Builder - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
ChefAttributeFeed.KnifeNodeAttributeQueryTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in ChefAttributeFeed.KnifeNodeAttributeQueryTaskFactory
ChefAttributeFeed.SendChefAttributesToSensors(EntityLocal, Map) - Constructor in ChefAttributeFeed.SendChefAttributesToSensors
ChefAttributeFeed(ChefAttributeFeed.Builder) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed
ChefBashCommands - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
BASH commands useful for setting up Chef
ChefConfig - Interface in brooklyn.entity.chef
ConfigKeys used to configure the chef driver
ChefConfig.ChefModes - Enum in brooklyn.entity.chef
ChefConfigs - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
Conveniences for configuring brooklyn Chef entities
ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
Creates effectors to start, restart, and stop processes using Chef.
ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks() - Constructor in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
ChefServerTasks - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
ChefSoloDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
Driver class to facilitate use of Chef
ChefSoloDriver(EntityLocal, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in ChefSoloDriver
ChefSoloTasks - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
ChefTasks - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
children - Field in AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder
children(String) - Method in ActivityApi
children(String) - Method in ActivityResource
CHILDREN_AS_MEMBERS - Field in BasicGroup
children - Field in CompoundTask
Cidr - Class in
represents a CIDR (classless inter-domain routing) token, i.e. or
Cidr(int[], int) - Constructor in Cidr
cidr(String) - Method in Networking
returns a CIDR object for the given string, e.g. ""
claim(MachineSet) - Method in MachinePool
claims the indicated set of machines; throws exception if cannot all be claimed; returns the set passed in if successful
CLASS_A - Field in Cidr
CLASS_B - Field in Cidr
CLASS_C - Field in Cidr
ClassCoercionException - Class in brooklyn.util.flags
Thrown to indicate that TypeCoercions could not cast an object from one class to another.
ClassCoercionException(String) - Constructor in ClassCoercionException
Constructs a ClassCoercionException with the specified detail message.
CLASSES - Field in JmxHelper
classifier - Field in MavenArtifact
classifierFileNameMarker - Field in MavenArtifact
a custom marker inserted after the version and before the extension, offset by an additional "-" if non-empty; defaults to getClassifier() if null, but can replace the classifier
classLoaders - Field in ReflectionScanner
CLASSPATH - Field in BrooklynNode
CLASSPATH - Field in VanillaJavaApp
clean(StackTraceElement) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
@return new array containing just the isUseful(StackTraceElement) stack trace elements
cleaned(Object) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
clean(StackTraceElement[]) the given throwable instance, returning the same instance for convenience
cleanedStackTrace(Object) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
static convenience for cleaned(Throwable)
cleanStackTrace(StackTraceElement) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
static convenience for clean(StackTraceElement[])
cleanup() - Method in MutexSupport
cleanupFailedNodes(Collection) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
cleanUpIptablesRules() - Method in IptablesCommands
Returns the command that cleans up iptables rules.
cleanupMutex(String) - Method in MutexSupport
forces deletion of the given mutex if it is unused; normally not required as is done automatically on close (but possibly needed where there are cancelations and risk of memory leaks)
clear() - Method in BackedReference
clear() - Method in BasicReference
clear() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
clear() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
clear() - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
clear() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
clear() - Method in Reference
Sets the value back to null.
clear() - Method in SshAbstractTool.SshAction
clear() - Method in SshjClientConnection
clear() - Method in SshjTool.ExecAction
clear() - Method in SshjTool.GetFileAction
clear() - Method in SshjTool.PutFileAction
clear() - Method in SshjTool.ShellAction
clearCache(boolean) - Method in CatalogDo
clearing() - Method in StructuredConfigKey.StructuredModifications
when passed as a value to a StructuredConfigKey, causes the structure to be cleared
clearInheritedConfig() - Method in EntityConfigMap
clearLocations() - Method in AbstractEntity
clearLocations() - Method in EntityInternal
clearParent() - Method in AbstractEntity
clearParent() - Method in Entity
Clears the parent (i.e.
clearTaskPreprocessorForTag(Object) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
Forgets that any preprocessor was associated with a tag.
clearTaskSchedulerForTag(Object) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
Forgets that any scheduler was associated with a tag.
clearThreadLocalPrintStream() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream
CLICKATELL_APIID - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
CLICKATELL_PASSWORD - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
CLICKATELL_USERNAME - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
close() - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
close() - Method in BasicPool
close() - Method in BasicPool.BasicLease
close() - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
close() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
close() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
close() - Method in Lease
close() - Method in MongoClientSupport
close() - Method in Pool
close() - Method in ReaderInputStream
Closes the Stringreader.
close() - Method in SshjTool.CloseFtpChannelOnCloseInputStream
close() - Method in SshMachineLocation
close() - Method in StreamGobbler
closeQuietly(Closeable) - Method in Streams
closer(Function) - Method in BasicPool.Builder
closeWhispering(Closeable, Object, Object) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
Similar to Guava's Closeables.closeQuitely, except logs exception at debug with context in message.
closure(Closure) - Method in FunctionPollConfig
ClosureEntityFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
ClosureEntityFactory(Map, Closure) - Constructor in ClosureEntityFactory
closureFromCallable(Callable) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
closureFromFunction(Function) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
closureFromRunnable(Runnable) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
CLOUD_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID - Field in CloudLocationConfig
CLOUD_AVAILABILITY_ZONE_ID - Field in LocationConfigKeys
CLOUD_ENDPOINT - Field in CloudLocationConfig
CLOUD_ENDPOINT - Field in LocationConfigKeys
CLOUD_PROVIDER - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
CLOUD_PROVIDER - Field in LocationConfigKeys
CLOUD_REGION_ID - Field in CloudLocationConfig
CLOUD_REGION_ID - Field in LocationConfigKeys
CloudLocationConfig - Interface in
CloudMachineNamer - Class in
CloudMachineNamer(ConfigBag) - Constructor in CloudMachineNamer
CLOUDSOFT_REPO_ENABLED - Field in DownloadProducerFromCloudsoftRepo
CLOUDSOFT_REPO_URL - Field in DownloadProducerFromCloudsoftRepo
CLOUDSOFT_REPO_URL_PATTERN - Field in DownloadProducerFromCloudsoftRepo
Cluster - Interface in
Intended to represent a group of homogeneous entities in a single location.
CLUSTER - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
CLUSTER - Field in KafkaCluster
Underlying Kafka broker cluster.
CLUSTER_NAME - Field in CassandraCluster
CLUSTER_NAME - Field in CassandraNode
CLUSTER_NAME - Field in CouchDBCluster
CLUSTER_NAME - Field in CouchDBNode
CLUSTER_NAME - Field in JBoss6Server
CLUSTER_NAME - Field in WhirrCluster
cluster - Field in WhirrClusterImpl
clusterSpec - Field in WhirrClusterImpl
ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample - Class in
This sample builds a 3-tier application with an elastic app-server cluster, and it sets it up for use in the Brooklyn catalog.
codePidFromFileRunning(String) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
task which returns 0 if pid in the given file is running; method accepts wildcards so long as they match a single file on the remote end
codePidRunning(Integer) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
task which returns 0 if pid is running
coerce(Object, TypeToken) - Method in TypeCoercions
see coerce(Object, Class)
collapse(Throwable) - Method in Exceptions
as propagateCollapsed(Throwable) but does not throw
collapseText(Throwable) - Method in Exceptions
like collapse(Throwable) but returning a one-line message suitable for logging without traces
CollectionChangeListener - Interface in
CollectionFunctionals - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
things which it seems should be in guava, but i can't find
combineArrays(String) - Method in Strings
CombiningZoneFailureDetector - Class in
CombiningZoneFailureDetector(Predicate, ZoneFailureDetector) - Constructor in CombiningZoneFailureDetector
command(String) - Method in ShellPollConfig
command(String) - Method in SshPollConfig
CommandLineUtil - Class in brooklyn.util
commandLogger - Field in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
commands - Field in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
list of commands supplied by user, excluding options
commands - Field in ProcessTaskStub
commandsToDownloadUrlsAs(List, String) - Method in BashCommands
Returns commands to download the URL, saving as the given file.
commandToDownloadUrlAs(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
commandToDownloadUrlsAs(List, String) - Method in BashCommands
COMMON_USER_NAMES_TO_TRY - Field in JcloudsLocation
CommonCommands - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle
since 0.5.0.
commonPrefix(Cidr) - Method in Cidr
commonPrefixLength(BitList) - Method in BitList
commonPrefixLength(Cidr) - Method in Cidr
returns length of the prefix in common between the two cidrs
ComparableVersion - Class in brooklyn.util.text
takes a version string, and compares to other versions, using NaturalOrderComparator
ComparableVersion(String) - Constructor in ComparableVersion
COMPARATOR - Field in ApidocEndpoint
compare(String, String) - Method in NaturalOrderComparator
compareTo(String) - Method in ComparableVersion
compareTo(Duration) - Method in Duration
compareTo(WeightedObject) - Method in WeightedObject
Note that equals and compareTo are not consistent: x.compareTo(y)==0 iff x.equals(y) is highly recommended in Java, but is not required.
completionListeners - Field in ProcessTaskStub
componentType(Object) - Method in JavaClassNames
like type, but removes any array modifiers
compose(Predicate) - Method in MachinePoolPredicates
compositeDataToMap(CompositeData) - Method in JmxValueFunctions
compositeType(String, String, Item) - Method in Item
Create a Composite Type
CompoundRuntimeException - Class in brooklyn.util.exceptions
CompoundRuntimeException(String, Iterable) - Constructor in CompoundRuntimeException
CompoundTask - Class in brooklyn.util.task
A Task that is comprised of other units of work: possibly a heterogeneous mix of Task, java.lang.Runnable, java.util.concurrent.Callable and groovy.lang.Closure instances.
CompoundTask(Map, Collection) - Constructor in CompoundTask
compute() - Method in AbstractCombiningEnricher
supply the computation in terms of subscribed variables; by default this is only invoked once all fields have been set at least once, then subsequently on any change to either of them
compute(Object) - Method in SensorTransformingEnricher
computeAggregatedOptions(boolean) - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
computeEnabled() - Method in BrooklynDevelopmentModes.BrooklynDevelopmentMode
computeEnablement() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
computeService - Field in MachinePool
ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals - Class in
A decorator for a ConcurrentMap that allows null values to be used.
ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals(Set) - Constructor in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals(ConcurrentMap) - Constructor in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
config - Field in AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory
config(Map) - Method in ApplicationSpec.Builder
config - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
config - Field in ProcessTaskStub
CONFIG_XML - Field in QpidBroker
ConfigBag - Class in brooklyn.util.config
Stores config in such a way that usage can be tracked.
ConfigKey - Interface in brooklyn.config
Represents the name of a piece of typed configuration data for an entity.
ConfigKey.HasConfigKey - Interface in brooklyn.config
Interface for elements which want to be treated as a config key without actually being one (e.g. config attribute sensors).
ConfigKeys - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Dictionary of ConfigKey entries.
ConfigKeySelfExtracting - Interface in brooklyn.util.internal
Interface for resolving key values; typically implemented by the config key, but discouraged for external usage.
ConfigMap - Interface in brooklyn.config
configMap - Field in AbstractManagementContext
ConfigMapImpl - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
ConfigMapImpl(AbstractEntityAdjunct) - Constructor in ConfigMapImpl
ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Internal class that presents a view over a ConfigMap, so it looks like a Map (with the keys being the config key names).
ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys(ConfigMap) - Constructor in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
ConfigPredicates - Class in brooklyn.config
configsInternal - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
The config values of this entity.
ConfigSummary - Class in
ConfigSummary(ConfigKey, String, Double) - Constructor in ConfigSummary
ConfigToAttributes - Class in brooklyn.event.feed
simple config adapter for setting config-attributes from config values
Configurable - Interface in brooklyn.entity.trait
Something that has mutable config, such as an entity or policy.
ConfigurableEntityFactory - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
ConfigurableEntityFactoryFromEntityFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
ConfigurableEntityFactoryFromEntityFactory(Map, EntityFactory) - Constructor in ConfigurableEntityFactoryFromEntityFactory
configure(HasConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory
configure(Map) - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
configure(HasConfigKey, String) - Method in AbstractEntity
configure(Map) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
configure(Map) - Method in AbstractLocation
Will set fields from flags.
configure(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
configure(Map) - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
configure(Map) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
Configures the application instance.
configure(HasConfigKey, Task) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
configure(SshMachineLocation) - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
configure(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
configure(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigBag
as put(ConfigKey, Object) but returning this ConfigBag for fluent-style coding
configure(HasConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigurableEntityFactory
configure(HasConfigKey, Task) - Method in EnricherSpec
configure(Map) - Method in EntityInternal
Must be called before the entity is started.
configure(HasConfigKey, Task) - Method in EntitySpec
configure(Map) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
configure(long, String) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
configure(Map) - Method in JcloudsLocation
configure(Map) - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
configure(Map) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
configure(HasConfigKey, Task) - Method in LocationSpec
configure(HasConfigKey, Task) - Method in PolicySpec
configure(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
allows setting config-key based properties for specific underlying tools
configure() - Method in RabbitDriver
configure() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
configure(Map) - Method in SshMachineLocation
configure(Object) - Method in SslTrustUtils
@deprecated since 0.5.0 use trustAll
configure(Object) - Method in TrustingSslSocketFactory
configures a connection to accept all certificates, if it is for https
configureIfNotNull(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in EnricherSpec
configureIfNotNull(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in LocationSpec
configureIfNotNull(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in PolicySpec
configureRenderingMetadata(EntitySpec, EntitySpec) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
ConfigUtils - Class in brooklyn.config
connect(long) - Method in JmxHelper
Continuously attempts to connect for at least the indicated amount of time; or indefinitely if -1.
connect(int) - Method in SshCliTool
connect(int) - Method in SshjTool
connect(int) - Method in SshTool
@param maxAttempts
connectedSensors - Field in SoftwareProcessImpl
connectEnrichers() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
connectEnrichers() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
connectEnrichers(Duration) - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
connectJavaAppServerPolicies(EntityLocal, Duration) - Method in JavaAppUtils
connectMXBeanSensors(EntityLocal, Duration) - Method in JavaAppUtils
CONNECTOR_STATUS - Field in TomcatServer
connectSensors() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in AbstractZookeeperImpl
connectSensors() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in ActiveMQQueueImpl
connectSensors() - Method in ActiveMQTopicImpl
connectSensors() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in BrooklynNodeImpl
connectSensors() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
connectSensors() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
connectSensors() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
connectSensors() - Method in CouchDBNodeImpl
connectSensors() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessImpl
connectSensors() - Method in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl
connectSensors() - Method in JBoss6ServerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in JMSDestinationImpl
connectSensors() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
connectSensors() - Method in MongoDBServerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
connectSensors() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl
connectSensors() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeImpl
connectSensors() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in QpidQueueImpl
connectSensors() - Method in QpidTopicImpl
connectSensors() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in RabbitDestination
connectSensors() - Method in RabbitQueue
connectSensors() - Method in RedisStoreImpl
connectSensors() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
connectSensors() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
For binding to the running app (e.g. connecting sensors to registry).
connectSensors() - Method in TomcatServerImpl
connectSensors() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
connectServiceUp() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
connectServiceUpIsRunning() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
For connecting the SERVICE_UP sensor to the value of the getDriver().isRunning() expression.
connectSsh(Map) - Method in SshMachineLocation
connectTimeout - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
connectTimeout - Field in SshjTool.Builder
connectToUrl(String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
Connects to the given url and returns the connection.
connectToURL(String) - Method in TestUtils
Connects to the given url and returns the connection.
connectWebAppServerPolicies(EntityLocal, Duration) - Method in WebAppServiceMethods
consecutiveReplacementFailureTimes - Field in ServiceReplacer
constructCustomizedTaskBuilder() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
creates the TaskBuilder which can be further customized; typically invoked by the initial newTask()
constructDefaultLoggingPrefix(ConfigBag) - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
CONTAINER_ADDED - Field in BalanceableWorkerPool
CONTAINER_ADDED - Field in FollowTheSunPool
container - Field in BalanceableWorkerPool.ContainerItemPair
container - Field in FollowTheSunPool.ContainerItemPair
CONTAINER - Field in Movable
CONTAINER_REMOVED - Field in BalanceableWorkerPool
CONTAINER_REMOVED - Field in FollowTheSunPool
contains(Object) - Method in BackedReference
contains(Object) - Method in BasicReference
contains(Cidr) - Method in Cidr
contains(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
contains(Entity) - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
contains(NodeMetadata) - Method in MachineSet
contains(Object) - Method in Reference
@return true if the value equals the given parameter; false otherwise
containsAll(Collection) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
containsKey(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
containsKey(String) - Method in ConfigBag
containsKey(Object) - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
containsLiteral(String) - Method in StringPredicates
containsLiteral(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in Strings
containsLiteralCaseInsensitive(String) - Method in StringPredicates
containsLiteralIgnoreCase(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in Strings
containsLocation(Location) - Method in AbstractLocation
containsLocation(Location) - Method in Location
Answers true if this location equals or is an ancestor of the given location.
containsRegex(String) - Method in StringPredicates
containsValue(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
containsValue(Object) - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
contents(Reader) - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
contents - Field in SshPutTaskStub
CONTEXT_ENTITY - Field in BrooklynTasks
context - Field in EntityLocationUtils
context - Field in SubscriptionTracker
ContextHandlerCollectionHotSwappable - Class in brooklyn.util.web
continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String) - Method in Asserts
ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
This entity contains the sub-groups and entities that go in to a single location (e.g. datacenter) to provide web-app cluster functionality, viz load-balancer (controller) and webapp software processes.
ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.Spec - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
@deprecated since v0.6.0; use EntitySpec#create(Class)#create(Class) as well
ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
CONTROLLER - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
controller(LoadBalancer) - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.Spec
CONTROLLER_SPEC - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
convert(ConfigKey, CaseFormat, CaseFormat) - Method in ConfigKeys
converts the name of the key from one case-strategy (e.g. lowerCamel) to andother (e.g. lower-hyphen)
convertConfigToSensor(ConfigType, Entity) - Method in AttributeSensorAndConfigKey
converts the given ConfigType value to the corresponding SensorType value, with respect to the given entity
convertConfigToSensor(Object, Entity) - Method in BasicAttributeSensorAndConfigKey
convertConfigToSensor(PortRange, Entity) - Method in PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey
convertDeploymentTargetNameToContext(String) - Method in FilenameToWebContextMapper
convertDeploymentTargetNameToFilename(String) - Method in FilenameToWebContextMapper
copy(DownloadRequirement, Map) - Method in BasicDownloadRequirement
Copies the given DownloadRequirement, but overriding the original properties with the given additional properties.
copy(ConfigBag) - Method in ConfigBag
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Method in ResourceUtils
COPY_TO_RUNDIR - Field in BrooklynNode
copyConfig(ConfigBag) - Method in BasicLocationMemento.Builder
copyFields(Object, Object) - Method in Reflections
copies all fields from the source to target; very little compile-time safety checking, so use with care
copyFile(Map, File, String) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
@deprecated since 0.5.0, should use copyResource(java.util.Map, java.lang.String, java.lang.String).
copyFile(File, File) - Method in KarafDriver
copyFrom(Map, String, String) - Method in SshMachineLocation
copyFromServer(Map, String, File) - Method in SshCliTool
copyFromServer(Map, String, File) - Method in SshjTool
copyFromServer(Map, String, File) - Method in SshTool
Copies the file from the server at the given path.
copyOf(Iterable) - Method in MutableList
copyOf(Map) - Method in MutableMap
copyOf(Iterable) - Method in MutableSet
copyOfValues() - Method in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
copyResource(Map, String, String) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
copyResources(Map) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
copyTemplate(String, String, Map) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
copyTemplate(String, String, SshMachineLocation) - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
copyTemplates(Map) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
copyTo(Map, InputStream, String) - Method in SshMachineLocation
copyToServer(Map, File, String) - Method in SshCliTool
copyToServer(Map, File, String) - Method in SshjTool
copyToServer(Map, byte[], String) - Method in SshTool
@see #copyToServer(Map, File, String)
CouchDBCluster - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchdb
A cluster of CouchDBNodes based on DynamicCluster which can be resized by a policy if required.
CouchDBClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchdb
Implementation of CouchDBCluster.
CouchDBClusterImpl() - Constructor in CouchDBClusterImpl
CouchDBNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchdb
An Entity that represents a CouchDB node in a CouchDBCluster.
CouchDBNodeDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchdb
CouchDBNodeImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchdb
Implementation of CouchDBNode.
CouchDBNodeImpl() - Constructor in CouchDBNodeImpl
CouchDBNodeSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.couchdb
Start a CouchDBNode in a Location accessible over ssh.
CouchDBNodeSshDriver(CouchDBNodeImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
CountdownTimer - Class in brooklyn.util.time
countdownTimer() - Method in Duration
returns a new started CountdownTimer with this duration
countLeafEntitiesByLocatedLocations(Entity, Entity, Map) - Method in EntityLocationUtils
create() - Method in ActiveMQQueueImpl
create() - Method in ActiveMQTopicImpl
create(ApplicationSpec) - Method in ApplicationApi
create(ApplicationSpec) - Method in ApplicationResource
create(int, ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
create(ApplicationSpec) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
create(String) - Method in CatalogApi
create(String) - Method in CatalogResource
create(Map, Class) - Method in EnricherSpec
Creates a new EnricherSpec instance with the given config, for an enricher of the given type.
create(EntitySpec) - Method in EntitySpec
Wraps an entity spec so its configuration can be overridden without modifying the original entity spec.
create(String, Class, List, String, Closure) - Method in ExplicitEffector
convenience to create an effector supplying a closure; annotations are preferred, and subclass here would be failback, but this is offered as workaround for bug GROOVY-5122, as discussed in test class CanSayHi
create(String, String, double, double) - Method in HostGeoInfo
create() - Method in KafkaTopic
create(LocationSpec) - Method in LocationApi
create(LocationSpec) - Method in LocationResource
create(Map, Class) - Method in LocationSpec
Creates a new LocationSpec instance with the given config, for a location of the given type.
create(int, ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in MachinePool
creates the given number of machines of the indicated template
create(Method) - Method in MethodEffector
create(Map) - Method in OpenshiftExpressApplicationAccess
create(Map, Class) - Method in PolicySpec
Creates a new PolicySpec instance with the given config, for a policy of the given type.
create() - Method in QpidDestination
create() - Method in QpidDestinationImpl
create() - Method in Queue
Create the queue.
create() - Method in RabbitDestination
create() - Method in RabbitQueue
create(Map, String) - Method in Repeater
create() - Method in ResourceUtils
Creates a ResourceUtils object with itself as the context.
create() - Method in SshAbstractTool.SshAction
create() - Method in SshjClientConnection
create() - Method in SshjTool.ExecAction
create() - Method in SshjTool.GetFileAction
create() - Method in SshjTool.PutFileAction
create() - Method in SshjTool.ShellAction
create() - Method in Topic
Create the topic.
createCatalogEntryFromGroovyCode(String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
createChild(Map, Class) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
@deprecated since 0.5.0-rc.1 (added in 0.5.0-M2); use addChild(Map, Class)
createCluster(Location, Map) - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
createDirectory() - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
createDirectory - Field in SshPutTaskStub
createEnricher(EnricherSpec) - Method in InternalPolicyFactory
createEntity(EntitySpec) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
createEntity(Map, Class) - Method in EntityManager
Convenience (particularly for groovy code) to create an entity.
createEntity(EntitySpec) - Method in InternalEntityFactory
createEntity(Map, Class) - Method in LocalEntityManager
createEntity(Map, Class) - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
createEntityProxy(EntitySpec, Object) - Method in InternalEntityFactory
createFromMultipart(InputStream, FormDataContentDisposition) - Method in CatalogApi
createFromMultipart(InputStream, FormDataContentDisposition) - Method in CatalogResource
createJcloudsSshMachineLocation(NodeMetadata, String, ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
createLocation(LocationSpec) - Method in InternalLocationFactory
createLocation(Map, Class) - Method in LocalLocationManager
createLocation(Map, Class) - Method in LocationManager
Convenience (particularly for groovy code) to create a location.
createLocation(Map, Class) - Method in NonDeploymentLocationManager
createMachine(String) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
createNode(Map) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
@deprecated since 0.6; use createNode(Location, Map), so can take that location into account when configuring node
createObjectName(String) - Method in JmxHelper
createPolicy(PolicySpec) - Method in InternalPolicyFactory
createPrimaryDomain(String) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient
createQueue(Map) - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
createQueue(Map) - Method in JMSBroker
createQueue(Map) - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
createQueue(Map) - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
createQueue(Map) - Method in RabbitBroker
createQueue(Map) - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
createSmartSubdomain(String) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
createSocket(InetAddress, int, InetAddress, int) - Method in TrustingSslSocketFactory
createTopic(Map) - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
createTopic(Map) - Method in JMSBroker
createTopic(Map) - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
createTopic(Map) - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
createTopic(Map) - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
CREATION_SCRIPT_URL - Field in MariaDbNode
CREATION_SCRIPT_URL - Field in PostgreSqlNode
creationInPreviousFocus - Field in Jsonya.Navigator
credentials(String, String) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
credentialsIfNotNull(String, String) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
CriticalCauseZoneFailureDetector - Class in
CriticalCauseZoneFailureDetector(Duration, Predicate, int) - Constructor in CriticalCauseZoneFailureDetector
@param timeToConsider Time for recent attempts (discard any attempts older than this)
criticalityPredicate - Field in CriticalCauseZoneFailureDetector
CUMULUS_RDF_CONFIG_URL - Field in CumulusRDFApplication
CumulusRDFApplication - Class in brooklyn.demo
CumulusRDF application with Cassandra cluster.
CURRENT_SEEDS - Field in CassandraCluster
CURRENT_SEEDS - Field in CassandraFabric
CURRENT_SIZE_OPERATOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
current() - Method in Tasks
the Task where the current thread is executing, if executing in a Task, otherwise null
currentFailureStartTime - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
currentlyDeployed - Field in EntityManagementSupport
currentPoolSize - Field in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder
currentSizeOperator(Function) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
currentStackElement() - Method in JavaClassNames
returns top of cleaned stack trace; usually the caller's location
currentStackTraceCleaned() - Method in JavaClassNames
returns a cleaned stack trace; caller is usually at the top
currentTimeMillis() - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
currentTimeMillis() - Method in ServiceReplacer
currentUnbounded - Field in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder
CUSTOM_CHILD_FLAGS - Field in DynamicCluster
CUSTOM_CHILD_FLAGS - Field in DynamicFabric
CUSTOM_CONFIG_PATH - Field in StandaloneQpidBrokerExample
CUSTOM_CREDENTIALS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_URL - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_URL accepts a URL location that points to a shell script.
CUSTOM_MACHINE_SETUP_SCRIPT_VARS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
CUSTOM_SNITCH_JAR_URL - Field in CassandraNode
CustomAggregatingEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher
Subscribes to events from producers with a sensor of type T, aggregates them with the provided closure and emits the result on the target sensor V.
CustomAggregatingEnricher(AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Closure) - Constructor in CustomAggregatingEnricher
customFields(Map) - Method in AbstractMemento.Builder
customFileNameAfterArtifactMarker - Field in MavenArtifact
a custom marker inserted after the artifactId and before the version, offset by an additional "-"; defaults to null (nothing)
customizationCompleted - Field in NginxSshDriver
customize() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
customize() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
customize() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
customize(ComputeService, JcloudsSshMachineLocation) - Method in BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer
@deprecated since 0.6; use {@link #customize(JcloudsLocation, ComputeService, JcloudsSshMachineLocation)
customize() - Method in BindDnsServerSshDriver
customize() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
customize() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
customize() - Method in ChefSoloDriver
customize() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
customize() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver
customize() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
customize() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
AS7 config notes and TODOs: We're using the http management interface on port managementPort We're not using any JMX
customize(JcloudsLocation, ComputeService, JcloudsSshMachineLocation) - Method in JcloudsLocationCustomizer
customize() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
customize() - Method in KarafSshDriver
CUSTOMIZE_LATCH - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
CUSTOMIZE_LATCH - Field in SoftwareProcess
customize() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
customize() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
customize() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
customize() - Method in NginxSshDriver
customize() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
customize() - Method in QpidSshDriver
customize() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
customize() - Method in RedisStoreSshDriver
customize() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
customize() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
customize() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
customizeClusterSpecConfiguration(JcloudsLocation, PropertiesConfiguration) - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
customizeConfiguration() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
customizeUserCreationScript() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
CUSTOMIZING - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
CustomResourceLocator - Class in brooklyn.launcher.config
class which allows non-standard locators to be registered for URL's being loaded
CustomResourceLocator.ResourceLocator - Interface in brooklyn.launcher.config
CustomResourceLocator.SearchingClassPathInDevMode - Class in brooklyn.launcher.config
CustomResourceLocator.SearchingClassPathInDevMode(String, String, String) - Constructor in CustomResourceLocator.SearchingClassPathInDevMode
CustomResourceLocator(ConfigMap, ResourceUtils) - Constructor in CustomResourceLocator
customStream - Field in ThreadLocalPrintStream


DATA_DIR - Field in MariaDbNode
DATA_DIR - Field in MySqlNode
DATA_DIRECTORY - Field in MongoDBServer
DatabaseNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database
DATACENTER_NAME - Field in CassandraNode
DATACENTER_USAGE - Field in CassandraCluster
DATACENTER_USAGE - Field in CassandraFabric
DATACENTERS - Field in CassandraCluster
DATACENTERS - Field in CassandraFabric
DataGrid - Interface in
DataStore - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql
Represents a NoSQL data store.
DataUriSchemeParser - Class in brooklyn.util.text
implementation (currently hokey) of RFC-2397 data: URI scheme.
DataUriSchemeParser(String) - Constructor in DataUriSchemeParser
DATE_FORMAT - Field in JsonUtils
date - Field in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
dateFormat - Field in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
DB_PASSWORD - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
DB_PASSWORD - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExample
DB_PASSWORD - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
DB_PASSWORD - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
DB_PASSWORD - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
DB_PASSWORD - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
DB_PASSWORD - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExample
DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
DB_SETUP_SQL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
DB_TABLE - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
DB_TABLE - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExample
DB_TABLE - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
DB_TABLE - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
DB_TABLE - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
DB_URL - Field in DatabaseNode
DB_USERNAME - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
DB_USERNAME - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExample
DB_USERNAME - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
DB_USERNAME - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
DB_USERNAME - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
DB_USERNAME - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
DB_USERNAME - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
DEBUG - Field in BrooklynSystemProperties
comma-separated prefixes (not regexes)
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Field in DataUriSchemeParser
DEFAULT_DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
DEFAULT_DB_SETUP_SQL_URL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
DEFAULT_DELIMITERS - Field in QuotedStringTokenizer
DEFAULT_FIELD_GETTER - Field in LanguageUtils
Default field getter.
DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT - Field in JBoss6SshDriver
DEFAULT_IMAGE_ID - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
DEFAULT_INSTALL_BASEDIR - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
DEFAULT_JMX_PORT - Field in UsesJmx
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in KafkaClusterExample
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in SampleMain
DEFAULT_LOCATION_SPEC - Field in HighAvailabilityCassandraCluster
DEFAULT_LOCATION_SPEC - Field in WideAreaCassandraCluster
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in StandaloneQpidBrokerExample
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in WebClusterExample
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in WhirrExample
DEFAULT_LOCATION - Field in WhirrHadoopExample
DEFAULT_LOCATIONS - Field in CumulusRDFApplication
A convenience for policies that want to register a builder.maxSizeReachedSensor(sensor).
DEFAULT_MIME_TYPE - Field in DataUriSchemeParser
DEFAULT_POOL_COLD_SENSOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
DEFAULT_POOL_HOT_SENSOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
DEFAULT_POOL_OK_SENSOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
DEFAULT_QUOTE_CHARS - Field in QuotedStringTokenizer
DEFAULT_RUN_BASEDIR - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
DEFAULT_SEED_QUORUM - Field in CassandraCluster
Sets the number of nodes used to seed the cluster.
DEFAULT_SUCCESS - Field in HttpPollConfig
DEFAULT_SUCCESS - Field in ShellPollConfig
DEFAULT_SUCCESS - Field in SshPollConfig
DEFAULT_WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
DEFAULT_WAR_URL - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
DEFAULT_WAR_URL - Field in SingleWebServerSample
DEFAULT_WINDOW_DURATION - Field in WebAppServiceMethods
DefaultBalanceablePoolModel - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
Standard implementation of BalanceablePoolModel, providing essential arithmetic for item and container workrates and thresholds.
DefaultBalanceablePoolModel(String) - Constructor in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
DefaultExceptionMapper - Class in
DefaultFollowTheSunModel - Class in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
DefaultFollowTheSunModel(String) - Constructor in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
defaultLocationMetadataUrl(String) - Method in BrooklynProperties.Factory.Builder
The URL of a default (for meta-data about different locations, such as iso3166 and global lat/lon).
defaultPrintStream - Field in ThreadLocalPrintStream
DefaultValue - Annotation Type in brooklyn.entity.basic
Provides runtime access to the name of a paramter, esp for effectors; typically matches any default value supplied in the code
defaultValue - Field in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
defaultValue(Object) - Method in BasicConfigKey.Builder
DeferredSupplier - Interface in brooklyn.util.task
A class that supplies objects of a single type.
DefinedLocationByIdResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
looks up based on ID in DefinedLocations map
DELAY_AFTER_FIRST - Field in CassandraCluster
Can insert a delay after the first node comes up.
Additional time after the nodes in the cluster are up when starting before announcing the cluster as up.
delay - Field in ScheduledTask
initial delay before running, set as flag in constructor; defaults to 0
delayMillis(long) - Method in WebAppMonitor
delegate - Field in BasicDelegatingSystemProperty
delegate() - Method in ForwardingTask
delegate - Field in QueueingSubscriptionManager
DelegatingPollHandler - Class in brooklyn.event.feed
A poll handler that delegates each call to a set of poll handlers.
DelegatingPollHandler(Iterable) - Constructor in DelegatingPollHandler
DelegatingPrintStream - Class in
PrintStream which simply delegates to the implementation of getDelegate()
DelegatingPrintStream() - Constructor in DelegatingPrintStream
DelegatingSecurityProvider - Class in
DelegatingSecurityProvider(ManagementContext) - Constructor in DelegatingSecurityProvider
delete() - Method in ActiveMQQueueImpl
delete() - Method in ActiveMQTopicImpl
delete(String) - Method in ApplicationApi
delete(String) - Method in ApplicationResource
delete() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
delete() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
delete() - Method in JMSDestination
delete() - Method in JMSDestinationImpl
delete() - Method in KafkaTopic
delete(String) - Method in LocationApi
delete(String) - Method in LocationResource
delete() - Method in MementoFileWriter
delete() - Method in QpidDestinationImpl
delete() - Method in Queue
Delete the queue.
delete() - Method in RabbitDestination
delete() - Method in Topic
Delete the topic.
deleteTag(Object) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
Deletes the given tag, including all tasks using this tag.
deleteTask(Task) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
delimiterChars(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
delta(Delta) - Method in AbstractBrooklynMementoPersister
delta(BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister
delta(Delta) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterInMemory
delta(Delta) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToFile
delta(Delta) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile
DeltaEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher
Converts an absolute sensor into a delta sensor (i.e. the diff between the current and previous value)
DeltaEnricher(Entity, Sensor, AttributeSensor) - Constructor in DeltaEnricher
DemoUtils - Class in brooklyn.demo.webapp.hello
DependentConfiguration - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
Conveniences for making tasks which run in entity ExecutionContexts, subscribing to attributes from other entities, possibly transforming those; these Task instances are typically passed in EntityLocal#setConfig(ConfigKey, Object)#setConfig(ConfigKey, Object).
deploy(WebAppContext) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
deploy(String, String) - Method in JavaWebAppDriver
deploys a URL as a webapp at the appserver; returns a token which can be used as an argument to undeploy, typically the web context with leading slash where the app can be reached (just "/" for ROOT)
DEPLOY - Field in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcess
deploy(String, String) - Method in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl
Deploys the given artifact, from a source URL, to a given deployment filename/context.
deploy(String, String) - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
Deploys a URL as a webapp at the appserver.
deploy(String, String) - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
DEPLOYED_WARS - Field in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcess
deployInitialWars() - Method in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl
DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT - Field in JBoss7Server
DEPRECATED_KEYS_MAPPING - Field in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
DeprecatedKeysMappingBuilder - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
@deprecated since 0.6; for use only in converting deprecated flags; will be deleted in future version.
DeprecatedKeysMappingBuilder(Logger) - Constructor in DeprecatedKeysMappingBuilder
Description - Annotation Type in brooklyn.entity.basic
Provides runtime access to the description of an effector or paramter, esp for effectors.
description(String) - Method in BasicConfigKey.Builder
description - Field in BasicTask
description - Field in ConfigBag
description(String) - Method in Effectors.EffectorBuilder
DESCRIPTION_METADATA_KEY - Field in ReusableMachineTemplate
description(String) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
see #getDescription()
deserialize(byte[], ClassLoader) - Method in LanguageUtils
deserialize(Reader) - Method in XmlSerializer
destroy() - Method in AbstractEntity
Should be invoked at end-of-life to clean up the item.
destroy() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
Unsubscribes and clears all managed subscriptions; is called by the owning entity when a policy is removed and should always be called by any subclasses overriding this method
destroy() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
destroy() - Method in AbstractPolicy
destroy(SshMachineLocation) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
destroy() - Method in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
destroy(Application) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
destroy(Entity) - Method in Entities
stops, destroys, and unmanages the given entity -- does as many as are valid given the type and state
destroy() - Method in EntityInternal
Should be invoked at end-of-life to clean up the item.
destroy() - Method in EntityStreamSerializer
destroy() - Method in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
destroy() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
destroy() - Method in JMSDestination
destroy() - Method in JMSDestinationImpl
destroy(MachineSet) - Method in MachinePool
DESTROY_ON_FAILURE - Field in CloudLocationConfig
destroy() - Method in OpenshiftExpressApplicationAccess
deletes (and stops) an app
destroy() - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
destroy(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyApi
destroy(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyResource
destroy() - Method in SinusoidalLoadGenerator
destroyAll(Application) - Method in Entities
stops, destroys, and unmanages the given application -- and terminates the mangaement context; does as many as are valid given the type and state
destroyAllCatching(ManagementContext) - Method in Entities
as destroyAll(ManagementContext) but catching all errors
destroyCatching(Entity) - Method in Entities
as destroy(Entity) but catching all errors
details(ResourceConfig, HttpHeaders, UriInfo, String) - Method in ApidocResource
details(String) - Method in ApiError.Builder
dir(File) - Method in ShellPollConfig
DIRECT - Field in AmqpExchange
dirty - Field in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
disallowed(String) - Method in AccessController.Response
DISCARD - Field in UrlMapping
discard() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
discardNode(Entity) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
disconnect() - Method in JmxHelper
disconnect() - Method in SshCliTool
disconnect() - Method in SshjTool
disconnect() - Method in SshTool
disconnectSensors() - Method in AbstractZookeeperImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in ActiveMQDestinationImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in BrooklynNodeImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in CouchDBNodeImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in JBoss6ServerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in JMSDestinationImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in MongoDBServerImpl
Calls MongoClientSupport#getReplicaSetStatus#getReplicaSetStatus and extracts myState from the response.
disconnectSensors() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in QpidDestinationImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in RabbitDestination
disconnectSensors() - Method in RabbitQueue
disconnectSensors() - Method in RedisStoreImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
For disconnecting from the running app.
disconnectSensors() - Method in TomcatServerImpl
disconnectSensors() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
disconnectServiceUp() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
disconnectServiceUpIsRunning() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
For disconneting the SERVICE_UP feed.
DISPLAY_NAME - Field in LocationConfigKeys
DISPLAY_NAME_PREFIX - Field in DynamicFabric
DISPLAY_NAME_SUFFIX - Field in DynamicFabric
displayName - Field in AbstractMemento.Builder
displayName(String) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
displayName - Field in BasicTask
displayName(String) - Method in EnricherSpec
displayName(String) - Method in EntitySpec
displayName - Field in HostGeoInfo
displayName(String) - Method in LocationSpec
displayName(String) - Method in PolicySpec
DISTRO_UPLOAD_URL - Field in BrooklynNode
divide(Function, double) - Method in MathFunctions
DNS_PORT - Field in Attributes
DNS_PORT - Field in BindDnsServer
DO_SYSTEM_GC - Field in BrooklynGarbageCollector
DO_SYSTEM_GC - Field in BrooklynGlobalConfig
doBuild() - Method in ApplicationBuilder
For overriding, to create and wire together entities.
doBuild() - Method in KafkaClusterExample
Configure the application.
doBuild() - Method in SimpleCouchDBCluster
Create entities.
doBuild() - Method in SimpleMongoDBReplicaSet
doBuild() - Method in SimpleRedisCluster
Create entities.
doBuild() - Method in WebClusterApp
doBuild() - Method in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
doesMBeanExistsEventually(ObjectName, long, TimeUnit) - Method in JmxHelper
returns set of beans found, with retry, empty set if none after timeout
doesUrlExist(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
tests whether the url exists, returning true or false
doExtraConfigurationDuringStart() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
doFullStartOnRestart() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
doGetAllSubLocations() - Method in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
Note called while holding mutex, so do not call code that will result in deadlock!
doGetAllSubLocations() - Method in AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension
doHasFailed(Location, AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
Warn: called should normally synchronize on zoneHistory while accessing it.
doHasFailed(Location, ZoneHistory) - Method in CriticalCauseZoneFailureDetector
doHasFailed(Location, ZoneHistory) - Method in ProportionalZoneFailureDetector
doInitDriver(MachineLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
Creates the driver (if does not already exist or needs replaced for some reason).
doLaunch() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
For backwards compatibility, to implement launch(); will be deleted when that deprecated code is deleted.
DOMAIN_NAME - Field in AbstractController
DOMAIN_NAME - Field in BindDnsServer
DOMAIN - Field in UrlMapping
DONT_CREATE_USER - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
dontRequireTtyForSudo() - Method in BashCommands
some machines require a tty for sudo; brooklyn by default does not use a tty (so that it can get separate error+stdout streams); you can enable a tty as an option to every ssh command, or you can do it once and modify the machine so that a tty is not subsequently required.
dontRequireTtyForSudo(SshMachineLocation, boolean) - Method in SshTasks
creates a task which returns modifies sudoers to ensure non-tty access is permitted; also gives nice warnings if sudo is not permitted
doPost(Map, String) - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess
doReconfigureConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
doReconfigureConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
doReconsruct(RebindContext, LocationMemento) - Method in BasicLocationRebindSupport
For overriding, to give custom reconsruct behaviour.
doReconsruct(RebindContext, PolicyMemento) - Method in BasicPolicyRebindSupport
For overriding, to give custom reconsruct behaviour.
doReconstruct(RebindContext, EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
For overriding, to reconstruct other fields.
doReloadNow() - Method in NginxSshDriver
Instructs nginx to reload its configuration (without restarting, so don't lose any requests).
doRestart() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
To be overridden instead of doRestart(); sub-classes should call super.doRestart() and should add do additional work via tasks, executed using DynamicTasks#queue(String, Callable)#queue(String, Callable).
doStart(Collection) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
To be overridden instead of start(); sub-classes should call super.doStart(locations) and should add do additional work via tasks, executed using DynamicTasks#queue(String, Callable)#queue(String, Callable).
doStop() - Method in CouchDBNodeImpl
@see JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl#stop()
doStop() - Method in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl
doStop() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
doStop() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
To be overridden instead of stop(); sub-classes should call super.doStop() and should add do additional work via tasks, executed using DynamicTasks#queue(String, Callable)#queue(String, Callable).
DOUBLE - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Double
doubleQuoteLiteralsForBash(String) - Method in StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes
transforms e.g. [ "-Dname=Bob Johnson", "-Dnet.worth=$100" ] to a java string "\"-Dname=Bob Johnson\" \"-Dnet.worth=\$100\"" -- which can be inserted into a bash command where it will be picked up as 2 params
DoubleSystemProperty - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
DoubleSystemProperty(String) - Constructor in DoubleSystemProperty
down(Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
utility for at(Object, Object...), taking one argument at a time
downList(Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
DOWNLOAD_ADDON_URLS - Field in Attributes
DOWNLOAD_ADDON_URLS - Field in NginxController
DOWNLOAD_ADDON_URLS - Field in SoftwareProcess
DOWNLOAD_CONF_PREFIX - Field in DownloadProducerFromProperties
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in ActiveMQBroker
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in Attributes
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in BrooklynNode
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in CassandraNode
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in JBoss6Server
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in JBoss7Server
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in Jetty6Server
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in Kafka
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in KarafContainer
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in MariaDbNode
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in MongoDBServer
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in MySqlNode
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in NginxController
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in QpidBroker
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in RabbitBroker
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in RedisStore
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in SoftwareProcess
DOWNLOAD_URL - Field in TomcatServer
downloadAndExpandCookbook(String) - Method in ChefBashCommands
as downloadAndExpandCookbook(String, String) with no cookbook name
DownloadProducerFromCloudsoftRepo - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
DownloadProducerFromCloudsoftRepo(StringConfigMap) - Constructor in DownloadProducerFromCloudsoftRepo
DownloadProducerFromLocalRepo - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
DownloadProducerFromLocalRepo(StringConfigMap) - Constructor in DownloadProducerFromLocalRepo
DownloadProducerFromProperties - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
Based on the contents of brooklyn properties, sets up rules for resolving where to download artifacts from, for installing entities.
DownloadProducerFromProperties(StringConfigMap) - Constructor in DownloadProducerFromProperties
DownloadProducerFromUrlAttribute - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
Retrieves the DOWNLOAD_URL or DOWNLOAD_ADDON_URLS attribute of a given entity, and performs the template substitutions to generate the download URL.
DownloadProducerFromUrlAttribute() - Constructor in DownloadProducerFromUrlAttribute
DownloadResolver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
Gives download details for an entity or an entity add-on.
DownloadResolverManager - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
Used by an EntityDriver to obtain the download locations when installing an entity.
DownloadResolverManager.DownloadRequirement - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
Gives artifact meta-data for what is required to be downloaded.
DownloadResolverManager.DownloadTargets - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
Describes the download locations, and their order, to try.
DownloadSubstituters - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
DownloadSubstituters.Substituter - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
downloadToStdout(String) - Method in BashCommands
as downloadToStdout(List) but varargs for convenience
downloadUrlAs(List, String) - Method in BashCommands
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use commandsToDownloadUrlsAs(List, String) (because method uses a list), or commandToDownloadUrlsAs(List, String) for the single-string variant
downMap(Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
DriverDependentEntity - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers
An Entity that needs to have a driver.
dropMilliseconds(Date) - Method in Time
removes milliseconds from the date object; needed if serializing to ISO-8601 format and want to serialize back and get the same data
dumpInfo(Policy, Writer, String, String) - Method in Entities
dumpItemDistribution(PrintStream) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
dumpItemDistribution(PrintStream) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
Duration - Class in brooklyn.util.time
simple class determines a length of time
Duration(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor in Duration
duration(int, TimeUnit) - Method in TimeExtras
creates a duration object
dynamic(boolean) - Method in TaskBuilder
whether task that is built has been explicitly specified to be a dynamic task (ie a Task which is also a TaskQueueingContext whereby new tasks can be added after creation
DynamicCluster - Interface in
A cluster of entities that can dynamically increase or decrease the number of entities.
DynamicCluster.NodePlacementStrategy - Interface in
DynamicCluster.ZoneFailureDetector - Interface in
DynamicClusterImpl - Class in
A cluster of entities that can dynamically increase or decrease the number of entities.
DynamicClusterImpl() - Constructor in DynamicClusterImpl
DynamicFabric - Interface in
When a dynamic fabric is started, it starts an entity in each of its locations.
DynamicFabricImpl - Class in
When a dynamic fabric is started, it starts an entity in each of its locations.
DynamicFabricImpl() - Constructor in DynamicFabricImpl
DynamicGroup - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
DynamicGroupImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
DynamicGroupImpl() - Constructor in DynamicGroupImpl
DynamicRegionsFabric - Interface in
DynamicRegionsFabricImpl - Class in
DynamicSequentialTask - Class in brooklyn.util.task
Represents a task whose run() method can create other tasks which are run sequentially, but that sequence runs in parallel to this task
DynamicSequentialTask.DstJob - Class in brooklyn.util.task
DynamicSequentialTask.DstJob(Callable) - Constructor in DynamicSequentialTask.DstJob
DynamicSequentialTask(Map, Callable) - Constructor in DynamicSequentialTask
DynamicTasks - Class in brooklyn.util.task
Contains static methods which detect and use the current TaskQueueingContext to execute tasks.
DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult - Class in brooklyn.util.task
DynamicWebAppCluster - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
DynamicWebAppClusters provide cluster-wide aggregates of entity attributes.
DynamicWebAppClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
DynamicWebAppClusters provide cluster-wide aggregates of entity attributes.
DynamicWebAppClusterImpl() - Constructor in DynamicWebAppClusterImpl
Instantiate a new DynamicWebAppCluster.
DynamicWebAppFabric - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
DynamicWebAppFabric provide a fabric of clusters, aggregating the entity attributes.
DynamicWebAppFabricImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp


editRecord(String, String, String) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
e.g. editRecord("foo", "A", ""), which assuming this domain is "", will create A record for
Effector - Interface in brooklyn.entity
An operation of some kind, carried out by an Entity.
EFFECTOR_ADDED - Field in AbstractEntity
EFFECTOR_CHANGED - Field in AbstractEntity
effector(Effector) - Method in Effectors
creates a new effector builder to _override_ the given effector
EFFECTOR_REMOVED - Field in AbstractEntity
EFFECTOR_TAG - Field in ManagementContextInternal
EffectorAndBody - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
EffectorAndBody(String, Class, List, String, EffectorTaskFactory) - Constructor in EffectorAndBody
EffectorApi - Interface in
EffectorBase - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
concrete implementation of Effector interface, but not (at this level of the hirarchy) defining an implementation (see EffectorTaskFactory and EffectorWithBody)
EffectorBase(String, Class, List, String) - Constructor in EffectorBase
EffectorBody - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
Typical implementations override main(ConfigBag) to do the work of the effector
EffectorParam - Annotation Type in brooklyn.entity.annotation
Gives meta-data about a parameter of the effector.
EffectorResource - Class in
Effectors - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
Effectors.EffectorBuilder - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
EffectorStartableImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
implementation of Startable which calls to tasks registered against effectors if the methods are invoked directly; note this will loop indefinetly if no method impl is supplied and no task is specified on an (overriding) effector
EffectorStartableImpl.StartParameters - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
EffectorSummary - Class in
EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary - Class in
EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary(String, String, String) - Constructor in EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary
EffectorSummary(String, String, Set, String, Map) - Method in EffectorSummary
effectorSummary(EntityLocal, Effector) - Method in EffectorTransformer
effectorSummaryForCatalog(Effector) - Method in EffectorTransformer
EffectorTasks - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
@since 0.6.0
EffectorTasks.EffectorBodyTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
EffectorTasks.EffectorBodyTaskFactory(EffectorBody) - Constructor in EffectorTasks.EffectorBodyTaskFactory
EffectorTasks.EffectorTaskFactory - Interface in brooklyn.entity.effector
EffectorTasks.ParameterTask - Class in brooklyn.entity.effector
EffectorTasks.ParameterTask(ConfigKey) - Constructor in EffectorTasks.ParameterTask
EffectorTransformer - Class in
EffectorUtils - Class in
Utility methods for invoking effectors.
EffectorWithBody - Interface in brooklyn.entity.effector
elapsedSince(long) - Method in Time
returns the duration elapsed since the given timestamp (UTC)
ElasticJavaWebAppService - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
ElasticJavaWebAppService.ElasticJavaWebAppServiceAwareLocation - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
ElasticJavaWebAppService.Factory - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
elvis(Object) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
elvis(Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
elvisString(Object, Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
em - Field in BasicTask
discouraged, but used in tests. not always set (e.g. if it is a scheduled task)
em - Field in LocalSubscriptionManager
emit(Sensor, Object) - Method in AbstractEntity
emit(Sensor, Object) - Method in EntityLocal
Emits a SensorEvent event on behalf of this entity (as though produced by this entity).
emitAllAttributes(boolean) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
emitInternal(Sensor, Object) - Method in AbstractEntity
empty() - Method in BasicDownloadTargets
EMPTY - Field in ConfigBag
an immutable, empty ConfigBag
EmptySoftwareProcess - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
EmptySoftwareProcessDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
EmptySoftwareProcessImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver(EmptySoftwareProcessImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver
ENABLED_HTTP_PROTOCOLS - Field in BrooklynNode
ENABLED_PROTOCOLS - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
encode(String) - Method in URLParamEncoder
encode(String) - Method in Urls
encodes the string suitable for use in a URL, using default character set (non-deprecated version of URLEncoder.encode)
end() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
ENDPOINT_SNITCH_NAME - Field in CassandraCluster
ENDPOINT_SNITCH_NAME - Field in CassandraNode
endpointsCache - Field in ApidocResource
endPoll() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
endTimeUtc - Field in BasicTask
Enricher - Interface in brooklyn.policy
Publishes metrics for an entity, e.g. aggregating information from other sensors/entities.
enricher(EnricherSpec) - Method in EntitySpec
adds a policy to the spec
enrichers(Iterable) - Method in EntitySpec
adds the supplied policies to the spec
EnricherSpec - Class in brooklyn.policy
Gives details of an enricher to be created.
EnricherSpec(Class) - Constructor in EnricherSpec
enricherSpecs(Iterable) - Method in EntitySpec
adds the supplied policies to the spec
EnricherType - Interface in brooklyn.policy
Gives type information for an Enricher.
EnricherTypeImpl - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
This is the actual type of an enricher instance.
EnricherTypeImpl(AdjunctType) - Constructor in EnricherTypeImpl
ensureExists(int, ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in MachinePool
creates machines if necessary so that this spec exists (may already be claimed however); returns a set of all matching machines, of size at least count (but possibly some are already claimed).
ensureUnclaimed(int, ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in MachinePool
creates machines if necessary so that this spec can subsequently be claimed; returns a set of at least count unclaimed machines
Entities - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Convenience methods for working with entities.
entities(Set) - Method in ApplicationSpec.Builder
entities - Field in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
entities() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta
entities - Field in LocalEntityManager
Proxies of the managed entities
entities() - Method in PersisterDeltaImpl
entities() - Method in RebindManagerImpl.DeltaImpl
entitiesById - Field in LocalEntityManager
Real managed entities
entitiesToRemove(Multimap, int) - Method in BalancingNodePlacementStrategy
entitiesToRemove(Multimap, int) - Method in DynamicCluster.NodePlacementStrategy
entitiesWithoutGeoInfo - Field in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
entitiesWithoutHostname - Field in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
Entity - Interface in brooklyn.entity
The basic interface for a Brooklyn entity.
entity - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
entity - Field in AbstractFeed
entity - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
entity(EntityMemento) - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
entity - Field in BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity
entity(EntityLocal) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.Builder
entity() - Method in EffectorBody
entity - Field in EntityManagementSupport
ENTITY_FAILED - Field in HASensors
ENTITY_FAILED - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
ENTITY_FILTER - Field in BindDnsServer
ENTITY_FILTER - Field in DynamicGroup
entity(EntityLocal) - Method in FunctionFeed.Builder
entity(EntityLocal) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
entity(EntityLocal) - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
entity() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
entity() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
ENTITY_QUARANTINED - Field in DynamicCluster
ENTITY_REPLACEMENT_FAILED - Field in ServiceReplacer
ENTITY_RESTART_FAILED - Field in ServiceRestarter
entity(EntityLocal) - Method in ShellFeed.Builder
entity() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
entity(EntityLocal) - Method in SshFeed.Builder
entity(EntityLocal) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder
ENTITY_WITH_METRIC - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
EntityAdjunct - Interface in brooklyn.policy
EntityAdjuncts are supplementary logic that can be attached to Entities, providing sensor enrichment or enabling policy
EntityAndAttribute - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
A tuple containing an Entity and an Attribute, which is assumed to be present on the entity.
EntityAndAttribute(Entity, AttributeSensor) - Constructor in EntityAndAttribute
EntityApi - Interface in
EntityChangeListener - Interface in
entityConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
callers should allow this to be null so task can be used outside of an entity
EntityConfigApi - Interface in
EntityConfigMap - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
EntityConfigMap(AbstractEntity, Map) - Constructor in EntityConfigMap
EntityConfigResource - Class in
EntityConfigSummary - Class in
EntityConfigSummary(ConfigKey, String, Double, Map) - Constructor in EntityConfigSummary
entityConfigSummary(ConfigKey, Field) - Method in EntityTransformer
EntityDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers
The EntityDriver provides an abstraction between the Entity and the environment (the Location it is running in, so that an entity is not tightly coupled to a specific Location.
EntityDriverFactory - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers
A Factory responsible for creating a driver for a given entity/location.
EntityDriverManager - Interface in brooklyn.entity.drivers
Responsible for creating a driver for a given entity/location.
EntityDynamicType - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
This is the actual type of an entity instance at runtime, which can change from the static EntityType, and can change over time; for this reason it does *not* implement EntityType, but callers can call getSnapshot() to get a snapshot such instance
EntityDynamicType.FieldAndValue(Field, Object) - Constructor in EntityDynamicType.FieldAndValue
EntityDynamicType(Class) - Constructor in EntityDynamicType
EntityFactory - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
A Factory for creating entities.
EntityFactoryForLocation - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
dispatch interface to allow an EntityFactory to indicate it might be able to discover other factories for specific locations (e.g. if the location implements a custom entity-aware interface)
EntityInitializer - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxying
EntityInternal - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
Extended Entity interface with additional functionality that is purely-internal (i.e. intended for the brooklyn framework only).
EntityLocal - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
Extended Entity interface for use in places where the caller should have certain privileges, such as setting attribute values, adding policies, etc.
EntityLocationUtils - Class in
EntityLocationUtils(ManagementContext) - Constructor in EntityLocationUtils
EntityManagementSupport - Class in
Encapsulates management activities at an entity.
EntityManagementSupport(AbstractEntity) - Constructor in EntityManagementSupport
EntityManager - Interface in
For managing and querying entities.
EntityMemento - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
Represents the state of an entity, so that it can be reconstructed (e.g. after restarting brooklyn).
EntityPredicates - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
entityProxiesById - Field in LocalEntityManager
Proxies of the managed entities
EntityProxy - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxying
Marker interface, indicating that this is a proxy to an entity.
EntityProxyImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
A dynamic proxy for an entity.
EntityProxyImpl(Entity) - Constructor in EntityProxyImpl
entityReferenceAttributes - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
entityReferenceConfigs - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
EntityReferences - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
@deprecated since 0.6; code is unused and unnecessary
EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference(Entity) - Constructor in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
EntityReferences.EntityReference - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
Serialization helper.
EntityReferences.EntityReference(Entity, Object) - Constructor in EntityReferences.EntityReference
EntityReferences.SelfEntityReference - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
EntityReferences.SelfEntityReference(Object) - Constructor in EntityReferences.SelfEntityReference
EntityResource - Class in
EntitySpec - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
Gives details of an entity to be created.
EntitySpec(Class) - Constructor in EntitySpec
EntitySpecs - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
For creating EntitySpec instances.
EntityStartException - Class in brooklyn.event
Indicate an exception when attempting to start an entity.
EntityStartException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in EntityStartException
EntityStreamSerializer(HazelcastDataGrid) - Constructor in EntityStreamSerializer
EntitySummary - Class in
EntitySummary(String, String, String, Map) - Constructor in EntitySummary
entitySummary(Entity) - Method in EntityTransformer
EntityTestUtils - Class in brooklyn.test
EntityTransformer - Class in
@author Adam Lowe
EntityType - Interface in brooklyn.entity
Gives type information for an Entity.
EntityTypeRegistry - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxying
A registry of the entity implementations to be used when creating an entity of a given type.
EntityTypes - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
EntityTypes.ImmutableEntityType(Class) - Constructor in EntityTypes.ImmutableEntityType
EntityTypeSnapshot - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
entityUri(Entity) - Method in EntityTransformer
entityWithMetric(Entity) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
entrySet() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
entrySet() - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
EnumCaseForgivingConverter - Class in brooklyn.util.xstream
... except this doesn't seem to get applied when we think it should (normal xstream.resgisterConverter doesn't apply to enums)
EnumCaseForgivingSingleValueConverter - Class in brooklyn.util.xstream
EnumCaseForgivingSingleValueConverter(Class) - Constructor in EnumCaseForgivingSingleValueConverter
env(Map) - Method in ShellPollConfig
env(Map) - Method in SshPollConfig
environmentVariable(String, String) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
environmentVariable(String, String) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
environmentVariables(Map) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
environmentVariables(Map) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
environmentVariablesReset(Map) - Method in ScriptHelper
overrides the default environment variables to use the given set; by default they will be inherited.
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractEntity
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractLocation
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
equals(Object) - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager.EntitySensorToken
equals(Object) - Method in AccessSummary
equals(Object) - Method in AdjunctType
equals(Object) - Method in ApiError
equals(Object) - Method in ApplicationSpec
equals(Object) - Method in ApplicationSummary
equals(Object) - Method in AsyncCollectionChangeAdapter
equals(Object) - Method in BasicConfigKey
equals(Object) - Method in BasicLocationDefinition
equals(Object) - Method in BasicParameterType
equals(Object) - Method in BasicSensor
equals(Object) - Method in BasicSensorEvent
Any SensorEvents are equal if their sensor, source and value are equal.
equals(Object) - Method in BasicTask
equals(Object) - Method in BitList
equals(Object) - Method in BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity
equals(Object) - Method in BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream
equals(Object) - Method in CatalogItemSummary
equals(Object) - Method in Cidr
equals(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
equals(Object) - Method in ConfigSummary
equals(Object) - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
equals(Object) - Method in Duration
equals(Object) - Method in EffectorSummary
equals(Object) - Method in EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary
equals(Object) - Method in EnricherTypeImpl
equals(Object) - Method in EntityAndAttribute
equals(Object) - Method in EntityProxyImpl
equals(Object) - Method in EntityProxyImpl.MethodSignature
equals(Object) - Method in EntitySpec
equals(Object) - Method in EntitySummary
equals(Object) - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
equals(Object) - Method in FunctionFeed.FunctionPollIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in GroovyObservablesPropertyChangeToCollectionChangeAdapter
equals(Object) - Method in HostGeoInfo
equals(Object) - Method in HttpFeed.HttpPollIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
equals(Object, Object, Class, Closure, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
equals(Object) - Method in LinkWithMetadata
equals(Object) - Method in LocationSpec
equals(Object) - Method in LocationSummary
equals(Object) - Method in MachineSet
equals(Object) - Method in MavenArtifact
equals(Object) - Method in PolicyDescriptor
equals(Object) - Method in PolicySummary
equals(Object) - Method in PolicyTypeImpl
equals(Object) - Method in PortRanges.AggregatePortRange
equals(Object) - Method in PortRanges.BasicPortRange
equals(Object) - Method in PortRanges.LinearPortRange
equals(Object) - Method in PortRanges.SinglePort
equals(Object) - Method in ProxySslConfig
equals(Object) - Method in RegistryEntityDriverFactory.DriverLocationTuple
equals(Object) - Method in RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl
equals(Object) - Method in SensorSummary
equals(Object) - Method in ShellFeed.ShellPollIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in SshFeed.SshPollIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in SshjClientConnection
equals(Object) - Method in Subscription
equals(Object) - Method in TimestampedValue
equals(Object) - Method in UsageStatistic
equals(Object) - Method in UsageStatistics
equals(Object) - Method in WeightedObject
equalsSet(Iterable) - Method in CollectionFunctionals
equalsSetOf(Object) - Method in CollectionFunctionals
default guava Equals predicate will reflect order of target, and will fail when matching against a list; this treats them both as sets
equalToAny(Iterable) - Method in StringPredicates
ERLANG_VERSION - Field in RabbitBroker
ERROR_COUNT_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
ERROR_COUNT_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppFabric
ERROR_COUNT - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
escapeHtmlFormUrl(String) - Method in StringEscapes
Encodes a string suitable for use as a URL in an HTML form: space to +, and high-numbered chars assuming UTF-8.
escapeJavaString(String, Appendable) - Method in StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes
escapeLiteralForDoubleQuotedBash(String) - Method in StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes
performs replacements on a string so that it can be legally inserted into a double-quoted bash context (without the surrounding double quotes; see also wrapBash(String))
escapeSql(String) - Method in StringEscapes
encodes a string to SQL, that is ' becomes ''
escapeUrlParam(String) - Method in StringEscapes
Encodes a string suitable for use as a parameter in a URL.
eventFilter - Field in Subscription
eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String) - Method in Asserts
everDeployed - Field in EntityManagementSupport
every(long) - Method in Repeater
@see #every(long, TimeUnit)
EVICTED_KEYS - Field in RedisStore
except(Predicate) - Method in MachinePoolPredicates
exception - Field in SshPutTaskWrapper
Exceptions - Class in brooklyn.util.exceptions
EXCHANGE_NAME - Field in AmqpExchange
The AMQP exchange name Sensor.
exchange - Field in QpidDestinationImpl
excludedLocations - Field in FollowTheSunParameters
a list of excluded locations
exec(Function) - Method in BasicPool
exec(ShellTool, Map, List, Map) - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers.ExecRunner
exec(String) - Method in MonitorUtils
exec(Function) - Method in Pool
exec(Map, String, String, File, String, Logger, Object) - Method in ShellUtils
Executes the given command.
exec(Map, List, Map) - Method in SshMachineLocation
exec(String) - Method in SystemTasks
execAsCommand() - Method in SshFeed.Builder
execAsScript() - Method in SshFeed.Builder
execBlocking(String) - Method in ExecUtils
execCommands(Map, String, List, Map) - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
execCommands(Map, List, Map) - Method in ProcessTool
execCommands(Map, List) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
execCommands(Map, List) - Method in ShellTool
@see #execCommands(Map, List, Map)
execCommands(Map, List, Map) - Method in SshCliTool
execCommands(Map, List, Map) - Method in SshjTool
execCommands(Map, String, List, Map) - Method in SshMachineLocation
execCommands(Map, List) - Method in SshTool
@see #execCommands(Map, List, Map)
execProcesses(List, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, String, boolean, Object) - Method in ProcessTool
executes a set of commands by sending them as a single process to `bash -c` (single command argument of all the commands, joined with separator)
execRemoteScript(String) - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
uses submitRunScript to execute the commands, and throws error if it fails or returns non-zero
execScript(Map, String, List, Map) - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
execScript(Map, List, Map) - Method in ProcessTool
execScript(Map, List) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
execScript(Map, List) - Method in ShellTool
@see #execScript(Map, List, Map)
execScript(Map, List, Map) - Method in SshCliTool
execScript(Map, List, Map) - Method in SshjTool
This creates a script containing the user's commands, copies it to the remote server, and executes the script.
execScript(Map, String, List, Map) - Method in SshMachineLocation
execScript(Map, List) - Method in SshTool
@see #execScript(Map, List, Map)
execScriptBlocking(String) - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
accepts e.g.
execShellDirect(Map, List, Map) - Method in SshjTool
execSingleProcess(List, Map, OutputStream, OutputStream, Object) - Method in ProcessTool
executes a single process made up of the given command words (*not* bash escaped); should be portable across OS's
execSsh(Map, Function) - Method in SshMachineLocation
execute(Runnable) - Method in AbstractExecutionContext
Provided for compatibility
execute(Map, List, String) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
execute(Map, List, String) - Method in NaiveScriptRunner
Runs a script and returns the result code, supporting flags including: out, err as output/error streams; logPrefix, prefix string to put in log output; env, map of environment vars to pass to shell environment
EXECUTE_SCRIPT - Field in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl
execute() - Method in ScriptHelper
execute(Map, List, String) - Method in ScriptRunner
Runs a script and returns the result code, supporting flags including: out, err as output/error streams; logPrefix, prefix string to put in log output; env, map of environment vars to pass to shell environment
executeCommandThenAsUserTeeOutputToFile(String, String, String) - Method in BashCommands
executes a command, then as user tees the output to the given file.
executeIf(Predicate) - Method in ScriptHelper
executeInternal() - Method in ScriptHelper
executeSimpleGet(URI) - Method in HttpPolls
executeUntilSucceeds(Map, Runnable) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)
executeUntilSucceedsElseShutdown(Map, Entity, Closure) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable), and tear-down with AfterMethod.
executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(Map, Callable, Closure) - Method in TestUtils
Convenience method for cases where we need to test until something is true.
executeUntilSucceedsWithShutdown(Map, Entity, Closure) - Method in TestUtils
convenience for entities to ensure they shutdown afterwards.
ExecUtils - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.duplicates
The ExecUtils
ExecUtils.StreamGobbler - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.duplicates
ExecUtils.StreamGobbler(InputStream, PrintStream) - Constructor in ExecUtils.StreamGobbler
execution - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
executionCheck - Field in ScriptHelper
ExecutionContext - Interface in
This is a Brooklyn extension to the Java java.util.concurrent.Executor.
executionContext - Field in EntityManagementSupport
ExecutionListener - Interface in brooklyn.util.task
ExecutionManager - Interface in
This class manages the execution of a number of jobs with tags.
ExecutionUtils - Class in brooklyn.util.task
execWithLogging(Map, String, List, Map, ExecWithLoggingHelpers.ExecRunner) - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
execWithLogging(Map, String, List, Map, Closure) - Method in SshMachineLocation
ExecWithLoggingHelpers - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system.internal
ExecWithLoggingHelpers.ExecRunner - Interface in brooklyn.util.task.system.internal
ExecWithLoggingHelpers(String) - Constructor in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
takes a very short name for use in blocking details, e.g.
execWithTool(MutableMap, Function) - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
exists(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
Returns a command that runs only if the specified executable is in the path.
exitCode - Field in ProcessTaskWrapper
exitCodeOfCopy - Field in SshPutTaskWrapper
exitStatus() - Method in SshValueFunctions
exitStatusEquals(int) - Method in SshValueFunctions
expand(String) - Method in WildcardGlobs.SpecialistGlobExpander
expands glob, including custom syntax for numeric part
expandCommaSeparateLocations(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
Splits a comma-separated list of locations (names or specs) into an explicit list.
expandedInstallDir - Field in KarafSshDriver
expandToArrayUnchecked(String) - Method in WildcardGlobs.SpecialistGlobExpander
expands glob, including custom syntax for numeric part, but to an array, and re-throwing the checked exception as a runtime exception
expectedResponseCode(int) - Method in WebAppMonitor
EXPERIMENTAL - Field in BrooklynSystemProperties
EXPIRED_KEYS - Field in RedisStore
ExplicitEffector - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
ExplicitEffector.ExplicitEffectorFromClosure(String, Class, List, String, Closure) - Constructor in ExplicitEffector.ExplicitEffectorFromClosure
ExplicitEffector(String, Class, List, String) - Constructor in ExplicitEffector
ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider - Class in
security provider which validates users against passwords according to property keys, as set in BrooklynWebConfig#USERS#USERS and BrooklynWebConfig#PASSWORD_FOR_USER(String)#PASSWORD_FOR_USER(String)
ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider(ManagementContext) - Constructor in ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider
extend(CompositeType, String, String, Item) - Method in Item
Extend a Composite Type by adding new items.
extension(Class, E) - Method in LocationSpec
EXTRA_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA_TO_AUTH - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
extraBootstrapParameters - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
extractAvailabilityZone(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsLocation
extractNodeLocationId(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata, LocationScope) - Method in JcloudsLocation
extractProvider(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsLocation
extractRegion(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsLocation
extractSshConfig(ConfigBag, ConfigBag) - Method in AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation
extractSshConfig(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsLocation
extractSubKeyName(ConfigKey) - Method in MapConfigKey
extractValue(Map, ExecutionContext) - Method in BasicConfigKey
Retrieves the value corresponding to this config key from the given map.
extractValue(Map, ExecutionContext) - Method in ConfigKeySelfExtracting
Extracts the value for this config key from the given map.
extractValue(Map, ExecutionContext) - Method in ListConfigKey
extractValue(Map, ExecutionContext) - Method in MapConfigKey
extractValue(Map, ExecutionContext) - Method in SetConfigKey
extractValue(Map, ExecutionContext) - Method in SubElementConfigKey
extractVmCredentials(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsLocation
Extracts the user that jclouds tells us about (i.e. from the jclouds node).
extraErrorMessage - Field in ProcessTaskStub


Fabric - Interface in
Intended to represent a Tier of entities over multiple locations.
FABRIC_SIZE - Field in DynamicFabric
FACTORY - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
factory (or closure) to create the web server, given flags
factory(ConfigurableEntityFactory) - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.Spec
FACTORY - Field in DynamicCluster
FACTORY - Field in DynamicFabric
fail(String) - Method in Asserts
Fails a test with the given message.
fail(String, int) - Method in BashCommands
returns a command which logs a message to stdout and stderr then exits with the given error code
skips replace if replacement has failed this many times failure re-occurs within this time interval
skips replace if replacement has failed this many times failure re-occurs within this time interval
skips retry if a failure re-occurs within this time interval
FAILED_SUB_LOCATIONS - Field in DynamicCluster
failIfAll(ZoneFailureDetector) - Method in CombiningZoneFailureDetector
failIfAny(ZoneFailureDetector) - Method in CombiningZoneFailureDetector
failIfBodyEmpty() - Method in ScriptHelper
failOnNonZeroResultCode() - Method in ScriptHelper
failOnNonZeroResultCode() - Method in ShellPollConfig
Overrides any Function given to checkSuccess to treat any non-zero response code as a failure.
failOnNonZeroResultCode() - Method in SshPollConfig
Overrides any Function given to checkSuccess to treat any non-zero response code as a failure.
failOnNonZeroResultCodeWithoutUpdatingTask() - Method in ScriptHelper
FAILURE_SENSOR_TO_MONITOR - Field in ServiceReplacer
monitors this sensor, by default ENTITY_RESTART_FAILED
FAILURE_SENSOR_TO_MONITOR - Field in ServiceRestarter
monitors this sensor, by default ENTITY_FAILED
failures - Field in AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory
fastest() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
FeedConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed
Configuration for a poll, or a subscription etc, that is being added to a feed.
FeedConfig(FeedConfig) - Constructor in FeedConfig
fetch(String) - Method in ApplicationApi
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use fetch(String) (with slightly different, but better semantics)
fetch(String) - Method in ApplicationResource
FETCH_REQUEST_COUNT - Field in KafkaBroker
fetch(String) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
field - Field in EntityDynamicType.FieldAndValue
fields - Field in AbstractMemento.Builder
file(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
Returns a command that runs only if the specified file exists
FILE_SCHEME - Field in KarafContainer
fileAsString(Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation
FilenameProducers - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers.downloads
FilenameToWebContextMapper - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
filtered(Predicate) - Method in MachineSet
filterFor(BrooklynProperties, Predicate) - Method in ConfigUtils
filterForAllowedMachines(MachineSet) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
filterForAllowedMachines(MachineSet) - Method in MachinePool
filterForContext(List, Object) - Method in BasicStartable.LocationsFilter
filterForPrefix(BrooklynProperties, String) - Method in ConfigUtils
filterForPrefixAndStrip(Map, String) - Method in ConfigUtils
prefix generally ends with a full stop
finalize() - Method in AbstractEntity
finalize() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
finalize() - Method in BasicTask
finalize() - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.Builder
finalize() - Method in FunctionFeed.Builder
finalize() - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
finalize() - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
finalize() - Method in LocalManagementContext
finalize() - Method in ShellFeed.Builder
finalize() - Method in SshFeed.Builder
finalize() - Method in SshFetchTaskFactory
finalize() - Method in SshMachineLocation
finalize() - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
finalize() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder
find() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
find() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityReference
find() - Method in EntityReferences.SelfEntityReference
findAnnotation(Annotation, Class) - Method in MethodEffector.AnnotationsOnMethod
findArchiveNameFromUrl(String, boolean) - Method in FilenameToWebContextMapper
findBestItemToMove(Map, double, double, double, Set, Location) - Method in BalancingStrategy
"Best" is defined as nearest to the targetCost, without exceeding maxCost, unless maxCostIfNothingSmallerButLarger > 0 which does just that (useful if the ideal and target are estimates and aren't quite right, typically it will take something larger than maxRate but less than half the total rate, which is only possible when the estimates don't agree)
findCallabaleConstructor(Class, Object) - Method in Reflections
Returns a constructor that accepts the given arguments, or null if no such constructor is accessible.
findClass(String) - Method in AggregateClassLoader
findColdestContainer(Set, LocationConstraint) - Method in PolicyUtilForPool
Identifies the container with the maximum spare capacity (highThreshold - currentWorkrate), returns null if none of the model's nodes has spare capacity.
findComputeService(ConfigBag, boolean) - Method in JcloudsUtil
findConfigKeys(Class, EntityAdjunct) - Method in AdjunctType
Finds the config keys defined on the entity's class, statics and optionally any non-static (discouraged).
findEffectorMatching(Set, String, Map) - Method in EffectorUtils
findEffectors(Class, Entity) - Method in EntityDynamicType
Finds the effectors defined on the entity's class, statics and optionally any non-static (discouraged).
findEntity(Class) - Method in EffectorTasks
Finds the entity where this task is running, casted to the given Entity subtype
findField(Class, String) - Method in Reflections
findFieldForFlag(String, Object) - Method in FlagUtils
Finds the java.lang.reflect.Field on the given object annotated with the given name flag.
findHottestContainer(Set) - Method in PolicyUtilForPool
Identifies the container with the maximum overshoot (currentWorkrate - highThreshold), returns null if none of the model's nodes has an overshoot.
findIpAddress(Location) - Method in HostGeoInfo
findKeyPair() - Method in SshMachineLocation
returns the un-passphrased key-pair info if a key is being used, or else null
findLocationProperty(String) - Method in AbstractLocation
findLocationProperty(String) - Method in Location
Like getLocationProperty, but if the property is not defined on this location, searches recursively up the parent hierarchy until it is found, or the root is reached (when this method will return null).
findLocationsInHierarchy(Location) - Method in TreeUtils
findMBean(ObjectName) - Method in JmxHelper
findMBeans(ObjectName) - Method in JmxHelper
findMethod(Class, String, Class) - Method in Reflections
findOwnPid() - Method in MonitorUtils
findPassword() - Method in SshMachineLocation
returns the password being used to log in, if a password is being used, or else null
findPublicFieldsOrderedBySuper(Class) - Method in Reflections
findPublicMethodsOrderedBySuper(Class) - Method in Reflections
findSensors(Class, Entity) - Method in EntityDynamicType
Finds the sensors defined on the entity's class, statics and optionally any non-static (discouraged).
findServices() - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
findSshMachine() - Method in EffectorTasks
Finds a unique SshMachineLocation attached to the entity where this task is running
findSubLocations(Location) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
findSubnetHostname(Entity) - Method in Machines
findSubnetIp(Iterable) - Method in Machines
findSubnetOrPrivateIp(Entity) - Method in Machines
findSubnetOrPublicHostname(Entity) - Method in Machines
findSuperType(Object, String) - Method in Reflections
findUniqueMachineLocation(Iterable) - Method in Machines
findUrlMappings() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
finished - Field in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
FIRST_NODE_STARTED_TIME_UTC - Field in CassandraCluster
firstAvailableUrl(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
returns the first available URL
firstLocation() - Method in AbstractEntity
firstPrimaryTargetOf(Function) - Method in FilenameProducers
firstUseful(StackTraceElement) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
@return first isUseful(StackTraceElement) stack trace elements, or null
FIVE_MINUTES - Field in Duration
FIVE_MINUTES - Field in TimeExtras
FIVE_SECONDS - Field in Duration
FIVE_SECONDS - Field in TimeExtras
fix(Object) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
fix(Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
A provisioner of MachineLocations which takes a list of machines it can connect to.
FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
Facilitates fluent/programmatic style for constructing a fixed pool of machines.
FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder() - Constructor in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use build(LocationManager)
FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation(Map) - Constructor in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
fixLocation(String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
fixPortsForModeNone() - Method in JmxSupport
mode NONE cannot set a JMX (RMI server) port; it needs an RMI registry port, then gets redirected to an anonymous RMI server port; both the hostname and the anonymous port must be accessible to use this mode (hence the use of the other agents in most cases)
flags - Field in BasicPolicyMemento.Builder
flags - Field in ScriptHelper
flags - Field in Subscription
FlagUtils - Class in brooklyn.util.flags
class to help transfer values passed as named arguments to other well-known variables/fields/objects; see the test case for example usage
FLOAT - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Float
FluentKeySigner - Class in brooklyn.util.crypto
A fluent API which simplifies generating certificates (signed keys)
FluentKeySigner(X509Certificate, KeyPair) - Constructor in FluentKeySigner
flush() - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
focus - Field in Jsonya.Navigator
FollowTheSunModel - Interface in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
Captures the state of items, containers and locations for the purpose of moving items around to minimise latency.
FollowTheSunParameters - Class in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
FollowTheSunPolicy - Class in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
FollowTheSunPolicy(Map, AttributeSensor, FollowTheSunModel, FollowTheSunParameters) - Constructor in FollowTheSunPolicy
FollowTheSunPool - Interface in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
FollowTheSunPool.ContainerItemPair - Class in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
Encapsulates an item and a container; emitted by sensors.
FollowTheSunPool.ContainerItemPair(Entity, Entity) - Constructor in FollowTheSunPool.ContainerItemPair
FollowTheSunPoolImpl - Class in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
FollowTheSunPoolImpl() - Constructor in FollowTheSunPoolImpl
FollowTheSunStrategy - Class in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
FollowTheSunStrategy(FollowTheSunModel, FollowTheSunParameters) - Constructor in FollowTheSunStrategy
footer - Field in ScriptHelper
forBoth(Object, Object, Closure) - Method in LanguageUtils
forBothWithIndex(Object, Object, Closure) - Method in LanguageUtils
forEach(Function) - Method in JsonFunctions
forgetPortMapping(PortMapping) - Method in PortForwardManager
forgetPublicIpHostname(String) - Method in PortForwardManager
clears a previous call to recordPublicIpHostname(String, String)
format(Locale, String, Object) - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
format(LogRecord) - Method in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
uses "YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss.SSS message" format
format(String, Object) - Method in Strings
wraps a call to String#format(String, Object...) in a toString, i.e. using %s syntax, useful for places where we want deferred evaluation (e.g. as message to Preconditions to skip concatenation when not needed)
formatIfNotNull(String, Object) - Method in BashCommands
returns the pattern formatted with the given arg if the arg is not null, otherwise returns null
formatString(String, Object) - Method in DependentConfiguration
Method which returns a Future containing a string formatted using String.format, where the arguments can be normal objects or tasks; tasks will be waited on (submitted if necessary) and their results substituted in the call to String.format.
FormattedString - Class in brooklyn.util.text
wraps a call to String#format(String, Object...) in a toString, i.e. using %s syntax, useful for places where we want deferred evaluation (e.g. as message to Preconditions to skip concatenation when not needed)
FormattedString(String, Object) - Constructor in FormattedString
formatter(String) - Method in StringFunctions
given e.g.
formatterForArray(String) - Method in StringFunctions
given e.g.
forNames(Set, String) - Method in ReflectionScanner
forServer(MongoDBServer) - Method in MongoClientSupport
Creates a MongoClientSupport instance in standalone mode.
ForwardingTask - Class in brooklyn.util.task
ForwardingTask() - Constructor in ForwardingTask
Constructor for use by subclasses.
from(Memento) - Method in AbstractMemento.Builder
from(TreeNode) - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder
FROM_APPLICATION - Field in ApplicationTransformer
from(ApplicationSpec) - Method in ApplicationSpec.Builder
from(EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
from(LocationMemento) - Method in BasicLocationMemento.Builder
from(PolicyMemento) - Method in BasicPolicyMemento.Builder
from(String) - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
from(Map) - Method in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
from(Map) - Method in SshCliTool.Builder
from(Map) - Method in SshjTool.Builder
FROM_TASK - Field in TaskTransformer
fromApiError(ApiError) - Method in ApiError.Builder
fromCode(int) - Method in ReplicaSetMemberStatus
fromCollection(Collection) - Method in PortRanges
fromCoordinate(String) - Method in MavenArtifact
fromEntity(Entity) - Method in HostGeoInfo
fromExistingConfig(BSONObject) - Method in ReplicaSetConfig
Creates a configuration from an existing configuration.
fromFilenameProperty() - Method in FilenameProducers
fromHardware(Hardware) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
fromImage(Image) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
fromInteger(int) - Method in PortRanges
fromIpAddress(InetAddress) - Method in HostGeoInfo
fromLocation(Location) - Method in HostGeoInfo
fromPersistedList(List) - Method in AbstractMemento
fromPersistedMap(Map) - Method in AbstractMemento
fromPersistedSet(Set) - Method in AbstractMemento
fromSSHClientConnection(SshjClientConnection) - Method in SshjClientConnection.Builder
fromString(String) - Method in EnumCaseForgivingSingleValueConverter
fromString(String) - Method in InputStreamSupplier
fromString(String) - Method in MementoSerializer
fromString(String) - Method in PortRanges
parses a string representation of ports, as "80,8080,8000,8080-8099"
fromString(String) - Method in RetryingMementoSerializer
fromString(String) - Method in Streams
fromString(String) - Method in XmlSerializer
fromTemplate(Template) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
fromThrowable(Throwable) - Method in ApiError
@return An ApiError.Builder whose message is initialised to either the throwable's message or the throwable's class name if the message is null and whose details are initialised to the throwable's stack trace.
fromValue(String) - Method in Lifecycle
Creates a Lifecycle from a text representation.
FunctionFeed - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.function
Provides a feed of attribute values, by periodically invoking functions.
FunctionFeed.Builder - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.function
FunctionFeed(FunctionFeed.Builder) - Method in FunctionFeed
functionFromClosure(Closure) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
FunctionPollConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.function
FunctionPollConfig(FunctionPollConfig) - Constructor in FunctionPollConfig


gatherOutput - Field in ScriptHelper
gatherPotentialRunningSeeds() - Method in CassandraCluster
gatherPotentialRunningSeeds() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
gatherPotentialRunningSeeds() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
gatherPotentialSeeds() - Method in CassandraCluster
gatherPotentialSeeds() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
gatherPotentialSeeds() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
gc - Field in AbstractManagementContext
GC_PERIOD - Field in BrooklynGarbageCollector
GC_PERIOD - Field in BrooklynGlobalConfig
GeneralPurposePolicy - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
GeneralPurposePolicy(Map) - Constructor in GeneralPurposePolicy
GENERATE_HOSTNAME - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
generateNewGroupId() - Method in CloudMachineNamer
generateNewIdReservingLength(int) - Method in CloudMachineNamer
generateNewMachineUniqueName() - Method in CloudMachineNamer
generateScriptString(Date, Collection) - Method in GeoscalingScriptGenerator
generateWhirrClusterRecipe() - Method in WhirrHadoopCluster
generateWhirrClusterRecipe() - Method in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
GeoBytesHostGeoLookup - Class in brooklyn.location.geo
GEOSCALING_ACCOUNT - Field in GeoscalingDnsService
GEOSCALING_PASSWORD - Field in GeoscalingDnsService
GEOSCALING_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_NAME - Field in GeoscalingDnsService
GEOSCALING_USERNAME - Field in GeoscalingDnsService
GeoscalingDnsService - Interface in brooklyn.entity.dns.geoscaling
GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.dns.geoscaling
GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl() - Constructor in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
GeoscalingScriptGenerator - Class in brooklyn.entity.dns.geoscaling
GeoscalingWebClient - Class in brooklyn.entity.dns.geoscaling
GeoscalingWebClient.Domain - Class in brooklyn.entity.dns.geoscaling
GeoscalingWebClient.Domain(int, String) - Constructor in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain - Class in brooklyn.entity.dns.geoscaling
GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain(Domain, int, String) - Constructor in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
GeoscalingWebClient(String, String) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient
get() - Method in AccessApi
get() - Method in AccessResource
get(String) - Method in ActivityApi
get(String) - Method in ActivityResource
get(String) - Method in ApplicationApi
get(String) - Method in ApplicationResource
get() - Method in BackedReference
get() - Method in BasicReference
get(Duration) - Method in BasicTask
get(int) - Method in BitList
get(Map, String) - Method in BrooklynProperties
@deprecated attempts to call get with this syntax are probably mistakes; get(key, defaultValue) is fine but Map is unlikely the key, much more likely they meant getFirst(flags, key).
get() - Method in BrooklynVersion
get(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
get(ConfigKey, boolean) - Method in ConfigBag
get(Object) - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
GET_CURRENT_CONFIGURATION - Field in NginxController
get() - Method in DeferredSupplier
get(TaskAdaptable) - Method in DynamicTasks
submits the given task if needed, and gets the result (unchecked) only permitted in a queueing context (ie a DST main job)
get() - Method in EntityAndAttribute
get(String, String) - Method in EntityApi
get(String, String, String) - Method in EntityConfigApi
get(String, String, String) - Method in EntityConfigResource
get() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
get() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityReference
get(String, String) - Method in EntityResource
get(Duration) - Method in ForwardingTask
get(Object, Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
get(String) - Method in LocationApi
get(String) - Method in LocationResource
get(String, String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigApi
get(String, String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigResource
get() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
blocks and gets the result, throwing if there was an exception
get() - Method in Reference
get() - Method in ScheduledTask
gets the value of the most recently run task
get(String, String, String) - Method in SensorApi
get(String, String, String) - Method in SensorResource
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler.WrappingFuture
get() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
blocks, returns the fetched file as a string, throwing if there was an exception
get() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
blocks, throwing if there was an exception
get(Duration) - Method in Task
As get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)
getAcceptedIssuers() - Method in SslTrustUtils.DelegatingTrustManager
getAccessApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getAccessController() - Method in AccessManager
getAccessController() - Method in LocalAccessManager
getAccessController() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getAccessController() - Method in ManagementContext
For controlling access to operations - can be queried to find if an operation is allowed.
getAccessController() - Method in NonDeploymentAccessManager
getAccessController() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getAccessManager() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getAccessManager() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
getAccessManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getActionName() - Method in RendererHints.NamedAction
getActionName() - Method in RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl
getActiveTasks() - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
getActiveTaskStatusString(int) - Method in BasicTask
getActiveTaskStatusString(int) - Method in ScheduledTask
getActivityApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getActualPort() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
returns port where this is running, or -1 if not yet known
getAdditionalInterfaces() - Method in EntitySpec
@return Additional interfaces (other than just getType()) that this entity implements; important for when accessing entity through a proxy to determine which interfaces the proxy exposes.
getAdditionalInterfaces() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getAdditionalOptionalOptions() - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
getAdditionalOptionalOptions() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
getAdditionalOptions() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getAdditionalOptions() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
getAddonName() - Method in BasicDownloadRequirement
getAddonName() - Method in DownloadResolverManager.DownloadRequirement
The name of the add-on to be downloaded, or null if it is the main installed.
getAddress() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getAddress() - Method in AddressableLocation
Return the single most appropriate address for this location.
getAddress() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
interface/address where this server is listening; if bound to (all NICs, e.g. because security is set) this will return one NIC where this is bound
getAddress() - Method in HostGeoInfo
getAddress() - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
getAddress() - Method in MachineLocation
@return the machine's network address.
getAddress() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
getAddress() - Method in RedisStore
getAddress() - Method in RedisStoreImpl
getAddress() - Method in SimulatedLocation
getAddress() - Method in SshMachineLocation
getAddressMappings() - Method in BindDnsServer
getAddressMappings() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getAddressOfEntity(Entity) - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
getAddressOfEntity(Entity) - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
getAddressOfEntity(Entity) - Method in UrlMappingImpl
defines how address string, ie hostname:port, is constructed from a given entity.
getAddressOfUnresolvableHostname() - Method in Networking
returns null in a sane DNS environment, but if DNS provides a bogus address for made-up hostnames, this returns that address
getAdjunct() - Method in ConfigMapImpl
Expect this to be deleted when PolicyConfigMap is deleted
getAdjunctType() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
getAggregate() - Method in CustomAggregatingEnricher
getAllApis(ResourceConfig, HttpHeaders, UriInfo) - Method in ApidocResource
getAllAssignableTypes(Class, Predicate) - Method in FlagUtils
getAllAttributes() - Method in AbstractEntity
getAllAttributes() - Method in EntityInternal
getAllCauses() - Method in CompoundRuntimeException
getAllConfig() - Method in AbstractEntity
getAllConfig() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
getAllConfig(boolean) - Method in AbstractLocation
getAllConfig() - Method in BrooklynProperties
getAllConfig() - Method in ConfigBag
current values for all entries
getAllConfig() - Method in ConfigMap
returns a map of all config keys to their raw (unresolved+uncoerced) contents
getAllConfig() - Method in ConfigMapImpl
returns the config of this policy
getAllConfig() - Method in Enricher
getAllConfig() - Method in EntityConfigMap
returns the config visible at this entity, local and inherited (preferring local)
getAllConfig() - Method in EntityInternal
@return a read-only copy of all the config key/value pairs on this entity.
getAllConfig(boolean) - Method in Location
Returns all config set, either inherited (argument true) or locally-only (argument false)
getAllConfig() - Method in Policy
getAllConfigRaw() - Method in ConfigBag
internal map containing the current values for all entries; for use where the caller wants to modify this directly and knows it is safe to do so
getAllFields(Class, Predicate) - Method in FlagUtils
getAllMachines() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
getAllResources() - Method in BrooklynRestApi
getAllSemaphores() - Method in MutexSupport
Returns the semaphores in use at the time the method is called, for inspection purposes (and testing).
getAllSubLocations() - Method in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
getAllSubscriptions() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
@return a list of all subscription handles
getAllSubscriptions() - Method in SubscriptionTracker
@return an ordered list of all subscription handles
getAllSupportedProperties() - Method in JcloudsLocation
getAmqpPort() - Method in AmqpServer
getAmqpPort() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
getAmqpPort() - Method in QpidDriver
getAmqpPort() - Method in QpidSshDriver
getAmqpPort() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
getAmqpPort() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
getAmqpVersion() - Method in AmqpServer
getAmqpVersion() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
getAmqpVersion() - Method in QpidDriver
getAmqpVersion() - Method in QpidSshDriver
getAmqpVersion() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
getAnnotatedFields(Class) - Method in FlagUtils
returns a map of all fields which are annotated 'SetFromFlag', along with the annotation
getAnnotation(Class, Class) - Method in ApidocResource
getApi() - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess.OpenshiftJsonResult
getApidocResources() - Method in BrooklynRestApi
getApp() - Method in ApplicationBuilder
getApplication() - Method in AbstractApplication
getApplication() - Method in AbstractEntity
Returns the application, looking it up if not yet known (registering if necessary)
getApplication(String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
looks for the given application instance, first by ID then by name
getApplication() - Method in Entity
@return the Application this entity is registered with, or null if not registered.
getApplicationApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getApplicationId() - Method in AbstractEntity
getApplicationId() - Method in ApplicationUsage
getApplicationId() - Method in Entity
@return the id of the Application this entity is registered with, or null if not registered.
getApplicationId() - Method in LocationUsage.LocationEvent
getApplicationId() - Method in UsageStatistic
getApplicationIds() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getApplicationIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getApplicationIds() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getApplicationName() - Method in ApplicationUsage
getApplications() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
getApplications() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getApplications() - Method in ManagementContext
All applications under control of this management plane
getApplications() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getApplicationUsage(Predicate) - Method in LocalUsageManager
Returns the usage info that matches the given predicate.
getApplicationUsage(Predicate) - Method in NonDeploymentUsageManager
getApplicationUsage(String, String, String) - Method in UsageApi
getApplicationUsage(Predicate) - Method in UsageManager
Returns the usage info that matches the given predicate.
getApplicationUsage(String, String, String) - Method in UsageResource
getAppName() - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
getArch() - Method in BasicOsDetails
java property os.arch (hardware architecture); e.g.
getArch() - Method in OsDetails
getArgs() - Method in FormattedString
getArgs() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
getArtifactId() - Method in MavenArtifact
getAsSensorValue(Entity) - Method in AttributeSensorAndConfigKey
returns the sensor value for this attribute on the given entity, if present, otherwise works out what the sensor value should be based on the config key's value
getAttempts() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getAttribute(AttributeSensor) - Method in AbstractEntity
getAttribute(AttributeSensor) - Method in Entity
Gets the value of the given attribute on this entity, or null if has not been set.
getAttribute() - Method in EntityAndAttribute
getAttribute(ObjectName, String) - Method in JmxHelper
Returns a specific attribute for a JMX
getAttributeByNameParts(List) - Method in AbstractEntity
getAttributeKey(String) - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getAttributeName() - Method in JmxAttributePollConfig
getAttributes() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getAttributes() - Method in EntityMemento
getAuthorityCertificate() - Method in FluentKeySigner
getAutodectectedDevelopmentMode() - Method in BrooklynDevelopmentModes
getAvailabilityZones() - Method in AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension
getAvailable() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
getAvailableContainersFor(ItemType, Location) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
getAvailableContainersFor(ItemType, Location) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
getAverage() - Method in RollingMeanEnricher
@returns null when no data has been received or windowSize is 0
getAverage(long) - Method in RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher
getBalanceableItems() - Method in BalanceableContainer
getBase64IdFromValue(long, int) - Method in Identifiers
getBaseClassLoader() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
Optional class-loader that this management context should use as its base, as the first-resort in the catalog, and for scanning (if scanning the default in the catalog).
getBaseClassLoader() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
getBaseClassLoader() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getBaseClassPathForScanning() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
@see #setBaseClassPathForScanning(Iterable)
getBaseClassPathForScanning() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
getBaseClassPathForScanning() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getBasedir() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getBasedir() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getBaseName() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
getBasicAddonSubstitutions(EntityDriver, String) - Method in DownloadSubstituters
getBasicEntitySubstitutions(EntityDriver) - Method in DownloadSubstituters
getBasicSubscriptions(DownloadRequirement) - Method in DownloadSubstituters
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use getBasicSubstitutions (method was misnamed)
getBasicSubstitutions(DownloadRequirement) - Method in DownloadSubstituters
getBindAddress() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getBindAddress() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getBlockingDetails() - Method in BasicTask
returns a textual message giving details while the task is blocked
getBlockingDetails() - Method in ForwardingTask
getBlockingDetails() - Method in TaskInternal
returns a textual message giving details while the task is blocked
getBlockingDetails() - Method in TaskSummary
getBlockingTask() - Method in BasicTask
returns a task that this task is blocked on
getBlockingTask() - Method in ForwardingTask
getBlockingTask() - Method in TaskInternal
returns a task that this task is blocked on
getBlockingTask() - Method in TaskSummary
getBody() - Method in AbstractEffector
not meant for overriding; subclasses should override the abstract call(Entity, Map) method in this class
getBody() - Method in EffectorAndBody
getBody() - Method in EffectorWithBody
returns the body of the effector, i.e. a factory which can generate tasks which can run
getBody() - Method in HttpPollConfig
getBroadcastAddress() - Method in CassandraNode
getBroadcastAddress() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getBrokerId() - Method in KafkaBroker
getBrokerId() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
getBrooklynAccessibleAddress(Entity, int) - Method in BrooklynAccessUtils
getBrooklynHome() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
getBrooklynProperties() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getBrooklynProperties() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
getBrooklynProperties() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getBrooklynRestResources() - Method in BrooklynRestApi
getBrooklynRootSigner() - Method in JmxmpSslSupport
getBrooklynVersion() - Method in AbstractMemento
getBrooklynVersion() - Method in Memento
The version of brooklyn used when this memento was generated.
getBytes() - Method in Cidr
getBytes() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
blocks, returns the fetched file as bytes, throwing if there was an exception
getCache() - Method in CatalogDo
getCallable() - Method in FunctionPollConfig
getCaller() - Method in Reflections
since 0.6.0; this is sloppy, and rarely does the right thing.
getCanonicalImpl(X509Certificate) - Method in SecureKeys
converts a certificate to the canonical implementation, commonly, which is required in some places -- the Bouncy Castle X509 impl is not accepted (e.g. where certs are chained, passed to trust manager)
getCassandraConfigFileName() - Method in CassandraNodeDriver
getCassandraConfigFileName() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getCassandraConfigTemplateUrl() - Method in CassandraNodeDriver
getCassandraConfigTemplateUrl() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getCassandraRackdcConfigFileName() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getCassandraRackdcConfigTemplateUrl() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getCatalog() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getCatalog() - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
getCatalog() - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
getCatalog() - Method in ManagementContext
Record of configured Brooklyn entities (and templates and policies) which can be loaded
getCatalog() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getCatalogApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getCatalogItem(Class, String) - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
getCatalogItem(Class, String) - Method in BrooklynCatalog
variant of getCatalogItem(String) which checks (and casts) type for convenience (returns null if type does not match)
getCatalogItemDo(String) - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
getCatalogItemJavaType() - Method in CatalogConfigurationDto
getCatalogItemJavaType() - Method in CatalogEntityItemDto
getCatalogItemJavaType() - Method in CatalogItem
getCatalogItemJavaType() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getCatalogItemJavaType() - Method in CatalogPolicyItemDto
getCatalogItemJavaType() - Method in CatalogTemplateItemDto
getCatalogItems(Predicate) - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
getCatalogItems(Predicate) - Method in BrooklynCatalog
convenience for filtering items in the catalog; see CatalogPredicates for useful filters
getCatalogItemType() - Method in CatalogConfigurationDto
getCatalogItemType() - Method in CatalogEntityItemDto
getCatalogItemType() - Method in CatalogItem
getCatalogItemType() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getCatalogItemType() - Method in CatalogPolicyItemDto
getCatalogItemType() - Method in CatalogTemplateItemDto
getCause() - Method in RuntimeInterruptedException
getCertificateDestination() - Method in ProxySslConfig
getCertificateSourceUrl() - Method in ProxySslConfig
getChangeListener() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentRebindManager
getChangeListener() - Method in RebindManager
getChangeListener() - Method in RebindManagerImpl
getCharset() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
getCheckSuccess() - Method in FeedConfig
getChildLocations() - Method in AbstractLocation
getChildLocations() - Method in Location
@deprecated since 0.6
getChildren() - Method in AbstractEntity
getChildren() - Method in AbstractLocation
getChildren() - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento
getChildren() - Method in CompoundTask
getChildren() - Method in DynamicSequentialTask
getChildren() - Method in Entity
Return the entities that are children of (i.e.
getChildren(String, String) - Method in EntityApi
getChildren(String, String) - Method in EntityResource
getChildren() - Method in HasTaskChildren
getChildren() - Method in Location
Get the 'children' of this location.
getChildren() - Method in TaskSummary
getChildren() - Method in TreeNode
The ids of the children.
getChildrenTyped() - Method in CompoundTask
getClassifier() - Method in MavenArtifact
getClassifierFileNameMarker() - Method in MavenArtifact
@ee classifierFileNameMarker
getClassLoader() - Method in Reflections
getClassLoaderDir(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
getClassLoaderForObject(Object) - Method in ResourceUtils
getClasspath() - Method in BrooklynNodeImpl
getClasspath() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
getClient() - Method in MongoDBServer
getClient() - Method in MongoDBServerImpl
getClosest(String, Collection) - Method in NetworkMultiAddressUtils
getCluster() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
getCluster() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
getCluster() - Method in KafkaCluster
getCluster() - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
getCluster() - Method in WhirrCluster
getCluster() - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
getClusterName() - Method in CassandraCluster
The name of the cluster.
getClusterName() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
getClusterName() - Method in CassandraNode
getClusterName() - Method in CassandraNodeDriver
getClusterName() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getClusterName() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getClusterName() - Method in CouchDBCluster
The name of the cluster.
getClusterName() - Method in CouchDBClusterImpl
getClusterName() - Method in CouchDBNodeDriver
getClusterName() - Method in CouchDBNodeImpl
getClusterName() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getClusterName() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getClusterSpec() - Method in WhirrCluster
getClusterSpec() - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
getCode() - Method in VerboseReporter.Status
getCodeFor404() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
getCodeForServerConfig() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
getCommand() - Method in ShellPollConfig
getCommand() - Method in SshPollConfig
getCommandLineOption(List, String, String) - Method in CommandLineUtil
given a list of args, e.g.
getCommandLineOptionInt(List, String, int) - Method in CommandLineUtil
getCommands() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
getCommands() - Method in ProcessTaskStub
getCommonName() - Method in FluentKeySigner
getCompletionListeners() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
getCompletionListeners() - Method in ProcessTaskStub
getComponent() - Method in HASensors.FailureDescriptor
getComputeService(Map) - Method in JcloudsLocation
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractEntity
getConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
getConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in AbstractLocation
getConfig() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getConfig() - Method in ApplicationSpec
getConfig() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getConfig() - Method in BasicLocationDefinition
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in BrooklynProperties
getConfig() - Method in CatalogEntitySummary
getConfig() - Method in CatalogPolicySummary
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigMap
returns value stored against the given key, resolved (if it is a Task, possibly blocking), and coerced to the appropriate type, or given default value if not set, unless the default value is null in which case it returns the default
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigMapImpl
getConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in Enricher
getConfig() - Method in EnricherSpec
@return Read-only configuration values
getConfig(HasConfigKey) - Method in Entity
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in EntityConfigMap
getConfig(HasConfigKey, Object) - Method in EntityLocal
@deprecated in 0.5; use getConfig(HasConfigKey)
getConfig() - Method in EntityMemento
getConfig() - Method in EntitySpec
@return Read-only configuration values
getConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in Location
Returns configuration set at this location or inherited or default
getConfig() - Method in LocationDefinition
getConfig() - Method in LocationSpec
getConfig() - Method in ManagementContext
Returns the ConfigMap (e.g.
getConfig() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in Policy
getConfig() - Method in PolicySpec
@return Read-only configuration values
getConfig() - Method in ProcessTaskStub
getConfig() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getConfigBag() - Method in AbstractLocation
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use getRawLocalConfigBag()
getConfigCheckingDeprecatedAlternatives(ConfigBag, ConfigKey, ConfigKey) - Method in LocationConfigUtils
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use configBag.getWithDeprecation
getConfigFile() - Method in NginxController
getConfigFile() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
getConfigFileName() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
getConfigFileName() - Method in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
getConfigFileName() - Method in KafkaZookeeperSshDriver
getConfigForRunning() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper.ProcessTaskInternalJob
for overriding
getConfigKey(String) - Method in AdjunctType
getConfigKey() - Method in AttributeSensorAndConfigKey
getConfigKey(String) - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getConfigKey() - Method in ConfigKey.HasConfigKey
getConfigKey(String) - Method in EnricherType
The ConfigKey with the given name, or null if not found.
getConfigKey(String) - Method in EnricherTypeImpl
getConfigKey(String) - Method in EntityDynamicType
ConfigKeys available on this entity.
getConfigKey(String) - Method in EntityType
The ConfigKey with the given name, or null if not found.
getConfigKey(String) - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getConfigKey(String) - Method in PolicyType
The ConfigKey with the given name, or null if not found.
getConfigKey(String) - Method in PolicyTypeImpl
getConfigKey() - Method in WrappedConfigKey
getConfigKeyField(String) - Method in EntityDynamicType
field where a config key is defined, for use getting annotations. note annotations are not inherited.
getConfigKeys() - Method in AdjunctType
getConfigKeys() - Method in EnricherType
ConfigKeys available on this policy.
getConfigKeys() - Method in EnricherTypeImpl
getConfigKeys() - Method in EntityDynamicType
ConfigKeys available on this entity.
getConfigKeys() - Method in EntityType
ConfigKeys available on this entity.
getConfigKeys() - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getConfigKeys() - Method in PolicyType
ConfigKeys available on this policy.
getConfigKeys() - Method in PolicyTypeImpl
getConfigMap() - Method in AbstractEntity
getConfigMap() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
for inspection only
getConfigMap() - Method in EntityInternal
getConfigReader() - Method in ApidocResource
getConfigTemplateKey() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
getConfigTemplateKey() - Method in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
getConfigTemplateKey() - Method in KafkaZookeeperSshDriver
getConnection() - Method in JmxHelper
getConnectionEnvVars() - Method in JmxHelper
getConnectTimeout() - Method in SshjClientConnection
@return how long to wait for the initial connection to be made
getContainerGroup() - Method in BalanceableWorkerPool
getContainerGroup() - Method in BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl
getContainerGroup() - Method in FollowTheSunPool
getContainerGroup() - Method in FollowTheSunPoolImpl
getContainerId() - Method in Movable
getContainerLocation(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
getContainerLocation(ContainerType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
getContainerWorkrates() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getContainerWorkrates() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getContent() - Method in HttpPollValue
getContent(String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
getContextEntity(Task) - Method in BrooklynTasks
getController() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
getController() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
getController() - Method in WhirrCluster
getController() - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
getCoordinate() - Method in MavenArtifact
returns a "groupId:artifactId:version:(classifier:)packaging" string which maven refers to as the co-ordinate
getCouchDBConfigFileName() - Method in CouchDBNodeDriver
getCouchDBConfigFileName() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getCouchDBConfigTemplateUrl() - Method in CouchDBNodeDriver
getCouchDBConfigTemplateUrl() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getCouchDBUriTemplateUrl() - Method in CouchDBNodeDriver
getCouchDBUriTemplateUrl() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getCreationTime() - Method in AbstractEntity
getCreationTime() - Method in Entity
Returns the creation time for this entity, in UTC.
getCredential() - Method in JcloudsLocation
getCurrentConfiguration() - Method in NginxController
getCurrentConfiguration() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
getCurrentExecutionContext() - Method in BasicExecutionContext
getCurrentPoolSize() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
getCurrentPoolWorkrate() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getCurrentPoolWorkrate() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getCurrentSize() - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
getCurrentSize() - Method in BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl
getCurrentSize() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
@return the current size of the group.
getCurrentSize() - Method in FollowTheSunPoolImpl
getCurrentSize() - Method in Group
@return The number of members in this group.
getCurrentSize() - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
getCurrentSize() - Method in Resizable
@return the current size of the group.
getCurrentStatus() - Method in TaskSummary
getCurrentTask() - Method in BasicExecutionContext
@deprecated in 0.4.0, use Tasks.current()
getCurrentTask() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
@deprecated in 0.4.0, use Tasks.current()
getCurrentTask() - Method in ExecutionContext
Returns the current Task being executed by this context, or null if not currently executing a task.
getCurrentTask() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentExecutionContext
getCurrentUnbounded() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
getCustomChildFlags() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getCustomChildFlags() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
getCustomChildFlags() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
getCustomField(String) - Method in AbstractMemento
getCustomField(String) - Method in Memento
A (weakly-typed) property set for this memento.
getCustomFields() - Method in AbstractMemento
getCustomFields() - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento
getCustomFields() - Method in BasicPolicyMemento
getCustomFields() - Method in Memento
getCustomFileNameAfterArtifactMarker() - Method in MavenArtifact
@see #customFileNameAfterArtifactMarker
getCustomizers(ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
getCustomJavaConfigOptions() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Return extra Java config options, ie arguments starting with - which are passed to the JVM prior to the class name.
getCustomJavaConfigOptions() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getCustomJavaConfigOptions() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
getCustomJavaConfigOptions() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
getCustomJavaConfigOptions() - Method in KarafSshDriver
getCustomJavaConfigOptions() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
getCustomJavaConfigOptions() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
getCustomJavaSystemProperties() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getCustomJavaSystemProperties() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Return extra Java system properties (-D defines) used by the application.
getCustomJavaSystemProperties() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getCustomJavaSystemProperties() - Method in QpidSshDriver
getCustomJavaSystemProperties() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
getCustomMaxNameLength() - Method in CloudMachineNamer
method for overriding to provide custom logic when an explicit config key is not set
getCustomMaxNameLength() - Method in JcloudsMachineNamer
returns the max length of a VM name for the cloud specified in setup; this value is typically decremented by 9 to make room for jclouds labels
getData() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
getData() - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess.OpenshiftJsonResult
returns typed value
getDataAsInputStream() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
getDataAsString() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
getDatacenterName() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getDatadir() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getDatadir() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getDataDir() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
getDataDirectory() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
getDataGrid() - Method in BrooklynStorageImpl
Returns the DataGrid used by this BrooklynStorageImpl
getDataProvider() - Method in BalancingStrategy
getDate() - Method in ApplicationUsage.ApplicationEvent
getDate() - Method in LocationUsage.LocationEvent
getDateFormat() - Method in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
getDefaultCipherSuites() - Method in TrustingSslSocketFactory
getDefaultExchangeName() - Method in RabbitDestination
getDefaultValue() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#getDefaultValue()
getDefaultValue() - Method in BasicParameterType
getDefaultValue() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns the default value of the configuration parameter.
getDefaultValue() - Method in ConfigSummary
getDefaultValue() - Method in ParameterType
@return The default value for this parameter, if not supplied during an effector call.
getDefaultValueForType(Class) - Method in FlagUtils
returns the default/inital value that is assigned to fields of the givien type; if the type is not primitive this value is null; for primitive types it is obvious but not AFAIK programmatically visible (e.g. 0 for int, false for boolean)
getDefaultVersion() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
since 0.4.
getDefinedConfigKeys(String) - Method in EntityTypes
getDefinedEntityType(Class) - Method in EntityTypes
getDefinedLocation(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getDefinedLocation(String) - Method in LocationRegistry
@deprecated since 0.6.0; use getDefinedLocationById(String) (ID should be explicit because this is usually *not* the method people want)
getDefinedLocationById(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getDefinedLocationById(String) - Method in LocationRegistry
returns a LocationDefinition given its ID (usually a random string), or null if none
getDefinedLocationByName(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getDefinedLocationByName(String) - Method in LocationRegistry
returns a LocationDefinition given its name (e.g. for named locations, supply the bit after the "named:" prefix), or null if none
getDefinedLocations() - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getDefinedLocations() - Method in LocationRegistry
map of ID (possibly randomly generated) to the definition (spec, name, id, and props; where spec is the spec as defined, for instance possibly another named:xxx location)
getDefinedSensors(String) - Method in EntityTypes
getDelayMillis() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getDelegate() - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
getDelegate() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream
getDeployDir() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getDeploymentTimeoutSecs() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getDeploySubdir() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
if files should be placed on the server for deployment, override this to be the sub-directory of the runDir where they should be stored (or override getDeployDir() if they should be copied somewhere else, and set this null); if files are not copied to the server, but injected (e.g.
getDeploySubdir() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getDeploySubdir() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
getDeploySubdir() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
getDeploySubdir() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
getDeprecatedKeysMapping() - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getDeprecatedKeysMapping() - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getDeprecatedProperty(ConfigBag, String) - Method in JcloudsUtil
getDescription() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#getDescription()
getDescription() - Method in BasicParameterType
getDescription() - Method in BasicSensor
@see Sensor#getDescription()
getDescription() - Method in BasicTask
getDescription() - Method in CatalogItem
getDescription() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getDescription() - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
getDescription() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
getDescription() - Method in ConfigBag
optional description used to provide context for operations
getDescription() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns the description of the configuration parameter, for display.
getDescription() - Method in ConfigSummary
getDescription() - Method in Effector
optional description for the effector
getDescription() - Method in EffectorBase
getDescription() - Method in EffectorSummary
getDescription() - Method in EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary
getDescription() - Method in ForwardingTask
getDescription() - Method in HASensors.FailureDescriptor
getDescription() - Method in ParameterType
getDescription() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
a description for this template; this is set on created machines but _not_ used to filter them (so you can change description freely).
getDescription() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
caller supplied description
getDescription() - Method in Sensor
Returns the description of the sensor, for display.
getDescription() - Method in SensorSummary
getDescription() - Method in Task
getDescription() - Method in TaskSummary
getDetailedStatus() - Method in TaskSummary
getDetails() - Method in ApiError
getDir() - Method in ShellPollConfig
getDirectSendsToItemByLocation() - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
getDirectSendsToItemByLocation() - Method in FollowTheSunModel
getDisplayName() - Method in AbstractEntity
getDisplayName() - Method in AbstractLocation
getDisplayName() - Method in AbstractMemento
getDisplayName() - Method in BasicTask
getDisplayName() - Method in EnricherSpec
@return The display name of the enricher
getDisplayName() - Method in Entity
A display name; recommended to be a concise single-line description.
getDisplayName() - Method in EntitySpec
@return The display name of the entity
getDisplayName() - Method in ForwardingTask
getDisplayName() - Method in Location
Get the name assigned to this location.
getDisplayName() - Method in LocationSpec
@return The display name of the location
getDisplayName() - Method in Memento
getDisplayName() - Method in PolicySpec
@return The display name of the policy
getDisplayName() - Method in Task
getDisplayName() - Method in TaskSummary
getDisplayName() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getDisplayNamePrefix() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
getDisplayNameSuffix() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
getDnsPort() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getDomain() - Method in AbstractController
returns primary domain this controller responds to, or null if it responds to all domains
getDomain() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
returns primary domain this controller responds to, or null if it responds to all domains
getDomain() - Method in UrlMapping
getDomain() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
getDomainName() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getDownloadFilename() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Name to be used in the local repo, when looking for the download file.
getDownloadFileSuffix() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Suffix to use when looking up the file in the local repo.
getDownloadParentDir() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getDriver() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getDriver() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcess
getDriver() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessImpl
getDriver() - Method in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl
getDriver() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getDriver() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
getDriver() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
getDriver() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
getDriver() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeImpl
getDriver() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
getDriver() - Method in RedisStoreImpl
getDriver() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in BrooklynNodeImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in CouchDBNodeImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in DriverDependentEntity
getDriverInterface() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in JBoss6ServerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in KafkaZookeeperImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in MongoDBServerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in RedisStoreImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in TomcatServerImpl
getDriverInterface() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
getDto() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getDuration() - Method in UsageStatistic
getDurationElapsed() - Method in CountdownTimer
return how long the timer has been running (longer than limit if isExpired())
getDurationRemaining() - Method in CountdownTimer
returns how much time is left (negative if isExpired())
getEffector(String) - Method in AbstractEntity
Convenience for finding named effector in EntityType#getEffectors()#getEffectors() java.util.Map.
getEffector(String) - Method in EntityDynamicType
@return the effector with the given name, or null if not found
getEffector(String) - Method in EntityInternal
returns the effector registered against a given name
getEffector(String, Class) - Method in EntityType
@return the matching effector on this entity
getEffector(String, Class) - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getEffectorApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getEffectors() - Method in CatalogEntitySummary
getEffectors() - Method in EntityDynamicType
Effectors available on this entity.
getEffectors() - Method in EntityType
Effectors available on this entity.
getEffectors() - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getEnabledHttpProtocols() - Method in BrooklynNodeImpl
getEnabledProtocols() - Method in JavaWebAppDriver
getEnabledProtocols() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getEnd() - Method in UsageStatistic
getEndpoint() - Method in JcloudsLocation
getEndpointSnitchName() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getEndTimeUtc() - Method in BasicTask
getEndTimeUtc() - Method in ForwardingTask
getEndTimeUtc() - Method in Task
if isDone() (for any reason) returns the time when the task ended; guaranteed to be >= getStartTimeUtc() > 0 if ended, or -1 otherwise
getEndTimeUtc() - Method in TaskSummary
getEnrichers() - Method in AbstractEntity
getEnrichers() - Method in Entity
@return an immutable thread-safe view of the enrichers.
getEnrichers() - Method in EntitySpec
getEnricherSpecs() - Method in EntitySpec
getEnricherType() - Method in AbstractEnricher
getEnricherType() - Method in Enricher
Information about the type of this entity; analogous to Java's object.getClass.
getEntities() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getEntities() - Method in ApplicationSpec
getEntities() - Method in EntityManager
All entities under control of this management plane
getEntities() - Method in LocalEntityManager
getEntities() - Method in ManagementContext
All entities under control of this management plane
getEntities() - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
getEntities() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getEntitiesInApplication(Application) - Method in EntityManager
All entities managed as part of the given application
getEntitiesInApplication(Application) - Method in LocalEntityManager
getEntitiesInApplication(Application) - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
getEntity() - Method in AbstractFeed
getEntity(String) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getEntity() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
ideally restart() would take options, e.g. whether to do full start, skip installs, etc; however in the absence here is a toggle - not sure how well it works; default is false which is similar to previous behaviour (with some seemingly-obvious tidies), meaning install and configure will NOT be done on restart.
getEntity() - Method in BindDnsServerSshDriver
getEntity() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
getEntity(String, String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
finds the entity indicated by the given ID or name
getEntity(String) - Method in CatalogApi
getEntity(String) - Method in CatalogResource
getEntity() - Method in EntityAndAttribute
getEntity() - Method in EntityDriver
The entity instance that this is a driver for.
getEntity(String) - Method in EntityManager
Returns the entity with the given identifier (may be a full instance, or a proxy to one which is remote), or null.
getEntity() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getEntity() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getEntity() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
getEntity() - Method in JmxSupport
getEntity() - Method in KarafSshDriver
getEntity(String) - Method in LocalEntityManager
getEntity(String) - Method in ManagementContext
Returns the entity with the given identifier (may be a full instance, or a proxy to one which is remote)
getEntity() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getEntity() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getEntity() - Method in NginxSshDriver
getEntity(String) - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
getEntity(String) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getEntity() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
getEntity() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
getEntity(String) - Method in RebindContext
getEntity(String) - Method in RebindContextImpl
getEntity() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriver
The entity whose components we are controlling.
getEntity() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
getEntityApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getEntityChangeListener() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
getEntityClass() - Method in EntityDynamicType
getEntityConfigApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getEntityDisplayName() - Method in TaskSummary
getEntityDownloadsManager() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getEntityDownloadsManager() - Method in ManagementContext
Returns the DownloadResolverManager for resolving things like which URL to download an installer from.
getEntityDownloadsManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getEntityDriver() - Method in BasicDownloadRequirement
getEntityDriver() - Method in DownloadResolverManager.DownloadRequirement
The EntityDriver that this download is for.
getEntityDriverFactory() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getEntityDriverFactory() - Method in ManagementContext
@deprecated since 0.5; use getEntityDriverManager()
getEntityDriverFactory() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getEntityDriverManager() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getEntityDriverManager() - Method in ManagementContext
Returns the EntityDriverManager entities can use to create drivers.
getEntityDriverManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getEntityId() - Method in LocationUsage.LocationEvent
getEntityId() - Method in TaskSummary
getEntityIds() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getEntityIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getEntityIds() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getEntityManager() - Method in AbstractEntity
getEntityManager() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getEntityManager() - Method in ManagementContext
Returns the EntityManager instance for managing/querying entities.
getEntityManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getEntityMemento(String) - Method in BrooklynMemento
getEntityMemento(String) - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getEntityMemento(String) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getEntityMementos() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getEntityMementos() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getEntityMementos() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getEntityReferenceAttributes() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getEntityReferenceAttributes() - Method in EntityMemento
getEntityReferenceConfigs() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getEntityReferenceConfigs() - Method in EntityMemento
getEntityType() - Method in AbstractEntity
getEntityType() - Method in ApplicationUsage
getEntityType() - Method in Entity
Information about the type of this entity; analogous to Java's object.getClass.
getEntityType() - Method in LocationUsage.LocationEvent
getEntityTypeName() - Method in AbstractEntity
Gets the entity type name, to be returned by getEntityType().getName().
getEntityTypeOf(Class) - Method in BasicEntityTypeRegistry
getEntityTypeOf(Class) - Method in EntityTypeRegistry
Returns the interface of this entity implementation.
getEntityTypeRegistry() - Method in EntityManager
Returns the type registry, used to identify the entity implementation when instantiating an entity of a given type.
getEntityTypeRegistry() - Method in LocalEntityManager
getEntityTypeRegistry() - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
getEntityVersionLabel(String) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
@deprecated since 0.5.0; instead rely on DownloadResolverManager to include local-repo
getEntries() - Method in CatalogClasspathDto
getEntryNodeName() - Method in MapConverter
getEnv() - Method in ShellPollConfig
getEnv() - Method in SshPollConfig
getErlangVersion() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
getEvents() - Method in ApplicationUsage
getEvents() - Method in LocationUsage
getException() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
returns any exception encountered in the operation
getExchangeName() - Method in AmqpExchange
Return the AMQP exchange name.
getExchangeName() - Method in QpidQueue
getExchangeName() - Method in QpidQueueImpl
getExchangeName() - Method in QpidTopicImpl
getExchangeName() - Method in RabbitDestination
getExecutionContext() - Method in AbstractEntity
getExecutionContext(Entity) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getExecutionContext() - Method in EntityInternal
Returns the task execution context for the entity.
getExecutionContext() - Method in EntityLocal
@return The task execution context for the entity, or null if it is not yet managed.
getExecutionContext() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
getExecutionContext(Entity) - Method in ManagementContext
Returns an ExecutionContext instance representing tasks (from the ExecutionManager) associated with this entity, and capable of conveniently running such tasks which will be associated with that entity
getExecutionContext(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getExecutionManager() - Method in BasicExecutionContext
getExecutionManager() - Method in BasicTask
getExecutionManager() - Method in ForwardingTask
getExecutionManager() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getExecutionManager() - Method in ManagementContext
Returns the ExecutionManager instance for entities and users in this management realm to submit tasks and to observe what tasks are occurring
getExecutionManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getExecutionManager() - Method in TaskInternal
getExitCode() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
getExitCode() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
returns the exit code from the copy, 0 on success; null if it has not completed or threw exception (not sure if this is ever a non-zero integer or if it is meaningful)
getExitStatus() - Method in SshPollValue
Command exit status, or -1 if error is set.
getExpandedInstallDir() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
getExpandedInstallDir() - Method in KarafSshDriver
getExtension(Class) - Method in AbstractLocation
getExtension(Class) - Method in Location
Returns an extension of the given type.
getExtension() - Method in MavenArtifact
returns an extension, if it can be inferred; else null, logging a warning
getExtensions() - Method in LocationSpec
@return Read-only extension values
getExtraStatusText() - Method in BasicTask
getExtraStatusText() - Method in ForwardingTask
getExtraStatusText() - Method in TaskInternal
getFabricSize() - Method in DynamicFabric
getFabricSize() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
getFactory() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
getFactory() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
getFactory() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getFactory() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
getFailures() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getFallbackLocations() - Method in BasicDownloadTargets
getFallbackLocations() - Method in DownloadResolverManager.DownloadTargets
Gets the locations to try (in-order), to be used only after all primary locations have been tried.
getField(Object, Field) - Method in FlagUtils
gets the value of the field.
getFieldsWithFlags(Object) - Method in FlagUtils
get all fields (including private and static) on the given object and all supertypes, that are annotated with SetFromFlags.
getFieldsWithFlagsExcludingModifiers(Object, int) - Method in FlagUtils
get all fields (including private and static) and their values on the given object and all supertypes, where the field is annotated with SetFromFlags.
getFieldsWithFlagsWithModifiers(Object, int) - Method in FlagUtils
get all fields with the given modifiers, and their values on the given object and all supertypes, where the field is annotated with SetFromFlags.
getFieldsWithValues(Object) - Method in FlagUtils
returns a map of all fields which are annotated 'SetFromFlag' with their current values; useful if you want to clone settings from one object
getFilename() - Method in BasicDownloadResolver
getFilename() - Method in DownloadResolver
The name of the artifact.
getFilename() - Method in MavenArtifact
getFilenameContextMapper() - Method in JavaWebAppDriver
getFilenameContextMapper() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getFirst(Map, String) - Method in BrooklynProperties
getFirst(ConfigKey, ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigBag
returns the first key in the list for which a value is explicitly set, then defaulting to defaulting value of preferred key
getFirst(Map, String) - Method in StringConfigMap
returns the value of the first key which is defined
getFirstInteresting(Throwable) - Method in Exceptions
returns the first exception in the call chain which is not of common uninteresting types (ie excluding ExecutionException and PropagatedRuntimeExceptions); or the original throwable if all are uninteresting
getFirstReachableAddress(ComputeServiceContext, NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsUtil
getFirstThrowableOfType(Throwable, Class) - Method in Exceptions
returns the first exception of the given type, or null
getFirstWord(String) - Method in Strings
returns the first word (whitespace delimited text), or null if there is none (input null or all whitespace)
getFirstWordAfter(String, String) - Method in Strings
returns the first word after the given phrase, or null if no such phrase; if the character immediately after the phrase is not whitespace, the non-whitespace sequence starting with that character will be returned
getFlags() - Method in BasicPolicyMemento
getFlags() - Method in EnricherSpec
@return Read-only construction flags
getFlags() - Method in EntitySpec
@return Read-only construction flags
getFlags() - Method in LocationSpec
@return Read-only construction flags
getFlags() - Method in PolicyMemento
getFlags() - Method in PolicySpec
@return Read-only construction flags
getFlags() - Method in ScriptHelper
getFlags() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getFlagsForTaskInvocationAt(Entity) - Method in AbstractEffector
subclasses may override to add additional flags, but they should include the flags returned here unless there is very good reason not to
getFlagsForTaskInvocationAt(Entity, Effector) - Method in EffectorTasks.EffectorBodyTaskFactory
subclasses may override to add additional flags, but they should include the flags returned here unless there is very good reason not to; default impl returns a MutableMap
getFocusMap() - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
returns a java.util.Map at the given focus, creating if needed (so never null), throwing if it exists already and is not a map
getFrom() - Method in UrlRewriteRule
getFurthest(String, Collection) - Method in NetworkMultiAddressUtils
getGenericJcloudsSingleWordProperties(String, Map) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getGenericLocationSingleWordProperties(Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
Returns those properties in the form "", where "xyz" is any key that does not contain dots.
getGithubOpscodeRepo(String) - Method in ChefConfigs
getGlobsAfterBraceExpansion(String, boolean, WildcardGlobs.PhraseTreatment, WildcardGlobs.PhraseTreatment) - Method in WildcardGlobs
returns a list with no curly braces in any entries; e.g. given a{,b} gives a and ab; quotes and parentheses are kept, but their contents may be excluded from expansion or otherwise treated specially as per the flag
getGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNode
getGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNodeDriver
getGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getGroupId() - Method in MavenArtifact
getGroups() - Method in AbstractEntity
getGroups() - Method in Entity
The java.util.Collection of Groups that this entity is a member of.
getHardware() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getHardwareId() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getHeaderLists() - Method in HttpPollValue
getHighThreshold(ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getHighThreshold(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getHintsFor(Object, Class) - Method in RendererHints
getHostAddress() - Method in SshAbstractTool
getHostAndPort() - Method in SshjClientConnection
@return host and port, where port if not present defaults to 22
getHostedUrl(MavenArtifact) - Method in MavenRetriever
getHostGeoInfo() - Method in AbstractLocation
getHostGeoInfo(InetAddress) - Method in GeoBytesHostGeoLookup
getHostGeoInfo() - Method in HasHostGeoInfo
getHostGeoInfo(InetAddress) - Method in HostGeoLookup
getHostGeoInfo(InetAddress) - Method in MaxMindHostGeoLookup
getHostGeoInfo(InetAddress) - Method in UtraceHostGeoLookup
getHostname() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsService
should return the hostname which this DNS service is configuring
getHostname() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
getHostname() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getHostname() - Method in AbstractZookeeperImpl
getHostname() - Method in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
getHostname() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
getHostname() - Method in Zookeeper
getHostnameSensor() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
getHostnameSensor() - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
getHttpManagementInterfaceSecurityRealm() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getHttpManagementPort() - Method in QpidSshDriver
getHttpPort() - Method in CouchDBNode
getHttpPort() - Method in CouchDBNodeDriver
getHttpPort() - Method in CouchDBNodeImpl
getHttpPort() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getHttpPort() - Method in JavaWebAppDriver
getHttpPort() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getHttpPort() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getHttpPort() - Method in NginxSshDriver
getHttpsEnabled() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
getHttpsPort() - Method in CouchDBNode
getHttpsPort() - Method in CouchDBNodeDriver
getHttpsPort() - Method in CouchDBNodeImpl
getHttpsPort() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getHttpsPort() - Method in JavaWebAppDriver
getHttpsPort() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getHttpsPort() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getHttpsSslConfig() - Method in JavaWebAppDriver
getHttpsSslConfig() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getHttpsSslKeyAlias() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getHttpsSslKeystoreFile() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
Path of the keystore file on the AS7 server
getHttpsSslKeystorePassword() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getHttpStatusCode(String) - Method in HttpTestUtils
getHypervisorMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getIcon(String) - Method in CatalogApi
getIcon(String) - Method in CatalogResource
getIcon(String, String) - Method in EntityApi
getIcon(String, String) - Method in EntityResource
getIconUrl() - Method in AbstractEntity
getIconUrl() - Method in CatalogItem
getIconUrl() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getIconUrl() - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
getIconUrl() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
getIconUrl() - Method in Entity
A URL pointing to an image which can be used to represent this icon.
getId() - Method in AbstractEntity
getId() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
getId() - Method in AbstractLocation
getId() - Method in AbstractMemento
getId() - Method in ApplicationSummary
getId() - Method in BasicLocationDefinition
getId() - Method in BasicTask
getId() - Method in CatalogItem
getId() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getId() - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
getId() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
getId() - Method in Enricher
A unique id for this enricher.
getId() - Method in Entity
The unique identifier for this entity.
getId() - Method in EntityAdjunct
A unique id for this adjunct
getId() - Method in EntitySummary
getId() - Method in ForwardingTask
getId() - Method in Location
A unique id for this location.
getId() - Method in LocationDefinition
getId() - Method in LocationSummary
getId() - Method in Memento
getId() - Method in Policy
A unique id for this policy.
getId() - Method in PolicyDescriptor
getId() - Method in PolicySummary
getId() - Method in Task
getId() - Method in TaskSummary
getId() - Method in TreeNode
The id of this node in the tree.
getId() - Method in UsageStatistic
getIdentity() - Method in JcloudsLocation
getIds() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
getImage() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getImageDescriptionMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getImageId() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getImageMatchesCondition() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getImageMediaTypeFromExtension(String) - Method in WebResourceUtils
getImageNameMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getImageVersionMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getImplementation() - Method in EntitySpec
@return The implementation of the entity; if not null. this overrides any defaults or other configuration
getImplementation() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getImplementedBy(Class) - Method in BasicEntityTypeRegistry
getImplementedBy(Class) - Method in EntityTypeRegistry
Returns the implementation to be used for the given entity type.
getInetAddressWithFixedName(byte[]) - Method in Cidr
@deprecated use Networking#getInetAddressWithFixedName(byte[])#getInetAddressWithFixedName(byte[])
getInetAddressWithFixedName(String) - Method in Networking
Gets an InetAddress using the given hostname or IP.
getInitializers() - Method in EntitySpec
@return EntityInitializer objects which customize the entity to be created
getInitializers() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getInitialQuorumSize() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getInput() - Method in InputStreamSupplier
getInput() - Method in ShellPollConfig
getInstallDir() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getInstallFilename() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getInstallFilename() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getInstance() - Method in TrustingSslSocketFactory
getInstanceCounts() - Method in MonitorUtils.MemoryUsage
getInterfacesIncludingClassAncestors(Class) - Method in Reflections
whereas Class.getInterfaces() only returns interfaces directly implemented by a class, this walks the inheritance hierarchy to include interfaces implemented by superclass/ancestors; (note it does not include superinterfaces)
getInUse() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
getIs64bit() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getItemContainer(ItemType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
getItemContainer(ItemType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
getItemFilter() - Method in ItemsInContainersGroupImpl
getItemGroup() - Method in BalanceableWorkerPool
getItemGroup() - Method in BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl
getItemGroup() - Method in FollowTheSunPool
getItemGroup() - Method in FollowTheSunPoolImpl
getItemLocation(ItemType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
getItemLocation(ItemType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
getItems() - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
getItems() - Method in FollowTheSunModel
getItemsForContainer(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getItemWorkrate(ItemType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getItemWorkrates(ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
contains -1 instead of actual item workrate, for items which cannot be moved
getItemWorkrates(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getJarName() - Method in SerializeHelloWorldHadoopJar
getJavaClass() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getJavaOpts() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
arguments to pass to the JVM; this is the config options (e.g.
getJavaSystemProperties() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Returns the complete set of Java system properties (-D defines) to set for the application.
getJavaType() - Method in CatalogItem
getJavaType() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getJavaType() - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
getJcloudsId() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
getJcloudsProperties(String, String, String, Map) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
@see LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties#getLocationProperties(String, String, Map)
getJcloudsProviderLocationId() - Method in JcloudsLocation
@deprecated since 0.5.0 use getRegion
getJmxAccessCert() - Method in JmxmpSslSupport
getJmxAccessKey() - Method in JmxmpSslSupport
getJmxAgentJarBasename() - Method in JmxSupport
@deprecated since 0.6.0; use getJmxAgentJarMavenArtifact()
getJmxAgentJarDestinationFilePath() - Method in JmxSupport
getJmxAgentJarMavenArtifact() - Method in JmxSupport
getJmxAgentJarUrl() - Method in JmxSupport
returns URL for accessing the java agent, throwing if not applicable; prefers on classpath where it should be, but will fall back to taking from maven hosted (known problem in Eclipse where JARs are not always copied)
getJmxAgentMode() - Method in JmxSupport
getJmxContext() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
@deprecated since 0.6.0, the config key is always used instead of this
getJmxJavaConfigOptions() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Return any JVM arguments required, other than the -D defines returned by getJmxJavaSystemProperties()
getJmxJavaConfigOptions() - Method in JmxSupport
getJmxJavaSystemProperties() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Return the configuration properties required to enable JMX for a Java application.
getJmxPort() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
getJmxPort() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
@deprecated since 0.6.0, the config key is always used instead of this
getJmxSslKeyStoreFilePath() - Method in JmxmpSslSupport
getJmxSslSupport() - Method in JmxSupport
getJmxSslTrustStoreFilePath() - Method in JmxmpSslSupport
getJmxUri() - Method in JmxFeed
getJmxUrl() - Method in JmxSupport
getJob() - Method in BasicTask
getJob() - Method in ForwardingTask
getJob() - Method in TaskInternal
getJvmDefines() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
getJvmXArgs() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
getKafkaPort() - Method in KafkaBroker
getKafkaPort() - Method in KafkaBrokerDriver
getKafkaPort() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
getKafkaPort() - Method in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
getKey() - Method in FluentKeySigner
getKeyAlias() - Method in HttpsSslConfig
getKeyData(ConfigBag, ConfigKey, ConfigKey) - Method in LocationConfigUtils
getKeyDestination() - Method in ProxySslConfig
getKeySourceUrl() - Method in ProxySslConfig
getKeystorePassword() - Method in HttpsSslConfig
getKeystoreUrl() - Method in HttpsSslConfig
getLabel() - Method in ConfigSummary
getLastFailure() - Method in WebAppMonitor
result code (int) or exception
getLastStatus() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getLastTime() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getLastWasFailed() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getLastWord(String) - Method in Strings
returns the last word (whitespace delimited text), or null if there is none (input null or all whitespace)
getLatencyFirstResponse() - Method in HttpPollValue
returns latency, in milliseconds, before response started coming in
getLatencyFullContent() - Method in HttpPollValue
returns latency, in milliseconds, if value was initialized with a start time
getLatestValue() - Method in TimeWindowedList
getLaunchScriptName() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
getLaunchScriptName() - Method in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
getLaunchScriptName() - Method in KafkaZookeeperSshDriver
getLeftDatabaseName() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getLeftDatabaseUrl() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getLeftPassword() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getLeftUsername() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getLength() - Method in Cidr
getLimit() - Method in CountdownTimer
how much total time this timer should run for
getLines() - Method in ScriptHelper
getLink() - Method in LinkWithMetadata
getLinkFor(String, Class) - Method in ApidocResource
getLinks() - Method in AccessSummary
getLinks() - Method in ApplicationSummary
getLinks() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
getLinks() - Method in ConfigSummary
getLinks() - Method in EffectorSummary
getLinks() - Method in EntityConfigSummary
getLinks() - Method in EntitySummary
getLinks() - Method in LocationSummary
getLinks() - Method in PolicyConfigSummary
getLinks() - Method in PolicySummary
getLinks() - Method in SensorSummary
getLinks() - Method in TaskSummary
getLinks() - Method in UsageStatistics
getLinkWordFor(Class) - Method in ApidocResource
getList() - Method in AggregateClassLoader
Returns the _live_ (and modifiable) list of classloaders @return
getListenAddress() - Method in CassandraNode
getListenAddress() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getListeners() - Method in BasicTask
getListeners() - Method in ForwardingTask
getListeners() - Method in TaskInternal
getLoader() - Method in ResourceUtils
getLocalAddresses() - Method in Networking
returns all local addresses
getLocalClassLoader() - Method in CatalogClasspathDo
returns classloader for the entries specified here
getLocalClassLoader() - Method in CatalogDo
classloader for only the entries in this catalog's classpath
getLocalConfig() - Method in EntityConfigMap
returns the config defined at this entity, ie not inherited
getLocalFields(List, Predicate) - Method in FlagUtils
getLocalHost() - Method in Networking
returns local IP address, or if it cannot be parsed
getLocalhostExternalIp() - Method in BrooklynNetworkUtils
returns the externally-facing IP address from which this host comes
getLocalhostExternalIp() - Method in NetworkUtils
@deprecated since 0.6.0; use BrooklynNetworkUtils#getLocalhostExternalIp()#getLocalhostExternalIp()
getLocalhostExternalIp() - Method in UtraceHostGeoLookup
returns public IP of localhost
getLocalhostHostname(Properties) - Method in JmxmpAgent
getLocalhostInetAddress() - Method in BrooklynNetworkUtils
returns a IP address for localhost paying attention to a system property to prevent lookup in some cases
getLocalhostInetAddress() - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
getLocalHostname() - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use Machines#findSubnetHostname(this)#findSubnetHostname(this)
getLocalHostname() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use Machines#findSubnetHostname(this)#findSubnetHostname(this)
getLocalPath(MavenArtifact) - Method in MavenRetriever
getLocalUrl(MavenArtifact) - Method in MavenRetriever
returns a URL for accessing the given artifact, preferring a local file if available, else generating a hosted URL (but not checking)
getLocatedLocations() - Method in LocationApi
getLocatedLocations() - Method in LocationResource
getLocation() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
getLocation() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
returns location (tighten type, since we know it is an ssh machine location here)
getLocation(ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getLocation(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getLocation() - Method in EntityDriver
The location the entity is running in.
getLocation(String) - Method in LocalLocationManager
getLocation(String) - Method in LocationManager
Returns the location under management (e.g. in use) with the given identifier (e.g. random string; and different to the LocationDefinition id).
getLocation(Collection) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
getLocation() - Method in NoMachinesAvailableException
@deprecated since 0.5; the catcher can know which location had no machines based on which location they asked for; will remove this so that the exception is definitely serializable.
getLocation(String) - Method in NonDeploymentLocationManager
getLocation(String) - Method in RebindContext
getLocation(String) - Method in RebindContextImpl
getLocationApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getLocationConfig() - Method in BasicLocationMemento
getLocationConfig() - Method in LocationMemento
getLocationConfigDescription() - Method in BasicLocationMemento
getLocationConfigDescription() - Method in LocationMemento
getLocationConfigReferenceKeys() - Method in BasicLocationMemento
getLocationConfigReferenceKeys() - Method in LocationMemento
The keys in getLocationConfig() that reference other locations.
getLocationConfigUnused() - Method in BasicLocationMemento
getLocationConfigUnused() - Method in LocationMemento
getLocationEvenIfPreManaged(String) - Method in LocalLocationManager
getLocationId() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getLocationId() - Method in LocationUsage
getLocationIds() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getLocationIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getLocationIds() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getLocationManager() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getLocationManager() - Method in ManagementContext
getLocationManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getLocationMemento(String) - Method in BrooklynMemento
getLocationMemento(String) - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getLocationMemento(String) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getLocationMementos() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getLocationMementos() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getLocationMementos() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getLocationProperties(String, String, Map) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getLocationProperties(String, String, Map) - Method in LocalhostPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getLocationProperties(String, String, Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
Finds the properties that apply to location, stripping off the prefixes.
getLocationProperty(String) - Method in AbstractLocation
getLocationProperty(String) - Method in Location
Returns the value of the property identified by the specified key.
getLocationPublicIpIds(Location) - Method in PortForwardManager
returns the subset of port mappings associated with a given location
getLocationReferenceAttributes() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getLocationReferenceAttributes() - Method in EntityMemento
getLocationReferenceConfigs() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getLocationReferenceConfigs() - Method in EntityMemento
getLocationRegistry() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getLocationRegistry() - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
getLocationRegistry() - Method in ManagementContext
Record of configured locations and location resolvers
getLocationRegistry() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getLocations() - Method in AbstractEntity
getLocations() - Method in ApplicationSpec
getLocations() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getLocations() - Method in Entity
Return all the Locations this entity is deployed to.
getLocations() - Method in EntityMemento
The ids of the locations for this entity.
getLocations() - Method in LocalLocationManager
getLocations() - Method in LocationManager
All locations under control of this management plane.
getLocations() - Method in NonDeploymentLocationManager
getLocationsById(Iterable) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
@deprecated since 0.5; use resolve
getLocationUsage(Predicate) - Method in LocalUsageManager
Returns the usage info that matches the given predicate.
getLocationUsage(Predicate) - Method in NonDeploymentUsageManager
getLocationUsage(Predicate) - Method in UsageManager
Returns the usage info that matches the given predicate.
getLocatorFor(String, ConfigMap) - Method in CustomResourceLocator
returns the first known locator for the given url/config pair
getLogFile() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
getLogFile() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in KarafSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in NginxSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in QpidSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
getLogFileLocation() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
getLookup() - Method in MaxMindHostGeoLookup
getLookupUrlFor(InetAddress) - Method in UtraceHostGeoLookup
returns URL to get properties for the given address (assuming localhost if address is on a subnet)
getLookupUrlForLocalhost() - Method in UtraceHostGeoLookup
getLookupUrlForPublicIp(String) - Method in UtraceHostGeoLookup
getLowThreshold(ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getLowThreshold(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getMachine() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getMachine() - Method in JmxSupport
getMachine() - Method in ProcessTaskStub
null for localhost
getMachine() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
getMachine() - Method in SshPollValue
The machine the command will run on.
getMachine() - Method in SshPutTaskStub
getMachineOfEntity(Entity) - Method in SshFeed
getMachineOrNull() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
getMachines() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
getMachineUsage(String, String, String) - Method in UsageApi
getMachineUsage(String, String, String) - Method in UsageResource
getMainClass() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
getManagementBindAddress() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getManagementCidr() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getManagementContext() - Method in AbstractEntity
getManagementContext() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
getManagementContext() - Method in AbstractLocation
getManagementContext() - Method in Application
getManagementContext() - Method in ApplicationBuilder
getManagementContext() - Method in BrooklynServerDetails
getManagementContext() - Method in EntityInternal
Returns the management context for the entity.
getManagementContext() - Method in EntityLocal
@return The management context for the entity, or null if it is not yet managed.
getManagementContext() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
getManagementContext() - Method in HazelcastDataGrid
getManagementContext() - Method in ManagementTransitionInfo
getManagementHttpPort() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getManagementHttpsPort() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getManagementNativePort() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getManagementSupport() - Method in AbstractEntity
getManagementSupport() - Method in EntityInternal
@return Routings for accessing and inspecting the management context of the entity
getMandatoryVal(Map, String, Class) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
@deprecated since 0.5.0 use ConfigKey variant
getMap(String) - Method in BrooklynStorage
Creates a map backed by the storage-medium.
getMap(String) - Method in BrooklynStorageImpl
getMap(String) - Method in DataGrid
If a map already exists with this id, returns it; otherwise creates a new map stored in the datagrid.
getMap(String) - Method in HazelcastDataGrid
getMap(String) - Method in InmemoryDatagrid
getMariaDbServerOptionsString() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getMaster() - Method in RedisCluster
getMaster() - Method in RedisClusterImpl
getMaster() - Method in RedisSlave
getMaster() - Method in RedisSlaveImpl
getMatchingConstructor(Class, Object) - Method in TypeCoercions
for automatic conversion
getMatchingProperties(String, String, Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
Gets all properties that start with either of the given prefixes.
getMatchingSingleWordProperties(String, String, Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
Gets all single-word properties that start with either of the given prefixes.
getMaxAllowed() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
getMaxMigrationsPerBalancingNode() - Method in BalancingStrategy
getMaxNameLength() - Method in CloudMachineNamer
returns the max length of a VM name for the cloud specified in setup; this value is typically decremented by 9 to make room for jclouds labels; delegates to getCustomMaxNameLength() when CloudLocationConfig#VM_NAME_MAX_LENGTH#VM_NAME_MAX_LENGTH is not set
getMaxUnbounded() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
getMembers() - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
getMembers() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getMembers() - Method in EntityMemento
The ids of the member entities, if this is a Group; otherwise empty.
getMembers() - Method in Group
Return the entities that are members of this group.
getMembers() - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
getMembersByLocation() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getMemberSpec() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
Sets the default MEMBER_SPEC to describe the Cassandra nodes.
getMemberSpec() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
Sets the default MEMBER_SPEC to describe the Cassandra sub-clusters.
getMemberSpec() - Method in CouchDBClusterImpl
Sets the default MEMBER_SPEC to describe the CouchDB nodes.
getMemberSpec() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getMemberSpec() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
getMemberSpec() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
getMemento() - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
getMemento() - Method in BasicLocationRebindSupport
getMemento() - Method in BasicPolicyRebindSupport
getMemento() - Method in RebindSupport
Creates a memento representing this entity's current state.
getMementoWithProperties(Map) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
getMementoWithProperties(Map) - Method in BasicLocationRebindSupport
getMementoWithProperties(Map) - Method in BasicPolicyRebindSupport
getMemoryUsage(int, String, int) - Method in MonitorUtils
@param pid
getMessage() - Method in ApiError
getMessages() - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess.OpenshiftJsonResult
getMetadata() - Method in ApplicationUsage
getMetadata() - Method in LinkWithMetadata
getMetadata() - Method in LocationUsage
getMetadata() - Method in UsageStatistic
getMethod() - Method in HttpPollConfig
getMimeType() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
getMinCores() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getMinDisk() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getMinRam() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getMirrorUrl() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
getMirrorUrl() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getMirrorUrl() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getMirrorUrl() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getMiscResources() - Method in BrooklynRestApi
getMode() - Method in ManagementTransitionInfo
getMode() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getMostGeneralLocatedLocation(Location) - Method in EntityLocationUtils
getMsg() - Method in AccessController.Response
getMutableEntityType() - Method in AbstractEntity
getMutableEntityType() - Method in EntityInternal
returns the dynamic type corresponding to the type of this entity instance
getMutableTags() - Method in BasicTask
getMutableTags() - Method in ForwardingTask
getMutableTags() - Method in TaskInternal
getMySqlServerOptionsString() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getName() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
getName() - Method in AbstractLocation
getName() - Method in AdjunctType
getName() - Method in ApplicationSpec
getName(ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getName() - Method in BalancingStrategy
getName() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#getName()
getName() - Method in BasicLocationDefinition
getName() - Method in BasicOsDetails
java property (human readable name); e.g.
getName() - Method in BasicParameterType
getName() - Method in BasicSensor
@see Sensor#getName()
getName() - Method in CatalogItem
getName() - Method in CatalogItemDo
getName() - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
getName() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
getName() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns the name of the configuration parameter, in a dot-separated namespace (FQN).
getName() - Method in ConfigSummary
getName(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getName(ItemType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
getName() - Method in Effector
human-friendly name of the effector (although frequently this uses java method naming convention)
getName() - Method in EffectorBase
getName() - Method in EffectorSummary
getName() - Method in EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary
getName() - Method in Enricher
Get the name assigned to this enricher.
getName() - Method in EnricherType
The type name of this policy (normally the fully qualified class name).
getName() - Method in EnricherTypeImpl
getName() - Method in EntityAdjunct
Get the name assigned to this adjunct
getName() - Method in EntitySpec
getName() - Method in EntitySummary
getName() - Method in EntityType
The type name of this entity (normally the fully qualified class name).
getName() - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getName(ItemType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
getName() - Method in JMSDestination
getName() - Method in JMSDestinationImpl
getName() - Method in Location
@deprecated since 0.6
getName() - Method in LocationDefinition
getName() - Method in LocationSpec
getName() - Method in OsDetails
getName() - Method in ParameterType
getName() - Method in Policy
Get the name assigned to this policy.
getName() - Method in PolicyDescriptor
getName() - Method in PolicySummary
getName() - Method in PolicyType
The type name of this policy (normally the fully qualified class name).
getName() - Method in PolicyTypeImpl
getName() - Method in RabbitQueue
getName() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
human-friendly name for this template. should normally be unique, it is the primary differentiator for strict matching.
getName() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
constructor-time supplied name
getName() - Method in Sensor
Returns the name of the sensor, in a dot-separated namespace.
getName() - Method in SensorSummary
getNamedJcloudsProperties(String, Map) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getNamedLocationProperties(String, Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getNamedProvider(String, Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
Gets the named provider (e.g. if using a property like brooklyn.location.named.myfavourite=localhost, then getNamedProvider("myfavourite", properties) will return "localhost").
getNameParts() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#getNameParts()
getNameParts() - Method in BasicSensor
@see Sensor#getNameParts()
getNameParts() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns the constituent parts of the configuration parameter name as a java.util.Collection.
getNameParts() - Method in Sensor
Returns the constituent parts of the sensor name as a java.util.List.
getNextScheduled() - Method in ScheduledTask
getNode() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
getNonConcurrentList(String) - Method in BrooklynStorage
Creates a list backed by the storage-medium.
getNonConcurrentList(String) - Method in BrooklynStorageImpl
getNonFailedSubLocations() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getNotificationFilter() - Method in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
getNumActiveTasks() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getNumIncompleteTasks() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getNumInMemoryTasks() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getNumSubscriptions() - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
getObject() - Method in WeightedObject
getObjectName() - Method in JmxAttributePollConfig
getObjectName() - Method in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
getObjectName() - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
getObjectValueForDisplay(Object) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
getOnError() - Method in FeedConfig
@deprecated since 0.6; use getOnException())
getOnException() - Method in FeedConfig
getOnFailure() - Method in FeedConfig
getOnNotification() - Method in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
getOnSuccess() - Method in FeedConfig
getOpenWirePort() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
getOpenWirePort() - Method in ActiveMQDriver
getOpenWirePort() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
getOperationName() - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
getOptionalField(String, Map, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
getOptionalVal(Map, String, Class, Object) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
@deprecated since 0.5.0 use ConfigKey variant
getOptions() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
sets customization options; may be null if not set. use addOptions(new TemplateOptions()) to set new ones.
getOsArchitectureMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getOsDescriptionMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getOsDetails() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
getOsDetails() - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine
getOsDetails() - Method in MachineLocation
getOsDetails() - Method in SimulatedLocation
getOsDetails() - Method in SshMachineLocation
getOsDir() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
getOsFamily() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getOsNameMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getOsTag() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getOsTag() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
getOsTag() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getOsVersionMatchesRegex() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getOutputSoFar() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
getOutputStream() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
getOwner() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
getOwningThreads() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
unmodifiable view of threads owning the permits; threads with multiple permits listed multiply
getPackaging() - Method in MavenArtifact
getParameter() - Method in JcloudsResolver.JcloudsSpecParser
getParameterClass() - Method in BasicParameterType
getParameterClass() - Method in ParameterType
getParameterClassName() - Method in BasicParameterType
getParameterClassName() - Method in ParameterType
The canonical name of the parameter class; especially useful if the class cannot be resolved after deserialization.
getParameters() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
getParameters() - Method in Effector
parameters expected by method, including name and type, optional description and default value
getParameters() - Method in EffectorBase
getParameters() - Method in EffectorSummary
getParams() - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
getParent() - Method in AbstractEntity
getParent() - Method in AbstractLocation
0.6.0 (?)
getParent() - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento
getParent() - Method in Entity
The parent of this entity, null if no parent.
getParent() - Method in EntitySpec
@return The entity's parent
getParent() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
getParent() - Method in Location
Get the 'parent' of this location.
getParent() - Method in LocationSpec
@return The location's parent
getParent() - Method in QpidDestinationImpl
getParent() - Method in RabbitDestination
getParent() - Method in TreeNode
The id of the parent entity, or null if none.
getParent() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getParentContainer(ItemType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getParentKey() - Method in BasicConfigKey.BasicConfigKeyOverwriting
getParentLocation() - Method in AbstractLocation
getParentLocation() - Method in Location
@deprecated since 0.6
getPassword() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
getPassword() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getPassword() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
getPassword() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getPassword() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
getPath(Method) - Method in ApidocResource.ApidocJaxrsSpecParser
getPath() - Method in UrlMapping
getPath() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
getPattern() - Method in FormattedString
getPeriod() - Method in PollConfig
getPerSecondDeltaEnricher(Entity, Sensor, Sensor) - Method in TimeWeightedDeltaEnricher
getPersister() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentRebindManager
getPersister() - Method in RebindManager
getPersister() - Method in RebindManagerImpl
getPerThreadCurrentTask() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getPidFile() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
getPidFile() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
getPidFile() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getPidFile() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getPidFile() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
getPidFile() - Method in QpidSshDriver
getPidFile() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
getPolicies() - Method in AbstractEntity
getPolicies() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getPolicies() - Method in Entity
@return an immutable thread-safe view of the policies.
getPolicies() - Method in EntityMemento
The ids of the policies of this entity.
getPolicies() - Method in EntitySpec
getPolicies() - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
getPolicy(Entity, String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
finds the policy indicated by the given ID or name.
getPolicy(String) - Method in CatalogApi
getPolicy(String) - Method in CatalogResource
getPolicy(String) - Method in RebindContext
getPolicy(String) - Method in RebindContextImpl
getPolicyApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getPolicyConfigApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getPolicyIds() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getPolicyIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getPolicyIds() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getPolicyMemento(String) - Method in BrooklynMemento
getPolicyMemento(String) - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getPolicyMemento(String) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getPolicyMementos() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getPolicyMementos() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getPolicyMementos() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getPolicySpecs() - Method in EntitySpec
getPolicyStatus(Policy) - Method in Policies
getPolicyType() - Method in AbstractPolicy
getPolicyType() - Method in Policy
Information about the type of this entity; analogous to Java's object.getClass.
getPolicyType() - Method in PolicyDescriptor
getPoller() - Method in JmxFeed
getPoolContents() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getPoolContents() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getPoolHighThreshold() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getPoolHighThreshold() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getPoolLowThreshold() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getPoolLowThreshold() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getPoolName() - Method in MachinePool
pool name is used as a group/label by jclouds, for convenience only; it has no special properties for detecting matching instances (use explicit tags on the templates, for that).
getPoolSize() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getPoolSize() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getPort() - Method in AbstractController
getPort() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
getPort() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
getPort() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getPort() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
getPort() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getPort() - Method in SshMachineLocation
port for SSHing
getPortIncrement() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getPortMap() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
getPortMap() - Method in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
getPortMap() - Method in KafkaZookeeperSshDriver
getPortMappingWithPrivateSide(Location, int) - Method in PortForwardManager
getPortMappingWithPublicIpId(String) - Method in PortForwardManager
returns the subset of port mappings associated with a given public IP ID
getPortMappingWithPublicSide(String, int) - Method in PortForwardManager
returns the port mapping for a given publicIpId and public port
getPortNumberSensor() - Method in AbstractController
getPortNumberSensor() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
getPortNumberSensor() - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
getPortOffset() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getPortsUsed() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getPortsUsed() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getPortsUsed() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
getPossibleValues() - Method in ConfigSummary
getPrefix() - Method in ByonLocationResolver
getPrefix() - Method in DefinedLocationByIdResolver
getPrefix() - Method in HostLocationResolver
getPrefix() - Method in JcloudsByonLocationResolver
getPrefix() - Method in JcloudsResolver
getPrefix() - Method in LocalhostResolver
getPrefix() - Method in LocationResolver
the prefix that this resolver will attend to
getPrefix() - Method in NamedLocationResolver
getPrefix() - Method in OpenshiftLocation.Resolver
getPrefix() - Method in SingleMachineLocationResolver
getPrimary() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSet
@return The primary MongoDB server in the replica set.
getPrimary() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
getPrimaryDomain(int) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient
getPrimaryDomains() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient
getPrimaryLocations() - Method in BasicDownloadTargets
getPrimaryLocations() - Method in DownloadResolverManager.DownloadTargets
Gets the locations to try (in-order).
getPrincipal() - Method in FluentKeySigner
getPriority() - Method in ConfigSummary
getPrivateAddress() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
getPrivateIp() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getPrivateKeyData(ConfigBag) - Method in LocationConfigUtils
getPrivateNetwork(InetAddress) - Method in Networking
getPrivatePort() - Method in PortMapping
getProblem() - Method in ScriptExecutionSummary
getProblem() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getProcessIdentifier() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
getProcessIdentifier() - Method in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
getProcessIdentifier() - Method in KafkaZookeeperSshDriver
getProperties() - Method in BasicDownloadRequirement
getProperties() - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getProperties() - Method in DownloadResolverManager.DownloadRequirement
Default properties for this download.
getProperties() - Method in LocationRegistry
getPropertiesLookupUrlFor(InetAddress) - Method in GeoBytesHostGeoLookup
returns URL to get properties for the given address (assuming localhost if address is on a subnet)
getPropertiesLookupUrlForLocalhost() - Method in GeoBytesHostGeoLookup
getPropertiesLookupUrlForPublicIp(String) - Method in GeoBytesHostGeoLookup
getPropertyName() - Method in BasicDelegatingSystemProperty
getPropertyName() - Method in StringSystemProperty
getPropertySafe(Object, String, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
getProtocol() - Method in AbstractController
getProtocol() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
getProtocol(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
returns the protocol (e.g. http) if one appears to be specified, or else null; 'protocol' here should consist of 2 or more _letters_ only followed by a colon (2 required to prevent c``:\xxx being treated as a url)
getProvider() - Method in JcloudsLocation
getProviderFromDefinition(String) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getProviderName(String, String, Map) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getProviderOrApi() - Method in JcloudsResolver.JcloudsSpecParser
getProviderOrApiJcloudsProperties(String, Map) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getProvisioningFlags(Collection) - Method in AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation
getProvisioningFlags(Collection) - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
getProvisioningFlags(Collection) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
getProvisioningFlags(Collection) - Method in JcloudsLocation
getProvisioningFlags(Collection) - Method in MachineProvisioningLocation
Gets flags, suitable as an argument to obtain(Map).
getProvisioningFlags(Collection) - Method in SimulatedLocation
getProvisioningFlags(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
in 0.4.0. use obtainProvisioningFlags.
getProvisioningLocation() - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
getProvisioningLocation() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
getProxy() - Method in AbstractEntity
getProxyIfAvailable() - Method in AbstractEntity
Returns the proxy, or if not available (because using legacy code) then returns the real entity.
getProxyObject(ObjectName, Class) - Method in JmxHelper
getPublicHostAndPort(PortMapping) - Method in PortForwardManager
returns the public host and port for use accessing the given mapping
getPublicIp() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getPublicIpHostname(String) - Method in PortForwardManager
returns a recorded public hostname or address
getPublicKeyData(ConfigBag) - Method in LocationConfigUtils
getPublicPort() - Method in PortMapping
getQuarantineGroup() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getQueue() - Method in DynamicSequentialTask
getQueue() - Method in TaskQueueingContext
returns a list of queued tasks (immutable copy)
getQueuedTimeUtc() - Method in BasicTask
if the job is queued for submission (e.g. by another task) it can indicate that fact (and time) here; note tasks can (and often are) submitted without any queueing, in which case this value may be -1
getQueuedTimeUtc() - Method in ForwardingTask
getQueuedTimeUtc() - Method in TaskInternal
if the job is queued for submission (e.g. by another task) it can indicate that fact (and time) here; note tasks can (and often are) submitted without any queueing, in which case this value may be -1
getQueueName() - Method in ActiveMQQueueImpl
getQueueName() - Method in QpidDestination
Return the AMQP name for the queue.
getQueueName() - Method in QpidDestinationImpl
getQueueName() - Method in Queue
getQueueName() - Method in RabbitQueue
Return the AMQP name for the queue.
getQueueNames() - Method in JMSBroker
getQueueNames() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
getQueues() - Method in JMSBroker
getQueues() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
getQuorumSize() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
getQuorumSize(Collection) - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
getRackName() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getRawConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in BrooklynProperties
getRawConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigMap
returns the value stored against the given key, not any default, not resolved (and guaranteed non-blocking) and not type-coerced
getRawConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigMapImpl
getRawConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in EntityConfigMap
getRawLocalConfigBag() - Method in AbstractLocation
getRawTags() - Method in TaskSummary
getRebindManager() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getRebindManager() - Method in ManagementContext
getRebindManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getRebindSupport() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
getRebindSupport() - Method in AbstractEntity
getRebindSupport() - Method in AbstractLocation
getRebindSupport() - Method in AbstractPolicy
getRebindSupport() - Method in Entity
getRebindSupport() - Method in Location
getRebindSupport() - Method in Policy
getRebindSupport() - Method in Rebindable
getRecursiveClassLoader() - Method in CatalogDo
recursive classloader is the local classloader plus all children catalog's classloader
getRedisPort() - Method in RedisStore
getRedisPort() - Method in RedisStoreImpl
getReference(String) - Method in BrooklynStorage
Creates a reference to a value, backed by the storage-medium.
getReference(String) - Method in BrooklynStorageImpl
getReferrer() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
getReferrer() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityReference
getRegion() - Method in JcloudsLocation
returns the location ID used by the provider, if set, e.g. us-west-1
getRegionJcloudsProperties(String, String, Map) - Method in JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
getRemoteFile() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
getRemoteFile() - Method in SshPutTaskStub
getRemovalStrategy() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getRemovalStrategy() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
getRenderingConfigurationFor(String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
getReplicaSetConfig() - Method in MongoClientSupport
Java equivalent of calling rs.conf() in the console.
getReplicaSetName() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSet
The name of the replica set.
getReplicaSetName() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
getReplicaSetStatus() - Method in MongoClientSupport
Runs replSetGetStatus on the admin database.
getReplicationInterval() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
Accessors used in freemarker template processing
getRequestedPort() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
getRequestingThreads() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
unmodifiable view of threads requesting access (blocked or briefly trying to acquire); this is guaranteed to be cleared _after_ getOwners (synchronizing on this class while reading both fields will give canonical access)
getRequiredConfig(Entity, ConfigKey) - Method in ChefConfigs
getRequiredConfig(ConfigKey) - Method in ChefSoloDriver
getRequiredConfig(Entity, ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigUtils
getRequiredField(String, Map) - Method in LanguageUtils
getRequiredOpenPorts() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
getRequiredOpenPorts(Entity) - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
getRequiredOpenPorts() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
returns the ports that this entity wants to use; default implementation returns 22 plus first value for each PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey config key PortRange.
getRequiredUrlConfig(Entity, HasConfigKey) - Method in Entities
as getRequiredUrlConfig(Entity, ConfigKey)
getResource(String) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
getResource(String) - Method in AggregateClassLoader
getResource(String) - Method in Reflections
finds the resource in the classloader, if it exists; inserts or replaces leading slash as necessary (i believe it should _not_ have one, but there is some inconsistency)
getResource(String, ClassLoader) - Method in TestUtils
@deprecated since 0.5; use ResourceUtils
getResourceAsString(String) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
getResourceAsString(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
takes getResourceFromUrl(String) and reads fully, into a string
getResourceClasses(ResourceConfig) - Method in ApidocResource
getResourceFromUrl(String) - Method in CustomResourceLocator
finds the file indicated at the URL, using some rewrites if necessary to work around some known issues.
getResourceFromUrl(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
Takes a string which is treated as a URL (with some extended "schemes" also expected), or as a path to something either on the classpath (absolute only) or the local filesystem (relative or absolute, depending on leading slash)
getResourceOfLink(ResourceConfig, String) - Method in ApidocResource
getResponseCode() - Method in HttpPollValue
getResult() - Method in BasicTask
getResult() - Method in ForwardingTask
getResult() - Method in ScriptExecutionSummary
getResult() - Method in TaskInternal
getResultStderr() - Method in ScriptHelper
getResultStdout() - Method in ScriptHelper
getReturnType() - Method in Effector
getReturnType() - Method in EffectorBase
getReturnType() - Method in EffectorSummary
getReturnTypeName() - Method in Effector
canonical name of return type (in case return type does not resolve after serialization)
getReturnTypeName() - Method in EffectorBase
getReuseSessions() - Method in ProxySslConfig
getReverseLookupDomain() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getReverseLookupNetwork() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getReverseMappings() - Method in BindDnsServer
getReverseMappings() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getRightDatabaseName() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getRightDatabaseUrl() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getRightPassword() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getRightUsername() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getRmiPort() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
@deprecated since 0.4.0, see getRmiRegistryPort()
getRmiRegistryPort() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
@deprecated since 0.6.0, the config key is always used instead of this
getRmiServerPort() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
@deprecated since 0.4.0, see getRmiRegistryPort()
getRole() - Method in WhirrInstance
getRole() - Method in WhirrInstanceImpl
getRole() - Method in WhirrRole
getRole() - Method in WhirrRoleImpl
getRoot() - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
returns the object at the root
getRootClassLoader() - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
getRootClassLoader() - Method in BrooklynCatalog
returns the classloader which should be used to load classes and entities; this includes all the catalog's classloaders in the right order
getRootClassLoader() - Method in CatalogDo
the root classloader is the recursive CL from the outermost catalog (which includes the base classloader from the mgmt context, if set)
getRootContext() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
getRootMap() - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
returns the java.util.Map at the root, throwing if root is not a map
getRootUrl() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
URL for accessing this web server (root context)
getRunCount() - Method in ScheduledTask
getRunDir() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getRunDir() - Method in JmxSupport
getRunDir() - Method in KarafDriver
getRunDir() - Method in RabbitBroker
getRunDir() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
getRunDir() - Method in RabbitDriver
getRunDir() - Method in RedisStoreDriver
getRunDir() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
getRunningPids(String, String) - Method in MonitorUtils
Confirm the given pid is running, and that the the process matches the given regex.
getScopedLocationProperties(String, Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
Gets all properties that start with {@code "brooklyn.location."
getScriptApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getSecondaries() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSet
@return The secondary servers in the replica set.
getSecondaries() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
getSeeds() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
getSeeds() - Method in CassandraNode
getSeeds() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getSeedSupplier() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
getSeedSupplier() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
Prefers one node per location, and then others from anywhere.
getSemaphore(String, boolean) - Method in MutexSupport
getSensor() - Method in BasicSensorEvent
getSensor(String) - Method in EntityDynamicType
Convenience for finding named sensor.
getSensor(String) - Method in EntityType
The Sensor with the given name, or null if not found.
getSensor(String) - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getSensor() - Method in FeedConfig
getSensor() - Method in SensorEvent
The Sensor describing the data.
getSensorApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getSensors() - Method in CatalogEntitySummary
getSensors() - Method in EntityDynamicType
Sensors available on this entity.
getSensors() - Method in EntityType
Sensors available on this entity.
getSensors() - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getSerial() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
getServer() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
getServerDetails() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
getServerPort() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
getServerStatus() - Method in MongoClientSupport
getSessionTimeout() - Method in SshjClientConnection
@return how long to keep the ssh open, or 0 for indefinitely
getShellEnvironment() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
Use RMI agent to provide JMX.
getShellEnvironment() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
The environment variables to be set when executing the commands (for install, run, check running, etc).
getShellEnvironment() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
Sets all JVM options (-X..
getShellEnvironment() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in ProcessTaskStub
getShellEnvironment() - Method in QpidSshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in RabbitBroker
getShellEnvironment() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
getShellEnvironment() - Method in RabbitDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
getShellEnvironment() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
getShortName() - Method in HasShortName
gets a short name, for human-friendly identification e.g. inside the name of a VM
getShortName() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getShortName() - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
getShortName() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
getShortName() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
getShortName() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
getShortName() - Method in TomcatServerImpl
getShutdownPort() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
getSignature() - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
getSimpleName() - Method in EntityType
The simple type name of this entity (normally the unqualified class name).
getSimpleName() - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
getSlaves() - Method in RedisCluster
getSlaves() - Method in RedisClusterImpl
getSmartSubdomain(int) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
getSmartSubdomains() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
getSnapshot() - Method in EntityDynamicType
getSocketEndpointFor(Cidr, int) - Method in SupportsPortForwarding
returns an endpoint suitable for contacting the indicated private port on this object, from the given Cidr, creating it if necessary and possible; may return null if forwarding not available
getSocketUid() - Method in MariaDbNodeImpl
getSocketUid() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getSocketUid() - Method in MySqlNodeImpl
getSocketUid() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getSource() - Method in BasicSensorEvent
getSource() - Method in SensorEvent
The Entity where the data originated.
getSpec() - Method in ApplicationSummary
getSpec() - Method in BasicLocationDefinition
getSpec() - Method in LocationDefinition
getSpec() - Method in LocationSpec
getSpecDefaultResolver(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getSpecFirstResolver(String, String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getSpecResolver(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
getSSHClient() - Method in SshjClientConnection
@return the current ssh or null if not connected
getSshFlags() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
extracts the values for the main brooklyn.ssh.config.* config keys (i.e. those declared in ConfigKeys) as declared on the entity, and inserts them in a map using the unprefixed state, for ssh.
getSshHostAndPort() - Method in SshMachineLocation
getSshMachine(Entity) - Method in EffectorTasks
Finds a unique SshMachineLocation attached to the supplied entity
getSslGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNode
getSslGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNodeDriver
getSslGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getSslGossipPort() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getSslKeyAlias() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getSslKeystoreFile() - Method in JBoss7Driver
The path to the keystore file on the AS7 server machine.
getSslKeystoreFile() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
getSslKeystorePassword() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getSslKeystoreUrl() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in DemoUtils
getStart() - Method in UsageStatistic
getStartTime() - Method in HttpPollValue
returns the timestamp (millis since 1970) when this request was started
getStartTimeUtc() - Method in BasicTask
getStartTimeUtc() - Method in ForwardingTask
getStartTimeUtc() - Method in Task
if isBegun() returns the time when the task was starts; guaranteed to be >= getSubmitTimeUtc() > 0 if started, or -1 otherwise
getStartTimeUtc() - Method in TaskSummary
getState() - Method in ApplicationUsage.ApplicationEvent
getState() - Method in LocationUsage.LocationEvent
getState() - Method in PolicySummary
getStaticConfigKeys() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getStaticKeysOnClass(Class) - Method in ConfigUtils
getStaticSensorKeys() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
getStatistics() - Method in UsageStatistics
getStatus() - Method in ApplicationSummary
getStatus(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyApi
getStatus(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyResource
getStatus() - Method in UsageStatistic
getStatusCmd() - Method in MariaDbDriver
getStatusCmd() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
getStatusCmd() - Method in MySqlDriver
getStatusCmd() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
getStatusCmd() - Method in PostgreSqlDriver
getStatusCmd() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
getStatusDetail(boolean) - Method in BasicTask
Returns detailed status, suitable for a hover
getStatusDetail(boolean) - Method in ForwardingTask
getStatusDetail(boolean) - Method in Task
Returns detailed status, suitable for a hover.
getStatusString(int) - Method in BasicTask
This method is useful for callers to see the status of a task.
getStatusSummary() - Method in BasicTask
Returns a brief status string
getStatusSummary() - Method in ForwardingTask
getStatusSummary() - Method in Task
getStderr() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
getStderr() - Method in ScriptExecutionSummary
getStderr() - Method in SshPollValue
Command standard error; may be null if no content available.
getStderrBytes() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
getStdout() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
getStdout() - Method in ScriptExecutionSummary
getStdout() - Method in SshPollValue
Command standard output; may be null if no content available.
getStdoutBytes() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
getStopwatch() - Method in CountdownTimer
returns underlying stopwatch, which caller can inspect for more details or modify
getStorage() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getStorage() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
getStorage() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getStore() - Method in ReflectionScanner
getStreams() - Method in TaskSummary
getStringKey(String, boolean) - Method in ConfigBag
getStringOfMaxLength(int) - Method in StringShortener
getStringValueForDisplay(Object) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
getStringValueForDisplay(BrooklynRestResourceUtils, Policy, Object) - Method in PolicyConfigResource
getSubLocations(int) - Method in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
getSubLocations(int) - Method in AvailabilityZoneExtension
getSubLocationsByName(Predicate, int) - Method in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
getSubLocationsByName(Predicate, int) - Method in AvailabilityZoneExtension
getSubmittedByTask() - Method in BasicTask
getSubmittedByTask() - Method in ForwardingTask
getSubmittedByTask() - Method in Task
task which submitted this task, if was submitted by a task
getSubmittedByTask() - Method in TaskSummary
getSubmitTimeUtc() - Method in BasicTask
getSubmitTimeUtc() - Method in ForwardingTask
getSubmitTimeUtc() - Method in Task
if isSubmitted() returns the time when the task was submitted; or -1 otherwise
getSubmitTimeUtc() - Method in TaskSummary
getSubnetHostname() - Method in HasSubnetHostname
returns a hostname for use internally within a subnet / VPC
getSubnetHostname() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
returns the hostname (or sometimes IP) for use by peers in the same subnet, defaulting to public hostname if nothing special
getSubnetHostname(Location) - Method in Machines
getSubnetIp() - Method in HasSubnetHostname
returns an IP for use internally within a subnet / VPC
getSubnetIp() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
getSubnetIp(Location) - Method in Machines
getSubscriber(Map, Subscription) - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager
getSubscriptionContext() - Method in AbstractEntity
getSubscriptionContext(Entity) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getSubscriptionContext() - Method in EntityInternal
getSubscriptionContext() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
getSubscriptionContext(Entity) - Method in ManagementContext
Returns a SubscriptionContext instance representing subscriptions (from the SubscriptionManager) associated with this entity, and capable of conveniently subscribing on behalf of that entity
getSubscriptionContext(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getSubscriptionHandle() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
getSubscriptionManager() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getSubscriptionManager() - Method in ManagementContext
Returns the SubscriptionManager instance for entities and users of this management realm to subscribe to sensor events (and, in the case of entities, to emit sensor events)
getSubscriptionManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getSubscriptions() - Method in BasicSubscriptionContext
Return the subscriptions associated with this context
getSubscriptions() - Method in SubscriptionContext
Return the subscriptions associated with this context
getSubscriptionsForEntitySensor(Entity, Sensor) - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
getSubscriptionsForEntitySensor(Entity, Sensor) - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
getSubscriptionsForEntitySensor(Entity, Sensor) - Method in SubscriptionManager
Return the subscriptions on a given source-sensor pair
getSubscriptionsForSubscriber(Object) - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
getSubscriptionsForSubscriber(Object) - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
getSubscriptionsForSubscriber(Object) - Method in SubscriptionManager
Return the subscriptions requested by a given subscriber
getSubscriptionTracker() - Method in AbstractEntity
getSubscriptionTracker() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
getSubTypesOf(Class) - Method in ReflectionScanner
overrides delegate so as to log rather than throw exception if a class cannot be loaded
getSuburl() - Method in HttpPollConfig
getSuccesses() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getSummary() - Method in ProcessTaskStub
getSummary() - Method in SshPutTaskStub
getSupportedCipherSuites() - Method in TrustingSslSocketFactory
getTableRegex() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl
getTags() - Method in BasicTask
getTags() - Method in ForwardingTask
getTags(boolean) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
computes the tags that this template will set (argument true) or require to match (argument false)
getTags() - Method in Task
getTags() - Method in TaskSummary
getTarget() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
getTarget() - Method in PortMapping
getTarget() - Method in UrlMapping
getTarget() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
getTargetHosts() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsService
getTargetHosts() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
getTargetIsSsl() - Method in ProxySslConfig
getTargetName() - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
getTargetOrContextEntity(Task) - Method in BrooklynTasks
getTargetProvider() - Method in DelegatingSecurityProvider
getTargets() - Method in BasicDownloadResolver
getTargets() - Method in DownloadResolver
The targets (normally URLs) for downloading the artifact.
getTask(String) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getTask() - Method in DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult
getTask(String, String, String) - Method in EntityApi
getTask(String, String, String) - Method in EntityResource
getTask(String) - Method in ExecutionManager
returns the task with the given ID, or null if none
getTask() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
getTask() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
getTask() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
getTask() - Method in TaskWrapper
getTaskFactory() - Method in ScheduledTask
getTaskFlagsForEffectorInvocation(Entity, Effector) - Method in EffectorUtils
returns a (mutable) map of the standard flags which should be placed on an effector
getTaskPreprocessorForTag(Object) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
Returns TaskPreprocessor defined for tasks with the given tag, or null if none.
getTaskQueuingContext() - Method in DynamicTasks
getTasks() - Method in BasicExecutionContext
returns tasks started by this context (or tasks which have all the tags on this object)
getTasks() - Method in ExecutionContext
Get the tasks executed through this context (returning an immutable set).
getTasks() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentExecutionContext
getTaskSchedulerForTag(Object) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getTasksInEntityContext(ExecutionManager, Entity) - Method in BrooklynTasks
getTasksWithAllTags(Iterable) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getTasksWithAllTags(Iterable) - Method in ExecutionManager
returns all tasks that have all of the given tags (immutable)
getTasksWithAnyTag(Iterable) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getTasksWithAnyTag(Iterable) - Method in ExecutionManager
returns all tasks that have any of the given tags (immutable)
getTasksWithTag(Object) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getTasksWithTag(Object) - Method in ExecutionManager
returns all tasks with the given tag (immutable)
getTaskTags() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getTaskTags() - Method in ExecutionManager
returns all tags known to this manager (immutable)
getTemplate() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
getTemplateConfigurationUrl() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
getTemplateConfigurationUrl() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
getTemplates() - Method in MachinePool
getTemplatesMatchingInstance(NodeMetadata) - Method in MachinePool
getThread() - Method in BasicTask
the thread where the task is running, if it is running
getThread() - Method in ForwardingTask
getThread() - Method in Task
The thread where the task is running, if it is running.
getThreadName(LogRecord) - Method in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
getThreadTaskQueuingContext() - Method in DynamicTasks
getThriftPort() - Method in CassandraNode
getThriftPort() - Method in CassandraNodeDriver
getThriftPort() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getThriftPort() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
getTimeOfDayFromUtc(long) - Method in Time
Calculates the number of milliseconds past midnight for a given UTC time.
getTimeout() - Method in ShellPollConfig
getTimestamp() - Method in BasicSensorEvent
getTimestamp() - Method in SensorEvent
The time this data was published, as a UTC time in milliseconds (e.g. as returned by java.lang.System#currentTimeMillis().
getTimestamp() - Method in TimestampedValue
getTimeToLiveSeconds() - Method in GeoscalingDnsService
minimum/default TTL here is 300s = 5m
getTimeToLiveSeconds() - Method in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
minimum/default TTL here is 300s = 5m
getTimeUtc(TimeZone, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in Time
Calculates the number of milliseconds past epoch for a given UTC time.
getTimeWindow() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
getTo() - Method in UrlRewriteRule
getToken() - Method in CassandraNode
getToken() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
getTopicName() - Method in ActiveMQTopicImpl
getTopicName() - Method in KafkaTopic
getTopicName() - Method in QpidTopicImpl
getTopicName() - Method in Topic
getTopicNames() - Method in JMSBroker
getTopicNames() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
getTopics() - Method in JMSBroker
getTopics() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
getTopLevelLocationIds() - Method in BrooklynMemento
getTopLevelLocationIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl
getTopLevelLocationIds() - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
getTotalEffectorInvocations() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
getTotalEffectorInvocations() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
getTotalEffectorInvocations() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getTotalEventsDelivered() - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
getTotalEventsPublished() - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
getTotalInstances() - Method in MonitorUtils.MemoryUsage
getTotalMemoryBytes() - Method in MonitorUtils.MemoryUsage
getTotalTasksSubmitted() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
getTotalWorkrate(ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
getTotalWorkrate(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
getTrustManager(X509Certificate) - Method in SecureKeys
getType() - Method in AbstractMemento
getType() - Method in ApplicationBuilder
Returns the type of the application being built.
getType() - Method in ApplicationSpec
getType() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#getType()
getType() - Method in BasicSensor
@see Sensor#getType()
getType() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
getType() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns the type of the configuration parameter data.
getType() - Method in ConfigSummary
getType() - Method in EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary
getType() - Method in EnricherSpec
@return The type of the enricher
getType() - Method in EntitySpec
@return The type of the entity
getType() - Method in EntitySummary
getType() - Method in LocationSpec
@return The type of the location
getType() - Method in Memento
getType() - Method in PolicySpec
@return The type of the policy
getType() - Method in Sensor
Returns the Java java.lang.Class for the sensor data.
getType() - Method in SensorSummary
getTypeId() - Method in EntityStreamSerializer
getTypeName() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#getTypeName()
getTypeName() - Method in BasicSensor
@see Sensor#getTypeName()
getTypeName() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns the name of of the configuration parameter data type, as a java.lang.String.
getTypeName() - Method in Sensor
Returns the type of the sensor data, as a java.lang.String representation of the class name.
getTypesAnnotatedWith(Class) - Method in ReflectionScanner
overrides delegate so as to log rather than throw exception if a class cannot be loaded
getTypeToken() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#getTypeToken()
getTypeToken() - Method in BasicSensor
@see Sensor#getTypeToken()
getTypeToken() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns the Guava TypeToken, including info on generics.
getTypeToken() - Method in Sensor
Returns the Guava TypeToken (including generics info)
getUnchecked(Duration) - Method in BasicTask
getUnchecked(Duration) - Method in ForwardingTask
getUnchecked(Duration) - Method in Task
As get(), but propagating checked exceptions as unchecked for convenience (including a java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException if the duration expires)
getUniqueLabel() - Method in UrlMapping
getUniqueLabel() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
getUnpackedDirectoryName(String) - Method in BasicDownloadResolver
getUnpackedDirectoryName(String) - Method in DownloadResolver
The name of the directory in the expanded artifact (e.g. if it's a tar.gz file then the name of the directory within it).
getUnsecureBindAddress() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
getUnusedConfig() - Method in ConfigBag
current values for all entries which have not yet been used
getUnusedConfigRaw() - Method in ConfigBag
internal map containing the current values for all entries which have not yet been used; for use where the caller wants to modify this directly and knows it is safe to do so
getUrl() - Method in AbstractController
primary URL this controller serves, if one can / has been inferred
getUrl() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
primary URL this controller serves, if one can / has been inferred
getUrl() - Method in JmxHelper
getUrl() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
getUrl(Entity, AttributeSensor) - Method in RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl
getUrl() - Method in WebAppMonitor
getUrlFromValue(Object) - Method in RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl
this is the method invoked by web console SensorSummary, at the moment
getUsageApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getUsageManager() - Method in LocalManagementContext
getUsageManager() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
getUsageManager() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
getUser(ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
getUser() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
getUser() - Method in SshMachineLocation
getUserInfo() - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess
getUserMetadata(boolean) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
computes the user metadata that this template will set (argument true) or required to match (argument false)
getUsername() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
getUsername() - Method in SshAbstractTool
getUsername() - Method in SshjClientConnection
@return username used in this ssh
getUserRecipeLines() - Method in WhirrHadoopCluster
getUserRecipeLines() - Method in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
getValue(AttributeSensor) - Method in AttributeMap
getValue() - Method in BasicSensorEvent
getValue() - Method in DoubleSystemProperty
getValue() - Method in EntityAndAttribute
getValue() - Method in IntegerSystemProperty
getValue() - Method in SensorEvent
The value for the Sensor data.
getValue() - Method in StringSystemProperty
getValue() - Method in TimestampedValue
getValues(long) - Method in TimeWindowedList
getValuesInWindow(long, long) - Method in TimeWindowedList
getVars() - Method in HttpPollConfig
getVersion() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
getVersion() - Method in BasicOsDetails
getVersion() - Method in BrooklynVersion
getVersion() - Method in MavenArtifact
getVersion() - Method in OsDetails
getVersion() - Method in VersionApi
getVersion() - Method in VersionResource
getVersionApi() - Method in BrooklynApi
getVersionFromClasspath() - Method in BrooklynVersion
getVersionFromStatic() - Method in BrooklynVersion
getVerySimpleName(Class) - Method in TypeCoercions
returns the simple class name, and for any inner class the portion after the $
getVirtualHost() - Method in AmqpServer
getVirtualHost() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
getVirtualHost() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
getVirtualHost() - Method in RabbitDestination
getVirtualHost() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
getWebAppAddress() - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
getWebServer() - Method in BrooklynServerDetails
getWebServerUrl() - Method in BrooklynServerDetails
getWeight() - Method in WeightedObject
getWithDeprecation(ConfigKey, ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigBag
returns the value for the first key in the list for which a value is set, warning if any of the deprecated keys have a value which is different to that set on the first set current key (including warning if a deprecated key has a value but no current key does)
getWrappedEntityOfType(Collection, String) - Method in BrooklynTasks
getX500PrincipalWithCommonName(String) - Method in SecureKeys
getX509PrincipalWithCommonName(String) - Method in SecureKeys
RFC1773 order, with None for other values.
getZoneFailureDetector() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getZoneHistory(Location) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
getZonePlacementStrategy() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
getZookeeper() - Method in KafkaBroker
getZookeeper() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
getZookeeper() - Method in KafkaCluster
getZookeeper() - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
getZookeeperPort() - Method in AbstractZookeeperImpl
getZookeeperPort() - Method in KafkaZookeeperDriver
getZookeeperPort() - Method in KafkaZookeeperSshDriver
getZookeeperPort() - Method in Zookeeper
globalBrooklynPropertiesFile(String) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
globalLocationMetadataFile(String) - Method in BrooklynProperties.Factory.Builder
The URL of a file that appends to and overwrites values in the locationMetadataUrl.
globalPropertiesFile(String) - Method in BrooklynProperties.Factory.Builder
The URL of a shared file.
GlobalWebFabricExample - Class in brooklyn.demo
GOSSIP_PORT - Field in CassandraNode
groovy(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in ScriptApi
groovy(HttpServletRequest, String) - Method in ScriptResource
GroovyJavaMethods - Class in brooklyn.util
handy methods available in groovy packaged so they can be consumed from java, and other conversion/conveniences; but see JavaGroovyEquivalents for faster alternatives
GroovyObservablesPropertyChangeToCollectionChangeAdapter - Class in
GroovyObservablesPropertyChangeToCollectionChangeAdapter(CollectionChangeListener) - Constructor in GroovyObservablesPropertyChangeToCollectionChangeAdapter
groovyTruth(Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
groovyTruthFunction() - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
groovyTruthPredicate() - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
Group - Interface in brooklyn.entity
An Entity that groups together other entities.
GROUP_ID - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
GROUP_SIZE - Field in Changeable
groupId - Field in MavenArtifact
grow(int) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
Increases the cluster size by the given number.
growByOne(Location) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
Increases the cluster size by the given number.


HadoopWordCount - Class in brooklyn.demo.webapp.hello
HadoopWordCount.IntSumReducer - Class in brooklyn.demo.webapp.hello
HadoopWordCount.TokenizerMapper - Class in brooklyn.demo.webapp.hello
half() - Method in Duration
handleEffectorException(Entity, Effector, Throwable) - Method in EffectorUtils
handleException(Throwable) - Method in DynamicSequentialTask
handleLogout(HttpServletRequest) - Method in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
HARDWARE_ID - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
hardwareId(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
HAS_PUBLISHED_SEEDS - Field in CassandraCluster
HAS_PUBLISHED_SEEDS - Field in CassandraFabric
hasActiveMigration(ItemType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
hasActiveMigration(ItemType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
hasCheckSuccessHandler() - Method in FeedConfig
hasConfig(ConfigKey, boolean) - Method in AbstractLocation
hasConfig(ConfigKey, boolean) - Method in Location
True iff the indication config key is set, either inherited (second argument true) or locally-only (second argument false)
hasDefaultValue() - Method in BasicConfigKey
@see ConfigKey#hasDefaultValue()
hasDefaultValue() - Method in BasicParameterType
hasDefaultValue() - Method in ConfigKey
Returns true if a default configuration value has been set.
hasDriver(DriverDependentEntity, Location) - Method in RegistryEntityDriverFactory
hasElapsedSince(long, Duration) - Method in Time
true iff it has been longer than the given duration since the given timestamp
HASensors - Class in brooklyn.policy.ha
HASensors.FailureDescriptor - Class in brooklyn.policy.ha
HASensors.FailureDescriptor(Object, String) - Constructor in HASensors.FailureDescriptor
hasExceptionHandler() - Method in FeedConfig
hasExtension(Class) - Method in AbstractLocation
hasExtension(Class) - Method in Location
Whether this location has support for the given extension type.
hasFailed(Location) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
hasFailed(Location) - Method in CombiningZoneFailureDetector
hasFailed(Location) - Method in DynamicCluster.ZoneFailureDetector
hasFailureHandler() - Method in FeedConfig
HASH_METADATA_KEY - Field in ReusableMachineTemplate
hashCode() - Method in AbstractEntity
hashCode() - Method in AbstractLocation
hashCode() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
some fields don't implement hashcode, so we ignore them
hashCode() - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager.EntitySensorToken
hashCode() - Method in AccessSummary
hashCode() - Method in AdjunctType
hashCode() - Method in ApiError
hashCode() - Method in ApplicationSpec
hashCode() - Method in ApplicationSummary
hashCode() - Method in AsyncCollectionChangeAdapter
hashCode() - Method in BasicConfigKey
hashCode() - Method in BasicLocationDefinition
hashCode() - Method in BasicParameterType
hashCode() - Method in BasicSensor
hashCode() - Method in BasicSensorEvent
hashCode() - Method in BasicTask
hashCode() - Method in BitList
hashCode() - Method in BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity
hashCode() - Method in BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream
hashCode() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
hashCode() - Method in Cidr
hashCode() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
hashCode() - Method in ConfigSummary
hashCode() - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
hashCode() - Method in Duration
hashCode() - Method in EffectorSummary
hashCode() - Method in EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary
hashCode() - Method in EnricherTypeImpl
hashCode() - Method in EntityAndAttribute
hashCode() - Method in EntityProxyImpl
hashCode() - Method in EntityProxyImpl.MethodSignature
hashCode() - Method in EntitySpec
hashCode() - Method in EntitySummary
hashCode() - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
hashCode() - Method in FunctionFeed.FunctionPollIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
hashCode() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
hashCode() - Method in GroovyObservablesPropertyChangeToCollectionChangeAdapter
hashCode() - Method in HostGeoInfo
hashCode() - Method in HttpFeed.HttpPollIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
hashCode(Object, Closure, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
hashCode() - Method in LinkWithMetadata
hashCode() - Method in LocationSpec
hashCode() - Method in LocationSummary
hashCode() - Method in MachineSet
hashCode() - Method in MavenArtifact
hashCode() - Method in PolicyDescriptor
hashCode() - Method in PolicySummary
hashCode() - Method in PolicyTypeImpl
hashCode() - Method in PortRanges.AggregatePortRange
hashCode() - Method in PortRanges.BasicPortRange
hashCode() - Method in PortRanges.LinearPortRange
hashCode() - Method in PortRanges.SinglePort
hashCode() - Method in ProxySslConfig
hashCode() - Method in RegistryEntityDriverFactory.DriverLocationTuple
hashCode() - Method in RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl
hashCode() - Method in SensorSummary
hashCode() - Method in ShellFeed.ShellPollIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in SshFeed.SshPollIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in SshjClientConnection
hashCode() - Method in Subscription
hashCode() - Method in TimestampedValue
hashCode() - Method in UsageStatistic
hashCode() - Method in UsageStatistics
hashCode() - Method in WeightedObject
true irrespective of weight
HasHostGeoInfo - Interface in brooklyn.location.geo
hashPassword(String, String, String) - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
Creates a hash of a username, password and security realm that is suitable for use with AS7 and Wildfire.
hasLocationProperty(String) - Method in AbstractLocation
hasLocationProperty(String) - Method in Location
Returns true iff this location contains a property with the specified key.
hasMember(Entity) - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
hasMember(Entity) - Method in Group
@return True if it is a member of this group.
hasMember(Entity) - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
hasMoreTokens() - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
hasMutex(String) - Method in MutexSupport
hasMutex(String) - Method in SshMachineLocation
hasMutex(String) - Method in WithMutexes
returns true if the calling thread has the mutex with the given ID
hasNext() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.PerfCounterValueIterator
hasNoSecurityOptions(ConfigMap) - Method in BrooklynWebConfig
hasOpenQuote(String, String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
hasSensor(String) - Method in EntityType
@return True if has the sensor with the given name; false otherwise.
hasSensor(String) - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
HasShortName - Interface in brooklyn.entity.trait
HasSubnetHostname - Interface in brooklyn.location.basic
hasSuccessHandler() - Method in FeedConfig
HasTaskChildren - Interface in
Interface marks tasks which have explicit children, typically where the task defines the ordering of running those children tasks
hasVal(Map, ConfigKey) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
HazelcastBrooklynStorageFactory - Class in
HazelcastBrooklynStorageFactory(HazelcastInstance) - Constructor in HazelcastBrooklynStorageFactory
HazelcastDataGrid - Class in
HazelcastDataGrid(ManagementContextInternal, HazelcastInstance) - Constructor in HazelcastDataGrid
header(String, String) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
header - Field in ScriptHelper
headers(Map) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
headers(Map) - Method in HttpPollConfig
help - Field in Main.BrooklynCommand
helper(JmxHelper) - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
helper - Field in ScriptPart
HighAvailabilityCassandraCluster - Class in brooklyn.demo
HOST_GEO_LOOKUP_IMPL - Field in BrooklynSystemProperties
allows specifying a particular geo lookup service (to lookup IP addresses), as the class FQN to use
host - Field in SshAbstractTool
host - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
hostAndPort - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
hostClass() - Method in ApidocResource.ApidocJaxrsSpecParser
hostedUrl(String, String, String) - Method in BrooklynMavenArtifacts
hostedUrl(MavenArtifact) - Method in MavenRetriever
returns a URL for accessing the artifact from any machine (ie not allowing a local repo), using the default remote sits (sonatype for snapshots and for releases)
hostedUrlForJar(String) - Method in BrooklynMavenArtifacts
HostGeoInfo - Class in brooklyn.location.geo
Encapsulates geo-IP information for a given host.
hostGeoInfo - Field in AbstractLocation
HostGeoInfo(String, String, double, double) - Constructor in HostGeoInfo
HostGeoLookup - Interface in brooklyn.location.geo
HostLocationResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
HOSTNAME - Field in AbstractGeoDnsService
HOSTNAME - Field in Attributes
HOSTNAME - Field in CassandraCluster
HOSTNAME - Field in CassandraFabric
HOSTNAME - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
HOSTNAME - Field in CouchDBCluster
HOSTNAME - Field in LoadBalancer
HOSTNAME - Field in SameServerEntity
HOSTNAME_SENSOR - Field in BindDnsServer
HOSTNAME_SENSOR - Field in LoadBalancer
sensor for hostname to forward to on target entities
HOSTNAME - Field in SoftwareProcess
HOSTNAME - Field in WhirrInstance
HOSTNAME - Field in WhirrInstanceImpl
HTTP_INTERFACE_URL - Field in MongoDBServer
HTTP_MANAGEMENT_PORT - Field in QpidBroker
HTTP_POLL_PERIOD - Field in NginxController
HTTP_PORT - Field in Attributes
HTTP_PORT - Field in BrooklynNode
HTTP_PORT - Field in CouchDBCluster
HTTP_PORT - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
HTTP_SCHEME - Field in KarafContainer
HttpFeed - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.http
Provides a feed of attribute values, by polling over http.
HttpFeed.Builder - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.http
HttpFeed(HttpFeed.Builder) - Method in HttpFeed
HttpLatencyDetector - Class in brooklyn.enricher
An Enricher which computes latency in accessing a URL.
HttpLatencyDetector.Builder - Class in brooklyn.enricher
HttpLatencyDetector(HttpLatencyDetector.Builder) - Constructor in HttpLatencyDetector
HttpPollConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.http
HttpPollConfig(HttpPollConfig) - Constructor in HttpPollConfig
HttpPolls - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.http
HttpPollValue - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.http
HttpPollValue(int, Map, byte[], long, long, long) - Constructor in HttpPollValue
HTTPS_PORT - Field in Attributes
HTTPS_PORT - Field in BrooklynNode
HTTPS_PORT - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
HTTPS_REQUIRED - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
HTTPS_SSL_CONFIG - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
httpsPort - Field in BrooklynWebServer
HttpsSslConfig - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
HttpsSslConfig() - Constructor in HttpsSslConfig
HttpTestUtils - Class in brooklyn.test
Utility methods to aid testing HTTP.
HttpValueFunctions - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.http
hypervisorMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder


I386 - Field in BasicOsDetails.OsArchs
id - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
id - Field in AbstractMemento.Builder
id(String) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
ID - Field in DefinedLocationByIdResolver
id - Field in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
id - Field in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
ID_OF_ITEM_TRANSFORMER - Field in CatalogPredicates
id - Field in Subscription
ID_VALID_NONSTART_CHARS - Field in Identifiers
ID_VALID_START_CHARS - Field in Identifiers
Identifiers - Class in brooklyn.util.text
idEqualTo(Object) - Method in EntityPredicates
ifExecutableElse0(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
Returns a command that runs only if the specified executable exists on the path (using `which`).
ifExecutableElse1(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
as ifExecutableElse0(String, String) but returns 1 if the test fails (also returns non-zero if the command fails)
ifFileExistsElse0(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
Returns a command that runs only if the specified file (or link or directory) exists; if the command runs and fails that exit is preserved (but if the file does not exist exit code is zero).
ifFileExistsElse1(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
as ifFileExistsElse0(String, String) but returns non-zero if the test fails (also returns non-zero if the command fails, so you can't tell the difference :( -- we need if ; then ; else ; fi semantics for that I think, but not sure how portable that is)
IGNORE_ENTITY_SSH_FLAGS - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
include this flag in newScript creation to prevent entity-level flags from being included; any SSH-specific flags passed to newScript override flags from the entity, and flags from the entity override flags on the location (where there aren't conflicts, flags from all three are used however)
ignoreIfNotRun() - Method in BasicTask
IllegalOutputStream - Class in
output stream which throws if anyone tries to write to it
IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_REGEX - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
IMAGE_FORMAT_MIME_TYPES - Field in WebResourceUtils
IMAGE_ID - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
IMAGE_NAME_REGEX - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
imageDescriptionMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
imageId(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
imageMatches(Predicate) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
imageNameMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
imageVersionMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
ImmediateDeltaChangeListener - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
Persists changes immediately.
ImmediateDeltaChangeListener(BrooklynMementoPersister) - Constructor in ImmediateDeltaChangeListener
IMMOVABLE - Field in Movable
immutable() - Method in EntitySpec
"seals" this spec, preventing any future changes
ImmutableListConverter - Class in brooklyn.util.xstream
ImmutableListConverter(Mapper) - Constructor in ImmutableListConverter
impl(Class) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
impl(EffectorBody) - Method in Effectors.EffectorBuilder
impl(Class) - Method in EntitySpec
ImplementedBy - Annotation Type in brooklyn.entity.proxying
A pointer to the default implementation of an entity.
imposeBackoffExponentialDelay(long, long, int, int, int, String) - Method in BackoffLimitedRetryHandler
INBOUND_PORTS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
INCLUDE_HOMELESS_ENTITIES - Field in AbstractGeoDnsService
includeDelimiters(boolean) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
includeQuotes(boolean) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
indicateCallingThreadWillRequest() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
Indicate that the calling thread is going to acquire or tryAcquire, in order to set up the semaphore's isInUse() value appropriately for certain checks.
Inet4AddressConverter - Class in brooklyn.util.xstream
inferBestMethod(Class, String) - Method in MethodEffector.AnnotationsOnMethod
inferFilename(String) - Method in FilenameProducers
inferHostGeoInfo(String, String) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
inferHostname(Entity) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
inferIp(Entity) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
inferProtocol() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
inferRootUrl() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
inferSubbest(Class, Class) - Method in Reflections
Gets the class that is in the sub-class; or null if neither is a sub-class of the other.
inferSubbestField(Field, Field) - Method in Reflections
Gets the field that is in the sub-class; or null if one field does not come from a sub-class of the other field's class
inferSubbestMethod(Method, Method) - Method in Reflections
Gets the method that is in the sub-class; or null if one method does not come from a sub-class of the other method's class
inferUrl() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
init() - Method in AbstractApplication
init() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
init() - Method in AbstractEntity
Called by framework (in new-style entities) after configuring, setting parent, etc, but before a reference to this entity is shared with other entities.
init() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
Called by framework (in new-style policies where PolicySpec was used) after configuring, setting parent, etc, but before a reference to this policy is shared.
init() - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
init() - Method in AbstractLocation
Called by framework (in new-style locations) after configuring, setting parent, etc, but before a reference to this location is shared with other locations.
init() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
init() - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
init() - Method in BasicApplicationImpl
init() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
init() - Method in BrooklynLanguageExtensions
performs the language extensions required for this project
init(FilterConfig) - Method in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
init(ManagementContext) - Method in ByonLocationResolver
init() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
init() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
init() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
init() - Method in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
Initialize our application.
init() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
init() - Method in CumulusRDFApplication
Create the application entities:
  • A CassandraFabric of CassandraClusters containing CassandraNodes
  • A TomcatServer
init(ManagementContext) - Method in DefinedLocationByIdResolver
init() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
init() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
init() - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
init() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
init() - Method in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
init() - Method in GlobalWebFabricExample
INIT_HEAP_MEMORY - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
init() - Method in HighAvailabilityCassandraCluster
init(ManagementContext) - Method in HostLocationResolver
init() - Method in ItemsInContainersGroupImpl
init(ManagementContext) - Method in JcloudsByonLocationResolver
init() - Method in JcloudsLocation
init(ManagementContext) - Method in JcloudsResolver
init() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
init() - Method in JmxSupport
init() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
init() - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
init() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
init(ManagementContext) - Method in LocalhostResolver
init(ManagementContext) - Method in LocationResolver
init() - Method in MachinePool
init(ManagementContext) - Method in NamedLocationResolver
init(ManagementContext) - Method in OpenshiftLocation.Resolver
init() - Method in PortRanges
performs the language extensions required for this project
init() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl
init() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
init() - Method in RubyRepNodeImpl

Adds support for binding to brooklyn DatabaseNodes (so the user doesn't have to call attributeWhenReady, etc)

init() - Method in SerializeHelloWorldHadoopJar
init() - Method in SimpleCassandraCluster
init(ManagementContext) - Method in SingleMachineLocationResolver
init() - Method in SingleWebServerExample
init() - Method in SingleWebServerSample
Initialize our application.
init() - Method in StandaloneQpidBrokerExample
init() - Method in TimeExtras
init() - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExample
init() - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
init() - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
init() - Method in WebClusterExample
init() - Method in WebClusterWithHadoopExample
init() - Method in WebFabricWithHadoopExample
init() - Method in WhirrExample
init() - Method in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
init() - Method in WhirrHadoopExample
init() - Method in WhirrInstanceImpl
init() - Method in WideAreaCassandraCluster
initExecutionManager(ExecutionManager) - Method in BasicTask
initExecutionManager(ExecutionManager) - Method in ForwardingTask
initExecutionManager(ExecutionManager) - Method in TaskInternal
INITIAL_QUORUM_SIZE - Field in CassandraFabric
INITIAL_QUORUM_SIZE - Field in DynamicCluster
INITIAL_SEEDS - Field in CassandraNode
INITIAL_SIZE - Field in Cluster
INITIAL_SIZE - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
INITIAL_SIZE - Field in KafkaCluster
initialize() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
initializeReplicaSet(String, Integer) - Method in MongoClientSupport
initialKnifeParameters() - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.KnifeNodeAttributeQueryTaskFactory
initialKnifeParameters() - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
construct the knife command, based on the settings on other methods (called when instantiating the script, after all parameters sent)
initialKnifeParameters() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
allows a way for subclasses to build up parameters at the start
initialManagementContext - Field in EntityManagementSupport
initialSize(int) - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.Spec
initResult(ListenableFuture) - Method in BasicTask
initResult(ListenableFuture) - Method in ForwardingTask
initResult(ListenableFuture) - Method in TaskInternal
initUserTemplateOptions(Template, ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
injectExecutor(ExecutorService) - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler
injectExecutor(ExecutorService) - Method in TaskScheduler
injectManagementContext(ManagementContext) - Method in AbstractBrooklynRestResource
injectManager(ExecutionManager) - Method in TaskPreprocessor
Called by BasicExecutionManager when preprocessor is associated with an execution manager.
injectTag(Object) - Method in TaskPreprocessor
Called by BasicExecutionManager when preprocessor is associated with a tag.
inManage - Field in ApplicationBuilder
InMemoryBrooklynStorageFactory - Class in
InmemoryDatagrid - Class in
A simple implementation of datagrid backed by in-memory (unpersisted) maps, within a single JVM.
input(String) - Method in ShellPollConfig
InputStreamSupplier - Class in
InputStreamSupplier(InputStream) - Constructor in InputStreamSupplier
insertIptablesRule(IptablesCommands.Chain, String, IptablesCommands.Protocol, int, IptablesCommands.Policy) - Method in IptablesCommands
Returns the command that inserts a rule on top of the iptables' rules.
insertKnifeCompletionListenerIntoCompletionListenersList(List) - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
install() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
install() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
install() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
install() - Method in BindDnsServerSshDriver
install() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
INSTALL_BUNDLE - Field in KarafContainer
install() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
install() - Method in ChefSoloDriver
install() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
INSTALL_CURL - Field in BashCommands
install() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver
INSTALL_FEATURE - Field in KarafContainer
INSTALL_FROM_OPSCODE - Field in ChefBashCommands
install() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
install() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
install() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
install() - Method in JmxmpSslSupport
builds remote keystores, stores config keys/certs, and copies necessary files across
install() - Method in JmxSupport
installs files needed for JMX, to the runDir given in constructor, assuming the runDir has been created
install() - Method in KarafSshDriver
INSTALL_LATCH - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
INSTALL_LATCH - Field in SoftwareProcess
install() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
install() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
install() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
install() - Method in NginxSshDriver
install() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
install() - Method in QpidSshDriver
install() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
install() - Method in RedisStoreSshDriver
install() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
INSTALL_TAR - Field in BashCommands
install() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
INSTALL_UNZIP - Field in BashCommands
install() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
INSTALL_WGET - Field in BashCommands
INSTALL_ZIP - Field in BashCommands
installAfterUpdatingIfNotPresent(String) - Method in JcloudsUtil
installAsServletFilter(ServletContextHandler) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
installBundle(String) - Method in KarafContainer
throws URISyntaxException If bundle name is not a valid URI
installBundle(String) - Method in KarafContainerImpl
throws URISyntaxException If bundle name is not a valid URI
installChef(String, boolean) - Method in ChefSoloTasks
installChef(String, boolean) - Method in ChefTasks
installCookbook(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in ChefSoloTasks
installCookbook(String, String, String, boolean) - Method in ChefTasks
installCookbooks(String, Map, boolean) - Method in ChefSoloTasks
installCookbooks(String, Map, boolean) - Method in ChefTasks
installExecutable(String) - Method in BashCommands
installFeature(String) - Method in KarafContainer
installFeature(String) - Method in KarafContainerImpl
INSTALLING - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
installJava6() - Method in BashCommands
Returns the command that installs Java 1.6.
installJava6IfPossible() - Method in BashCommands
installJava6OrFail() - Method in BashCommands
installJava() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
installJavaAndCurl(OperatingSystem) - Method in JcloudsUtil
installJavaUtilLoggingBridge() - Method in LoggingSetup
bridge java.util.logging messages to slf4j
installJmxSupport() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
installPackage(String) - Method in BashCommands
installPackageOr(Map, String, String) - Method in BashCommands
installPackageOrFail(Map, String) - Method in BashCommands
installSecurityFilter(Boolean) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
installSslKeys(String, ProxySslConfig) - Method in NginxControllerImpl
installs SSL keys named as ID.
installTo(ResourceUtils, String, String) - Method in SshMachineLocation
installs the given URL at the indicated destination.
INSTANCE - Field in BrooklynVersion
INSTANCE - Field in WhirrInstance
INSTANCE - Field in WhirrInstanceImpl
INTEGER - Field in JmxConstants
Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Integer
IntegerSystemProperty - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
IntegerSystemProperty(String) - Constructor in IntegerSystemProperty
InternalEntityFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
Creates entities (and proxies) of required types, given the
InternalEntityFactory.FactoryConstructionTracker - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
For tracking if AbstractEntity constructor has been called by framework, or in legacy way (i.e. directly).
InternalEntityFactory(ManagementContextInternal, EntityTypeRegistry) - Method in InternalEntityFactory
InternalLocationFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
Creates locations of required types.
InternalLocationFactory.FactoryConstructionTracker - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
For tracking if AbstractLocation constructor has been called by framework, or in legacy way (i.e. directly).
InternalLocationFactory(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in InternalLocationFactory
InternalPolicyFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
Creates policies of required types.
InternalPolicyFactory.FactoryConstructionTracker - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
For tracking if AbstractPolicy constructor has been called by framework, or in legacy way (i.e. directly).
InternalPolicyFactory(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in InternalPolicyFactory
intValue() - Method in BitList
returns value of this as an integer (ignoring any too-high bits)
inUse - Field in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
inUse - Field in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
invalidate() - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder
prevent from being used twice, because the fields are mutable
invalidate() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
invalidateReferences() - Method in AbstractEntity
For use by management plane, to invalidate all fields (e.g. when an entity is changing to being proxied)
invocation(Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in Effectors
returns an unsubmitted task which invokes the given effector; use Entities#invokeEffector(EntityLocal, Entity, Effector, Map)#invokeEffector(EntityLocal, Entity, Effector, Map) for a submitted variant
invoke(Effector, Map) - Method in AbstractEntity
Additional form supplied for when the parameter map needs to be made explicit.
invoke(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in EffectorApi
invoke(String, String, String, String, Map) - Method in EffectorResource
invoke(Effector, Map) - Method in Entity
Invokes the given effector, with the given parameters to that effector.
invoke(Object, Method, Object) - Method in EntityProxyImpl
invoke(Object, Object) - Method in ExecutionUtils
Attempts to run/call the given object, with the given arguments if possible, preserving the return value if there is one (null otherwise); throws exception if the callable is a non-null object which cannot be invoked (not a callable or runnable)
invokeConstructorWithArgs(Class, Object, boolean) - Method in Reflections
Invokes a suitable constructor, supporting varargs and primitives, additionally supporting setAccessible
invokeEffector(Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
invokeEffector(AbstractEntity, Method, Object) - Method in EffectorUtils
Invokes the effector so that its progress is tracked.
invokeEffector(EntityLocal, Iterable, Effector) - Method in Entities
convenience - invokes in parallel if multiple, but otherwise invokes the item directly
invokeEffector(I, Map) - Method in ExplicitEffector
invokeEffector(I, Map) - Method in ExplicitEffector.ExplicitEffectorFromClosure
invokeEffector(Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in ManagementContextInternal
invokeEffector(Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
invokeEffectorAsync(Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in EffectorUtils
invokeEffectorList(EntityLocal, Iterable, Effector) - Method in Entities
invokeEffectorListWithArgs(EntityLocal, Iterable, Effector, Object) - Method in Entities
invokeEffectorListWithMap(EntityLocal, Iterable, Effector, Map) - Method in Entities
invokeEffectorMethodLocal(Entity, Effector, Object) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
invokeEffectorMethodSync(Entity, Effector, Object) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
Method for entity to make effector happen with correct semantics (right place, right task context), when a method is called on that entity.
invokeEffectorMethodSync(Entity, Effector, Object) - Method in ManagementContextInternal
invokeEffectorMethodSync(Entity, Effector, Object) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
invokeEffectorWithArgs(EntityLocal, Entity, Effector, Object) - Method in Entities
invokeEffectorWithMap(EntityLocal, Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in Entities
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use invokeEffector
invokeMethod(Method, Object, Object) - Method in Reflections
@throws ReflectionAccessException If invocation failed due to illegal access or the invoked method failed
invokeMethodEffector(Entity, Effector, Object) - Method in EffectorUtils
Invokes a method effector so that its progress is tracked.
invokeMethodOnMetaClass(Object, String, Object) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
invokeMethodWithArgs(Object, String, List, boolean) - Method in Reflections
invokeStaticMethod(Method, Object) - Method in Reflections
invokeStopOnShutdown(Entity) - Method in Entities
IptablesCommands - Class in brooklyn.util.ssh
IptablesCommands.Chain - Enum in brooklyn.util.ssh
IptablesCommands.Policy - Enum in brooklyn.util.ssh
IptablesCommands.Protocol - Enum in brooklyn.util.ssh
iptablesService(String) - Method in IptablesCommands
iptablesServiceRestart() - Method in IptablesCommands
iptablesServiceStart() - Method in IptablesCommands
iptablesServiceStatus() - Method in IptablesCommands
iptablesServiceStop() - Method in IptablesCommands
is64bit() - Method in BasicOsDetails
is64bit() - Method in OsDetails
IS_ENTITY - Field in CatalogPredicates
A CharMatcher that matches valid Java identifier characters.
IS_POLICY - Field in CatalogPredicates
IS_RUNNING_TASK - Field in ChefSoloDriver
IS_TEMPLATE - Field in CatalogPredicates
isActivated() - Method in AbstractFeed
true if everything has been _started_ (or it is starting) but not stopped, even if it is suspended; see also isActive()
isActive() - Method in AbstractController
isActive - Field in AbstractControllerImpl
isActive() - Method in AbstractFeed
true iff the feed is running
isActive() - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedController
isActive - Field in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
isActive() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
isAllowed() - Method in AccessController.Response
isAncestor(Entity, Entity) - Method in Entities
isAncestorCancelled(Task) - Method in Tasks
isApi() - Method in JcloudsResolver.JcloudsSpecParser
isApplicable(String, ConfigMap) - Method in CustomResourceLocator.ResourceLocator
isApplicable(String, ConfigMap) - Method in CustomResourceLocator.SearchingClassPathInDevMode
isAuthenticated(HttpSession) - Method in AnyoneSecurityProvider
isAuthenticated(HttpSession) - Method in BlackholeSecurityProvider
isAuthenticated(HttpSession) - Method in DelegatingSecurityProvider
isAuthenticated(HttpSession) - Method in ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider
isAuthenticated(HttpSession) - Method in LdapSecurityProvider
isAuthenticated(HttpSession) - Method in SecurityProvider
isAuthenticated() - Method in SshjClientConnection
isAvailabilityZoneEnabled() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
isAvailable() - Method in BasicDelegatingSystemProperty
isAvailable() - Method in StringSystemProperty
isBegun() - Method in BasicTask
isBegun() - Method in ForwardingTask
isBegun() - Method in Task
Whether task has started running.
isBlank() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
true if the templateBuilder spec is blank (ignoring customization options e.g. tags for the resulting instance)
isBlank(CharSequence) - Method in Strings
Checks if the given string is empty or only consists of whitespace.
isBreak() - Method in UrlRewriteRule
isCallingThreadAnOwner() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
true iff the calling thread is one of the owners
isCancelled() - Method in BasicTask
isCancelled() - Method in ForwardingTask
isCancelled() - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler.WrappingFuture
isCanonical(String) - Method in Cidr
returns true iff this CIDR is well-formed and canonical, i.e. 4 dot-separated bytes followed by a slash and a length, where length is <= 32, and the preceding 4 bytes don't include any 1 bits beyond the indicated length; e.g. -- but not or 10.../8 (although the latter ones are accepted by the constructor and converted to the canonical CIDR)
isCatalogItemType(CatalogItemType) - Method in CatalogPredicates
isCertificateAuthorizedBy(X509Certificate, X509Certificate) - Method in SecureKeys
isClustered() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
isCold() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
isCold() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
isConnected() - Method in AbstractFeed
isConnected() - Method in JmxFeed
isConnected() - Method in JmxHelper
Checks if the JmxHelper is connected.
isConnected() - Method in SshCliTool
isConnected() - Method in SshjClientConnection
isConnected() - Method in SshjTool
isConnected() - Method in SshTool
isConstructing() - Method in InternalEntityFactory.FactoryConstructionTracker
isConstructing() - Method in InternalLocationFactory.FactoryConstructionTracker
isConstructing() - Method in InternalPolicyFactory.FactoryConstructionTracker
isCustomizationCompleted() - Method in NginxSshDriver
isDeployed() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
Whether this entity is managed (i.e.
isDescendant(Entity, Entity) - Method in Entities
note, it is usually preferred to use isAncestor() and swap the order, it is a cheaper method
isDestroyed() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
isDestroyed() - Method in EntityAdjunct
Whether the adjunct is destroyed
isDone() - Method in BasicTask
isDone() - Method in ForwardingTask
isDone() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
true iff the process has completed (with or without failure)
isDone() - Method in ScheduledTask
isDone() - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler.WrappingFuture
isDone() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
true iff the ssh job has completed (with or without failure)
isDone() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
true iff the ssh job has completed (with or without failure)
isEmpty() - Method in BitList
true iff the length is 0; see also isZero
isEmpty() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
isEmpty() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
isEmpty() - Method in ConfigBag
isEmpty() - Method in ConfigMap
isEmpty() - Method in ConfigMapImpl
isEmpty() - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
isEmpty() - Method in EntityConfigMap
isEmpty() - Method in MachineSet
isEmpty() - Method in PeriodicDeltaChangeListener.DeltaCollector
isEmpty() - Method in Poller
isEmpty() - Method in PortRange
Whether there are any ports in the range.
isEmpty() - Method in PortRanges.AggregatePortRange
isEmpty() - Method in PortRanges.LinearPortRange
isEmpty() - Method in PortRanges.SinglePort
isEmpty() - Method in ScriptPart
isEmpty(CharSequence) - Method in Strings
Checks if the given string is null or is an empty string.
isEmpty() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
isEnabled() - Method in BooleanSystemProperty
isEnabled() - Method in BrooklynDevelopmentModes.BrooklynDevelopmentMode
isEntityManagementAllowed() - Method in AccessManager
isEntityManagementAllowed() - Method in LocalAccessManager
isEntityManagementAllowed() - Method in NonDeploymentAccessManager
isError() - Method in BasicTask
Returns true if the task has had an error.
isError() - Method in ForwardingTask
isError() - Method in Task
Whether the task threw an error, including cancellation (implies isDone())
isExpired() - Method in CountdownTimer
true iff the timer has been running for the given time
isFailOnNonZeroResultCode() - Method in ShellPollConfig
@deprecated since 0.6; default is true, see checkSuccess
isFailOnNonZeroResultCode() - Method in SshPollConfig
@deprecated since 0.6; default is true, see checkSuccess
isFinished() - Method in StreamGobbler
convenience -- similar to !
isFullyManaged() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
Whether the entity's management lifecycle is complete (i.e. both "onManagementStarting" and "onManagementStarted" have been called, and it is has not been unmanaged).
isGlobMatched(String, String) - Method in WildcardGlobs
returns true iff the target matches the given pattern, under simplified bash rules -- viz permitting * and ?
isGlobMatchedNumeric(String, String) - Method in WildcardGlobs.SpecialistGlobExpander
returns true iff the target matches the given pattern, under simplified bash rules -- viz permitting * and ?
isGreaterThanAndNotEqualTo(String) - Method in ComparableVersion
isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String) - Method in ComparableVersion
isHot() - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
isHot() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
isHttpEnabled() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
isHttpProtocolEnabled(String) - Method in BrooklynNodeImpl
isHttpsEnabled() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
isIncludedForDocumentation(Class) - Method in ApidocResource
isInlineableType(Class) - Method in StringKeyMapConverter
isInRange(String) - Method in ComparableVersion
parses a string expressed with common mathematical sematics, as either square brackets (inclusive), round brackets (exclusive), or one of each, surrounding a pair of version strings separated by a comma, where a version string consists of any non-whitespace non-bracket characters (ie numbers, letters, dots, hyphens, underscores) or is empty (to indicate no bound); e.g. "[10.6,10.7)" to mean >= 10.6 and < 10.7; "[10.6,)" to mean >= 10.6.
isInstalledLocally(MavenArtifact) - Method in MavenRetriever
isInUse() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
true iff there are any owners or any requesters (callers blocked trying to acquire)
isItemAllowedIn(ItemType, Location) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
isItemAllowedIn(ItemType, Location) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
isItemAllowedIn(ItemType, Location) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
isItemAllowedIn(ItemType, Location) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
isItemMoveable(ItemType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
isItemMoveable(ItemType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
isItemMoveable(ItemType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
isItemMoveable(ItemType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
isJmx() - Method in JmxSupport
isJmxEnabled() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
isJmxEnabled() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessDriver
isJmxEnabled() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
isJmxSslEnabled() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
isKeyValidForNodeName(String) - Method in StringKeyMapConverter
isKnifeInstalled() - Method in ChefServerTasks
isLegacyConstruction() - Method in AbstractEntity
isLegacyConstruction() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
isLegacyConstruction() - Method in AbstractLocation
isLessThanAndNotEqualTo(String) - Method in ComparableVersion
isLessThanOrEqualTo(String) - Method in ComparableVersion
isLinux() - Method in BasicOsDetails
isLinux() - Method in OsDetails
isLocal() - Method in CatalogDo
is "local" if it and all ancestors are not based on any remote urls
isLocalOnly(String) - Method in Networking
As isLocalOnly(InetAddress) but taking a string; does not require the string to be resolvable, and generally treats non-resolvable hostnames as NOT local-only (although they are treated as private by isPrivateSubnet(String)), although certain well-known hostnames are recognised as local-only
isLocatedLocation(Location) - Method in EntityLocationUtils
isLocationManagementAllowed() - Method in AccessManager
isLocationManagementAllowed() - Method in LocalAccessManager
isLocationManagementAllowed() - Method in NonDeploymentAccessManager
isLocationProvisioningAllowed() - Method in AccessManager
isLocationProvisioningAllowed() - Method in AccessSummary
isLocationProvisioningAllowed() - Method in LocalAccessManager
isLocationProvisioningAllowed() - Method in NonDeploymentAccessManager
isLowerCase(String) - Method in Strings
isMac() - Method in BasicOsDetails
isMac() - Method in OsDetails
isManaged() - Method in AbstractLocation
isManaged(Entity) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
isManaged(Entity) - Method in Entities
isManaged(Entity) - Method in EntityManager
whether the entity is under management by this management context
isManaged(Entity) - Method in LocalEntityManager
isManaged(Location) - Method in LocalLocationManager
isManaged(Location) - Method in LocationManager
whether the location is under management by this management context
isManaged(Entity) - Method in ManagementContext
Whether the entity is under management by this management context
isManaged(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
isManaged(Location) - Method in NonDeploymentLocationManager
isManaged(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
isManagedLocally(Entity) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
Whether the master entity record is local, and sensors and effectors can be properly accessed locally.
isManagedLocally(Entity) - Method in LocalManagementContext
isManagementContextReal() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
isNameMatch(Location, Predicate) - Method in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
isNameMatch(Location, Predicate) - Method in AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension
isNewStyleEnricher(Class) - Method in InternalPolicyFactory
isNewStyleEntity(Class) - Method in InternalEntityFactory
isNewStyleLocation(Class) - Method in InternalLocationFactory
isNewStylePolicy(Class) - Method in InternalPolicyFactory
isNoBraceGlobMatched(String, String) - Method in WildcardGlobs
whether a glob-ish string without braces (e.g. containing just ?
isNoLongerManaged() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
isNonBlank(CharSequence) - Method in Strings
The inverse of isBlank(CharSequence).
isNonEmpty(CharSequence) - Method in Strings
The inverse of isEmpty(CharSequence).
isNonEmpty() - Method in StringSystemProperty
isNull() - Method in BackedReference
isNull() - Method in BasicReference
isNull() - Method in Reference
@return true if the value is null; false otherwise.
ISO_3166 - Field in LocationConfigKeys
isPermitted(Location) - Method in LocationConstraint
isPidFromFileRunning(String) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
as codePidFromFileRunning(String) but returning boolean
isPidRunning(int, String) - Method in MonitorUtils
Confirm the given pid is running, and that the the process matches the given regex.
isPidRunning(Integer) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
as codePidRunning(String) but returning boolean
isPortAvailable(InetAddress, int) - Method in Networking
isPortInUse(int, long) - Method in TestUtils
True if two attempts to connect to the port succeed.
isPortValid(Integer) - Method in Networking
isPreManaged() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentManagementContextMode
isPrimitiveOrBoxer(Class) - Method in JsonUtils
isPrimitiveOrBoxer(Class) - Method in TypeCoercions
isPrivateSubnet(String) - Method in Networking
As isPrivateSubnet(InetAddress) but taking a string; sepcifically local-only address ARE treated as private.
isProtocolEnabled(String) - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
isProtocolEnabled(String) - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
isProvider() - Method in JcloudsResolver.JcloudsSpecParser
isPublicIp(String) - Method in Networking
returns whether the IP is _not_ in any private subnet
isQuarantineEnabled() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
isQueuedAndNotSubmitted() - Method in BasicTask
isQueuedAndNotSubmitted() - Method in ForwardingTask
isQueuedAndNotSubmitted() - Method in TaskInternal
isQueuedOrSubmitted() - Method in BasicTask
isQueuedOrSubmitted() - Method in DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult
returns true if the task either is currently queued or has been submitted
isQueuedOrSubmitted() - Method in ForwardingTask
isQueuedOrSubmitted() - Method in TaskInternal
isQueuedOrSubmitted(TaskAdaptable) - Method in Tasks
isReconfigurable() - Method in BasicConfigKey
isReconfigurable() - Method in ConfigKey
@return True if the configuration can be changed at runtime.
isReconfigurable() - Method in ConfigSummary
isResolverPrefixForSpec(LocationResolver, String, boolean) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
providers default impl for RegistryLocationResolver.accepts
isResponseOkay(Object) - Method in WebAppMonitor
isRunning() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
isRunning() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
isRunning() - Method in AbstractPolicy
isRunning() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in BindDnsServerSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in ChefSoloDriver
isRunning() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in EntityAdjunct
Whether the adjunct is available
isRunning() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
isRunning() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
isRunning() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
isRunning() - Method in KarafSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in ManagementContext
Whether this management context is still running, or has been terminated.
isRunning() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in NginxSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
isRunning() - Method in Poller
isRunning() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in QpidSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in RedisStoreSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
isRunning() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriver
Whether the entity components have started.
isRunning() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
isRunning() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
isRunningSeed(Entity) - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
isSecret(String) - Method in Entities
isSecure() - Method in JmxSupport
isSet(Map) - Method in BasicConfigKey
isSet(Map) - Method in ConfigKeySelfExtracting
@return True if there is an entry in the configMap that could be extracted
isSet(Map) - Method in ListConfigKey
isSet(Map) - Method in MapConfigKey
isSet(Map) - Method in SetConfigKey
isSet(Map) - Method in SubElementConfigKey
isShutdown() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
isShutdown() - Method in ExecutionManager
isSnapshot() - Method in BrooklynVersion
isSnapshot() - Method in MavenArtifact
isSshable() - Method in SshMachineLocation
isStackTraceElementUseful(StackTraceElement) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
static convenience for isUseful(StackTraceElement)
isSticky() - Method in NginxController
isSticky() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
isStrict() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
isStringStartingWith(String) - Method in StringPredicates
true if the object *is* a string starting with the given prefix
isSubKey(ConfigKey) - Method in ListConfigKey
isSubKey(ConfigKey) - Method in MapConfigKey
isSubKey(ConfigKey) - Method in SetConfigKey
isSubKey(Object) - Method in StructuredConfigKey
isSubMapOf(Map, Map) - Method in MachinePoolPredicates
isSubmitted() - Method in BasicTask
isSubmitted() - Method in ForwardingTask
isSubmitted() - Method in Task
Whether task has been submitted
isSuccessful() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
true iff the scp has completed successfully; guaranteed to be set before isDone() or block() are satisfied
isSudoAllowed() - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
isSudoAllowed() - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.SudoChecker
issuerKey - Field in FluentKeySigner
issuerPrincipal - Field in FluentKeySigner
isSupportedMediaType(String) - Method in ApidocResource
isSuspended() - Method in AbstractPolicy
isSuspended() - Method in Policy
Whether the policy is suspended
isTopLevelApp() - Method in BasicEntityMemento
isTopLevelApp - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
isTopLevelApp() - Method in EntityMemento
isTransient - Field in ScriptHelper
isTriggered(double, double, double, double) - Method in FollowTheSunParameters
isTrivial(Object) - Method in Entities
isTrusted(X509Certificate, String) - Method in HttpFeed.TrustAllStrategy
isUnused(ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigBag
isUrlServerSideAndSafe(String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
true if the URL points to content which must be resolved on the server-side (i.e. classpath) and which is safe to do so (currently just images, though in future perhaps also javascript and html plugins)
isUrlUp(URL) - Method in MonitorUtils
Confirm can read from URL.
isUrlWithProtocol(String) - Method in Urls
returns true if the string begins with a non-empty string of letters followed by a colon, i.e.
isUseful(StackTraceElement) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
@return whether the given element is useful, that is, not in the blacklist
isV08() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
isValidForDoubleQuotingInBash(String) - Method in StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes
isValidIp4(String) - Method in Networking
checks whether given string matches a valid numeric IP (v4) address, e.g., but not localhost or
isValidJavaToken(String) - Method in Identifiers
@deprecated since 0.6.0 incomplete logic, and not needed
isValidToken(String, String, String) - Method in Identifiers
isViableSeed(Entity) - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
isWelcomeRootEnabled() - Method in JBoss7ServerImpl
isWindows() - Method in BasicOsDetails
isWindows() - Method in OsDetails
isWrappedInDoubleQuotes(String) - Method in StringEscapes
if s is wrapped in double quotes containing no unescaped double quotes
isWrappedInMatchingQuotes(String) - Method in StringEscapes
if s is wrapped in single or double quotes containing no unescaped quotes of that type
isWrappedInSingleQuotes(String) - Method in StringEscapes
if s is wrapped in single quotes containing no unescaped single quotes
isZero() - Method in BitList
true iff all bits are 0
Item - Class in org.osgi.jmx
The item class enables the definition of open types in the appropriate interfaces.
ITEM_ADDED - Field in BalanceableContainer
ITEM_ADDED - Field in BalanceableWorkerPool
ITEM_ADDED - Field in FollowTheSunPool
item - Field in BalanceableWorkerPool.ContainerItemPair
ITEM_FILTER - Field in ItemsInContainersGroup
item - Field in FollowTheSunPool.ContainerItemPair
Item(String, String, OpenType, String) - Constructor in Item
Create a triple of name, description, and type.
ITEM_MOVED - Field in BalanceableWorkerPool
ITEM_MOVED - Field in FollowTheSunPool
ITEM_REMOVED - Field in BalanceableContainer
ITEM_REMOVED - Field in BalanceableWorkerPool
ITEM_REMOVED - Field in FollowTheSunPool
itemDistributionToString() - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
Warning: this can be an expensive (time and memory) operation if there are a lot of items/containers.
itemDistributionToString() - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
Warning: this can be an expensive (time and memory) operation if there are a lot of items/containers.
itemDto - Field in CatalogItemDo
ItemsInContainersGroup - Interface in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
A group of items that are contained within a given (dynamically changing) set of containers.
ItemsInContainersGroupImpl - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
A group of items that are contained within a given (dynamically changing) set of containers.
ItemsInContainersGroupImpl() - Constructor in ItemsInContainersGroupImpl
iterator() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
iterator() - Method in MachineSet
iterator() - Method in PortRanges.AggregatePortRange
iterator() - Method in PortRanges.LinearPortRange
iterator() - Method in PortRanges.SinglePort


jar(String) - Method in BrooklynMavenArtifacts
JarBuilder - Class in
JAVA_GOOD_NONSTART_CHARS - Field in Identifiers
JAVA_GOOD_START_CHARS - Field in Identifiers
JAVA_OPTS - Field in UsesJava
Used to set java options.
JAVA_SYSPROPS - Field in UsesJava
system properties (-D) to append to JAVA_OPTS; normally accessed through JavaEntityMethods#javaSysProp(String)#javaSysProp(String)
JAVA_VALID_NONSTART_CHARS - Field in Identifiers
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use java.lang.Character#isJavaIdentifierPart(char) for valid chars; these are just good chars to use
JAVA_VALID_START_CHARS - Field in Identifiers
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use java.lang.Character#isJavaIdentifierStart(char) for valid chars; these are just good chars to use
JavaAppUtils - Class in
javaClass - Field in CatalogItemDo
JavaClassNames - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
JavaEntityMethods - Class in
DSL conveniences for Java entities.
JavaGroovyEquivalents - Class in brooklyn.util
JavaSoftwareProcessDriver - Interface in
A SoftwareProcessDriver for Java processes.
JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver - Class in
The SSH implementation of the JavaSoftwareProcessDriver.
JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver(EntityLocal, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
javaSysProp(String) - Method in JavaEntityMethods
javaType(Predicate) - Method in CatalogPredicates
JavaWebAppDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
JavaWebAppService - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
JavaWebAppSoftwareProcess - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl
JavaWebAppSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
JavaWebAppSshDriver(JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in JavaWebAppSshDriver
JBoss6Driver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss6Server - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss6ServerFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
@deprecated since 0.5; instead use new BasicConfigurableEntityFactory(JBoss6ServerImpl.class)
JBoss6ServerFactory(Map) - Constructor in JBoss6ServerFactory
JBoss6ServerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss6ServerImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in JBoss6ServerImpl
JBoss6SshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss6SshDriver(JBoss6ServerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in JBoss6SshDriver
JBoss7Driver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss7Server - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss7ServerFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
@deprecated since 0.5; instead use new BasicConfigurableEntityFactory(JBoss7ServerImpl.class)
JBoss7ServerFactory(Map) - Constructor in JBoss7ServerFactory
JBoss7ServerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss7ServerImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in JBoss7ServerImpl
JBoss7SshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jboss
JBoss7SshDriver(JBoss7ServerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in JBoss7SshDriver
JCLOUDS - Field in JcloudsResolver
JCLOUDS_KEY_ENDPOINT - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
JCLOUDS_KEY_USERNAME - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZER - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
JCLOUDS_LOCATION_CUSTOMIZERS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
JcloudsByonLocationResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
Examples of valid specs:
  • byon:(hosts=myhost)
  • byon:(hosts=myhost,myhost2)
  • byon:(hosts="myhost, myhost2")
  • byon:(hosts=myhost,myhost2, name=abc)
  • byon:(hosts="myhost, myhost2", name="my location name")
JcloudsLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
For provisioning and managing VMs in a particular provider/region, using jclouds.
JcloudsLocation(Map) - Constructor in JcloudsLocation
typically wants at least ACCESS_IDENTITY and ACCESS_CREDENTIAL
JcloudsLocationConfig - Interface in brooklyn.location.jclouds
JcloudsLocationCustomizer - Interface in brooklyn.location.jclouds
Customization hooks to allow apps to perform specific customisation at each stage of jclouds machine provisioning.
JcloudsMachineNamer - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
JcloudsMachineNamer(ConfigBag) - Constructor in JcloudsMachineNamer
JcloudsPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
JcloudsResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
JcloudsResolver.JcloudsSpecParser - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
JcloudsSshMachineLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
JcloudsSshMachineLocation(Map, JcloudsLocation, NodeMetadata) - Constructor in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
@deprecated since 0.6; use LocationSpec (which calls no-arg constructor)
JcloudsUtil - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds
Jetty6Driver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jetty
Jetty6Server - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jetty
An Entity that represents a single Jetty instance.
Jetty6ServerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jetty
An Entity that represents a single Jetty instance.
Jetty6SshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.jetty
Jetty6SshDriver(Jetty6ServerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in Jetty6SshDriver
JMSBroker - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.jms
JMSBrokerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.jms
JMSBrokerImpl() - Constructor in JMSBrokerImpl
JMSDestination - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.jms
JMSDestinationImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.jms
JMSDestinationImpl() - Constructor in JMSDestinationImpl
JMX_AGENT_MODE - Field in UsesJmx
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use RMI_REGISTRY_PORT
JMX_CONTEXT - Field in Attributes
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use keys from UsesJmx
JMX_CONTEXT - Field in KarafContainer
JMX_CONTEXT - Field in UsesJmx
JMX_PASSWORD - Field in ActiveMQBroker
JMX_PASSWORD - Field in Attributes
Currently only used to connect; not used to set up JMX (so only applies where systems set this up themselves)
JMX_PASSWORD - Field in KarafContainer
JMX_PASSWORD - Field in QpidBroker
JMX_PASSWORD - Field in UsesJmx
JMX_PORT - Field in Attributes
chosen by java itself by default; setting this will only have any effect if using an agent
JMX_PORT - Field in KarafContainer
JMX_PORT - Field in UsesJmx
whether JMX should bind to all interfaces
Whether JMX should bind to all interfaces.
Port for JMX server (sometimes called JMX_RMI server) to listen on.
JMX_SERVICE_URL - Field in Attributes
@deprecated since 0.6.0 use keys from UsesJmx
JMX_SERVICE_URL - Field in Jetty6Server
JMX_SERVICE_URL - Field in TomcatServer
JMX_SSL_ACCESS_CERT - Field in UsesJmx
JMX_SSL_ACCESS_KEY - Field in UsesJmx
JMX_SSL_ENABLED - Field in UsesJmx
forces JMX to be secured, using JMXMP so it gets through firewalls _and_ SSL/TLS (NB: there is not currently any corresponding JMXMP without SSL/TLS)
JMX_URL_FORMAT - Field in JmxHelper
JMX_URL - Field in UsesJmx
JMX_USER - Field in ActiveMQBroker
JMX_USER - Field in Attributes
Currently only used to connect; not used to set up JMX (so only applies where systems set this up themselves)
JMX_USER - Field in KarafContainer
JMX_USER - Field in QpidBroker
JMX_USER - Field in UsesJmx
JmxAttributePollConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
JmxAttributePollConfig(JmxAttributePollConfig) - Constructor in JmxAttributePollConfig
JmxConstants - Class in org.osgi.jmx
Constants for OSGi JMX Specification.
JmxFeed - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
Provides a feed of attribute values, by polling or subscribing over jmx.
JmxFeed.Builder - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
jmxFeed - Field in ActiveMQDestinationImpl
JmxFeed(JmxFeed.Builder) - Method in JmxFeed
jmxFeed - Field in QpidDestinationImpl
jmxFeed - Field in VanillaJavaApp
JmxHelper - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
jmxHelper - Field in ActiveMQDestinationImpl
JmxHelper(String, EntityLocal, String, String) - Constructor in JmxHelper
jmxHelper - Field in KarafContainerImpl
jmxHelper - Field in QpidDestinationImpl
JMXMP_DEFAULT_PORT - Field in JmxmpAgent
JMXMP_PORT_PROPERTY - Field in JmxmpAgent
port to listen on; default to JMXMP_DEFAULT_PORT
JMXMP_URL_FORMAT - Field in JmxHelper
JmxmpAgent - Class in brooklyn.util.jmx.jmxmp
This exposes JMX access over JMXMP, suitable for high-security environments, with support for going through firewalls as well as encrypting and authenticating securely.
JmxmpSslSupport - Class in
JmxmpSslSupport(JmxSupport) - Constructor in JmxmpSslSupport
JmxNotificationFilters - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig(JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig) - Constructor in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
JmxOperationPollConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
JmxOperationPollConfig(JmxOperationPollConfig) - Constructor in JmxOperationPollConfig
jmxPollPeriod - Field in VanillaJavaApp
JmxRmiAgent - Class in brooklyn.util.jmx.jmxrmi
This exposes JMX support for going through firewalls by starting an RMI registry server on a well-known port.
JmxSupport - Class in
JmxSupport(Entity, String) - Constructor in JmxSupport
run dir may be null if it is not accessed
JmxValueFunctions - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.jmx
job - Field in BasicTask
JOB_TRACKER_HOST_PORT - Field in WhirrHadoopCluster
jobTransitionLock - Field in DynamicSequentialTask
join(Collection, String) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
join(Object, String) - Method in Strings
convenience for
joiner(String) - Method in StringFunctions
joins the given objects in a collection as a toString with the given separator
joinerForArray(String) - Method in StringFunctions
joins the given objects as a toString with the given separator, but expecting an array of objects, not a collection
JSCH_EXEC_DELAY - Field in BrooklynSystemProperties
controls how long jsch delays between commands it issues
jsonContents(String, Class) - Method in HttpValueFunctions
JsonFunctions - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.http
JsonUtils - Class in
Jsonya - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
Jsonya = JSON-yet-another (tool)
Jsonya.Navigator - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
Jsonya.Navigator(Object, Class) - Constructor in Jsonya.Navigator
JVM_DEFINES - Field in VanillaJavaApp
JVM_XARGS - Field in VanillaJavaApp


Kafka - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
Shared Kafka broker and zookeeper properties.
Location of the configuration file template to be copied to the server.
KAFKA_PORT - Field in KafkaBroker
Location of the kafka configuration file template to be copied to the server.
KafkaBroker - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
An Entity that represents a single Kafka broker instance.
KafkaBrokerDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
KafkaBrokerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
An Entity that represents a single Kafka broker instance.
KafkaBrokerImpl() - Constructor in KafkaBrokerImpl
KafkaBrokerSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
KafkaBrokerSshDriver(KafkaBrokerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in KafkaBrokerSshDriver
KafkaCluster - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
Provides Kafka cluster functionality through a group of KafkaBroker controlled by a single KafkaZookeeper entity.
KafkaClusterExample - Class in brooklyn.demo
Kafka Cluster Application
KafkaClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
Implementation of a Kafka cluster containing a KafkaZookeeper node and a group of KafkaBrokers.
KafkaClusterImpl() - Constructor in KafkaClusterImpl
KafkaTopic - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
KafkaTopic() - Constructor in KafkaTopic
KafkaZookeeper - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
An Entity that represents a single Kafka zookeeper instance.
KafkaZookeeperDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
KafkaZookeeperImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
An Entity that represents a single Kafka zookeeper instance.
KafkaZookeeperImpl() - Constructor in KafkaZookeeperImpl
KafkaZookeeperSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.kafka
KafkaZookeeperSshDriver(KafkaZookeeperImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in KafkaZookeeperSshDriver
KARAF_ADMIN - Field in KarafContainerImpl
KARAF_FEATURES - Field in KarafContainerImpl
KARAF_INSTALL_LOCATION - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_INSTANCES - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_JAVA_OPTS - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_NAME - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_PID - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_RMI_REGISTRY_PORT - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_RMI_SERVER_PORT - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_ROOT - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_SSH_PORT - Field in KarafContainer
KARAF_STATE - Field in KarafContainer
KarafContainer - Interface in brooklyn.entity.osgi.karaf
This sets up a Karaf OSGi container
KarafContainerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.osgi.karaf
This sets up a Karaf OSGi container
KarafContainerImpl() - Constructor in KarafContainerImpl
KarafDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.osgi.karaf
KarafSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.osgi.karaf
KarafSshDriver(KarafContainerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in KarafSshDriver
KEY_ITEM - Field in JmxConstants
The key of a property.
KEY - Field in JmxConstants
The key KEY.
KEY_PAIR - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
KEY_VAL_OPT_PREFIXES - Field in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
keyAlias(String) - Method in HttpsSslConfig
keyData(String) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
keyFile(String) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
keyPassphrase(String) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
keySet() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
keySet() - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
KEYSPACE_HITS - Field in RedisStore
KEYSPACE_MISSES - Field in RedisStore
keystorePassword(String) - Method in HttpsSslConfig
keystoreUrl(String) - Method in HttpsSslConfig
KeyValueParser - Class in brooklyn.util.text
Parses a String that consists of multiple arguments, which are either single or key-value pairs.
kill1() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
kill9() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
kill() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
kill() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
kill() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
kill() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
kill() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
kill() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
kill() - Method in KarafSshDriver
kill() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
kill() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
kill() - Method in NginxSshDriver
kill() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
kill() - Method in QpidSshDriver
kill() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
kill() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
kill() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriver
Kills the process, ungracefully and immediately where possible (e.g. with `kill -9`).
kill() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
kill() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
KILLING - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
KNIFE_CONFIG_FILE - Field in ChefConfig
KNIFE_EXECUTABLE - Field in ChefConfig
KNIFE_SETUP_COMMANDS - Field in ChefConfig
knifeAddAttributes(Map) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
includes the given attributes in the attributes to be passed to chef; when combining with other attributes, this uses Jsonya semantics to add (a deep add, combining lists and maps)
knifeAddExtraBootstrapParameters(String, String) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
parameters to pass to knife after the bootstrap command
knifeAddParameters(String, String) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
knifeAddParameters(String, String) - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
knifeAttributes - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
knifeConfigFile - Field in KnifeTaskFactory
knifeConfigFileOption() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
knifeConverge(Function, boolean, String, boolean) - Method in ChefServerTasks
@deprecated since 0.6.0 (soon after introduced) use knifeConvergeRunList(String) or knifeConvergeTask() with fluent API
knifeConvergeRunList(String) - Method in ChefServerTasks
knife converge task configured for this run list (and sudo)
knifeConvergeRunListWindowsSsh(String) - Method in ChefServerTasks
knife converge task configured for this run list on windows (ssh)
knifeConvergeRunListWindowsWinrm(String) - Method in ChefServerTasks
knife converge task configured for this run list on windows (winrm)
knifeConvergeTask() - Method in ChefServerTasks
plain knife converge task - run list must be set, other arguments are optional
KnifeConvergeTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
KnifeConvergeTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
knifeExecutable - Field in KnifeTaskFactory
knifeNodeName(String) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
what node name to pass to knife; default = null, meaning chef-client will pick the node name
knifeParameters - Field in KnifeTaskFactory
knifePort(int) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
tell knife to use an explicit port
knifePortUseKnifeDefault() - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
omit the port parameter altogether (let knife use its default)
knifePortUseMachineSshPort() - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
use the default port known to brooklyn for the target machine for ssh
knifeRunList(String) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
knifeRunTwice(boolean) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
whether knife should attempt to run twice; see ChefConfig#CHEF_RUN_CONVERGE_TWICE#CHEF_RUN_CONVERGE_TWICE
knifeSetupCommands - Field in KnifeTaskFactory
knifeSudo(boolean) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
whether to pass --sudo to knife; default true
KnifeTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.chef
A factory which acts like ProcessTaskFactory with special options for knife.
KnifeTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in KnifeTaskFactory
knifeWhichPort(HostAndPort) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
KnownSizeInputStream - Class in
an input stream, whose size we know
KnownSizeInputStream(InputStream, long) - Constructor in KnownSizeInputStream


LABEL - Field in UrlMapping
LanguageUtils - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
Useful Groovy utility methods.
LanguageUtils.FieldVisitor - Interface in brooklyn.util.internal
last() - Method in DynamicSequentialTask
last(Class) - Method in EffectorBody
Returns the result of the last task queued in this context, coerced to the given type
last() - Method in TaskQueueingContext
returns the last task in the queue, or null if none
lastFailureTime - Field in ServiceRestarter
lastTimestamp - Field in TimeFractionDeltaEnricher
lastValue - Field in TimeFractionDeltaEnricher
latency() - Method in HttpValueFunctions
LATENCY_WINDOW_DEFAULT_PERIOD - Field in HttpLatencyDetector
latest - Field in SizeHistory.WindowSummary
The most recent value (or -1 if there has been no value)
latitude - Field in HostGeoInfo
LATITUDE - Field in LocationConfigKeys
launch() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
launch() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
launch() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
launch() - Method in BindDnsServerSshDriver
launch() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
Starts the web server (with web console) and Brooklyn applications, as per the specifications configured.
launch() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
launch() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
launch() - Method in ChefSoloDriver
launch() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
launch() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver
launch() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
launch() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
launch() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
launch() - Method in KarafSshDriver
LAUNCH_LATCH - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
LAUNCH_LATCH - Field in SoftwareProcess
launch() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
launch() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
launch() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
launch() - Method in NginxSshDriver
launch() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
launch() - Method in QpidSshDriver
launch() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
launch() - Method in RedisStoreSshDriver
launch() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
launch() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
launch() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
LAUNCHING - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
lax() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
LDAP_CONTEXT_FACTORY - Field in LdapSecurityProvider
LDAP_REALM - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
LDAP_URL - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
LdapSecurityProvider - Class in
A SecurityProvider implementation that relies on LDAP to authenticate.
LdapSecurityProvider(String, String) - Constructor in LdapSecurityProvider
Lease - Interface in brooklyn.util.pool
leasedObject() - Method in BasicPool.BasicLease
leasedObject() - Method in Lease
leaseObject() - Method in BasicPool
leaseObject() - Method in Pool
LEFT_DATABASE_NAME - Field in RubyRepNode
LEFT_DATABASE - Field in RubyRepNode
LEFT_DATABASE_URL - Field in RubyRepNode
LEFT_PASSWORD - Field in RubyRepNode
LEFT_USERNAME - Field in RubyRepNode
leftoverProperties - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA - Field in CloudLocationConfig
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA - Field in LocationConfigKeys
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Field in CloudLocationConfig
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Field in LocationConfigKeys
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE - Field in CloudLocationConfig
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA - Field in CloudLocationConfig
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_DATA - Field in LocationConfigKeys
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE - Field in CloudLocationConfig
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
LEGACY_PUBLIC_KEY_FILE - Field in LocationConfigKeys
@deprecated since 0.6.0; included here so it gets picked up in auto-detect routines
length - Field in BitList
length() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
lengthMaxPermittedForMachineName(int) - Method in CloudMachineNamer
lengthReservedForNameInGroup(int) - Method in CloudMachineNamer
number of chars to use or reserve for the machine identifier when constructing a group identifier; defaults to 9, e.g. a hyphen and 8 random chars which is the jclouds model @return
Lifecycle - Enum in brooklyn.entity.basic
An enumeration representing the status of an Entity.
limitIterationsTo(int) - Method in Repeater
Set the maximum number of iterations.
limitTimeTo(Duration) - Method in Repeater
@see #limitTimeTo(long, TimeUnit)
lines - Field in ScriptPart
lineWithPerfData - Field in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed
link - Field in ApidocEndpoint
LINK_LOCAL - Field in Cidr
LinkWithMetadata - Class in
LinkWithMetadata(String, Map) - Constructor in LinkWithMetadata
list() - Method in ApplicationApi
list() - Method in ApplicationResource
LIST_BUNDLES - Field in KarafContainer
list(String, String) - Method in EffectorApi
list(String, String) - Method in EffectorResource
list(String) - Method in EntityApi
list(String, String) - Method in EntityConfigApi
list(String, String) - Method in EntityConfigResource
list(String) - Method in EntityResource
list() - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
ensures the given focus is a list
list() - Method in LocationApi
list() - Method in LocationResource
list(String, String) - Method in PolicyApi
list(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigApi
list(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigResource
list(String, String) - Method in PolicyResource
list(String, String) - Method in SensorApi
list(String, String) - Method in SensorResource
listApplications(String, String) - Method in CatalogApi
listApplications(String, String) - Method in CatalogResource
listApplicationsUsage(String, String) - Method in UsageApi
listApplicationsUsage(String, String) - Method in UsageResource
listAttributesWhenReady(AttributeSensor, Iterable, Predicate) - Method in DependentConfiguration
returns a task for parallel execution returning a list of values of the given sensor list on the given entity, optionally when the values satisfy a given readiness predicate (defaulting to groovy truth if not supplied)
listBundles() - Method in KarafContainer
listBundles() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
ListConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
A config key representing a list of values.
ListConfigKey.ListModification - Interface in brooklyn.event.basic
ListConfigKey.ListModificationBase - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
ListConfigKey.ListModificationBase(Collection, boolean) - Constructor in ListConfigKey.ListModificationBase
ListConfigKey.ListModifications - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
ListConfigKey(Class, String, String, List) - Constructor in ListConfigKey
ListenableForwardingFuture - Class in brooklyn.util.task
Wraps a Future, making it a ListenableForwardingFuture, but with the caller having the resposibility to:
  • invoke the listeners on job completion (success or error)
  • invoke the listeners on cancel
  • ListenableForwardingFuture(Future, ExecutionList) - Constructor in ListenableForwardingFuture
    LISTENER_PREFIX - Field in VerboseReporter
    Default prefix for messages printed out by this reporter
    listener - Field in Subscription
    listenerFromValueClosure(Closure) - Method in Policies
    listeners - Field in BasicTask
    listEntities(String, String) - Method in CatalogApi
    listEntities(String, String) - Method in CatalogResource
    listIptablesRule() - Method in IptablesCommands
    Returns the iptables rules.
    listMachinesUsage(String, String, String) - Method in UsageApi
    listMachinesUsage(String, String, String) - Method in UsageResource
    listNodes(Map) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    listPolicies(String, String) - Method in CatalogApi
    listPolicies(String, String) - Method in CatalogResource
    listTasks(String, String) - Method in EntityApi
    listTasks(String, String) - Method in EntityResource
    LIVE_NODE_COUNT - Field in CassandraNode
    load(ManagementContext, CatalogDo) - Method in CatalogDo
    causes all URL-based catalogs to have their manifests loaded, and all scanning-based classpaths to scan the classpaths (but does not load all JARs)
    loadAppClass(String) - Method in SampleMain
    LoadBalancer - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxy
    A load balancer that routes requests to set(s) of servers.
    LoadBalancerCluster - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxy
    A cluster of load balancers, where configuring the cluster (through the LoadBalancer interface) will configure all load balancers in the cluster.
    LoadBalancerClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy
    A cluster of load balancers, where configuring the cluster (through the LoadBalancer interface) will configure all load balancers in the cluster.
    LoadBalancerClusterImpl() - Constructor in LoadBalancerClusterImpl
    LoadBalancingPolicy - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
    LoadBalancingPolicy(Map, AttributeSensor, BalanceablePoolModel) - Constructor in LoadBalancingPolicy
    loadCatalog() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    loadChildrenCatalogs() - Method in CatalogDo
    loadClass(CatalogItem) - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
    loadClass(CatalogItem) - Method in BrooklynCatalog
    throws exceptions if any problems
    loadClass(String, boolean) - Method in LoadedClassLoader
    loadClass(String) - Method in RebindContext
    loadClass(String) - Method in RebindContextImpl
    loadClass(String) - Method in Reflections
    instantiates the given class from its binary name
    loadClass(String) - Method in ReflectionScanner
    loadClassByType(String, Class) - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
    loadClassByType(String, Class) - Method in BrooklynCatalog
    loadClassFromCanonicalName(String) - Method in Reflections
    Loads class given its canonical name format (e.g. com.acme.Foo.Inner), using iterative strategy (trying com.acme.Foo$Inner, then com.acme$Foo$Inner, etc).
    loadConstructor(Class, Class) - Method in Reflections
    LoadedClassLoader - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    a classloader which allows you to register classes and resources which this loader will return when needed, (essentially a registry rather than a classloader, but useful if you need to make new classes available in an old context)
    loadFromFile(String) - Method in ConfigUtils
    loadInnerClassNotInheritted(Class, String) - Method in Reflections
    does not look through ancestors of outer class
    loadInnerClassPossiblyInheritted(Class, String) - Method in Reflections
    given a nested part, e.g.
    loadInstance(Constructor, Object) - Method in Reflections
    loadJavaClass() - Method in CatalogItemDo
    loadLocalClassLoader() - Method in CatalogClasspathDo
    loadMemento() - Method in AbstractBrooklynMementoPersister
    loadMemento() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister
    loadMemento() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToFile
    loadMemento() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile
    loadMethod(Class, String) - Method in Reflections
    returns the first method matching the given name
    loadRecursiveClassLoader() - Method in CatalogDo
    loadSingleConstructor(Class) - Method in Reflections
    returns a single constructor in a given class, or throws an exception
    loadStaticField(Class, String) - Method in Reflections
    loadStaticFields(Class, String, Object) - Method in Reflections
    loadThisCatalog(ManagementContext, CatalogDo) - Method in CatalogDo
    LOCAL_REPO_ENABLED - Field in DownloadProducerFromLocalRepo
    LOCAL_REPO_PATH - Field in DownloadProducerFromLocalRepo
    LOCAL_REPO_PATH_GENERATOR - Field in MavenRetriever
    LOCAL_REPO_URL_PATTERN - Field in DownloadProducerFromLocalRepo
    LOCAL_TEMP_DIR - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    LOCAL_TEMP_DIR - Field in SshMachineLocation
    LocalAccessManager - Class in
    LocalAccessManager.AccessControllerImpl(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor in LocalAccessManager.AccessControllerImpl
    LocalAccessManager() - Constructor in LocalAccessManager
    localBrooklynProperties - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    localBrooklynPropertiesFile(String) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    LocalEntityManager - Class in
    LocalEntityManager(LocalManagementContext) - Constructor in LocalEntityManager
    LOCALHOST_IP_ADDRESS - Field in BrooklynGlobalConfig
    LOCALHOST_IP_ADDRESS - Field in BrooklynServiceAttributes
    in some cases localhost does not resolve correctly (e.g. to an interface which is defined locally but not in operation, or where multiple NICs are available and java's InetAddress.getLocalHost() strategy is not doing what is desired); use this to supply a specific address (e.g. "" or a specific IP on a specific NIC or FW)
    LOCALHOST - Field in LocalhostResolver
    localhost() - Method in LocationSpec
    LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    An implementation of MachineProvisioningLocation that can provision a SshMachineLocation for the local host.
    LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine(Map) - Constructor in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use no-arg constructor (and spec) then configure
    LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation(String, int) - Constructor in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    LocalhostPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    @author aledsage
    LocalhostResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    Examples of valid specs:
    • localhost
    • localhost:()
    • localhost:(name=abc)
    • localhost:(name="abc")
    LocalLocationManager - Class in
    LocalLocationManager(LocalManagementContext) - Constructor in LocalLocationManager
    LocalManagementContext - Class in
    A local implementation of the ManagementContext API.
    LocalManagementContext(BrooklynProperties, BrooklynStorageFactory) - Constructor in LocalManagementContext
    Creates a new LocalManagementContext.
    localPropertiesFile(String) - Method in BrooklynProperties.Factory.Builder
    The URL of a file specific to this launch.
    LocalSubscriptionManager - Class in
    A SubscriptionManager that stores subscription details locally.
    LocalSubscriptionManager(ExecutionManager) - Constructor in LocalSubscriptionManager
    localTempDir(File) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
    localTempDir - Field in ShellAbstractTool
    localTempDir - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    localUrl(String, String, String) - Method in BrooklynMavenArtifacts
    localUrl(MavenArtifact) - Method in MavenRetriever
    returns a URL for accessing the artifact from the local machine (ie preferring a local repo), using the default remote sits (sonatype for snapshots and for releases)
    localUrlForJar(String) - Method in BrooklynMavenArtifacts
    LocalUsageManager - Class in
    LocalUsageManager(LocalManagementContext) - Constructor in LocalUsageManager
    locate(String, ConfigMap, ResourceUtils) - Method in CustomResourceLocator.ResourceLocator
    locate(String, ConfigMap, ResourceUtils) - Method in CustomResourceLocator.SearchingClassPathInDevMode
    Location - Interface in brooklyn.location
    A location that an entity can be in.
    location - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    location(String) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Give the spec of an application, to be created.
    location - Field in BrooklynMachinePool
    location(LocationMemento) - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
    LOCATION_CHANGED - Field in Attributes
    LOCATION_ID - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    LOCATION_USAGE_KEY - Field in LocalUsageManager
    location - Field in WhirrClusterImpl
    LocationApi - Interface in
    locationConfig - Field in BasicLocationMemento.Builder
    locationConfigDescription - Field in BasicLocationMemento.Builder
    LocationConfigKeys - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    locationConfigReferenceKeys - Field in BasicLocationMemento.Builder
    locationConfigUnused - Field in BasicLocationMemento.Builder
    LocationConfigUtils - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    LocationConstraint - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
    Temporary stub to resolve dependencies in ported LoadBalancingPolicy.
    LocationCreationUtils - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    @since 0.6.0-M1
    LocationDefinition - Interface in brooklyn.location
    Defines a location, where the getSpec() is like a serialized representation of the location so that Brooklyn can create a corresponding location.
    locationId(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    LocationInternal - Interface in brooklyn.location.basic
    Information about locations private to Brooklyn.
    LocationManager - Interface in
    For managing and querying entities.
    LocationMemento - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
    Represents the state of an location, so that it can be reconstructed (e.g. after restarting brooklyn).
    LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    The properties to use for locations, loaded from file.
    locationProvisioningAllowed(boolean) - Method in AccessApi
    locationProvisioningAllowed(boolean) - Method in AccessResource
    locationReferenceAttributes - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
    locationReferenceConfigs - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
    LocationRegistry - Interface in brooklyn.location
    The registry of the sorts of locations that brooklyn knows about.
    locationRegistry - Field in AbstractManagementContext
    LocationResolver - Interface in brooklyn.location
    Provides a way of creating location instances of a particular type.
    LocationResource - Class in
    locations(Set) - Method in ApplicationSpec.Builder
    locations - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
    locations(List) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    locations - Field in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
    locations() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta
    LOCATIONS - Field in BrooklynNode
    LOCATIONS - Field in EffectorStartableImpl.StartParameters
    LOCATIONS_FILTER - Field in BasicStartable
    LOCATIONS - Field in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    locations - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    locations() - Method in PersisterDeltaImpl
    locations() - Method in RebindManagerImpl.DeltaImpl
    locationsById - Field in LocalLocationManager
    locationsForAdditions(Multimap, Collection, int) - Method in BalancingNodePlacementStrategy
    locationsForAdditions(Multimap, Collection, int) - Method in DynamicCluster.NodePlacementStrategy
    LocationSpec - Class in
    LocationSpec(String, String, Map) - Constructor in LocationSpec
    LocationSummary - Class in
    LocationSummary(String, String, String, Map, Map) - Constructor in LocationSummary
    LocationTransformer - Class in
    LocationUsage - Class in
    LocationUsage.LocationEvent - Class in
    LocationUsage.LocationEvent(Lifecycle, String, String, String) - Constructor in LocationUsage.LocationEvent
    LocationUsage(String, Map) - Method in LocationUsage
    log - Field in AbstractApplication
    log - Field in AbstractCombiningEnricher
    LOG - Field in AbstractEffector
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 shouldn't be public
    LOG - Field in AbstractEntity
    @deprecated since 0.6; will be made private in subsequent release; instead declare more appropriate logger
    LOG - Field in AbstractLocation
    log - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    log - Field in Activator
    log - Field in ActiveMQQueueImpl
    log - Field in AttributePollHandler
    log - Field in BasicLocationRegistry
    log - Field in ByonLocationResolver
    LOG - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
    log - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
    log - Field in DefinedLocationByIdResolver
    log - Field in DelegatingSecurityProvider
    log - Field in DynamicGroupImpl
    LOG - Field in ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider
    LOG_FILE_LOCATION - Field in Attributes
    log - Field in FilenameToWebContextMapper
    log - Field in FlagUtils
    log - Field in GeoBytesHostGeoLookup
    log - Field in GeoscalingWebClient
    log - Field in GlobalWebFabricExample
    log - Field in HostGeoInfo
    log - Field in HttpFeed
    log - Field in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    log - Field in JBoss6ServerImpl
    log - Field in JBoss7ServerImpl
    LOG - Field in JBoss7SshDriver
    log - Field in JcloudsByonLocationResolver
    LOG - Field in JcloudsLocation
    log - Field in JcloudsResolver
    log - Field in JmxFeed
    log - Field in KafkaClusterImpl
    LOG - Field in LdapSecurityProvider
    LOG - Field in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    log(String) - Method in LoggingVerboseReporter
    log - Field in Main
    log - Field in MariaDbSshDriver
    log - Field in MaxMindHostGeoLookup
    log - Field in MongoDBSshDriver
    log - Field in MySqlSshDriver
    log - Field in NamedLocationResolver
    log - Field in NginxSshDriver
    log - Field in Poller
    LOG - Field in PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey
    log - Field in PostgreSqlSshDriver
    LOG_PREFIX - Field in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    LOG_PREFIX - Field in SshMachineLocation
    log - Field in QpidDestinationImpl
    log - Field in RabbitDestination
    LOG - Field in RebindManagerImpl
    log - Field in RubyRepSshDriver
    log - Field in ScriptHelper
    log - Field in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    LOG - Field in SerializeHelloWorldHadoopJar
    log - Field in ShellFeed
    LOG - Field in SingleWebServerExample
    LOG - Field in SingleWebServerSample
    log - Field in SshFeed
    LOG - Field in SshMachineLocation
    log - Field in StartableMethods
    log - Field in StatusListener
    log - Field in StreamGobbler
    log - Field in TimeExtras
    log - Field in UtraceHostGeoLookup
    log(String) - Method in VerboseReporter
    LOG - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExample
    LOG - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
    LOG - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
    LOG - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
    LOG - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
    LOG - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
    LOG - Field in WebClusterExample
    LOG - Field in WebClusterExampleAlt
    log - Field in WhirrClusterImpl
    log - Field in WhirrHadoopCluster
    log - Field in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
    logAll(Logger) - Method in LocalManagementContext
    logAvailableTemplates(ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    logFailures(Logger) - Method in WebAppMonitor
    logFile - Field in MonitorPrefs
    logger(Logger) - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    LoggingSetup - Class in brooklyn.util.logging
    LoggingVerboseReporter - Class in brooklyn.test
    LoggingVerboseReporter(String) - Constructor in LoggingVerboseReporter
    logGrep - Field in MonitorPrefs
    logGrepExclusionsFile - Field in MonitorPrefs
    login(String, String) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient
    LOGIN_USER - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    LOGIN_USER_PASSWORD - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    LOGIN_USER_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    LOGIN_USER_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    logout(HttpSession) - Method in AnyoneSecurityProvider
    logout(HttpSession) - Method in BlackholeSecurityProvider
    logout(HttpSession) - Method in DelegatingSecurityProvider
    logout(HttpSession) - Method in ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider
    logout() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient
    logout(HttpSession) - Method in LdapSecurityProvider
    logout(HttpSession) - Method in SecurityProvider
    logProblem(String, Object) - Method in AttributePollHandler
    logProblemDetails(String, ByteArrayOutputStream, int) - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper.ProcessTaskInternalJob
    logSsh - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    logSsh - Field in SshMachineLocation
    logStreamTail(Logger, String, ByteArrayOutputStream, int) - Method in Streams
    logUsage(String) - Method in BrooklynGarbageCollector
    logWithDetailsAndThrow(String, Throwable) - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper.ProcessTaskInternalJob
    logWithDetailsAndThrow(String, Throwable) - Method in ScriptHelper
    LONG_ARRAY_TYPE - Field in JmxConstants
    The MBean Open type for an array of longs
    LONG - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Long
    longitude - Field in HostGeoInfo
    LONGITUDE - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    longValue() - Method in BitList
    returns value of this as a long (ignoring any too-high bits)
    lookup(LockInfo) - Method in BasicTask
    lookup(Location, int) - Method in PortForwardManager
    returns the public ip hostname and public port for use contacting the given endpoint; null if: no publicPort is associated with this location and private port no publicIpId is associated with this location and private port no publicIpHostname is recorded against the associated publicIpId
    LOOPBACK - Field in Cidr
    LOOPBACK - Field in Networking


    MAC_10_5 - Field in BasicOsDetails.OsVersions
    MAC_10_6 - Field in BasicOsDetails.OsVersions
    MAC_OS_X - Field in BasicOsDetails.OsNames
    machine(SshMachineLocation) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    MACHINE_CREATE_ATTEMPTS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    machine(SshMachineLocation) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    machine - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    null for localhost
    machine - Field in RabbitDestination
    machine() - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorBody
    convenience for accessing the machine
    machine(SshMachineLocation) - Method in SshFeed.Builder
    machine(SshMachineLocation) - Method in SshFetchTaskFactory
    machine(SshMachineLocation) - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
    machine - Field in SshPutTaskStub
    machine(SshMachineLocation) - Method in SystemProcessTaskFactory
    MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks - Class in
    Default skeleton for start/stop/restart tasks on machines.
    MachineLocation - Interface in brooklyn.location
    A location that is a machine.
    MachinePool - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds.pool
    Contains details of machines detected at a given cloud (ComputeService), and records claims made against those machines via this pool.
    MachinePool(ComputeService) - Constructor in MachinePool
    MachinePoolPredicates - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds.pool
    MachineProvisioningLocation - Interface in brooklyn.location
    A location that is able to provision new machines within its location.
    Machines - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    utilities for working with MachineLocations
    machines - Field in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    MachineSet - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds.pool
    MachineSet(NodeMetadata) - Constructor in MachineSet
    MAGIC_STRING_MEANING_NULL - Field in EffectorParam
    Cannot use null as a default (e.g. for defaultValue); therefore define a magic string to mean that /* so can tell when no-one has set it.
    Main - Class in brooklyn.cli
    Main.BrooklynCommand - Class in brooklyn.cli
    Main.HelpCommand - Class in brooklyn.cli
    Main.InfoCommand - Class in brooklyn.cli
    Main.LaunchCommand - Class in brooklyn.cli
    main(String) - Method in BasicOsDetails
    MAIN_CLASS - Field in VanillaJavaApp
    main(String) - Method in CumulusRDFApplication
    main(String) - Method in GlobalWebFabricExample
    main(String) - Method in HadoopWordCount
    main(String) - Method in HighAvailabilityCassandraCluster
    main(String) - Method in JmxmpAgent
    main(String) - Method in JmxRmiAgent
    Convenience main method.
    main(String) - Method in KafkaClusterExample
    main(String) - Method in Main
    main(String) - Method in Monitor
    main(String) - Method in Publish
    main(String) - Method in SampleMain
    main(String) - Method in SimpleCassandraCluster
    main(String) - Method in SingleWebServerExample
    main(String) - Method in StandaloneQpidBrokerExample
    main(String) - Method in Subscribe
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterApp
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExample
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterExample
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterExampleAlt
    main(String) - Method in WebClusterWithHadoopExample
    main(String) - Method in WebFabricWithHadoopExample
    main(String) - Method in WhirrExample
    main(String) - Method in WhirrHadoopExample
    main(String) - Method in WideAreaCassandraCluster
    makeArray(String, int) - Method in Strings
    returns e.g. { "prefix01", ..., "prefix96" }; see more functional NumericRangeGlobExpander for "prefix{01-96}"
    makeDateString(long) - Method in Time
    returns the time in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.mss format, given a long (e.g. returned by System.currentTimeMillis)
    makeJdbcUrl(String) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
    makeJob(Configuration) - Method in HadoopWordCount
    makeKey(String, int) - Method in PortForwardManager
    makeLinks(CatalogItem) - Method in CatalogTransformer
    makeNonTrivialArgumentsString() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    makeNonTrivialArgumentsString() - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
    makePaddedString(String, int, String, String) - Method in Strings
    pads the string with "pad" at the left up to len; no padding if base longer than len
    makeRandomBase64Id(int) - Method in Identifiers
    makeRandomId(int) - Method in Identifiers
    makes a random id string (letters and numbers) of the given length; starts with letter (upper or lower) so can be used as java-id; tests ensure random distribution, so random ID of length 5 is about 2^29 possibilities
    makeRandomId(int) - Method in Strings
    @see Identifiers#makeRandomId(int)#makeRandomId(int)
    makeRandomJavaId(int) - Method in Identifiers
    makes a random id string (letters and numbers) of the given length; starts with letter (upper or lower) so can be used as java-id; tests ensure random distribution, so random ID of length 5 is about 2^29 possibilities
    makeRealString(double, int, int, int, double, boolean) - Method in Strings
    creates a string from a real number, with specified accuracy (more iff it comes for free, ie integer-part); switches to E notation if needed to fit within maxlen; can be padded left up too (not useful)
    makeRealStringNearZero(double, int, int, int) - Method in Strings
    creates a string from a real number, with specified accuracy (more iff it comes for free, ie integer-part); switches to E notation if needed to fit within maxlen; can be padded left up too (not useful)
    makeRepeated(char, int) - Method in Strings
    makeSizeString(long) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    makeSizeString(long) - Method in Strings
    returns a size string using defaults from ByteSizeStrings, e.g. 23.5mb
    makeTimeString(long) - Method in Strings
    @deprecated use Time#makeTimeStringRounded(long)#makeTimeStringRounded(long)
    makeTimeString(long, boolean) - Method in Time
    given an elapsed time, makes it readable, eg 44d 6h, or 8s 923ms, optionally rounding
    makeTimeStringExact(Duration) - Method in Time
    @see #makeTimeString(long, boolean)
    makeTimeStringNano(long, boolean) - Method in Time
    @see #makeTimeString(long, boolean)
    makeTimeStringNanoExact(long) - Method in Time
    @see #makeTimeString(long, boolean)
    makeTimeStringNanoLong(long) - Method in Time
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 see other makeTimeString methods, they are more clearly defined than this
    makeTimeStringNanoRounded(long) - Method in Time
    @see #makeTimeString(long, boolean)
    makeTimeStringRounded(Duration) - Method in Time
    @see #makeTimeString(long, boolean)
    makeTimeStringRoundedSince(long) - Method in Time
    @see #makeTimeString(long, boolean)
    makeValidFilename(String) - Method in Strings
    Returns a valid filename based on the input.
    makeValidJavaName(String) - Method in Strings
    Returns a valid Java identifier name based on the input.
    makeValidJavaToken(String) - Method in Identifiers
    changes 'token' to a string which is valid in java, but resembles the original
    makeValidUniqueJavaName(String) - Method in Strings
    Returns a unique valid java identifier name based on the input.
    makeZeroPaddedString(int, int) - Method in Strings
    pads the string with 0's at the left up to len; no padding if i longer than len
    manage(Entity) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    manage(ManagementContext) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
    Builds and manages the application, calling the user's doBuild() method.
    manage(AbstractApplication, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Launches the web console on the given port, and a Brooklyn application, with a single command.
    manage(Location, ManagementContext) - Method in Entities
    Registers the given location (and all its children) with the management context.
    manage(Entity) - Method in EntityManager
    Begins management for the given entity and its children, recursively.
    manage(Entity) - Method in LocalEntityManager
    manage(Location) - Method in LocalLocationManager
    manage(Location) - Method in LocationManager
    Begins management for the given location and its children, recursively.
    manage(Entity) - Method in ManagementContext
    Manage an entity.
    manage(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
    manage(Location) - Method in NonDeploymentLocationManager
    manage(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    managed - Field in ApplicationBuilder
    MANAGED_DOMAIN - Field in GeoscalingDnsService
    managed() - Method in EntityPredicates
    manageIfNecessary(Entity, Object) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    manageIfNecessary(Entity, Object) - Method in LocalManagementContext
    MANAGEMENT_ACCESS_CIDR - Field in BrooklynAccessUtils
    management(ManagementContext) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies the management context this launcher should use.
    MANAGEMENT_CIDR - Field in BindDnsServer
    MANAGEMENT_HTTP_PORT - Field in JBoss7Server
    MANAGEMENT_HTTPS_PORT - Field in JBoss7Server
    MANAGEMENT_NATIVE_PORT - Field in JBoss7Server
    MANAGEMENT_PASSWORD - Field in BrooklynNode
    MANAGEMENT_PASSWORD - Field in JBoss7Server
    MANAGEMENT_PORT - Field in JBoss7Server
    @deprecated since 0.5.0; use MANAGEMENT_HTTP_PORT instead
    MANAGEMENT_STATUS - Field in JBoss7Server
    MANAGEMENT_URL_UP - Field in JBoss7Server
    MANAGEMENT_USER - Field in BrooklynNode
    MANAGEMENT_USER - Field in JBoss7Server
    ManagementContext - Interface in
    This is the entry point for accessing and interacting with a realm of applications and their entities in Brooklyn.
    managementContext - Field in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
    managementContext(ManagementContext) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies the management context this launcher should use.
    managementContext - Field in EntityManagementSupport
    ManagementContextInternal - Interface in
    managementContextUsable - Field in EntityManagementSupport
    managementFailed - Field in EntityManagementSupport
    managementSupport - Field in AbstractEntity
    ManagementTransitionInfo - Class in
    ManagementTransitionInfo.ManagementTransitionMode - Enum in
    true if this transition is an entity whose mastering is migrating from one node to another; false if the brooklyn mgmt plane is just starting managing of this entity for the very first time
    ManagementTransitionInfo(ManagementContext, ManagementTransitionInfo.ManagementTransitionMode) - Constructor in ManagementTransitionInfo
    true if this transition is an entity whose mastering is migrating from one node to another; false if the brooklyn mgmt plane is just starting managing of this entity for the very first time
    managing(ApplicationBuilder) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies that the launcher should build and manage the given Brooklyn application.
    MAP_DEV_RANDOM_TO_DEV_URANDOM - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    map(Object, Text, Context) - Method in HadoopWordCount.TokenizerMapper
    map() - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
    ensures the given focus is a map, creating if needed (and creating inside the list if it is in a list)
    MapConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    A config key which represents a map, where contents can be accessed directly via subkeys.
    MapConfigKey.MapModification - Interface in brooklyn.event.basic
    MapConfigKey.MapModificationBase - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    MapConfigKey.MapModificationBase(Map, boolean) - Constructor in MapConfigKey.MapModificationBase
    MapConfigKey.MapModifications - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    MapConfigKey(Class, String, String, Map) - Constructor in MapConfigKey
    MapConverter - Class in brooklyn.util.xstream
    equivalent to super, but cleaner methods
    MapConverter(Mapper) - Constructor in MapConverter
    mapOf(Object, Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
    mappings - Field in PortForwardManager
    mapType - Field in Jsonya.Navigator
    MARIADB_PORT - Field in MariaDbNode
    MARIADB_SERVER_CONF - Field in MariaDbNode
    MARIADB_URL - Field in MariaDbNode
    MariaDbDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.mariadb
    The SoftwareProcessDriver for MariaDB.
    MariaDbNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.mariadb
    MariaDbNodeImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.mariadb
    MariaDbNodeImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in MariaDbNodeImpl
    MariaDbSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.mariadb
    The SSH implementation of the MariaDbDriver.
    MariaDbSshDriver(MariaDbNodeImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in MariaDbSshDriver
    mark(int) - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
    mark(int) - Method in ReaderInputStream
    Marks the read limit of the StringReader.
    markAll(Iterable) - Method in ConfigBag
    markDirty() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    markDirty() - Method in SshFetchTaskFactory
    markDirty() - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
    markQueued() - Method in BasicTask
    marks the task as queued for execution
    markQueued() - Method in ForwardingTask
    markQueued() - Method in TaskInternal
    marks the task as queued for execution
    markSupported() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
    markSupported() - Method in ReaderInputStream
    @return false - mark is not supported
    markUsed(String) - Method in ConfigBag
    indicates that a string key in the config map has been accessed
    marshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext) - Method in Inet4AddressConverter
    marshal(Object, HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext) - Method in MapConverter
    marshalEntry(HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext, Entry) - Method in MapConverter
    marshalEntry(HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext, Entry) - Method in StringKeyMapConverter
    marshalStringKey(HierarchicalStreamWriter, MarshallingContext, Entry) - Method in StringKeyMapConverter
    master - Field in RedisClusterImpl
    MASTER - Field in RedisSlave
    matches(ReusableMachineTemplate, NodeMetadata) - Method in MachinePoolPredicates
    True iff the node matches the criteria specified in this template.
    matches(Class, Location) - Method in RegistryEntityDriverFactory.DriverLocationTuple
    matchesType(String) - Method in JmxNotificationFilters
    Matches the given notification type.
    matchesTypeRegex(String) - Method in JmxNotificationFilters
    since 0.6.0; only works if this brooklyn class is on the classpath of the JVM that your subscribing to notifications on (because it tries to push the filter instance to that JVM).
    matchesTypes(String) - Method in JmxNotificationFilters
    Matches any of the given notification types.
    matching(ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in MachinePoolPredicates
    matchingGlob(String) - Method in ConfigPredicates
    matchingRegex(String) - Method in ConfigPredicates
    MathFunctions - Class in brooklyn.util.math
    MAVEN_CENTRAL_URL_GENERATOR - Field in MavenRetriever
    MavenArtifact - Class in brooklyn.util.maven
    MavenArtifact(String, String, String, String) - Constructor in MavenArtifact
    MavenRetriever - Class in brooklyn.util.maven
    returns the URL for accessing the artifact, assuming sonatype for snapshots and for releases by default, with some methods checking local file system, and allowing the generators for each to be specified
    MAX_FETCH_TIME - Field in KafkaBroker
    MAX_HEAP_MEMORY - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    MAX_POOL_SIZE - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    MAX_PORT_NUMBER - Field in Networking
    MAX_PORT - Field in PortRanges
    MAX_PORT - Field in PortRanges.BasicPortRange
    MAX_PROCESSING_TIME - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    MAX_PRODUCE_TIME - Field in KafkaBroker
    MAX_REACHED_NOTIFICATION_DELAY - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    MAX_SIZE_REACHED_SENSOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    MAX_SIZE_REACHED - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
    max - Field in SizeHistory.WindowSummary
    The maximum vaule within the given time period
    MAX_TASK_AGE - Field in BrooklynGarbageCollector
    MAX_TASK_AGE - Field in BrooklynGlobalConfig
    MAX_TASKS_PER_TAG - Field in BrooklynGarbageCollector
    MAX_TASKS_PER_TAG - Field in BrooklynGlobalConfig
    maxAllowed - Field in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder
    maxIterations - Field in ScheduledTask
    optional, set as flag in constructor; defaults to null meaning no limit
    maxlen(String, int) - Method in Strings
    returns up to maxlen characters from the start of s
    MaxMindHostGeoLookup - Class in brooklyn.location.geo
    maxPoolSize(int) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent - Class in brooklyn.policy.autoscaling
    MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder - Class in brooklyn.policy.autoscaling
    MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent(MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder) - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
    maxProportionFailures - Field in ProportionalZoneFailureDetector
    maxReachedNotificationDelay(long) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    maxSizeReachedSensor(BasicNotificationSensor) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    maxUnbounded - Field in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder
    MEMBER_ADDED - Field in Changeable
    MEMBER_FILTER - Field in MemberFailureDetectionPolicy
    MEMBER_REMOVED - Field in Changeable
    member(String, Integer, Integer) - Method in ReplicaSetConfig
    Adds a new member to the replica set config with the given hostname, port and id.
    MEMBER_SPEC - Field in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster
    Spec for web server entiites to be created
    MEMBER_SPEC - Field in DynamicCluster
    MEMBER_SPEC - Field in DynamicFabric
    MemberFailureDetectionPolicy - Class in brooklyn.policy.ha
    Detects when members of a group have failed/recovered, and emits ENTITY_FAILED or ENTITY_RECOVERED accordingly.
    MemberFailureDetectionPolicy(Map) - Constructor in MemberFailureDetectionPolicy
    members - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
    memberSpec(EntitySpec) - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.Spec
    Memento - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
    Represents the internal state of something in brooklyn, so that it can be reconstructed (e.g. after restarting brooklyn).
    memento - Field in AbstractBrooklynMementoPersister
    MementoFileWriter - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
    For asynchronously writing to a file.
    MementoFileWriter(File, ListeningExecutorService, MementoSerializer) - Constructor in MementoFileWriter
    @param file
    MementoSerializer - Interface in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
    MementosGenerators - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
    MementoTransformer - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    Helpers for transforming references to locations into location ids, and vice versa.
    MementoValidators - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
    MEMORY - Field in WhirrHadoopCluster
    mergeFilePaths(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
    mergePaths(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
    returns the items with exactly one "/" between items (whether or not the individual items start or end with /), except where character before the / is a : (url syntax) in which case it will permit multiple (will not remove any)
    mergePaths(String) - Method in Urls
    returns the items with exactly one "/" between items (whether or not the individual items start or end with /), except where character before the / is a : (url syntax) in which case it will permit multiple (will not remove any)
    message(String) - Method in ApiError.Builder
    MessageBroker - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging
    Marker interface identifying message brokers.
    metadata(Map) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    metadataOptional(Map) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    method(String) - Method in HttpPollConfig
    MethodEffector - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
    concrete class for providing an Effector implementation that gets its information from annotations on a method; see Effector*Test for usage example.
    MethodEffector.AnnotationsOnMethod - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
    MethodEffector.AnnotationsOnMethod(Class, Method) - Constructor in MethodEffector.AnnotationsOnMethod
    MethodEffector(MethodEffector.AnnotationsOnMethod, String) - Method in MethodEffector
    METRIC - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    metric(AttributeSensor) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    METRIC_LOWER_BOUND - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    METRIC_UPPER_BOUND - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    metricLowerBound(Number) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    metricRange(Number, Number) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    metricUpperBound(Number) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    mgmt() - Method in AbstractBrooklynRestResource
    mgmt - Field in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
    mgmt - Field in DelegatingSecurityProvider
    mgmt - Field in ExplicitUsersSecurityProvider
    mgmtContext - Field in BrooklynServerDetails
    millis(Number) - Method in Duration
    creates new Duration instance of the given length of time
    MILLIS_IN_DAY - Field in Time
    MILLIS_IN_HOUR - Field in Time
    MILLIS_IN_MINUTE - Field in Time
    MILLIS_IN_SECOND - Field in Time
    MILLIS_IN_YEAR - Field in Time
    MIN_CORES - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    MIN_PERIOD_BETWEEN_EXECS - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    MIN_POOL_SIZE - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    MIN_PORT_NUMBER - Field in Networking
    MIN_RAM - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    min - Field in SizeHistory.WindowSummary
    The minimum vaule within the given time period
    minCores(double) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    minDatapoints - Field in ProportionalZoneFailureDetector
    minDisk(double) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    minPeriodBetweenExecs(long) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    minPoolSize(int) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    minRam(int) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    MIRROR_URL - Field in ActiveMQBroker
    download mirror, if desired
    MIRROR_URL - Field in CassandraNode
    download mirror, if desired
    MIRROR_URL - Field in MariaDbNode
    download mirror, if desired
    MIRROR_URL - Field in MySqlNode
    download mirror, if desired; defaults to Austria which seems one of the fastest
    missing(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
    Returns a command that runs only if the specified executable is NOT in the path
    mkdirs(File) - Method in ResourceUtils
    MongoClientSupport - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    Manages connections to standalone MongoDB servers.
    MongoClientSupport(ServerAddress) - Constructor in MongoClientSupport
    MONGODB_CONF_TEMPLATE_URL - Field in MongoDBServer
    MongoDBDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    MongoDBReplicaSet - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    A replica set of MongoDBServers, based on DynamicCluster which can be resized by a policy if required.
    MongoDBReplicaSetImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    Implementation of MongoDBReplicaSet.
    MongoDBReplicaSetImpl() - Constructor in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
    MongoDBServer - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    MongoDBServerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    MongoDBServerImpl() - Constructor in MongoDBServerImpl
    MongoDBSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    MongoDBSshDriver(EntityLocal, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in MongoDBSshDriver
    Monitor - Class in
    Monitor(MonitorPrefs, MonitorListener) - Constructor in Monitor
    MonitorListener - Interface in
    MonitorPrefs - Class in
    MonitorUtils - Class in
    MonitorUtils.MemoryUsage - Class in
    Movable - Interface in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
    Represents an item that can be migrated between balanceable containers.
    MOVE - Field in Movable
    moveItem(ItemType, NodeType, NodeType) - Method in BalancingStrategy
    MULTI_REGION_FABRIC - Field in CumulusRDFApplication
    multiply(double) - Method in Duration
    as #multiply(long), but approximate due to the division (nano precision)
    MutableBrooklynMemento - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.dto
    MutableBrooklynMemento(BrooklynMemento) - Constructor in MutableBrooklynMemento
    MutableList - Class in brooklyn.util
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 - use MutableList
    MutableList.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
    @see guava's ImMutableList.Builder
    MutableList.Builder() - Constructor in MutableList.Builder
    MutableList(Iterable) - Constructor in MutableList
    MutableMap - Class in brooklyn.util
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 - use MutableMap
    MutableMap.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
    @see guava's ImmutableMap.Builder
    MutableMap.Builder() - Constructor in MutableMap.Builder
    MutableMap(Map) - Constructor in MutableMap
    MutableSet - Class in brooklyn.util
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 - use MutableSet
    MutableSet.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
    @see guava's ImmutableSet.Builder
    MutableSet.Builder() - Constructor in MutableSet.Builder
    MutableSet(Iterable) - Constructor in MutableSet
    mutex - Field in DynamicClusterImpl
    Mutex for synchronizing during re-size operations.
    mutexAcquire - Field in ScriptHelper
    mutexRelease - Field in ScriptHelper
    MutexSupport - Class in brooklyn.util.mutex
    MUTUALLY_EXCLUSIVE_OPTS - Field in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    MVN_SCHEME - Field in KarafContainer
    MXBEAN_STATS_ENABLED - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    MYSQL_PORT - Field in MySqlNode
    MYSQL_SERVER_CONF - Field in MySqlNode
    MYSQL_URL - Field in MySqlNode
    MySqlDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.mysql
    The SoftwareProcessDriver for MySQL.
    MySqlNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.mysql
    MySqlNodeImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.mysql
    MySqlNodeImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in MySqlNodeImpl
    MySqlSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.mysql
    The SSH implementation of the MySqlDriver.
    MySqlSshDriver(MySqlNodeImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in MySqlSshDriver


    NaiveScriptRunner - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle
    Marks something which can run scripts.
    name - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    name - Field in AbstractLocation
    name - Field in ApidocEndpoint
    name(String) - Method in ApplicationSpec.Builder
    name(String) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    name(String) - Method in BasicConfigKey.Builder
    name(String) - Method in BasicPool.Builder
    name(Predicate) - Method in CatalogPredicates
    name(String) - Method in EffectorTasks.ParameterTask
    NAME - Field in FollowTheSunPolicy
    name - Field in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
    name - Field in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
    NAME_METADATA_KEY - Field in ReusableMachineTemplate
    NAME_NODE_URL - Field in WhirrHadoopCluster
    name(String) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    see #getName()
    name(String) - Method in TaskBuilder
    NAME - Field in WhirrHadoopCluster
    NAMED_CONF_TEMPLATE - Field in BindDnsServer
    NAMED - Field in NamedLocationResolver
    NAMED_PROPERTY_FILES - Field in KarafContainer
    NAMED_WARS - Field in JavaWebAppService
    NamedLocationResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    Allows you to say, in your
    NamedParameter - Annotation Type in brooklyn.entity.basic
    Provides a runtime name of a paramter, esp for effectors; typically matches the name in the code.
    nameMatching(Predicate) - Method in ConfigPredicates
    nanos(Number) - Method in Duration
    creates new Duration instance of the given length of time
    NaturalOrderComparator - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    comparator which takes two strings and puts them in an order with special rules for numbers to be placed in numeric order; e.g. "10">"9", including when those numbers occur in the midst of equal text; e.g.
    netmask() - Method in Cidr
    returns the netmask for this cidr; e.g. for a /24 cidr returns
    NETWORK_BYTES_IN - Field in MongoDBServer
    NETWORK_BYTES_OUT - Field in MongoDBServer
    NETWORK_NUM_REQUESTS - Field in MongoDBServer
    Networking - Class in
    NetworkMultiAddressUtils - Class in
    Given several strings, determines which have the longest, and shorted, initial matching prefix.
    NetworkUtils - Class in brooklyn.util
    @deprecated since 0.6.0; use Networking
    newAppSpec(Class) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
    @deprecated since 0.5.0-rc.1 (added in 0.5.0-M2)
    newAveragingEnricher(AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor) - Method in CustomAggregatingEnricher
    @see #newAveragingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Number, Double)
    newBooleanConfigKey(String, String, Boolean) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newBooleanSensor(String, String) - Method in Sensors
    newBrooklynMemento(ManagementContext) - Method in MementosGenerators
    Walks the contents of a ManagementContext, to create a corresponding memento.
    newCertificateFor(String, KeyPair) - Method in FluentKeySigner
    newConfigKey(String, String, Object) - Method in ConfigKeys
    Infers the type from the default value
    newConfigKeyRenamed(String, ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newConfigKeyWithDefault(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newConfigKeyWithPrefix(String, ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newDefault(StringConfigMap) - Method in BasicDownloadsManager
    The default is (in-order) to:
    1. Use the local repo, if any (defaulting to $HOME/.brooklyn/repository)
    2. Use brooklyn properties for any download overrides defined there (see DownloadProducerFromProperties
    3. Use the entity's Attributes.DOWNLOAD_URL
    4. Use the cloudsoft fallback repo
    newDefault() - Method in BrooklynProperties.Factory
    newDefault() - Method in FollowTheSunParameters
    newDefaultLocalScanningDto(CatalogScanningModes) - Method in CatalogDtoUtils
    newDoubleConfigKey(String, String, Double) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newDoubleSensor(String, String) - Method in Sensors
    newDownloader(EntityDriver, String, Map) - Method in BasicDownloadsManager
    newDownloader(EntityDriver, String, Map) - Method in DownloadResolverManager
    For installing an entity add-on.
    newDownloader(EntityDriver, Map) - Method in Entities
    newDriver(MachineLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    newDtoFromUrl(String) - Method in CatalogDtoUtils
    newEmpty() - Method in BasicDownloadsManager
    newEmpty() - Method in BrooklynProperties.Factory
    newEnricher(AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Function) - Method in CustomAggregatingEnricher
    newEntity2(Map, Entity) - Method in AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory
    newEntity2(Map, Entity) - Method in BasicConfigurableEntityFactory
    newEntity2(Map, Entity) - Method in ClosureEntityFactory
    newEntity2(Map, Entity) - Method in ConfigurableEntityFactoryFromEntityFactory
    newEntity2(Map, Entity) - Method in ElasticJavaWebAppService.Factory
    newEntity(Map, Entity) - Method in AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory
    newEntity(String, String, String, String) - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
    newEntity(Map, Entity) - Method in EntityFactory
    newEntityMemento(Entity) - Method in MementosGenerators
    Inspects an entity to create a corresponding memento.
    newEntityMementoBuilder(Entity) - Method in MementosGenerators
    newEvent(Entity, Object) - Method in BasicSensor
    @see Sensor#newEvent(Entity, Object)
    newEvent(Entity, Object) - Method in Sensor
    Create a new SensorEvent object for a specific Entity and data point.
    newExecWithLoggingHelpers() - Method in SshMachineLocation
    newExecWithLoggingHelpers() - Method in SystemProcessTaskFactory
    newFactoryForLocation(Location) - Method in ElasticJavaWebAppService.Factory
    newFactoryForLocation(Location) - Method in EntityFactoryForLocation
    newHashMap(Object, Object) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    newInspectAllTrustManager(X509TrustManager) - Method in JmxmpAgent
    newInstance(Class, Class) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
    newInstance(BigInteger) - Method in BitList
    newInstance() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Creates a configurable (fluent API) launcher for use starting the web console and Brooklyn applications.
    newInstance(Map) - Method in ConfigBag
    newInstance() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.Spec
    newInstance(Class) - Method in EntitySpec
    newInstance() - Method in Jsonya
    creates a Navigator backed by a newly created map; the map can be accessed by Navigator#getMap()#getMap()
    newInstance(LocationDefinition) - Method in LocationTransformer
    newInstance(String) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
    newInstance() - Method in TomcatServer.Spec
    newInstance(EntitySpec) - Method in WrappingEntitySpec
    newInstanceCopying(ConfigBag) - Method in ConfigBag
    creates a new ConfigBag instance which includes all of the supplied ConfigBag's values, but which tracks usage separately (already used values are marked as such, but uses in the original set will not be marked here, and vice versa)
    newInstanceExcludingOnly(String) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
    newInstanceExtending(ConfigBag, Map) - Method in ConfigBag
    creates a new ConfigBag instance which includes all of the supplied ConfigBag's values, plus an additional set of <ConfigKey,Object> or <String,Object> pairs
    newInstanceFromBytes(int) - Method in BitList
    as newInstance(byte...), but accepting ints for convenience; only the least significant 8 bits of the parameters are considered
    newInstanceListeningTo(Entity, Map) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use newInstanceRenaming(Entity, Map) which does the same thing
    newInstanceListeningToAllSensors(Entity) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    newInstanceListeningToAllSensorsBut(Entity, Sensor) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    newInstancePaused(Duration) - Method in CountdownTimer
    newInstanceRenaming(Entity, Map) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    listens to sensors from source, propagates them here renamed according to the map
    newInstanceStarted(Duration) - Method in CountdownTimer
    newInstanceTransforming(Entity, AttributeSensor, Function) - Method in SensorTransformingEnricher
    as newInstanceTransforming(Entity, AttributeSensor, Function, AttributeSensor) using the same sensor as the source and the target
    newInstanceWithDefaultLoaders() - Method in AggregateClassLoader
    creates default instance, with classloaders of Object and AggregateClassLoader
    newInstanceWithNoLoaders() - Method in AggregateClassLoader
    creates default instance, with no classloaders (assuming this instance will itself be nested, or defaults will be added by caller)
    newIntegerConfigKey(String, String, Integer) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newIntegerSensor(String, String) - Method in Sensors
    newJcloudsTemplate(ComputeService) - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
    newJcloudsTemplateBuilder(ComputeService) - Method in PortableTemplateBuilder
    newKeyPair(String, int) - Method in SecureKeys
    newKeyPairGenerator(String, int) - Method in SecureKeys
    newKeyStore(InputStream, String) - Method in SecureKeys
    returns keystore of default type read from given source
    newLauncher() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Creates a configurable (fluent API) launcher for use starting the web console and Brooklyn applications.
    newLinkedInstance(String) - Method in CatalogDto
    newList() - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
    newLocalhostInstance() - Method in BasicOsDetails.Factory
    newLocationFromString(String, LocationRegistry, Map, Map) - Method in ByonLocationResolver
    newLocationFromString(Map, String, LocationRegistry) - Method in DefinedLocationByIdResolver
    newLocationFromString(String, LocationRegistry, Map, Map) - Method in HostLocationResolver
    newLocationFromString(String, LocationRegistry, Map, Map) - Method in JcloudsByonLocationResolver
    newLocationFromString(String, LocationRegistry, Map, Map) - Method in JcloudsResolver
    newLocationFromString(String, LocationRegistry, Map, Map) - Method in LocalhostResolver
    newLocationFromString(Map, String, LocationRegistry) - Method in LocationResolver
    Similar to newLocationFromString(Map, String) but passing in a reference to the registry itself (from which the base properties are discovered) and including flags (e.g. user, key, cloud credential) which are known to be for this location.
    newLocationFromString(Map, String, LocationRegistry) - Method in NamedLocationResolver
    newLocationFromString(String, LocationRegistry, Map, Map) - Method in OpenshiftLocation.Resolver
    newLocationFromString(Map, String, LocationRegistry) - Method in RegistryLocationResolver
    newLocationFromString(String, LocationRegistry, Map, Map) - Method in SingleMachineLocationResolver
    newLocationMemento(Location) - Method in MementosGenerators
    Given a location, extracts its state for serialization.
    newLocationMementoBuilder(Location) - Method in MementosGenerators
    newLongConfigKey(String, String, Long) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newLongSensor(String, String) - Method in Sensors
    newManagedApp(EntitySpec, ManagementContext) - Method in ApplicationBuilder
    newManagementContext(Map) - Method in Entities
    newMap() - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
    newMutexSupport() - Method in SshMachineLocation
    newNamedInstance(String, String) - Method in CatalogDto
    newPolicy(String, String, String, String) - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
    newPolicyFromGroupToHadoop(DynamicGroup, WhirrHadoopCluster) - Method in WebClusterWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    newPolicyFromGroupToHadoop(DynamicGroup, WhirrHadoopCluster) - Method in WebFabricWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    newPolicyMemento(Policy) - Method in MementosGenerators
    Given a policy, extracts its state for serialization.
    newPolicyMementoBuilder(Policy) - Method in MementosGenerators
    newRestartEffector() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    as newStartEffector()
    newRestartEffectorTask() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    as newStartEffectorTask(), calling restart()
    newScript(Map, String) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    newSensor(TypeToken, String, String) - Method in Sensors
    newSessionAction() - Method in SshjTool
    newSingleSensorValuePolicy(Entity, Sensor, Closure) - Method in Policies
    newSshExecTaskFactory(SshMachineLocation, String) - Method in SshTasks
    newSshFetchTaskFactory(SshMachineLocation, String) - Method in SshTasks
    newSshPutTaskFactory(SshMachineLocation, String) - Method in SshTasks
    newStartEffector() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    returns an effector suitable for setting in a public static final or attaching dynamically; the effector overrides the corresponding effector from Startable with the behaviour in this lifecycle class instance
    newStartEffectorTask() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    returns the TaskFactory which supplies the implementation for this effector, calling the relevant method in this class (start(Collection)
    newStopEffector() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    as newStartEffector()
    newStopEffectorTask() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    as newStartEffectorTask(), calling stop()
    newStorage(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in BrooklynStorageFactory
    Creates a BrooklynStorage instance.
    newStorage(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in HazelcastBrooklynStorageFactory
    newStorage(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in InMemoryBrooklynStorageFactory
    newStringConfigKey(String, String, String) - Method in ConfigKeys
    newStringSensor(String, String) - Method in Sensors
    newSubLocation(Map) - Method in AbstractCloudMachineProvisioningLocation
    uses reflection to create an object of the same type, assuming a Map constructor; subclasses can extend and downcast the result
    newSubLocation(Map) - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
    newSubLocation(Location, AvailabilityZoneInfo) - Method in AwsAvailabilityZoneExtension
    newSubLocation(Map) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    newSubLocation(Map) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    newSubLocation(Map, Object) - Method in LocationCreationUtils
    uses reflection to create a location with of the same type as the parent, with the given parent, assuming a Map constructor
    newSubLocation(Map) - Method in MachineProvisioningLocation
    Creates a new location of the same type, but with additional creation instructions in the form of flags, e.g. for specifying subnets, security groups, etc
    newSubLocation(Map) - Method in SimulatedLocation
    newSubLocationOfType(Map, AbstractLocation, Class) - Method in LocationCreationUtils
    uses reflection to create a location with of the given type, with the given parent, assuming a Map constructor
    newSummingEnricher(AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, N) - Method in CustomAggregatingEnricher
    @see newSummingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Number, Number)
    newTask() - Method in AbstractSshExecTaskFactory
    newTask(Entity, Effector, ConfigBag) - Method in EffectorTasks.EffectorBodyTaskFactory
    newTask(Entity, Effector, ConfigBag) - Method in EffectorTasks.EffectorTaskFactory
    newTask(Entity, Effector, ConfigBag) - Method in EffectorTasks.ParameterTask
    newTask() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
    newTask() - Method in ScheduledTask
    newTask() - Method in ScriptHelper
    creates a task which will execute this script; note this can only be run once per instance of this class
    newTask() - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorTaskFactory
    newTask() - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshFetchEffectorTaskFactory
    newTask() - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshPutEffectorTaskFactory
    newTask() - Method in SshFetchTaskFactory
    newTask() - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
    newTask() - Method in SystemProcessTaskFactory
    newTask() - Method in TaskFactory
    newTemplate(String, String, String, String) - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
    newTemplate(String) - Method in MachinePool
    newThreadFactory(String) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    For use by overriders to use custom thread factory.
    newUid() - Method in LanguageUtils
    @deprecated use Identifiers.makeRandomId(8)
    newWebClusterFactory() - Method in ElasticJavaWebAppService.ElasticJavaWebAppServiceAwareLocation
    newWebClusterFactory() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
    newWebServer(Map, Entity) - Method in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
    newZoneHistory(Location) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
    next() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.PerfCounterValueIterator
    nextAvailablePort(int) - Method in Networking
    returns the first port available on the local machine >= the port supplied
    nextRun - Field in ScheduledTask
    nextToken() - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
    NginxController - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx
    An entity that represents an Nginx proxy (e.g. for routing requests to servers in a cluster).
    NginxControllerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx
    An entity that represents an Nginx proxy (e.g. for routing requests to servers in a cluster).
    NginxControllerImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in NginxControllerImpl
    NginxDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx
    NginxSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx
    Start a NginxController in a Location accessible over ssh.
    NginxSshDriver(NginxControllerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in NginxSshDriver
    niceClassAndMethod() - Method in JavaClassNames
    convenience for callerNiceClassAndMethod(int) with depth 0
    NO_OP - Field in BasicTask
    NO_SHUTDOWN_ON_EXIT - Field in BrooklynNode
    NO_STDERR_LOGGING - Field in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    NO_STDERR_LOGGING - Field in SshMachineLocation
    NO_STDOUT_LOGGING - Field in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    NO_STDOUT_LOGGING - Field in SshMachineLocation
    NO_SUCH_FIELD - Field in LanguageUtils
    return value used to indicate that there is no such field
    NO_VERSION_INFO - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    noConsole - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    noConsoleSecurity - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    nodeName(String) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.Builder
    nodeName - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    NoMachinesAvailableException - Class in brooklyn.location
    Indicates no machines are available in a given location.
    NoMachinesAvailableException(Location, Throwable) - Constructor in NoMachinesAvailableException
    @deprecated since 0.5; don't include Location - just use NoMachinesAvailableException(String, Throwable)
    NON_HEAP_MEMORY_USAGE - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    NON_PUBLIC_CIDRS - Field in Cidr
    NON_TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG - Field in ManagementContextInternal
    NonDeploymentAccessManager - Class in
    NonDeploymentAccessManager(ManagementContextInternal) - Constructor in NonDeploymentAccessManager
    NonDeploymentEntityManager - Class in
    NonDeploymentEntityManager(ManagementContext) - Constructor in NonDeploymentEntityManager
    NonDeploymentLocationManager - Class in
    NonDeploymentLocationManager(ManagementContext) - Constructor in NonDeploymentLocationManager
    NonDeploymentManagementContext - Class in
    NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentManagementContextMode - Enum in
    NonDeploymentManagementContext(AbstractEntity, NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentManagementContextMode) - Constructor in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    NonDeploymentUsageManager - Class in
    NonDeploymentUsageManager(ManagementContextInternal) - Constructor in NonDeploymentUsageManager
    NOOP - Field in ChangeListener
    NOOP - Field in EntityChangeListener
    NOOP - Field in MonitorListener
    NOOP - Field in StatusRecorder.Factory
    noServiceUp() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector.Builder
    indicates that the HttpLatencyDetector should not require "service up"; if using this, you must supply a URL sensor or the detector will not know when to run
    noShutdownOnExit - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    notFound(String, Object) - Method in WebResourceUtils
    notificationFilter(NotificationFilter) - Method in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
    notificationFilterByTypeRegex(String) - Method in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
    @deprecated since 0.6.0; use notificationFilter(JmxNotificationFilters.matchesType(val))
    notted() - Method in BitList
    represents the result of this bit list logically notted
    notThrowingOnCommonKnifeErrors() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
    now() - Method in Time
    more readable and shorter convenience for System.currentTimeMillis()
    nthUseful(int, StackTraceElement) - Method in StackTraceSimplifier
    @return (n+1)th isUseful(StackTraceElement) stack trace elements (ie 0 is firstUseful(StackTraceElement[])), or null
    NUM_ACTIVE_TASKS - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    NUM_AVAILABILITY_ZONES - Field in DynamicCluster
    NUM_AVAILABILITY_ZONES - Field in HighAvailabilityCassandraCluster
    NUM_INCOMPLETE_TASKS - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    NUM_SUBSCRIPTIONS - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    numWebProcesses - Field in MonitorPrefs


    objectName(String) - Method in JmxAttributePollConfig
    objectName(String) - Method in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
    objectName(String) - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
    obtain(Map) - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
    obtain(ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
    claims a machine with the indicated spec, creating if necessary
    obtain(Map) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    obtain(Map) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    core method for obtaining a VM using jclouds; Map should contain CLOUD_PROVIDER and CLOUD_ENDPOINT or CLOUD_REGION, depending on the cloud, as well as ACCESS_IDENTITY and ACCESS_CREDENTIAL, plus any further properties to specify e.g. images, hardware profiles, accessing user (for initial login, and a user potentially to create for subsequent ie normal access)
    obtain(Map) - Method in MachineProvisioningLocation
    Obtain a machine in this location.
    obtain(Map) - Method in SimulatedLocation
    obtain() - Method in SingleMachineProvisioningLocation
    obtainCounter - Field in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
    obtainOnce(Map, ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    obtainPort(InetAddress, PortRange) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    obtainPort(PortRange) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine
    obtainPort(PortRange) - Method in PortSupplier
    Reserve a port for your application, with a port number in a specific range.
    obtainPort(PortRange) - Method in SimulatedLocation
    obtainPort(PortRange) - Method in SshMachineLocation
    obtainProvisioningFlags(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    obtainProvisioningFlags(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in ProvidesProvisioningFlags
    obtainProvisioningFlags(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
    obtainProvisioningFlags(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
    obtainProvisioningFlags(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    obtainSpecificPort(InetAddress, int) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    obtainSpecificPort(int) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine
    obtainSpecificPort(int) - Method in PortSupplier
    Reserve a specific port for an application.
    obtainSpecificPort(int) - Method in SimulatedLocation
    obtainSpecificPort(int) - Method in SshMachineLocation
    @see #obtainPort(PortRange)
    of(long, TimeUnit) - Method in Duration
    of(Task) - Method in EffectorTasks
    of(Jsonya.Navigator) - Method in Jsonya
    creates a Navigator backed by the map at the focus of the given navigator
    of(byte[]) - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
    of(Object, Object, Object) - Method in MutableList
    of(Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in MutableMap
    of(Object, Object, Object, Object) - Method in MutableSet
    ok(String) - Method in BashCommands
    Returns a command that always exits successfully
    oldPrepareArgsForEffector(Effector, Object) - Method in EffectorUtils
    Takes arguments, and returns an array of arguments suitable for use by the Effector according to the ParameterTypes it exposes.
    on(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
    Returns a command that runs only if the operating system is as specified; Checks /etc/issue for the specified name
    onAcquired(int) - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    onAttributeChanged(AttributeSensor) - Method in EntityChangeListener
    onAttributeChanged(AttributeSensor) - Method in EntityManagementSupport.EntityChangeListenerImpl
    onChanged(Policy) - Method in ChangeListener
    onChanged(Policy) - Method in ImmediateDeltaChangeListener
    onChanged(Policy) - Method in PeriodicDeltaChangeListener
    onChanged(Policy) - Method in RebindManagerImpl.SafeChangeListener
    onChar(int) - Method in ExecUtils.StreamGobbler
    onChar(int) - Method in StreamGobbler
    onChildrenChanged() - Method in EntityChangeListener
    onChildrenChanged() - Method in EntityManagementSupport.EntityChangeListenerImpl
    onClose() - Method in ExecUtils.StreamGobbler
    onClose() - Method in StreamGobbler
    onConfigurationFailure(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onConfigurationSkip(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onConfigurationSuccess(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onContainerAdded(ContainerType, double, double) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
    onContainerAdded(ContainerType, double, double) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
    onContainerAdded(ContainerType, Location) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    onContainerAdded(ContainerType, Location) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
    onContainerLocationUpdated(ContainerType, Location) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    onContainerLocationUpdated(ContainerType, Location) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
    onContainerRemoved(ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
    onContainerRemoved(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
    onContainerRemoved(ContainerType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    onContainerRemoved(ContainerType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
    onDetectedFailure(SensorEvent) - Method in ServiceReplacer
    onDetectedFailure(SensorEvent) - Method in ServiceRestarter
    ONE_DAY - Field in Duration
    ONE_HOUR - Field in Duration
    ONE_MINUTE - Field in Duration
    ONE_MINUTE - Field in TimeExtras
    ONE_SECOND - Field in Duration
    ONE_SECOND - Field in TimeExtras
    onEffectorCompleted(Effector) - Method in EntityChangeListener
    onEffectorCompleted(Effector) - Method in EntityManagementSupport.EntityChangeListenerImpl
    onEffectorStarting(Effector) - Method in EntityChangeListener
    onEffectorStarting(Effector) - Method in EntityManagementSupport.EntityChangeListenerImpl
    onEnd(Map, Task) - Method in TaskPreprocessor
    Called by BasicExecutionManager when task is ended in the category, in reverse order of tags.
    onEntityAdded(Entity) - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    Called when a member is added.
    onEntityAdded(Entity) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    onEntityAdded(Entity) - Method in ItemsInContainersGroupImpl
    onEntityChange(Entity) - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    Called when a member's "up" sensor changes
    onEntityChanged(Entity) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    onEntityRemoved(Entity) - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    Called when a member is removed.
    onEntityRemoved(Entity) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    onEntityRemoved(Entity) - Method in ItemsInContainersGroupImpl
    onError(Exception) - Method in AttributePollHandler
    @deprecated since 0.6; use onException(Exception)
    onError(Exception) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.SendChefAttributesToSensors
    onError(Exception) - Method in DelegatingPollHandler
    onError(Function) - Method in FeedConfig
    @deprecated since 0.6; use onException(Function)
    onError(Exception) - Method in PollHandler
    @deprecated since 0.6; use onException(Exception)
    onError(Exception) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.SendPerfCountersToSensors
    onEvent(SensorEvent) - Method in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent) - Method in AddingEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent) - Method in DeltaEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent) - Method in RollingMeanEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent, long) - Method in RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent) - Method in SensorEventListener
    The SensorEvent handler method.
    onEvent(SensorEvent) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent) - Method in SensorTransformingEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent, long) - Method in TimeFractionDeltaEnricher
    onEvent(SensorEvent, long) - Method in TimeWeightedDeltaEnricher
    onException(Exception) - Method in AttributePollHandler
    onException(Exception) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.SendChefAttributesToSensors
    onException(Exception) - Method in DelegatingPollHandler
    onException(Function) - Method in FeedConfig
    an exception is when there is an error in the communication
    onException(Exception) - Method in PollHandler
    onException(Exception) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.SendPerfCountersToSensors
    onFailure(long, Throwable) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory
    onFailure(Object) - Method in AttributePollHandler
    onFailure(SshPollValue) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.SendChefAttributesToSensors
    onFailure(Object) - Method in DelegatingPollHandler
    onFailure(Function) - Method in FeedConfig
    a failure is when the connection is fine (no exception) but the other end returns a result object V which the feed can tell indicates a failure (e.g.
    onFailure(Record, String) - Method in MonitorListener
    onFailure(Object) - Method in PollHandler
    onFailure(Object) - Method in WebAppMonitor
    onFailure(SshPollValue) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.SendPerfCountersToSensors
    onFailureOrException(Function) - Method in FeedConfig
    convenience for indicating a behaviour to occur for both onException(Function) (error connecting) and onFailure(Function) (successful communication but failure report from remote end)
    onFinish(ITestContext) - Method in BrooklynLeakListener
    onFinish(ITestContext) - Method in StatusListener
    onFinish(ITestContext) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onHostnameChanged(Entity, String) - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
    onItemAdded(Item) - Method in AsyncCollectionChangeAdapter
    onItemAdded(ItemType, ContainerType, boolean) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
    onItemAdded(Item) - Method in CollectionChangeListener
    onItemAdded(ItemType, ContainerType, boolean) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
    onItemAdded(ItemType, ContainerType, boolean) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    onItemAdded(Entity) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl.MyEntitySetChangeListener
    onItemAdded(ItemType, ContainerType, boolean) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
    onItemMoved(ItemType, ContainerType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
    onItemMoved(ItemType, ContainerType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
    onItemMoved(ItemType, ContainerType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    onItemMoved(ItemType, ContainerType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
    onItemRemoved(Item) - Method in AsyncCollectionChangeAdapter
    onItemRemoved(ItemType) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
    onItemRemoved(Item) - Method in CollectionChangeListener
    onItemRemoved(ItemType) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
    onItemRemoved(ItemType) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    onItemRemoved(Entity) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl.MyEntitySetChangeListener
    onItemRemoved(ItemType) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
    onItemUsageUpdated(ItemType, Map) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    onItemUsageUpdated(ItemType, Map) - Method in FollowTheSunModel
    onItemWorkrateUpdated(ItemType, double) - Method in BalanceablePoolModel
    onItemWorkrateUpdated(ItemType, double) - Method in DefaultBalanceablePoolModel
    onLine(String) - Method in StreamGobbler
    onLocationsChanged() - Method in EntityChangeListener
    onLocationsChanged() - Method in EntityManagementSupport.EntityChangeListenerImpl
    ONLY_REPORT_IF_PREVIOUSLY_UP - Field in MemberFailureDetectionPolicy
    ONLY_REPORT_IF_PREVIOUSLY_UP - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
    onlyIfExecutableMissing(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
    Returns a command that runs only if the specified executable exists on the path (using `which`).
    onManaged(Location) - Method in ChangeListener
    onManaged(Location) - Method in ImmediateDeltaChangeListener
    onManaged(Location) - Method in PeriodicDeltaChangeListener
    onManaged(Location) - Method in RebindManagerImpl.SafeChangeListener
    onManagementBecomingMaster() - Method in AbstractEntity
    Invoked by ManagementContext when this entity becomes managed at a particular management node, including the initial management started and subsequent management node master-change for this entity.
    onManagementBecomingMaster() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    onManagementBecomingMaster() - Method in BrooklynMetricsImpl
    onManagementBecomingMaster() - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    onManagementBecomingMaster() - Method in DynamicWebAppClusterImpl
    onManagementBecomingMaster() - Method in DynamicWebAppFabricImpl
    onManagementBecomingMaster() - Method in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
    onManagementNoLongerMaster() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    onManagementNoLongerMaster() - Method in AbstractEntity
    Invoked by ManagementContext when this entity becomes mastered at a particular management node, including the final management end and subsequent management node master-change for this entity.
    onManagementNoLongerMaster() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    onManagementNoLongerMaster() - Method in BrooklynMetricsImpl
    Invoked by ManagementContext when this entity becomes mastered at a particular management node, including the final management end and subsequent management node master-change for this entity.
    onManagementNoLongerMaster() - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    onManagementStarted() - Method in AbstractEntity
    Invoked by EntityManagementSupport when this entity is fully managed and visible to other entities through the management context.
    onManagementStarted() - Method in AbstractLocation
    onManagementStarted(ManagementTransitionInfo) - Method in EntityManagementSupport
    onManagementStarted() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in AbstractEntity
    Invoked by EntityManagementSupport when this entity is becoming managed (i.e. it has a working management context, but before the entity is visible to other entities).
    onManagementStarting() - Method in ActiveMQDestinationImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in ActiveMQQueueImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in ActiveMQTopicImpl
    onManagementStarting(ManagementTransitionInfo) - Method in EntityManagementSupport
    onManagementStarting() - Method in JMSDestinationImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in QpidDestinationImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in QpidQueueImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in QpidTopicImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in RabbitDestination
    onManagementStarting() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    onManagementStarting() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
    onManagementStopped() - Method in AbstractApplication
    onManagementStopped() - Method in AbstractEntity
    Invoked by EntityManagementSupport when this entity is fully unmanaged.
    onManagementStopped() - Method in AbstractLocation
    onManagementStopped(ManagementTransitionInfo) - Method in EntityManagementSupport
    onManagementStopping(ManagementTransitionInfo) - Method in EntityManagementSupport
    onMemberRemoved(Entity) - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
    onMembersChanged() - Method in EntityChangeListener
    onMembersChanged() - Method in EntityManagementSupport.EntityChangeListenerImpl
    onNotification(Function) - Method in JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig
    onPoliciesChanged() - Method in EntityChangeListener
    onPoliciesChanged() - Method in EntityManagementSupport.EntityChangeListenerImpl
    onRebind(ManagementTransitionInfo) - Method in EntityManagementSupport
    onRecord(Record) - Method in MonitorListener
    onReleased(int) - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    onReplacementFailed(String) - Method in ServiceReplacer
    onRequestFinished() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    onRequesting() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    onRestartFailed(String) - Method in ServiceRestarter
    onResult(Function) - Method in FeedConfig
    registers a callback to be used onSuccess(Function) and onFailure(Function), i.e. whenever a result comes back, but not in case of exceptions being thrown (ie problems communicating)
    onServerPoolMemberChanged(Entity) - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    onServerPoolMemberChanged(Entity) - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    onServiceUpChanged(Entity, Boolean) - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
    onStart(ITestContext) - Method in BrooklynLeakListener
    onStart(ITestContext) - Method in StatusListener
    onStart(Map, Task) - Method in TaskPreprocessor
    Called by BasicExecutionManager when task is started in the category, in order of tags.
    onStart(ITestContext) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onStartupFailure(Location, Entity, Throwable) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
    onStartupFailure(Location, Entity, Throwable) - Method in CombiningZoneFailureDetector
    onStartupFailure(Location, Entity, Throwable) - Method in DynamicCluster.ZoneFailureDetector
    onStartupSuccess(Location, Entity) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
    onStartupSuccess(Location, Entity) - Method in CombiningZoneFailureDetector
    onStartupSuccess(Location, Entity) - Method in DynamicCluster.ZoneFailureDetector
    onSubmit(Map, Task) - Method in TaskPreprocessor
    Called by BasicExecutionManager when task is submitted in the category, in order of tags.
    onSuccess(long) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory
    onSuccess(Object) - Method in AttributePollHandler
    onSuccess(SshPollValue) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.SendChefAttributesToSensors
    onSuccess(Object) - Method in DelegatingPollHandler
    onSuccess(Function) - Method in FeedConfig
    onSuccess(Object) - Method in PollHandler
    onSuccess(SshPollValue) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.SendPerfCountersToSensors
    onTaskDone(Task) - Method in BrooklynGarbageCollector
    onTaskDone(Task) - Method in ExecutionListener
    onTaskFinalization(Task) - Method in BasicTask.TaskFinalizer
    onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult) - Method in StatusListener
    onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onTestFailure(ITestResult) - Method in StatusListener
    onTestFailure(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onTestSkipped(ITestResult) - Method in StatusListener
    onTestSkipped(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onTestStart(ITestResult) - Method in StatusListener
    onTestStart(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onTestSuccess(ITestResult) - Method in StatusListener
    onTestSuccess(ITestResult) - Method in VerboseReporter
    onUnmanaged(Location) - Method in BrooklynGarbageCollector
    onUnmanaged(Location) - Method in ChangeListener
    onUnmanaged(Location) - Method in ImmediateDeltaChangeListener
    onUnmanaged(Location) - Method in PeriodicDeltaChangeListener
    onUnmanaged(Location) - Method in RebindManagerImpl.SafeChangeListener
    onUpdated() - Method in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
    Called whenever the values for the set of producers changes (e.g. on an event, or on a member added/removed).
    onUpdated() - Method in CustomAggregatingEnricher
    OPCOUNTERS_COMMAND - Field in MongoDBServer
    OPCOUNTERS_DELETES - Field in MongoDBServer
    OPCOUNTERS_GETMORE - Field in MongoDBServer
    OPCOUNTERS_INSERTS - Field in MongoDBServer
    OPCOUNTERS_QUERIES - Field in MongoDBServer
    OPCOUNTERS_UPDATES - Field in MongoDBServer
    OPEN_IPTABLES - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    OPEN_WIRE_PORT - Field in ActiveMQBroker
    OpenshiftExpressAccess.Cartridge - Enum in brooklyn.extras.openshift
    OpenshiftExpressAccess.OpenshiftJsonResult(Object, Class) - Constructor in OpenshiftExpressAccess.OpenshiftJsonResult
    OpenshiftExpressApplicationAccess - Class in brooklyn.extras.openshift
    OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster(Map, Entity) - Constructor in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
    OpenshiftLocation.Resolver - Class in brooklyn.extras.openshift
    OpenshiftLocation(Map) - Constructor in OpenshiftLocation
    operation(ObjectName, String, Object) - Method in JmxHelper
    Executes an operation on a JMX
    operationName(String) - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
    operationParams(List) - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
    operationSignature(List) - Method in JmxOperationPollConfig
    options(TemplateOptions) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    orred(BitList) - Method in BitList
    represents the result of this bit list logically ORred with the other
    orSubmitAndBlock() - Method in DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult
    causes the task to be submitted *synchronously* if it hasn't already been submitted; useful in contexts such as libraries where callers may be either on a legacy call path (which assumes all commands complete immediately)
    orSubmitAsync() - Method in DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult
    causes the task to be submitted (asynchronously) if it hasn't already been
    os64Bit(boolean) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    osArchMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    osDescriptionMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    OsDetails - Interface in brooklyn.location
    osFamily(OsFamily) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    OSGI_BUNDLE_STATE - Field in KarafContainerImpl
    OSGI_COMPENDIUM - Field in JmxConstants
    The domain name of the selected OSGi compendium MBeans
    OSGI_COMPENDIUM - Field in KarafContainerImpl
    OSGI_CORE - Field in JmxConstants
    The domain name of the core OSGi MBeans
    OSGI_FRAMEWORK - Field in KarafContainerImpl
    osNameMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    osVersionMatches(String) - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    out - Field in ExecUtils.StreamGobbler
    out - Field in StreamGobbler
    out - Field in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
    outFile - Field in MonitorPrefs
    OUTSTANDING_REQUESTS - Field in Zookeeper
    OVERRIDE_RAM - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig


    P_BOOLEAN - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the boolean primitive type.
    P_BYTE - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the byte primitive type.
    P_CHAR - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the char primitive type.
    P_DOUBLE - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the double primitive type.
    P_FLOAT - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the float primitive type.
    P_INT - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the int primitive type.
    P_LONG - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the long primitive type.
    P_SHORT - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of the short primitive type.
    packageName(Object) - Method in JavaClassNames
    packagePath(Object) - Method in JavaClassNames
    returns e.g.
    packaging - Field in MavenArtifact
    PACKETS_RECEIVED - Field in Zookeeper
    PACKETS_SENT - Field in Zookeeper
    parallel(boolean) - Method in TaskBuilder
    whether task that is built should be parallel; cannot (currently) also be dynamic
    parallel(String, TaskAdaptable) - Method in Tasks
    parallelInternal(String, Task) - Method in Tasks
    ParallelTask - Class in brooklyn.util.task
    Runs Tasks in parallel.
    ParallelTask(Iterable) - Constructor in ParallelTask
    parameter(ParameterType) - Method in Effectors.EffectorBuilder
    parameter(ConfigKey) - Method in EffectorTasks
    parameterSummary(ParameterType) - Method in EffectorTransformer
    ParameterType - Interface in brooklyn.entity
    Similar to the concepts in the JMX class.
    parent - Field in AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder
    parent(Entity) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
    parent(Entity) - Method in EntitySpec
    parent - Field in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
    PARENT_LOCATION - Field in AbstractLocation
    parent(Location) - Method in LocationSpec
    parent - Field in SubElementConfigKey
    parse() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
    parse(String) - Method in Duration
    see of(Object) and Time#parseTimeString(String)#parseTimeString(String)
    PARSE_ERROR - Field in Main
    parse(String, boolean) - Method in JcloudsResolver.JcloudsSpecParser
    parse(String) - Method in KeyValueParser
    parseChecked() - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
    parseDateString(String, DateFormat) - Method in Time
    Parses the given date, accepting either a UTC timestamp (i.e. a long), or a formatted date.
    parseList(String) - Method in KeyValueParser
    parseMap(String) - Method in KeyValueParser
    takes a string of the form "key=value,key2=value2" and returns a map; values can be quoted (but not keys)
    parseTimeString(String) - Method in Time
    parses a string eg '5s' or '20m 22.123ms', returning the number of milliseconds it represents (rounded); -1 on blank or "never" or "off" or "false"; number of millis if no units specified.
    parseTimeStringAsDouble(String) - Method in Time
    parses a string eg '5s' or '20m 22.123ms', returning the number of milliseconds it represents; -1 on blank or never or off or false; number of millis if no units specified.
    PASSWD_PATH - Field in StandaloneQpidBrokerExample
    PASSWD - Field in QpidBroker
    PASSWORD - Field in CloudLocationConfig
    PASSWORD_FOR_USER(String) - Method in BrooklynWebConfig
    PASSWORD - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    PASSWORD - Field in MariaDbNode
    PASSWORD - Field in MySqlNode
    password - Field in SshAbstractTool
    password - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    password - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    PASSWORD - Field in SshMachineLocation
    PATH - Field in UrlMapping
    pause() - Method in CountdownTimer
    pauses the timer, if running; no-op if not running
    PCRE_VERSION - Field in NginxController
    PEAK_THREAD_COUNT - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    peek(ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigBag
    like get, but without marking it as used
    peek(String) - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
    returns the entity knwon here with the given id, if there is one, null otherwise; makes no attempt to resolve
    peekTask() - Method in ScriptHelper
    returns the task, if it has been constructed, or null; use newTask() to build (if it is null and you need a task)
    PEERS - Field in CassandraNode
    pendingRemoval - Field in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in ChefAttributeFeed.Builder
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in FunctionFeed.Builder
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
    period(int, TimeUnit) - Method in HttpLatencyDetector.Builder
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in PollConfig
    period - Field in ScheduledTask
    time to wait between executions, or null if not to repeat (default), set as flag to constructor; this may be modified for subsequent submissions by a running task generated by the factory using getSubmittedByTask().setPeriod(Duration)
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in ShellFeed.Builder
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in SshFeed.Builder
    period(long, TimeUnit) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder
    PeriodicDeltaChangeListener - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    A "simple" implementation that periodically persists all entities/locations/policies that have changed since the last periodic persistence.
    PeriodicDeltaChangeListener(ExecutionManager, BrooklynMementoPersister, long) - Method in PeriodicDeltaChangeListener
    permissions - Field in SshPutTaskStub
    perThreadCurrentTask - Field in BasicExecutionManager.PerThreadCurrentTaskHolder
    pickAndRemoveMember() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    @deprecated since 0.6.0; subclasses should instead override pickAndRemoveMembers(int) if they really need to!
    pickAndRemoveMembers(int) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    pickNewest(Collection, Integer) - Method in BalancingNodePlacementStrategy
    PID - Field in Attributes
    PID_FILENAME - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    pidFile - Field in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    pipeTextTo(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
    cats the given text to the given command, using bash << multi-line input syntax
    PlainSshExecTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh.internal
    the "Plain" class exists purely so we can massage return types for callers' convenience
    PlainSshExecTaskFactory(SshMachineLocation, String) - Constructor in PlainSshExecTaskFactory
    convenience constructor to supply machine immediately
    plus(double) - Method in MathFunctions
    Policies - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
    policies - Field in BasicEntityMemento.Builder
    policies - Field in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
    policies() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta
    policies(Iterable) - Method in EntitySpec
    adds the supplied policies to the spec
    policies() - Method in PersisterDeltaImpl
    policies() - Method in RebindManagerImpl.DeltaImpl
    Policy - Interface in brooklyn.policy
    Policies implement actions and thus must be suspendable; policies should continue to evaluate their sensors and indicate their desired planned action even if they aren't invoking them
    POLICY_ADDED - Field in AbstractEntity
    policy(Policy) - Method in BasicEntitySpec
    policy(PolicyMemento) - Method in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
    policy(PolicySpec) - Method in EntitySpec
    adds a policy to the spec
    POLICY_REMOVED - Field in AbstractEntity
    PolicyApi - Interface in
    PolicyConfigApi - Interface in
    PolicyConfigMap - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
    @deprecated since 0.6; use ConfigMapImpl instead.
    PolicyConfigMap(AbstractEntityAdjunct) - Constructor in PolicyConfigMap
    PolicyConfigResource - Class in
    PolicyConfigSummary - Class in
    PolicyConfigSummary(String, String, String, Object, boolean, Map) - Constructor in PolicyConfigSummary
    policyConfigSummary(BrooklynRestResourceUtils, EntityLocal, Policy, ConfigKey) - Method in PolicyTransformer
    PolicyDescriptor - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
    PolicyDescriptor(Policy) - Constructor in PolicyDescriptor
    PolicyMemento - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
    Represents the state of an policy, so that it can be reconstructed (e.g. after restarting brooklyn).
    PolicyResource - Class in
    PolicySpec - Class in brooklyn.policy
    Gives details of a policy to be created.
    PolicySpec(Class) - Constructor in PolicySpec
    policySpecs(Iterable) - Method in EntitySpec
    adds the supplied policies to the spec
    policyStatus - Field in AbstractPolicy
    PolicySummary - Class in
    PolicySummary(String, String, Status, Map) - Constructor in PolicySummary
    policySummary(Entity, Policy) - Method in PolicyTransformer
    PolicyTransformer - Class in
    Converts from Brooklyn entities to restful API summary objects
    PolicyType - Interface in brooklyn.policy
    Gives type information for a Policy.
    PolicyTypeImpl - Class in brooklyn.policy.basic
    This is the actual type of a policy instance at runtime.
    PolicyTypeImpl(AdjunctType) - Constructor in PolicyTypeImpl
    PolicyUtilForPool - Class in brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing
    Provides conveniences for searching for hot/cold containers in a provided pool model.
    PolicyUtilForPool(BalanceablePoolModel) - Constructor in PolicyUtilForPool
    poll(FunctionPollConfig) - Method in FunctionFeed.Builder
    poll(HttpPollConfig) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
    POLL_PERIOD - Field in AbstractGeoDnsService
    poll(ShellPollConfig) - Method in ShellFeed.Builder
    poll(SshPollConfig) - Method in SshFeed.Builder
    pollAttribute(JmxAttributePollConfig) - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
    PollConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed
    Configuration for polling, which is being added to a feed (e.g. to poll a given URL over http).
    PollConfig(PollConfig) - Constructor in PollConfig
    Poller - Class in brooklyn.event.feed
    For executing periodic polls.
    poller - Field in AbstractFeed
    Poller(EntityLocal) - Method in Poller
    PollHandler - Interface in brooklyn.event.feed
    Notified by the Poller of the result for each job, on each poll.
    pollOperation(JmxOperationPollConfig) - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
    Pool - Interface in brooklyn.util.pool
    See discussion at
    POOL_COLD_SENSOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    POOL_CURRENT_SIZE_KEY - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    POOL_CURRENT_WORKRATE_KEY - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    POOL_HIGH_THRESHOLD_KEY - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    POOL_HOT_SENSOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    POOL_LOW_THRESHOLD_KEY - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    POOL_OK_SENSOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    poolColdSensor(BasicNotificationSensor) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    poolHotSensor(BasicNotificationSensor) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    poolOkSensor(BasicNotificationSensor) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    populateFromUrl(CatalogDto, String) - Method in CatalogDtoUtils
    throws if there are any problems in retrieving or copying
    populateMap(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext, Map) - Method in MapConverter
    port - Field in BrooklynWebServer
    PORT_FORWARDING_MANAGER - Field in BrooklynAccessUtils
    PORT_INCREMENT - Field in JBoss6Server
    PORT_INCREMENT - Field in JBoss7Server
    Port increments are the standard way to run multiple instances of AS7 on the same machine.
    port - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    port - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    PORT_MAPPER - Field in BrooklynNode
    PORT - Field in MongoDBServer
    PORT_NUMBER_SENSOR - Field in LoadBalancer
    sensor for port to forward to on target entities
    PORT_NUMBERS - Field in Attributes
    PORT_SENSORS - Field in Attributes
    port - Field in SshAbstractTool
    port - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    PortableTemplateBuilder - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds.templates
    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    A Sensor describing a port on a system, with a ConfigKey which can be configured with a port range (either a number e.g. 80, or a string e.g. "80" or "8080-8089" or even "80, 8080-8089, 8800+", or a list of these).
    PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey(PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey, Object) - Constructor in PortAttributeSensorAndConfigKey
    PortForwardManager - Class in brooklyn.location.access
    Records port mappings against public IP addresses with given identifiers
    PortMapping - Class in brooklyn.location.access
    PortMapping(String, int, Location, int) - Constructor in PortMapping
    portOmittedToUseKnifeDefault - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    null means nothing specified, use user supplied or machine default; false means use machine default (disallow user supplied); true means use knife default (omit the argument and disallow user supplied)
    PortRange - Interface in brooklyn.location
    A range of ports (indicator for Location and other APIs).
    PortRanges - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    PortRanges.AggregatePortRange - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    PortRanges.BasicPortRange - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    @deprecated since 0.6.0; use LinearPortRange
    PortRanges.BasicPortRange(int, int) - Constructor in PortRanges.BasicPortRange
    PortRanges.LinearPortRange - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    PortRanges.LinearPortRange(int, int) - Constructor in PortRanges.LinearPortRange
    PortRanges.SinglePort - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    PortSupplier - Interface in brooklyn.location
    Mixin interface for location which allows it to supply ports from a given range
    postDriverStart() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
    postDriverStart() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    Called after driver.start().
    POSTGRESQL_PORT - Field in PostgreSqlNode
    PostgreSqlDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    The SoftwareProcessDriver for PostgreSQL.
    PostgreSqlNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    Usage notes:
  • On OS X you may need to increase kernel/memory settings, as per .
  • PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl.ChefPostgreSqlLifecycle - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl.ExecuteScriptEffectorBody - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    PostgreSqlNodeImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    PostgreSqlSpecs - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    utiltiy for creating specs for PostgreSql instances
    PostgreSqlSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.postgresql
    The SSH implementation of the PostgreSqlDriver.
    PostgreSqlSshDriver(PostgreSqlNodeImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in PostgreSqlSshDriver
    postLaunch() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    Implement this method in child classes to add some post-launch behavior
    postLaunch() - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
    postLaunch() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
    postLaunch() - Method in NginxSshDriver
    postRebind() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    postRebind() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    Called after this entity is fully rebound (i.e. it is fully managed).
    postStart(Collection) - Method in AbstractApplication
    Default is no-op.
    postStart() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    postStart() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
    postStart() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
    postStart() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
    postStart() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    Called after the rest of start has completed (after connectSensors() and waitForServiceUp())
    postStartAtMachineAsync() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    postStartCustom() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    postStartCustom() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    default post-start hooks, can be extended by subclasses, and typically will wait for confirmation of start (the service not set to running until after this); also invoked following a restart
    postStartCustom() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl.ChefPostgreSqlLifecycle
    postStartCustom() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
    postStop() - Method in AbstractFeed
    For overriding.
    postStop() - Method in JmxFeed
    preAttempt() - Method in WebAppMonitor
    return false to skip a run
    preconditionFailed(String, Object) - Method in WebResourceUtils
    predicateFromClosure(Closure) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
    predicateMatchingById(String) - Method in JcloudsUtil
    preExecChecks() - Method in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    PREFIX - Field in ReusableMachineTemplate
    prefixedKey(String, ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigUtils
    prepends the given prefix to the key.
    premain(String) - Method in JmxmpAgent
    premain(String) - Method in JmxRmiAgent
    The entry point, uses the JDK dynamic agent loading feature.
    preManagedEntitiesById - Field in LocalEntityManager
    Entities that are in the process of being managed, but where management is not yet complete
    prepareArgsForEffector(Effector, Object) - Method in EffectorUtils
    prepares arguments for an effector either accepting: an array, which should contain the arguments in order, optionally omitting those which have defaults defined; or a map, which should contain the arguments by name, again optionally omitting those which have defaults defined, and in this case also performing type coercion.
    prepareArgsForEffectorAsMapFromArray(Effector, Object) - Method in EffectorUtils
    prepend(CharSequence) - Method in ScriptPart
    prePreManage(Location) - Method in LocalManagementContext
    preRegisteredEntitiesById - Field in LocalEntityManager
    Entities that have been created, but have not yet begun to be managed
    preStart(Collection) - Method in AbstractApplication
    Default is no-op.
    preStart() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    preStart() - Method in AbstractFeed
    For overriding.
    preStart() - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    preStart() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
    preStart() - Method in ChefAttributeFeed
    preStart() - Method in FunctionFeed
    preStart() - Method in HttpFeed
    preStart() - Method in JmxFeed
    preStart() - Method in ShellFeed
    preStart() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    Called before driver.start; guarantees the driver will exist, and locations will have been set.
    preStart() - Method in SshFeed
    preStart() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed
    preStartAtMachineAsync(Supplier) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    wraps a call to preStartCustom(MachineLocation), after setting the hostname and address
    preStartCustom(MachineLocation) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    default pre-start hooks, can be extended by subclasses if needed
    preStartCustom(MachineLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
    preStop() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    preStop() - Method in AbstractFeed
    For overriding.
    preStop() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
    preStop() - Method in JmxFeed
    preStop() - Method in KarafContainerImpl
    preStop() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    preStop() - Method in VanillaJavaApp
    preStopCustom() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    preStopCustom() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl.ChefPostgreSqlLifecycle
    preStopCustom() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
    previouslyConnected - Field in SshMachineLocation
    PRIMARY - Field in MongoDBReplicaSet
    primaryFinished - Field in DynamicSequentialTask
    primaryJob - Field in DynamicSequentialTask.DstJob
    primaryStarted - Field in DynamicSequentialTask
    primaryThread - Field in DynamicSequentialTask
    PRIMITIVE_TO_BOXED - Field in Boxing
    print(Object) - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
    printf(Locale, String, Object) - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
    println(Object) - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
    PRIVATE_KEY_DATA - Field in CloudLocationConfig
    PRIVATE_KEY_DATA - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    PRIVATE_KEY_DATA - Field in SshMachineLocation
    PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Field in CloudLocationConfig
    PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Field in SshMachineLocation
    PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE - Field in CloudLocationConfig
    PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE - Field in SshMachineLocation
    PRIVATE_NETWORKS - Field in Networking
    PRIVATE_NETWORKS_RFC_1918 - Field in Cidr
    privateKey(String) - Method in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    @deprecated 1.4.0, use privateKeyData
    privateKey(String) - Method in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    @deprecated use privateKeyData
    privateKeyData - Field in SshAbstractTool
    privateKeyData - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    privateKeyData - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    privateKeyFile - Field in SshAbstractTool
    privateKeyFile(String) - Method in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    privateKeyFile - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    privateKeyFiles - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    privateKeyPassphrase - Field in SshAbstractTool
    privateKeyPassphrase - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    privateKeyPassphrase - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    PROCESS_CPU_TIME_FRACTION - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    @deprecated since 0.6.0, use PROCESS_CPU_TIME_FRACTION_LAST
    PROCESS_CPU_TIME - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    PROCESSING_TIME_FRACTION_IN_WINDOW - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    PROCESSING_TIME_FRACTION_LAST - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    the fraction of time represented by the most recent delta to TOTAL_PROCESSING_TIME, ie 0.4 if 800 millis were accumulated in last 2s; easily configured with WebAppServiceMethods.connectWebAppServerPolicies
    ProcessTaskFactory - Interface in brooklyn.util.task.system
    ProcessTaskStub - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system
    ProcessTaskStub.ScriptReturnType - Enum in brooklyn.util.task.system
    ProcessTaskStub(ProcessTaskStub) - Constructor in ProcessTaskStub
    ProcessTaskWrapper - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system
    Wraps a fully constructed process task, and allows callers to inspect status.
    ProcessTaskWrapper.ProcessTaskInternalJob - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system
    ProcessTaskWrapper(AbstractProcessTaskFactory) - Constructor in ProcessTaskWrapper
    processTemplate(String, Map) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    processTemplate(String, Map) - Method in TemplateProcessor
    processTemplateContents(String, Map) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    processTemplateContents(String, Map) - Method in TemplateProcessor
    ProcessTool - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.process
    Implementation of ShellTool which runs locally.
    ProcessTool(Map) - Constructor in ProcessTool
    PRODUCE_REQUEST_COUNT - Field in KafkaBroker
    producer - Field in Subscription
    PROP_ALLOCATE_PTY - Field in SshTool
    PROP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - Field in SshTool
    PROP_DIRECT_HEADER - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_DIRECT_HEADER - Field in ShellToolConfigKeysForRemote
    PROP_ERR_STREAM - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_HOST - Field in SshTool
    PROP_LAST_ACCESS_DATE - Field in SshTool
    PROP_LOCAL_TEMP_DIR - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_LOGIN_SHELL - Field in ProcessTool
    PROP_NO_EXTRA_OUTPUT - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_OUT_STREAM - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_PASSWORD - Field in SshTool
    PROP_PERMISSIONS - Field in SshTool
    PROP_PORT - Field in SshTool
    PROP_PRIVATE_KEY_DATA - Field in SshTool
    PROP_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE - Field in SshTool
    PROP_RUN_AS_ROOT - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_SCP_EXECUTABLE - Field in SshCliTool
    PROP_SCRIPT_DIR - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_SCRIPT_DIR - Field in ShellToolConfigKeysForRemote
    PROP_SCRIPT_HEADER - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_SCRIPT_HEADER - Field in ShellToolConfigKeysForRemote
    PROP_SEPARATOR - Field in ShellTool
    PROP_SESSION_TIMEOUT - Field in SshTool
    PROP_SSH_EXECUTABLE - Field in SshCliTool
    PROP_SSH_FLAGS - Field in SshCliTool
    PROP_SSH_RETRY_DELAY - Field in SshTool
    PROP_SSH_TRIES - Field in SshTool
    PROP_SSH_TRIES_TIMEOUT - Field in SshTool
    PROP_TOOL_CLASS - Field in SshTool
    PROP_USER - Field in SshTool
    propagate(Throwable) - Method in Exceptions
    Propagate a java.lang.Throwable as a java.lang.RuntimeException.
    propagate(Exception, String) - Method in SshAbstractTool
    propagateCollapsed(Throwable) - Method in Exceptions
    removes uninteresting items from the top of the call stack (but keeps interesting messages), and throws
    PropagatedRuntimeException - Class in brooklyn.util.exceptions
    Indicates a runtime exception which has been propagated via Exceptions#propagate#propagate
    PropagatedRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor in PropagatedRuntimeException
    propagateIfFatal(Throwable) - Method in Exceptions
    Propagate exceptions which are fatal.
    PROPERTIES_TYPE - Field in JmxConstants
    Describes a map with properties.
    PROPERTY_TYPE - Field in JmxConstants
    A Composite Type describing a a single property.
    propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in GroovyObservablesPropertyChangeToCollectionChangeAdapter
    ProportionalZoneFailureDetector - Class in
    ProportionalZoneFailureDetector(int, Duration, double, Ticker) - Constructor in ProportionalZoneFailureDetector
    PROTOCOL - Field in LoadBalancer
    PROTOCOL_PREFIX - Field in DataUriSchemeParser
    PROVIDE_CITY_INFO - Field in GeoscalingWebClient
    PROVIDE_COUNTRY_INFO - Field in GeoscalingWebClient
    PROVIDE_EXTRA_INFO - Field in GeoscalingWebClient
    PROVIDE_NETWORK_INFO - Field in GeoscalingWebClient
    PROVIDE_UPTIME_INFO - Field in GeoscalingWebClient
    provider - Field in BrooklynPropertiesSecurityFilter
    PROVIDERS - Field in JcloudsResolver
    ProvidesProvisioningFlags - Interface in
    Marker interface for an entity which supplies custom machine provisioning flags; used e.g. in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks.
    provisionAsync(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    returns a queued _task_ which provisions a machine in the given location and returns that machine, so the task can be used as a supplier to subsequent methods
    provisioners - Field in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
    PROVISIONING_LOCATION - Field in SameServerEntity
    PROVISIONING_LOCATION - Field in SoftwareProcess
    PROVISIONING_PROPERTIES - Field in SameServerEntity
    PROVISIONING_PROPERTIES - Field in SoftwareProcess
    provisionMore(int, Map) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    provisionMore(int, Map) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    PROXY_HTTP_PORT - Field in LoadBalancer
    port where this controller should live
    proxy - Field in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
    ProxySslConfig - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy
    pruneValues(long) - Method in TimeWindowedList
    PUBLIC_KEY_DATA - Field in CloudLocationConfig
    PUBLIC_KEY_DATA - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    PUBLIC_KEY_FILE - Field in CloudLocationConfig
    PUBLIC_KEY_FILE - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    publicIpIdToHostname - Field in PortForwardManager
    Publish - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Publishes messages to a queue on a Qpid broker at a given URL.
    publish(SensorEvent) - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager
    performs the actual publishing -- ie distribution to subscriptions
    publish(SensorEvent) - Method in BasicSubscriptionContext
    @see SubscriptionManager#publish(SensorEvent)
    publish(SensorEvent) - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
    publish(SensorEvent) - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    publish(SensorEvent) - Method in SubscriptionContext
    @see SubscriptionManager#publish(SensorEvent)
    publish(SensorEvent) - Method in SubscriptionManager
    Deliver a SensorEvent to all subscribed listeners.
    put(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in BrooklynProperties
    put(Object, Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    put(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigBag
    put(String, Object) - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
    put(Map) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
    as put(Object, Object, Object...) for the kv-pairs in the given map
    put(Map) - Method in MapConfigKey.MapModifications
    when passed as a value to a MapConfigKey, causes each of these items to be put (this Mod is redundant as no other value is really sensible)
    put(Entry) - Method in MutableMap.Builder
    put(String) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
    put(String, Object) - Method in StatusRecorder.Record
    putAll(Map) - Method in BrooklynProperties
    like normal map.putAll, except config keys are dereferenced on the way in
    putAll(Map) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    putAll(Map) - Method in ConfigBag
    putAll(Map) - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
    putAll(Map) - Method in DeprecatedKeysMappingBuilder
    putAll(Map) - Method in MutableMap.Builder
    putAll(String, Map) - Method in StatusRecorder.Record
    putAsStringKey(Object, Object) - Method in ConfigBag
    putAttributes(Map) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    Specifies attributes passed to deployed webapps (in addition to BrooklynServiceAttributes#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT
    putIfAbsent(String, Object) - Method in BrooklynProperties
    inserts the value under the given key, if it was not present
    putIfAbsent(Object, Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    putIfAbsent(Object, Object) - Method in MutableMap.Builder
    putIfNotNull(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigBag
    putIfNotNull(Object, Object) - Method in MutableMap.Builder
    putInternal(Map, Object, Object, Object) - Method in Jsonya.Navigator
    putStringKey(String, Object) - Method in ConfigBag
    recommended to use put(ConfigKey, Object) but there are times (e.g. when copying a map) where we want to put a string key directly


    QPID_BDBSTORE_JAR_PATH - Field in StandaloneQpidBrokerExample
    QpidBroker - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    An Entity that represents a single Qpid broker instance, using AMQP 0-10.
    QpidBrokerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    An Entity that represents a single Qpid broker instance, using AMQP 0-10.
    QpidBrokerImpl() - Constructor in QpidBrokerImpl
    QpidDestination - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidDestinationImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidDestinationImpl() - Constructor in QpidDestinationImpl
    QpidDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidQueue - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidQueueImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidQueueImpl() - Constructor in QpidQueueImpl
    QpidSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidSshDriver(QpidBrokerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in QpidSshDriver
    QpidTopic - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidTopicImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.qpid
    QpidTopicImpl() - Constructor in QpidTopicImpl
    QUARANTINE_FAILED_ENTITIES - Field in DynamicCluster
    QUARANTINE_GROUP - Field in DynamicCluster
    quarantineFailedNodes(Collection) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    Queue - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging
    An interface that describes a messaging queue.
    QUEUE_DEPTH_BYTES - Field in Queue
    QUEUE_DEPTH_MESSAGES - Field in Queue
    queue(Task) - Method in DynamicSequentialTask
    queue(String, Runnable) - Method in DynamicTasks
    queue(TaskFactory) - Method in EffectorBody
    QUEUE_NAME - Field in Queue
    QUEUE - Field in Publish
    queue() - Method in ScriptHelper
    queues the task for execution if we are in a TaskQueueingContext (e.g.
    QUEUE - Field in Subscribe
    queue(Task) - Method in TaskQueueingContext
    queues the task for submission as part of this queueing context; should mark it as submitted
    queuedTimeUtc - Field in BasicTask
    queueIfNeeded(Object) - Method in DynamicTasks
    queueIfPossible(TaskFactory) - Method in DynamicTasks
    QueueingSubscriptionManager - Class in
    queueInTaskHierarchy(Task) - Method in DynamicTasks
    adds the given task to the nearest task addition context, either set as a thread-local, or in the current task, or the submitter of the task, etc
    quiet(String) - Method in BashCommands
    Returns a command with all output redirected to /dev/null
    quiet - Field in Main.BrooklynCommand
    quoteChars(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder
    QuotedStringTokenizer - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    As 'StringTokenizer' but items in quotes (single or double) are treated as single tokens (cf mortbay's QuotedStringTokenizer)
    QuotedStringTokenizer.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    QuotedStringTokenizer(String, String, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor in QuotedStringTokenizer
    quoteToken(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
    returns the input text escaped for use with unquoteTokens, and wrapped in the quoteChar[0] (usu a double quote)


    r - Field in CustomResourceLocator
    RabbitBroker - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.rabbit
    An Entity that represents a single Rabbit MQ broker instance, using AMQP 0-9-1.
    RabbitBrokerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.rabbit
    An Entity that represents a single Rabbit MQ broker instance, using AMQP 0-9-1.
    RabbitBrokerImpl() - Constructor in RabbitBrokerImpl
    RabbitDestination - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.rabbit
    RabbitDestination() - Constructor in RabbitDestination
    RabbitDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging.rabbit
    RabbitQueue - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.rabbit
    RabbitQueue() - Constructor in RabbitQueue
    RabbitSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.messaging.rabbit
    TODO javadoc
    RabbitSshDriver(RabbitBrokerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in RabbitSshDriver
    RACK_NAME - Field in CassandraNode
    randomBoolean() - Method in Identifiers
    randomBytes(int) - Method in Identifiers
    randomDouble() - Method in Identifiers
    randomInt(int) - Method in Identifiers
    returns in [0,upbound)
    RANDOMIZE_SUBDOMAIN_NAME - Field in GeoscalingDnsService
    randomLong() - Method in Identifiers
    rawValue(Map) - Method in MapConfigKey
    returns the entries in the map against this config key and any sub-config-keys, without resolving (like extractValue(Map, ExecutionContext) but without resolving/coercing; useful because values in this "map" are actually stored against SubElementConfigKeys
    READ_ACTIVE - Field in CassandraCluster
    READ_ACTIVE - Field in CassandraNode
    read(Class, String, String, String, String) - Method in ApidocResource
    READ_COMPLETED - Field in CassandraNode
    read(ObjectDataInput) - Method in EntityStreamSerializer
    read(byte[], int, int) - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
    READ_PENDING - Field in CassandraCluster
    READ_PENDING - Field in CassandraNode
    read(byte[], int, int) - Method in ReaderInputStream
    Reads from the into a byte array
    reader(InputStream, Charset) - Method in Streams
    ReaderInputStream - Class in
    ReaderInputStream(Reader, String) - Constructor in ReaderInputStream
    Construct a ReaderInputStream for the specified, with the specified encoding.
    readFullyBytes(InputStream) - Method in ResourceUtils
    readFullyString(InputStream) - Method in ResourceUtils
    ReadMe - Class in brooklyn.demo
    readPem(InputStream, String) - Method in SecureKeys
    READS_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW - Field in CassandraNode
    READS_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW_PER_NODE - Field in CassandraCluster
    READS_PER_SECOND_LAST - Field in CassandraNode
    READS_PER_SECOND_LAST_PER_NODE - Field in CassandraCluster
    rebalance() - Method in BalancingStrategy
    rebalance() - Method in FollowTheSunStrategy
    rebind() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    rebind() - Method in NginxSshDriver
    rebind(BrooklynMemento, ClassLoader) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentRebindManager
    rebind(BrooklynMemento, ClassLoader) - Method in RebindManager
    rebind(BrooklynMemento, ClassLoader) - Method in RebindManagerImpl
    rebind() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriver
    Rebinds the driver to a pre-existing software process.
    rebind() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    Rebindable - Interface in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    Indicates that this can be recreated, e.g. after a brooklyn restart, and by using a Memento it can repopulate the brooklyn objects.
    RebindContext - Interface in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    Gives access to things that are being currently rebinding.
    RebindContextImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    RebindContextImpl(ClassLoader) - Constructor in RebindContextImpl
    rebindMachine(Map) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    RebindManager - Interface in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    Manages the persisting of brooklyn's state, and recreating that state, e.g. on brooklyn restart.
    RebindManagerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    RebindManagerImpl.SafeChangeListener(ChangeListener) - Constructor in RebindManagerImpl.SafeChangeListener
    RebindManagerImpl(ManagementContext) - Constructor in RebindManagerImpl
    RebindSupport - Interface in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    Supporter instance for behaviour related to rebinding a given entity/location/policy.
    recentRun - Field in ScheduledTask
    RECIPE - Field in WhirrCluster
    RECIPE - Field in WhirrExample
    recommendJmxRmiCustomAgent() - Method in JmxSupport
    sets JMR_RMI_CUSTOM_AGENT as the connection mode for the indicated apps.
    recompute() - Method in AddingEnricher
    recompute() - Method in UrlMapping
    recompute() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
    recomputeAddresses() - Method in UrlMappingImpl
    reconfigurable(boolean) - Method in BasicConfigKey.Builder
    reconfigureService() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    Implementations should update the configuration so that 'serverPoolAddresses' are targeted.
    reconfigureService(Collection) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    should set up so these hosts are targeted, and setServiceState appropriately
    reconfigureService() - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    Implementations should update the configuration so that 'serverPoolAddresses' are targeted.
    reconfigureService(Collection) - Method in GeoscalingDnsServiceImpl
    reconfigureService() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
    reconnect() - Method in JmxHelper
    reconnectWithRetryDampened() - Method in JmxHelper
    reconstitute(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in Serializers
    reconstruct(RebindContext, EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
    reconstruct(RebindContext, LocationMemento) - Method in BasicLocationRebindSupport
    reconstruct(RebindContext, PolicyMemento) - Method in BasicPolicyRebindSupport
    reconstruct(RebindContext, Object) - Method in RebindSupport
    Reconstructs this entity, given a memento of its state.
    record(StatusRecorder.Record) - Method in StatusRecorder
    record(Record) - Method in StatusRecorder.ChainingStatusRecorder
    record(Record) - Method in StatusRecorder.FileBasedStatusRecorder
    record(Record) - Method in StatusRecorder.LogBasedStatusRecorder
    record(Record) - Method in StatusRecorder.SysoutBasedStatusRecorder
    recordApplicationEvent(Application, Lifecycle) - Method in LocalUsageManager
    recordApplicationEvent(Application, Lifecycle) - Method in NonDeploymentUsageManager
    recordApplicationEvent(Application, Lifecycle) - Method in UsageManager
    Adds this application event to the usage record for the given app (creating the usage record if one does not already exist).
    recordLocationEvent(Location, Lifecycle) - Method in LocalUsageManager
    Adds this location event to the usage record for the given location (creating the usage record if one does not already exist).
    recordLocationEvent(Location, Lifecycle) - Method in NonDeploymentUsageManager
    recordLocationEvent(Location, Lifecycle) - Method in UsageManager
    Adds this location event to the usage record for the given location (creating the usage record if one does not already exist).
    recordPublicIpHostname(String, String) - Method in PortForwardManager
    records a public hostname or address to be associated with the given publicIpId for lookup purposes
    REDIS_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_URL - Field in RedisSlave
    REDIS_CONFIG_TEMPLATE_URL - Field in RedisStore
    REDIS_PORT - Field in RedisStore
    RedisCluster - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    A cluster of RedisStores with one master and a group of slaves.
    RedisClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    RedisClusterImpl() - Constructor in RedisClusterImpl
    RedisShard - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    RedisShardImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    RedisShardImpl() - Constructor in RedisShardImpl
    RedisSlave - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    A RedisStore configured as a slave.
    RedisSlaveImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    A RedisStore configured as a slave.
    RedisSlaveImpl() - Constructor in RedisSlaveImpl
    RedisStore - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    An entity that represents a Redis key-value store service.
    RedisStoreDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    RedisStoreImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    An entity that represents a Redis key-value store service.
    RedisStoreImpl() - Constructor in RedisStoreImpl
    RedisStoreSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.redis
    Start a RedisStore in a Location accessible over ssh.
    RedisStoreSshDriver(RedisStoreImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in RedisStoreSshDriver
    reduce(Text, Iterable, Context) - Method in HadoopWordCount.IntSumReducer
    Reference - Interface in
    A reference to a value, backed by the storage-medium.
    referrer - Field in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
    referrer - Field in EntityReferences.EntityReference
    Reflections - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    Reflection utilities ("borrowed" from cloudsoft monterey).
    Reflections.ReflectionAccessException - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    Reflections.ReflectionAccessException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in Reflections.ReflectionAccessException
    Reflections.ReflectionNotFoundException - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    Reflections.ReflectionNotFoundException(String) - Constructor in Reflections.ReflectionNotFoundException
    Reflections(ClassLoader) - Method in Reflections
    reflections - Field in ReflectionScanner
    ReflectionScanner - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    Facade on Reflections which logs warnings for unloadable classes but does not fail
    ReflectionScanner(Iterable, String, ClassLoader) - Constructor in ReflectionScanner
    scanner which will look in the given urls (or if those are null attempt to infer from the first entry in the classloaders, although currently that seems to only pick up directories, not JAR's), optionally filtering for the given prefix; any or all arguments can be null to accept all (and use default classpath for classloading).
    ReflectiveEntityDriverFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers
    Follows a class naming convention: the driver interface must end in "Driver", and the implementation must match the driver interface name but with a suffix like "SshDriver" instead of "Driver".
    refresh() - Method in MachinePool
    refreshes the pool of machines from the server (finding all instances matching the registered templates)
    refreshGroupMembership() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    refreshInheritedConfig() - Method in AbstractEntity
    refreshInheritedConfig() - Method in EntityInternal
    refreshSeeds() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl.SeedTracker
    register(Object, RendererHints.Hint) - Method in RendererHints
    registers a hint against the given element (eg a sensor); returns the element, for convenience when used in a with block after defining the element
    registerAdapter(Class, Class, Function) - Method in TypeCoercions
    registerAlternateLocator(CustomResourceLocator.ResourceLocator) - Method in CustomResourceLocator
    registerDriver(Class, Class, Class) - Method in BasicEntityDriverManager
    registerDriver(Class, Class, Class) - Method in EntityDriverManager
    registerDriver(Class, Class, Class) - Method in RegistryEntityDriverFactory
    registerEntity(String, Entity) - Method in RebindContextImpl
    registerFilenameProducer(Function) - Method in BasicDownloadsManager
    registerFilenameProducer(Function) - Method in DownloadResolverManager
    Registers a producer for generating the expected filename of the download artifact.
    registerImplementation(Class, Class) - Method in BasicEntityTypeRegistry
    registerImplementation(Class, Class) - Method in EntityTypeRegistry
    Registers the implementation to use for a given entity type.
    registerJcloudsSshMachineLocation(NodeMetadata, String, ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    registerLocation(String, Location) - Method in RebindContextImpl
    registerNewNodes(MachineSet, ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in MachinePool
    registerPolicy(String, Policy) - Method in RebindContextImpl
    registerPrimaryProducer(Function) - Method in BasicDownloadsManager
    registerPrimaryProducer(Function) - Method in DownloadResolverManager
    Registers a producer, to be tried before all other producers.
    registerProducer(Function) - Method in BasicDownloadsManager
    registerProducer(Function) - Method in DownloadResolverManager
    Registers a producer, to be tried after all other registered producers have been tried.
    registerTemplate(ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in MachinePool
    registerTemplates(ReusableMachineTemplate) - Method in MachinePool
    RegistryEntityDriverFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.drivers
    A registry of driver classes, keyed off the driver-interface + location type it is for.
    RegistryEntityDriverFactory.DriverLocationTuple(Class, Class) - Constructor in RegistryEntityDriverFactory.DriverLocationTuple
    RegistryLocationResolver - Interface in brooklyn.location.basic
    Extension to LocationResolver which can take a registry.
    reinit() - Method in BrooklynLanguageExtensions
    release(Object) - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
    release(Object) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    release(SshMachineLocation) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    release(SshMachineLocation) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    release(Object) - Method in MachineProvisioningLocation
    Release a previously-obtained machine.
    release(int) - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    release(MachineLocation) - Method in SimulatedLocation
    release(Object) - Method in SingleMachineProvisioningLocation
    releaseMutex(String) - Method in MutexSupport
    releaseMutex(String) - Method in SshMachineLocation
    releaseMutex(String) - Method in WithMutexes
    releases a mutex, triggering another thread to use it or cleaning it up if no one else is waiting; this should only be called by the mutex owner (thread)
    releaseNode(String) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    releaseNodeSafely(NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    releasePort(InetAddress, int) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    releasePort(int) - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation.LocalhostMachine
    releasePort(int) - Method in PortSupplier
    Release a previously reserved port.
    releasePort(int) - Method in SimulatedLocation
    releasePort(int) - Method in SshMachineLocation
    releaseSafely(SshMachineLocation) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    releaseUrlGenerator - Field in MavenRetriever
    reload() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    RELOAD - Field in LoadBalancer
    reload() - Method in LoadBalancerClusterImpl
    reload() - Method in NginxControllerImpl
    reload() - Method in NginxSshDriver
    remainderAsList() - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
    remoteFile(String) - Method in SshFetchTaskFactory
    remoteFile(String) - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
    remoteFile - Field in SshPutTaskStub
    REMOVAL_STRATEGY - Field in DynamicCluster
    remove(Collection) - Method in AttributeMap
    remove(String) - Method in BrooklynStorage
    Removes the data stored against this id, whether it is a map, ref or whatever.
    remove(String) - Method in BrooklynStorageImpl
    remove(Object, Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    remove(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
    remove(String) - Method in ConfigBag
    remove(Object) - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
    remove(String) - Method in DataGrid
    Deletes the map for this id, if it exists; otherwise a no-op.
    remove(Entity) - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
    remove(String) - Method in HazelcastDataGrid
    remove(String) - Method in InmemoryDatagrid
    remove(Object) - Method in MutableList.Builder
    remove(Object) - Method in MutableMap.Builder
    remove(Object) - Method in MutableSet.Builder
    REMOVE_REGION - Field in DynamicRegionsFabric
    remove(String, Integer) - Method in ReplicaSetConfig
    Removes the first entity with the given hostname and port from the list of members
    remove() - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.PerfCounterValueIterator
    removeAll(Collection) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
    removeAll(Iterable) - Method in ConfigBag
    removeAll(Object) - Method in MutableList.Builder
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 ambiguous with removeAll(Iterable); use removeAll(Arrays.asList(Object, Object, Object...))
    removeAll(Iterable) - Method in MutableMap.Builder
    removeAll(Object) - Method in MutableSet.Builder
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 ambiguous with removeAll(Iterable); use removeAll(Arrays.asList(Object, Object, Object...))
    removeAllEnrichers() - Method in AbstractEntity
    removeAllEnrichers() - Method in EntityLocal
    Removes all enricher from this entity.
    removeAllFromEnd(String, String) - Method in Strings
    as removeFromEnd, but repeats until all such suffixes are gone
    removeAllFromStart(String, String) - Method in Strings
    as removeFromStart, but repeats until all such suffixes are gone
    removeAllPolicies() - Method in AbstractEntity
    removeAllPolicies() - Method in EntityLocal
    Removes all policy from this entity.
    removeAttribute(AttributeSensor) - Method in AbstractEntity
    removeAttribute(AttributeSensor) - Method in EntityInternal
    removeChild(Entity) - Method in AbstractEntity
    removeChild(Location) - Method in AbstractLocation
    removeChild(String) - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento.Builder
    removeChild(Entity) - Method in BasicGroupImpl
    removeChild(Entity) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    removeChild(Entity) - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
    removeChild(Entity) - Method in Entity
    Removes the specified child Entity; its parent will be set to null.
    removeChild(Location) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    removeChildLocation(Location) - Method in AbstractLocation
    @deprecated since 0.6
    removeContextFromList(List, String) - Method in ContextHandlerCollectionHotSwappable
    removed(Entity) - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
    removed(MachineSet) - Method in MachineSet
    removeDefinedLocation(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
    removeDefinedLocation(String) - Method in LocationRegistry
    removes the defined location from the registry (applications running there are unaffected)
    removedEntityIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta
    removedEntityIds() - Method in PersisterDeltaImpl
    removedEntityIds() - Method in RebindManagerImpl.DeltaImpl
    removedLocationIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta
    removedLocationIds() - Method in PersisterDeltaImpl
    removedLocationIds() - Method in RebindManagerImpl.DeltaImpl
    removedPolicyIds() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister.Delta
    removedPolicyIds() - Method in PersisterDeltaImpl
    removedPolicyIds() - Method in RebindManagerImpl.DeltaImpl
    removeEnricher(Enricher) - Method in AbstractEntity
    removeEnricher(Enricher) - Method in Entity
    Removes the given enricher from this entity.
    removeEntities(Collection) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    Removes the entities with the given ids.
    removeEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    removeEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in LocalManagementContext
    removeEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in ManagementContextInternal
    removeEntitySetListener(CollectionChangeListener) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    removeFromEnd(String, String) - Method in Strings
    removes the first suffix in the list which is present at the end of string and returns that string; ignores subsequent suffixes if a matching one is found; returns the original string if no suffixes are at the end
    removeFromMapOfCollections(Map, Object, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
    Removes the given value from a collection in the map under the key.
    removeFromStart(String, String) - Method in Strings
    removes the first prefix in the list which is present at the start of string and returns that string; ignores subsequent prefixes if a matching one is found; returns the original string if no prefixes match
    removeListener(ExecutionListener) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    removeLocations(Collection) - Method in AbstractEntity
    removeLocations(Collection) - Method in EntityInternal
    removeLocations(Collection) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    Removes the entities with the given ids.
    removeMachine(Object) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    removeMember(Entity) - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
    Returns true if the group was changed as a result of the call.
    removeMember(Entity) - Method in DynamicWebAppClusterImpl
    removeMember(Entity) - Method in Group
    Removes the given member, returning true if this modifies the set of members (i.e. it was a member).
    removeMember(Entity) - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
    removeMemberFromReplicaSet(MongoDBServer) - Method in MongoClientSupport
    Reconfigures the replica set that this client is the primary member of to remove the given server.
    removeNotificationListener(ObjectName, NotificationListener, NotificationFilter) - Method in JmxHelper
    removePolicies(Collection) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    Removes the entities with the given ids.
    removePolicy(Policy) - Method in AbstractEntity
    removePolicy(Policy) - Method in Entity
    Removes the given policy from this entity.
    removeProducer(Entity) - Method in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
    removeRegion(String) - Method in DynamicRegionsFabric
    removeRegion(String) - Method in DynamicRegionsFabricImpl
    removeSensor(Sensor) - Method in EntityDynamicType
    Removes the named Sensor from this entity.
    removeSensor(String) - Method in EntityTypes.ImmutableEntityType
    removeServerPoolMember(Entity) - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    removeServerPoolMember(Entity) - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    removeShutdownHook(Thread) - Method in ResourceUtils
    removeTargetHost(Entity, boolean) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    remove if host removed
    removeTaskQueueingContext() - Method in DynamicTasks
    renameKey(Object, Object) - Method in MutableMap.Builder
    moves the value stored under oldKey to newKey, if there was such a value
    RendererHints - Class in brooklyn.config.render
    registry of hints for displaying items such as sensors, e.g. in the web console
    RendererHints.Hint - Class in brooklyn.config.render
    abstract superclass (marker) for 'hints'
    RendererHints.NamedAction - Interface in brooklyn.config.render
    RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl - Class in brooklyn.config.render
    this hint describes a named action possible on something, e.g. a sensor; currently used in web client to show actions on sensors
    RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl(String, Function) - Constructor in RendererHints.NamedActionWithUrl
    repeat(Callable) - Method in Repeater
    Sets the main body of the loop.
    repeat(String, int) - Method in Strings
    returns base repeated count times
    Repeater - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
    Simple DSL to repeat a fragment of code periodically until a condition is satisfied.
    Repeater(Map, String) - Constructor in Repeater
    Construct a new instance of Repeater.
    replace(Object, Object, Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    REPLACE_MEMBER - Field in DynamicCluster
    REPLACE_RESOLV_CONF - Field in BindDnsServer
    replaceAll(String, String, String) - Method in Strings
    NON-REGEX replaceAll - replaces all instances in source, of the given pattern, with the given replacement (not interpreting any arguments as regular expressions)
    replaceAllNonRegex(String, String, String) - Method in Strings
    NON-REGEX replacement -- explicit method name for reabaility, doing same as Strings.replaceAll
    replaceAllRegex(String, String, String) - Method in Strings
    REGEX replacement -- explicit method name for reabaility, doing same as String.replaceAll
    replaceMember(String) - Method in DynamicCluster
    @param memberId
    replaceMember(String) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    REPLICA_SET_ENABLED - Field in MongoDBServer
    A single server's replica set configuration *
    REPLICA_SET_MEMBER_STATUS - Field in MongoDBServer
    REPLICA_SET_NAME - Field in MongoDBReplicaSet
    REPLICA_SET_NAME - Field in MongoDBServer
    REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY - Field in MongoDBServer
    REPLICA_SET_PRIMARY_NAME - Field in MongoDBServer
    REPLICA_SET_SECONDARY - Field in MongoDBServer
    ReplicaSetConfig - Class in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    Simplifies the creation of configuration objects for Mongo DB replica sets.
    ReplicaSetConfig(String, BasicBSONList) - Constructor in ReplicaSetConfig
    ReplicaSetMemberStatus - Enum in brooklyn.entity.nosql.mongodb
    @see Replica set status reference
    REPLICATION_INTERVAL - Field in RubyRepNode
    REQUEST_COUNT_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
    REQUEST_COUNT_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppFabric
    REQUEST_COUNT - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    REQUEST_LATENCY_IN_SECONDS_IN_WINDOW - Field in HttpLatencyDetector
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    rolled-up req/second for a window, easily configured with WebAppServiceMethods.connectWebAppServerPolicies
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_LAST_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_LAST_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppFabric
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_LAST - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    req/second computed from the delta of the last request count and an associated timestamp
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    @deprecated since 0.5.0, use REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_LAST
    REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_WINDOW_PERIOD - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    @deprecated since 0.6.0, callers configure with easily configured with WebAppServiceMethods.connectWebAppServerPolicies
    require(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
    as require(String, String, int) but returning the original exit code
    REQUIRE_HTTPS - Field in BrooklynGlobalConfig
    requireExecutable(String) - Method in BashCommands
    fails with nice error if the given file does not exist
    requireExitCodeZero - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    requireFile(String) - Method in BashCommands
    fails with nice error if the given file does not exist
    requirePidFromFileRunning(String) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
    task which fails if the pid in the given file is not running (or if there is no such PID file); method accepts wildcards so long as they match a single file on the remote end (fails if 0 or 2+ matching files)
    requirePidRunning(Integer) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
    task which fails if the given PID is not running
    requireResultCode(Predicate) - Method in ScriptHelper
    requiresAlwaysPublicIp() - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
    Some clouds (e.g.
    requireTest(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
    as requireTest(String, String, int) but returning the original exit code
    requiringExitCodeZero(String) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    requiringExitCodeZero(String) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    requiringZeroAndReturningStdout() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    requiringZeroAndReturningStdout() - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    requiringZeroAndReturningStdout() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
    requiringZeroAndReturningStdout() - Method in PlainSshExecTaskFactory
    requiringZeroAndReturningStdout() - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    requiringZeroAndReturningStdout() - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorTaskFactory
    rescanEntities() - Method in DynamicGroup
    rescans _all_ entities to determine whether they match the filter
    rescanEntities() - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    reset() - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    Unsubscribes from the group.
    reset() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
    reset(BrooklynMemento) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    reset() - Method in ReaderInputStream
    Resets the StringReader.
    reset(List) - Method in ScriptPart
    resetBlockingDetails() - Method in BasicTask
    resetBlockingDetails() - Method in ForwardingTask
    resetBlockingDetails() - Method in TaskInternal
    resetBlockingDetails() - Method in Tasks
    resetBlockingTask() - Method in BasicTask
    resetBlockingTask() - Method in ForwardingTask
    resetBlockingTask() - Method in TaskInternal
    resetBlockingTask() - Method in Tasks
    resetCounts() - Method in WebAppMonitor
    resetServerPoolMemberTrackerPolicy() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    resetServerPoolMemberTrackerPolicy() - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    Resizable - Interface in brooklyn.entity.trait
    Defines an entity group that can be re-sized dynamically.
    resize(Integer) - Method in BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl
    resize(Integer) - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
    resize(Integer) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    resize(Integer) - Method in FollowTheSunPoolImpl
    resize(Integer) - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
    resize(Integer) - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
    Ignore attempts to resize the replica set to an even number of entities to avoid having to introduce arbiters.
    RESIZE_OPERATOR - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    RESIZE - Field in Resizable
    resize(Entity, Integer) - Method in ResizeOperator
    Resizes the given entity to the desired size, if possible.
    RESIZE_UP_STABILIZATION_DELAY - Field in AutoScalerPolicy
    resized(int) - Method in BitList
    creates a new instance with the given length, either reducing the list or padding it with 0's (at the end, in both cases)
    resizeDownStabilizationDelay(long) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    ResizeOperator - Interface in brooklyn.policy.autoscaling
    resizeOperator(ResizeOperator) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    resizeUpStabilizationDelay(long) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    RESOLV_CONF_TEMPLATE - Field in BindDnsServer
    resolve(LocationDefinition) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
    resolve(Class, String) - Method in EnumCaseForgivingConverter
    resolve(String) - Method in JcloudsResolver
    @deprecated since 0.5; use resolveWithDefaultProperties(String)
    resolve(Iterable) - Method in LocationRegistry
    As resolve(String) but works with a collection of location specs.
    resolve(String) - Method in Networking
    resolves the given hostname to an IP address, returning null if unresolvable or if the resolution is bogus (eg 169.* subnet or a "catch-all" IP resolution supplied by some miscreant DNS services)
    resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in Serializers.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream
    resolveClasspathUrl(Object, String) - Method in JavaClassNames
    returns a "classpath:" URL given a context object and a file to be found in that directory or a sub-directory (ignoring the context object if the given path is absolute, i.e. starting with "/" or "protocol:") e.g.
    resolveIfPossible(String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
    resolveIfPossible(String) - Method in LocationRegistry
    as resolve(String) but returning null (never throwing)
    resolveLocationDefinition(LocationDefinition, Map, String) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
    resolveLocationDefinition(LocationDefinition) - Method in LocationResource
    resolveName(Object, String) - Method in JavaClassNames
    returns path relative to the package of x, unless path is absolute.
    resolvers - Field in BasicLocationRegistry
    resolveValue(Object, ExecutionContext) - Method in BasicConfigKey
    resolveValue(Object, Class, ExecutionContext, String) - Method in Tasks
    attempt to resolve the given value as the given type, waiting on futures, submitting if necessary, and coercing as allowed by TypeCoercions; contextMessage (optional) will be displayed in status reports while it waits (e.g. the name of the config key being looked up)
    resolveWithDefaultProperties(String) - Method in JcloudsResolver
    @deprecated since 0.6; use managementContext.getLocationRegistry().resolve(spec)
    resolveWithProperties(String, Map) - Method in JcloudsResolver
    @deprecated since 0.6; use managementContext.getLocationRegistry().resolve(spec)
    resource - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    ResourceUtils - Class in brooklyn.util
    ResourceUtils(Object) - Constructor in ResourceUtils
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use ResourceUtils#create(Object)#create(Object)
    responseCode() - Method in HttpValueFunctions
    responseCodeEquals(int) - Method in HttpValueFunctions
    RESPONSES_4XX_COUNT - Field in Jetty6Server
    RESPONSES_5XX_COUNT - Field in Jetty6Server
    restart() - Method in AbstractApplication
    restart() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    restart() - Method in BasicStartableImpl
    restart() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
    restart() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    restart() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
    restart() - Method in EffectorStartableImpl
    restart() - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
    restart() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    default restart impl, stops processes if possible, then starts the entity again
    restart() - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
    restart() - Method in RedisClusterImpl
    restart() - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
    restart() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriver
    Performs software restart (or queues tasks to do this).
    restart() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
    restart() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    If custom behaviour is required by sub-classes, consider overriding doStop().
    RESTART - Field in Startable
    restart(EntityLocal) - Method in StartableMethods
    Common implementation for restart in parent nodes; just invokes stop on all children of the entity
    restart() - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
    restartIfRunning() - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
    RESTARTING - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    result - Field in BasicTask
    result - Field in CompoundTask
    resultCodeCheck - Field in ScriptHelper
    resume() - Method in AbstractFeed
    resumes this feed if it has been suspended and not stopped
    resume() - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    resume() - Method in AbstractPolicy
    resume() - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    resume() - Method in FollowTheSunPolicy
    resume() - Method in LoadBalancingPolicy
    resume() - Method in Policy
    Resume the policy
    retainAll(Collection) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
    rethrowException() - Method in Repeater
    If the exit condition check throws an exception, it will be recorded and the last exception will be thrown on failure.
    rethrowExceptionImmediately() - Method in Repeater
    If the repeated body or the exit condition check throws an exception, then propagate that exception immediately.
    RetryingMementoSerializer - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
    RetryingMementoSerializer(MementoSerializer, int) - Constructor in RetryingMementoSerializer
    returning(Function) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    returning(Function) - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    returning(Function) - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
    returning(Function) - Method in PlainSshExecTaskFactory
    returning(Function) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    returning(Function) - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorTaskFactory
    returningIsExitCodeZero() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    returningIsExitCodeZero() - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    returningIsExitCodeZero() - Method in KnifeTaskFactory
    returningIsExitCodeZero() - Method in PlainSshExecTaskFactory
    returningIsExitCodeZero() - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    returningIsExitCodeZero() - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorTaskFactory
    returningStdoutLoggingInfo(Logger, boolean) - Method in SshTasks
    Function for use in ProcessTaskFactory#returning(Function)#returning(Function) which logs all information, optionally requires zero exit code, and then returns stdout
    returnResultTransformation - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    null for localhost
    returnType - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    REUSABLE_SSH_PROPS - Field in SshMachineLocation
    specifies config keys where a change in the value does not require a new SshTool instance, i.e. these can be specified per command on the tool
    ReusableMachineTemplate - Class in brooklyn.location.jclouds.pool
    A facility for having a template we can declare without knowing the provider, then find matching instances, create instances, and generally manipulate them.
    ReusableMachineTemplate(String) - Constructor in ReusableMachineTemplate
    REVERSE_LOOKUP_CIDR - Field in BindDnsServer
    REVERSE_LOOKUP_DOMAIN - Field in BindDnsServer
    REVERSE_LOOKUP_NETWORK - Field in BindDnsServer
    reverse(String) - Method in Strings
    REVERSE_ZONE_FILE_TEMPLATE - Field in BindDnsServer
    reverseBitSignificance(byte) - Method in BitUtils
    returns an array of bytes where the bits in each byte have been reversed; note however the order of the arguments is not reversed; useful e.g. in working with IP address CIDR's
    reverseBitSignificanceInByte(int) - Method in BitUtils
    as reverseBitSignificance(byte) but accepting int for convenience
    reverseBitSignificanceInBytes(int) - Method in BitUtils
    as reverseBitSignificance(byte...), but taking ints for convenience (ignoring high bits)
    reversed() - Method in BitList
    REWRITES - Field in UrlMapping
    RIGHT_DATABASE_NAME - Field in RubyRepNode
    RIGHT_DATABASE - Field in RubyRepNode
    RIGHT_DATABASE_URL - Field in RubyRepNode
    RIGHT_PASSWORD - Field in RubyRepNode
    RIGHT_USERNAME - Field in RubyRepNode
    RMI_HOSTNAME_PROPERTY - Field in JmxmpAgent
    hostname to advertise, and if {@value #JMX_SERVER_ADDRESS_WILDCARD_PROPERTY} is false also the hostname/interface to bind to
    RMI_HOSTNAME_PROPERTY - Field in JmxRmiAgent
    Hostname to advertise, and if {
    #JMX_SERVER_ADDRESS_WILDCARD_PROPERTY} is false also the hostname/interface to bind to.
    RMI_JMX_URL_FORMAT - Field in JmxHelper
    RMI_PORT - Field in KarafContainer
    RMI_REGISTRY_DEFAULT_PORT - Field in JmxRmiAgent
    RMI_REGISTRY_PORT - Field in Attributes
    well-known port used by Java itself to start the RMI registry where JMX private port can be discovered; ignored if using JMXMP agent
    RMI_REGISTRY_PORT - Field in KarafContainer
    Port for RMI registry to listen on.
    RMI_REGISTRY_PORT - Field in UsesJmx
    RMI_SERVER_PORT - Field in Attributes
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use RMI_REGISTRY_PORT
    RMI_SERVER_PORT - Field in KarafContainer
    RMI_SERVER_PORT - Field in UsesJmx
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use RMI_REGISTRY_PORT
    ROLE - Field in WhirrInstance
    ROLE - Field in WhirrInstanceImpl
    ROLE - Field in WhirrRole
    RollingMeanEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher
    Transforms a sensor into a rolling average based on a fixed window size.
    RollingMeanEnricher(Entity, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, int) - Constructor in RollingMeanEnricher
    RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher
    Transforms Sensor data into a rolling average based on a time window.
    RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher.ConfidenceQualifiedNumber - Class in brooklyn.enricher
    RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher.ConfidenceQualifiedNumber(Double, double) - Constructor in RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher.ConfidenceQualifiedNumber
    RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher(Entity, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, long) - Method in RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use Duration parameter rather than long with millis
    rollup(int, TimeUnit) - Method in HttpLatencyDetector.Builder
    see rollup(Duration)
    rollupOff() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector.Builder
    specifies that a rolled-up average should _not_ be calculated and emitted (defaults to true)
    ROOT_ALIASES - Field in JcloudsLocation
    these userNames are known to be the preferred/required logins in some common/default images where root@ is not allowed to log in
    root - Field in Jsonya.Navigator
    ROOT_URL - Field in GeoscalingDnsService
    ROOT_URL - Field in LoadBalancer
    ROOT_URL - Field in RootUrl
    ROOT_URL - Field in UrlMapping
    ROOT_URL - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    ROOT_URL - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
    ROOT_USERNAME - Field in JcloudsLocation
    ROOT_WAR - Field in JavaWebAppService
    roundFromMillis(long, long) - Method in Time
    RubyRepDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.rubyrep
    The SoftwareProcessDriver for PostgreSQL.
    RubyRepNode - Interface in brooklyn.entity.database.rubyrep
    RubyRepNodeImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.rubyrep
    RubyRepSshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.database.rubyrep
    RubyRepSshDriver(EntityLocal, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in RubyRepSshDriver
    RUN_AS_ROOT - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    run() - Method in ExecUtils.StreamGobbler
    run(ConfigBag) - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
    run() - Method in Repeater
    Run the loop.
    run(Map, List, Map) - Method in SshMachineLocation
    in 0.6.0,
    @see execCommand and execScript
    run() - Method in StreamGobbler
    run(ConfigBag) - Method in SystemProcessTaskFactory.SystemProcessTaskWrapper
    run() - Method in WebAppMonitor
    runAsCommand() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    runAsCommand() - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    runAsRoot() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    runAsRoot() - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    runAsRoot - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    runAsScript() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    runAsScript() - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    runAsScript - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    runAtEntity(Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    runAtEntity(Entity, Effector, Map) - Method in LocalManagementContext
    runChef(String, String, Boolean) - Method in ChefSoloTasks
    see ChefConfig#CHEF_RUN_CONVERGE_TWICE#CHEF_RUN_CONVERGE_TWICE for background on why 'twice' is available
    runChef(String, String) - Method in ChefTasks
    runCount - Field in ScheduledTask
    runJobs() - Method in CompoundTask
    return value needs to be specified by subclass; subclass should also setBlockingDetails
    runJobs() - Method in ParallelTask
    runJobs() - Method in SequentialTask
    runList - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    runListeners() - Method in BasicTask
    runListeners() - Method in ForwardingTask
    runListeners() - Method in TaskInternal
    runner - Field in ScriptHelper
    RUNNING - Field in DynamicGroup
    runScriptOnNode(ComputeService, NodeMetadata, Statement, String) - Method in JcloudsUtil
    @throws RunScriptOnNodesException
    RUNTIME_FILES - Field in QpidBroker
    Files to be copied to the server, map of "subpath/": "classpath://foo/file.txt" (or other url)
    RUNTIME_TEMPLATES - Field in QpidBroker
    Templates to be filled in and then copied to the server.
    RuntimeInterruptedException - Class in brooklyn.util.exceptions
    A java.lang.RuntimeException that is thrown when a Thread is interrupted.
    RuntimeInterruptedException(String, InterruptedException) - Constructor in RuntimeInterruptedException
    runTwice - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    runWordCountWithArgs(Configuration, String) - Method in HadoopWordCount


    s(int) - Method in Strings
    returns "s" if the argument is not 1, empty string otherwise; useful when constructing plurals
    sameInstance(Effector, Effector) - Method in Effectors
    SameServerEntity - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
    An entity that, on start(MachineProvisioningLocation), will obtain a machine and pass that to each of its children by calling their Startable.start methods with that machine.
    SameServerEntityImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
    sameSignature(Effector, Effector) - Method in Effectors
    SampleMain - Class in com.acme.sample.brooklyn
    sanitize(String) - Method in CloudMachineNamer
    sanitize(Map) - Method in Entities
    saveIptablesRules() - Method in IptablesCommands
    Returns the command that saves on disk iptables rules, to make them resilient to reboot.
    SCALAR - Field in JmxConstants
    A set of all scalars that can be used in the TYPE property of a PROPERTIES_TYPE.
    scheduleAtFixedRate(Callable, PollHandler, long) - Method in Poller
    ScheduledTask - Class in brooklyn.util.task
    ScheduledTask(Map, Callable) - Constructor in ScheduledTask
    scheduleWith(Map, Task) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    SCHEMA_VERSION_COUNT - Field in CassandraCluster
    SCP_EXECUTABLE - Field in SshMachineLocation
    scpExecutable(String) - Method in SshCliTool.Builder
    SCRIPT_DIR - Field in SshMachineLocation
    script - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    SCRIPT - Field in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl.ExecuteScriptEffectorBody
    ScriptApi - Interface in
    ScriptExecutionSummary - Class in
    ScriptExecutionSummary(Object, String, String, String) - Constructor in ScriptExecutionSummary
    ScriptHelper - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle
    ScriptHelper(NaiveScriptRunner, String) - Constructor in ScriptHelper
    ScriptPart - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle
    ScriptPart(ScriptHelper) - Constructor in ScriptPart
    ScriptResource - Class in
    ScriptRunner - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic.lifecycle
    @deprecated in 0.6.0, see NaiveScriptRunner from software-base project
    seal() - Method in ConfigBag
    makes this config bag immutable; any attempts to change subsequently (apart from marking fields as used) will throw an exception
    searchForEntityNamed(Entity, String) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
    walks the hierarchy (depth-first) at root (often an Application) looking for an entity matching the given ID or name; returns the first such entity, or null if none found
    searchLog(File, String, Set) - Method in MonitorUtils
    Find lines in the given file that match given given regex.
    SECONDARIES - Field in MongoDBReplicaSet
    secondaryJobsAll - Field in DynamicSequentialTask
    secondaryJobsRemaining - Field in DynamicSequentialTask
    seconds(Number) - Method in Duration
    creates new Duration instance of the given length of time
    SecureKeys - Class in brooklyn.util.crypto
    Utility methods for generating and working with keys
    SECURITY_GROUPS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    SECURITY_PROVIDER_CLASSNAME - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
    e.g. will allow anyone to log in; default is explicitly named users, using SECURITY_PROVIDER_EXPLICIT__USERS
    SECURITY_PROVIDER_EXPLICIT__PASSWORD(String) - Method in BrooklynWebConfig
    @deprecated since 0.6.0; use #PASSWORD_FOR_USER
    SECURITY_PROVIDER_EXPLICIT__USERS - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
    @deprecated since 0.6.0; use #USERS
    SecurityProvider - Interface in
    The SecurityProvider is responsible for doing authentication.
    SEED_SUPPLIER - Field in CassandraCluster
    seedTracker - Field in CassandraClusterImpl
    self() - Method in AbstractMemento.Builder
    self() - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    self() - Method in BasicEntitySpec
    self() - Method in FeedConfig
    self() - Method in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    self() - Method in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    self() - Method in SshFetchTaskFactory
    self() - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
    selfsign() - Method in FluentKeySigner
    SemaphoreWithOwners - Class in brooklyn.util.mutex
    a subclass of Semaphore which requires the same thread to release as created it, and which tracks who created and released the semaphores
    SemaphoreWithOwners(String, int, boolean) - Constructor in SemaphoreWithOwners
    sendRequest(HttpUriRequest, boolean) - Method in GeoscalingWebClient
    sendSms(String, String) - Method in Sms
    @param receiver International number to reciever without leading "+"
    Sensor - Interface in brooklyn.event
    The interface implemented by concrete sensors.
    SENSOR_ADDED - Field in AbstractEntity
    SENSOR_REMOVED - Field in AbstractEntity
    sensor - Field in Subscription
    SensorApi - Interface in
    SensorEvent - Interface in brooklyn.event
    A tuple representing a piece of data from a Sensor on an Entity.
    SensorEventListener - Interface in brooklyn.event
    A listener for SensorEvents on an Entity.
    SensorPropagatingEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
    an enricher policy which just listens for the target sensor(s) on a child entity and passes it up
    SensorPropagatingEnricher(Entity, Map) - Constructor in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    SensorResource - Class in
    Sensors - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    SensorSummary - Class in
    SensorSummary(String, String, String, Map) - Constructor in SensorSummary
    sensorSummary(Entity, Sensor) - Method in SensorTransformer
    sensorSummaryForCatalog(Sensor) - Method in SensorTransformer
    SensorTransformer - Class in
    SensorTransformingEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher.basic
    SensorTransformingEnricher(Sensor, Sensor, Closure) - Constructor in SensorTransformingEnricher
    separator - Field in StringShortener
    sequential(String, TaskFactory) - Method in Tasks
    SequentialTask - Class in brooklyn.util.task
    runs tasks in order, waiting for one to finish before starting the next; return value here is TBD; (currently is all the return values of individual tasks, but we might want some pipeline support and eventually only to return final value...)
    SequentialTask(Collection) - Constructor in SequentialTask
    serialize(Object) - Method in LanguageUtils
    serialize(Object, Writer) - Method in XmlMementoSerializer
    serialize(Object, Writer) - Method in XmlSerializer
    SerializeHelloWorldHadoopJar - Class in brooklyn.demo.webapp.hello
    The remote hadoop needs access to a jar file containing the code.
    Serializers - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    Serializers.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    Follows pattern in
    Serializers.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Constructor in Serializers.ClassLoaderObjectInputStream
    serialNumber - Field in FluentKeySigner
    server - Field in BrooklynWebServer
    SERVER_POOL - Field in LoadBalancer
    SERVER_POOL_TARGETS - Field in LoadBalancer
    SERVER_TYPE - Field in JBoss6SshDriver
    SERVER_TYPE - Field in JBoss7SshDriver
    serverPoolAddresses - Field in AbstractControllerImpl
    serverPoolAddresses - Field in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    serverPoolMemberTrackerPolicy - Field in AbstractControllerImpl
    serverPoolMemberTrackerPolicy - Field in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    serverPoolTargets - Field in AbstractControllerImpl
    serverPoolTargets - Field in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    SERVICE_STATE - Field in AbstractGeoDnsService
    SERVICE_STATE - Field in Attributes
    SERVICE_STATE - Field in DynamicCluster
    SERVICE_STATE - Field in DynamicFabric
    SERVICE_STATE - Field in SameServerEntity
    SERVICE_STATE - Field in SoftwareProcess
    SERVICE_UP - Field in AbstractGeoDnsService
    SERVICE_UP - Field in Attributes
    SERVICE_UP_JMX - Field in CassandraNode
    SERVICE_UP - Field in Startable
    ServiceFailureDetector - Class in brooklyn.policy.ha
    attaches to a SoftwareProcess (or anything emitting SERVICE_UP and SERVICE_STATE) and emits HASensors.ENTITY_FAILED and ENTITY_RECOVERED as appropriate
    ServiceFailureDetector(ConfigBag) - Constructor in ServiceFailureDetector
    serviceIsUp - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
    serviceLastUp - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
    serviceName - Field in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    ServiceReplacer - Class in brooklyn.policy.ha
    attaches to a DynamicCluster and replaces a failed member in response to HASensors.ENTITY_FAILED or other sensor; if this fails, it sets the Cluster state to on-fire
    ServiceReplacer(Sensor) - Constructor in ServiceReplacer
    ServiceRestarter - Class in brooklyn.policy.ha
    attaches to a SoftwareProcess (or anything Startable, emitting ENTITY_FAILED or other configurable sensor), and invokes restart on failure; if there is a subsequent failure within a configurable time interval, or if the restart fails, this gives up and emits ENTITY_RESTART_FAILED
    ServiceRestarter(Sensor) - Constructor in ServiceRestarter
    serviceState - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
    sessionTimeout - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    sessionTimeout - Field in SshjTool.Builder
    set(Object) - Method in BackedReference
    set(Object) - Method in BasicReference
    set(Collection) - Method in ListConfigKey.ListModifications
    when passed as a value to a ListConfigKey, causes the list to be cleared and these items added
    set(Map) - Method in MapConfigKey.MapModifications
    when passed as a value to a MapConfigKey, causes the map to be cleared and these items added
    SET_ON_FIRE_ON_FAILURE - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
    SET_ON_FIRE_ON_FAILURE - Field in ServiceReplacer
    SET_ON_FIRE_ON_FAILURE - Field in ServiceRestarter
    set(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigApi
    set(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in PolicyConfigResource
    set(Object) - Method in Reference
    set(Collection) - Method in SetConfigKey.SetModifications
    when passed as a value to a SetConfigKey, causes the set to be cleared and these items added
    setAllConfigKeys(Configurable, ConfigBag) - Method in FlagUtils
    sets _all_ accessible _ConfigKey_ and HasConfigKey fields on the given object, using the indicated flags/config-bag
    setApplication(Application) - Method in AbstractApplication
    setApplication(Application) - Method in AbstractEntity
    @deprecated since 0.4.0 should not be needed / leaked outwith brooklyn internals / mgmt support?
    setAttribute(AttributeSensorAndConfigKey) - Method in AbstractEntity
    sets the value of the given attribute sensor from the config key value herein if the attribtue sensor is not-set or null
    setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies an attribute passed to deployed webapps (in addition to BrooklynServiceAttributes#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT
    setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    Specifies an attribute passed to deployed webapps (in addition to BrooklynServiceAttributes#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT
    setAttribute(AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in EntityLocal
    Sets the Sensor data for the given attribute to the specified value.
    setAttribute(ObjectName, String, Object) - Method in JmxHelper
    setAttributeWithoutPublishing(AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in AbstractEntity
    setAttributeWithoutPublishing(AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in EntityInternal
    Like EntityLocal#setAttribute(AttributeSensor, Object)#setAttribute(AttributeSensor, Object), except does not publish an attribute-change event.
    setBaseClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    See getBaseClassLoader().
    setBaseClassPathForScanning(Iterable) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    Optional mechanism for setting the classpath which should be scanned by the catalog, if the catalog is scanning the default classpath.
    setBaseClassPathForScanning(Iterable) - Method in ManagementContextInternal
    setBaseClassPathForScanning(Iterable) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    setBindAddress(InetAddress) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    InetAddress to which server should bind; defaults to (although common call path is to set to when security is not set)
    setBlacklist(MachineSet) - Method in MachinePool
    replaces the blacklist set; callers should generally perform a refresh() afterwards, to trigger re-detection of blacklisted machines
    setBlockingDetails(String) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    convenience for setting "blocking details" on any task where the current thread is running; typically invoked prior to a wait, for transparency to a user; then invoked with 'null' just after the wait
    setBlockingDetails(String) - Method in BasicTask
    allows a task user to specify why a task is blocked; for use immediately before a blocking/wait, and typically cleared immediately afterwards; referenced by management api to inspect a task which is blocking
    setBlockingDetails(String) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setBlockingDetails(String) - Method in TaskInternal
    allows a task user to specify why a task is blocked; for use immediately before a blocking/wait, and typically cleared immediately afterwards; referenced by management api to inspect a task which is blocking
    setBlockingDetails(String) - Method in Tasks
    convenience for setting "blocking details" on any task where the current thread is running; typically invoked prior to a wait, for transparency to a user; then invoked with 'null' just after the wait
    setBlockingTask(Task) - Method in BasicTask
    setBlockingTask(Task) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setBlockingTask(Task) - Method in TaskInternal
    setBlockingTask(Task) - Method in Tasks
    setBreak() - Method in UrlRewriteRule
    setBrokerUrl() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
    setBrokerUrl() - Method in JMSBrokerImpl
    setBrokerUrl() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
    Use the zookeeper details if available, otherwise use our own host and port.
    setBrokerUrl() - Method in MessageBroker
    Setup the URL for external connections to the broker.
    setBrokerUrl() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
    setBrokerUrl() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
    setBytesPerMetricUnit(int) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    setCertificateDestination(String) - Method in ProxySslConfig
    setCertificateSourceUrl(String) - Method in ProxySslConfig
    setClassifierFileNameMarker(String) - Method in MavenArtifact
    @ee classifierFileNameMarker
    setClasspathScanForEntities(CatalogScanningModes) - Method in CatalogDo
    setConfig(HasConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractConfigurableEntityFactory
    setConfig(HasConfigKey, DeferredSupplier) - Method in AbstractEntity
    setConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    setConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractLocation
    setConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigMapImpl
    setConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in Configurable
    returns the old value, or null if there was not one
    setConfig(HasConfigKey, Object) - Method in ConfigurableEntityFactory
    setConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in Enricher
    setConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in EntityConfigMap
    setConfig(HasConfigKey, Task) - Method in EntityLocal
    setConfig(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in Policy
    setConfigEvenIfOwned(HasConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractEntity
    setConfigIfValNonNull(HasConfigKey, Object) - Method in AbstractEntity
    SetConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    A config key representing a list of values.
    SetConfigKey.SetModification - Interface in brooklyn.event.basic
    SetConfigKey.SetModificationBase - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    SetConfigKey.SetModificationBase(Collection, boolean) - Constructor in SetConfigKey.SetModificationBase
    SetConfigKey.SetModifications - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    SetConfigKey(Class, String, String, Set) - Constructor in SetConfigKey
    setConfigKeysFromFlags(Map, Configurable) - Method in FlagUtils
    @deprecated since 0.5.0 use setAllConfigKeys
    setContainers(Group) - Method in ItemsInContainersGroup
    setContainers(Group) - Method in ItemsInContainersGroupImpl
    setContents(Group, Group) - Method in BalanceableWorkerPool
    setContents(Group, Group) - Method in BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl
    setContents(Group, Group) - Method in FollowTheSunPool
    setContents(Group, Group) - Method in FollowTheSunPoolImpl
    setCreationString(ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    attaches a string describing where something is being created (provider, region/location and/or endpoint, callerContext)
    setCustomFields(Map) - Method in AbstractMemento
    setCustomFields(Map) - Method in AbstractTreeNodeMemento
    setCustomFields(Map) - Method in BasicPolicyMemento
    setCustomFileNameAfterArtifactMarker(String) - Method in MavenArtifact
    @see #customFileNameAfterArtifactMarker
    setDefaultImageId(String) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    setDelayMillis(long) - Method in WebAppMonitor
    setDelegate(AbstractSubscriptionManager) - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    setDescription(String) - Method in ConfigBag
    setDescription(String) - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    setDisplayName(String) - Method in AbstractEntity
    setDisplayName(String) - Method in EntityLocal
    Sets the entity's display name.
    setEndTimeUtc(long) - Method in BasicTask
    setEndTimeUtc(long) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setEndTimeUtc(long) - Method in TaskInternal
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in AbstractCombiningEnricher
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in AbstractTypeTransformingEnricher
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in AddingEnricher
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in FollowTheSunPolicy
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in LoadBalancingPolicy
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in MemberFailureDetectionPolicy
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in SensorPropagatingEnricher
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in ServiceFailureDetector
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in ServiceReplacer
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in ServiceRestarter
    setEntity(EntityLocal) - Method in SinusoidalLoadGenerator
    setEntityFilter(Closure) - Method in DynamicGroup
    see setEntityFilter(Predicate)
    setEntityFilter(Closure) - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    setEntityManagementAllowed(boolean) - Method in AccessManager
    setEntityManagementAllowed(boolean) - Method in LocalAccessManager
    setEntityManagementAllowed(boolean) - Method in NonDeploymentAccessManager
    setExtraStatusDetails(String) - Method in Tasks
    sets extra status details on the current task, if possible (otherwise does nothing).
    setExtraStatusText(Object) - Method in BasicTask
    setExtraStatusText(Object) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setExtraStatusText(Object) - Method in TaskInternal
    setFactory(EntityFactory) - Method in DynamicCluster
    setFactory(EntityFactory) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    setFactory(EntityFactory) - Method in DynamicFabric
    setFactory(EntityFactory) - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
    setField(Object, Field, Object, SetFromFlag) - Method in FlagUtils
    sets the field to the value, after checking whether the given value can be set respecting the constraints of the annotation
    setFieldFromFlag(Object, String, Object) - Method in FlagUtils
    Sets the field with the given flag (if it exists) to the given value.
    setFieldsFromFlags(Object, ConfigBag, boolean) - Method in FlagUtils
    as setFieldsFromFlags(Object o, ConfigBag)
    setFieldsFromFlagsWithBag(Object, Map, ConfigBag, boolean) - Method in FlagUtils
    as setFieldsFromFlags(Object o, ConfigBag), but specifying a subset of flags to use
    setFieldsFromMap(Object, Map) - Method in LanguageUtils
    setFinalizer(BasicTask.TaskFinalizer) - Method in BasicTask
    setFlag(ConfigKey, Object) - Method in ScriptHelper
    setFrom(String) - Method in UrlRewriteRule
    SetFromFlag - Annotation Type in brooklyn.util.flags
    Annotation to indicate that a variable may be set through the use of a named argument, looking for the name specified here or inferred from the annotated field/argument/object.
    setFromFlags(Map) - Method in Repeater
    setGroup(Group) - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    Sets the group to be tracked; unsubscribes from any previous group, and subscribes to this group.
    setHostGeoInfo(HostGeoInfo) - Method in AbstractLocation
    setHostname(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata, boolean) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    setHostnameUpdatingCredentials(ConfigBag, NodeMetadata) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    setId(String) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    setIfDifferent(AtomicReference, Object) - Method in AtomicReferences
    sets the atomic reference to the given value, and returns whether there is any change
    setInArray(Object, int, Object, Class) - Method in Boxing
    sets the given element in an array to the indicated value; if the type is a primitive type, the appropriate primitive method is used
    setInheritedConfig(Map) - Method in EntityConfigMap
    setJmxUrl() - Method in JmxSupport
    setJob(Callable) - Method in BasicTask
    setJob(Callable) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setJob(Callable) - Method in TaskInternal
    setKeyDestination(String) - Method in ProxySslConfig
    setKeySourceUrl(String) - Method in ProxySslConfig
    setLaunchAttribute(EntityInternal, String, Object) - Method in ChefConfigs
    replaces the attributes underneath the rootAttribute parameter with the given value; see addLaunchAttributesMap(EntitySpec, Map) for richer functionality
    setLocalConfig(Map) - Method in EntityConfigMap
    setLocationManagementAllowed(boolean) - Method in AccessManager
    setLocationManagementAllowed(boolean) - Method in LocalAccessManager
    setLocationManagementAllowed(boolean) - Method in NonDeploymentAccessManager
    setLocationProvisioningAllowed(boolean) - Method in AccessManager
    setLocationProvisioningAllowed(boolean) - Method in LocalAccessManager
    setLocationProvisioningAllowed(boolean) - Method in NonDeploymentAccessManager
    setLogPrefix(String) - Method in StreamGobbler
    setManagementContext(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in AbstractEntity
    setManagementContext(ManagementContext) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    setManagementContext(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
    setManagementContext(ManagementContext) - Method in AbstractLocation
    setManagementContext(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in EntityManagementSupport
    setManagementContext(ManagementContextInternal) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    setMaxLen(int) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    setMaxPoolSize(int) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setMembers(Collection, Predicate) - Method in AbstractGroup
    Removes any existing members that do not match the given filter, and adds those entities in the given collection that match the predicate.
    setMembers(Collection, Predicate) - Method in AbstractGroupImpl
    setMemberSpec(EntitySpec) - Method in DynamicCluster
    setMemberSpec(EntitySpec) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    setMemberSpec(EntitySpec) - Method in DynamicFabric
    setMemberSpec(EntitySpec) - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
    setMetricLowerBound(Number) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setMetricUpperBound(Number) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setMinPeriodBetweenExecs(long) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setMinPoolSize(int) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setMinTimeBetweenReconnectAttempts(int) - Method in JmxHelper
    setMode(NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentManagementContextMode) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    setName(String) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    setName(String) - Method in AbstractLocation
    setName(String) - Method in CanSetName
    setName(String) - Method in EntityDynamicType
    setName(String) - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler
    setOnException(Object) - Method in FeedConfig
    setOnFailure(Object) - Method in FeedConfig
    setOnFailureOrException(Object) - Method in FeedConfig
    setOnResult(Object) - Method in FeedConfig
    setOnSuccess(Object) - Method in FeedConfig
    setParent(Entity) - Method in AbstractApplication
    setParent(Entity) - Method in AbstractEntity
    Adds this as a child of the given entity; registers with application if necessary.
    setParent(Location) - Method in AbstractLocation
    setParent(RebindContext, EntityMemento) - Method in BasicEntityRebindSupport
    setParent(RebindContext, LocationMemento) - Method in BasicLocationRebindSupport
    setParent(Entity) - Method in Entity
    Sets the parent (i.e.
    setParent(Location) - Method in Location
    Set the 'parent' of this location.
    setParentLocation(Location) - Method in AbstractLocation
    setParentLocation(Location) - Method in Location
    @deprecated since 0.6
    setPeriodicPersistPeriod(long) - Method in RebindManagerImpl
    Must be called before setPerister()
    setPermittedPorts(Iterable) - Method in SimulatedLocation
    setPersister(BrooklynMementoPersister) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentRebindManager
    setPersister(BrooklynMementoPersister) - Method in RebindManager
    setPersister(BrooklynMementoPersister) - Method in RebindManagerImpl
    setPoolName(String) - Method in MachinePool
    setPort(Object) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    setPrecision(int) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    setPrefix(String) - Method in StreamGobbler
    setPrintPrefix(String) - Method in StreamGobbler
    setProvisioningLocation(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
    setProvisioningLocation(MachineProvisioningLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    setProxy(Entity) - Method in AbstractEntity
    setPublicFieldsFromFlags(Map, Object) - Method in FlagUtils
    see setFieldsFromFlags(Object o, ConfigBag)
    setReleaseUrlGenerator(Function) - Method in MavenRetriever
    setRemovalStrategy(Closure) - Method in DynamicCluster
    @deprecated since 0.6.0; use setRemovalStrategy(Function), along with GroovyJavaMethods#functionFromClosure(Closure)#functionFromClosure(Closure)
    setRemovalStrategy(Closure) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    setResizable(Resizable) - Method in BalanceableWorkerPool
    setResizable(Resizable) - Method in BalanceableWorkerPoolImpl
    setResizeDownStabilizationDelay(long) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setResizeUpStabilizationDelay(long) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    setReuseSessions(boolean) - Method in ProxySslConfig
    setSecurityFilter(Class) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    setServiceState(Lifecycle) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsService
    setServiceState(Lifecycle) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    setSnapshotUrlGenerator(Function) - Method in MavenRetriever
    setSslEnvFromProperties(Map, Properties) - Method in JmxmpAgent
    setStartTimeUtc(long) - Method in BasicTask
    setStartTimeUtc(long) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setStartTimeUtc(long) - Method in TaskInternal
    setSubmittedByTask(Task) - Method in BasicTask
    setSubmittedByTask(Task) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setSubmittedByTask(Task) - Method in TaskInternal
    setSubmitTimeUtc(long) - Method in BasicTask
    setSubmitTimeUtc(long) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setSubmitTimeUtc(long) - Method in TaskInternal
    setSuffixBytes(String) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    setSuffixGiga(String) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    setSuffixKilo(String) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    setSuffixMega(String) - Method in ByteSizeStrings
    setTagMapping(Map) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    setTarget(Entity) - Method in UrlMapping
    setTarget(Entity) - Method in UrlMappingImpl
    setTargetEntityProvider(Entity) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsService
    if target is a group, its members are searched; otherwise its children are searched
    setTargetEntityProvider(Entity) - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    setTargetIsSsl(boolean) - Method in ProxySslConfig
    setTaskPreprocessorForTag(Object, TaskPreprocessor) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    Defines a TaskPreprocessor to run on all subsequently submitted jobs with the given tag.
    setTaskQueueingContext(TaskQueueingContext) - Method in DynamicTasks
    setTaskSchedulerForTag(Object, TaskScheduler) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    Defines a TaskScheduler to run on all subsequently submitted jobs with the given tag.
    setThread(Thread) - Method in BasicTask
    setThread(Thread) - Method in ForwardingTask
    setThread(Thread) - Method in TaskInternal
    setThreadLocalPrintStream(OutputStream) - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream
    sets the PrintStream that callers from this thread should see; returns any previously custom PrintStream for this thread
    setTimePeriod(long) - Method in TimeWindowedList
    setTo(String) - Method in UrlRewriteRule
    setToken(String) - Method in CassandraNode
    setToken(String) - Method in CassandraNodeImpl
    setTransient(Task) - Method in BrooklynTasks
    setTransient() - Method in ScriptHelper
    indicates explicitly that the task can be safely forgotten about after it runs; useful for things like check_running which run repeatedly
    setup - Field in CloudMachineNamer
    setupLocationRegistryForTesting(ManagementContext) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
    setupMachine(Entity) - Method in WebClusterWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    setupMachine(Entity) - Method in WebFabricWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    setUrl(String) - Method in WebAppMonitor
    setValue(Object) - Method in EntityAndAttribute
    setWar(String) - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    sets the WAR to use as the root context (only if server not yet started); cf deploy("/", url)
    setWindowSize(long) - Method in SizeHistory
    setZoneFailureDetector(DynamicCluster.ZoneFailureDetector) - Method in DynamicCluster
    setZoneFailureDetector(ZoneFailureDetector) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    setZonePlacementStrategy(DynamicCluster.NodePlacementStrategy) - Method in DynamicCluster
    setZonePlacementStrategy(NodePlacementStrategy) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    Shard - Interface in brooklyn.entity.nosql
    Represents a NoSQL data shard in a DataStore.
    SHELL_ENVIRONMENT - Field in SoftwareProcess
    ShellAbstractTool - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    ShellAbstractTool() - Constructor in ShellAbstractTool
    shellEnvironment - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    shellEnvironment - Field in RabbitDestination
    ShellFeed - Class in
    Provides a feed of attribute values, by executing shell commands (on the local machine where this instance of brooklyn is running).
    ShellFeed.Builder - Class in
    ShellFeed(ShellFeed.Builder) - Method in ShellFeed
    ShellPollConfig - Class in
    ShellPollConfig(ShellPollConfig) - Constructor in ShellPollConfig
    ShellTool - Interface in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    Methods for executing things in an environment (localhost process, or ssh)
    ShellToolConfigKeysForRemote - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    @deprecated callers should use the statics defined in ShellTool
    ShellUtils - Class in brooklyn.util
    SHORT - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.Short
    shortener() - Method in Strings
    returns a configurable shortener
    shortName(Object) - Method in CloudMachineNamer
    shortName - Field in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    shouldDeleteTask(Task) - Method in BrooklynGarbageCollector
    showCaller - Field in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
    showHelp() - Method in SampleMain
    showLevel - Field in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
    showThread - Field in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
    shrink(int) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    Decreases the cluster size by the given number.
    SHUTDOWN_PORT - Field in TomcatServer
    Tomcat insists on having a port you can connect to for the sole purpose of shutting it down.
    shutdown() - Method in StreamGobbler
    @deprecate Use close() instead.
    shutdownNow() - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    shutdownNow() - Method in BrooklynGarbageCollector
    shutdownOnExit(boolean) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    signatureAlgorithm - Field in FluentKeySigner
    SimpleCassandraCluster - Class in brooklyn.demo
    simpleClassName(Object) - Method in JavaClassNames
    as simpleClassName(Class) but taking the type of the object if it is not already a class or a type-token; callers should usually do the getClass themselves, unless they aren't sure whether it is already a Class-type object
    SimpleCouchDBCluster - Class in brooklyn.demo
    CouchDB cluster.
    simpleDownloadUrlAs(List, String) - Method in BashCommands
    Same as downloadUrlAs(java.util.List, java.lang.String), except does not install curl, and does not exit on failure, and if saveAs is null it downloads it so stdout.
    SimpleMongoDBReplicaSet - Class in brooklyn.demo
    SimpleOneLineLogFormatter - Class in brooklyn.util.logging
    SimpleOneLineLogFormatter.LogFormatterWithThreadAndCaller - Class in brooklyn.util.logging
    SimpleOneLineLogFormatter.LogFormatterWithThreadAndCaller() - Constructor in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter.LogFormatterWithThreadAndCaller
    SimpleOneLineLogFormatter(boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor in SimpleOneLineLogFormatter
    SimpleRedisCluster - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Redis cluster.
    simplifyClassName(String) - Method in JavaClassNames
    as simpleClassName(Class) but taking a string rep'n of the class name, and doing best effort to simplify it (without instantiating)
    SimulatedLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    Location for use in dev/test, defining custom start/stop support, and/or tweaking the ports which are permitted to be available (using setPermittedPorts(Iterable))
    SimulatedLocation(Map) - Constructor in SimulatedLocation
    SingleMachineLocationResolver - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    SingleMachineProvisioningLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    SingleMachineProvisioningLocation(String, Map) - Constructor in SingleMachineProvisioningLocation
    SingleThreadedScheduler - Class in brooklyn.util.task
    Instances of this class ensures that Tasks execute with in-order single-threaded semantics.
    SingleWebServerExample - Class in brooklyn.demo.legacy
    This example starts one web app on 8080, waits for a keypress, then stops it.
    SingleWebServerSample - Class in
    This example starts one web app on 8080.
    SinusoidalLoadGenerator - Class in
    Periodically publishes values in the range of 0 to #amplitude.
    SinusoidalLoadGenerator(AttributeSensor, long, long, double) - Constructor in SinusoidalLoadGenerator
    size() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    size() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
    size() - Method in ConfigBag
    size() - Method in ConfigMap
    size() - Method in ConfigMapImpl
    size() - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
    size() - Method in EntityConfigMap
    size() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityCollectionReference
    size() - Method in MachineSet
    SIZE - Field in WhirrHadoopCluster
    SizeHistory - Class in brooklyn.policy.autoscaling
    Using a TimeWindowedList, tracks the recent history of values to allow a summary of those values to be obtained.
    SizeHistory.WindowSummary - Class in brooklyn.policy.autoscaling
    SizeHistory.WindowSummary(long, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor in SizeHistory.WindowSummary
    SizeHistory(long) - Method in SizeHistory
    sizeRange(int, int) - Method in AutoScalerPolicy.Builder
    sizeSupplier(Iterable) - Method in CollectionFunctionals
    sizeSupplier(ByteArrayOutputStream) - Method in Streams
    skip(long) - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
    skipIfBodyEmpty() - Method in ScriptHelper
    slaves - Field in RedisClusterImpl
    sleep(Duration) - Method in Duration
    see Time#sleep(long)#sleep(long)
    sleep(Duration) - Method in Time
    as sleep(long)
    sleep(TimeDuration) - Method in TimeExtras
    smallest() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    Sms - Class in brooklyn.demo
    SMS_RECEIVER - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
    Sms(String, String, String) - Constructor in Sms
    SMTP_PORT - Field in Attributes
    snapshotUrlGenerator - Field in MavenRetriever
    SOCKET_UID - Field in MariaDbNode
    SOCKET_UID - Field in MySqlNode
    SOCKS_SERVER - Field in WhirrHadoopCluster
    SoftwareProcess - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
    SoftwareProcessDriver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
    The EntityDriver for a SoftwareProcess.
    SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
    Thin shim delegating to driver to do start/stop/restart, wrapping as tasks, with common code pulled up to MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks for non-driver usage
    SoftwareProcessImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.basic
    An Entity representing a piece of software which can be installed, run, and controlled.
    SoftwareProcessImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in SoftwareProcessImpl
    sortConfigKeys(Set) - Method in Entities
    sortMap(Map) - Method in Entities
    sortSensors(Set) - Method in Entities
    Spec(Class) - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppCluster.Spec
    spec(Map, Class) - Method in EntitySpecs
    @deprecated use EntitySpec#create(Map, Class)#create(Map, Class)
    spec() - Method in LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation
    spec(Map, Class) - Method in LocationSpec
    @deprecated since 0.6 (added 0.6.0-M1); use create(Map, Class)
    spec() - Method in PostgreSqlSpecs
    Spec(Class) - Method in TomcatServer.Spec
    specChef() - Method in PostgreSqlSpecs
    requires knife
    specFromApplication(Application) - Method in ApplicationTransformer
    specsSeen - Field in BasicLocationRegistry
    to catch circular references
    splitPerfData - Field in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.PerfCounterValueIterator
    srand - Field in FluentKeySigner
    SSH_CONFIG_DIRECT_HEADER - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SSH_CONFIG_HOST - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SSH_CONFIG_PASSWORD - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SSH_CONFIG_PORT - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SSH_CONFIG_SCRIPT_DIR - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SSH_CONFIG_SCRIPT_HEADER - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SSH_CONFIG_USER - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SSH_ENV_MAP - Field in SshMachineLocation
    SSH_EXECUTABLE - Field in SshMachineLocation
    SSH_HOST - Field in SshMachineLocation
    SSH_IO - Field in BrooklynLogging
    SSH_PORT - Field in Attributes
    SSH_PORT - Field in SshMachineLocation
    ssh(String) - Method in SshEffectorTasks
    ssh(String) - Method in SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorBody
    convenience for generating an PlainSshExecTaskFactory which can be further customised if desired, and then (it must be explicitly) queued
    SSH_TOOL_CLASS - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SshAbstractTool - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    SshAbstractTool.SshAction - Interface in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    SshAbstractTool(SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder) - Method in SshAbstractTool
    SshCliTool - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.cli
    For ssh and scp commands, delegating to system calls.
    SshCliTool.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.cli
    SshCliTool(Map) - Method in SshCliTool
    SSHCONFIG_PREFIX - Field in SshMachineLocation
    any property that should be passed as ssh config (connection-time) can be prefixed with this and . and will be passed through (with the prefix removed), e.g.
    SshEffectorTasks - Class in
    convenience classes and methods for working with SshTasks, where the SshMachineLocation is inferred either from the effector generation or the context task
    SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorBody - Class in
    like EffectorBody but providing conveniences when in a SoftwareProcess (or other entity with a single machine location)
    SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorTaskFactory - Class in
    variant of PlainSshExecTaskFactory which fulfills the EffectorTaskFactory signature so can be used directly as an impl for an effector, also injects the machine automatically; can also be used outwith effector contexts, and machine is still injected if it is run from inside a task at an entity with a single SshMachineLocation
    SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in SshEffectorTasks.SshEffectorTaskFactory
    SshEffectorTasks.SshFetchEffectorTaskFactory - Class in
    SshEffectorTasks.SshFetchEffectorTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in SshEffectorTasks.SshFetchEffectorTaskFactory
    SshEffectorTasks.SshPutEffectorTaskFactory - Class in
    SshEffectorTasks.SshPutEffectorTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in SshEffectorTasks.SshPutEffectorTaskFactory
    SshException - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    SshException(String, Throwable) - Constructor in SshException
    sshExecutable(String) - Method in SshCliTool.Builder
    SshFeed - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.ssh
    Provides a feed of attribute values, by polling over ssh.
    SshFeed.Builder - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.ssh
    SshFeed(SshFeed.Builder) - Method in SshFeed
    SshFetchTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh
    SshFetchTaskFactory(SshMachineLocation, String) - Constructor in SshFetchTaskFactory
    convenience constructor to supply machine immediately
    SshFetchTaskWrapper - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh
    As ProcessTaskWrapper, but putting a file on the remote machine
    SshjClientConnection - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.sshj
    based on code from jclouds
    SshjClientConnection.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.sshj
    SshjTool - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.sshj
    For ssh and scp-style commands, using the sshj library.
    SshjTool.Builder - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.sshj
    SshjTool.SshjToolBuilder - Class in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh.sshj
    SshjTool(SshjTool.Builder) - Method in SshjTool
    SshMachineLocation - Class in brooklyn.location.basic
    Operations on a machine that is accessible via ssh.
    SshMachineLocation(Map) - Constructor in SshMachineLocation
    SshPollConfig - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.ssh
    SshPollConfig(SshPollConfig) - Constructor in SshPollConfig
    SshPollValue - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.ssh
    SshPollValue(SshMachineLocation, int, String, String) - Constructor in SshPollValue
    SshPutTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh
    SshPutTaskFactory(SshMachineLocation, String) - Constructor in SshPutTaskFactory
    convenience constructor to supply machine immediately
    SshPutTaskStub - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh
    SshPutTaskStub(SshPutTaskStub) - Constructor in SshPutTaskStub
    SshPutTaskWrapper - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh
    As ProcessTaskWrapper, but putting a file on the remote machine
    sshRetries(int) - Method in SshjTool.Builder
    sshRetriesTimeout(int) - Method in SshjTool.Builder
    sshRetryDelay - Field in SshjTool.Builder
    SshTasks - Class in brooklyn.util.task.ssh
    Conveniences for generating Task instances to perform SSH activities on an SshMachineLocation.
    SshTool - Interface in brooklyn.util.internal.ssh
    Defines the methods available on the various different implementations of SSH, and configuration options which are also generally available.
    sshTries - Field in SshjTool
    sshTries - Field in SshjTool.Builder
    sshTriesTimeout - Field in SshjTool
    sshTriesTimeout - Field in SshjTool.Builder
    SshValueFunctions - Class in brooklyn.event.feed.ssh
    SSL_CONFIG - Field in AbstractController
    SSL_CONFIG - Field in UrlMapping
    SSL_GOSSIP_PORT - Field in CassandraNode
    SslTrustUtils - Class in brooklyn.util.crypto
    SslTrustUtils.DelegatingTrustManager - Class in brooklyn.util.crypto
    SslTrustUtils.DelegatingTrustManager(X509TrustManager) - Constructor in SslTrustUtils.DelegatingTrustManager
    stableForGrowth - Field in SizeHistory.WindowSummary
    true if, since that max value, there have not been any higher values
    stableForShrinking - Field in SizeHistory.WindowSummary
    true if, since that low value, there have not been any lower values
    StackTraceSimplifier - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    Utility class for cleaning up stacktraces.
    StackTraceSimplifier(boolean, String) - Constructor in StackTraceSimplifier
    StandaloneQpidBrokerExample - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Qpid Broker Application
    start(Collection) - Method in AbstractApplication
    Default start will start all Startable children (child.start(Collection
    start() - Method in AbstractFeed
    start(Collection) - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    start() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    Start the entity.
    start(BundleContext) - Method in Activator
    start(Collection) - Method in BasicStartableImpl
    start() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Starts the web server (with web console) and Brooklyn applications, as per the specifications configured.
    start(ReusableMachineTemplate, Startable) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
    @see #start(ReusableMachineTemplate, List)
    start(Application, ApplicationSpec) - Method in BrooklynRestResourceUtils
    start() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    Starts the embedded web application server.
    start(Collection) - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in CouchDBClusterImpl
    start() - Method in CountdownTimer
    starts the timer, either initially or if pause()d; no-op if already running
    start(Collection) - Method in CumulusRDFApplication
    Controls the startup locations for the webapp and the cassandra fabric.
    start(Collection) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in EffectorStartableImpl
    start(Entity, Collection) - Method in Entities
    convenience for starting an entity, esp a new Startable instance which has been created dynamically (after the application is started)
    start() - Method in JavaSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    start(Collection) - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
    START_LATCH - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    Intention is to use this with DependentConfiguration.attributeWhenReady, to allow an entity's start to block until dependents are ready.
    START_LATCH - Field in SoftwareProcess
    start(Collection) - Method in LoadBalancerClusterImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    runs the tasks needed to start, wrapped by setting Attributes#SERVICE_STATE#SERVICE_STATE appropriately
    start(Collection) - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
    start(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyApi
    start(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyResource
    start() - Method in Poller
    start(Collection) - Method in RedisClusterImpl
    start(Collection) - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
    start() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriver
    Performs software start (or queues tasks to do this)
    start(Collection) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    If custom behaviour is required by sub-classes, consider overriding doStart().
    START - Field in Startable
    start(EntityLocal, Collection) - Method in StartableMethods
    Common implementation for start in parent nodes; just invokes start on all children of the entity
    START_TIME - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in ActiveMQBroker
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in CassandraNode
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in Jetty6Server
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in KafkaBroker
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in KafkaCluster
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in KafkaZookeeper
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in SoftwareProcess
    START_TIMEOUT - Field in TomcatServer
    start(Collection) - Method in WebClusterWithHadoopExample
    start() - Method in WebClusterWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    start(Collection) - Method in WebFabricWithHadoopExample
    start() - Method in WebFabricWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    start(Collection) - Method in WhirrCluster
    Apache Whirr can only start and manage a cluster in a single location
    start(Collection) - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
    Apache Whirr can only start and manage a cluster in a single location
    start(Collection) - Method in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
    Startable - Interface in brooklyn.entity.trait
    This interface describes an Entity that can be started and stopped.
    StartableApplication - Interface in brooklyn.entity.basic
    StartableMethods - Class in brooklyn.entity.trait
    startDelegatingForPublishing() - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    startDelegatingForSubscribing() - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    startingWith(String) - Method in ConfigPredicates
    startInLocation(Location) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    dispatches to the appropriate method(s) to start in the given location
    startInLocation(OpenshiftLocation) - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
    startInLocation(MachineLocation) - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
    startInLocation(MachineLocation) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use/override method in SoftwareProcessDriverStartEffectorTask
    startInLocation(JcloudsLocation) - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
    Start a cluster as specified in the recipe in a given location
    startInLocations(Collection) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    asserts there is a single location and calls startInLocation(Location) with that location
    startJmxmpConnector(Properties) - Method in JmxmpAgent
    startManagement(Application, BrooklynProperties) - Method in Entities
    Starts managing the given (unmanaged) app, setting the given brooklyn properties on the new management context.
    startProcessesAtMachine(Supplier) - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    startProcessesAtMachine(Supplier) - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    startProcessesAtMachine(Supplier) - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
    startServer(Properties) - Method in JmxRmiAgent
    startSubscriptions(EntityLocal) - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
    startsWith(String) - Method in StringPredicates
    startTimeUtc - Field in BasicTask
    startWithChefSoloAsync() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    startWithKnifeAsync() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    startWithKnifeAsync() - Method in PostgreSqlNodeChefImpl.ChefPostgreSqlLifecycle
    Status - Enum in
    @author Adam Lowe
    STATUS - Field in MongoDBServer
    status() - Method in OpenshiftExpressApplicationAccess
    returns info on an app; note, throws IllegalState on http error response 500 if doesn't exist
    statusFromApplication(Application) - Method in ApplicationTransformer
    statusFromLifecycle(Lifecycle) - Method in ApplicationTransformer
    StatusListener - Class in brooklyn.test
    adapted from the following class:
    StatusRecorder - Interface in
    StatusRecorder.ChainingStatusRecorder - Class in
    StatusRecorder.ChainingStatusRecorder(StatusRecorder) - Constructor in StatusRecorder.ChainingStatusRecorder
    StatusRecorder.Factory - Class in
    StatusRecorder.FileBasedStatusRecorder - Class in
    StatusRecorder.FileBasedStatusRecorder(File) - Constructor in StatusRecorder.FileBasedStatusRecorder
    StatusRecorder.LogBasedStatusRecorder - Class in
    StatusRecorder.LogBasedStatusRecorder(Logger) - Constructor in StatusRecorder.LogBasedStatusRecorder
    StatusRecorder.Record - Class in
    StatusRecorder.SysoutBasedStatusRecorder - Class in
    StatusRecorder.SysoutBasedStatusRecorder() - Constructor in StatusRecorder.SysoutBasedStatusRecorder
    STDERR - Field in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    stderr - Field in ProcessTaskWrapper
    stderr - Field in ScriptHelper
    STDERR - Field in SshMachineLocation
    stderr() - Method in SshValueFunctions
    stderr() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream
    installs a thread local print stream to System.err if one is not already set; caller may then #capture and #captureTee on it.
    STDOUT - Field in ExecWithLoggingHelpers
    stdout - Field in ProcessTaskWrapper
    stdout - Field in ScriptHelper
    STDOUT - Field in SshMachineLocation
    stdout() - Method in SshValueFunctions
    stdout() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream
    installs a thread local print stream to System.out if one is not already set; caller may then #capture and #captureTee on it.
    STICKY - Field in NginxController
    STICKY_VERSION - Field in NginxController
    stop() - Method in AbstractApplication
    Default stop will stop all Startable children
    stop() - Method in AbstractBrooklynMementoPersister
    stop() - Method in AbstractFeed
    stop() - Method in AbstractfKafkaSshDriver
    stop() - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    stop(BundleContext) - Method in Activator
    stop() - Method in ActiveMQSshDriver
    stop() - Method in BasicStartableImpl
    stop() - Method in BindDnsServerSshDriver
    stop() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister
    stop() - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile
    stop() - Method in BrooklynNodeSshDriver
    stop() - Method in BrooklynWebServer
    Asks the app server to stop and waits for it to finish up.
    stop() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
    stop() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
    stop() - Method in CassandraNodeSshDriver
    stop() - Method in ChefSoloDriver
    stop() - Method in ControlledDynamicWebAppClusterImpl
    stop() - Method in CouchDBNodeSshDriver
    stop() - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    stop() - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
    stop() - Method in DynamicGroup
    Stops this group (but does not stop any of its members).
    stop() - Method in DynamicGroupImpl
    Stops this group (but does not stop any of its members).
    stop() - Method in EffectorStartableImpl
    stop() - Method in EmptySoftwareProcessSshDriver
    STOP_IPTABLES - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    stop() - Method in JBoss6SshDriver
    stop() - Method in JBoss7SshDriver
    stop() - Method in Jetty6SshDriver
    stop() - Method in KafkaClusterImpl
    stop() - Method in KarafSshDriver
    stop() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    default stop impl, aborts if already stopped, otherwise sets state STOPPING then invokes preStopCustom(), stopProcessesAtMachine(), then finally stopAnyProvisionedMachines() and sets state STOPPED
    stop() - Method in MariaDbSshDriver
    stop() - Method in MongoDBReplicaSetImpl
    stop() - Method in MongoDBSshDriver
    Kills the server with SIGINT.
    stop() - Method in MySqlSshDriver
    stop() - Method in NginxSshDriver
    stop() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentRebindManager
    stop() - Method in OpenshiftExpressJavaWebAppCluster
    stop(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyApi
    stop(String, String, String) - Method in PolicyResource
    stop() - Method in Poller
    stop() - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
    stop() - Method in QpidSshDriver
    stop() - Method in RabbitSshDriver
    stop() - Method in RebindManager
    stop() - Method in RebindManagerImpl
    stop() - Method in RedisClusterImpl
    stop() - Method in RedisStoreSshDriver
    Restarts redis with the current configuration.
    stop() - Method in RubyRepSshDriver
    stop() - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
    stop() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriver
    Performs software stop (or queues tasks to do this)
    stop() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    If custom behaviour is required by sub-classes, consider overriding doStop().
    STOP - Field in Startable
    stop(EntityLocal) - Method in StartableMethods
    Common implementation for stop in parent nodes; just invokes stop on all children of the entity
    STOP_TASK - Field in ChefSoloDriver
    stop() - Method in Tomcat7SshDriver
    stop() - Method in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
    stop() - Method in WhirrClusterImpl
    stop() - Method in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
    stopAndRemoveNode(Entity) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    stopAnyProvisionedMachines() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    can run synchronously (or not) -- caller will submit/queue as needed, and will block on any submitted tasks.
    stopDelegatingForPublishing() - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    stopDelegatingForSubscribing() - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    stopInLocation(MachineLocation) - Method in SameServerEntityImpl
    stopOnKeyPress - Field in Main.LaunchCommand
    Note that this is a temporary workaround to allow for running the brooklyn-whirr example.
    STOPPING - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    stopProcessesAtMachine() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    stopProcessesAtMachine() - Method in MachineLifecycleEffectorTasks
    can run synchronously (or not) -- caller will submit/queue as needed, and will block on any submitted tasks.
    stopProcessesAtMachine() - Method in SoftwareProcessDriverLifecycleEffectorTasks
    stopSequentially(Iterable) - Method in StartableMethods
    stream(String, String) - Method in ActivityApi
    stream(String, String) - Method in ActivityResource
    stream(Task, String) - Method in BrooklynTasks
    returns the tag for the indicated stream, or null
    stream - Field in ExecUtils.StreamGobbler
    STREAM_STDERR - Field in BrooklynTasks
    STREAM_STDIN - Field in BrooklynTasks
    STREAM_STDOUT - Field in BrooklynTasks
    stream - Field in StreamGobbler
    stream - Field in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
    streamContents - Field in BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream
    StreamGobbler - Class in
    StreamGobbler(InputStream, PrintStream, Logger) - Constructor in StreamGobbler
    Streams - Class in
    streams(Task) - Method in BrooklynTasks
    returns the set of tags indicating the streams available on a task
    streamSize - Field in BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream
    streamToRestore - Field in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
    streamType - Field in BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream
    strict(boolean) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    whether this template only matches machines instances created from this template; defaults true if a name is set, otherwise false.
    strictHostKeyChecking - Field in SshAbstractTool
    strictHostKeyChecking - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    strictHostKeyChecking - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    string() - Method in AbstractLocation
    override this, adding to the returned value, to supply additional fields to include in the toString
    STRING_ARRAY_TYPE - Field in JmxConstants
    The MBean Open type for an array of strings
    STRING - Field in JmxConstants
    Value for PROPERTY_TYPE value in the case of java.lang.String
    string() - Method in Main.BrooklynCommand
    string() - Method in Main.LaunchCommand
    StringConfigMap - Interface in brooklyn.config
    convenience extension where map is principally strings or converted to strings (supporting BrooklynProperties)
    stringContentsFunction() - Method in HttpValueFunctions
    StringEscapes - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    stringFromInputStream(InputStream) - Method in DemoUtils
    stringFromInputStream(InputStream) - Method in HadoopWordCount
    StringFunctions - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringKeyMapConverter - Class in brooklyn.util.xstream
    converter which simplifies representation of a map for string-based keys, to value, or value
    StringKeyMapConverter(Mapper) - Constructor in StringKeyMapConverter
    stringPem(KeyPair) - Method in SecureKeys
    returns the PEM (base64, ie for id_rsa) string for the private key / key pair
    StringPredicates - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringPredicates.EqualToAny - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringPredicates.EqualToAny(Iterable) - Constructor in StringPredicates.EqualToAny
    Strings - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringShortener - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    utility which takes a bunch of segments and applies shortening rules to them
    StringShortener.RemovalRule - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringShortener.RemovalRule(String) - Constructor in StringShortener.RemovalRule
    StringShortener.ShorteningRule - Interface in brooklyn.util.text
    StringShortener.TruncationRule - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    StringShortener.TruncationRule(String, int) - Constructor in StringShortener.TruncationRule
    StringSystemProperty - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
    StringSystemProperty(String) - Constructor in StringSystemProperty
    stringToPrimitive(String, Class) - Method in TypeCoercions
    stringToUriFunction() - Method in Urls
    stringToUrlFunction() - Method in Urls
    StructuredConfigKey - Interface in brooklyn.event.basic
    StructuredConfigKey.StructuredModification - Interface in brooklyn.event.basic
    StructuredConfigKey.StructuredModifications - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    SUB_LOCATIONS - Field in DynamicCluster
    SubElementConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.event.basic
    SubElementConfigKey(ConfigKey, Class, String, String, Object) - Constructor in SubElementConfigKey
    subKey() - Method in ListConfigKey
    subKey(String, String) - Method in MapConfigKey
    subKey() - Method in SetConfigKey
    subLocations - Field in AbstractAvailabilityZoneExtension
    submap(Predicate) - Method in BrooklynProperties
    submap(Predicate) - Method in ConfigMap
    returns submap matching the given filter predicate; see ConfigPredicates for common predicates
    submap(Predicate) - Method in ConfigMapImpl
    submap(Predicate) - Method in EntityConfigMap
    submap(Predicate) - Method in PolicyConfigMap
    submit(Map, TaskAdaptable) - Method in AbstractExecutionContext
    @see #submit(Map, Runnable)
    submit(Map, Object) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    submit(Entity, Object) - Method in Entities
    submits a task to run at the entity
    submit(Map, TaskAdaptable) - Method in ExecutionContext
    See ExecutionManager#submit(Map, TaskAdaptable)#submit(Map, TaskAdaptable) for properties that can be passed in.
    submit(Map, TaskAdaptable) - Method in ExecutionManager
    Submits the given Task for execution in the context associated with this manager.
    submit(Callable) - Method in Poller
    submit(Callable) - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler
    submit(Callable) - Method in TaskScheduler
    Called by BasicExecutionManager when preprocessor is associated with an execution manager.
    submitBackgroundInheritingContext(Task) - Method in DynamicSequentialTask
    submits the indicated task for execution in the current execution context, and returns immediately
    submitIfNecessary(TaskAdaptable) - Method in CompoundTask
    submitInternal(Map, Object) - Method in AbstractExecutionContext
    submitInternal(Map, Object) - Method in BasicExecutionContext
    submitInternal(Map, Object) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentExecutionContext
    submitNewScheduledTask(Map, ScheduledTask) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    submitNewTask(Map, Task) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    submitRunScript(Statement, RunScriptOptions) - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
    submittedByTask - Field in BasicTask
    submitTimeUtc - Field in BasicTask
    SUBNET_ADDRESS - Field in Attributes
    SUBNET_ADDRESS - Field in SoftwareProcess
    subnet(int) - Method in Cidr
    SUBNET_HOSTNAME - Field in Attributes
    SUBNET_HOSTNAME - Field in SoftwareProcess
    Subscribe - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Receives messages from a queue on a Qpid broker at a given URL.
    subscribe(Field, Entity, AttributeSensor) - Method in AbstractCombiningEnricher
    @see #subscribe(String, AttributeSensor)
    subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractEntity
    @see EntityLocal#subscribe
    subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    @see SubscriptionContext#subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager
    This implementation handles the following flags, in addition to those described in the SubscriptionManager interface:
    • subscriberExecutionManagerTag - a tag to pass to execution manager (without setting any execution semantics / TaskPreprocessor); if not supplied and there is a subscriber, this will be inferred from the subscriber and set up with SingleThreadedScheduler (supply this flag with value null to prevent any task preprocessor from being set)
    • eventFilter - a Predicate<SensorEvent> instance to filter what events are delivered
    subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in BasicSubscriptionContext
    subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in EntityLocal
    Allow us to subscribe to data from a Sensor on another entity.
    subscribe(Map, Subscription) - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
    subscribe(Map, Subscription) - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionContext
    @see #subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionManager
    @see #subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionTracker
    @see SubscriptionContext#subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscriber - Field in Subscription
    subscriberExecutionManagerTag - Field in Subscription
    subscriberExecutionManagerTagSupplied - Field in Subscription
    whether the tag was supplied by user, in which case we should not clear execution semantics
    subscribeToChildren(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractEntity
    @see EntityLocal#subscribeToChildren
    subscribeToChildren(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    @see SubscriptionContext#subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToChildren(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager
    @see SubscriptionManager#subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToChildren(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in BasicSubscriptionContext
    subscribeToChildren(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in EntityLocal
    @see SubscriptionManager#subscribeToChildren(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToChildren(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionContext
    @see #subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToChildren(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionManager
    @see #subscribeToChildren(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToChildren(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionTracker
    @see SubscriptionContext#subscribeToChildren(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToGroup() - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractEntity
    @see EntityLocal#subscribeToMembers
    subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    @see SubscriptionContext#subscribe(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToMembers(Map, Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager
    @see SubscriptionManager#subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToMembers(Map, Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in BasicSubscriptionContext
    subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in EntityLocal
    @see SubscriptionManager#subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionContext
    @see #subscribe(Map, Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionManager
    @see #subscribeToChildren(Map, Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Method in SubscriptionTracker
    @see SubscriptionContext#subscribeToMembers(Group, Sensor, SensorEventListener)
    subscribeToNotification(JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig) - Method in JmxFeed.Builder
    Subscription(Entity, Sensor, SensorEventListener) - Constructor in Subscription
    SubscriptionContext - Interface in
    This is the context through which an Entity can manage its subscriptions.
    subscriptionContext - Field in EntityManagementSupport
    SubscriptionHandle - Interface in
    A "receipt" returned by SubscriptionContext and SubscriptionManager's subscribe() methods.
    SubscriptionManager - Interface in
    The management interface for subscriptions.
    subscriptionsBySubscriber - Field in LocalSubscriptionManager
    subscriptionsByToken - Field in LocalSubscriptionManager
    SubscriptionTracker - Class in
    Tracks subscriptions associated that are registered with particular entities.
    SubscriptionTracker(SubscriptionContext) - Constructor in SubscriptionTracker
    substitute(String, Map) - Method in DownloadSubstituters
    substituter(Function, Function) - Method in DownloadSubstituters
    subType - Field in ListConfigKey
    subType - Field in MapConfigKey
    subType - Field in SetConfigKey
    suburl(String) - Method in HttpPollConfig
    succeedsContinually(Map, Callable) - Method in Asserts
    succeedsEventually(Map, Callable) - Method in Asserts
    Convenience method for cases where we need to test until something is true.
    SUCCESS - Field in Main
    successes - Field in AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory
    successful - Field in SshPutTaskWrapper
    sudo(String) - Method in BashCommands
    Returns a command for safely running as root, using sudo.
    sudo - Field in KnifeConvergeTaskFactory
    sudoAsUser(String, String) - Method in BashCommands
    sudo to a given user and run the indicated command
    sudoAsUserAppendCommandOutputToFile(String, String, String) - Method in PostgreSqlSshDriver
    sudoBashCIfPrivilegedPort(int, String) - Method in NginxSshDriver
    sudoIfPrivilegedPort(int, String) - Method in NginxSshDriver
    SUGGESTED_INSTALL_DIR - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SUGGESTED_INSTALL_DIR - Field in SoftwareProcess
    SUGGESTED_RUN_DIR - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SUGGESTED_RUN_DIR - Field in SoftwareProcess
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in ActiveMQBroker
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in BrooklynConfigKeys
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in BrooklynNode
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in CassandraNode
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in CouchDBNode
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in JBoss6Server
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in JBoss7Server
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in Jetty6Server
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in Kafka
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in KafkaBroker
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in KafkaZookeeper
    The Kafka version, not the Zookeeper version.
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in KarafContainer
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in MariaDbNode
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in MongoDBServer
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in MySqlNode
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in NginxController
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in QpidBroker
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in RabbitBroker
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in RedisStore
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in RubyRepNode
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in SoftwareProcess
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in TomcatServer
    SUGGESTED_VERSION - Field in Zookeeper
    sum(Collection) - Method in DefaultFollowTheSunModel
    summarizeWindow(long) - Method in SizeHistory
    Summarises the history of values in this time window, with a few special things:
    • If entire time-window is not covered by the given values, then min is Integer.MIN_VALUE and max is Integer.MAX_VALUE
    • If no values, then latest is -1
    • If no recent values, then keeps last-seen value (no matter how old), to use that
    • "stable for growth" means that since that max value, there have not been any higher values
    • "stable for shrinking" means that since that low value, there have not been any lower values
    summary(String) - Method in AbstractProcessTaskFactory
    summary(String) - Method in ProcessTaskFactory
    summary - Field in ProcessTaskStub
    summary - Field in ScriptHelper
    summary(String) - Method in SshPutTaskFactory
    summary - Field in SshPutTaskStub
    summaryFromApplication(Application) - Method in ApplicationTransformer
    supplier(AtomicReference) - Method in AtomicReferences
    returns the given atomic as a Supplier
    supplier(Supplier) - Method in BasicPool.Builder
    supplier() - Method in FormattedString
    supplier(TaskAdaptable) - Method in Tasks
    properties which cause customization of the TemplateBuilder
    properties which cause customization of the TemplateOptions
    SupportsPortForwarding - Interface in brooklyn.location.basic
    SupportsPortForwarding.RequiresPortForwarding - Interface in brooklyn.location.basic
    marker on a location to indicate that port forwarding should be done automatically for attempts to access from Brooklyn
    suppressWarnings() - Method in Repeater
    surround(String, String) - Method in StringFunctions
    Surrounds an input string with the given prefix and suffix
    suspend() - Method in AbstractFeed
    suspends this feed (stops the poller, or indicates that the feed should start in a state where the poller is stopped)
    suspend() - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    suspend() - Method in AbstractPolicy
    suspend() - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    suspend() - Method in FollowTheSunPolicy
    suspend() - Method in LoadBalancingPolicy
    suspend() - Method in Policy
    Suspend the policy
    suspended - Field in AbstractPolicy
    suspended(boolean) - Method in HttpFeed.Builder
    SYSTEM_LOAD_AVERAGE - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    SystemProcessTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system.internal
    SystemProcessTaskFactory.ConcreteSystemProcessTaskFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system.internal
    concrete instance (for generics)
    SystemProcessTaskFactory.ConcreteSystemProcessTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in SystemProcessTaskFactory.ConcreteSystemProcessTaskFactory
    SystemProcessTaskFactory.SystemProcessTaskWrapper - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system.internal
    SystemProcessTaskFactory.SystemProcessTaskWrapper(String) - Constructor in SystemProcessTaskFactory.SystemProcessTaskWrapper
    SystemProcessTaskFactory(String) - Constructor in SystemProcessTaskFactory
    SystemTasks - Class in brooklyn.util.task.system


    TABLE_REGEXP - Field in RubyRepNode
    tabularDataToMap(TabularData) - Method in JmxValueFunctions
    tabularDataToMapOfMaps(TabularData) - Method in JmxValueFunctions
    tabularType(String, String, CompositeType, String) - Method in Item
    Create a Tabular Type.
    tag(String) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    tag(Object) - Method in TaskBuilder
    adds a tag to the given task
    tag(Task, Class, boolean) - Method in Tasks
    returns the first tag found on the given task which matches the given type, looking up the submission hierarachy if necessary
    tagForCallerEntity(Entity) - Method in BrooklynTasks
    tagForContextEntity(Entity) - Method in BrooklynTasks
    tagForStream(String, Supplier, Supplier) - Method in BrooklynTasks
    creates a tag suitable for marking a stream available on a task
    tagForTargetEntity(Entity) - Method in BrooklynTasks
    tagOptional(String) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    tags - Field in BasicTask
    TAGS - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    tags(String) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    tagsOptional(String) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    target - Field in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
    target - Field in AbstractCombiningEnricher
    target - Field in AbstractTypeTransformingEnricher
    TARGET_ADDRESSES - Field in UrlMapping
    TARGET_ENTITY - Field in BrooklynTasks
    TARGET_PARENT - Field in UrlMapping
    targetEntityProvider - Field in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    targetHosts - Field in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    TARGETS - Field in AbstractGeoDnsService
    TARGETS - Field in LoadBalancer
    @deprecated since 0.6; Use SERVER_POOL_TARGETS
    Task - Interface in
    Represents a unit of work for execution.
    task - Field in ScriptHelper
    TaskAdaptable - Interface in
    marker interface for something which can be adapted to a task
    TaskBuilder - Class in brooklyn.util.task
    Convenience for creating tasks; note that DynamicSequentialTask is the default
    TaskFactory - Interface in
    Interface for something which can generate tasks (or task wrappers)
    TaskInternal - Interface in brooklyn.util.task
    All tasks being passed to the ExecutionManager should implement this.
    taskName - Field in KnifeTaskFactory
    TaskPreprocessor - Interface in brooklyn.util.task
    The preprocessor is an internal mechanism to decorate Tasks.
    TaskQueueingContext - Interface in
    Marks a place where tasks can be added, e.g. a task which allows children to be added (including after it is activated); if the implementer of this is also a task, then it may be picked up by hierarchical methods (e.g. in DynamicTasks).
    Tasks - Class in brooklyn.util.task
    TaskScheduler - Interface in brooklyn.util.task
    The scheduler is an internal mechanism to decorate Tasks.
    TaskSummary - Class in
    TaskSummary(String, String, String, String, String, Set, Long, Long, Long, String, List, LinkWithMetadata, LinkWithMetadata, String, String, Map, Map) - Constructor in TaskSummary
    taskSummary(Task) - Method in TaskTransformer
    TaskTransformer - Class in
    taskTypeShortName() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
    taskTypeShortName - Field in SystemProcessTaskFactory.SystemProcessTaskWrapper
    TaskWrapper - Interface in
    Interface for something which is not a task, but which is closely linked to one, ie. it has a task.
    TEMPLATE_BUILDER - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    TEMPLATE_OWNER_METADATA_KEY - Field in ReusableMachineTemplate
    TEMPLATE_SPEC - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    templateOwnedByMe() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    adds as owner of this template
    templateOwner(String) - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    adds an owner tag to this template
    TemplateProcessor - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    templateUnowned() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    no owner, means anyone can pick this up (default)
    tempWorkings - Field in AbstractEntity
    For temporary data, e.g. timestamps etc for calculating real attribute values, such as when calculating averages over time etc.
    TEN_SECONDS - Field in Duration
    TEN_SECONDS - Field in TimeExtras
    terminate() - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    terminate() - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Terminates this launch, but does not stop the applications (i.e. external processes are left running, etc).
    terminate() - Method in BrooklynStorage
    Terminates the BrooklynStorage.
    terminate() - Method in BrooklynStorageImpl
    terminate() - Method in DataGrid
    Terminates the DataGrid.
    terminate() - Method in HazelcastDataGrid
    terminate() - Method in InmemoryDatagrid
    terminate() - Method in LocalManagementContext
    terminate() - Method in ManagementContextInternal
    terminate() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    terminate() - Method in WebAppMonitor
    terminateAll() - Method in LocalManagementContext
    TestUtils - Class in brooklyn.test
    Helper functions for tests of Tomcat, JBoss and others.
    TestUtils.BooleanWithMessage - Class in brooklyn.test
    TestUtils.BooleanWithMessage(boolean, String) - Constructor in TestUtils.BooleanWithMessage
    TGZ_URL - Field in CassandraNode
    THIRTY_SECONDS - Field in Duration
    THIRTY_SECONDS - Field in TimeExtras
    thread - Field in BasicTask
    ThreadLocalPrintStream - Class in
    ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext - Class in
    ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext(ThreadLocalPrintStream, ByteArrayOutputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
    constructor for a capturing context which is already installed
    ThreadLocalPrintStream(PrintStream) - Constructor in ThreadLocalPrintStream
    THRIFT_PORT - Field in CassandraCluster
    THRIFT_PORT - Field in CassandraFabric
    THRIFT_PORT - Field in CassandraNode
    THRIFT_PORT_LATENCY - Field in CassandraNode
    THRIFT_PORT_LATENCY_IN_WINDOW - Field in CassandraNode
    THRIFT_PORT_LATENCY_IN_WINDOW_PER_NODE - Field in CassandraCluster
    THRIFT_PORT_LATENCY_PER_NODE - Field in CassandraCluster
    throwOnCommonKnifeErrors - Field in KnifeTaskFactory
    ticker - Field in AbstractZoneFailureDetector
    TICKER - Field in ServiceReplacer
    tidy(URL) - Method in ResourceUtils
    tidyFilePath(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
    tidyFileUrl(String) - Method in ResourceUtils
    Tier - Interface in
    Intended to represent a "layer" of an application; this could be within a single location or in multiple locations (see Fabric).
    Time - Class in brooklyn.util.time
    TimeExtras - Class in brooklyn.util.internal
    Classloading this class will cause multiply/add to be made available on TimeDuration.
    TimeFractionDeltaEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher
    Converts an absolute measure of time into a fraction of time, based on the delta between consecutive values and the elapsed time between those values.
    TimeFractionDeltaEnricher(Entity, Sensor, Sensor, long) - Constructor in TimeFractionDeltaEnricher
    timeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in ShellPollConfig
    TIMEOUT - Field in ShellUtils
    timeRemaining(long, long) - Method in Time
    Calculates how long until maxTime has passed since the given startTime.
    times(long) - Method in Duration
    times(double) - Method in MathFunctions
    TimestampedValue - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
    TimestampedValue(Object, long) - Constructor in TimestampedValue
    timeToConsider - Field in CriticalCauseZoneFailureDetector
    timeToConsider - Field in ProportionalZoneFailureDetector
    TimeWeightedDeltaEnricher - Class in brooklyn.enricher
    Converts an absolute sensor into a delta sensor (i.e. the diff between the current and previous value), presented as a units/timeUnit based on the event timing.
    TimeWeightedDeltaEnricher(Entity, Sensor, Sensor, int, Function) - Constructor in TimeWeightedDeltaEnricher
    timeWindow - Field in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent.Builder
    TimeWindowedList - Class in brooklyn.util.collections
    Keeps a list of timestamped values that are in the given time-period (millis).
    TimeWindowedList(Map) - Constructor in TimeWindowedList
    TLS_JMX_REMOTE_PROFILES - Field in JmxmpAgent
    toArray(Object) - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals.SetWithNullVals
    toByteArray(Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    toBytes(String) - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
    toCallable(Runnable) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
    toCommandSequence(List, Map) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
    Merges the commands and env, into a single set of commands.
    toConnectorUrl(EntityLocal) - Method in JmxHelper
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use toJmxUrl(EntityLocal)
    toDouble(Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    toFile(File) - Method in StatusRecorder.Factory
    toImmutable() - Method in MutableList
    toImmutable() - Method in MutableMap
    toImmutable() - Method in MutableSet
    toInitialCapOnly(String) - Method in Strings
    toJmxmpUrl(String, Integer) - Method in JmxHelper
    constructs a JMXMP URL for connecting to the given host and port
    toJmxUrl(EntityLocal) - Method in JmxHelper
    constructs a JMX URL suitable for connecting to the given entity, being smart about JMX/RMI vs JMXMP
    toJsonable(Object) - Method in JsonUtils
    returns a representation of x which can be serialized as a json object
    TOKEN - Field in CassandraNode
    toLine(Collection) - Method in KeyValueParser
    toListOfStrings(Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    toLiteralObjectName(ObjectName) - Method in JmxHelper
    Converts from an object name pattern to a real object name, by querying with findMBean; if no matching MBean can be found (or if more than one match found) then returns null.
    toLog(Logger) - Method in StatusRecorder.Factory
    toMapStringString(Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    Tomcat7Driver - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat
    Tomcat7SshDriver - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat
    Tomcat7SshDriver(TomcatServerImpl, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in Tomcat7SshDriver
    TomcatServer - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat
    An Entity that represents a single Tomcat instance.
    TomcatServer.Spec - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat
    @deprecated since v0.6.0 as does nothing beyond BasicEntitySpec
    TomcatServerFactory - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat
    @deprecated since 0.5; instead use new BasicConfigurableEntityFactory(TomcatServerImpl.class)
    TomcatServerFactory(Map) - Constructor in TomcatServerFactory
    TomcatServerImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp.tomcat
    An Entity that represents a single Tomcat instance.
    TomcatServerImpl() - Constructor in TomcatServerImpl
    toMetadataRecord() - Method in AbstractEntity
    toMetadataRecord() - Method in AbstractLocation
    toMetadataRecord() - Method in EntityInternal
    toMetadataRecord() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
    toMetadataRecord() - Method in LocationInternal
    Get a record of the metadata of this location.
    toMilliseconds() - Method in Duration
    toMillisecondsRoundingUp() - Method in Duration
    as toMilliseconds() but rounding away from zero (so 1 nanosecond gets rounded to 1 millisecond); see toUnitRoundingUp(TimeUnit); provided as a convenience on top of toUnit(TimeUnit, RoundingMode) as this is a common case (when you want to make sure you wait at least a certain amount of time)
    toMutableLocationSizes(Multimap, Iterable) - Method in BalancingNodePlacementStrategy
    toNanoseconds() - Method in Duration
    toParameterType(Method, int) - Method in MethodEffector.AnnotationsOnMethod
    toPersistedList(List) - Method in AbstractMemento
    toPersistedMap(Map) - Method in AbstractMemento
    toPersistedSet(Set) - Method in AbstractMemento
    Topic - Interface in brooklyn.entity.messaging
    An interface that describes a messaging topic.
    TOPIC - Field in AmqpExchange
    TOPIC_NAME - Field in Topic
    topLevelLocationIds - Field in BrooklynMementoImpl.Builder
    toPredicate(Closure) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
    toResponse(Throwable) - Method in DefaultExceptionMapper
    Maps a throwable to a response.
    toRmiJmxUrl(String, Integer, Integer, String) - Method in JmxHelper
    constructs an RMI/JMX URL with the given inputs (where the RMI Registry Port should be non-null, and at least one must be non-null)
    toScript(Map, List, Map) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
    toSeconds() - Method in Duration
    toSshMachineLocation(NodeMetadata) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
    returns an SshMachineLocation, if one can be created and accessed; returns null if it cannot be created
    toString() - Method in AbstractEntity
    Default String representation is simplified name of class, together with selected fields.
    toString() - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    toString() - Method in AbstractLocation
    Default String representation is simplified name of class, together with selected fields.
    toString() - Method in AbstractMemento
    toString() - Method in AbstractPolicy
    toString() - Method in AbstractPortableTemplateBuilder
    toString() - Method in AbstractSubscriptionManager.EntitySensorToken
    toString() - Method in AccessSummary
    toString() - Method in AdjunctType
    toString() - Method in AggregateClassLoader
    toString() - Method in ApiError
    toString() - Method in ApplicationSpec
    toString() - Method in ApplicationSummary
    toString() - Method in ApplicationUsage.ApplicationEvent
    toString() - Method in Asserts.BooleanWithMessage
    toString() - Method in AttributePollHandler
    toString() - Method in AutoScalerPolicy
    toString() - Method in BackedReference
    toString() - Method in BalanceableWorkerPool.ContainerItemPair
    toString() - Method in BasicConfigKey
    toString() - Method in BasicConfigurableEntityFactory
    toString() - Method in BasicDelegatingSystemProperty
    toString() - Method in BasicDownloadRequirement
    toString() - Method in BasicDownloadResolver
    toString() - Method in BasicDownloadTargets
    toString() - Method in BasicExecutionContext
    toString() - Method in BasicLocationDefinition
    toString() - Method in BasicOsDetails
    toString() - Method in BasicParameterType
    toString() - Method in BasicPool
    toString() - Method in BasicReference
    toString() - Method in BasicSensor
    toString() - Method in BasicSensorEvent
    toString() - Method in BasicTask
    toString() - Method in BitList
    toString() - Method in BrooklynProperties
    toString() - Method in BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity
    toString() - Method in BrooklynTasks.WrappedStream
    toString() - Method in CatalogDo
    toString() - Method in CatalogDto
    toString() - Method in CatalogEntitySummary
    toString() - Method in CatalogItemDo
    toString() - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
    toString() - Method in CatalogItemSummary
    toString() - Method in CatalogPolicySummary
    toString() - Method in Cidr
    toString() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    toString() - Method in ConfigMapImpl
    toString() - Method in ConfigSummary
    toString(String) - Method in DataUriSchemeParser
    toString() - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
    toString() - Method in DownloadSubstituters.Substituter
    toString() - Method in Duration
    toString() - Method in EffectorBase
    toString() - Method in EffectorSummary
    toString() - Method in EffectorSummary.ParameterSummary
    toString() - Method in EnricherSpec
    toString() - Method in EnricherTypeImpl
    toString() - Method in EntityAndAttribute
    toString() - Method in EntityConfigMap
    toString() - Method in EntityConfigSummary
    toString() - Method in EntityProxyImpl
    toString() - Method in EntityReferences.EntityReference
    toString() - Method in EntitySpec
    toString() - Method in EntitySummary
    toString() - Method in EntityTypeSnapshot
    toString() - Method in FollowTheSunParameters
    toString() - Method in FollowTheSunPolicy
    toString() - Method in FollowTheSunPool.ContainerItemPair
    toString() - Method in FormattedString
    toString() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.Domain
    toString() - Method in GeoscalingWebClient.SmartSubdomain
    toString() - Method in HostGeoInfo
    toString() - Method in HttpPollValue
    toString() - Method in IptablesCommands.Protocol
    toString() - Method in JcloudsLocation
    toString() - Method in KnownSizeInputStream
    toString(Object, Closure, Collection) - Method in LanguageUtils
    Default String representation is simplified name of class, together with selected fields.
    toString() - Method in Lifecycle
    @see #value()
    toString() - Method in LoadBalancingPolicy
    toString() - Method in LocalManagementContext
    toString() - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
    toString() - Method in LocationSpec
    toString() - Method in LocationSummary
    toString() - Method in LocationUsage.LocationEvent
    toString() - Method in MachineSet
    toString() - Method in Main.BrooklynCommand
    toString() - Method in MavenArtifact
    toString() - Method in MaxPoolSizeReachedEvent
    toString(Object) - Method in MementoSerializer
    toString() - Method in MongoDBServerImpl
    toString() - Method in MonitorPrefs
    toString() - Method in MonitorUtils.MemoryUsage
    toString() - Method in MutexSupport
    toString() - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    toString() - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess.Cartridge
    toString() - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess.OpenshiftJsonResult
    toString() - Method in PolicyConfigSummary
    toString() - Method in PolicyDescriptor
    toString() - Method in PolicySpec
    toString() - Method in PolicySummary
    toString() - Method in PolicyTypeImpl
    toString() - Method in Poller
    toString() - Method in PortForwardManager
    toString() - Method in PortMapping
    toString() - Method in PortRanges.AggregatePortRange
    toString() - Method in PortRanges.BasicPortRange
    toString() - Method in PortRanges.LinearPortRange
    toString() - Method in PortRanges.SinglePort
    toString() - Method in ProcessTaskStub
    toString() - Method in ProcessTaskWrapper
    toString() - Method in PropagatedRuntimeException
    toString() - Method in ReplicaSetMemberStatus
    toString(Object) - Method in RetryingMementoSerializer
    toString() - Method in ReusableMachineTemplate
    toString() - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    toString() - Method in SensorSummary
    toString() - Method in SingleThreadedScheduler
    toString() - Method in SizeHistory.WindowSummary
    toString - Field in SshAbstractTool
    toString() - Method in SshFetchTaskWrapper
    toString() - Method in SshjClientConnection
    toString() - Method in SshjTool.ExecAction
    toString() - Method in SshjTool.GetFileAction
    toString() - Method in SshjTool.PutFileAction
    toString() - Method in SshjTool.ShellAction
    toString() - Method in SshMachineLocation
    toString() - Method in SshPutTaskWrapper
    toString() - Method in StatusRecorder.Record
    toString() - Method in StringPredicates.EqualToAny
    toString(Object) - Method in Strings
    returns toString of the object if it is not null, otherwise null
    toString() - Method in StringSystemProperty
    toString() - Method in Subscription
    toString() - Method in TaskBuilder
    toString() - Method in TaskSummary
    toString() - Method in TestUtils.BooleanWithMessage
    toString() - Method in ThreadLocalPrintStream.OutputCapturingContext
    toString() - Method in TimestampedValue
    toString() - Method in TimeWindowedList
    toString() - Method in UrlClassLoader
    toString() - Method in Urls.StringToUri
    toString() - Method in Urls.StringToUrl
    toString() - Method in UsageStatistic
    toString() - Method in UsageStatistics
    toString() - Method in VerboseReporter
    toString() - Method in WeightedObject
    toString() - Method in WildcardGlobs.ExpressionToExpand
    toString() - Method in WrappedConfigKey
    toString(Object) - Method in XmlSerializer
    toStringArray(Object) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    toStringFunction() - Method in StringFunctions
    provided here as a convenience; prefer Functions#toStringFunction()#toStringFunction()
    toStringHelper() - Method in AbstractEntity
    Override this to add to the toString(), e.g.
    toStringHelper() - Method in AbstractZookeeperImpl
    toStringHelper() - Method in ActiveMQBrokerImpl
    toStringHelper() - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
    toStringHelper() - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
    toStringHelper() - Method in RabbitBrokerImpl
    toStringHelper() - Method in RabbitDestination
    toStringMap(Map) - Method in Strings
    converts a map of any objects to a map of strings, preserving nulls and invoking toString where needed
    toStringRounded() - Method in Duration
    toStringSupplier(Object) - Method in Strings
    toSysout() - Method in StatusRecorder.Factory
    TOTAL_COMMANDS_PROCESSED - Field in RedisStore
    TOTAL_EFFECTORS_INVOKED - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    TOTAL_ERROR_COUNT - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
    @deprecated since 0.5.0, just use WebAppServiceConstants.ERROR_COUNT
    TOTAL_EVENTS_DELIVERED - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    TOTAL_EVENTS_PUBLISHED - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    TOTAL_FETCH_TIME - Field in KafkaBroker
    TOTAL_PROCESSING_TIME_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
    TOTAL_PROCESSING_TIME_PER_NODE - Field in DynamicWebAppFabric
    TOTAL_PROCESSING_TIME - Field in WebAppServiceConstants
    TOTAL_PRODUCE_TIME - Field in KafkaBroker
    TOTAL_REQUEST_COUNT - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
    @deprecated since 0.5.0, just use WebAppServiceConstants.REQUEST_COUNT
    TOTAL_REQUESTS_PER_SECOND - Field in DynamicWebAppCluster
    @deprecated since 0.5.0, just use WebAppServiceConstants.REQUESTS_PER_SECOND_LAST
    TOTAL_TASKS_SUBMITTED - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    toTimeDuration(Object) - Method in JavaGroovyEquivalents
    @deprecated since 0.6.0 use Duration#of(Object)#of(Object)
    toTimeDuration(Object, TimeDuration) - Method in TestUtils
    @deprecated since 0.5; use long and java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
    toUnit(TimeUnit, RoundingMode) - Method in Duration
    as toUnit(TimeUnit) but rounding as indicated (rather than always taking the floor which is TimeUnit's default behaviour)
    toUnitRoundingUp(TimeUnit) - Method in Duration
    as toUnit(TimeUnit) but rounding away from zero, so 1 ns converted to ms gives 1 ms, and -1 ns gives 1ms
    toUri(URL) - Method in Urls
    creates a URI, preserving null and propagating exceptions *unchecked*
    toUrl(URI) - Method in Urls
    creates a URL, preserving null and propagating exceptions *unchecked*
    toVerboseString() - Method in AbstractLocation
    toVerboseString() - Method in AggregatingMachineProvisioningLocation
    toVerboseString() - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation
    toVerboseString() - Method in JcloudsLocation
    toVerboseString() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
    toVerboseString() - Method in Location
    @return meta-data about the location (usually a long line, or a small number of lines).
    toVerboseString() - Method in OpenshiftLocation
    toVerboseString() - Method in SshMachineLocation
    toXmlString() - Method in BasicBrooklynCatalog
    toXmlString() - Method in CatalogItem
    toXmlString() - Method in CatalogItemDo
    toXmlString() - Method in CatalogItemDtoAbstract
    transform(Map, TaskAdaptable, Function) - Method in DependentConfiguration
    @see #transform(Task, Function)
    transformDeprecated(Map) - Method in LocationPropertiesFromBrooklynProperties
    transformEntitiesToIds(Object) - Method in MementoTransformer
    transformError(Exception) - Method in AttributePollHandler
    Does post-processing on a poll error, to convert it to the attribute's new value.
    transformIdsToEntities(RebindContext, Object, TypeToken, boolean) - Method in MementoTransformer
    transformIdsToLocations(RebindContext, Object, Class, boolean) - Method in MementoTransformer
    transformLocationsToIds(Object) - Method in MementoTransformer
    transformMultiple(Map, Function, List) - Method in DependentConfiguration
    transformValue(Object) - Method in AttributePollHandler
    Does post-processing on the result of the actual poll, to convert it to the attribute's new value.
    TRANSIENT_TASK_TAG - Field in ManagementContextInternal
    transitionTo(Status) - Method in ApplicationSummary
    TreeNode - Interface in brooklyn.mementos
    A simple tree structure, where a node references a parent and children using their ids.
    TreeUtils - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind
    triggerAbsoluteMajority - Field in FollowTheSunParameters
    as corresponding majority and total fields, with x_A-x_B on the LHS of inequality
    triggerAbsoluteTotal - Field in FollowTheSunParameters
    fields as above, this parameter T defines a number such that x_A > T in order for X to be migrated to A
    triggerDeltaAbovePercentMajority - Field in FollowTheSunParameters
    as corresponding majority and total fields, with x_A-x_B on the LHS of inequality
    triggerDeltaAbovePercentTotal - Field in FollowTheSunParameters
    fields as above, and T as above, this parameter T' defines a number such that x_A > T*x + T' in order for X to be migrated to A
    triggerPercentMajority - Field in FollowTheSunParameters
    fields as above, with X_B the number from a different geography B, where A and B are the two most prolific requesters of X, and X_A >= X_B; this parameter T defines a number such that x_A-x_B > T*x in order for X to be migrated to A
    triggerPercentTotal - Field in FollowTheSunParameters
    trigger for moving segment X from geo A to geo B: where x is total number of requests submitted in X across the CDM network, and x_A is number of reqs from geo A, with A the most prolific geography (arbitrarily chosen in case of ties so recommended to choose at least a small percent_majority or delta_above_percent_majority, in addition to this field); this parameter T defines a number such that x_A > T*x in order for X to be migrated to A (but see also DELTA_ABOVE_PERCENT_TOTAL, below)
    trim() - Method in StringFunctions
    trim(String) - Method in Strings
    trimAll(String) - Method in Strings
    trimEnd(String) - Method in Strings
    trimOlderThan(long) - Method in AbstractZoneFailureDetector.ZoneHistory
    truncate(String, int) - Method in StringShortener
    TRUST_ALL - Field in SslTrustUtils
    trusts all SSL certificates
    TRUST_ALL - Field in TrustingSslSocketFactory
    trusts all SSL certificates
    TRUST_NONE - Field in SslTrustUtils
    trusts no SSL certificates
    trustAll(Object) - Method in SslTrustUtils
    configures a connection to accept all certificates, if it is for https
    TrustingSslSocketFactory - Class in brooklyn.util.crypto
    An SSLSocketFactory which trusts all endpoints (ie encryption but no authentication)
    TrustingSslSocketFactory() - Constructor in TrustingSslSocketFactory
    truth(Object) - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
    truthPredicate() - Method in GroovyJavaMethods
    tryAcquire(long, TimeUnit) - Method in SemaphoreWithOwners
    tryAcquireMutex(String, String) - Method in MutexSupport
    tryAcquireMutex(String, String) - Method in SshMachineLocation
    tryAcquireMutex(String, String) - Method in WithMutexes
    acquires a mutex and returns true, if available; otherwise immediately returns false; caller must release after use if this returns true
    tryCheckStartPid() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    tryCheckStartService() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    tryCheckStartWindowsService() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    tryQueueing(TaskQueueingContext, TaskAdaptable) - Method in Tasks
    tries to add the given task in the given addition context, returns true if it could, false if it could not (doesn't throw anything)
    tryStopPid() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    tryStopService() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    tryStopWindowsService() - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    TWO_MINUTES - Field in Duration
    TWO_MINUTES - Field in TimeExtras
    type - Field in AbstractMemento.Builder
    type(String) - Method in ApplicationSpec.Builder
    type(TypeToken) - Method in BasicConfigKey.Builder
    TYPE_ITEM - Field in JmxConstants
    The type of the property.
    type(Object) - Method in JavaClassNames
    returns the Class of anything which isn't a class; if input is class it is pass-through
    TYPE - Field in JmxConstants
    The key TYPE.
    TypeCoercions - Class in brooklyn.util.flags
    typesMatch(Object, Class) - Method in Reflections
    true iff all args match the corresponding types
    typesMatchUpTo(Object, Class, int) - Method in Reflections
    true iff the initial N args match the corresponding types


    UNBOXED_TO_BOXED_TYPES - Field in TypeCoercions
    unboxSafely(Boolean, boolean) - Method in Boxing
    unclaim(SshMachineLocation) - Method in BrooklynMachinePool
    unclaim(MachineSet) - Method in MachinePool
    unclaimed(Predicate) - Method in MachinePool
    returns unclaimed machines matching the given criteria
    undeploy(String) - Method in JavaWebAppDriver
    UNDEPLOY - Field in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcess
    undeploy(String) - Method in JavaWebAppSoftwareProcessImpl
    For the DEPLOYED_WARS to be updated, the input must match the result of the call to deploy
    undeploy(String) - Method in JavaWebAppSshDriver
    undeploy(String) - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
    UNINSTALL_BUNDLE - Field in KarafContainer
    uninstallBundle(Long) - Method in KarafContainer
    uninstallBundle(Long) - Method in KarafContainerImpl
    UNIVERSAL - Field in Cidr -- matches all addresses
    unmanage(Entity) - Method in AbstractManagementContext
    unmanage(Entity) - Method in Entities
    unmanage(Entity) - Method in EntityManager
    Causes the given entity and its children, recursively, to be removed from the management plane (for instance because the entity is no longer relevant)
    unmanage(Entity) - Method in LocalEntityManager
    unmanage(Location) - Method in LocalLocationManager
    unmanage(Location) - Method in LocationManager
    Causes the given location and its children, recursively, to be removed from the management plane (for instance because the location is no longer relevant).
    unmanage(Entity) - Method in ManagementContext
    Unmanage an entity.
    unmanage(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentEntityManager
    unmanage(Location) - Method in NonDeploymentLocationManager
    unmanage(Entity) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext
    unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in EnumCaseForgivingConverter
    unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in ImmutableListConverter
    unmarshal(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext) - Method in Inet4AddressConverter
    unmarshalEntry(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext, Map) - Method in MapConverter
    unmarshalEntry(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext, Map) - Method in StringKeyMapConverter
    unmarshalStringKey(HierarchicalStreamReader, UnmarshallingContext, Map, String) - Method in StringKeyMapConverter
    unprefixedKey(String, ConfigKey) - Method in ConfigUtils
    removes the given prefix from the key for configuration purposes; logs warning and does nothing if there is no such prefix.
    unquoteToken(String) - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
    this method removes all unescaped quote chars, i.e. quote chars preceded by no backslashes (or a larger even number of them); it also unescapes '\\' as '\'.
    UNSET - Field in FeedConfig
    The onSuccess or onError functions can return this value to indicate that the sensor should not change.
    unsigned(byte) - Method in BitUtils
    why oh why are bytes signed!
    unsignedByte(int) - Method in BitUtils
    returns the value in 0..255 which is equivalent mod 256
    unsubscribe(Entity, SubscriptionHandle) - Method in AbstractEntity
    Unsubscribes the given handle.
    unsubscribe(Entity, SubscriptionHandle) - Method in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    Unsubscribes the given producer.
    unsubscribe(SubscriptionHandle) - Method in BasicSubscriptionContext
    unsubscribe(Entity, SubscriptionHandle) - Method in EntityLocal
    Unsubscribes the given handle.
    unsubscribe(SubscriptionHandle) - Method in LocalSubscriptionManager
    Unsubscribe the given subscription id.
    unsubscribe(SubscriptionHandle) - Method in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    unsubscribe(SubscriptionHandle) - Method in SubscriptionContext
    @see SubscriptionManager#unsubscribe(SubscriptionHandle)
    unsubscribe(SubscriptionHandle) - Method in SubscriptionManager
    Unsubscribe the given subscription id.
    unsubscribe(Entity, SubscriptionHandle) - Method in SubscriptionTracker
    Unsubscribes the given producer.
    unsubscribeAll() - Method in BasicSubscriptionContext
    unsubscribeAll() - Method in SubscriptionContext
    causes all subscriptions to be deregistered
    unsubscribeAll() - Method in SubscriptionTracker
    unsubscribeFromGroup() - Method in AbstractMembershipTrackingPolicy
    until(Callable) - Method in Repeater
    Set code fragment that tests if the loop has completed.
    unwrapBashQuotesAndEscapes(String) - Method in StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes
    given a string in bash notation, e.g. with quoted portions needing unescaped, returns the unescaped and unquoted version
    unwrapJavaString(String) - Method in StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes
    given a string in java syntax, e.g. wrapped in quotes and with backslash escapes, returns the literal value, without the surrounding quotes and unescaped; throws IllegalArgumentException if not a valid java string
    unwrapJavaStringIfWrapped(String) - Method in StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes
    unwrapQuotedJavaStringList(String, String) - Method in StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes
    Unwraps a sequence of quoted java strings, that are each separated by the given separator.
    unwrapThrowable(Throwable) - Method in TestUtils
    UP_TIME - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    update() - Method in AbstractCombiningEnricher
    update() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    update() - Method in AbstractGeoDnsServiceImpl
    update() - Method in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    update(AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in AttributeMap
    update() - Method in BindDnsServerImpl
    UPDATE - Field in CassandraCluster
    update() - Method in CassandraClusterImpl
    UPDATE - Field in CassandraFabric
    update() - Method in CassandraFabricImpl
    UPDATE - Field in LoadBalancer
    update() - Method in LoadBalancerClusterImpl
    UPDATE_PERIOD - Field in BrooklynMetrics
    UPDATE_SERVICE_PROPERTIES - Field in KarafContainer
    updateAsync() - Method in AbstractControllerImpl
    updateDefinedLocation(LocationDefinition) - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
    updateDefinedLocation(LocationDefinition) - Method in LocationRegistry
    adds or updates the given defined location
    updateDefinedLocations() - Method in BasicLocationRegistry
    updateEnablement() - Method in HttpLatencyDetector
    refreshes whether the latency detection feed should be enabled, based on e.g. service up, the URL sensor, etc
    updateEntityMemento(EntityMemento) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    updateEntityMementos(Collection) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    updateFromNewClassLoader(Object) - Method in Reflections
    Serialize the given object, then reload using the current class loader; this removes linkages to instances with classes loaded by an older class loader.
    updateHandler(WebAppContext) - Method in ContextHandlerCollectionHotSwappable
    updateLocationMemento(LocationMemento) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    updateLocationMementos(Collection) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    updateNeeded - Field in AbstractControllerImpl
    updateNeeded - Field in AbstractNonProvisionedControllerImpl
    updateNextToken() - Method in QuotedStringTokenizer
    updatePolicyMemento(PolicyMemento) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    updatePolicyMementos(Collection) - Method in MutableBrooklynMemento
    updateServiceProperties(String, Map) - Method in KarafContainer
    updateServiceProperties(String, Map) - Method in KarafContainerImpl
    updateTaskAndFailOnNonZeroResultCode() - Method in ScriptHelper
    updateWithoutPublishing(AttributeSensor, Object) - Method in AttributeMap
    uploadPropertyFiles(Map) - Method in KarafContainerImpl
    UPTIME - Field in RedisStore
    UPTIME_SECONDS - Field in MongoDBServer
    url(AttributeSensor, Function) - Method in HttpLatencyDetector.Builder
    supplies a sensor which indicates the URL which this should parse (e.g.
    URL_MAPPINGS - Field in LoadBalancer
    url(String) - Method in WebAppMonitor
    UrlClassLoader - Class in brooklyn.util.javalang
    like URLClassLoader (and delegates to it) but: has a nice toString supports var args constructor supports file://~/xxx semantics (remaps it to user.home); ideally we'd also support mvn, classpath, osgi, etc
    UrlClassLoader(String) - Constructor in UrlClassLoader
    UrlMapping - Interface in brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx
    This is a group whose members will be made available to a load-balancer / URL forwarding service (such as nginx).
    UrlMappingImpl - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx
    This is a group whose members will be made available to a load-balancer / URL forwarding service (such as nginx).
    UrlMappingImpl() - Constructor in UrlMappingImpl
    URLParamEncoder - Class in
    Encodes URLs, escaping as appropriate.
    urlRespondsStatusCode(String) - Method in TestUtils
    Connects to the given HTTP URL and asserts that the response had status code 200.
    urlRespondsWithStatusCode200(String) - Method in TestUtils
    Connects to the given HTTP URL and asserts that the response had status code 200.
    UrlRewriteRule - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxy.nginx
    records a rewrite rule for use in URL rewriting such as by nginx; from and to are expected to be usual regex replacement strings, with the convention here (for portability) that:
  • from should match the entire path (internally is wrapped with ^ and $ for nginx); to can refer to $1, $2 from the groups in from
  • so eg use from = (.*)A(.*) and to = $1B$2 to change all occurrences of A to B
    UrlRewriteRule(String, String) - Constructor in UrlRewriteRule
    Urls - Class in
    UsageApi - Interface in
    UsageManager - Interface in
    UsageResource - Class in
    UsageStatistic - Class in
    @author Adam Lowe
    UsageStatistic(Status, String, String, String, String, long, Map) - Constructor in UsageStatistic
    UsageStatistics - Class in
    @author Aled Sage
    UsageStatistics(List, Map) - Constructor in UsageStatistics
    USE_FIRST_LOCATION - Field in BasicStartable.LocationsFilter
    USE_HOSTNAMES - Field in AbstractGeoDnsService
    USE_HTTPS - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
    USE_JMX - Field in UsesJmx
    USE_PID_FILE - Field in AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver
    specify as a flag to use a PID file, creating for 'start', and reading it for 'status', 'start'; value can be true, or a path to a pid file to use (either relative to RUN_DIR, or an absolute path)
    USE_SERVICE_STATE_RUNNING - Field in MemberFailureDetectionPolicy
    USE_SERVICE_STATE_RUNNING - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
    USE_SSL_PROPERTY - Field in JmxmpAgent
    whether to use SSL (TLS) encryption; requires a keystore to be set
    USED_HEAP_MEMORY - Field in UsesJavaMXBeans
    useDelegateForPublishing - Field in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    useDelegateForSubscribing - Field in QueueingSubscriptionManager
    useMutex(WithMutexes, String, String) - Method in ScriptHelper
    indicates that the script should acquire the given mutexId on the given mutexSupport and maintain it for the duration of script execution; typically used to prevent parallel scripts from conflicting in access to a resource (e.g. a folder, or a config file used by a process)
    usePidFile(String) - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    USER - Field in CloudLocationConfig
    USER_DATA_MAP_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE - Field in ScriptResource
    USER_DATA_UUENCODED - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    user(String) - Method in FixedListMachineProvisioningLocation.Builder
    USER - Field in LocationConfigKeys
    USER_METADATA - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    user - Field in SshAbstractTool
    user - Field in SshAbstractTool.AbstractSshToolBuilder
    username - Field in SshjClientConnection.Builder
    userRecipeLines - Field in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
    USERS - Field in BrooklynWebConfig
    explicitly set the users/passwords, e.g. in,bob
    useService(String) - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    UsesJava - Interface in
    UsesJavaMXBeans - Interface in
    UsesJmx - Interface in
    UsesJmx.JmxAgentModes - Enum in
    useWindowsService(String) - Method in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    UtraceHostGeoLookup - Class in brooklyn.location.geo


    VALID_IP_ADDRESS_PATTERN - Field in Networking
    VALID_IP_ADDRESS_REGEX - Field in Networking
    Valid non alphanumeric characters for filenames.
    validate() - Method in OpenshiftExpressAccess
    validate() - Method in OpenshiftExpressApplicationAccess
    validateMemento(BrooklynMemento) - Method in MementoValidators
    validForYears(long) - Method in FluentKeySigner
    validFrom(Date) - Method in FluentKeySigner
    validFromDaysAgo(long) - Method in FluentKeySigner
    validityEndDate - Field in FluentKeySigner
    validityStartDate - Field in FluentKeySigner
    validUntil(Date) - Method in FluentKeySigner
    value - Field in EntityDynamicType.FieldAndValue
    VALUE_ITEM - Field in JmxConstants
    The value of a property.
    VALUE - Field in JmxConstants
    The key VALUE.
    value() - Method in Lifecycle
    An enumeration representing the status of an Entity.
    values - Field in AbstractAggregatingEnricher
    Users of values should either on it synchronize when iterating over its entries or use copyOfValues to obtain an immutable copy of the map.
    values() - Method in ConcurrentMapAcceptingNullVals
    values() - Method in ConfigMapViewWithStringKeys
    valueWhenAttributeReady(Entity, AttributeSensor, Closure) - Method in DependentConfiguration
    VanillaJavaApp - Class in
    VanillaJavaApp(Map, Entity) - Constructor in VanillaJavaApp
    VanillaJavaAppDriver - Interface in
    The JavaSoftwareProcessDriver for a VanillaJavaApp.
    VanillaJavaAppSshDriver - Class in
    The SSH implementation of the VanillaJavaAppDriver.
    VanillaJavaAppSshDriver(VanillaJavaApp, SshMachineLocation) - Constructor in VanillaJavaAppSshDriver
    vars(Map) - Method in HttpPollConfig
    VECTOR_OF - Field in JmxConstants
    For an encoded vector we need to start with ARRAY_OF.
    verbose - Field in Main.BrooklynCommand
    VerboseReporter - Class in brooklyn.test
    Reporter printing out detailed messages about what TestNG is going to run and what is the status of what has been just run.
    VerboseReporter(String) - Constructor in VerboseReporter
    Create VerboseReporter with custom prefix
    VERSION - Field in Attributes
    Application information sensors.
    version - Field in ComparableVersion
    version - Field in MavenArtifact
    version(Integer) - Method in ReplicaSetConfig
    Sets the version of the configuration.
    VersionApi - Interface in
    VersionResource - Class in
    viabilityChecker(Predicate) - Method in BasicPool.Builder
    VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME - Field in AmqpServer
    VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME - Field in QpidBroker
    VIRTUAL_HOST_NAME - Field in RabbitBroker
    virtualHostManager - Field in QpidDestinationImpl
    VIRTUALHOSTS_XML - Field in QpidBroker
    visit(Object, String, Object) - Method in LanguageUtils.FieldVisitor
    Invoked by visitFields; fieldName will be null for collections
    visitFields(Object, LanguageUtils.FieldVisitor, Collection) - Method in LanguageUtils
    Visits all fields of a given object, recursively.
    VM_NAME_MAX_LENGTH - Field in CloudLocationConfig


    WAIT_FOR_FIRST - Field in CassandraCluster
    Whether to wait for the first node to start up
    WAIT_FOR_SSHABLE - Field in JcloudsLocationConfig
    waitFor(Process) - Method in MonitorUtils
    Waits for the given process to complete, consuming its stdout and returning it as a string.
    waitForConfigKey(ConfigKey) - Method in AbstractSoftwareProcessDriver
    waitForEntityStart() - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    waitForLast() - Method in DynamicTasks
    Waits for the last task queued in this context to complete; it throws if there is a problem, but happily returns null if there is no last task.
    waitForLast() - Method in EffectorBody
    see DynamicTasks#waitForLast()#waitForLast()
    waitForPassword() - Method in JcloudsSshMachineLocation
    Retrieves the password for this VM, if one exists.
    waitForPasswordOnAws(ComputeService, NodeMetadata, long, TimeUnit) - Method in JcloudsUtil
    waitForPendingComplete(long, TimeUnit) - Method in NonDeploymentManagementContext.NonDeploymentRebindManager
    waitForPendingComplete(long, TimeUnit) - Method in PeriodicDeltaChangeListener
    This method must only be used for testing.
    waitForPendingComplete(long, TimeUnit) - Method in RebindManager
    waitForPendingComplete(long, TimeUnit) - Method in RebindManagerImpl
    waitForReachable(ComputeService, NodeMetadata, LoginCredentials, ConfigBag) - Method in JcloudsLocation
    waitForServiceUp(long, TimeUnit) - Method in AbstractZookeeperImpl
    waitForServiceUp() - Method in Jetty6ServerImpl
    waitForServiceUp(long, TimeUnit) - Method in KafkaBrokerImpl
    waitForServiceUp(long, TimeUnit) - Method in QpidBrokerImpl
    waitForServiceUp(long, TimeUnit) - Method in SoftwareProcessImpl
    waitForServiceUp() - Method in TomcatServerImpl
    waitForTask(Task, Entity, String) - Method in DependentConfiguration
    blocks until the given task completes, submitting if necessary, returning the result of that task; optional contextMessage is available in status if this is running in a task
    waitForTasksOnEntityStart(Map) - Method in DynamicClusterImpl
    waitForTasksOnStart(Map) - Method in DynamicFabricImpl
    waitForWriteCompleted(long, TimeUnit) - Method in MementoFileWriter
    This method must only be used for testing.
    waitForWritesCompleted(long, TimeUnit) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersister
    waitForWritesCompleted(long, TimeUnit) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterInMemory
    waitForWritesCompleted(long, TimeUnit) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToFile
    waitForWritesCompleted(long, TimeUnit) - Method in BrooklynMementoPersisterToMultiFile
    waitInTaskForAttributeReady(Entity, AttributeSensor, Predicate) - Method in DependentConfiguration
    walk(String) - Method in JsonFunctions
    war - Field in BrooklynWebServer
    WAR_PATH - Field in GlobalWebFabricExample
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterApp
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExample
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterExample
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterExampleAlt
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebClusterWithHadoopExample
    WAR_PATH - Field in WebFabricWithHadoopExample
    WAR_URL - Field in ClusterWebServerDatabaseSample
    warn(String) - Method in BashCommands
    WARN_IF_NOT_RUN - Field in BasicTask
    warnAndExit(String) - Method in SampleMain
    warnIfLocalhost(Collection, String) - Method in Machines
    returns whether it is localhost (and has warned)
    warnOnDeprecated(Map, String, String) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
    warnOnIgnoringConfig(Entity, ConfigKey) - Method in Entities
    logs a warning if an entity has a value for a config key
    WARS_BY_CONTEXT - Field in JavaWebAppService
    wasDeployed() - Method in EntityManagementSupport
    wasQueued() - Method in DynamicTasks.TaskQueueingResult
    returns true if the task was queued
    WEB_CONSOLE_BIND_ADDRESS - Field in BrooklynNode
    WEB_CONSOLE_URI - Field in BrooklynNode
    webapp(String, String) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies an additional webapp to host on the webconsole port.
    WebAppMonitor - Class in brooklyn.test
    Repeatedly polls a given URL, to check if it is always available.
    WebAppMonitor() - Constructor in WebAppMonitor
    WebAppService - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
    WebAppServiceConstants - Interface in brooklyn.entity.webapp
    WebAppServiceMethods - Class in brooklyn.entity.webapp
    WebClusterApp - Class in
    WebClusterDatabaseExample - Class in brooklyn.demo.legacy
    Launches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.
    WebClusterDatabaseExample(Map) - Constructor in WebClusterDatabaseExample
    WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt - Class in brooklyn.demo.legacy
    Shows some alternative syntaxes compared with WebClusterDatabaseExample.
    WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt(Map) - Constructor in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAlt
    WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava - Class in brooklyn.demo.legacy
    Launches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.
    WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava() - Constructor in WebClusterDatabaseExampleAltJava
    WebClusterDatabaseExampleApp - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Launches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.
    WebClusterDatabaseExampleGroovy - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Launches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.
    WebClusterDatabaseOpenLoopExample - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Launches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.
    WebClusterExample - Class in brooklyn.demo
    Launches a clustered and load-balanced set of web servers.
    WebClusterExample(Map) - Constructor in WebClusterExample
    WebClusterExampleAlt - Class in brooklyn.demo.legacy
    Launches a clustered and load-balanced set of web servers.
    WebClusterExampleAlt(Map) - Constructor in WebClusterExampleAlt
    WebClusterWithHadoopExample - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr
    Starts hadoop and a webapp using hadoop in the location supplied (just one location), configuring the webapp to connect to hadoop
    WebClusterWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr
    WebClusterWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop(WhirrHadoopCluster) - Constructor in WebClusterWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    WebClusterWithHadoopExample() - Constructor in WebClusterWithHadoopExample
    webconsole(boolean) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies whether the launcher will start the Brooklyn web console (and any additional webapps specified); default true.
    webconsolePort(PortRange) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies the port where the web console (and any additional webapps specified) will listen; default "8081+" being the first available >= 8081.
    WebFabricWithHadoopExample - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr
    Starts hadoop in the first location supplied, and the hadoop-friendly webapp in all other locations.
    WebFabricWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr
    WebFabricWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop(WhirrHadoopCluster) - Constructor in WebFabricWithHadoopExample.PrepVmsForHadoop
    WebFabricWithHadoopExample() - Constructor in WebFabricWithHadoopExample
    webProcessesCyclingPeriod - Field in MonitorPrefs
    webProcessesRegex - Field in MonitorPrefs
    WebResourceUtils - Class in
    webServer - Field in BrooklynServerDetails
    webServerFlags(Map) - Method in BrooklynLauncher
    Specifies additional flags to be passed to BrooklynWebServer.
    webUrl - Field in MonitorPrefs
    WeightedObject - Class in brooklyn.policy.followthesun
    WeightedObject(Object, double) - Constructor in WeightedObject
    weSetItOnFire - Field in ServiceFailureDetector
    whenDone(Callable) - Method in DependentConfiguration
    Returns a Task which blocks until the given job returns, then returns the value of that job.
    WhirrCluster - Interface in brooklyn.extras.whirr.core
    Generic entity that can be used to deploy clusters that are managed by Apache Whirr.
    WhirrClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr.core
    Generic entity that can be used to deploy clusters that are managed by Apache Whirr.
    WhirrClusterImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in WhirrClusterImpl
    WhirrExample - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr
    WhirrHadoopCluster - Interface in brooklyn.extras.whirr.hadoop
    WhirrHadoopClusterImpl - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr.hadoop
    WhirrHadoopClusterImpl(Map, Entity) - Constructor in WhirrHadoopClusterImpl
    WhirrHadoopExample - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr
    WhirrInstance - Interface in brooklyn.extras.whirr.core
    WhirrInstanceImpl - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr.core
    WhirrInstanceImpl() - Constructor in WhirrInstanceImpl
    WhirrRole - Interface in brooklyn.extras.whirr.core
    WhirrRoleImpl - Class in brooklyn.extras.whirr.core
    WideAreaCassandraCluster - Class in brooklyn.demo
    WildcardGlobs - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    WildcardGlobs.ExpressionToExpand - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    returns true iff the target matches the given pattern, under simplified bash rules -- viz permitting * and ?
    WildcardGlobs.ExpressionToExpand(String, String, String) - Constructor in WildcardGlobs.ExpressionToExpand
    WildcardGlobs.InvalidPatternException - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    WildcardGlobs.InvalidPatternException(String) - Constructor in WildcardGlobs.InvalidPatternException
    WildcardGlobs.PhraseTreatment - Enum in brooklyn.util.text
    if a string contains a demarcated phrase, e.g. between open and close parentheses, or inside unescaped quotes this argument determines how that phrase is treated with regards to brace expansion
    WildcardGlobs.SpecialistGlobExpander - Class in brooklyn.util.text
    expands globs as per #getGlobsAfterBraceExpansion, but also handles numeric ranges, and optionally allows customized treatment of quoted regions and/or parentheses.
    WildcardGlobs.SpecialistGlobExpander(boolean, PhraseTreatment, PhraseTreatment) - Constructor in WildcardGlobs.SpecialistGlobExpander
    WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed - Class in
    A sensor feed that retrieves performance counters from a Windows host and posts the values to sensors.
    WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder - Class in
    WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.PerfCounterValueIterator(String) - Constructor in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.PerfCounterValueIterator
    WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.SendPerfCountersToSensors(EntityLocal, SortedMap) - Constructor in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.SendPerfCountersToSensors
    WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed(WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed.Builder) - Method in WindowsPerformanceCounterFeed
    windowsServiceName - Field in ChefLifecycleEffectorTasks
    WITH_CC_OPT - Field in NginxController
    WITH_LD_OPT - Field in NginxController
    withBlockingDetails(String, Callable) - Method in BasicExecutionManager
    convenience for setting "blocking details" on any task where the current thread is running, while the passed code is executed; often used from groovy as
    withBlockingDetails("sleeping 5s") { Thread.sleep(5000);  }
    withBlockingDetails(String, Callable) - Method in Tasks
    convenience for setting "blocking details" on any task where the current thread is running, while the passed code is executed; often used from groovy as
    withBlockingDetails("sleeping 5s") { Thread.sleep(5000);  }
    If code block is null, the description is set until further notice (not cleareed).
    withLocation(Location) - Method in EntityPredicates
    Create a predicate that matches any entity who has an exact match for the given location (i.e.
    WithMutexes - Interface in brooklyn.util.mutex
    interface which allows multiple callers to co-operate using named mutexes, inspectably, and containing implementation as inner class
    withTag(String) - Method in MachinePoolPredicates
    wordsByIdInOrder - Field in StringShortener
    WRAP_SCHEME - Field in KarafContainer
    wrapBash(String, Appendable) - Method in StringEscapes.BashStringEscapes
    @see #wrapBash(String)
    wrapJavaString(String, Appendable) - Method in StringEscapes.JavaStringEscapes
    converts normal string to java escaped for double-quotes and wrapped in those double quotes
    WrappedConfigKey - Class in brooklyn.config
    WrappedConfigKey(ConfigKey) - Constructor in WrappedConfigKey
    WrappingEntitySpec - Class in brooklyn.entity.proxying
    @deprecated since 0.6; use EntitySpec#create(EntitySpec)#create(EntitySpec)
    WrappingEntitySpec(EntitySpec) - Constructor in WrappingEntitySpec
    wrappingType - Field in BrooklynTasks.WrappedEntity
    wrapSpec(EntitySpec) - Method in EntitySpecs
    Wraps an entity spec so its configuration can be overridden without modifying the original entity spec.
    WRITE_ACTIVE - Field in CassandraCluster
    WRITE_ACTIVE - Field in CassandraNode
    WRITE_COMPLETED - Field in CassandraNode
    write(byte[], int, int) - Method in DelegatingPrintStream
    write(ObjectDataOutput, Object) - Method in EntityStreamSerializer
    write(byte[], int, int) - Method in IllegalOutputStream
    write(Object) - Method in MementoFileWriter
    WRITE_PENDING - Field in CassandraCluster
    WRITE_PENDING - Field in CassandraNode
    WRITES_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW - Field in CassandraNode
    WRITES_PER_SECOND_IN_WINDOW_PER_NODE - Field in CassandraCluster
    WRITES_PER_SECOND_LAST - Field in CassandraNode
    WRITES_PER_SECOND_LAST_PER_NODE - Field in CassandraCluster
    writeTempFile(byte[]) - Method in ShellAbstractTool
    writeToTempFile(Properties, File, String, String) - Method in ResourceUtils


    X_86_64 - Field in BasicOsDetails.OsArchs
    xml(Predicate) - Method in CatalogPredicates
    XmlMementoSerializer - Class in brooklyn.entity.rebind.persister
    XmlMementoSerializer(ClassLoader) - Constructor in XmlMementoSerializer
    XmlSerializer - Class in brooklyn.util.xstream
    XmlSerializer() - Constructor in XmlSerializer
    xorred(BitList) - Method in BitList
    represents the result of this bit list logically XORred with the other
    xstream - Field in XmlSerializer


    YUM_RUN_SCRIPT - Field in JcloudsUtil


    ZERO - Field in Duration
    ZONE_FAILURE_DETECTOR - Field in DynamicCluster
    ZONE_PLACEMENT_STRATEGY - Field in DynamicCluster
    Zookeeper - Interface in brooklyn.entity.zookeeper
    An Entity that represents a single Apache Zookeeper instance.
    ZOOKEEPER - Field in KafkaBroker
    ZOOKEEPER - Field in KafkaCluster
    Zookeeper for the cluster.
    ZOOKEEPER_PORT - Field in Zookeeper
    ZOOKEEPER_SPEC - Field in KafkaCluster
    Spec for creating the default Kafka zookeeper entity.
    ZYPPER_RUN_SCRIPT - Field in JcloudsUtil


    _10 - Field in Cidr
    _127 - Field in Cidr
    _169_254 - Field in Cidr
    _172_16 - Field in Cidr
    _192_168 - Field in Cidr
    _controller - Field in WhirrClusterImpl
    _subscriptionTracker - Field in AbstractEntity
    _subscriptionTracker - Field in AbstractEntityAdjunct
    not for direct access; refer to as 'subscriptionTracker' via getter so that it is initialized

    Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.