
Deprecated API

      A Factory responsible for creating a driver for a given entity/location.
      Extension to LocationResolver which can take a registry.
      The preprocessor is an internal mechanism to decorate Tasks.

      Convenience base for transforming multiple sensors into a single new sensor.
      @deprecated since 0.6 use EntitySpec.create(...)
since 0.5.0.
      @deprecated since 0.6; for use only in converting deprecated flags; will be deleted in future version.
      @deprecated Use; deprecated since 0.5
      @deprecated since 0.6; code is unused and unnecessary
      For creating EntitySpec instances.
      The ExecUtils
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use new BasicConfigurableEntityFactory(JBoss6ServerImpl.class)
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use new BasicConfigurableEntityFactory(JBoss7ServerImpl.class)
      Useful Groovy utility methods.
      A config key representing a list of values.
      @since 0.6.0-M1
      @deprecated since 0.6; use ConfigMapImpl instead.
      This example starts one web app on 8080, waits for a keypress, then stops it.
      Utility class for cleaning up stacktraces.
      Classloading this class will cause multiply/add to be made available on TimeDuration.
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use new BasicConfigurableEntityFactory(TomcatServerImpl.class)
      Launches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.
      Shows some alternative syntaxes compared with WebClusterDatabaseExample.
      Launches a 3-tier app with nginx, clustered jboss, and mysql.
      Launches a clustered and load-balanced set of web servers.
      Launches a clustered and load-balanced set of web servers.
      @deprecated since 0.6; use EntitySpec#create(EntitySpec)#create(EntitySpec)

      Indicate an exception when attempting to start an entity.

Annotation Types
      Provides runtime access to the name of a paramter, esp for effectors; typically matches any default value supplied in the code
      Provides runtime access to the description of an effector or paramter, esp for effectors.
      Provides a runtime name of a paramter, esp for effectors; typically matches the name in the code.

      Invoked by ManagementContext when this entity becomes managed at a particular management node, including the initial management started and subsequent management node master-change for this entity.
      Invoked by ManagementContext when this entity becomes mastered at a particular management node, including the final management end and subsequent management node master-change for this entity.
AbstractEntity#setAttribute(AttributeSensorAndConfigKey configuredSensor)
      sets the value of the given attribute sensor from the config key value herein if the attribtue sensor is not-set or null
AbstractLocation#addChildLocation(Location child)
      @deprecated since 0.6
AbstractLocation#removeChildLocation(Location child)
      @deprecated since 0.6
AbstractManagementContext#runAtEntity(java.util.Map flags, Entity entity, java.util.concurrent.Callable c)
      Causes the indicated runnable to be run at the right location for the given entity.
since 0.4.
      @deprecated since 0.5.0; instead rely on DownloadResolverManager to include local-repo, such as:
AbstractSoftwareProcessSshDriver#getEntityVersionLabel(java.lang.String separator)
      @deprecated since 0.5.0; instead rely on DownloadResolverManager to include local-repo
ApplicationBuilder#createChild(EntitySpec spec)
      @deprecated since 0.5.0-rc.1 (added in 0.5.0-M2); use addChild(EntitySpec), for consistency with AbstractEntity#addChild(EntitySpec)#addChild(EntitySpec).
ApplicationBuilder#createChild(java.util.Map config, java.lang.Class type)
      @deprecated since 0.5.0-rc.1 (added in 0.5.0-M2); use addChild(Map, Class)
ApplicationBuilder#newAppSpec(java.lang.Class type)
      @deprecated since 0.5.0-rc.1 (added in 0.5.0-M2)
AttributePollHandler#onError(java.lang.Exception error)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use onException(Exception)
BashCommands#alternatives(java.util.Collection commands, java.lang.String failureCommand)
      Returns a sequence of alternative commands that runs until one of the commands succeeds; or if none succeed, it will run the failure command.
BashCommands#downloadUrlAs(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String entityVersionPath, java.lang.String pathlessFilenameToSaveAs)
      @see downloadUrlAs(Map, String, String, String)
BashCommands#downloadUrlAs(java.util.Map flags, java.lang.String url, java.lang.String entityVersionPath, java.lang.String pathlessFilenameToSaveAs)
      /** Returns command for downloading from a url and saving to a file; currently using curl.
BashCommands#exists(java.lang.String executable, java.lang.String commands)
      Returns a command that runs only if the specified executable is in the path.
BashCommands#file(java.lang.String path, java.lang.String command)
      Returns a command that runs only if the specified file exists
      Returns the command that installs Java 1.6.
BashCommands#missing(java.lang.String executable, java.lang.String command)
      Returns a command that runs only if the specified executable is NOT in the path
BashCommands#on(java.lang.String osName, java.lang.String command)
      Returns a command that runs only if the operating system is as specified; Checks /etc/issue for the specified name
BasicExecutionManager#setBlockingDetails(java.lang.String description)
      convenience for setting "blocking details" on any task where the current thread is running; typically invoked prior to a wait, for transparency to a user; then invoked with 'null' just after the wait
BasicExecutionManager#withBlockingDetails(java.lang.String description, java.util.concurrent.Callable code)
      convenience for setting "blocking details" on any task where the current thread is running, while the passed code is executed; often used from groovy as
withBlockingDetails("sleeping 5s") { Thread.sleep(5000);  }
BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer#customize(ComputeService computeService, TemplateBuilder templateBuilder)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use {@link #customize(JcloudsLocation, ComputeService, TemplateBuilder)
BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer#customize(ComputeService computeService, TemplateOptions templateOptions)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use {@link #customize(JcloudsLocation, ComputeService, TemplateOptions)
BasicJcloudsLocationCustomizer#customize(ComputeService computeService, JcloudsSshMachineLocation machine)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use {@link #customize(JcloudsLocation, ComputeService, JcloudsSshMachineLocation)
      Starts the web server (with web console) and Brooklyn applications, as per the specifications configured.
BrooklynLauncher#manage(AbstractApplication app)
      Launches the web console on port 8081, and a Brooklyn application, with a single command, in such a way that the web console is launched and the application is shutdown on server termination.
BrooklynLauncher#manage(AbstractApplication app, int port)
      Launches the web console on the given port, and a Brooklyn application, with a single command, in such a way that the web console is launched and the application is shutdown on server termination.
BrooklynLauncher#manage(AbstractApplication app, int port, boolean shutdownApp, boolean startWebConsole)
      Launches the web console on the given port, and a Brooklyn application, with a single command.
BrooklynLauncher#management(ManagementContext context)
      Specifies the management context this launcher should use.
BrooklynLauncher#managing(Application app)
      Specifies that the launcher should manage the given Brooklyn application.
BrooklynLauncher#managing(ApplicationBuilder app)
      Specifies that the launcher should build and manage the given Brooklyn application.
      Creates a configurable (fluent API) launcher for use starting the web console and Brooklyn applications.
BrooklynLauncher#setAttribute(java.lang.String field, java.lang.Object value)
      Specifies an attribute passed to deployed webapps (in addition to BrooklynServiceAttributes#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT#BROOKLYN_MANAGEMENT_CONTEXT
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newAveragingEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target)
      @see #newAveragingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Number, Double)
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newAveragingEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target, java.lang.Number defaultValue)
      @see #newAveragingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Number, Double)
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newSummingEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target)
      @see newSummingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Number, Number)
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newSummingEnricher(java.util.Map flags, AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target, N defaultValue)
      @see newSummingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Number, Number)
CustomAggregatingEnricher#newSummingEnricher(AttributeSensor source, AttributeSensor target, N defaultValue)
      @see newSummingEnricher(Map, AttributeSensor, AttributeSensor, Number, Number)
DynamicCluster#setRemovalStrategy(groovy.lang.Closure val)
      @deprecated since 0.6.0; use setRemovalStrategy(Function), along with GroovyJavaMethods#functionFromClosure(Closure)#functionFromClosure(Closure)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use addNode(Location), so can take that location into account when configuring node
DynamicClusterImpl#createNode(java.util.Map flags)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use createNode(Location, Map), so can take that location into account when configuring node
      @deprecated since 0.6.0; subclasses should instead override pickAndRemoveMembers(int) if they really need to!
EffectorUtils#invokeEffector(Entity entity, Effector eff, java.lang.Object args)
      Invokes the effector so that its progress is tracked.
EffectorUtils#invokeEffector(AbstractEntity entity, java.lang.reflect.Method method, java.lang.Object args)
      Invokes the effector so that its progress is tracked.
Entities#destroyAll(Application app)
      stops, destroys, and unmanages the given application -- and terminates the mangaement context; does as many as are valid given the type and state
Entities#manage(Location loc, ManagementContext managementContext)
      Registers the given location (and all its children) with the management context.
EntityLocal#getConfig(ConfigKey key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
      sets the value of the given attribute sensor from the config key value herein, // * if the config key resolves to a non-null value as a sensor // * // * @deprecated since 0.5; use setAttribute(AttributeSensor, Object), such as // *
//     * T val = getConfig(KEY.getConfigKey());
//     * if (val !
EntityLocal#getConfig(HasConfigKey key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
      @deprecated in 0.5; use getConfig(HasConfigKey)
      @return The task execution context for the entity, or null if it is not yet managed.
      @return The management context for the entity, or null if it is not yet managed.
EntitySpecs#spec(java.lang.Class type)
      @deprecated use EntitySpec#create(Class)#create(Class)
EntitySpecs#spec(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.Class implType)
      @deprecated use EntitySpec#create(Class, Class)#create(Class, Class)
EntitySpecs#spec(java.util.Map config, java.lang.Class type)
      @deprecated use EntitySpec#create(Map, Class)#create(Map, Class)
EntitySpecs#wrapSpec(EntitySpec spec)
      Wraps an entity spec so its configuration can be overridden without modifying the original entity spec.
      Returns the current Task being executed by this context, or null if not currently executing a task.
ExecutionManager#submit(java.util.Map flags, java.lang.Object c)
      @see submit(Map, Task)
Identifiers#makeValidJavaToken(java.lang.String token)
      changes 'token' to a string which is valid in java, but resembles the original
      @deprecated since 0.5; use getManagementHttpPort() instead
JmxNotificationFilters#matchesTypeRegex(java.lang.String typeRegex)
since 0.6.0; only works if this brooklyn class is on the classpath of the JVM that your subscribing to notifications on (because it tries to push the filter instance to that JVM).
JmxNotificationSubscriptionConfig#notificationFilterByTypeRegex(java.lang.String val)
      @deprecated since 0.6.0; use notificationFilter(JmxNotificationFilters.matchesType(val))
LanguageUtils#addToMapOfLists(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      as addToMapOfSets(Map, Object, Object) but for java.util.ArrayList
LanguageUtils#addToMapOfSets(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      Adds the given value to a collection in the map under the key.
      @deprecated use Identifiers.makeRandomId(8)
LanguageUtils#removeFromMapOfCollections(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      Removes the given value from a collection in the map under the key.
LocalSubscriptionManager#addToMapOfSets(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      Copied from LanguageUtils.groovy, to remove dependency.
LocalSubscriptionManager#removeFromMapOfCollections(java.util.Map map, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object valueInCollection)
      Copied from LanguageUtils.groovy, to remove dependency.
Location#findLocationProperty(java.lang.String key)
      Like getLocationProperty, but if the property is not defined on this location, searches recursively up the parent hierarchy until it is found, or the root is reached (when this method will return null).
      Returns all config set _at_ this location (not inherited)
      @deprecated since 0.6
Location#getLocationProperty(java.lang.String key)
      Returns the value of the property identified by the specified key.
      @deprecated since 0.6
      @deprecated since 0.6
Location#hasConfig(ConfigKey key)
      True iff the indication config key is set _at_ this location (not parents)
Location#hasLocationProperty(java.lang.String key)
      Returns true iff this location contains a property with the specified key.
Location#setParentLocation(Location newParent)
      @deprecated since 0.6
LocationManager#manage(Location loc)
      Begins management for the given location and its children, recursively.
LocationRegistry#getDefinedLocation(java.lang.String id)
      @deprecated since 0.6.0; use getDefinedLocationById(String) (ID should be explicit because this is usually *not* the method people want)
LocationResolver#newLocationFromString(java.util.Map properties, java.lang.String spec)
      Returns a Location instance, e.g. a JcloudsLocation instance configured to provision in AWS eu-west-1; the properties map may contain lots of info some of which may be relevant to this location (eg containing credentials for many clouds, and resolver picks out the ones applicable here) -- commonly it is a BrooklynProperties instance, read from .brooklyn/
LocationSpec#spec(java.lang.Class type)
      @deprecated since 0.6 (added 0.6.0-M1); use create(Class)
LocationSpec#spec(java.util.Map config, java.lang.Class type)
      @deprecated since 0.6 (added 0.6.0-M1); use create(Map, Class)
      All entities under control of this management plane
ManagementContext#getEntity(java.lang.String id)
      Returns the entity with the given identifier (may be a full instance, or a proxy to one which is remote)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use getEntityDriverManager()
ManagementContext#isManaged(Entity entity)
      Whether the entity is under management by this management context
ManagementContext#manage(Entity e)
      Manage an entity.
ManagementContext#unmanage(Entity e)
      Unmanage an entity.
      @deprecated since 0.5; the catcher can know which location had no machines based on which location they asked for; will remove this so that the exception is definitely serializable.
PollHandler#onError(java.lang.Exception error)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use onException(Exception)
Reflections#findCallabaleConstructor(java.lang.Class clazz, java.lang.Object args)
      Returns a constructor that accepts the given arguments, or null if no such constructor is accessible.
Repeater#every(long duration)
      @see #every(long, TimeUnit)
ShellPollConfig#failOnNonZeroResultCode(boolean val)
      Overrides any Function given to checkSuccess.
      Overrides any Function given to checkSuccess to treat any non-zero response code as a failure.
SshMachineLocation#exec(java.util.List commands)
      Convenience for running commands using ssh {@literal exec} mode.
SshPollConfig#failOnNonZeroResultCode(boolean val)
      Overrides any Function given to checkSuccess.
      Overrides any Function given to checkSuccess to treat any non-zero response code as a failure.
TestUtils#assertAttributeContinually(Entity entity, AttributeSensor attribute, java.lang.Object expected)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use EntityTestUtils#assertAttributeEqualsContinually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)#assertAttributeEqualsContinually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)
TestUtils#assertAttributeEventually(Entity entity, AttributeSensor attribute, java.lang.Object expected)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use EntityTestUtils#assertAttributeEqualsEventually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)#assertAttributeEqualsEventually(Entity, AttributeSensor, Object)
TestUtils#assertContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate, java.lang.String errMsg, long durationMs)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)
TestUtils#assertContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate, java.lang.String errMsg)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)
TestUtils#assertContinuallyFromJava(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)#continually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], Supplier supplier, Predicate predicate, java.lang.String errMsg)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)#eventually(Map, Supplier, Predicate, String)
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts.succeedsEventually
TestUtils#assertEventually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.lang.Runnable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)
TestUtils#assertFails(java.lang.Runnable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFails(Runnable)#assertFails(Runnable)
TestUtils#assertFailsWith(java.lang.Runnable c, groovy.lang.Closure exceptionChecker)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFailsWith(Closure)#assertFailsWith(Closure)
TestUtils#assertFailsWith(java.lang.Runnable c, java.lang.Class validException, java.lang.Class otherValidExceptions)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts.assertFailsWith
TestUtils#assertFailsWith(java.lang.Runnable c, Predicate exceptionChecker)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#assertFailsWith(Runnable, Predicate)#assertFailsWith(Runnable, Predicate)
TestUtils#assertNonEmpty(java.lang.Iterable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use assertFalse(Iterables.isEmpty(c))
TestUtils#assertSize(java.lang.Iterable c, int expectedSize)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use assertEquals(Iterables.size(c), expectedSize)
TestUtils#assertSucceedsContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.lang.Runnable job)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsContinually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsContinually(Map, Runnable)
TestUtils#assertSucceedsContinually(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable job)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsContinually(Map, Callable)#succeedsContinually(Map, Callable)
TestUtils#assertUrlStatusCodeEventually(java.lang.String url, int expected)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use HttpTestUtils#assertHttpStatusCodeEquals(String, int)#assertHttpStatusCodeEquals(String, int)
TestUtils#connectToURL(java.lang.String url)
      Connects to the given url and returns the connection.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceeds(java.util.Map flags = [:], groovy.lang.Closure c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceeds(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceeds(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.lang.Runnable r)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Runnable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsElseShutdown(java.util.Map flags = [:], Entity entity, groovy.lang.Closure c)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable), and tear-down with AfterMethod.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(java.util.Map flags = [:], groovy.lang.Closure c, groovy.lang.Closure finallyBlock = {})
      @deprecated since 0.5; use Asserts#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable)#succeedsEventually(Map, Callable), and tear-down with AfterMethod.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlock(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c, groovy.lang.Closure finallyBlock = {})
      Convenience method for cases where we need to test until something is true.
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithFinallyBlockInternal(java.util.Map flags = [:], java.util.concurrent.Callable c, groovy.lang.Closure finallyBlock = {})
      the "real" implementation, renamed to allow multiple entry points (depending whether closure cast to callable)
TestUtils#executeUntilSucceedsWithShutdown(java.util.Map flags = [:], Entity entity, groovy.lang.Closure c)
      convenience for entities to ensure they shutdown afterwards.
TestUtils#getResource(java.lang.String path, java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use ResourceUtils
TestUtils#isPortInUse(int port, long retryAfterMillis = 0)
      True if two attempts to connect to the port succeed.
TestUtils#toTimeDuration(java.lang.Object duration)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use long and java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
TestUtils#toTimeDuration(java.lang.Object duration, groovy.time.TimeDuration defaultVal)
      @deprecated since 0.5; use long and java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
TestUtils#urlRespondsStatusCode(java.lang.String url)
      Connects to the given HTTP URL and asserts that the response had status code 200.
TestUtils#urlRespondsWithStatusCode200(java.lang.String url)
      Connects to the given HTTP URL and asserts that the response had status code 200.

AbstractApplication#AbstractApplication(java.util.Map properties)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use EntitySpec so no-arg constructor
AbstractApplication#AbstractApplication(java.util.Map properties, Entity parent)
      Constructor for when application is nested inside another application
AbstractEntity#AbstractEntity(java.util.Map flags)
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use no-arg constructor with EntityManager().createEntity(spec)
AbstractEntity#AbstractEntity(Entity parent)
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use no-arg constructor with EntityManager().createEntity(spec)
AbstractEntity#AbstractEntity(java.util.Map flags, Entity parent)
      @deprecated since 0.5; instead use no-arg constructor with EntityManager().createEntity(spec)
JcloudsSshMachineLocation#JcloudsSshMachineLocation(java.util.Map flags, JcloudsLocation jcloudsParent, NodeMetadata node)
      @deprecated since 0.6; use LocationSpec (which calls no-arg constructor)
LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation#LocalhostMachineProvisioningLocation(java.util.Map properties)
      @param properties the properties of the new instance.
NoMachinesAvailableException#NoMachinesAvailableException(Location location)
      @deprecated since 0.5; don't include Location - just use NoMachinesAvailableException(String)
NoMachinesAvailableException#NoMachinesAvailableException(Location location, java.lang.String s)
      @deprecated since 0.5; don't include Location - just use NoMachinesAvailableException(String)
NoMachinesAvailableException#NoMachinesAvailableException(Location location, java.lang.String s, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
      @deprecated since 0.5; don't include Location - just use NoMachinesAvailableException(String, Throwable)
NoMachinesAvailableException#NoMachinesAvailableException(Location location, java.lang.Throwable throwable)
      @deprecated since 0.5; don't include Location - just use NoMachinesAvailableException(String, Throwable)

Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.