
[Java] Interface ConfigMap

public interface ConfigMap

Nested Class Summary
interface ConfigMap.StringConfigMap

convenience extension where map is principally strings or converted to strings (supporting BrooklynProperties)

Method Summary
java.util.Map getAllConfig()

returns a map of all config keys to their raw (unresolved+uncoerced) contents

java.lang.Object getConfig(ConfigKey key)

@see #getConfig(ConfigKey, Object), with default value as per the key, or null

java.lang.Object getConfig(HasConfigKey key)

@see #getConfig(ConfigKey, Object), with default value as per the key, or null

java.lang.Object getConfig(HasConfigKey key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)

@see #getConfig(ConfigKey, Object), with provided default value if not set

java.lang.Object getConfig(ConfigKey key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)

returns value stored against the given key, resolved (if it is a Task, possibly blocking), and coerced to the appropriate type, or given default value if not set

java.lang.Object getRawConfig(ConfigKey key)

returns the value stored against the given key, not any default, not resolved (and guaranteed non-blocking) and not type-coerced

ConfigMap submap(Predicate filter)

returns submap matching the given filter predicate; see ConfigPredicates for common predicates


Method Detail


public java.util.Map getAllConfig()
returns a map of all config keys to their raw (unresolved+uncoerced) contents


public java.lang.Object getConfig(ConfigKey key)
See Also:
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object)


public java.lang.Object getConfig(HasConfigKey key)
See Also:
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object)


public java.lang.Object getConfig(HasConfigKey key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
See Also:
getConfig(ConfigKey, Object)


public java.lang.Object getConfig(ConfigKey key, java.lang.Object defaultValue)
returns value stored against the given key, resolved (if it is a Task, possibly blocking), and coerced to the appropriate type, or given default value if not set


public java.lang.Object getRawConfig(ConfigKey key)
returns the value stored against the given key, not any default, not resolved (and guaranteed non-blocking) and not type-coerced
raw, unresolved, uncoerced value of key in map, locally or inherited, but not any default on the key


public ConfigMap submap(Predicate filter)
returns submap matching the given filter predicate; see ConfigPredicates for common predicates


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