
[Java] Interface ConfigKey

public interface ConfigKey

Represents the name of a piece of typed configuration data for an entity.

Two ConfigKeys should be considered equal if they have the same FQN.

Nested Class Summary
interface ConfigKey.HasConfigKey

Interface for elements which want to be treated as a config key without actually being one (e.g. config attribute sensors).

Method Summary
java.lang.Object getDefaultValue()

Returns the default value of the configuration parameter.

java.lang.String getDescription()

Returns the description of the configuration parameter, for display.

java.lang.String getName()

Returns the name of the configuration parameter, in a dot-separated namespace (FQN).

java.util.Collection getNameParts()

Returns the constituent parts of the configuration parameter name as a java.util.Collection.

java.lang.Class getType()

Returns the type of the configuration parameter data.

java.lang.String getTypeName()

Returns the name of of the configuration parameter data type, as a java.lang.String.

boolean hasDefaultValue()

Returns true if a default configuration value has been set.


Method Detail


public java.lang.Object getDefaultValue()
Returns the default value of the configuration parameter.


public java.lang.String getDescription()
Returns the description of the configuration parameter, for display.


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the name of the configuration parameter, in a dot-separated namespace (FQN).


public java.util.Collection getNameParts()
Returns the constituent parts of the configuration parameter name as a java.util.Collection.


public java.lang.Class getType()
Returns the type of the configuration parameter data.


public java.lang.String getTypeName()
Returns the name of of the configuration parameter data type, as a java.lang.String.


public boolean hasDefaultValue()
Returns true if a default configuration value has been set.


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