(bloritsch at apache dot org)
Berin has helped define and document the Avalon projects since 2000.
He has been involved in Apache Avalon and Apache Cocoon. He is the
author of the current thread-safe pool implementations as well as
the DataSourceComponent. Berin and Giacomo Pati were the architects
of Excalibur's Component Management infrastructure.
Outside of the public view of the Apache Software Foundation, Berin
has developed workflow based web applications as well as data
manipulation services. He has nine years of experience developing
database backed applications, and eight years experience with
technical writing. Berin has only been developing Java since 1999,
but his background in other Object Oriented Languages and architectures
like C++ and CORBA helped him get a jump start.
(bloritsch at apache dot org)
Berin has helped define and document the Avalon projects since 2000.
He has been involved in Apache Avalon and Apache Cocoon. He is the
author of the current thread-safe pool implementations as well as
the DataSourceComponent. Berin and Giacomo Pati were the architects
of Excalibur's Component Management infrastructure.
Outside of the public view of the Apache Software Foundation, Berin
has developed workflow based web applications as well as data
manipulation services. He has nine years of experience developing
database backed applications, and eight years experience with
technical writing. Berin has only been developing Java since 1999,
but his background in other Object Oriented Languages and architectures
like C++ and CORBA helped him get a jump start.
>>>>>>> .r22671