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The ConnectionManager service provides a facility to listen for incoming socket connections. The DefaultConnectionManager compoent gives a thread pooled implementation of this service. If there are multiple server components depending on this component, they would all share the same thread pool.


The DataSourceSelector service provides a way to select DataSourceComponent. The DefaultDataSourceSelector component provides a set of ready to use DataSourceComponents.


The TimeScheduler service provides a services supporting the scheduling of activities to occur an certain intervals. The DefaultTimeScheduler block implements the service. When used in conjunction with the service is it a TimeTrigger. There are two such tiggers provided within the implementation CronTimeTrigger and PeriodicTimeTigger.


The SocketManager service provides a way to lookup a factory for server of client sockets. This service is provided by the DefaultSocketManager component.


The Store service provides a way to store named Objects or Streams without knowing how they are stored. The RepositoryManager block implements this service and provides (in invocation of select(..) ) an appropriate Respository. The two configurable implementations use the local file system for storage.


The ThreadManager service provides a way get default or named Thread Pool. The DefaultThreadManager block implements this service based on the Excalibur implementations of ThreadPool.