Compatibility with Avalon Project Containers
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Compatibility with Avalon Project Containers

There are many applications, utility or tools written in Java that you wish you could use in an Avalon container. It may be that you are writing such an app/utility/tool that you intend to additionally be usable by Avalon components in Avalon containers. This document gives some advice on the subject. We will refer to applications, utilities and tools as just 'tools' from her on in. We'll assume the classes for which are in a single Jar.

Making a Jar for a tool

The tool's Jar should only contain the classes in question and directly associated resources. It should not contain the classes or resources from other projects. For example it is a bad habit to include the org.apache.xerces.* jars in another jar. It would be correct for the notes accompanying the tools to list xerces.jar as a dependency.

It is best that packages for the tool are well defined. Sun recommend a package structure that honors the internet domain of the hosted proejct. For example org.apache prefixes all the packages of projects hosted at Apache. Sometimes a project thinks it is significant enough to avoid the domain name based naming, but still have a package. JUnit is an example of this, as it uses junit as its top level package. Tools that have no package or a package name that a non unique word are not good design.

Wrapping third party tools

There are many tools written in Java as beans that you wish you could use in an Avalon container as a component. If they are not dependent on Avalon packages and classes already it is likely that some wrapper concept is appropriate. The normal form is to have a separate package with a class that is dependent on Avalon Framework methods. That wrapper class would be Configurable, Initializable etc, and would map its configuration to setZYZ() methods in the original bean.

It is also a good idea to understand the separation of interface and implementation when designing components.

Dynamic Classloading

Many Java tools internally use Class.forName(String).newInstance() to instantiate some part of its internal functionality. This works if the class's Jar is mounted at the top-level system classloader. In the case of many Avalon containers, the Jar in question will actually be mounted in a classloader at some other point in a tree of classloaders. Thus Class.forName() will fail with ClassNotFoundException if running in a container.

A better thing to do would be to use this.getClass().getClassLoader().loadClass(String). This means that the class will always be loaded from classloader that hosts the rest of the classes for the tool. It can run at any point in a tree of classloaders without problem.

Use of Static

It is common amongst novice developers to use much static functionality. This could be methods or class variables. Given that Avalon's containers may mount multiple instances of a component potentially in multiple classloaders, the use of static may lead to unpredicted behavior. If the static var or method is mounted in a classloader that is visible to multiple components, then it will behave as expected. For this reason, static should be used with care - you cannot guarantee where someone might try to run your tool.

Static also makes Unit Testing quite difficult. If you can at all avoid it, please do so.