Class MenuFactory

  extended by org.apache.batik.util.resources.ResourceManager
      extended by org.apache.batik.util.gui.resource.MenuFactory

public class MenuFactory
extends ResourceManager

This class represents a menu factory which builds menubars and menus from the content of a resource file.
The resource entries format is (for a menubar named 'MenuBar'):

   MenuBar           = Menu1 Menu2 ...

   Menu1.type        = RADIO | CHECK | MENU | ITEM
   Menu1             = Item1 Item2 - Item3 ...
   Menu1.text        = text
   Menu1.icon        = icon_name
   Menu1.mnemonic    = mnemonic
   Menu1.accelerator = accelerator
   Menu1.action      = action_name
   Menu1.selected    = true | false
   Menu1.enabled     = true | false
 mnemonic is a single character
 accelerator is of the form described in KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(String).
 '-' represents a separator
All entries are optional except the '.type' entry Consecutive RADIO items are put in a ButtonGroup

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.batik.util.resources.ResourceManager
Constructor Summary
MenuFactory(ResourceBundle rb, ActionMap am)
          Creates a new menu factory
Method Summary
 JCheckBoxMenuItem createJCheckBoxMenuItem(String name)
          Creates and returns a new swing check box menu item
 JCheckBoxMenuItem createJCheckBoxMenuItem(String name, String specialization)
          Creates and returns a new swing check box menu item
 JMenu createJMenu(String name)
          Creates and returns a new swing menu
 JMenu createJMenu(String name, String specialization)
          Creates and returns a new swing menu
 JMenuBar createJMenuBar(String name)
          Creates and returns a swing menu bar
 JMenuBar createJMenuBar(String name, String specialization)
          Creates and returns a swing menu bar
protected  JComponent createJMenuComponent(String name, String specialization)
          Creates and returns a menu item or a separator
 JMenuItem createJMenuItem(String name)
          Creates and returns a new swing menu item
 JMenuItem createJMenuItem(String name, String specialization)
          Creates and returns a new swing menu item
 JRadioButtonMenuItem createJRadioButtonMenuItem(String name)
          Creates and returns a new swing radio button menu item
 JRadioButtonMenuItem createJRadioButtonMenuItem(String name, String specialization)
          Creates and returns a new swing radio button menu item
protected  boolean getSpecializedBoolean(String name, String specialization)
          Gets a possibly specialized resource boolean.
protected  String getSpecializedString(String name, String specialization)
          Gets a possibly specialized resource string.
protected  List getSpecializedStringList(String name, String specialization)
          Gets a possibly specialized resource string list.
protected  void initializeJMenuItem(JMenuItem item, String name, String specialization)
          Initializes a swing menu item
Methods inherited from class org.apache.batik.util.resources.ResourceManager
getBoolean, getCharacter, getInteger, getString, getStringList, getStringList, getStringList
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MenuFactory(ResourceBundle rb,
                   ActionMap am)
Creates a new menu factory

rb - the resource bundle that contains the menu bar description.
am - the actions to add to menu items
Method Detail


public JMenuBar createJMenuBar(String name)
                        throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a swing menu bar

name - the name of the menu bar in the resource bundle
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character and if the accelerator is malformed
MissingListenerException - if an item action is not found in the action map


public JMenuBar createJMenuBar(String name,
                               String specialization)
                        throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a swing menu bar

name - the name of the menu bar in the resource bundle
specialization - the name of the specialization to look for
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character and if the accelerator is malformed
MissingListenerException - if an item action is not found in the action map


protected String getSpecializedString(String name,
                                      String specialization)
Gets a possibly specialized resource string. This will first look for name + '.' + specialization, and if that resource doesn't exist, name.


protected List getSpecializedStringList(String name,
                                        String specialization)
Gets a possibly specialized resource string list. This will first look for name + '.' + specialization, and if that resource doesn't exist, name.


protected boolean getSpecializedBoolean(String name,
                                        String specialization)
Gets a possibly specialized resource boolean. This will first look for name + '.' + specialization, and if that resource doesn't exist, name.


protected JComponent createJMenuComponent(String name,
                                          String specialization)
                                   throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a menu item or a separator

name - the name of the menu item or "-" to create a separator
specialization - the name of the specialization to look for
MissingResourceException - if key is not the name of a menu item. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - in case of malformed entry
MissingListenerException - if an item action is not found in the action map


public JMenu createJMenu(String name)
                  throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing menu

name - the name of the menu bar in the resource bundle
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if a item action is not found in the action map.


public JMenu createJMenu(String name,
                         String specialization)
                  throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing menu

name - the name of the menu bar in the resource bundle
specialization - the name of the specialization to look for
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if a item action is not found in the action map.


public JMenuItem createJMenuItem(String name)
                          throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing menu item

name - the name of the menu item
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu item is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if then item action is not found in the action map.


public JMenuItem createJMenuItem(String name,
                                 String specialization)
                          throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing menu item

name - the name of the menu item
specialization - the name of the specialization to look for
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu item is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if then item action is not found in the action map.


public JRadioButtonMenuItem createJRadioButtonMenuItem(String name)
                                                throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing radio button menu item

name - the name of the menu item
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu item is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if then item action is not found in the action map.


public JRadioButtonMenuItem createJRadioButtonMenuItem(String name,
                                                       String specialization)
                                                throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing radio button menu item

name - the name of the menu item
specialization - the name of the specialization to look for
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu item is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if then item action is not found in the action map.


public JCheckBoxMenuItem createJCheckBoxMenuItem(String name)
                                          throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing check box menu item

name - the name of the menu item
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu item is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if then item action is not found in the action map.


public JCheckBoxMenuItem createJCheckBoxMenuItem(String name,
                                                 String specialization)
                                          throws MissingResourceException,
Creates and returns a new swing check box menu item

name - the name of the menu item
specialization - the name of the specialization to look for
MissingResourceException - if one of the keys that compose the menu item is missing. It is not thrown if the mnemonic, the accelerator and the action keys are missing
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if then item action is not found in the action map.


protected void initializeJMenuItem(JMenuItem item,
                                   String name,
                                   String specialization)
                            throws ResourceFormatException,
Initializes a swing menu item

item - the menu item to initialize
name - the name of the menu item
specialization - the name of the specialization to look for
ResourceFormatException - if the mnemonic is not a single character.
MissingListenerException - if then item action is not found in the action map.

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