Class GraphicsNodeRable8Bit

  extended by org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.AbstractRable
      extended by org.apache.batik.gvt.filter.GraphicsNodeRable8Bit
All Implemented Interfaces:
RenderableImage, Filter, PaintRable, GraphicsNodeRable

public class GraphicsNodeRable8Bit
extends AbstractRable
implements GraphicsNodeRable, PaintRable

This implementation of RenderableImage will render its input GraphicsNode into a BufferedImage upon invokation of one of its createRendering methods.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.AbstractRable
props, srcs, stamp
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage
Constructor Summary
GraphicsNodeRable8Bit(GraphicsNode node)
GraphicsNodeRable8Bit(GraphicsNode node, boolean usePrimitivePaint)
GraphicsNodeRable8Bit(GraphicsNode node, Map props)
Method Summary
 void clearCache()
          Clear any cached Red.
 RenderedImage createRendering(RenderContext renderContext)
          Creates a RenderedImage that represented a rendering of this image using a given RenderContext.
 Rectangle2D getBounds2D()
          Returns the bounds of this Rable in the user coordinate system.
 GraphicsNode getGraphicsNode()
          Returns the GraphicsNode rendered by this image
 boolean getUsePrimitivePaint()
          Returns true if this Rable get's it's contents by calling primitivePaint on the associated GraphicsNode or false if it uses paint.
 boolean isDynamic()
          Returns true if successive renderings (that is, calls to createRendering() or createScaledRendering()) with the same arguments may produce different results.
 boolean paintRable(Graphics2D g2d)
          Should perform the equivilent action as createRendering followed by drawing the RenderedImage to Graphics2D, or return false.
 void setGraphicsNode(GraphicsNode node)
          Sets the GraphicsNode this image should render
 void setUsePrimitivePaint(boolean usePrimitivePaint)
          Set to true if this Rable should get it's contents by calling primitivePaint on the associated GraphicsNode or false if it should use paint.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.AbstractRable
createDefaultRendering, createScaledRendering, getDependencyRegion, getDirtyRegion, getHeight, getMinX, getMinY, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getSources, getTimeStamp, getWidth, init, init, init, init, touch
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.Filter
getDependencyRegion, getDirtyRegion, getTimeStamp
Methods inherited from interface java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage
createDefaultRendering, createScaledRendering, getHeight, getMinX, getMinY, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getSources, getWidth

Constructor Detail


public GraphicsNodeRable8Bit(GraphicsNode node)
node - The GraphicsNode this image should represent


public GraphicsNodeRable8Bit(GraphicsNode node,
                             Map props)
node - The GraphicsNode this image should represent
props - The Properties for this image.


public GraphicsNodeRable8Bit(GraphicsNode node,
                             boolean usePrimitivePaint)
node - the GraphicsNode this image should represent
usePrimitivePaint - indicates if the image should include any filters or mask operations on node
Method Detail


public boolean getUsePrimitivePaint()
Returns true if this Rable get's it's contents by calling primitivePaint on the associated GraphicsNode or false if it uses paint.

Specified by:
getUsePrimitivePaint in interface GraphicsNodeRable


public void setUsePrimitivePaint(boolean usePrimitivePaint)
Set to true if this Rable should get it's contents by calling primitivePaint on the associated GraphicsNode or false if it should use paint.

Specified by:
setUsePrimitivePaint in interface GraphicsNodeRable


public GraphicsNode getGraphicsNode()
Returns the GraphicsNode rendered by this image

Specified by:
getGraphicsNode in interface GraphicsNodeRable
the GraphicsNode associated with this image.


public void setGraphicsNode(GraphicsNode node)
Sets the GraphicsNode this image should render

Specified by:
setGraphicsNode in interface GraphicsNodeRable


public void clearCache()
Clear any cached Red.


public Rectangle2D getBounds2D()
Returns the bounds of this Rable in the user coordinate system.

Specified by:
getBounds2D in interface Filter
getBounds2D in class AbstractRable


public boolean isDynamic()
Returns true if successive renderings (that is, calls to createRendering() or createScaledRendering()) with the same arguments may produce different results. This method may be used to determine whether an existing rendering may be cached and reused. It is always safe to return true.

Specified by:
isDynamic in interface RenderableImage
isDynamic in class AbstractRable


public boolean paintRable(Graphics2D g2d)
Should perform the equivilent action as createRendering followed by drawing the RenderedImage to Graphics2D, or return false.

Specified by:
paintRable in interface PaintRable
g2d - The Graphics2D to draw to.
true if the paint call succeeded, false if for some reason the paint failed (in which case a createRendering should be used).


public RenderedImage createRendering(RenderContext renderContext)
Creates a RenderedImage that represented a rendering of this image using a given RenderContext. This is the most general way to obtain a rendering of a RenderableImage.

The created RenderedImage may have a property identified by the String HINTS_OBSERVED to indicate which RenderingHints (from the RenderContext) were used to create the image. In addition any RenderedImages that are obtained via the getSources() method on the created RenderedImage may have such a property.

Specified by:
createRendering in interface RenderableImage
renderContext - the RenderContext to use to produce the rendering.
a RenderedImage containing the rendered data.

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