Interface XBLManager

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultXBLManager, GenericXBLManager

public interface XBLManager

An interface for classes that can manage XBL functionality for a document's nodes.

Method Summary
 Element getXblBoundElement(Node n)
          Get the bound element whose shadow tree a node resides in.
 NodeList getXblChildNodes(Node n)
          Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree.
 NodeList getXblDefinitions(Node n)
          Get the xbl:definition elements currently binding an element.
 Node getXblFirstChild(Node n)
          Get the first child node of a node in the fully flattened tree.
 Element getXblFirstElementChild(Node n)
          Get the first element child of a node in the fully flattened tree.
 Node getXblLastChild(Node n)
          Get the last child node of a node in the fully flattened tree.
 Element getXblLastElementChild(Node n)
          Get the last element child of a node in the fully flattened tree.
 Element getXblNextElementSibling(Node n)
          Get the first element that follows a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
 Node getXblNextSibling(Node n)
          Get the node which directly follows a node in thexblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
 Node getXblParentNode(Node n)
          Get the parent of a node in the fully flattened tree.
 Element getXblPreviousElementSibling(Node n)
          Get the first element that precedes the a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
 Node getXblPreviousSibling(Node n)
          Get the node which directly precedes a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.
 NodeList getXblScopedChildNodes(Node n)
          Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree that are within the same shadow scope.
 Element getXblShadowTree(Node n)
          Get the shadow tree of a node.
 boolean isProcessing()
          Returns whether XBL processing is currently enabled.
 void startProcessing()
          Starts XBL processing on the document.
 void stopProcessing()
          Stops XBL processing on the document.

Method Detail


void startProcessing()
Starts XBL processing on the document.


void stopProcessing()
Stops XBL processing on the document.


boolean isProcessing()
Returns whether XBL processing is currently enabled.


Node getXblParentNode(Node n)
Get the parent of a node in the fully flattened tree.


NodeList getXblChildNodes(Node n)
Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree.


NodeList getXblScopedChildNodes(Node n)
Get the list of child nodes of a node in the fully flattened tree that are within the same shadow scope.


Node getXblFirstChild(Node n)
Get the first child node of a node in the fully flattened tree.


Node getXblLastChild(Node n)
Get the last child node of a node in the fully flattened tree.


Node getXblPreviousSibling(Node n)
Get the node which directly precedes a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.


Node getXblNextSibling(Node n)
Get the node which directly follows a node in thexblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.


Element getXblFirstElementChild(Node n)
Get the first element child of a node in the fully flattened tree.


Element getXblLastElementChild(Node n)
Get the last element child of a node in the fully flattened tree.


Element getXblPreviousElementSibling(Node n)
Get the first element that precedes the a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.


Element getXblNextElementSibling(Node n)
Get the first element that follows a node in the xblParentNode's xblChildNodes list.


Element getXblBoundElement(Node n)
Get the bound element whose shadow tree a node resides in.


Element getXblShadowTree(Node n)
Get the shadow tree of a node.


NodeList getXblDefinitions(Node n)
Get the xbl:definition elements currently binding an element.

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