Uses of Class

Packages that use TextNode
org.apache.batik.bridge Provides an API for mapping and maintaining consistency between the SVG DOM tree and the GVT tree. 

Uses of TextNode in org.apache.batik.bridge

Subclasses of TextNode in org.apache.batik.bridge
 class FlowTextNode
          One line Class Desc Complete Class Desc

Methods in org.apache.batik.bridge that return TextNode
 TextNode BasicTextPainter.BasicMark.getTextNode()
protected  TextNode SVGTextElementBridge.getTextNode()
 TextNode Mark.getTextNode()

Methods in org.apache.batik.bridge with parameters of type TextNode
protected  void SVGTextElementBridge.addChildPaintAttributes(AttributedString as, Element element, TextNode node, TextPaintInfo parentPI, BridgeContext ctx)
protected  void SVGTextElementBridge.addPaintAttributes(AttributedString as, Element element, TextNode node, TextPaintInfo pi, BridgeContext ctx)
          Adds painting attributes to an AttributedString.
 List StrokingTextPainter.computeTextRuns(TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci, AttributedCharacterIterator[] chunkACIs)
protected  List StrokingTextPainter.computeTextRuns(TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci, AttributedCharacterIterator[] chunkACIs, int[][] chunkCharMaps)
 Rectangle2D TextPainter.getBounds2D(TextNode node)
          Get a Rectangle2D in userspace coords which encloses the textnode glyphs rendered bounds (includes stroke etc).
 Rectangle2D StrokingTextPainter.getBounds2D(TextNode node)
          Get a Rectangle2D in userspace coords which encloses the textnode glyphs including stroke etc.
 Rectangle2D BasicTextPainter.getGeometryBounds(TextNode node)
          Get a Rectangle2D in userspace coords which encloses the textnode glyphs just including the geometry info.
 Rectangle2D TextPainter.getGeometryBounds(TextNode node)
          Get a Rectangle2D in userspace coords which encloses the textnode glyphs just including the geometry info.
 Mark TextPainter.getMark(TextNode node, int index, boolean beforeGlyph)
          Returns a mark for the char at index in node's AttributedCharacterIterator.
 Mark StrokingTextPainter.getMark(TextNode node, int index, boolean leadingEdge)
 Shape TextPainter.getOutline(TextNode node)
          Get a Shape in userspace coords which defines the textnode glyph outlines.
 Shape StrokingTextPainter.getOutline(TextNode node)
          Get a Shape in userspace coords which defines the textnode glyph outlines.
protected  StrokingTextPainter.TextChunk StrokingTextPainter.getTextChunk(TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci, int[] charMap, List textRuns, StrokingTextPainter.TextChunk prevChunk)
protected  List SVGTextElementBridge.getTextRuns(TextNode node)
          Retrieve the list of layout for the text node.
 List FlowTextPainter.getTextRuns(TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci)
 List StrokingTextPainter.getTextRuns(TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci)
protected abstract  Mark BasicTextPainter.hitTest(double x, double y, TextNode node)
          Returns the mark for the specified parameters.
protected  Mark StrokingTextPainter.hitTest(double x, double y, TextNode node)
 void TextPainter.paint(TextNode node, Graphics2D g2d)
          Paints the specified attributed character iterator using the specified Graphics2D and context and font context.
 void StrokingTextPainter.paint(TextNode node, Graphics2D g2d)
          Paints the specified text node using the specified Graphics2D.
 Mark BasicTextPainter.selectAt(double x, double y, TextNode node)
          Given an X, y coordinate, AttributedCharacterIterator, return a Mark which encapsulates a "selection start" action.
 Mark TextPainter.selectAt(double x, double y, TextNode node)
          Initiates a text selection on a particular AttributedCharacterIterator, using the text/font metrics employed by this TextPainter instance.
 Mark TextPainter.selectFirst(TextNode node)
          Selects the first glyph in the text node.
 Mark StrokingTextPainter.selectFirst(TextNode node)
          Selects the first glyph in the text node.
 Mark TextPainter.selectLast(TextNode node)
          Selects the last glyph in the text node.
 Mark StrokingTextPainter.selectLast(TextNode node)
          Selects the last glyph in the text node.

Constructors in org.apache.batik.bridge with parameters of type TextNode
BasicTextPainter.BasicMark(TextNode node, TextHit hit)
          Constructs a new Mark with the specified parameters.

Uses of TextNode in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12

Fields in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12 declared as TextNode
protected  TextNode SVGFlowRootElementBridge.textNode

Methods in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12 that return TextNode
protected  TextNode SVGFlowRootElementBridge.getTextNode()

Uses of TextNode in org.apache.batik.extension.svg

Subclasses of TextNode in org.apache.batik.extension.svg
 class FlowExtTextNode
          One line Class Desc Complete Class Desc

Methods in org.apache.batik.extension.svg with parameters of type TextNode
protected  void BatikFlowTextElementBridge.addChildPaintAttributes(AttributedString as, Element element, TextNode node, TextPaintInfo parentPI, BridgeContext ctx)
protected  void BatikFlowTextElementBridge.addPaintAttributes(AttributedString as, Element element, TextNode node, TextPaintInfo parentPI, BridgeContext ctx)
          Adds painting attributes to an AttributedString.
 List FlowExtTextPainter.getTextRuns(TextNode node, AttributedCharacterIterator aci)

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