Interface GraphicsNodeBridge

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGraphicsNodeBridge, BatikFlowTextElementBridge, BatikRegularPolygonElementBridge, BatikStarElementBridge, BindableElementBridge, SVG12TextElementBridge, SVGAElementBridge, SVGCircleElementBridge, SVGDecoratedShapeElementBridge, SVGEllipseElementBridge, SVGFlowRootElementBridge, SVGGElementBridge, SVGImageElementBridge, SVGLineElementBridge, SVGMultiImageElementBridge, SVGPathElementBridge, SVGPolygonElementBridge, SVGPolylineElementBridge, SVGRectElementBridge, SVGShapeElementBridge, SVGSVGElementBridge, SVGSwitchElementBridge, SVGTextElementBridge, SVGUseElementBridge, XBLContentElementBridge, XBLShadowTreeElementBridge

public interface GraphicsNodeBridge
extends Bridge

Bridge class for creating, building, and updating a GraphicsNode according to an Element.

Method Summary
 void buildGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx, Element e, GraphicsNode node)
          Builds using the specified BridgeContext and element, the specified graphics node.
 GraphicsNode createGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx, Element e)
          Creates a GraphicsNode according to the specified parameters.
 boolean getDisplay(Element e)
          Returns true if the graphics node has to be displayed, false otherwise.
 Bridge getInstance()
          Returns the Bridge instance to be used for a single DOM element.
 boolean isComposite()
          Returns true if the bridge handles container element, false otherwise.
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.batik.bridge.Bridge
getLocalName, getNamespaceURI

Method Detail


GraphicsNode createGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx,
                                Element e)
Creates a GraphicsNode according to the specified parameters. This is called before children have been added to the returned GraphicsNode (obviously since you construct and return it).

ctx - the bridge context to use
e - the element that describes the graphics node to build
a graphics node that represents the specified element


void buildGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx,
                       Element e,
                       GraphicsNode node)
Builds using the specified BridgeContext and element, the specified graphics node. This is called after all the children of the node have been constructed and added, so it is safe to do work that depends on being able to see your children nodes in this method.

ctx - the bridge context to use
e - the element that describes the graphics node to build
node - the graphics node to build


boolean isComposite()
Returns true if the bridge handles container element, false otherwise.


boolean getDisplay(Element e)
Returns true if the graphics node has to be displayed, false otherwise.


Bridge getInstance()
Returns the Bridge instance to be used for a single DOM element. For example, a static Bridge (i.e., a Bridge for static SVG content) will always return the same instance. A dynamic Bridge will return a new instance on each call. FIX ME: Move to Bridge

Specified by:
getInstance in interface Bridge

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