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addDefaultSources() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Add the default config sources appearing on the builder's classpath including: System properties Environment properties /META-INF/
addDiscoveredConverters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Add the converters to be loaded via service loader pattern
addDiscoveredSources() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Add the config sources appearing to be loaded via service loader pattern
addTag(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Add one single tag with the format: 'key=value'.
addTags(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Add multiple tags delimited by commas.
addTagsTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TagsTest
ALL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricFilter
Matches all metrics, regardless of type or name.
applyContext() - Method in interface
This method will be invoked by the MP Rest Client runtime on the "async" thread (i.e.
assertEqualsWithTolerance(double, double) - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TestUtils
Assert equals with a tolerance factor of TestUtils.TOLERANCE times the expected value
Asynchronous - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
Wrap the execution and invoke it asynchronously.
AsyncInvocationInterceptor - Interface in
Implementations of this interface can intercept asynchronous method invocations.
AsyncInvocationInterceptorFactory - Interface in
This is a provider interface intended for intercepting asynchronous method invocations.


baseUri(URI) - Method in interface
Specifies the base URI to be used when making requests.
baseUrl(URL) - Method in interface
Specifies the base URL to be used when making requests.
BITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
Represents bits.
build() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Build the Config object.
build() - Method in class
build(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Based on the configured RestClientBuilder, creates a new instance of the given REST interface to invoke API calls against.
builder() - Static method in class
Bulkhead - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
Define bulkhead policy to limit the number of the concurrent calls to an instance.
BulkheadException - Exception in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions
The exception should be thrown when Bulkhead implementation throws an exception, e.g.
BulkheadException() - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.BulkheadException
BulkheadException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.BulkheadException
BulkheadException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.BulkheadException
BulkheadException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.BulkheadException
BYTES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits


call() - Method in interface
CircuitBreaker - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
Define the Circuit Breaker policy
CircuitBreakerOpenException - Exception in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions
The exception should be thrown when circuit breaker is open.
CircuitBreakerOpenException() - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.CircuitBreakerOpenException
CircuitBreakerOpenException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.CircuitBreakerOpenException
CircuitBreakerOpenException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.CircuitBreakerOpenException
CircuitBreakerOpenException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.CircuitBreakerOpenException
Claim - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt
Annotation used to signify an injection point for a ClaimValue from a JsonWebToken
claim(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
A utility method to access a claim value in an Optional wrapper
ClaimLiteral - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt
Annotation literal for Claim
ClaimLiteral() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.ClaimLiteral
Creates a default value Claim literal
ClaimLiteral(String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.ClaimLiteral
Construct a Claim literal from a string name of a claim
ClaimLiteral(Claims) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.ClaimLiteral
Construct a Claim literal from a standard claim defined in Claims
Claims - Enum in org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt
This enum represents the standardized claims that the MP-JWT specification allows for in terms of interoperability.
ClaimValue<T> - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt
A representation of a claim in a JsonWebToken
ClientTracingRegistrar - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing
This class registers tracing components into ClientBuilder.
ClientTracingRegistrarProvider - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing
Implementation of this interface will be used to configure ClientBuilder when ClientTracingRegistrar.configure(ClientBuilder) is called.
close() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer.Context
Equivalent to calling Timer.Context.stop().
Config - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.config
Resolves the property value by searching through all configured ConfigSources.
CONFIG_ORDINAL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource
ConfigBuilder - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi
Builder for manually creating an instance of a Config.
ConfigProperty - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject
Binds the injection point with a configured value.
ConfigProvider - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.config
This is the central class to access a Config.
ConfigProviderResolver - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi
This class is not intended to be used by end-users but for portable container integration purpose only.
ConfigProviderResolver() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
ConfigSource - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi
Implement this interfaces to provide a ConfigSource.
ConfigSourceProvider - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi
Implement this interfaces to provide multiple ConfigSources.
configure(ClientBuilder) - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing.ClientTracingRegistrar
Register tracing components into client builder instance.
configure(ClientBuilder, ExecutorService) - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing.ClientTracingRegistrar
Register tracing components into client builder instance.
configure(ClientBuilder) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing.ClientTracingRegistrarProvider
Configures ClientBuilder with tracing integration.
configure(ClientBuilder, ExecutorService) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing.ClientTracingRegistrarProvider
Configures ClientBuilder with tracing integration.
containsClaim(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
Verify is a given claim exists
convert(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.Converter
Configure the string value to a specified type
Converter<T> - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi
Interface for converting configured values from String to any Java type.
Counted - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation
An annotation for marking a method, constructor, or class as counted.
Counter - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
An incrementing and decrementing counter metric.
counter(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Counter registered under this name; or create and register a new Counter if none is registered.
counter(Metadata) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Counter registered under the Metadata's name; or create and register a new Counter if none is registered.
CounterTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
CounterTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.CounterTest
Counting - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
An interface for metric types which have counts.
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.CounterTest
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.GaugeTest
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MeterTest
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricFilterTest
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricRegistryTest
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TagsTest
createDeployment() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
createResponseBuilder() - Method in interface


DAYS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
dec() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Counter
Decrement the counter by one.
dec(long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Counter
Decrement the counter by n.
decrementLongTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.CounterTest
decrementTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.CounterTest
DEFAULT() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Fallback.DEFAULT
DEFAULT_ORDINAL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource
DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in interface
down() - Method in class
dump(OutputStream) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Writes the values of the snapshot to the given stream.


ExecutionContext - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
The execution context for the method being executed.
executorService(ExecutorService) - Method in interface
Specifies the ExecutorService to use when invoking asynchronous Rest Client interface methods.


Fallback - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
The fallback annotation to define the fallback handler class so that a failure can be handled properly.
Fallback.DEFAULT - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
Create a default class so the value is not required to be set all the time.
FallbackHandler<T> - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
The handler instance used by the container to service a fallback invocation is a non-contextual instance created using the CDI SPI.
FaultToleranceDefinitionException - Exception in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions
The exception should be thrown when the definition of any Fault Tolerance annotations is invalid.
FaultToleranceDefinitionException() - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceDefinitionException
FaultToleranceDefinitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceDefinitionException
FaultToleranceDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceDefinitionException
FaultToleranceDefinitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceDefinitionException
FaultToleranceException - Exception in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions
The exception should be thrown when the maximum retries is reached or overall retry duration is reached, circuit breaker is open, timeout occurred.
FaultToleranceException() - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceException
FaultToleranceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceException
FaultToleranceException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceException
FaultToleranceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.FaultToleranceException
forClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Return the ConfigBuilder for a given classloader
from(String) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricType
Convert the string representation into an enum
from(Class<?>) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricType
Convert the metric class type into an enum


Gauge - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation
An annotation for marking a method or field as a gauge.
Gauge<T> - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A gauge metric is an instantaneous reading of a particular value.
gaugeMe() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.GaugeTest
GaugeTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
GaugeTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.GaugeTest
get75thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the value at the 75th percentile in the distribution.
get95thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the value at the 95th percentile in the distribution.
get98thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the value at the 98th percentile in the distribution.
get999thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the value at the 99.9th percentile in the distribution.
get99thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the value at the 99th percentile in the distribution.
getAudience() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
The aud(Audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for.
getBuilder() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
Create a fresh ConfigBuilder instance.
getClaim(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
Access the value of the indicated claim.
getClaimNames() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
Access the names of all claims are associated with this token.
getConfig() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider
Provide a Config based on all ConfigSources of the current Thread Context ClassLoader (TCCL)
getConfig(ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider
Provide a Config based on all ConfigSources of the specified ClassLoader
getConfig() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
getConfig(ClassLoader) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
getConfigSources() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config
getConfigSources(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSourceProvider
Return the collection of ConfigSources.
getCount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Counter
Returns the counter's current value.
getCount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Counting
Returns the current count.
getCount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Histogram
Returns the number of values recorded.
getCount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter
getCount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metered
Returns the number of events which have been marked.
getCount() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
getCounters() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the counters in the registry and their names.
getCounters(MetricFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the counters in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
getCountTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.CounterTest
getData() - Method in class
getDescription() - Method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.Claims
getDescription() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Returns the description of the metric.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Returns the display name if set, otherwise this method returns the metric name.
getExpirationTime() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
The exp (Expiration time) claim identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT MUST NOT be accepted for processing in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC
getFailure() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.ExecutionContext
Returns the failure of the method execution
getFifteenMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter
getFifteenMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metered
Returns the fifteen-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
getFifteenMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
getFiveMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter
getFiveMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metered
Returns the five-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
getFiveMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
getGauges() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the gauges in the registry and their names.
getGauges(MetricFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the gauges in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
getGroups() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
The groups claim provides the group names the JWT principal has been granted.
getHistograms() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the histograms in the registry and their names.
getHistograms(MetricFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the histograms in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
getIssuedAtTime() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
The iat(Issued at time) claim identifies the time at which the JWT was issued in seconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z UTC
getIssuer() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
The iss(Issuer) claim identifies the principal that issued the JWT
getMax() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the highest value in the snapshot.
getMean() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the arithmetic mean of the values in the snapshot.
getMeanRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter
getMeanRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metered
Returns the mean rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
getMeanRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
getMedian() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the median value in the distribution.
getMetadata() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the metadata in the registry and their names.
getMeters() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the meters in the registry and their names.
getMeters(MetricFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the meters in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
getMethod() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.ExecutionContext
Returns the method being executed
getMetrics() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the metrics in the registry and their names.
getMin() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the lowest value in the snapshot.
getName() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource
The name of the config might be used for logging or analysis of configured values.
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.ClaimValue
Access the name of the claim.
getName() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
Returns the unique name of this principal.
getName() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Returns the metric name.
getName() - Method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry.Type
Returns the name of the MetricRegistry scope.
getNames() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a set of the names of all the metrics in the registry.
getOneMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter
getOneMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metered
Returns the one-minute exponentially-weighted moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
getOneMinuteRate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
getOptionalValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config
Return the resolved property value with the specified type for the specified property name from the underlying ConfigSources.
getOrdinal() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource
Return the ordinal for this config source.
getParameters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.ExecutionContext
Returns the parameter values being passed to the method
getPriority() - Method in interface
The priority of this mapper.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource
Return the properties in this config source
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config
Return a collection of property names.
getPropertyNames() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource
Gets all property names known to this config source, without evaluating the values.
getRawToken() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
Get the raw bearer token string originally passed in the authentication header
getSnapshot() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Histogram
getSnapshot() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Sampling
Returns a snapshot of the values.
getSnapshot() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
getState() - Method in class
getStdDev() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the standard deviation of the values in the snapshot.
getSubject() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
The sub(Subject) claim identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT.
getTags() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Returns the underlying HashMap containing the tags.
getTagsAsString() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Gets the list of tags as a single String in the format 'key="value",key2="value2",...'
getTimers() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the timers in the registry and their names.
getTimers(MetricFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Returns a map of all the timers in the registry and their names which match the given filter.
getTokenID() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.JsonWebToken
The jti(JWT ID) claim provides a unique identifier for the JWT.
getType() - Method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.Claims
The required type of the claim
getType() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Returns the String representation of the MetricType.
getTypeRaw() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Returns the MetricType of the metric
getUnit() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Returns the unit of the metric.
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config
Return the resolved property value with the specified type for the specified property name from the underlying ConfigSources.
getValue(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigSource
Return the value for the specified property in this config source.
getValue() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.ClaimValue
Access the value of the claim.
getValue() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Gauge
Returns the metric's current value.
getValue(double) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the value at the given quantile.
getValues() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the entire set of values in the snapshot.
GIBIBITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
GIGABITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
GIGABYTES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
GLOBAL_TAGS_VARIABLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
The environment variable used to pass in global tags.


handle(ExecutionContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.Fallback.DEFAULT
handle(ExecutionContext) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.FallbackHandler
Handle the previous calling failure and then call alternative methods or perform any alternative operations.
handles(int, <any>) - Method in interface
Whether or not this mapper will be used for the given response.
hashCode() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Health - Annotation Type in
Created by hbraun on 24.08.17.
HealthCheck - Interface in
The health check procedure interface.
HealthCheckResponse - Class in
The response to a health check invocation.
HealthCheckResponse() - Constructor for class
HealthCheckResponse.State - Enum in
HealthCheckResponseBuilder - Class in
A builder to construct a health procedure response.
HealthCheckResponseBuilder() - Constructor for class
HealthCheckResponseProvider - Interface in
Reserved for implementors as means to supply their own HealthCheckResponseBuilder.
Histogram - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A metric which calculates the distribution of a value.
histogram(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Histogram registered under this name; or create and register a new Histogram if none is registered.
histogram(Metadata) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Histogram registered under the Metadata's name; or create and register a new Histogram if none is registered.
HistogramTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
HistogramTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
HOURS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits


inc() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Counter
Increment the counter by one.
inc(long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Counter
Increment the counter by n.
incrementLongTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.CounterTest
incrementTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.CounterTest
initData() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
initData() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
instance() - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
Creates a ConfigProviderResolver object Only used internally from within ConfigProvider
instance() - Static method in class
Gets or creates a RestClientBuilderResolver instance.
isReusable() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Can the metric be reused (i.e.
ISSUER - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.config.Names
The expected iss claim value to validate against an MP-JWT.


JsonWebToken - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt
A read-only interface for the the claims required by Eclipse MicroProfile conforming tokens.


KIBIBITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
KILOBITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
KILOBYTES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits


LITERAL - Static variable in annotation type
LoginConfig - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.auth
A security annotation describing the authentication method, and the associated realm name that should be used for this application.


mark() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter
Mark the occurrence of an event.
mark(long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Meter
Mark the occurrence of a given number of events.
matches(String, Metric) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricFilter
Returns true if the metric matches the filter; false otherwise.
MEBIBITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
MEGABITS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
MEGABYTES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
Metadata - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
Bean holding the metadata of one single metric.
Metadata(String, MetricType) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Constructs a Metadata object with default units
Metadata(String, MetricType, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Constructs a Metadata object
Metadata(String, String, String, MetricType, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Constructs a Metadata object
Metadata(String, String, String, MetricType, String, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Constructs a Metadata object
Metadata(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Constructs a Metadata object from a map with the following keys name - The name of the metric displayName - The display (friendly) name of the metric description - The description of the metric type - The type of the metric unit - The units of the metric tags - The tags of the metric - cannot be null reusable - If true, this metric name is permitted to be used at multiple registration points.
Meter - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A meter metric which measures mean throughput and one-, five-, and fifteen-minute exponentially-weighted moving average throughputs.
meter(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Meter registered under this name; or create and register a new Meter if none is registered.
meter(Metadata) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Meter registered under the Metadata's name; or create and register a new Meter if none is registered.
Metered - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation
An annotation for marking a method, constructor, or class as metered.
Metered - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
An object which maintains mean and exponentially-weighted rate.
MeterTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
MeterTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MeterTest
Metric - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation
An annotation requesting that a metric be injected or registered.
Metric - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A tag interface to indicate that a class is a metric.
MetricFilter - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A filter used to determine whether or not a metric should be reported, among other things.
MetricFilterTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
MetricFilterTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricFilterTest
MetricRegistry - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
The registry that stores metrics and their metadata.
MetricRegistry() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
MetricRegistry.Type - Enum in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
An enumeration representing the scopes of the MetricRegistry
MetricRegistryTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
MetricRegistryTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricRegistryTest
MetricType - Enum in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
An enumeration representing the different types of metrics.
MetricUnits - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
Standard units constants for metric's Metadata.
MICROSECONDS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
MILLISECONDS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
MINUTES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits


name(String) - Method in class
name(String, String...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Concatenates elements to form a dotted name, eliding any null values or empty strings.
name(Class<?>, String...) - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Concatenates a class name and elements to form a dotted name, eliding any null values or empty strings.
named(String) - Static method in class
Names - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.config
Constants for the names of the MP-config properties that MP-JWT implementations must support externalization of to ensure portable setup of MP-JWT implementations.
nameTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricRegistryTest
NANOSECONDS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
newBuilder() - Static method in interface
newBuilder() - Method in class
Creates a new RestClientBuilder instance.
newInterceptor() - Method in interface
Implementations of this method should return an implementation of the AsyncInvocationInterceptor interface.
NONE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
No unit


onNewBuilder(RestClientBuilder) - Method in interface
org.eclipse.microprofile.auth - package org.eclipse.microprofile.auth
Metadata for JWT RBAC for Microprofile
org.eclipse.microprofile.config - package org.eclipse.microprofile.config
Configuration for Java Microprofile
org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject - package org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject
CDI Support for Microprofile Config
org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi - package org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi
This package contains classes which are used to extend the standard functionality in a portable way.
org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance - package org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
CDI Support for Microprofile Fault Tolerance
org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions - package org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions
Exceptions for Microprofile Fault Tolerance - package
Microprofile Service Health Checks - package
Microprofile Service Health Checks
org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt - package org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt
Interoperable JWT RBAC for Microprofile
org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.config - package org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.config
org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics - package org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
MicroProfile Metrics
org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation - package org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation
This package contains the annotations used for MicroProfile Metrics.
org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck - package org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing - package org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing
CDI Support for Microprofile OpenTracing. - package
APIs for building a type-safe RESTful client leveraging existing JAX-RS APIs, for example: - package
APIs for annotating MP Rest Client interfaces. - package
APIs for extending MP Rest Client functionality - such as new providers. - package
APIs to aid in CDI-based injection of MP Rest Client implementations. - package
SPIs for MP Rest Client implementations or system-level components that provide additional functionality for MP Rest Clients.


PER_SECOND - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
Represent per second
PERCENT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
Represents percentage
prepareContext() - Method in interface
This method will be invoked by the MP Rest Client runtime on the "main" thread (i.e.


register(String, T) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Given a Metric, registers it under the given name.
register(String, T, Metadata) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
As of version 1.1, use MetricRegistry.register(Metadata, Metric) instead
register(Metadata, T) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Given a Metric, registers it under the provided Metadata.
registerConfig(Config, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
Register a given Config within the Application (or Module) identified by the given ClassLoader.
RegisterProvider - Annotation Type in
When annotation is placed at the interface level of a REST API definition, the providers listed will be registered upon proxying.
RegisterProviders - Annotation Type in
When annotation is placed at the interface level of a REST API definition, the providers listed will be registered upon proxying.
RegisterRestClient - Annotation Type in
A marker annotation to register a rest client at runtime.
registerTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricRegistryTest
RegistryType - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation
Qualifies the type of Metric Registry to inject.
releaseConfig(Config) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
A Config normally gets released if the Application it is associated with gets destroyed.
remove(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Removes the metric with the given name.
removeMatching(MetricFilter) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Removes all metrics which match the given filter.
removeTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricRegistryTest
ResponseExceptionMapper<T extends java.lang.Throwable> - Interface in
Converts an JAX-RS Response object into an Exception.
RestClient - Annotation Type in
Use the RestClient qualifier on an injection to point to indicate that this injection point is meant to use an instance of a Type-Safe Rest Client.
RestClient.RestClientLiteral - Class in
RestClientBuilder - Interface in
This is the main entry point for creating a Type Safe Rest Client.
RestClientBuilderListener - Interface in
Implementations of this interface will be notified when new RestClientBuilder instances are being constructed.
RestClientBuilderResolver - Class in
Resolver for a RestClientBuilder implementation.
RestClientBuilderResolver() - Constructor for class
RestClientDefinitionException - Exception in
This exception is thrown when the MicroProfile Rest Client implementation attempts to build a client using an invalid interface.
RestClientDefinitionException() - Constructor for exception
RestClientDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception
RestClientDefinitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
RestClientDefinitionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
RestClientLiteral() - Constructor for class
Retry - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
The Retry annotation to define the number of the retries and the fallback method on reaching the retry counts.


Sampling - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
An object which samples values.
SECONDS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricUnits
Represents seconds
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Sets the description of the metric.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Sets the display name.
setInstance(ConfigProviderResolver) - Static method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigProviderResolver
Set the instance.
setInstance(RestClientBuilderResolver) - Static method in class
Set the instance.
setName(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Sets the metric name.
setResponseProvider(HealthCheckResponseProvider) - Static method in class
Used by OSGi environment while service loader pattern is not supported.
setReusable(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Set if the metric can be reusable (i.e.
setTags(HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Sets the tags hashmap.
setType(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Sets the metric type using a String representation of MetricType.
setType(MetricType) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Sets the type of the metric
setUnit(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
Sets the unit of the metric.
size() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
Returns the number of values in the snapshot.
Snapshot - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A statistical snapshot of a Snapshot.
Snapshot() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Snapshot
standard() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.ClaimLiteral
state(boolean) - Method in class
stop() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer.Context
Updates the timer with the difference between current and start time.


TagsTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
TagsTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TagsTest
tagsTest() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TagsTest
testCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MeterTest
testManualGauge() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.GaugeTest
testMetricRegistry() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testRate() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testRates() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MeterTest
testSnapshot75thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshot75thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshot95thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshot95thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshot98thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshot98thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshot999thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshot999thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshot99thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshot99thPercentile() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshotMax() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshotMax() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshotMean() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshotMean() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshotMedian() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshotMedian() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshotMin() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshotMin() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshotSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshotSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshotStdDev() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshotStdDev() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testSnapshotValues() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.HistogramTest
testSnapshotValues() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testTime() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
testTimerRegistry() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
TestUtils - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
theAllFilterMatchesAllMetrics() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.MetricFilterTest
time(Callable<T>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
Times and records the duration of event.
time(Runnable) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
Times and records the duration of event.
time() - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
Returns a new Timer.Context.
Timed - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.annotation
An annotation for marking a method, constructor, or class as timed.
Timeout - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance
The annotation to define a method execution timeout.
TimeoutException - Exception in org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions
The exception should be thrown when timeout is reached.
TimeoutException() - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.TimeoutException
TimeoutException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.eclipse.microprofile.faulttolerance.exceptions.TimeoutException
timer(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Timer registered under this name; or create and register a new Timer if none is registered.
timer(Metadata) - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry
Return the Timer registered under the Metadata's name; or create and register a new Timer if none is registered.
Timer - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A timer metric which aggregates timing durations and provides duration statistics, plus throughput statistics via Meter.
Timer.Context - Interface in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics
A timing context.
TimerTest - Class in org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck
TimerTest() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
timesCallableInstances() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
timesRunnableInstances() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TimerTest
TOLERANCE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.tck.TestUtils
toString() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Metadata
toString() - Method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricType
toThrowable(Response) - Method in interface
Converts a given Response into a Throwable.
Traced - Annotation Type in org.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing
This annotation allows fine-tuned control over which classes and methods create OpenTracing spans.


UNCONFIGURED_VALUE - Static variable in annotation type org.eclipse.microprofile.config.inject.ConfigProperty
up() - Method in class
update(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Histogram
Adds a recorded value.
update(long) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Histogram
Adds a recorded value.
update(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.Timer
Adds a recorded duration.


value() - Method in class org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.ClaimLiteral
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.Claims
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.Claims
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricRegistry.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.eclipse.microprofile.metrics.MetricType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.config.Names
The embedded key material of the public key for the MP-JWT signer in PKCS8 PEM or JWK(S) format.
VERIFIER_PUBLIC_KEY_LOCATION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.jwt.config.Names
The relative path or full URL of the public key.


withConverter(Class<T>, int, Converter<T>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Add the specified Converter for the given type.
withConverters(Converter<?>...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Add the specified Converter.
withData(String, String) - Method in class
withData(String, long) - Method in class
withData(String, boolean) - Method in class
withSources(ConfigSource...) - Method in interface org.eclipse.microprofile.config.spi.ConfigBuilder
Add the specified ConfigSource.
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