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DEFAULT_ORDINAL - Static variable in class org.apache.tamaya.core.propertysource.EnvironmentPropertySource
default ordinal for EnvironmentPropertySource
DEFAULT_ORDINAL - Static variable in class org.apache.tamaya.core.propertysource.SystemPropertySource
default ordinal for SystemPropertySource
DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.tamaya.core.provider.JavaConfigurationProvider
Default location in the classpath, where Tamaya looks for configuration by default.
DefaultConfiguration - Class in org.apache.tamaya.core.internal
Implementation of the Configuration API.
DefaultConfiguration(ConfigurationContext) - Constructor for class org.apache.tamaya.core.internal.DefaultConfiguration
DefaultConfigurationContext - Class in org.apache.tamaya.core.internal
Default Implementation of a simple ConfigurationContext.
DefaultConfigurationContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.tamaya.core.internal.DefaultConfigurationContext
The first time the Configuration system gets invoked we do initialize all our PropertySources and PropertyFilters which are known at startup.
DefaultConfigurationProvider - Class in org.apache.tamaya.core.internal
Implementation of the Configuration API.
DefaultConfigurationProvider() - Constructor for class org.apache.tamaya.core.internal.DefaultConfigurationProvider
DefaultServiceContext - Class in org.apache.tamaya.core.internal
This class implements the (default) ServiceContext interface and hereby uses the JDK ServiceLoader to load the services required.
DefaultServiceContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.tamaya.core.internal.DefaultServiceContext
DoubleConverter - Class in org.apache.tamaya.core.internal.converters
Converter, converting from String to Double, using the Java number syntax: (-)?
DoubleConverter() - Constructor for class org.apache.tamaya.core.internal.converters.DoubleConverter
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