Package com.sun.jini.discovery.kerberos

Provides an implementation of the net.jini.discovery.kerberos discovery format, specified in the Jini Discovery and Join Specification.

See: Description

Package com.sun.jini.discovery.kerberos Description

Provides an implementation of the net.jini.discovery.kerberos discovery format, specified in the Jini Discovery and Join Specification. The Client class implements the client side of the net.jini.discovery.kerberos discovery format for the unicast discovery protocol, while the Server class implements the server side of the discovery format for that protocol. Both classes are intended to be specified in a resource to configure the operation of the Discovery class, as described in the documentation for Discovery.getProtocol2(ClassLoader).

Supported Constraints

This provider supports the same constraints as the Jini extensible remote invocation (Jini ERI) Kerberos transport provider; these constraints are listed in the documentation for the net.jini.jeri.kerberos package.

System Properties

This provider can be configured using the same system properties as those consulted by the Kerberos transport provider, also listed in the documentation for the net.jini.jeri.kerberos package.
See Also:
"Jini Discovery and Join Specification"

Copyright 2007-2013, multiple authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see the NOTICE file for attributions.