AbstractDataIndexer - Class in opennlp.model
Abstract class for collecting event and context counts used in training.
AbstractDataIndexer() - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
AbstractEventStream - Class in opennlp.model
AbstractEventStream() - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractEventStream
AbstractModel - Class in opennlp.model
AbstractModel(Context[], String[], IndexHashTable<String>, String[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
AbstractModel(Context[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
AbstractModel(Context[], String[], String[], int, double) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
AbstractModel.ModelType - Enum in opennlp.model
AbstractModelReader - Class in opennlp.model
AbstractModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
AbstractModelReader(DataReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
AbstractModelWriter - Class in opennlp.model
AbstractModelWriter() - Constructor for class opennlp.model.AbstractModelWriter
ALGORITHM_PARAM - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
ArrayMath - Class in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
utility class for simple vector arithmetics.
ArrayMath() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.ArrayMath


BasicContextGenerator - Class in opennlp.maxent
Generate contexts for maxent decisions, assuming that the input given to the getContext() method is a String containing contextual predicates separated by spaces.
BasicContextGenerator() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.BasicContextGenerator
BasicContextGenerator(String) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.BasicContextGenerator
BasicEventStream - Class in opennlp.maxent
A object which can deliver a stream of training events assuming that each event is represented as a separated list containing all the contextual predicates, with the last item being the outcome.
BasicEventStream(DataStream, String) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.BasicEventStream
BasicEventStream(DataStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.BasicEventStream
BinaryFileDataReader - Class in opennlp.model
BinaryFileDataReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.BinaryFileDataReader
BinaryFileDataReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.BinaryFileDataReader
BinaryFileDataReader(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.BinaryFileDataReader
BinaryGISModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
A reader for GIS models stored in binary format.
BinaryGISModelReader(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryGISModelReader
Constructor which directly instantiates the DataInputStream containing the model contents.
BinaryGISModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
Model writer that saves models in binary format.
BinaryGISModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryGISModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and prepares itself to write the model to that file.
BinaryGISModelWriter(AbstractModel, DataOutputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryGISModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a DataOutputStream and prepares itself to write the model to that stream.
BinaryPerceptronModelReader - Class in opennlp.perceptron
BinaryPerceptronModelReader(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelReader
Constructor which directly instantiates the DataInputStream containing the model contents.
BinaryPerceptronModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelReader
Constructor which takes a File and creates a reader for it.
BinaryPerceptronModelWriter - Class in opennlp.perceptron
Model writer that saves models in binary format.
BinaryPerceptronModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and prepares itself to write the model to that file.
BinaryPerceptronModelWriter(AbstractModel, DataOutputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a DataOutputStream and prepares itself to write the model to that stream.
BinaryQNModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
A reader for quasi-newton models stored in binary format.
BinaryQNModelReader(DataInputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryQNModelReader
Constructor which directly instantiates the DataInputStream containing the model contents.
BinaryQNModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
BinaryQNModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryQNModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and prepares itself to write the model to that file.
BinaryQNModelWriter(AbstractModel, DataOutputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryQNModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a DataOutputStream and prepares itself to write the model to that stream.
BinToAscii - Class in opennlp.maxent
A program to convert from java binary doubles to ascii
BinToAscii() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.BinToAscii
BinToAscii - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
A program to convert from java binary doubles to ascii.
BinToAscii() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.BinToAscii


calculateHashSum() - Method in class opennlp.model.HashSumEventStream
Calculates the hash sum of the stream.
checkModelType() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.GISModelReader
checkModelType() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.QNModelReader
checkModelType() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
checkModelType() - Method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelReader
checkModelType() - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModelReader
close() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryGISModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryQNModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectGISModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectQNModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
close() - Method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter
close() - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter
ComparableEvent - Class in opennlp.model
A maxent event representation which we can use to sort based on the predicates indexes contained in the events.
ComparableEvent(int, int[], float[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent
ComparableEvent(int, int[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent
ComparablePredicate - Class in opennlp.model
A maxent predicate representation which we can use to sort based on the outcomes.
ComparablePredicate(String, int[], double[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.ComparablePredicate
compareTo(DoubleStringPair) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.DoubleStringPair
compareTo(ComparableEvent) - Method in class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent
compareTo(ComparablePredicate) - Method in class opennlp.model.ComparablePredicate
constructModel() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.GISModelReader
Retrieve a model from disk.
constructModel() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.QNModelReader
constructModel() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
constructModel() - Method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelReader
constructModel() - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModelReader
Retrieve a model from disk.
contains(int) - Method in class opennlp.model.MutableContext
Context - Class in opennlp.model
Class which associates a real valued parameter or expected value with a particular contextual predicate or feature.
Context(int[], double[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.Context
Creates a new parameters object with the specified parameters associated with the specified outcome pattern.
ContextGenerator - Interface in opennlp.maxent
Generate contexts for maxent decisions.
Counter - Class in opennlp.maxent
A simple class which is essentially an Integer which is mutable via incrementation.
Counter() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.Counter
CUTOFF_PARAM - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil


DATA_INDEXER_ONE_PASS_VALUE - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
DATA_INDEXER_PARAM - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
DATA_INDEXER_TWO_PASS_VALUE - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
DataIndexer - Interface in opennlp.model
Object which compresses events in memory and performs feature selection.
DataReader - Interface in opennlp.model
DataStream - Interface in opennlp.maxent
A interface for objects which can deliver a stream of training data to be supplied to an EventStream.
DEFAULT_M - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
DEFAULT_MAX_FCT_EVAL - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
DifferentiableFunction - Interface in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
interface for a function that can be differentiated once.
doLineSearch(DifferentiableFunction, double[], LineSearchResult) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearch
doLineSearch(DifferentiableFunction, double[], LineSearchResult, boolean) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearch
DomainToModelMap - Class in opennlp.maxent
A class which stores a mapping from ModelDomain objects to MaxentModels.
DomainToModelMap() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.DomainToModelMap
DoubleStringPair - Class in opennlp.maxent
DoubleStringPair(double, String) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.DoubleStringPair
doubleValue - Variable in class opennlp.maxent.DoubleStringPair
DynamicEvalParameters - Class in opennlp.model
DynamicEvalParameters(List<? extends Context>, int) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.DynamicEvalParameters
Creates a set of paramters which can be evaulated with the eval method.


equals(Object) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
eval(String[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood of each outcome given that context.
eval(String[], float[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
eval(String[], double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
eval(String[], float[], double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood of each outcome given that context.
eval(int[], double[], EvalParameters) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood of each outcome given the specified context and the specified parameters.
eval(int[], float[], double[], EvalParameters) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
Use this model to evaluate a context and return an array of the likelihood of each outcome given the specified context and the specified parameters.
eval(String[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
eval(String[], double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
eval(String[], float[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
eval(MaxentModel, Reader, Evalable) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.TrainEval
eval(MaxentModel, Reader, Evalable, boolean) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.TrainEval
eval(String[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Evaluates a context.
eval(String[], double[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Evaluates a context.
eval(String[], float[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Evaluates a contexts with the specified context values.
eval(String[]) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
eval(String[], float[]) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
eval(String[], double[]) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
eval(String[], float[], double[]) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
eval(int[], double[], EvalParameters) - Static method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
eval(int[], float[], double[], EvalParameters, boolean) - Static method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
Evalable - Interface in opennlp.maxent
Interface for components which use maximum entropy models and can evaluate the performace of the models using the TrainEval class.
EvalParameters - Class in opennlp.model
This class encapsulates the varibales used in producing probabilities from a model and facilitaes passing these variables to the eval method.
EvalParameters(Context[], double, double, int) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
Creates a set of paramters which can be evaulated with the eval method.
EvalParameters(Context[], int) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
Event - Class in opennlp.model
The context of a decision point during training.
Event(String, String[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.Event
Event(String, String[], float[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.Event
EventCollector - Interface in opennlp.model
An interface for objects which read events during training.
EventCollectorAsStream - Class in opennlp.model
A wrapper to turn EventCollectors created for Maxent 1.0 into EventStreams for Maxent 1.2.
EventCollectorAsStream(EventCollector) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.EventCollectorAsStream
EventStream - Interface in opennlp.model
A object which can deliver a stream of training events for the GIS procedure (or others such as IIS if and when they are implemented).


FileEventStream - Class in opennlp.model
Class for using a file of events as an event stream.
FileEventStream(String, String) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
Creates a new file event stream from the specified file name.
FileEventStream(String) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
FileEventStream(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
Creates a new file event stream from the specified file.
finishUsingModel() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.ModelReplacementManager
Inform the manager that a thread is done using the model, and thus is not dependending on it being unchanged.
Function - Interface in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
interface for a function.


GenericModelReader - Class in opennlp.model
GenericModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.GenericModelReader
GenericModelReader(DataReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.GenericModelReader
GenericModelWriter - Class in opennlp.model
GenericModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.GenericModelWriter
GenericModelWriter(AbstractModel, DataOutputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.GenericModelWriter
get(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.IntegerPool
Returns the shared Integer wrapper for value if it is inside the range managed by this pool.
get(T) - Method in class opennlp.model.IndexHashTable
Retrieves the index for the specified key.
getAllOutcomes(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
Return a string matching all the outcome names with all the probabilities produced by the eval(String[] context) method.
getAllOutcomes(double[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Return a string matching all the outcome names with all the probabilities produced by the eval(String[] context) method.
getBestOutcome(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
Return the name of the outcome corresponding to the highest likelihood in the parameter ocs.
getBestOutcome(double[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Simple function to return the outcome associated with the index containing the highest probability in the double[].
getConstantInverse() - Method in class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
getContext(Object) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.BasicContextGenerator
Builds up the list of contextual predicates given a String.
getContext(Object) - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.ContextGenerator
Builds up the list of contextual predicates given an Object.
getContext() - Method in class opennlp.model.Event
getContexts() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getContexts() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns the array of predicates seen in each event.
getCorrectionConstant() - Method in class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
getCorrectionParam() - Method in class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
getCurrPoint() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getDataStructures() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
Provides the fundamental data structures which encode the maxent model information.
getDataStructures() - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Returns the data structures relevant to storing the model.
getDomainDimension() - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.Function
getDomainDimension() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction
getEventCollector(Reader) - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.Evalable
Returns the EventCollector that is used to collect all relevant information from the data file.
getEvents() - Method in interface opennlp.model.EventCollector
Return the events which this EventCollector has gathered.
getEvents(boolean) - Method in interface opennlp.model.EventCollector
Return the events which this EventCollector has gathered based on whether we wish to train a model or evaluate one based on those events.
getEvents() - Method in class opennlp.model.Sequence
Returns the events which make up this sequence.
getFctEvalCount() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getGradAtCurr() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getGradAtNext() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getIndex(String) - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
Gets the index associated with the String name of the given outcome.
getIndex(String) - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Gets the index associated with the String name of the given outcome.
getInitialObject(double, double[], double[], int) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getInitialObject(double, double[], double[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getInitialPoint() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction
getModel(ModelDomain) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.DomainToModelMap
Get the model mapped to by the given ModelDomain key.
getModel() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
getModelType() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
getName() - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.ModelDomain
Get the name of this domain.
getNegativeOutcome() - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.Evalable
The outcome that should be considered a negative result.
getNextPoint() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getNumEvents() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getNumEvents() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns the number of total events indexed.
getNumOutcomes() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
getNumOutcomes() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
getNumOutcomes() - Method in class opennlp.model.DynamicEvalParameters
getNumOutcomes() - Method in class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
getNumOutcomes() - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Returns the number of outcomes for this model.
getNumTimesEventsSeen() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getNumTimesEventsSeen() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns an array indicating the number of times a particular event was seen.
getOutcome(int) - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModel
Return the name of an outcome corresponding to an int id.
getOutcome() - Method in class opennlp.model.Event
getOutcome(int) - Method in interface opennlp.model.MaxentModel
Gets the String name of the outcome associated with the index i.
getOutcomeLabels() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction
getOutcomeLabels() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getOutcomeLabels() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns an array of outcome names.
getOutcomeList() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getOutcomeList() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns an array indicating the outcome index for each event.
getOutcomePatterns() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction
getOutcomes() - Method in class opennlp.model.Context
Returns the outcomes for which parameters exists for this context.
getParameters() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
getParameters() - Method in class opennlp.model.Context
Returns the parameters or expected values for the outcomes which occur with this context.
getParams() - Method in class opennlp.model.DynamicEvalParameters
getParams() - Method in class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
getPredCounts() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getPredCounts() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns an array of the count of each predicate in the events.
getPredLabels() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction
getPredLabels() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getPredLabels() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns an array of predicate/context names.
getSource() - Method in class opennlp.model.Sequence
Returns an object from which this sequence can be derived.
getStepSize() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getValueAtCurr() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getValueAtNext() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
getValues() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractDataIndexer
getValues() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataIndexer
Returns the values associated with each event context or null if integer values are to be used.
getValues() - Method in class opennlp.model.Event
getValues() - Method in class opennlp.model.OnePassRealValueDataIndexer
GIS - Class in opennlp.maxent
A Factory class which uses instances of GISTrainer to create and train GISModels.
GIS() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.GIS
GISModel - Class in opennlp.maxent
A maximum entropy model which has been trained using the Generalized Iterative Scaling procedure (implemented in GIS.java).
GISModel(Context[], String[], String[], int, double) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
Creates a new model with the specified parameters, outcome names, and predicate/feature labels.
GISModel(Context[], String[], String[], int, double, Prior) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
Creates a new model with the specified parameters, outcome names, and predicate/feature labels.
GISModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
Abstract parent class for readers of GISModels.
GISModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.GISModelReader
GISModelReader(DataReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.GISModelReader
GISModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
Abstract parent class for GISModel writers.
GISModelWriter(AbstractModel) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.GISModelWriter
gradientAt(double[]) - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.DifferentiableFunction
gradientAt(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction


HashSumEventStream - Class in opennlp.model
HashSumEventStream(EventStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.HashSumEventStream
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.BasicEventStream
Test whether there are any Events remaining in this EventStream.
hasNext() - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.DataStream
Test whether there are any Events remaining in this EventStream.
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.PlainTextByLineDataStream
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.RealBasicEventStream
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.model.EventCollectorAsStream
hasNext() - Method in interface opennlp.model.EventStream
Test whether there are any Events remaining in this EventStream.
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.model.HashSumEventStream
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.model.ListEventStream
hasNext() - Method in class opennlp.model.SequenceStreamEventStream


increment() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.Counter
IndexHashTable<T> - Class in opennlp.model
The IndexHashTable is a hash table which maps entries of an array to their index in the array.
IndexHashTable(T[], double) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.IndexHashTable
Initializes the current instance.
innerProduct(double[], double[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.ArrayMath
IntegerPool - Class in opennlp.maxent
A pool of read-only, unsigned Integer objects within a fixed, non-sparse range.
IntegerPool(int) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.IntegerPool
Creates an IntegerPool with 0..size Integer objects.
intValue() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.Counter
isSequenceTraining(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
Detects if the training algorithm requires sequence based feature generation or not.
isValid(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
ITERATIONS_PARAM - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil


keySet() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.DomainToModelMap
A set view of the ModelDomain keys contained in this map.


LineSearch - Class in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
class that performs line search.
LineSearch() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearch
LineSearchResult - Class in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
class to store lineSearch result
LineSearchResult(double, double, double, double[], double[], double[], double[], int) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
ListEventStream - Class in opennlp.model
ListEventStream(List<Event>) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.ListEventStream
localEval(MaxentModel, Reader, Evalable, boolean) - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.Evalable
If the -l option is selected for evaluation, this method will be called rather than TrainEval's evaluation method.
LogLikelihoodFunction - Class in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
Evaluate log likelihood and its gradient from DataIndexer.
LogLikelihoodFunction(DataIndexer) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction
logPrior(double[], int[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.Prior
Populates the specified array with the the log of the distribution for the specified context.
logPrior(double[], int[], float[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.Prior
Populates the specified array with the the log of the distribution for the specified context.
logPrior(double[], int[], float[]) - Method in class opennlp.model.UniformPrior
logPrior(double[], int[]) - Method in class opennlp.model.UniformPrior


main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.BinToAscii
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GISModel
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinToAscii
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.io.OldFormatGISModelReader
Convert a model created with Maxent 1.0 to a format used with Maxent 1.2.
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.io.SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader
To convert between different formats of the new style.
Main - Class in opennlp.maxent
Main file for opennlp.maxent.
Main() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.ModelApplier
Main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.ModelTrainer
Main method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.RealBasicEventStream
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
Trains and writes a model based on the events in the specified event file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.model.RealValueFileEventStream
Trains and writes a model based on the events in the specified event file.
main(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
MAX_FCT_EVAL - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
MAXENT_QN_VALUE - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
MAXENT_VALUE - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
MaxentModel - Interface in opennlp.model
Interface for maximum entropy models.
ModelApplier - Class in opennlp.maxent
Test the model on some input.
ModelApplier(MaxentModel) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.ModelApplier
ModelDomain - Interface in opennlp.maxent
A simple interface that represents a domain to which a particular maxent model is primarily applicable.
ModelReplacementManager - Class in opennlp.maxent
A object which can be used to ensure that a Maxent application can swap the model currently in use with a new one in a thread-safe manner without stopping the servicing of requests.
ModelReplacementManager(ModelSetter) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.ModelReplacementManager
ModelSetter - Interface in opennlp.maxent
A object to facilitate the resetting of a MaxentModel variable to a new value (model).
ModelTrainer - Class in opennlp.maxent
Main class which calls the GIS procedure after building the EventStream from the data.
ModelTrainer() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.ModelTrainer
MutableContext - Class in opennlp.model
Class used to store parameters or expected values associated with this context which can be updated or assigned.
MutableContext(int[], double[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.MutableContext
Creates a new parameters object with the specified parameters associated with the specified outcome pattern.


name - Variable in class opennlp.model.ComparablePredicate
next() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.BasicEventStream
Returns the next Event object held in this EventStream.
next() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.RealBasicEventStream
next() - Method in class opennlp.model.EventCollectorAsStream
next() - Method in interface opennlp.model.EventStream
Returns the next Event object held in this EventStream.
next() - Method in class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
next() - Method in class opennlp.model.HashSumEventStream
next() - Method in class opennlp.model.ListEventStream
next() - Method in class opennlp.model.RealValueFileEventStream
next() - Method in class opennlp.model.SequenceStreamEventStream
nextIteration(int) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer
nextToken() - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.DataStream
Returns the next slice of data held in this DataStream.
nextToken() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.PlainTextByLineDataStream


ObjectDataReader - Class in opennlp.model
ObjectDataReader(ObjectInputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.ObjectDataReader
ObjectGISModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
ObjectGISModelReader(ObjectInputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectGISModelReader
Constructor which directly instantiates the ObjectInputStream containing the model contents.
ObjectGISModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
ObjectGISModelWriter(AbstractModel, ObjectOutputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectGISModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a ObjectOutputStream and prepares itself to write the model to that stream.
ObjectQNModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
ObjectQNModelReader(ObjectInputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectQNModelReader
ObjectQNModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
ObjectQNModelWriter(AbstractModel, ObjectOutputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectQNModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a ObjectOutputStream and prepares itself to write the model to that stream.
OldFormatGISModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
A reader for GIS models stored in the format used in v1.0 of Maxent.
OldFormatGISModelReader(String) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.OldFormatGISModelReader
Constructor which takes the name of the model without any suffixes, such as ".mei.gz" or ".mep.gz".
OnePassDataIndexer - Class in opennlp.model
An indexer for maxent model data which handles cutoffs for uncommon contextual predicates and provides a unique integer index for each of the predicates.
OnePassDataIndexer(EventStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.OnePassDataIndexer
One argument constructor for DataIndexer which calls the two argument constructor assuming no cutoff.
OnePassDataIndexer(EventStream, int) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.OnePassDataIndexer
OnePassDataIndexer(EventStream, int, boolean) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.OnePassDataIndexer
Two argument constructor for DataIndexer.
OnePassRealValueDataIndexer - Class in opennlp.model
An indexer for maxent model data which handles cutoffs for uncommon contextual predicates and provides a unique integer index for each of the predicates and maintains event values.
OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(EventStream, int, boolean) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.OnePassRealValueDataIndexer
OnePassRealValueDataIndexer(EventStream, int) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.OnePassRealValueDataIndexer
Two argument constructor for DataIndexer.
opennlp.maxent - package opennlp.maxent
Provides main functionality of the maxent package including data structures and algorithms for parameter estimation.
opennlp.maxent.io - package opennlp.maxent.io
Provides the I/O functionality of the maxent package including reading and writting models in several formats.
opennlp.maxent.quasinewton - package opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
opennlp.model - package opennlp.model
opennlp.perceptron - package opennlp.perceptron
outcome - Variable in class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent
outcomes - Variable in class opennlp.model.ComparablePredicate


params - Variable in class opennlp.model.ComparablePredicate
parseContexts(String[]) - Static method in class opennlp.model.RealValueFileEventStream
Parses the specified contexts and re-populates context array with features and returns the values for these features.
passesCutoff(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.Counter
PERCEPTRON_SEQUENCE_VALUE - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
PERCEPTRON_VALUE - Static variable in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
PerceptronModel - Class in opennlp.perceptron
PerceptronModel(Context[], String[], IndexHashTable<String>, String[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
PerceptronModel(Context[], String[], Map<String, Integer>, String[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
Deprecated. use the constructor with the IndexHashTable instead!
PerceptronModel(Context[], String[], String[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModel
PerceptronModelReader - Class in opennlp.perceptron
Abstract parent class for readers of Perceptron.
PerceptronModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModelReader
PerceptronModelReader(DataReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModelReader
PerceptronModelWriter - Class in opennlp.perceptron
Abstract parent class for Perceptron writers.
PerceptronModelWriter(AbstractModel) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModelWriter
PerceptronTrainer - Class in opennlp.perceptron
Trains models using the perceptron algorithm.
PerceptronTrainer() - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer
persist() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.GISModelWriter
Writes the model to disk, using the writeX() methods provided by extending classes.
persist() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.QNModelWriter
persist() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelWriter
persist() - Method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelWriter
persist() - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronModelWriter
Writes the model to disk, using the writeX() methods provided by extending classes.
PlainTextByLineDataStream - Class in opennlp.maxent
This DataStream implementation will take care of reading a plain text file and returning the Strings between each new line character, which is what many Maxent applications need in order to create EventStreams.
PlainTextByLineDataStream(Reader) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.PlainTextByLineDataStream
PlainTextFileDataReader - Class in opennlp.model
PlainTextFileDataReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.PlainTextFileDataReader
PlainTextFileDataReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.PlainTextFileDataReader
PlainTextFileDataReader(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.PlainTextFileDataReader
PlainTextGISModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
A reader for GIS models stored in plain text format.
PlainTextGISModelReader(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelReader
Constructor which directly instantiates the BufferedReader containing the model contents.
PlainTextGISModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelReader
Constructor which takes a File and creates a reader for it.
PlainTextGISModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
Model writer that saves models in plain text format.
PlainTextGISModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and prepares itself to write the model to that file.
PlainTextGISModelWriter(AbstractModel, BufferedWriter) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a BufferedWriter and prepares itself to write the model to that writer.
PlainTextPerceptronModelReader - Class in opennlp.perceptron
PlainTextPerceptronModelReader(BufferedReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelReader
Constructor which directly instantiates the BufferedReader containing the model contents.
PlainTextPerceptronModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelReader
Constructor which takes a File and creates a reader for it.
PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter - Class in opennlp.perceptron
Model writer that saves models in plain text format.
PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter
Constructor which takes a PerceptronModel and a File and prepares itself to write the model to that file.
PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter(AbstractModel, BufferedWriter) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter
Constructor which takes a PerceptronModel and a BufferedWriter and prepares itself to write the model to that writer.
PooledGISModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
This class works exactly like the SuffisSensitiveGISModelReader except that it attempts to pool all context strings.
PooledGISModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.PooledGISModelReader
A reader for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the appropriate GISModelReader depending on the filename's suffixes.
predIndexes - Variable in class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent
PRINT_MESSAGES - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Set this to false if you don't want messages about the progress of model training displayed.
Prior - Interface in opennlp.model
This interface allows one to implement a prior distribution for use in maximum entropy model training.


QNModel - Class in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
QNModel(LogLikelihoodFunction, double[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
QNModel(String[], String[], Context[], double[]) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNModel
QNModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
QNModelReader(DataReader) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.QNModelReader
QNModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.QNModelReader
QNModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
QNModelWriter(AbstractModel) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.QNModelWriter
QNTrainer - Class in opennlp.maxent.quasinewton
maxent model trainer using l-bfgs algorithm.
QNTrainer() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
QNTrainer(boolean) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
QNTrainer(int) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
QNTrainer(int, boolean) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
QNTrainer(int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer


readDouble() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
Implement as needed for the format the model is stored in.
readDouble() - Method in class opennlp.model.BinaryFileDataReader
readDouble() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataReader
readDouble() - Method in class opennlp.model.ObjectDataReader
readDouble() - Method in class opennlp.model.PlainTextFileDataReader
readInt() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
Implement as needed for the format the model is stored in.
readInt() - Method in class opennlp.model.BinaryFileDataReader
readInt() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataReader
readInt() - Method in class opennlp.model.ObjectDataReader
readInt() - Method in class opennlp.model.PlainTextFileDataReader
readUTF() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.PooledGISModelReader
readUTF() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelReader
Implement as needed for the format the model is stored in.
readUTF() - Method in class opennlp.model.BinaryFileDataReader
readUTF() - Method in interface opennlp.model.DataReader
readUTF() - Method in class opennlp.model.ObjectDataReader
readUTF() - Method in class opennlp.model.PlainTextFileDataReader
RealBasicEventStream - Class in opennlp.maxent
RealBasicEventStream(DataStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.RealBasicEventStream
RealValueFileEventStream - Class in opennlp.model
RealValueFileEventStream(String) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.RealValueFileEventStream
RealValueFileEventStream(String, String) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.RealValueFileEventStream
RealValueFileEventStream(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.RealValueFileEventStream
remove() - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractEventStream
remove() - Method in class opennlp.model.HashSumEventStream
remove() - Method in class opennlp.model.SequenceStreamEventStream
removeDomain(ModelDomain) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.DomainToModelMap
Removes the mapping for this ModelDomain key from this map if present.
replaceModel(MaxentModel) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.ModelReplacementManager
Replace the old model with a new one, forcing the replacement to wait until all threads using the old model have finished using it.
ROUNDED_FORMAT - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.ModelApplier
run(String[], Evalable) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.TrainEval


seen - Variable in class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent
Sequence<T> - Class in opennlp.model
Class which models a sequence.
Sequence(Event[], T) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.Sequence
Creates a new sequence made up of the specified events and derived from the specified source.
SequenceStream - Interface in opennlp.model
Interface for streams of sequences used to train sequence models.
SequenceStreamEventStream - Class in opennlp.model
Class which turns a sequence stream into an event stream.
SequenceStreamEventStream(SequenceStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.SequenceStreamEventStream
setCorrectionParam(double) - Method in class opennlp.model.EvalParameters
setCurrPoint(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
setFctEvalCount(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
setGradAtCurr(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
setGradAtNext(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
setLabels(String[], String[]) - Method in interface opennlp.model.Prior
Method to specify the label for the outcomes and contexts.
setLabels(String[], String[]) - Method in class opennlp.model.UniformPrior
setModel(MaxentModel) - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.ModelSetter
Assign a new MaxentModel value to a MaxentModel variable.
setModelForDomain(ModelDomain, MaxentModel) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.DomainToModelMap
Sets the model for the given domain.
setNextPoint(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
setParameter(int, double) - Method in class opennlp.model.MutableContext
Assigns the parameter or expected value at the specified outcomeIndex the specified value.
setSkippedAveraging(boolean) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer
Enables skipped averaging, this flag changes the standard averaging to special averaging instead.
setStepSize(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
setStepSizeDecrease(double) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer
Enables and sets step size decrease.
setTolerance(double) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer
Specifies the tolerance.
setValueAtCurr(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
setValueAtNext(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LineSearchResult
SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer - Class in opennlp.perceptron
Trains models for sequences using the perceptron algorithm.
SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer() - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer
size() - Method in class opennlp.model.IndexHashTable
Retrieves the size.
SMOOTHING_OBSERVATION - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
If we are using smoothing, this is used as the "number" of times we want the trainer to imagine that it saw a feature that it actually didn't see.
SMOOTHING_OBSERVATION - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.ModelTrainer
startUsingModel() - Method in class opennlp.maxent.ModelReplacementManager
Inform the manager that a thread is using the model.
stringValue - Variable in class opennlp.maxent.DoubleStringPair
SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
A reader for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the appropriate GISModelReader depending on the filename's suffixes.
SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader(File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.SuffixSensitiveGISModelReader
Constructor which takes a File and invokes the GISModelReader appropriate for the suffix.
SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter - Class in opennlp.maxent.io
A writer for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the appropriate GISModelWriter depending on the filename's suffixes.
SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.io.SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and invokes the GISModelWriter appropriate for the suffix.
SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter - Class in opennlp.perceptron
A writer for GIS models which inspects the filename and invokes the appropriate GISModelWriter depending on the filename's suffixes.
SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter(AbstractModel, File) - Constructor for class opennlp.perceptron.SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter
Constructor which takes a GISModel and a File and invokes the GISModelWriter appropriate for the suffix.


toArray(T[]) - Method in class opennlp.model.IndexHashTable
TOLERANCE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer
toLine(Event) - Static method in class opennlp.model.FileEventStream
Generates a string representing the specified event.
toString() - Method in class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent
toString() - Method in class opennlp.model.ComparablePredicate
toString() - Method in class opennlp.model.Event
train(EventStream, int) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.TrainEval
train(EventStream, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
train(SequenceStream, Map<String, String>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
TrainEval - Class in opennlp.maxent
Trains or evaluates maxent components which have implemented the Evalable interface.
TrainEval() - Constructor for class opennlp.maxent.TrainEval
trainModel(EventStream) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm, assuming 100 iterations and no cutoff.
trainModel(EventStream, boolean) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm, assuming 100 iterations and no cutoff.
trainModel(EventStream, int, int) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
trainModel(EventStream, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
trainModel(EventStream, int, int, double) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
trainModel(int, DataIndexer, boolean) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
trainModel(int, DataIndexer) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
trainModel(int, DataIndexer, Prior, int) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm with the specified number of iterations, data indexer, and prior.
trainModel(int, DataIndexer, boolean, boolean, Prior, int) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
trainModel(int, DataIndexer, boolean, boolean, Prior, int, int) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.GIS
Train a model using the GIS algorithm.
trainModel(DataIndexer) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.QNTrainer
trainModel(int, DataIndexer, int) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer
trainModel(int, DataIndexer, int, boolean) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PerceptronTrainer
trainModel(int, SequenceStream, int, boolean) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.SimplePerceptronSequenceTrainer
TrainUtil - Class in opennlp.model
TrainUtil() - Constructor for class opennlp.model.TrainUtil
TwoPassDataIndexer - Class in opennlp.model
Collecting event and context counts by making two passes over the events.
TwoPassDataIndexer(EventStream) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.TwoPassDataIndexer
One argument constructor for DataIndexer which calls the two argument constructor assuming no cutoff.
TwoPassDataIndexer(EventStream, int) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.TwoPassDataIndexer
TwoPassDataIndexer(EventStream, int, boolean) - Constructor for class opennlp.model.TwoPassDataIndexer
Two argument constructor for DataIndexer.


UniformPrior - Class in opennlp.model
Provide a maximum entropy model with a uniform prior.
UniformPrior() - Constructor for class opennlp.model.UniformPrior
updateContext(Sequence, AbstractModel) - Method in interface opennlp.model.SequenceStream
Creates a new event array based on the outcomes predicted by the specified parameters for the specified sequence.
updateParameter(int, double) - Method in class opennlp.model.MutableContext
Updated the parameter or expected value at the specified outcomeIndex by adding the specified value to its current value.
updatePoint(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.ArrayMath
USE_SMOOTHING - Static variable in class opennlp.maxent.ModelTrainer


valueAt(double[]) - Method in interface opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.Function
valueAt(double[]) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.quasinewton.LogLikelihoodFunction
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum opennlp.model.AbstractModel.ModelType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum opennlp.model.AbstractModel.ModelType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values - Variable in class opennlp.model.ComparableEvent


writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryGISModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryQNModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectGISModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectQNModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter
writeDouble(double) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryGISModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryQNModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectGISModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectQNModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter
writeInt(int) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryGISModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.BinaryQNModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectGISModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.ObjectQNModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.PlainTextGISModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.maxent.io.SuffixSensitiveGISModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.model.AbstractModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.model.GenericModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.BinaryPerceptronModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.PlainTextPerceptronModelWriter
writeUTF(String) - Method in class opennlp.perceptron.SuffixSensitivePerceptronModelWriter


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