Class FeatureGeneratorAdapter

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AdditionalContextFeatureGenerator, BigramNameFeatureGenerator, CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator, DictionaryFeatureGenerator, FastTokenClassFeatureGenerator, InSpanGenerator, OutcomePriorFeatureGenerator, PrefixFeatureGenerator, SentenceFeatureGenerator, SuffixFeatureGenerator, TokenClassFeatureGenerator, TokenFeatureGenerator, TokenPatternFeatureGenerator

public abstract class FeatureGeneratorAdapter
extends Object
implements AdaptiveFeatureGenerator

This class provides empty implementations of some of the optional methods in AdditionalContextFeatureGenerator to make implementing feature generators easier.

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void clearAdaptiveData()
          Informs the feature generator that the context of the adaptive data (typically a document) is no longer valid.
 void updateAdaptiveData(String[] tokens, String[] outcomes)
          Informs the feature generator that the specified tokens have been classified with the corresponding set of specified outcomes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface

Constructor Detail


public FeatureGeneratorAdapter()
Method Detail


public void updateAdaptiveData(String[] tokens,
                               String[] outcomes)
Description copied from interface: AdaptiveFeatureGenerator
Informs the feature generator that the specified tokens have been classified with the corresponding set of specified outcomes.

Specified by:
updateAdaptiveData in interface AdaptiveFeatureGenerator
tokens - The tokens of the sentence or other text unit which has been processed.
outcomes - The outcomes associated with the specified tokens.


public void clearAdaptiveData()
Description copied from interface: AdaptiveFeatureGenerator
Informs the feature generator that the context of the adaptive data (typically a document) is no longer valid.

Specified by:
clearAdaptiveData in interface AdaptiveFeatureGenerator

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