UDK 3.2.7 Java API Reference

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITypeDescription

Uses of ITypeDescription in com.sun.star.uno

Fields in com.sun.star.uno declared as ITypeDescription
protected  ITypeDescription Type._iTypeDescription

Methods in com.sun.star.uno that return ITypeDescription
 ITypeDescription ITypeDescription.getComponentType()
          Deprecated. Gets the component ITypeDescription if this is an array type, otherwise returns null.
 ITypeDescription[] IMethodDescription.getInSignature()
          Deprecated. Gives any array of ITypeDescription> of the [in] parameters.
 ITypeDescription[] IMethodDescription.getOutSignature()
          Deprecated. Gives any array of ITypeDescription> of the [out] parameters.
 ITypeDescription IMethodDescription.getReturnSignature()
          Deprecated. Gives the ITypeDescription of the return type.
 ITypeDescription ITypeDescription.getSuperType()
          Deprecated. Gets the ITypeDescription of the super, if it exists.
 ITypeDescription Type.getTypeDescription()
          Gives the type description of this type.
 ITypeDescription IFieldDescription.getTypeDescription()
          Deprecated. Gives the name of this member.

Methods in com.sun.star.uno with parameters of type ITypeDescription
 void Type.setTypeDescription(ITypeDescription typeDescription)
          Sets the type description for this type.

Constructors in com.sun.star.uno with parameters of type ITypeDescription
Type(ITypeDescription typeDescription)
          Constructs a new Type from the given type description.

UDK 3.2.7 Java API Reference