UDK 3.2.7 Java API Reference

Class PropertySet

  extended by com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.WeakBase
      extended by com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.ComponentBase
          extended by com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.PropertySet
All Implemented Interfaces:
XFastPropertySet, XMultiPropertySet, XPropertySet, XComponent, XTypeProvider, XInterface, XWeak

public class PropertySet
extends ComponentBase
implements XPropertySet, XFastPropertySet, XMultiPropertySet

This class is an implementation of the interfaces com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet, com.sun.star.beans.XFastPropertySet and com.sun.star.beans.XMultiPropertySet. This class has to be inherited to be used. The values of properties are stored in member variables of the inheriting class. By overriding the methods convertPropertyValue, setPropertyValueNoBroadcast and getPropertyValue(Property) one can determine how property values are stored. When using the supplied implementations of this class then the member variables which hold property values have to be declared in the class which inherits last in the inheriting chain and they have to be public

Properties have to be registered by one of the registerProperty methods. They take among other arguments an Object named id which has to be a String that represents the name of the member variable. The registering has to occur in the constructor of the inheriting class. It is no allowed to add or change properties later on.


  public class Foo extends PropertySet
      protected int intProp;

      public Foo()
          registerProperty("PropertyA", 0, new Type(int.class), (short)0, "intProp");


Field Summary
protected  MultiTypeInterfaceContainer aBoundLC
protected  MultiTypeInterfaceContainer aVetoableLC
protected  XPropertySetInfo propertySetInfo
Fields inherited from class com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.ComponentBase
bDisposed, bInDispose, listenerContainer
Fields inherited from class com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.WeakBase
_mapImplementationIds, _mapTypes
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.star.beans.XPropertySet
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.star.beans.XFastPropertySet
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.star.beans.XMultiPropertySet
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.star.lang.XComponent
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.star.uno.XWeak
Fields inherited from interface com.sun.star.lang.XTypeProvider
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addPropertiesChangeListener(String[] propNames, XPropertiesChangeListener listener)
 void addPropertyChangeListener(String str, XPropertyChangeListener xPropertyChangeListener)
 void addVetoableChangeListener(String str, XVetoableChangeListener xVetoableChangeListener)
protected  void assignPropertyId(Property prop, Object id)
          Assigns an identifyer object to a Property object so that the identifyer can be obtained by getPropertyId later on.
protected  boolean convertPropertyValue(Property property, Object[] newVal, Object[] curVal, Object setVal)
          Converts a value in a way so that it is appropriate for storing as a property value, that is setPropertyValueNoBroadcast can process the value without any further conversion.
protected  void fire(Property[] properties, Object[] newValues, Object[] oldValues, boolean bVetoable)
          This method fires events to XPropertyChangeListener,XVetoableChangeListener and XPropertiesChangeListener event sinks.
 void firePropertiesChangeEvent(String[] propNames, XPropertiesChangeListener listener)
 Object getFastPropertyValue(int nHandle)
protected  Property[] getProperties()
          Returns an array of all Property objects or an array of length null if there are no properties.
protected  Property getProperty(String propertyName)
          Returns the Property object for a given property name or null if that property does not exists (i.e.
protected  Property getPropertyByHandle(int nHandle)
          Returns the Property object with a handle (Property.Handle) as specified by the argument nHandle.
protected  Object getPropertyId(Property prop)
          Returns the identifyer object for a certain Property.
 XPropertySetInfo getPropertySetInfo()
protected  Object getPropertyValue(Property property)
          Retrieves the value of a property.
 Object getPropertyValue(String name)
 Object[] getPropertyValues(String[] propNames)
          If a value for a property could not be retrieved then the respective element in the returned array has the value null.
protected  void initMappings()
          Initializes data structures used for mappings of property names to property object, property handles to property objects and property objects to id objects.
protected  void postDisposing()
          Makes sure that listeners which are kept in aBoundLC (XPropertyChangeListener) and aVetoableLC (XVetoableChangeListener) receive a disposing call.
protected  void putProperty(Property prop)
          Stores a Property object so that it can be retrieved subsequently by getProperty(String),getProperties(),getPropertyByHandle(int).
protected  void registerProperty(Property prop, Object id)
          Registers a property with this helper class and associates the argument id with it.
protected  void registerProperty(String name, int handle, Type type, short attributes, Object id)
          Registers a property with this helper class and associates the argument id with it.
protected  void registerProperty(String propertyName, short attributes)
          Registers a property with this class.
protected  void registerProperty(String propertyName, String memberName, short attributes)
          Registers a property with this class.
protected  void registerProperty(String name, Type type, short attributes, Object id)
          Registers a property with this class and associates the argument id with it.
 void removePropertiesChangeListener(XPropertiesChangeListener xPropertiesChangeListener)
 void removePropertyChangeListener(String propName, XPropertyChangeListener listener)
 void removeVetoableChangeListener(String propName, XVetoableChangeListener listener)
 void setFastPropertyValue(int nHandle, Object aValue)
protected  void setPropertyValue(Property prop, Object value)
          Sets the value of a property.
 void setPropertyValue(String name, Object value)
          Sets the value of a property.
protected  void setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(Property property, Object newVal)
          Sets the value of a property.
 void setPropertyValues(String[] propNames, Object[] values)
          If the array of property names containes an unknown property then it will be ignored.
Methods inherited from class com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.ComponentBase
addEventListener, dispose, finalize, preDisposing, removeEventListener
Methods inherited from class com.sun.star.lib.uno.helper.WeakBase
getImplementationId, getTypes, queryAdapter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected XPropertySetInfo propertySetInfo


protected MultiTypeInterfaceContainer aBoundLC


protected MultiTypeInterfaceContainer aVetoableLC
Constructor Detail


public PropertySet()
Method Detail


protected void registerProperty(Property prop,
                                Object id)
Registers a property with this helper class and associates the argument id with it. id is used to identify the storage of the property value. How property values are stored and retrieved is determined by the methods convertPropertyValue, setPropertyValueNoBroadcast and getPropertyValue These methods expect id to be a java.lang.String which represents the name of a member variable which holds the property value. Only properties which are registered can be accessed. Registration has to occur during initialization of the inheriting class (i.e. within the contructor).

prop - The property to be registered.
id - Identifies the properties storage.
See Also:


protected void registerProperty(String name,
                                int handle,
                                Type type,
                                short attributes,
                                Object id)
Registers a property with this helper class and associates the argument id with it. It does the same as registerProperty(Property, Object). The first four arguments are used to construct a Property object. Registration has to occur during initialization of the inheriting class (i.e. within the contructor)

name - The property's name (Property.Name).
handle - The property's handle (Property.Handle).
Type - The property's type (Property.Type).
attributes - The property's attributes (Property.Attributes).
id - Identifies the property's storage.


protected void registerProperty(String name,
                                Type type,
                                short attributes,
                                Object id)
Registers a property with this class and associates the argument id with it. It does the same as registerProperty(Property, Object). The first three arguments are used to construct a Property object. The value for the Property.Handle is generated and does not have to be specified here. Use this method for registering a property if you do not care about the Property's handles. Registration has to occur during initialization of the inheriting class (i.e. within the contructor).

name - The property's name (Property.Name).
handle - The property's handle (Property.Handle).
Type - The property's type (Property.Type).
attributes - The property's attributes (Property.Attributes).
id - Identifies the property's storage.


protected void registerProperty(String propertyName,
                                String memberName,
                                short attributes)
Registers a property with this class. This method expects that property values are stored in member variables as is the case if the methods convertPropertyValue, setPropertyValueNoBroadcast and getPropertyValue(Property) are not overridden. It is presumed that the type of the member variable corresponds Property.Type. For example, if the TypeClass of Property.Type is to be a TypeClass.SHORT then the member must be a short or java.lang.Short. The handle for the property is generated.
If there is no member with the specified name or if the member has an incompatible type then a com.sun.star.uno.RuntimeException is thrown.

propertyName - The name of the property.
memberName - The name of the member variable that holds the value of the property.
attributes - The property attributes.


protected void registerProperty(String propertyName,
                                short attributes)
Registers a property with this class. It is presumed that the name of property is equal to the name of the member variable that holds the property value.

propertyName - The name of the property and the member variable that holds the property's value.
attributes - The property attributes.
See Also:
registerProperty(String, String, short)


protected Property getProperty(String propertyName)
Returns the Property object for a given property name or null if that property does not exists (i.e. it has not been registered). Override this method if you want to implement your own mapping from property names to Property objects. Then you also have to override initMappings(), getProperties() and putProperty(Property).

propertyName - The name of the property (Property.Name)
The Property object with the name propertyName.


protected Property getPropertyByHandle(int nHandle)
Returns the Property object with a handle (Property.Handle) as specified by the argument nHandle. The method returns null if there is no such property (i.e. it has not been registered). Override this method if you want to implement your own mapping from handles to Property objects. Then you also have to override initMappings(), putProperty(Property).

nHandle - The handle of the property (Property.Handle).
The Property object with the handle nHandle


protected Property[] getProperties()
Returns an array of all Property objects or an array of length null if there are no properties. Override this method if you want to implement your own mapping from names to Property objects. Then you also have to override initMappings(), getProperty(String) and putProperty(com.sun.star.beans.Property).

Array of all Property objects.


protected void putProperty(Property prop)
Stores a Property object so that it can be retrieved subsequently by getProperty(String),getProperties(),getPropertyByHandle(int). Override this method if you want to implement your own mapping from handles to Property objects and names to Property objects. Then you also need to override initMappings(), getProperty(String),getProperties(),getPropertyByHandle(int).

prop - The Property object that is to be stored.


protected void assignPropertyId(Property prop,
                                Object id)
Assigns an identifyer object to a Property object so that the identifyer can be obtained by getPropertyId later on. The identifyer is used to specify a certain storage for the property's value. If you do not override setPropertyValueNoBroadcast or getPropertyValue(Property) then the argument id has to be a java.lang.String that equals the name of the member variable that holds the Property's value. Override this method if you want to implement your own mapping from Property objects to ids or if you need ids of a type other then java.lang.String. Then you also need to override initMappings and getPropertyId.

prop - The Property object that is being assigned an id.
id - The object which identifies the storage used for the property's value.
See Also:
registerProperty(Property, Object)


protected Object getPropertyId(Property prop)
Returns the identifyer object for a certain Property. The object must have been previously assigned to the Property object by assignPropertyId. Override this method if you want to implement your own mapping from Property objects to ids. Then you also need to override initMappings and assignPropertyId.

prop - The property for which the id is to be retrieved.
The id object that identifies the storage used for the property's value.
See Also:
registerProperty(Property, Object)


protected void initMappings()
Initializes data structures used for mappings of property names to property object, property handles to property objects and property objects to id objects. Override this method if you want to implement your own mappings. Then you also need to override putProperty,getProperty, getPropertyByHandle(int), assignPropertyId and getPropertyId.


protected void postDisposing()
Makes sure that listeners which are kept in aBoundLC (XPropertyChangeListener) and aVetoableLC (XVetoableChangeListener) receive a disposing call. Also those listeners are relesased.

postDisposing in class ComponentBase


public void addPropertyChangeListener(String str,
                                      XPropertyChangeListener xPropertyChangeListener)
                               throws UnknownPropertyException,
Specified by:
addPropertyChangeListener in interface XPropertySet


public void addVetoableChangeListener(String str,
                                      XVetoableChangeListener xVetoableChangeListener)
                               throws UnknownPropertyException,
Specified by:
addVetoableChangeListener in interface XPropertySet


public XPropertySetInfo getPropertySetInfo()
Specified by:
getPropertySetInfo in interface XMultiPropertySet
Specified by:
getPropertySetInfo in interface XPropertySet


public Object getPropertyValue(String name)
                        throws UnknownPropertyException,
Specified by:
getPropertyValue in interface XPropertySet


public void removePropertyChangeListener(String propName,
                                         XPropertyChangeListener listener)
                                  throws UnknownPropertyException,
Specified by:
removePropertyChangeListener in interface XPropertySet


public void removeVetoableChangeListener(String propName,
                                         XVetoableChangeListener listener)
                                  throws UnknownPropertyException,
Specified by:
removeVetoableChangeListener in interface XPropertySet


public void setPropertyValue(String name,
                             Object value)
                      throws UnknownPropertyException,
Sets the value of a property. The idl description for this interfaces, stipulates that the argument value is an Any. Since a java.lang.Object reference has the same meaning as an Any this function accepts java anys (com.sun.star.uno.Any) and all other appropriate objects as arguments. The value argument can be one of these:
  • java.lang.Boolean
  • java.lang.Character
  • java.lang.Byte
  • java.lang.Short
  • java.lang.Integer
  • java.lang.Long
  • java.lang.Float
  • java.lang.Double
  • java.lang.String
  • com.sun.star.uno.Type
  • objects which implement UNO interfaces
  • arrays which contain elements of the types above
  • com.sun.star.uno.Any containing an instance of one of the above types
Properties can have the attribute com.sun.star.beans.PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID, which means that the value (not the type) can be void. In order to assign a void value to a property one can either pass an Any which contains a null reference or pass null directly. In bothe cases the null reference is only accepted if the PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID attribute is set for the property. Properties which have the attribute MAYBEVOID set (Property.Attributes) can have a void value. The following considerations presume that the Property has that attribute set. Further, when mentioning an Any's value we actually refer to the object returned by Any.getObject. If the argument value is null, or it is an Any whose value is null (but with a valid Type) then the member variable used for storing the property's value is set to null. Therefore those properties can only be stored in objects and primitive types are not allowed (one can use the wrapper classes instead,e.g. java.lang.Byte) . If a property's value is kept in a member variable of type Any and that reference is still null then when setPropertyValue is called with value = null then the member variable is assigned an Any with type void and a null value. Or if the argument is an Any with a null value then it is assigned to the member variable. Further, if the variable already references an Any and setPropertyValue is called with value = null, then the variable is assigned a new Any with the same type as the previously referenced Any and with a null value.

Specified by:
setPropertyValue in interface XPropertySet
name - The name of the property.
value - The new value of the property. *


protected void setPropertyValue(Property prop,
                                Object value)
                         throws UnknownPropertyException,
Sets the value of a property. It checks if the property's attributes (READONLY,MAYBEVOID), allow that the new value can be set. It also causes the notification of listeners.

prop - The property whose value is to be set.
value - The new value for the property.


protected boolean convertPropertyValue(Property property,
                                       Object[] newVal,
                                       Object[] curVal,
                                       Object setVal)
                                throws IllegalArgumentException,
Converts a value in a way so that it is appropriate for storing as a property value, that is setPropertyValueNoBroadcast can process the value without any further conversion. This implementation presumes that the values are stored in member variables of the furthest inheriting class. For example, class A inherits this class then members of class A can hold property values. If there is a class B which inherits A then only members of B can hold property values. The variables must be public. A property must have been registered (e.g. by registerProperty(Property, Object) in order for this method to work. The identifyer argument (type Object) used in the registerProperty methods must be a java.lang.String, which is, the name of the member variable that holds the property value. If one opts to store values differently then one may override this method, as well as setPropertyValueNoBroadcast and getPropertyValue(Property). This method is always called as a result of a call to one of the setter methods, such as XPropertySet.setPropertyValue, XFastPropertySet.setFastPropertyValue and XMultiPropertySet.setPropertyValues. If this method fails, that is, it returns false or throws an exception, then no listeners are notified and the property value, that was intended to be changed, remains untouched.
This method does not have to deal with property attributes, such as PropertyAttribute.READONLY or PropertyAttribute.MAYBEVOID. The processing of these attributes occurs in the calling methods.
Only if this method returns successfully further processing, such as listener notification and finally the modifiction of the property's value, will occur.
The actual modification of a property's value is done by setPropertyValueNoBroadcast which is called subsequent to convertPropertyValue.

This method converts values by help of the com.sun.star.uno.AnyConverter which only does a few widening conversions on integer types and floating point types. For example, there is the property PropA with a Type equivalent to int.class and the value of the property is to be stored in a member variable of type int with name intProp. Then setPropertyValue is called:

  set.setPropertyValue( "PropA", new Byte( (byte)111));
At some point setPropertyValue will call convertPropertyValue and pass in the Byte object. Since we allow that Byte values can be used with the property and know that the value is to be stored in intProp (type int) we convert the Byte object into an Integer object which is then returned in the out-parameter newVal. This conversion is actually performed by the AnyConverter. Later the setPropertyValueNoBroadcast is called with that Integer object and the int value can be easily extracted from the object and be assigned to the member intProp.

The method handles Any arguments the same as Object arguments. That is, the setVal argument can be a java.lang.Boolean or a com.sun.star.uno.Any containing a java.lang.Boolean. Likewise, a member containing a property value can be a com.sun.star.uno.Any or an java.lang.Object. Then, no conversion is necessary, since they can hold all possible values. However, if the member is an Object and setVal is an Any then the object contained in the any is assigned to the member. The extra type information which exists as Type object in the Any will get lost. If this is not intended then use an Any variable rather then an Object.
If a member is an Object or Any and the argument setVal is an Object, other than String or array, then it is presumed to be an UNO object and queried for XInterface. If successful, the out-param newVal returns the XInterface.
If a member is an UNO interface, then setVal is queried for this interface and the result is returned. If setVal is null then newVal will be null too after return.

If a property value is stored using a primitive type the the out-parameters curVal and newVal contain the respective wrapper class (e.g.java.lang.Byte, etc.). curVal is used in calls to the XVetoableChangeListener and XPropertyChangeListener.

property - - in-param property for which the data is to be converted.
newVal - - out-param which contains the converted value on return.
curVal - - out-param the current value of the property. It is used in calls to the XVetoableChangeListener and XPropertyChangeListener.
setVal - - in-param. The value that is to be converted so that it matches Property and the internally used dataformat for that property.
true - Conversion was successful. newVal contains a valid value for the property. false - conversion failed for some reason.
IllegalArgumentException - The value provided is unfit for the property.
WrappedTargetException - - An exception occured during the conversion, that is to be made known to the caller.


protected void setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(Property property,
                                           Object newVal)
                                    throws WrappedTargetException
Sets the value of a property. In this implementation property values are stored in member variables (see convertPropertyValue Notification of property listeners does not occur in this method. By overriding this method one can take full control about how property values are stored. But then, the convertPropertyValue and getPropertyValue(Property) must be overridden too. A Property with the MAYBEVOID attribute set, is stored as null value. Therefore the member variable must be an Object in order to make use of the property attribute. An exception is Any. The Any variable can be initially null, but once it is set the reference will not become null again. If the value is to be set to void then a new Any will be stored with a valid type but without a value (i.e. Any.getObject returns null). If a property has the READONLY attribute set, and one of the setter methods, such as setPropertyValue, has been called, then this method is not going to be called.

property - the property for which the new value is set
value - the new value for the property.
WrappedTargetException - An exception, which has to be made known to the caller, occured during the setting of the value.


protected Object getPropertyValue(Property property)
Retrieves the value of a property. This implementation presumes that the values are stored in member variables of the furthest inheriting class (see convertPropertyValue) and that the variables are public. The property must have been registered, for example by registerProperty(Property, Object). The identifyer Object argument must have been a java.lang.String which was the name of the member variable holding the property value. When properties are to be stored differently one has to override this method as well as convertPropertyValue(com.sun.star.beans.Property, java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Object[], java.lang.Object) and setPropertyValueNoBroadcast(com.sun.star.beans.Property, java.lang.Object).
If a value is stored in a variable of a primitive type then this method returns an instance of the respective wrapper class (e.g. java.lang.Boolean).

property - The property for which the value is to be retrieved.
The value of the property.


protected void fire(Property[] properties,
                    Object[] newValues,
                    Object[] oldValues,
                    boolean bVetoable)
             throws PropertyVetoException
This method fires events to XPropertyChangeListener,XVetoableChangeListener and XPropertiesChangeListener event sinks. To distinguish what listeners are to be called the argument bVetoable is to be set to true if a XVetoableChangeListener is meant. For XPropertyChangeListener and XPropertiesChangeListener it is to be set to false.

properties - Properties wich will be or have been affected.
newValues - the new values of the properties.
oldValues - the old values of the properties.
bVetoable - true means fire to VetoableChangeListener, false means fire to XPropertyChangedListener and XMultiPropertyChangedListener.


public void setFastPropertyValue(int nHandle,
                                 Object aValue)
                          throws UnknownPropertyException,
Specified by:
setFastPropertyValue in interface XFastPropertySet


public Object getFastPropertyValue(int nHandle)
                            throws UnknownPropertyException,
Specified by:
getFastPropertyValue in interface XFastPropertySet


public void addPropertiesChangeListener(String[] propNames,
                                        XPropertiesChangeListener listener)
Specified by:
addPropertiesChangeListener in interface XMultiPropertySet


public void firePropertiesChangeEvent(String[] propNames,
                                      XPropertiesChangeListener listener)
Specified by:
firePropertiesChangeEvent in interface XMultiPropertySet


public Object[] getPropertyValues(String[] propNames)
If a value for a property could not be retrieved then the respective element in the returned array has the value null.

Specified by:
getPropertyValues in interface XMultiPropertySet


public void removePropertiesChangeListener(XPropertiesChangeListener xPropertiesChangeListener)
Specified by:
removePropertiesChangeListener in interface XMultiPropertySet


public void setPropertyValues(String[] propNames,
                              Object[] values)
                       throws PropertyVetoException,
If the array of property names containes an unknown property then it will be ignored.

Specified by:
setPropertyValues in interface XMultiPropertySet

UDK 3.2.7 Java API Reference