
struct _typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription

Base Classes
Known Derived Classes

virtual abstract interface template
Type description of an interface.

Not all members are always initialized (not yet initialized members being null); there are three levels:

  • Minimally, only aBase, pBaseTypeDescription, aUik, nBaseTypes, and ppBaseTypes are initialized; aBase.bComplete is false. This only happens when an interface type description is created with typelib_static_mi_interface_type_init or typelib_static_interface_type_init.
  • At the next level, nMembers, ppMembers, nAllMembers, ppAllMembers are also initialized; aBase.bComplete is still false. This happens when an interface type description is created with typelib_typedescription_newMIInterface or typelib_typedescription_newInterface.
  • At the final level, pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex, nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex, and pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex are also initialized; aBase.bComplete is true. This happens after a call to typelib_typedescription_complete.

Public Members


typelib_TypeDescription aBase; inherits all members of typelib_TypeDescription
_typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * pBaseTypeDescription; pointer to base type description, else 0
typelib_Uik aUik; unique identifier of interface
sal_Int32 nMembers; number of members
typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppMembers; array of members; references attributes or methods
sal_Int32 nAllMembers; number of members including members of base interface
typelib_TypeDescriptionReference * * ppAllMembers; array of members including members of base interface; references attributes or methods
sal_Int32 * pMapMemberIndexToFunctionIndex; array mapping index of the member description to an index doubling for read-write attributes (called function index); size of array is nAllMembers
sal_Int32 nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex; number of members plus number of read-write attributes
sal_Int32 * pMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex; array mapping function index to member index; size of arry is nMapFunctionIndexToMemberIndex
sal_Int32 nBaseTypes; number of base types
_typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription * * ppBaseTypes; array of base type descriptions

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