Apache NiFi Development Quickstart

Source Code

Apache NiFi source code is version controlled using Git version control (browse|checkout).
The code is also mirrored to Github

Issue Tracking

Track issues on the "NIFI" Project on the Apache Jira (browse).


Checking out from Git

To check out the code:

git clone http://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator-nifi.git

Then checkout the 'develop' branch

git checkout develop

Build steps

  1. You need a recent Java 7 (or newer) JDK.
  2. You need Apache Maven 3.X. We've successfully used 3.2.3 and as far back as 3.0.5
  3. Ensure your MAVEN_OPTS provides sufficient memory. Some build steps are fairly memory intensive
    • These settings have worked well MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx3076m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m"
  4. Build the nifi parent. In the root dir of the source tree cd to nifi-parent. Run mvn clean install
  5. Build the nifi nar maven plugin. In the root dir of the source tree cd to nifi-nar-maven-plugin. Run mvn clean install
  6. Build the entire code base. In the root dir of the source tree cd to nifi and run mvn -T C2.0 clean install You can tweak the maven build settings as you like but the previous command will execute with 2 threads per core.

Now you should have a fully functioning build off the latest code in the develop branch.

Running the application


Without any configuration, the application will run on port 8080 and does not require any credentials to modify the flow. This means of running Apache NiFi should be used only for development/testing and in an environment where only connections from trusted computers and users can connect to port 8080. Using iptables to allow only localhost connections to 8080 is a good start, but on systems with multiple (potentially untrusted) users, also not a sufficient protection.

Decompress and launch

Running the above build will create a tar.gz (and zip) file in nifi/nifi-assembly/target. This tar.gz should contain the full application. Decompressing the tar.gz should make a directory for you containing several other directories. conf contains application configuration, bin contains scripts for launching the application. On linux and OSX, NiFi can be run using bin/nifi.sh <command> where <command> is one of:

For Windows users, there exist several scripts in the bin directory that are analogous to those above: start-nifi.bat, stop-nifi.bat, nifi-status.bat, and run-nifi.bat.

The configuration that is to be used when launching NiFi, such as Java heap size, the user to run as, which Java command to use, etc. are configurable via the conf/bootstrap.conf file.

The entire concept of how the application will integrate to a given OS and run as an enduring service is something we're working hard on and would appreciate ideas for. The user experience needs to be excellent.

With the default settings you can point a web browser at http://localhost:8080/nifi/

Logging is configured by default to log to ./logs/nifi-app.log. The following log message should indicate the web ui is ready for use:

2014-12-09 00:42:03,540 INFO [main] org.apache.nifi.web.server.JettyServer NiFi has started. The UI is available at the following URLs: