UDDI Library


The jUDDI Project lives or fails based on its human resources. Users and contributors alike help the project with ideas and brainpower. A common foundation of knowledge is required to effectively participate in this virtual community. The following is a list of documents that we have found helpful for us and may be helpful to you.

UDDI Specifications


UDDI Version 1.0 Specification

UDDI Version 2.0 Specification

UDDI Version 3.0 Specification

UDDI Taxonomies

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)

U.S. Census Bureau

United Nations Standard Products and Services Code System (UNSPSC) Version 3.1

U.S. Census Bureau

Articles, Tutorials and Best Practices

O'Reilly Java WebServices Chapter 6: "UDDI: Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration"

Tyler Jewell and David Chappell

Best practices for Web services versioning

Keep your Web services current with WSDL and UDDI

Kyle Brown and Michael Ellis, IBM developerWorks

January 2004

Using WSDL in a UDDI Registry

John Colgrave and Karsten Januszewski, UDDI.org

November 2003

Registration and Discovery of Web Services Using JAXR with XML Registries such as UDDI and ebXML

The why and what of the new approach

Qusay H. Mahmoud, Sun Microsystems

June 2002

A New Approach to UDDI and WSDL Part 1

The why and what of the new approach

John Colgrave, IBM developerWorks

August 2003

A New Approach to UDDI and WSDL Part 2

Usage scenarios in publishing and finding WSDL service descriptions

John Colgrave, IBM developerWorks

September 2003

Understanding WSDL in a UDDI Registry Part 1

How to publish and find WSDL service descriptions

Peter Brittenham, Francisco Cubera, Dave Ehnebuske, Steve Graham, IBM developerWorks

September 2001 (updated September 2002)

Understanding WSDL in a UDDI Registry Part 2

How to publish and find WSDL service descriptions

Peter Brittenham, Francisco Cubera, Dave Ehnebuske, Steve Graham, IBM developerWorks

September 2001 (updated September 2002)

Understanding WSDL in a UDDI Registry Part 3

How to publish and find WSDL service descriptions

Peter Brittenham, IBM developerWorks

November 2001

Providing a Taxonomy for Use in UDDI Version 2


July 2001

The Role of Taxonomies in UDDI: tModels Demystified

Ravi Trivedi, Developer.com

Versioning of Web Services: An UDDI Subscription-Based Approach

Aravilli Srinivasa Rao, Developer.com

SOAP W3C Specification

Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1

Java API for XML Registries (JAXR)

Other Resources

The Java Language Specification

Written by the creators of the Java Programming Language, this online book is considered by many to be the bible for programming in Java. A must read.


Javadoc is the automatic software documentation generator used by Java since it was first released. All code written for this project must be documented using Javadoc conventions.

The Java Code Conventions

This Sun document specifies the de-facto standard way of formatting Java code. All code written for this project must follow these conventions.