Class GetAssertionStatusReport

  extended by org.apache.juddi.datatype.request.GetAssertionStatusReport
All Implemented Interfaces:, RegistryObject, Publish

public class GetAssertionStatusReport
extends java.lang.Object
implements RegistryObject, Publish

"The get_assertionStatusReport API call provides administrative support for determining the status of current and outstanding publisher assertions that involve any of the business registrations managed by the individual publisher account. Using this message, a publisher can see the status of assertions that they have made, as well as see assertions that others have made that involve businessEntity structures controlled by the calling publisher account. See Appendix J on relationships and publisher assertions for more information."

Steve Viens (
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String STATUS_COMPLETE
          status:complete: passing this value will cause only the publisher assertions that are complete to be returned.
static java.lang.String STATUS_FROMKEY_INCOMPLETE
          status:fromKey_incomplete: passing this value will cause only those publisher assertions where the party who controls the businessEntity referenced by the fromKey value in an assertion has not made a matching assertion to be listed.
static java.lang.String STATUS_TOKEY_INCOMPLETE
          status:toKey_incomplete: passing this value will cause only those publisher assertions where the party who controls the businessEntity referenced by the toKey value in an assertion has not made a matching assertion to be listed.
Constructor Summary
GetAssertionStatusReport(AuthInfo authInfo)
Method Summary
 AuthInfo getAuthInfo()
 java.lang.String getCompletionStatus()
 java.lang.String getGeneric()
 void setAuthInfo(AuthInfo authInfo)
 void setCompletionStatus(CompletionStatus status)
 void setCompletionStatus(java.lang.String status)
 void setGeneric(java.lang.String genericValue)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String STATUS_COMPLETE
status:complete: passing this value will cause only the publisher assertions that are complete to be returned. Each businessEntity listed in assertions that are complete has a visible relationship that directly reflects the data in a complete assertion (as per the find_relatedBusinesses message).

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STATUS_TOKEY_INCOMPLETE
status:toKey_incomplete: passing this value will cause only those publisher assertions where the party who controls the businessEntity referenced by the toKey value in an assertion has not made a matching assertion to be listed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String STATUS_FROMKEY_INCOMPLETE
status:fromKey_incomplete: passing this value will cause only those publisher assertions where the party who controls the businessEntity referenced by the fromKey value in an assertion has not made a matching assertion to be listed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public GetAssertionStatusReport()


public GetAssertionStatusReport(AuthInfo authInfo)
Method Detail


public void setGeneric(java.lang.String genericValue)
genericValue -


public java.lang.String getGeneric()
String UDDI request's generic value.


public AuthInfo getAuthInfo()
Specified by:
getAuthInfo in interface Publish


public void setAuthInfo(AuthInfo authInfo)


public java.lang.String getCompletionStatus()


public void setCompletionStatus(java.lang.String status)


public void setCompletionStatus(CompletionStatus status)

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