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AcceptCustodyTranferToken(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Accepts a transfer token and transfers the entities.
ACCESSPOINT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
ACCESSPOINT_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
AddPublisherAssertion(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Adds a new publisher assertion
ADDRESS - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
ADDRESSLINE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
AddSubscription(Subscription) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
attempts to save subscription
AddTmodelKenGenerator(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Adds a special tModel key generator keyGenerator: Marking a tModel with this categorization designates it as one whose tModelKey identifies a key generator partition that can be used by its owner to derive and assign other entity keys.
AES - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole
This program uses a AES key, retrieves its raw bytes, and then reinstantiates a AES key from the key bytes. The reinstantiated key is used to initialize a AES cipher for encryption and decryption.
AES() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES


BINDINGKEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
BINDINGTEMPLATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
BuildAddress(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
BuildAddressLine(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
address lines
BuildBindingTemplates(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
binding templates
BuildCatBag(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
builds a compelte category bag
BuildClientSubscription(Map, AtomicReference<String>, HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
client subscription api
BuildContactPersonNames(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
Prefix should be contactXName
BuildContacts(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
BuildDescription(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
BuildDisco(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
discovery urls
BuildEmail(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
Builders - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders
This class provides functions for building UDDI entities from Http request parameters
Builders() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
BuildIdentBag(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
identifier bag
BuildKeyedReference(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
keyed references
BuildKeyedReferenceGroup(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
keyed reference group
BuildNames(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
name elements
BuildOverviewDocs(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
overview docs
BuildPhone(Map, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
phone numbers
BuildSingleContact(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
builds a contact
BuildTmodelInstanceDetails(Map, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
BUSINESSKEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
BusinessListAsTable(BusinessList, HttpSession, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
used from hub


CATBAG_KEY_REF - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
CATBAG_KEY_REF_GRP - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
CatBagToString(CategoryBag, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
Converts category bags of tmodels to a readable string used from hub
CONTACT_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
containsFindQualifier(Subscription, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.StartupServlet
does nothing
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.StartupServlet
creates a new AES key and stores it to the properties files
CrossSiteRequestForgeryException - Exception in org.apache.juddi.webconsole
Provides a very basic, no stack trace exception, useful for throwing at a browser without revealing any details
CrossSiteRequestForgeryException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.juddi.webconsole.CrossSiteRequestForgeryException
CrossSiteRequestForgeryException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.juddi.webconsole.CrossSiteRequestForgeryException
Constructor that accepts a message
CrossSiteRequestForgeryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.juddi.webconsole.CrossSiteRequestForgeryException
custody - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML


Decrypt(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES
Decrypts a password or other sensitive data If the parameter is null or empty, an empty string is returned.
deleteBinding(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
deleteBusiness(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Deletes a business
deleteBusiness(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Deletes a list of UDDI businesses by key
DeletePublisherAssertion(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
deletes a publisher assertion, all fields must match exactly
deleteService(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
delete a service
deleteService(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
deletes a list of services
deleteTmodel(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
delete a tmodel
deleteTmodel(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Deletes a list of UDDI tModels by key
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
destroy() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.NoCacheFilter
destroy() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.YesCacheFilter
die() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
This kills any authentication tokens, logs the user out and nulls out all services
DiscardToken(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
DISCOVERYURL - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
displaycount - Variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.PagableContainer
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.NoCacheFilter
doFilter(ServletRequest, ServletResponse, FilterChain) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.YesCacheFilter


EMAIL - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
Encrypt(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES
encrypts a password using AES Requires the Unlimited Strength Crypto Extensions


GEN(int) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES
generates an AES based off of the selected key size
GEN() - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES
Generate a new AES 256 bit encryption key.
GetAutoLogoutDuration() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
defaults to 15 minutes if not defined
GetBindingDetailsAsObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Returns a specific binding template as an object
GetBusinessDetails(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Gets a business's details used for the businessEditor
GetBusinessDetailsAsObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
A convenience function for GetBusinessDetails
GetBusinessListAsHtml(int, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Performs a find_business call in the inquiry API
getCause() - Method in exception org.apache.juddi.webconsole.CrossSiteRequestForgeryException
GetCertificate(UddiHub.FindType, String, int) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Retrieves the UDDI entity, then attempts to return a base64 encoded certificate of the N'th indexed signature
getCustody(String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML
GetCustodyTransferToken(KeyBag, Holder<String>, Holder<XMLGregorianCalendar>, Holder<byte[]>) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Get a custody transfer token for giving away control of the specified business or tmodel keys authInfo: This OPTIONAL argument is an element that contains an authentication token.
GetDigitalSignatureConfig() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
returns all of the current properties defining digital signatures
getInquiry(String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML
getInstance(ServletContext, HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
This is the singleton accessor UddiHub.
getItemKeySpecific(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
GetJuddiClientConfig() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
gets a reference to the current juddi client config file.
getLocale() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
gets the user selected locale
getLocalizedMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.juddi.webconsole.CrossSiteRequestForgeryException
getMessage() - Method in exception org.apache.juddi.webconsole.CrossSiteRequestForgeryException
GetMyTransferableKeys(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
The get_registeredInfo API call is used to get an abbreviated list of all businessEntity and tModel data that are controlled by a publisher.
GetNewsFeed(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Returns bootstrap stylized html representing all changes in the last refresh
GetNodeInformation(AtomicReference<String>) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
This function returns all businesses that the current user owns

The get_registeredInfo API call is used to get an abbreviated list of all businessEntity and tModel data that are controlled by a publisher.
getNodeName() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
gets the configuration file's node name element of the currently connected node
getObject(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML
GetOperationalInfo(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
gets the opinfo on an item
GetOperationalInfo(List<OperationalInfo>) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
getPublish(String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML
GetPublisherAssertions(AtomicReference<String>) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Gets a list of all assertions for all businesses owned by the current user The get_assertionStatusReport API call provides administrative support for determining the status of current and outstanding publisher assertions that involve any of the business registrations managed by the individual publisher.
GetResource(HttpSession, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.resources.ResourceLoader
returns a localized string in the locale defined within session.getAttribute("locale") or in the default locale, en
GetResource(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.resources.ResourceLoader
returns a localized string in the locale defined within locale or in the default locale, en
getSearchLang(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
getSearchName(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
GetServiceDetail(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Performs a getServiceDetails in Inquiry API
GetServiceDetailAsHtml(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Performs Inquiry Find_service API used from servicedetails.jsp
GetServiceDetailsAsObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
A convenience function for GetServiceDetail
GetServiceList(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
returns an html formatted list of services for a specific business used on browse.jsp
getSubscription(String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML
GetSubscriptionDetails(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
returns a subscription by id, since UDDI does not provide this function, it simply gets all of them for the current user then filters out the requested item
GetSubscriptions() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
gets all of my subscriptions
getTmodelDetails(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Returns the details of a tModel by tModelKey
GettModelDetailsAsObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Returns a tmodel given the key
getUddiIsAuthenticated() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Returns true if the current user has a token and is signed in.


HandleException(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
This function provides a basic error handling rutine that will pull out the true error message in a UDDI fault message, returning bootstrap stylized html error message
HOSTINGREDIRECTOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants


IDENT_KEY_REF - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.NoCacheFilter
init(FilterConfig) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.YesCacheFilter
inquiry - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML
INSTANCE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
isAdminLocalhostOnly() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
If false, the configuration page will be available from anywhere.
isAutoLogoutEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
returns true if automatic logouts are configured
isBindingSpecific(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isBusinessSpecific(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isExceptionExpiration(Exception) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
return true if the word expire is in the exception or the UDDI error code representing an expired token
isFindBinding(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isFindBusiness(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isFindRelatedBusinesses(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isFindService(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isFindTModel(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isPublisherAssertionSpecific(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isSecure() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
returns true if we are using JAXWS transport AND all of the URLs start with https://
isServiceSpecific(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isSpecificItem(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
isTModelSpecific(Subscription) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper


KEY_REF - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
KEYNAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
KEYVALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants


LANG - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
ListNamesToString(List<Name>) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
Name to space separated string
ListToDescString(List<Description>) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
Description to space separated string
log - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES
log - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
The Log4j logger.
LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
The logger name
logname - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES


MapFilter(Map, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Builders
Returns a new map, filtering the original map by key string starts with


NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
NoCacheFilter - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole
NoCacheFilter() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.NoCacheFilter


offset - Variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.PagableContainer
org.apache.juddi.webconsole - package org.apache.juddi.webconsole
Contains servlet filters, constants, some exceptions and session encryption keys
org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub - package org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub
Rendererss, parses, configuration and session management for all juddi-gui web apps
org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders - package org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders
Parsers and helper functions
org.apache.juddi.webconsole.resources - package org.apache.juddi.webconsole.resources
i18n support
OVERVIEW - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants


PagableContainer - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub
This simple class enables use to pass rendered html data and paging information back and forth from jsp context to java
PagableContainer() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.PagableContainer
PHONE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
PostBackConstants - Interface in org.apache.juddi.webconsole
A collection of constants to use for form postbacks and parsing data from the browser All fields MUST not contain any characters that could interfer with the rendering of a webpage or javascript and should thus be escaped sequences of characters
PrintBindingTemplates(BindingTemplates, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
This function is useful for translating UDDI's somewhat complex data format to something that is more useful.
Printers - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders
Provides very basic UDDI spec to String formats, mostly used for debugging
Printers() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
PrintPublisherAssertion(List<SharedRelationships>, String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
PrintTModelListAsHtml(TModelList, HttpSession, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
used from Hub at tModelListAsHtml(..)
PROP_ADMIN_LOCALHOST_ONLY - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
PROP_AUTH_TYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
PROP_AUTO_LOGOUT_TIMER - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
PROP_CONFIG_NODE - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
the name of the 'node' property in the config
PROP_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
publish - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML


RemoveSubscription(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Removes/deletes a subscription
renderedHtml - Variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.PagableContainer
reset(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
removes the Hub from the current http session
ResourceLoader - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.resources
This a resource loader for specific locales for internationalization, provides some basic caching to prevent round trip disk access
ResourceLoader() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.resources.ResourceLoader


SaveBindingTemplate(BindingTemplate) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
this is used from the save from xml.jsp page
SaveBindingTemplate(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
SaveBusinessDetails(BusinessEntity) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Saves a business entity
SaveBusinessDetails(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Save Business This method saves a business to a UDDI registry, preserving the service listing The request is build from the HTTP post back parameters.
SaveServiceDetails(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
This method will rebuild a Service entity from the HTTP request from the Service Editor page and will then attempt to save it.
SaveServiceDetails(BusinessService) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Saves a Service
SaveTModel(TModel) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
saves a tmodel object
SaveTModel(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
This rebuild a tmodel from the http request, such as from the tmodel editor page
Search(UddiHub.FindType, UddiHub.CriteriaType, String, String, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Provides a simple search interface for the complex UDDI search APIs
SearchForBinding(String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Searches first for a service, then iterates through to identify bindings matching the specified criteria.
SearchForServices(String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Search for services using find_services
SendAdvancedQuery(Object, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
SERVICEKEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
ServiceListAsHtml(ServiceList, boolean, HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.Printers
service list as html, used
SignatureToBase64(SignatureType) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
converts a UDDI Signature Type element into a base64 string containing the raw data for the signing certificate, if present
SignatureToReadable(SignatureType) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
Converts a UDDI Signature to a readable representation of the signing certificate subject name
SORTCODE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
StartupServlet - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole
This startup servlet's job is to generate an encryption key which will be used for encrypting cached user credentials in the http session object
StartupServlet() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.StartupServlet
subscription - Static variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML
SubscriptionHelper - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders
Provides some basic helper functions for the edit Subscription page
SubscriptionHelper() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
switchNodes(String) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
attempts to switch the current context to the proposed node id.


TMODEL_DELETED - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
TMODELINSTANCE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
tModelListAsHtml(String, String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
provides based tmodel searching/browser capability that's pagable
ToErrorAlert(String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub
returns a bootstrap html stylizies an error message with a warning icon
ToHtmlOption(List<String>) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.builders.SubscriptionHelper
toString() - Method in exception org.apache.juddi.webconsole.CrossSiteRequestForgeryException
totalrecords - Variable in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.PagableContainer
TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants


UddiHub - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub
UddiHub - The hub acts as a single point for managing browser to uddi services.
UddiHub.AuthStyle - Enum in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub
AuthStyles for the Hub to use, default is UDDI_AUTH
UddiHub.CriteriaType - Enum in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub
An enum to help make UDDI searching easier to work with
UddiHub.FindType - Enum in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub
An enum to help make UDDI searching easier to work with
UDDIRequestsAsXML - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub
This class generates XML as String objects for UDDI requests.
UDDIRequestsAsXML() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UDDIRequestsAsXML


ValidateKey(String) - Static method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.AES
return true is the supplied key is a valid aes key
VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.juddi.webconsole.PostBackConstants
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub.AuthStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub.CriteriaType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub.FindType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub.AuthStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub.CriteriaType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub.FindType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyLogin() - Method in class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.hub.UddiHub


YesCacheFilter - Class in org.apache.juddi.webconsole
YesCacheFilter() - Constructor for class org.apache.juddi.webconsole.YesCacheFilter
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