Interface ActivityResource

All Superinterfaces:
DavResource, DeltaVResource

public interface ActivityResource
extends DeltaVResource

An activity is a resource that selects a set of versions that are on a single "line of descent", where a line of descent is a sequence of versions connected by successor relationships. If an activity selects versions from multiple version histories, the versions selected in each version history must be on a single line of descent.

RFC 3253 defines the following required live properties for an Activity resource.

The Activity resource must support all methods defined for a DeltaV-compliant resource. Since no additional methods are required for an activity this interface mainly acts as marker.

Please refer to RFC 3253 Section 13 for a complete description of this resource type.

Field Summary
static DavPropertyName ACTIVITY_CHECKOUT_SET
          The computed DAV:activity-checkout-set property identifies each checked-out resource whose DAV:activity-set identifies this activity.
static DavPropertyName ACTIVITY_VERSION_SET
          The computed DAV:activity-version-set property identifies each version whose DAV:activity-set property identifies this activity.
static DavPropertyName CURRENT_WORKSPACE_SET
          The computed DAV:current-workspace-set property identifies identifies each workspace whose DAV:current-activity-set identifies this activity.
static DavPropertyName SUBACTIVITY_SET
          The DAV:subactivity-set property identifies each activity that forms a part of the logical change being captured by this activity.
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
Method Summary
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version.DeltaVResource
addWorkspace, getOptionResponse, getReferenceResources, getReport
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavResource
addLockManager, addMember, alterProperties, copy, exists, getCollection, getComplianceClass, getDisplayName, getFactory, getHref, getLocator, getLock, getLocks, getMembers, getModificationTime, getProperties, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getResourcePath, getSession, getSupportedMethods, hasLock, isCollection, isLockable, lock, move, refreshLock, removeMember, removeProperty, setProperty, spool, unlock

Field Detail


static final DavPropertyName ACTIVITY_VERSION_SET
The computed DAV:activity-version-set property identifies each version whose DAV:activity-set property identifies this activity. Multiple versions of a single version history can be selected by an activity's DAV:activity-version-set property, but all DAV:activity-version-set versions from a given version history must be on a single line of descent from the root version of that version history.

Note that the DAV:activity-version-set represents a HrefProperty


static final DavPropertyName ACTIVITY_CHECKOUT_SET
The computed DAV:activity-checkout-set property identifies each checked-out resource whose DAV:activity-set identifies this activity.

Note that the DAV:activity-checkout-set represents a HrefProperty


static final DavPropertyName SUBACTIVITY_SET
The DAV:subactivity-set property identifies each activity that forms a part of the logical change being captured by this activity. An activity behaves as if its DAV:activity-version-set is extended by the DAV:activity-version-set of each activity identified in the DAV:subactivity-set. In particular, the versions in this extended set MUST be on a single line of descent, and when an activity selects a version for merging, the latest version in this extended set is the one that will be merged.

A server MAY reject attempts to modify the DAV:subactivity-set of an activity.

Note that the DAV:subactivity-set represents a HrefProperty


static final DavPropertyName CURRENT_WORKSPACE_SET
The computed DAV:current-workspace-set property identifies identifies each workspace whose DAV:current-activity-set identifies this activity.

Note that the DAV:current-workspace-set represents a HrefProperty

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