Uses of Class

Packages that use JUnitTest

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test
 class AbstractJCRTest
          Abstract base class for all JCR test classes.

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api
 class AddNodeTest
          AddNodeTest contains the test cases for the method Node.addNode(String, String).
 class BinaryPropertyTest
          Tests a binary property.
 class BooleanPropertyTest
          Tests a boolean property.
 class CheckPermissionTest
          Tests if Session.checkPermission(String, String) yields the correct permissions for a read-only session and a 'superuser' session.
 class DatePropertyTest
          Tests a date property.
 class DocumentViewImportTest
          DocumentViewImportTest Tests importXML and getImportContentHandler methods of the Workspace and Session class.
 class DoublePropertyTest
          Tests a double property.
 class ExportDocViewTest
          ExportDocViewTest tests the two Session methods : Session.exportDocumentView(String, ContentHandler, boolean, boolean) and Session.exportDocumentView(String,, boolean, boolean) against the required behaviours according the document view xml mapping defined in the JSR 170 specification in chapter 6.4.2, 6.4.3 and 6.4.4 .
 class ExportSysViewTest
          ExportSysViewTest tests the SysView Export of a tree given by a node path.
 class GetWeakReferencesTest
          GetWeakReferencesTest checks implementation of Node.getWeakReferences() and Node.getWeakReferences(String).
 class HasPermissionTest
          Tests if Session.hasPermission(String, String) yields the correct permissions for a read-only, a read-write and an admin session.
 class ImpersonateTest
          Tests if Session.impersonate(Credentials) to a read-only session respects access controls.
 class LifecycleTest
          Compliance tests for section 6.12 Lifecycle Management.
 class LongPropertyTest
          Tests a long property.
 class NamePropertyTest
          Tests a date property.
 class NamespaceRegistryReadMethodsTest
          NamespaceRegistryReadMethodsTest This class tests read method of the NamespaceRegistry class and also the correct Exception throwing for methods not supported in level 1.
 class NamespaceRegistryTest
          NamespaceRegistryTest tests whether the repository registers and unregisters namespaces correctly.
 class NamespaceRemappingTest
          Test cases for JSR 283 sections 3.5.2 Session-Local Mappings and 5.11 Namespace Mapping and the related namespace mapping methods in Session.
 class NameTest
 class NodeAddMixinTest
          NodeAddMixinTest contains the test cases for the method Node.AddMixin(String).
 class NodeCanAddMixinTest
          NodeCanAddMixinTest contains the test cases for the method Node.canAddMixin(String).
 class NodeDiscoveringNodeTypesTest
          All test cases in this class rely on content in the repository.
 class NodeItemIsModifiedTest
          Test cases for Item.isModified() on a node.
 class NodeItemIsNewTest
          Test cases for Item.isNew() on a node.
 class NodeIteratorTest
          Tests the NodeIterator implementation.
 class NodeOrderableChildNodesTest
          NodeOrderableChildNodesTest contains all node writing tests (LEVEL 2) that require a node that allows child node ordering (tests therefore are optional).
 class NodeReadMethodsTest
          Tests the 'read' methods specified in the Node interface on a level 1 repository.
 class NodeRemoveMixinTest
          NodeRemoveMixinTest contains the test cases for the method Node.removeMixin(String).
 class NodeSetPrimaryTypeTest
 class NodeTest
          NodeTest contains all test cases for the javax.jcr.Node that are related to writing, modifing or deleting nodes (level 2 of the specification).
 class NodeUUIDTest
          NodeUUIDTest contains all tests for the javax.jcr.Node class that require a UUID (and therefore are optional).
 class PathPropertyTest
          Tests a path property.
 class PathTest
 class PropertyItemIsModifiedTest
          Test cases for Item.isModified() on a property.
 class PropertyItemIsNewTest
          Test cases for Item.isNew() on a property.
 class PropertyReadMethodsTest
 class PropertyTest
          PropertyTest contains all test cases for the javax.jcr.Property that are related to writing, modifing or deleting properties (level 2 of the specification).
 class PropertyTypeTest
          Tests if the type of a property is set according to the node type as well as no property is of type UNDEFINED.
 class ReferenceableRootNodesTest
          ReferenceableRootNodesTest contains tests with referenceable nodes between different workspaces.
 class ReferencePropertyTest
          Tests a reference property.
 class ReferencesTest
          ReferencesTest contains the test cases for the references.
 class RepositoryDescriptorTest
          Tests if the required repository descriptors are available.
 class RepositoryFactoryTest
          RepositoryFactoryTest checks if there is a repository factory implementation and that is works according to the spec.
 class RepositoryLoginTest
          RepositoryLoginTest tests the login methods of a repository.
 class RootNodeTest
          Test cases for the root node.
 class SerializationTest
          SerializationTest contains the test cases for the method Workspace.exportSysView() and Session.importSysView().
 class SessionReadMethodsTest
 class SessionRemoveItemTest
 class SessionTest
          SessionTest contains all test cases for the javax.jcr.Session class that are level 2 (modifing repository content).
 class SessionUUIDTest
          SessionUUIDTest contains all tests for the Session class that require a UUID (and therefore are optional).
 class SetPropertyAssumeTypeTest
          SetPropertyAssumeTypeTest tests if when setting a property of type PropertyType.UNDEFINED the type is assumed correctly.
 class SetPropertyBooleanTest
          SetPropertyBooleanTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, boolean) method
 class SetPropertyCalendarTest
          SetPropertyCalendarTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, Calendar) method
 class SetPropertyConstraintViolationExceptionTest
          SetPropertyConstraintViolationExceptionTest tests if setProperty() throws a ConstraintViolationException either immediately (by setValue()) or on save, if the change would violate a value constraint.
 class SetPropertyDecimalTest
          SetPropertyDecmimalTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, BigDecimal) method
 class SetPropertyDoubleTest
          SetPropertyDoubleTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, double) method
 class SetPropertyInputStreamTest
          SetPropertyInputStreamTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, InputStream) method
 class SetPropertyLongTest
          SetPropertyLongTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, long) method
 class SetPropertyNodeTest
          SetPropertyNodeTest tests the Node.setProperty(String, Node) method
 class SetPropertyStringTest
          SetPropertyStringTest tests the methods Node.setProperty(String, String), Node.setProperty(String, String[]) and Node.setProperty(String, String[], int)
 class SetPropertyValueTest
          SetPropertyValueTest tests the methods Node.setProperty(String, Value), Node.setProperty(String, Value[]) and Node.setProperty(String, Value[], int)
 class SetValueBinaryTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueBooleanTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueConstraintViolationExceptionTest
          SetValueConstraintViolationExceptionTest tests if setValue() throws a ConstraintViolationException either immediately (by setValue()) or on save, if the change would violate a value constraint.
 class SetValueDateTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueDecimalTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueDoubleTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueLongTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueReferenceTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueStringTest
          Tests the various Property.setValue(Value) methods.
 class SetValueValueFormatExceptionTest
          SetValueValueFormatExceptionTest tests if Property.setValue() throws a ValueFormatException if a best-effort conversion fails.
 class SetValueVersionExceptionTest
 class ShareableNodeTest
          Tests features available with shareable nodes.
 class StringPropertyTest
          StringPropertyTest tests a String property against the conversions to other Properties (except Name and Path property).
 class UndefinedPropertyTest
          Tests if no property in the workspace is of type PropertyType.UNDEFINED.
 class ValueFactoryTest
          ValueFactoryTest tests the different ValueFactory.createValue methods.
 class WorkspaceCloneReferenceableTest
          WorkspaceCloneReferenceableTest contains tests for cloning referenceable nodes between workspaces.
 class WorkspaceCloneSameNameSibsTest
          WorkspaceCloneSameNameSibsTest contains tests for cloning nodes as same name siblings between workspace.
 class WorkspaceCloneTest
          WorkspaceCloneTest contains tests for cloning nodes between workspace.
 class WorkspaceCloneVersionableTest
          WorkspaceCloneVersionableTest contains tests for cloning versionable nodes between workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesReferenceableTest
          WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesReferenceableTest contains tests for copying referenceable nodes between workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesSameNameSibsTest
          WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesSameNameSibsTest contains tests for copying nodes as same name siblings between workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesTest
          WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesTest contains tests for copying nodes between workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesVersionableTest
          WorkspaceCopyBetweenWorkspacesVersionableTest contains tests for copying versionable nodes between workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopyReferenceableTest
          WorkspaceCopyReferenceableTest contains tests for copying referenceable nodes in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopySameNameSibsTest
          WorkspaceCopySameNameSibsTest contains tests for copying nodes as same name siblings in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopyTest
          WorkspaceCopyTest contains tests for copying nodes in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceCopyVersionableTest
          WorkspaceCopyVersionableTest contains tests for copying versionable nodes in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceManagementTest
 class WorkspaceMoveReferenceableTest
          WorkspaceMoveReferenceableTest contains tests for moving referenceable nodes in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceMoveSameNameSibsTest
          WorkspaceMoveSameNameSibsTest contains tests for moving nodes with same name siblings supported in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceMoveTest
          WorkspaceMoveTest contains tests for copying nodes in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceMoveVersionableTest
          WorkspaceMoveVersionableTest contains tests for moving versionable nodes in one workspace.
 class WorkspaceReadMethodsTest
 class WorkspaceTest

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.lock

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.lock
 class AbstractLockTest
 class DeepLockTest
 class LockManagerTest
 class LockTest
          LockTest contains the test cases for the lock support in the JCR specification.
 class OpenScopedLockTest
 class SessionScopedLockTest
 class SetValueLockExceptionTest
          SetValueLockExceptionTest Tests throwing of a LockException for the Property.setValue() methods in case the parentNode of the given property is locked.

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.nodetype

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.nodetype
 class CanAddChildNodeCallWithNodeTypeTest
          Tests NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName, String nodeTypeName) returns true if a node of name childNodeName and of node type childNodeName could be added to a node of type NodeType.
 class CanAddChildNodeCallWithoutNodeTypeTest
          Tests NodeType.canAddChildNode(String childNodeName) returns true if a node of name childNodeName could be added to a node of type NodeType.
 class CanRemoveItemTest
          Tests that NodeType.canRemoveItem(String) returns true node or property is removable (same for NodeType.canRemoveNode(String) and NodeType.canRemoveProperty(String)).
 class CanSetPropertyBinaryTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Binary.
 class CanSetPropertyBooleanTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Boolean.
 class CanSetPropertyDateTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Date.
 class CanSetPropertyDoubleTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Double.
 class CanSetPropertyLongTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Long.
 class CanSetPropertyMultipleTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values)
 class CanSetPropertyNameTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type Name.
 class CanSetPropertyPathTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyNa me, Value[] values) where property is of type Path.
 class CanSetPropertyStringTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value) and NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value[] values) where property is of type String.
 class CanSetPropertyTest
          Test of NodeType.canSetProperty(String propertyName, Value value)
 class NodeDefTest
          Tests if node definitions are respected in node instances in the workspace.
 class NodeTypeCreationTest
          Tests the node type creation functionality of the NodeTypeManager.
 class NodeTypeManagerTest
          Tests if the NodeTypeManager properly returns primary types an mixin types.
 class NodeTypeTest
          Tests if the node type hierarchy is correctly mapped to the methods defined in NodeType.
 class PredefinedNodeTypeTest
          PredefinedNodeTypeTest tests if the predefined node types are implemented correctly.
 class PropertyDefTest
          Tests if property definitions are properly defined.

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.observation

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.observation
 class AbstractObservationTest
          This class implements the basic AbstractObservationTest.setUp() and AbstractObservationTest.tearDown() methods for the observation test cases.
 class AddEventListenerTest
          Tests the options for addEventListener().
 class EventIteratorTest
          Tests the methods the following methods: RangeIterator.getSize() RangeIterator.getPosition() RangeIterator.skip(long) Configuration requirements: The AbstractJCRTest.testRoot must allow child nodes of type AbstractJCRTest.testNodeType.
 class EventJournalTest
          EventJournalTest performs EventJournal tests.
 class EventTest
          Tests methods on the Event interface.
 class GetDateTest
          GetDateTest checks if the dates returned by events are monotonically increasing.
 class GetIdentifierTest
          IdentifierTest checks if the identifier of an event is correct.
 class GetInfoTest
          GetInfoTest checks that the info map is empty for event types: Event.NODE_ADDED, Event.NODE_REMOVED, Event.PROPERTY_ADDED, Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED and Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
 class GetRegisteredEventListenersTest
          Tests the method ObservationManager.getRegisteredEventListeners().
 class GetUserDataTest
          GetUserDataTest performs observation tests with user data set on the observation manager.
 class LockingTest
          Tests if locking a node triggers property added events for jcr:lockOwner and jcr:lockIsDeep.
 class NodeAddedTest
          Test cases for Event.NODE_ADDED events.
 class NodeMovedTest
          Tests if Session.move(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) operations trigger the appropriate observation events.
 class NodeRemovedTest
          Test cases for Event.NODE_REMOVED events.
 class NodeReorderTest
          Tests if Node.orderBefore(String, String) operations trigger the appropriate observation events.
 class PropertyAddedTest
          Test cases for Event.PROPERTY_ADDED events.
 class PropertyChangedTest
          Test cases for Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED events.
 class PropertyRemovedTest
          Test cases for Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED events.
 class WorkspaceOperationTest
          Tests if workspace operations trigger the appropriate observation events.

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.query

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.query
 class AbstractQueryLevel2Test
          Implements common setup methods for level 2 queries.
 class AbstractQueryTest
          Abstract base class for query test cases.
 class CreateQueryTest
          CreateQueryTest checks if QueryManager.createQuery(String, String) throws an InvalidQueryException for an unknown query language.
 class DerefQueryLevel1Test
          Tests the XPath function jcr:deref() in a level 1 repository.
 class ElementTest
          Tests the element test function in XPath.
 class GetLanguageTest
          Test the method Query.getLanguage().
 class GetPersistentQueryPathLevel1Test
          Test the method Query.getStoredQueryPath().
 class GetPersistentQueryPathTest
          Test the method Query.getStoredQueryPath().
 class GetPropertyNamesTest
          Tests if the property names of an XPath query without a jcr:primaryType predicate matches the ones declared in nt:base.
 class GetStatementTest
          Tests the method Query.getStatement().
 class GetSupportedQueryLanguagesTest
          Test the method QueryManager.getSupportedQueryLanguages().
 class OrderByDateTest
          Test cases for order by queries on date properties.
 class OrderByDecimalTest
          OrderByDecimalTest tests order by queries with decimal properties.
 class OrderByDoubleTest
          Test cases for order by queries on double properties.
 class OrderByLengthTest
          OrderByLengthTest contains test cases for order by queries on property lengths.
 class OrderByLocalNameTest
          OrderByLocalNameTest contains test cases for order by queries on local node names.
 class OrderByLongTest
          Test cases for order by queries on long properties.
 class OrderByLowerCaseTest
          OrderByLowerCaseTest contains test cases for order by queries on lower cased property values.
 class OrderByMultiTypeTest
          Test cases for order by queries on long properties.
 class OrderByNameTest
          OrderByNameTest contains test cases for order by queries on node names.
 class OrderByStringTest
          Test cases for order by queries on String properties.
 class OrderByUpperCaseTest
          OrderByUpperCaseTest contains test cases for order by queries on upper cased property values.
 class OrderByURITest
          OrderByURITest tests order by queries with URI properties.
 class PredicatesTest
          Tests if queries with predicates are accepted.
 class QueryResultNodeIteratorTest
          Tests methods on NodeIterator returned by QueryResult.getNodes().
 class SaveTest
          Tests the method Query.storeAsNode(String).
 class SetLimitTest
          SetLimitTest contains test cases for the method Query.setLimit().
 class SetOffsetTest
          SetOffsetTest contains test cases for the method Query.setOffset().
 class SimpleSelectionTest
 class SQLJcrPathTest
          Tests if the jcr:path property is returned in the query result.
 class SQLJoinTest
          Tests SQL statements with a join of a node type with a mixin type.
 class SQLOrderByTest
          This test searches for all nodes of a specific node type and orders them by the property with name configured as AbstractJCRTest.propertyName1.
 class SQLPathTest
          Tests path predicates in SQL queries.
 class SQLQueryLevel2Test
          Tests SQL queries on content written to the workspace by the test itself.
 class TextNodeTest
          Tests the text() node test in XPath.
 class XPathDocOrderTest
          Tests if the repository supports document order in XPath.
 class XPathJcrPathTest
          Tests if the jcr:path property is returned in the query result.
 class XPathOrderByTest
          This test searches for all nodes of a specific node type and orders them by the property with name configured as AbstractJCRTest.propertyName1.
 class XPathPosIndexTest
          Tests if the repository supports position index in XPath.
 class XPathQueryLevel2Test
          Tests XPath queries on content written to the workspace by the test itself.

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.query.qom

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.query.qom
 class AbstractJoinTest
          AbstractJoinTest provides utility methods for join related tests.
 class AbstractQOMTest
          AbstractQOMTest is a base class for test cases on the JQOM.
 class AndConstraintTest
          AndConstraintTest contains tests that check AND constraints.
 class BindVariableValueTest
 class ChildNodeJoinConditionTest
          ChildNodeJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover ChildNodeJoinCondition.
 class ChildNodeTest
          ChildNodeTest contains test cases that cover the QOM ChildNode condition.
 class ColumnTest
          ColumnTest contains test cases related to QOM column.
 class DescendantNodeJoinConditionTest
          DescendantNodeJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover DescendantNodeJoinCondition.
 class DescendantNodeTest
          DescendantNodeTest contains test cases related to QOM DescendantNode constraints.
 class EquiJoinConditionTest
          EquiJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover EquiJoinCondition.
 class FullTextSearchScoreTest
          FullTextSearchScoreTest contains fulltext search score tests.
 class GetQueryTest
          GetQueryTest contains test cases that check QueryManager.getQuery(Node).
 class LengthTest
          LengthTest performs tests with the Query Object Model length operand.
 class NodeLocalNameTest
          NodeLocalNameTest checks if conversion of literals is correctly performed and operators work as specified.
 class NodeNameTest
          NodeNameTest checks if conversion of literals is correctly performed and operators work as specified.
 class NotConstraintTest
          NotConstraintTest contains tests that check NOT constraints.
 class OrConstraintTest
          OrConstraintTest contains tests that check OR constraints.
 class OrderingTest
          OrderingTest contains test cases that check
 class PropertyExistenceTest
          PropertyExistenceTest performs a test with PropertyExistence.
 class PropertyValueTest
          PropertyValueTest performs a test with property value comparision.
 class QueryObjectModelFactoryTest
          QueryObjectModelFactoryTest tests all methods on the QueryObjectModelFactory.
 class RowTest
          RowIteratorTest contains test cases for Row.
 class SameNodeJoinConditionTest
          SameNodeJoinConditionTest contains test cases that cover SameNodeJoinCondition.
 class SameNodeTest
 class SelectorTest
 class UpperLowerCaseTest
          UpperLowerCaseTest performs tests with upper- and lower-case operands.

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.retention

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.retention
 class AbstractRetentionTest
 class HoldEffectTest
 class HoldTest
 class RetentionPolicyEffectTest
 class RetentionPolicyTest

Uses of JUnitTest in

Subclasses of JUnitTest in
 class AbstractAccessControlTest
 class AccessControlDiscoveryTest
 class AccessControlListTest
 class AccessControlPolicyIteratorTest
 class AccessControlPolicyTest
 class RSessionAccessControlDiscoveryTest
          RSessionAccessControlDiscoveryTest: A read-only session must be able to call 'hasPrivilege' and 'getPrivileges' and 'getSupportedPrivileges' without access denied exception
 class RSessionAccessControlPolicyTest
 class RSessionAccessControlTest

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.version

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.version
 class AbstractMergeTest
          AbstractMergeTest is the abstract base class for all merge related test classes.
 class AbstractOnParentVersionTest
          AbstractOnParentVersionTest: the abstract base class for all tests related to OnParentVersion issues.
 class AbstractVersionTest
          AbstractVersionTest is the abstract base class for all versioning related test classes.
 class ActivitiesTest
          ActivitiesTest covers methods related to the Activities feature in Versioning.
 class CheckinTest
          CheckinTest covers tests related to Node.checkin().
 class CheckoutTest
          CheckoutTest covers tests related to Node.checkout() and Node.isCheckedOut().
 class ConfigurationsTest
          ConfigurationsTest covers methods related to the Configurations feature in Versioning.
 class CopyTest
          CopyTest checks if full versionable nodes are copied correctly: 15.1.4 Copying Versionable Nodes and Version Lineage Under both simple and full versioning, when an existing versionable node N is copied to a new location either in the same workspace or another, and the repository preserves the versionable mixin (see 10.7.4 Dropping Mixins on Copy): - A copy of N, call it M, is created, as usual
 class FrozenNodeTest
          CheckinTest covers tests related to Node.checkin().
 class GetContainingHistoryTest
          GetContainingHistoryTest provides test methods covering Version.getContainingHistory().
 class GetCreatedTest
          GetCreatedTest provides test methods covering Version.getCreated().
 class GetPredecessorsTest
          GetPredecessorsTest provides test methods covering Version.getPredecessors(), Version.getLinearPredecessor() and Version.getLinearSuccessor().
 class GetReferencesNodeTest
          GetReferencesNodeTest contains test to check if references are returned from versions.
 class GetVersionableUUIDTest
          GetVersionableUUIDTest provides test methods covering VersionHistory.getVersionableUUID() and VersionHistory.getVersionableIdentifier().
 class MergeActivityTest
          MergeActivityTest contains tests dealing with merging activities
 class MergeCancelMergeTest
          MergeCancelMergeTest contains tests dealing with nodes on which cancelMerge is called.
 class MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest
          MergeCheckedoutSubNodeTest contains tests dealing with checked-out nodes in the subtree of the node on which merge is called.
 class MergeDoneMergeTest
          MergeDoneMergeTest contains test dealing with nodes on which doneMerge is called.
 class MergeNodeIteratorTest
          MergeNodeIteratorTest tests if Node.merge(String, boolean) if bestEffort is true returns a NodeIterator over all versionalbe nodes in the subtree that received a merge result of fail.
 class MergeNodeTest
          MergeNodeTest contains tests dealing with general merge node calls.
 class MergeNonVersionableSubNodeTest
          MergeNonVersionableSubNodeTest contains test dealing with nonversionable nodes in the subtree of the node on which merge is called.
 class MergeShallowTest
          MergeShallowTest contains tests dealing with general shallow merge calls.
 class MergeSubNodeTest
          MergeSubNodeTest contains tests dealing with sub nodes in the subtree of the node on which merge is called.
 class OnParentVersionAbortTest
          OnParentVersionAbortTest tests the OnParentVersion ABORT behaviour.
 class OnParentVersionComputeTest
          OnParentVersionComputeTest tests the OnParentVersion COMPUTE behaviour.
 class OnParentVersionCopyTest
          OnParentVersionCopyTest tests the OnParentVersion COPY behaviour.
 class OnParentVersionIgnoreTest
          OnParentVersionIgnoreTest tests the OnParentVersion IGNORE behaviour.
 class OnParentVersionInitializeTest
          OnParentVersionInitializeTest tests the INITIALIZE behaviour.
 class RemoveVersionTest
          RemoveVersionTest provides test methods covering VersionHistory.removeVersion(String).
 class RestoreTest
          RestoreTest covers tests related to the restore methods available on Node: Node.restore(String, boolean) Node.restore(javax.jcr.version.Version, boolean) Node.restore(javax.jcr.version.Version, String, boolean)
 class SessionMoveVersionExceptionTest
          SessionMoveVersionExceptionTest contains tests dealing with moving nodes using Session.move(String, String).
 class VersionGraphTest
          VersionGraphTest contains test methods related to version graph issues.
 class VersionHistoryTest
          VersionHistoryTest provides test methods related to version history methods and general version history issues.
 class VersionLabelTest
          VersionLabelTest covers methods related to version label such as VersionHistory.addVersionLabel(String, String, boolean) VersionHistory.removeVersionLabel(String) Node.restoreByLabel(String, boolean) VersionHistory.getVersionByLabel(String) VersionHistory.getVersionLabels() VersionHistory.hasVersionLabel(javax.jcr.version.Version, String) VersionHistory.hasVersionLabel(String) VersionHistory.hasVersionLabel(javax.jcr.version.Version, String)
 class VersionStorageTest
          VersionStorageTest provides tests regarding VersionHistory.addVersionLabel(String, String, boolean)
 class VersionTest
          VersionTest covers tests related to the methods of the Version class.
 class WorkspaceMoveVersionExceptionTest
          WorkspaceMoveVersionExceptionTest contains tests dealing with moving nodes using Workspace.move(String, String).
 class WorkspaceRestoreTest
          WorkspaceRestoreTest provides test methods for the Workspace.restore(javax.jcr.version.Version[], boolean) method.

Uses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.version.simple

Subclasses of JUnitTest in org.apache.jackrabbit.test.api.version.simple
 class BasicTest
          BasicTest checks if simple versioning is correctly set up

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