Uses of Class

Packages that use SelectorImpl

Uses of SelectorImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint that return SelectorImpl
protected  SelectorImpl SelectorBasedConstraint.getSelector()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint with parameters of type SelectorImpl
static Constraint ConstraintBuilder.create(ConstraintImpl constraint, Map<String,Value> bindVariableValues, SelectorImpl[] selectors, LuceneQueryFactory factory, ValueFactory vf)
          Creates a Constraint from a QOM constraint.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.constraint with parameters of type SelectorImpl
ChildNodeConstraint(ChildNodeImpl constraint, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a child node constraint from the given QOM constraint on the given selector.
ComparisonConstraint(DynamicOperand operand1, Operator operator, Value operand2, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a new comparison constraint.
DescendantNodeConstraint(DescendantNodeImpl constraint, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a new descendant node constraint from the given QOM constraint.
FullTextConstraint(FullTextSearchImpl fts, SelectorImpl selector, LuceneQueryFactory factory)
          Creates a new full text search constraint.
HierarchyConstraint(String path, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a new hierarchy constraint with the given base path.
LikeConstraint(DynamicOperand operand1, Value operand2, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a new like constraint.
PropertyExistenceConstraint(PropertyExistenceImpl prop, SelectorImpl selector, LuceneQueryFactory factory)
          Creates a new property existence constraint.
QueryConstraint( constraint, SelectorImpl selector, LuceneQueryFactory factory)
          Creates a new query constraint using the given lucene query.
SameNodeConstraint(SameNodeImpl constraint, SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a same node constraint.
SelectorBasedConstraint(SelectorImpl selector)
          Creates a new constraint based on the given selector.

Uses of SelectorImpl in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom that return SelectorImpl
 SelectorImpl QueryObjectModelTree.getSelector(Name name)
          Returns the selector with the given name or null if there is no selector with this name.
abstract  SelectorImpl[] SourceImpl.getSelectors()
 SelectorImpl[] SelectorImpl.getSelectors()
 SelectorImpl[] JoinImpl.getSelectors()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom with parameters of type SelectorImpl
 Object QOMTreeVisitor.visit(SelectorImpl node, Object data)
 Object DefaultQOMTreeVisitor.visit(SelectorImpl node, Object data)
          Does nothing and returns data.

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