Uses of Interface

Packages that use QOMTreeVisitor

Uses of QOMTreeVisitor in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom that implement QOMTreeVisitor
 class DefaultQOMTreeVisitor
          DefaultQOMTreeVisitor default implementation of a QOMTreeVisitor.
 class DefaultTraversingQOMTreeVisitor
          DefaultTraversingQOMTreeVisitor default implementation of a traversing QOMTreeVisitor.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom with parameters of type QOMTreeVisitor
 Object UpperCaseImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object SelectorImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object SameNodeJoinConditionImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object SameNodeImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object QueryObjectModelTree.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object PropertyValueImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object PropertyExistenceImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object OrderingImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object OrImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object NotImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object NodeNameImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object NodeLocalNameImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object LowerCaseImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object LiteralImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object LengthImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object JoinImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object FullTextSearchScoreImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object FullTextSearchImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object EquiJoinConditionImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object DescendantNodeJoinConditionImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object DescendantNodeImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object ComparisonImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object ColumnImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object ChildNodeJoinConditionImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object ChildNodeImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object BindVariableValueImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
 Object AndImpl.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.
abstract  Object AbstractQOMNode.accept(QOMTreeVisitor visitor, Object data)
          Accepts a visitor and calls the appropriate visit method depending on the type of this QOM node.

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