Uses of Class

Packages that use NAryQueryNode

Uses of NAryQueryNode in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query

Subclasses of NAryQueryNode in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query
 class AndQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines an AND operation between arbitrary other QueryNodes.
 class DerefQueryNode
          Represents query node that dereferences a reference property into a node and does an optional name test on the target node.
 class LocationStepQueryNode
          Defines a location step for querying the path of a node.
 class NotQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines a not operation on the child query.
 class OrQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines an OR operation between arbitrary other QueryNodes.
 class PathQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines a path restriction.
 class RelationQueryNode
          Implements a query node that defines property value relation.

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