Uses of Class

Packages that use Pattern   

Uses of Pattern in

Methods in that return Pattern
static Pattern Pattern.all()
          A pattern which matches all input.
static Pattern name)
          Construct a new pattern which matches a path element of a given name
static Pattern namespaceUri, String localName)
          Constructs a pattern which matches a path elements against regular expressions.
static Pattern Pattern.nothing()
          A pattern which matches nothing.
static Pattern Pattern.path(Path path)
          Construct a new pattern which matches an exact path
static Pattern Pattern.repeat(Pattern pattern)
          A pattern which matches pattern as many times as possible
static Pattern Pattern.repeat(Pattern pattern, int min, int max)
          A pattern which matches pattern as many times as possible but at least min times and at most max times.
static Pattern Pattern.selection(Pattern pattern1, Pattern pattern2)
          A pattern which matches pattern1 followed by pattern2 and returns the longer of the two matches.
static Pattern Pattern.sequence(Pattern pattern1, Pattern pattern2)
          A pattern which matches pattern1 followed by pattern2.

Methods in with parameters of type Pattern
static MatchResult Matcher.findMatch(Pattern pattern, Path input)
          Find the first match of a pattern in a path.
static MatchResult Matcher.findMatch(Pattern pattern, Path input, int pos)
          Find the first match of a pattern in a path starting at a given position.
static Path Matcher.match(Pattern pattern, Path input)
          Match a pattern against an input path and return the remaining path.
static boolean Matcher.matches(Pattern pattern, Path input)
          Checks whether a pattern matches an input path.
static Pattern Pattern.repeat(Pattern pattern)
          A pattern which matches pattern as many times as possible
static Pattern Pattern.repeat(Pattern pattern, int min, int max)
          A pattern which matches pattern as many times as possible but at least min times and at most max times.
static Pattern Pattern.selection(Pattern pattern1, Pattern pattern2)
          A pattern which matches pattern1 followed by pattern2 and returns the longer of the two matches.
static Pattern Pattern.sequence(Pattern pattern1, Pattern pattern2)
          A pattern which matches pattern1 followed by pattern2.

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