Interface ItemInfoCache

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ItemInfoCache

ItemInfoCache instances are responsible for caching ItemInfos along with an opaque generation counter. Implementations are free on the particular caching policy. That is, how long (if at all) item infos are cached. An ItemInfoCache is supplied per session from the RepositoryService. It is used to cache ItemInfos read from the RepositoryService.

See Also:
RepositoryService.getItemInfos(SessionInfo, NodeId)

Nested Class Summary
static class ItemInfoCache.Entry<T extends ItemInfo>
          This class represents a cache entry.
Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Clear the cache and dispose all entries.
 ItemInfoCache.Entry<NodeInfo> getNodeInfo(NodeId nodeId)
          Retrieve a cache entry for the given nodeId or null if no such entry is in the cache.
 ItemInfoCache.Entry<PropertyInfo> getPropertyInfo(PropertyId propertyId)
          Retrieve a cache entry for the given propertyId or null if no such entry is in the cache.
 void put(ItemInfo info, long generation)
          Create a ItemInfoCache.Entry for info and generation and put it into the cache.

Method Detail


ItemInfoCache.Entry<NodeInfo> getNodeInfo(NodeId nodeId)
Retrieve a cache entry for the given nodeId or null if no such entry is in the cache.

nodeId - id of the entry to lookup.
a Entry<NodeInfo> instance or null if not found.


ItemInfoCache.Entry<PropertyInfo> getPropertyInfo(PropertyId propertyId)
Retrieve a cache entry for the given propertyId or null if no such entry is in the cache.

propertyId - id of the entry to lookup.
a Entry<PropertyInfo> instance or null if not found.


void put(ItemInfo info,
         long generation)
Create a ItemInfoCache.Entry for info and generation and put it into the cache.

info -
generation -


void dispose()
Clear the cache and dispose all entries.

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