Uses of Interface

Packages that use RemoteItem
org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.client Client implementation of the transparent JCR-RMI layer. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.remote Remote interfaces of the transparent JCR-RMI layer. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server Server implementation of the transparent JCR-RMI layer. 

Uses of RemoteItem in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.client

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.client with parameters of type RemoteItem
 Item LocalAdapterFactory.getItem(Session session, RemoteItem remote)
          Factory method for creating a local adapter for a remote item.
protected  Item ClientObject.getItem(Session session, RemoteItem remote)
          Utility method to create a local adapter for a remote item.
 Item ClientAdapterFactory.getItem(Session session, RemoteItem remote)
          Creates and returns a ClientItem instance.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.client with parameters of type RemoteItem
ClientItem(Session session, RemoteItem remote, LocalAdapterFactory factory)
          Creates a local adapter for the given remote item.

Uses of RemoteItem in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.remote

Subinterfaces of RemoteItem in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.remote
 interface RemoteNode
          Remote version of the JCR Node interface.
 interface RemoteProperty
          Remote version of the JCR Property interface.
 interface RemoteVersion
          Remote version of the JCR Version interface.
 interface RemoteVersionHistory
          Remote version of the JC VersionHistory interface.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.remote that return RemoteItem
 RemoteItem RemoteItem.getAncestor(int level)
          Remote version of the Item.getAncestor(int) method.
 RemoteItem RemoteSession.getItem(String path)
          Remote version of the Session.getItem(String) method.
 RemoteItem RemoteNode.getPrimaryItem()
          Remote version of the Node.getPrimaryItem() method.

Uses of RemoteItem in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server

Classes in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server that implement RemoteItem
 class ServerItem
          Remote adapter for the JCR Item interface.
 class ServerNode
          Remote adapter for the JCR Node interface.
 class ServerProperty
          Remote adapter for the JCR Property interface.
 class ServerVersion
          Remote adapter for the JCR Version interface.
 class ServerVersionHistory
          Remote adapter for the JCR VersionHistory interface.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.rmi.server that return RemoteItem
 RemoteItem ServerItem.getAncestor(int level)
          Remote version of the Item.getAncestor(int) method.
 RemoteItem ServerSession.getItem(String path)
          Remote version of the Session.getItem(String) method.
 RemoteItem ServerNode.getPrimaryItem()
          Remote version of the Node.getPrimaryItem() method.
protected  RemoteItem ServerObject.getRemoteItem(Item item)
          Utility method for creating a remote reference for a local item.
 RemoteItem ServerAdapterFactory.getRemoteItem(Item item)
          Creates a ServerItem instance.
 RemoteItem RemoteAdapterFactory.getRemoteItem(Item item)
          Returns a remote adapter for the given local item.

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