Interface ScoreNodeIterator

All Superinterfaces:
Iterator, NodeIterator, RangeIterator
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ScoreNodeIterator
extends NodeIterator

Extends the NodeIterator interface by adding a getScore() method that returns the score for the node that is returned by NodeIterator.nextNode().

Method Summary
 double getScore()
          Returns the score of the node returned by NodeIterator.nextNode().
Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.NodeIterator
Methods inherited from interface javax.jcr.RangeIterator
getPosition, getSize, skip
Methods inherited from interface java.util.Iterator
hasNext, next, remove

Method Detail


double getScore()
Returns the score of the node returned by NodeIterator.nextNode(). In other words, this method returns the score value of the next Node.

the score of the node returned by NodeIterator.nextNode().
NoSuchElementException - if there is no next node.

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