Interface EntryFactory.InvalidationStrategy

Enclosing class:

public static interface EntryFactory.InvalidationStrategy

Strategy for invalidating item states

Method Summary
 void applyPending(HierarchyEntry entry)
          Apply any pending invalidation of the underlying ItemState of this entry.
 void invalidate(HierarchyEntry entry, boolean recursive)
          Invalidate underlying ItemState of this entry.

Method Detail


void invalidate(HierarchyEntry entry,
                boolean recursive)
Invalidate underlying ItemState of this entry. Implementors may choose to delay the actual call to ItemState.invalidate() for this entry and for any of its child entries. They need to ensure however that applyPending(HierarchyEntry) properly invalidates the respective state when called.

entry - The HierarchyEntry to invalidate.
recursive - Invalidate state of child entries if true.


void applyPending(HierarchyEntry entry)
Apply any pending invalidation of the underlying ItemState of this entry.

entry - The affected NodeEntry.

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