Uses of Class

Packages that use ConnectionHelper   
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.db This package contains the class DbFileSystem, a simple generic JDBC-based FileSystem implementation for Jackrabbit. 

Uses of ConnectionHelper in

Fields in declared as ConnectionHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper DbDataStore.conHelper
          The ConnectionHelper set in the DbDataStore.init(String) method.

Methods in that return ConnectionHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper DerbyDataStore.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the DbDataStore.init(String) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper DbDataStore.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the DbDataStore.init(String) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.

Uses of ConnectionHelper in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.db

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.db declared as ConnectionHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper DatabaseFileSystem.conHelper
          the ConnectionHelper set in the DatabaseFileSystem.init() method

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.db that return ConnectionHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper OracleFileSystem.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the #init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper Oracle9FileSystem.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the #init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper DerbyFileSystem.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the #init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper DatabaseFileSystem.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the #init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.

Uses of ConnectionHelper in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that return ConnectionHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper OracleDatabaseJournal.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the DatabaseJournal.init(String, NamespaceResolver) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper DatabaseJournal.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the DatabaseJournal.init(String, NamespaceResolver) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.

Uses of ConnectionHelper in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool declared as ConnectionHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper DbNameIndex.conHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper BundleDbPersistenceManager.conHelper
          the ConnectionHelper set in the BundleDbPersistenceManager.init(PMContext) method

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool that return ConnectionHelper
protected  ConnectionHelper OraclePersistenceManager.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the BundleDbPersistenceManager.init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper Oracle9PersistenceManager.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the BundleDbPersistenceManager.init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper DerbyPersistenceManager.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the BundleDbPersistenceManager.init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.
protected  ConnectionHelper BundleDbPersistenceManager.createConnectionHelper(DataSource dataSrc)
          This method is called from the BundleDbPersistenceManager.init(PMContext) method of this class and returns a ConnectionHelper instance which is assigned to the conHelper field.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool with parameters of type ConnectionHelper
DbNameIndex(ConnectionHelper conHlpr, String schemaObjectPrefix)
          Creates a new index that is stored in a db.
NGKDbNameIndex(ConnectionHelper conHelper, String schemaObjectPrefix)
          Creates a new index that is stored in a db.
PostgreSQLNameIndex(ConnectionHelper connectionHelper, String schemaObjectPrefix)

Uses of ConnectionHelper in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util.db

Subclasses of ConnectionHelper in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util.db
 class DerbyConnectionHelper
 class Oracle10R1ConnectionHelper
          The connection helper for Oracle databases of version up to 10.1.
 class OracleConnectionHelper
          The connection helper for Oracle databases of version 10.2 and later.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util.db with parameters of type ConnectionHelper
CheckSchemaOperation(ConnectionHelper connectionhelper, InputStream ddlStream, String tableName)

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