Uses of Class

Packages that use ItemState
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of ItemState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return ItemState
protected  ItemState ZombieHierarchyManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
protected  ItemState HierarchyManagerImpl.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 ItemState BatchedItemOperations.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Retrieves the state of the item with the given id.
protected  ItemState BatchedItemOperations.getItemState(ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, ItemId id)
          Retrieves the state of the item with the specified id using the given item state manager.
protected  ItemState PropertyImpl.getOrCreateTransientItemState()
protected  ItemState NodeImpl.getOrCreateTransientItemState()
protected abstract  ItemState ItemImpl.getOrCreateTransientItemState()
 ItemState ItemData.getState()
          Return the associated item state.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type ItemState
protected  void HierarchyManagerImpl.buildPath(PathBuilder builder, ItemState state)
          Adds the path element of an item id to the path currently being built.
protected  void CachingHierarchyManager.buildPath(PathBuilder builder, ItemState state)
          Adds the path element of an item id to the path currently being built.
 void BatchedItemOperations.destroy(ItemState state)
          Destroy an item state.
protected  NodeId ZombieHierarchyManager.getParentId(ItemState state)
          Returns the parentUUID of the given item.
protected  NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.getParentId(ItemState state)
          Returns the parentUUID of the given item.
protected  Set<NodeId> HierarchyManagerImpl.getParentIds(ItemState state, boolean useOverlayed)
          Return all parents of a node.
protected  void ItemData.setState(ItemState state)
          Set the associated item state.
 void ItemManager.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void CachingHierarchyManager.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void ItemManager.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void CachingHierarchyManager.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void ItemManager.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void CachingHierarchyManager.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void ItemManager.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).
 void CachingHierarchyManager.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).
 void state)
          Store an item state.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type ItemState
ItemData(ItemState state, ItemManager itemMgr)
          Create a new instance of this class.
ItemRefreshOperation(ItemState state, boolean keepChanges)

Uses of ItemState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state

Subclasses of ItemState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state
 class NodeState
          NodeState represents the state of a Node.
 class PropertyState
          PropertyState represents the state of a Property.

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state declared as ItemState
protected  ItemState ItemState.overlayedState
          the backing persistent item state (may be null)

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return ItemState
 ItemState ChangeLog.get(ItemId id)
          Return an item state given its id.
 ItemState XAItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 ItemState SharedItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 ItemState SessionItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 ItemState LocalItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 ItemState ItemStateManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.
 ItemState ItemState.getOverlayedState()
          Returns the persistent state backing this transient state or null if there is no persistent state (i.e..
 ItemState SessionItemStateManager.getTransientItemState(ItemId id)
 ItemState MLRUItemStateCache.retrieve(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 ItemState ItemStateReferenceCache.retrieve(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 ItemState ItemStateCache.retrieve(ItemId id)
          Returns the ItemState object with the specified id if it is present or null if no entry exists with that id.
 ItemState[] MLRUItemStateCache.retrieveAll()
          Returns all the cached item states.
 ItemState[] ItemStateReferenceCache.retrieveAll()
          Returns all the cached item states.
 ItemState[] ItemStateCache.retrieveAll()
          Returns all the cached item states.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state that return types with arguments of type ItemState
 Iterable<ItemState> ChangeLog.addedStates()
          Return the added states in this change log.
 Iterable<ItemState> ChangeLog.deletedStates()
          Return the deleted states in this change log.
 Collection<ItemState> SessionItemStateManager.getDescendantTransientItemStates(ItemId id)
          Returns a collection of those transient item state instances that are direct or indirect descendants of the item state with the given parent.
 Iterable<ItemState> SessionItemStateManager.getDescendantTransientItemStatesInAttic(ItemId id)
          Same as SessionItemStateManager.getDescendantTransientItemStates(ItemId) except that item state instances in the attic are returned.
 Iterable<ItemState> ChangeLog.modifiedStates()
          Return the modified states in this change log.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type ItemState
 void ChangeLog.added(ItemState state)
          A state has been added
 void MLRUItemStateCache.cache(ItemState state)
          Stores the specified ItemState object in the map using its ItemId as the key.
 void ItemStateReferenceCache.cache(ItemState state)
          Stores the specified ItemState object in the map using its ItemId as the key.
 void ItemStateCache.cache(ItemState state)
          Stores the specified ItemState object in the map using its ItemId as the key.
protected  void ItemState.connect(ItemState overlayedState)
          Connect this state to some underlying overlayed state.
 void PropertyState.copy(ItemState state, boolean syncModCount)
          Copy state information from another state into this state
 void NodeState.copy(ItemState state, boolean syncModCount)
          Copy state information from another state into this state
abstract  void ItemState.copy(ItemState state, boolean syncModCount)
          Copy state information from another state into this state
 void ChangeLog.deleted(ItemState state)
          A state has been deleted.
 void UpdatableItemStateManager.destroy(ItemState state)
          Destroy an item state.
 void SessionItemStateManager.destroy(ItemState state)
          Destroy an item state.
 void LocalItemStateManager.destroy(ItemState state)
          Destroy an item state.
 void SessionItemStateManager.disconnectTransientItemState(ItemState state)
          Disconnect a transient item state from its underlying persistent state.
 void SessionItemStateManager.disposeTransientItemState(ItemState state)
          Disposes the specified transient item state instance, i.e. discards it and clears it from cache.
 void SessionItemStateManager.disposeTransientItemStateInAttic(ItemState state)
          Disposes the specified transient item state instance in the attic, i.e.
 void ChangeLog.modified(ItemState state)
          A state has been modified.
 void SessionItemStateManager.moveTransientItemStateToAttic(ItemState state)
          Transfers the specified transient item state instance from the 'active' cache to the attic.
 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyStateCreated(ItemState created)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyStateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyStateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 void StateChangeDispatcher.notifyStateModified(ItemState modified)
          Notify listeners about changes to some state.
 void SharedItemStateManager.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void SessionItemStateManager.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void LocalItemStateManager.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void ItemStateListener.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void SharedItemStateManager.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void SessionItemStateManager.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void LocalItemStateManager.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void ItemStateListener.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void SharedItemStateManager.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void SessionItemStateManager.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void LocalItemStateManager.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void ItemStateListener.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void XAItemStateManager.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).
 void SharedItemStateManager.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).
 void SessionItemStateManager.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).
 void LocalItemStateManager.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).
 void ItemStateListener.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).
 void state)
          Store an item state.
 void state)
          Store an item state.
 void state)
          Store an item state.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state with parameters of type ItemState
ItemState(ItemState overlayedState, int initialStatus, boolean isTransient)
          Constructs a new item state that is initially connected to an overlayed state.

Uses of ItemState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return ItemState
 ItemState InternalXAVersionManager.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type ItemState
 void InternalVersionManagerImpl.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void InternalVersionManagerImpl.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void InternalVersionManagerImpl.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void InternalVersionManagerImpl.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).

Uses of ItemState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual

Subclasses of ItemState in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual
 class VirtualNodeState
          This Class implements a virtual node state
 class VirtualPropertyState
          This Class implements a virtual property state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual that return ItemState
 ItemState AbstractVISProvider.getItemState(ItemId id)
          Return an item state, given its item id.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.virtual with parameters of type ItemState
 void AbstractVISProvider.stateCreated(ItemState created)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been created (i.e. its underlying persistent state was created).
 void AbstractVISProvider.stateDestroyed(ItemState destroyed)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been removed (i.e. its underlying persistent state has been destroyed).
 void AbstractVISProvider.stateDiscarded(ItemState discarded)
          Called when an ItemState has been discarded (i.e. it has been rendered 'invalid').
 void AbstractVISProvider.stateModified(ItemState modified)
          Called when an ItemState has successfully been modified (i.e. its underlying persistent state has changed).

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