Class SessionState

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session.SessionState

public class SessionState
extends Object

Internal session state. This class keeps track of the lifecycle of a session and controls concurrent access to the session internals.

The session lifecycle is pretty simple: there are only two lifecycle states, "alive" and "closed", and only one possible state transition, from "alive" to "closed".

Concurrent access to session internals is controlled by the perform(SessionOperation) method that guarantees that no two operations are performed concurrently on the same session.

See Also:

Constructor Summary
SessionState(SessionContext context)
          Creates a state instance for a session.
Method Summary
 void checkAlive()
          Throws an exception if this session is not alive.
 boolean close()
          Closes this session.
 boolean isAlive()
          Checks whether this session is alive.
<T> T
perform(SessionOperation<T> operation)
          Performs the given operation within a synchronized block.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SessionState(SessionContext context)
Creates a state instance for a session.

context - component context of this session
Method Detail


public boolean isAlive()
Checks whether this session is alive. This method should generally only be called from within a performed SessionOperation, as otherwise there's no guarantee against another thread closing the session right after this method has returned.

true if the session is alive, false otherwise
See Also:


public void checkAlive()
                throws RepositoryException
Throws an exception if this session is not alive.

RepositoryException - throw if this session is not alive


public <T> T perform(SessionOperation<T> operation)
          throws RepositoryException
Performs the given operation within a synchronized block. Special care is made to detect attempts to access the session concurrently and to log detailed warnings in such cases.

operation - session operation
the return value of the executed operation
RepositoryException - if the operation fails or if the session has already been closed


public boolean close()
Closes this session. Special care is made to detect attempts to access the session concurrently or to close it more than once, and to log detailed warnings in such cases.

true if the session was closed, or false if the session had already been closed

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